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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

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IRL Female Prey Anonymous 09/21/2021 (Tue) 21:16:57 No. 939
No different than the thread from 8kun, post women you want to snack on and why Belle Delphine seems like she'd make a great prey, wouldn't hesitate to have her churning in my belly

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I would love having her in me
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>>41285 Wow, anon… ;;; You really have a way with words… Not that I would ever WANT something like that to happen, or to stumble upon any of the scary predatory men lurking this board, but, um, still. Quick pic of my appreciation, just for you. It’s almost Valentine’s day, so maybe pink cow print works?
>>41319 Wouldn't it just suck spending your Valentine's Day kicking and screaming, bubbling and melting away in some random's gut, trying to clasp to life as that succulent pudge just boils in acid and your predator burps away your last bit of air? Although I got a feeling you wouldn't mind too much being just soaked pink panties burped up and a morning bowl movement.
>>41319 Jesus, talk about a preyslut. I'm not even into being pred, but at this rate I'd eat you just because you're so desperate. I bet that would even make it more exciting for you; being so damn easy that even a non-pred would swallow you whole.
>>41388 Honestly, I do wish there were girls besides myself who posted here — I wonder what ever happened to the chubbier girl and the goth girl? I feel bad if they got spooked off. A thread like this needs variety.
>>41401 Maybe they got swallowed up 👅
>>41401 wouldnt be surprised you ate both of them just to pad out that delicious body of your. Cant wait to have you struggling in my gut
>>41401 Chubby girl here, i’m still here edible as ever but just lurking but got a little scared off when someone was complaining about the ‘larping’, don’t think i’m that keen on posting myself in here lol Still a bit worried that i’ll be getting an acid bath on tge 14th coming up soon, little bit embarrassed reading everyone!: messages about how smoothly bigger girls digest ;;
>>41424 Aww, I’m glad you’re still lurking! That anon was a buzzkill, it’s not like this thread is ever all that active otherwise. Text content is still hot content. But yes, all girls should be careful with that lovey-dovey holiday coming up… I figure most guys don’t want to spend that evening alone, and they may be extra eager to get a girl into their bed… in one way or another.
>>41425 "Text content" is one thing. Endlessly flirting about will-I-post-pictures-or-won't-I-teehee is another matter. Shut the fuck up, or post content.
Sorry if it's a little off topic, but does anyone know where to find some good M/F media? Like videos, audio, stories etc. It feels like it's getting even harder to find anything recently.
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Personally, I would love to eat these girls or see how someone else devours them and turns them into nutrients.
>>41425 Atleast we’ll know which one of us died a “sweet romantic” way (Painful and agonising) the day after… Feel like i’m definitely on the menu with you
>>41441 Mostly on Eka’s, though there’s a lot of wading through garbage to find anything worthwhile. Here are some creators I like; most aren’t exclusively M/F, but have a good amount of it: - Chameleonette (of course) - Kinkspook - Mecho - SwimmingintheSwamp - MultipleCacti (really good writing) - BB_belly (on youtube, not eka’s) Artists that have stopped drawing vore but still have some good M/F in their galleries if you track them down: vyrsm, BrightsideDown, Cream Drops. I’m probably forgetting a lot, but these are who come to mind >>41457 Btw, I meant to mention! If you’re looking to talk to hungry guys without derailing any threads, there’s a discord link in the M/F thread you might like.
>>41519 Briarheart, Rokka, EmblemMan, PhantomWolf, YoukaiChan, Minakotomoka14, and SunnyHero,are some more names to search on Eka's if someone wants M/F stuff.
>>41519 Going into a server full of hungry guys? I’ll be halfway down someone’s throat or getting groped in seconds
>>41553 You're acting like you don't want that
>>41643 I love playing hard to get, would love for a guy to get sick of ky teasiness and fill himself with meat
I saw some pics of this cosplay slut floating around online and thoughts of me preying on her immediately flooded my mind. I'd do so, so many terrible things to this whore, and that's before I force her busty body down my throat and into my stomach to be boiled alive. I'd love to see the look on her makeup-caked bitch face as she realizes she's about to die a slow, painful, humiliating death at the hands of my stomach. Maybe I'll keep her cheap, plastic costumes I've hacked up as a trophy after I ravage her body into a blob of chyme with my acids...
