/vore1/ - Vore

Giantess, same size, female, loli etc

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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

Video Game Vore General Anonymous 03/18/2022 (Fri) 06:25:11 No. 11083 [Reply] [Last]
This thread is dedicated to any type of vore media/art regarding Video Games.
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FidchellVore alternate endings/scenarios Anonymous 12/24/2021 (Fri) 01:49:43 No. 7578 [Reply] [Last]
This is a thread for the alternate vore scenarios Fidchell has made for his patreon or commissions. I wouldn't have made this thread but I feel like it's needed because they don't seem to organize or sort them. They're hard and practically impossible to find.
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How many internal shots has there been in his stuff? I wish there were more. Even those “last looks outside” things where you can somehow see multiple prey inside the preds’ maws are good.
>>48854 Bump.
Anyone can update paogordo page in Kemono?

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Vorarephilic Experiences Anonymous 09/04/2021 (Sat) 17:12:19 No. 222 [Reply] [Last]
Feel free to share any experiences you had with friends, family, or strangers related to this fetish and others similar to it. Whether it be something simple like a one time casual conversation, or a deep and integral part of your relationship with this person, all stories are welcome on this thread.
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bump for the love of all things horny
My first partner to find out about my vore fetish did so from reading my browser history. She had a panic attack and I had to talk her through the fact that, "no, I don't want to murder and cook you cannibal style". Once she calmed down, she felt really bad, and insisted on trying to incorporate it into our next bedroom session. She was massively in to degradation, so I decided I'd threaten to eat her if she didn't satisfy me enough otherwise, and it really must have clicked with her from then. It would become a regular thing where she would beg not to be eaten while servicing me, and once I inevitably decided I was going to anyway, she would completely flip, begging to be eaten, saying how she was nothing but a meal for me and that she deserved to be swallowed. I'd thought I was a switch biasing sub before that relationship, but thanks to her I'm almost entirely Dom and Pred now. A few years after we split, I met another lass in uni. She was very open at being deviant, much to the embarassment of her extremely vanilla boyfriend. She mentioned at one point that she'd sold pics in the past, and since I'd done some camboy work in the past we bonded over our work experiences. She'd mentioned doing giantess vore stuff before, swallowing or stamping gummies and the like, and how she used to tease a previous boyfriend when they went out for food, either by saying he'd make a better meal than what was served, or pointing out random women she thought looked tasty. While over at mine during one of these discussions, she pushed me on to my bed and complained that she'd been flirting with me constantly and I hadn't realised. I admitted that I'd hoped she was but dismissed the notion cuz of her boyfriend. Turns out they had an arrangement. Since he was basically asexual, and he knew how important it was for her to engage with her kinks, he'd given her permission to find that elsewhere, as long as he didn't know who so he wouldn't get jealous of them (Talking to him a few years later after their breakup, he confirmed this himself). For our first time, I mostly let her be dominant, stepping on me, demanding I service her feet and belly etc, but near the end she said she wanted to try the other side. To help psych myself up for domming, I usually do an inspection, get the lass to stand up and be stripped down, examining different parts of her body, complimenting the quality, maybe giving the occasional grab or bite, I have been sent near essay length messages from women trying to explain how much they enjoy this process and how it brings out their submissive side. It had a similar effect here, and while she would still make comments of how she'd dreamt about eating me or wanted to see me under her feet again, whenever we actually had a session she would be incredibly submissive. We took two breaks from this arrangement while I was in relationships, but even now we still communicate fairly regularly, and she's gone basically full prey. When she is still dominant, it's more about her pleasuring me while I'm tied down, taunting me by eating my exes or other friends of ours that we've both admitted attraction to, whereas we've had multiple long discussions of how I'd wear her down over the course of a night, before devouring her whole, and how she'd wiggle and squirm to make it as enjoyable as she can for me. She's been stuck on the far side of the planet cuz her student visa expired then Covid hit, but she's due to finally visit again in 3 weeks. If anything happens, I'll be sure to post a detailed follow-up here, if ye'd care for it
One short story, I have a friend and I had the idea to make a "girl" joke (would you still love me if) and I send her a message, "Would you still love me if one day I woke up and I was a slice of bread?", and she replied "Of course. Even I would eat you toasted", honestly I didn't expected that and for some reason it turned me on a bit