Girl at my job is pretty cute and cool, but complains about the work/customers a lot. Makes me want to swallow her whole and keep her in my gut for a shift or two, forcefully giving her a break while people wonder where she wandered off to.
Something about Egirls just gets me so fucking hard The thought that most are just weak hot onlyfans whores really gets me. They are usually so small and frail I could do whatever I wanted with one if we ever crossed paths. They could do nothing but scream as I ravish their body before forcing them down my cock to melt with my cum. And they make such easy and pathetic meals I'd have to swallow more than one at a time. It's just so fucking hot me All girls in here at 18+
>>1058 Do you view yourself as getting bigger the more you eat? Or some other kind of 1 man vore apocalypse scenario? If so please describe it.
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Voreacious specially before her boob job, i still like how she looks and love her content but i think she looked better before operating her tits. I think she fits perfectly for a case of pred turned prey, also i like to think the reason she went radio silence it's because someome already digested her, come to think of it: isn't Inkiighost much more fatter lately?
MysticBeing is incredibly cute and incredibly curvaceous. Really went head over heels for her especially when seeing her in this outfit, just love how form-fitting it all is upon that impeccable figure of hers. I love her vibe so all I can imagine is getting my hands on those curves, giving them a few soft gropes and squeezes before suddenly opening wide and swallowing her whole. I'd lug her around in my gut and enjoy her company (whether she likes it or not!) since she looks absolutely scrumptious.
sophia.mina She's the girl that couldn't name 10 books in the infamous clip, so god damn hot, she would be fun for sure, not super smart but a nerdy hot girl to chow on.
>>1058 >>2152 Damn thats hot. Care to elaborate how you'd go about devouring everyone?
>>42244 I'd just eat you lol
>>41424 As one who has posted about women I would truly love to swallow whole and alive IRL, I would enjoy chatting more. "Messaging" here seems both difficult and sure to be flooded by others (if I'm being less generous, "trolls")
>>47867 Same person who responded to 41424: I'd love to elaborate. I get the feeling doing so here would result in a bunch of whining/flaming/whatever. So another venue might be better.
>>47983 >I get the feeling doing so here would result in a bunch of whining/flaming/whatever Nah, that's half the reason people are here. You'll be fine. :)
Fat girls getting eaten by other girls is my favorite type of vore. I especially like girls getting fattened and then eaten. I love these pictures on the pretense that the first one was stuffed and fattened on a date and her girlfriend is taking her home to gobble her up, and the second one is pretty self-explanatory. I'll post more if I can.
>>48079 God i wish i could cram a fat chick down a skinny girl's throat. There something hot about devouring bbw prey. They're so plump and juicy. I see photo of Shannon Marie and i cant be help but think about what i'd be like to wrap my lips around that fucking butterball ssbbw. Her plump upper half slowly vanishing past my lips and i caress every doughy part of her cheesecake like body. Her soft stomach and delicious breast getting forced down my throat. But the real main course is that absolute dumpster truck of an ass she got. God i know it'd take me so long and so much effort to cram that humongous jiggly ass in my belly. Tasting every inch of it as she struggles to not be a full course meal. Probably play with his big ass as i shove her further down, feel like it'd be like cramming freshly made cake dough in my mouth. After the amount of effort it'd take to get in my gastric prison im gonna lay top of my stretched out gut and watch her slowly melt till she nothing but fat. God id probably be just as fat as her once she down churning into mush. I honestly just wanna devour every bbw/ssbbw/ fat girl i see. They were made to be food like a cattle you fatten up for a better meal
My cock has been absolutely famished for a slut to suck down, and its been rock hard for this cosplay slut right here. After I beat and rape her into submission, I'll forcefully slide her body down my shaft, pleasuring myself to the beautiful sounds of her boiling alive in my cum as her limbs melt off her body and she sinks deeper and deeper into the pool of my bubbling, white-hot semen. Once the bitch gargles and drowns in my cum (processed from the flesh melted off her whore body) the most pleasurable hose of cum will pour out of my dick and miss Yoshinobi will pour down the drain and into the sewer system where she belongs. Maybe I'll keep her cum-soaked fishnets around as a trophy, and to remind myself how she was only useful as a cut of fuckmeat and food for my cock. Or maybe I'll just toss her garbs in the trash and leave the whore completely forgotten.

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