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Can we have a vore meme/humor thread? Anonymous 01/28/2022 (Fri) 02:37:26 No. 9331 [Reply] [Last]
I swear I've seen good ones before
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There was this one Vore meme video someone made on Vore Day showing how people reacted to the day but I don't remember who made it and the only person I can think it could have been had their account deleted from Twitter.
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preds and preys types you like Anonymous 05/25/2024 (Sat) 10:29:51 No. 48335 [Reply]
Talk about the type of pred or prey character you like and why or you can disagree with someone's choice. One type of pred I love is the morally bankrupted preds who aren't into vore. Preds with no morals are great because eating someone is something they would probably do if they could. If they were okay with killing many people and were indifferent to death, then in a world where they could eat people, they probably would eat someone eventually. Also, the pred not being into vore adds to this, as they are then not eating someone for pleasure, but instead, they are eating them because it's a method of disposal they can use with unique benefits. So when they're finished with the execution, they don't linger on the thought and go on with their day. I think Cortney is a pretty good example, as she isn't a good person and is indifferent to how others feel unless they pique her interest. So if, for example, she were to stumble onto a tiny intruder, I could see her potentially eating them as an option for removing them. More importantly, I think she wouldn't eat them because she likes the idea, but instead, she would do it because it's easy, leaves no evidence and is efficient at "deleting" them.
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Female prey all the way. Boob size any as long as it's not too damn big.
My favorite type of preys are the obscure female characters who are very underrated and for some reason barely has any vore art of, even if said character is popular such as this lovely gal from TF2 Miss Pauling, she deserves more vore love as prey
Prey, petite girls, not lolis, but I'm not anti-loli Preds, frogs, a little> monstors (rancor, jabba)= seagulls for some reason>large people=slimes=large animals>normal people Scenes, willing vore can be very messed up and i love it if there's quick digestion, peril without blood but with death, then implied digestion,

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Surprise Adoption! (aka unbirth) Anonymous 10/01/2023 (Sun) 16:30:25 No. 35974 [Reply] [Last]
Anyone got some good unbirth stuff ? Extra points if it's for rebirth/adoption purposes or to become their victim's new "mommy". Conscent is appreciated but so is a "surprise adoption" (art is by Varu on aryion)
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>>49667 Huh, first time this artist doesn't draw "cruel pred".
>>49667 Ayyyyy someone shared my commission! Noice! I was thinking about comming a part two with internal sex
>>49667 i need salsa of this cuz i think its removed from pixiv or smth or did i miss something?

Fire Emblem Vore Thread Anonymous 10/31/2021 (Sun) 23:21:25 No. 3553 [Reply] [Last]
Post Fire Emblem vore related content
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Bumping thread

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Blonde prey Anonymous 05/29/2024 (Wed) 12:01:24 No. 48620 [Reply] [Last]
anyone has a vore-related with blonde girl as a prey got eaten or digested alive blah blah blah
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Seductive Studios Anonymous 03/05/2024 (Tue) 01:29:14 No. 43598 [Reply]
Looking for Seductive Studios's vore videos. The ones I'm mostly looking for is Adventures Of SuperGirl - Super Snack and Adventures of Batgirl - Batbites Especially the SuperGirl one since it was one of the first videos I've saw when I discovered about vore, but unfortunally I can't find anywhere without buying
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Male Preds Anonymous 02/01/2024 (Thu) 20:00:14 No. 41570 [Reply] [Last]
For those who Enjoy Guys being glutenous. Something more General then M/F
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>>41910 I see your Garma vore and raise you Ryoma vore
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Frog Vore Anonymous 08/18/2023 (Fri) 02:54:59 No. 34107 [Reply] [Last]
who know you loves frog vore scenes and comic to fit inside the mouth and wonder taste like a fresh meats.
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Naruto Vore Thread Anonymous 10/01/2021 (Fri) 01:00:33 No. 1583 [Reply]
A thread about Naruto and Naruto: Shippuden related vore
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Witch Vore Thread Anonymous 10/03/2021 (Sun) 23:56:59 No. 1814 [Reply] [Last]
A vore thread with witches as predators
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Palworld Vore Thread Anonymous 01/24/2024 (Wed) 19:06:25 No. 41214 [Reply]
Pal preds to pal preys. Figured someone needed to put up a Palworld vore thread.
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Cub Vore Anonymous 09/02/2021 (Thu) 02:52:26 No. 188 [Reply] [Last]
for those less into cute human kiddos
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>>47143 Damn that was fast lmao

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