/vore1/ - Vore

Giantess, same size, female, loli etc

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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

How to see images Anonymous 11/30/2023 (Thu) 19:30:15 No. 38829 [Reply]
I don't know what to do
Fuckin hell, I wish I could tell you, but even when I tried looking up the fuckin "Extreme" account and how to get one, there was nothing. (Fuckin hate this change so much.)
I think you guys are using the wrong link. Happened to me and then I used this link: https://8chan.moe/vore1/catalog.html Hope this helps

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Strangeboy420 archive Anonymous 01/24/2023 (Tue) 11:13:51 No. 24590 [Reply]
He's going to be deleting all his art at the end of the week figured might as well make an archive post
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>>24630 Have a feeling some of artists are just in the closet about this stuff. As time goes on, maybe they got married, a GF or any social situation where they feel like they cannot hide it, so they just opted to nuke it all. Might felt it was too awkward to explain this.
Does anybody have the image they did of Mystia and Wriggle from Touhou?
>>38716 I meant Mystia and Kyouko, my bad :p

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Homestuck Vore Anonymous 09/16/2023 (Sat) 01:21:36 No. 35337 [Reply]
Ever since the tumblr exodus a shit tin has been lost, just setting up a thread where it can be gathered more easily

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Question and Greentext thread Anonymous 09/02/2022 (Fri) 06:19:54 No. 18277 [Reply]
Let's see if there's interest in this type of thread. Post your greentext fantasies or ask other degenerates about their thoughts. To get things started: Do you fantasize about having a pred GF? Tell us what she's like. How does your life with her look like? Would you have to be afraid that you'll end up on her breasts and hips one day?
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>>37677 how is this: https://aryion.com/g4/view/872962 & Do you have any interesting titles? Now back to topic: > Do you fantasize about having a pred GF? All the time. I did told mine about it, but we quickly reached a limit on any good RP. > Tell us what she's like. She will be telling me her clever and mischevious plans how she is going to lure/trap/immobilize/drug someone and use him/her to makes her tits bigger. She will slowly lose weight and sizes and can only recover her curves by 'satisfaction', but it has to be done in a way where she won't attract any attention to avoid law. > How does your life with her look like? She will tease me everyday. She would either kiss me or lick me in the cheek and every day she'd tell me what I taste like. It would be always implied that she'd eat me, until we both figure out how to make it so she's full and I'm safe.

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>Do you fantasize about having a pred GF? Definitely >Tell us what she's like. I like the idea of corrupting her, that she's not originally into it but when I tell her about it she slowly becomes as/more into it than I am. >How does your life with her look like? I'm imagining her fighting between a desire to love me and hold me close like a normal relationship and devour me alive and assimilate me like her fantasies, maybe we even RP or she swallows and later releases me sometimes. >Would you have to be afraid that you'll end up on her breasts and hips one day? Afraid isn't the right word, it'd be more a hot eventuality. I love the idea of her digesting me, assimilating me into her body, and never being able to get over me, simultaneously regretting with all her being ending my life, feeling like her life and future are empty without me, and feeling that eating me was the most pleasurable moment of life that she couldn't give up for anything. She'd never have anyone else, but she'd also be unable to deny that carrying me as fat on her body is more than worth it. She'd masturbate to the fact that I'm a part of her body now while crying because I'm gone.
>>37796 I'm genuinely unlovable so unfortunately that's never going to happen

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test Anonymous 11/17/2023 (Fri) 08:28:42 No. 38164 [Reply]
just testing
testy test of testing

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Looking for a old snacking/mukbang style youtube channel from the early 2010s Anonymous 11/14/2023 (Tue) 15:28:10 No. 38004 [Reply]
As stupid as it was, you could find some alright throat/swallow videos on youtube if you happened to stumble on them or go out of your way to look for them back then, and there used to be this one channel where this woman would eat various snacks like cookies, oreos, and milk or chips or something but with the camera set to various angles that kind of gave it an energy like a POV from a tiny's eyes, but I can't find her content any more. She used to set angles like the pic related (however it's not her) and just eat right over the camera. Does anyone happen to know, or have her videos?

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Monster Hunter Vore Anonymous 02/16/2023 (Thu) 15:40:58 No. 25612 [Reply]
What if Great Jagras wasn't the only vorny monster in the game? Any type of vore is fair game. Monsters, hunters, and palicos are all allowed. As long as it's MonHun related vore, post it here.
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>>25671 She was hoping you'd go away.
>>25612 Found these a while back, and the stories that go with them are pretty great. (No story for the first one) 2: https://aryion.com/g4/view/919058 3: https://aryion.com/g4/view/919540 4: https://aryion.com/g4/view/921786 5: https://aryion.com/g4/view/924455 6: https://aryion.com/g4/view/925863 I'm surprised there aren't more monster hunter vore pics, the series seems to be perfect for it. At least there are a good number of pics already so I can't complain. The series only got real popular in the west with monster hunter world anyway. At the end of hunts in MH3U, I'd try to stick the camera in the monster's maw to check it out. I remember doing it with lagombi, lagiacrus, and rathians/rathalos in particular. Funnily enough, that and the vore illustrations are a not insignificant part of why I recently got monster hunter rise.
>>37878 Here's 6 and a higher res version of 1. I screwed up and downloaded the low res version earlier.

Male-pred photomanip thread Anonymous 03/11/2023 (Sat) 07:20:40 No. 26819 [Reply]
Edited last time by Joemama4621 on 03/11/2023 (Sat) 08:36:50.
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>>27080 source?
>>37624 What I would do to be his next meal…

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Voreville/FFantasyFetishShop Anonymous 07/25/2022 (Mon) 14:01:38 No. 16616 [Reply]
This thread is for posting anything from the old Voreville and modern Ffantasyfetishshop on deviantart. Feel free to post something if have anything, Don't expect me to respond much so thank you guys in advance.
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Bump it

Konosuba Vore Anonymous 08/01/2023 (Tue) 15:11:13 No. 33340 [Reply]
Love the vore scene when Aqua in episode 2 by a giant green and pink toad starts trauma food, season 2 are funny Megumin being sinking by frog's mouth feet first and x ray. Let's post in tentacles and comics.
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hehe! darkness loves it
that one a movie reference from ant bully (2006) I drew a remake version
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Brain3Times3 Thread Anonymous 11/09/2023 (Thu) 12:21:24 No. 37771 [Reply]
Probably the most famous and oldest vore artist out there. You've probably seen their work eventually. Surprised there isn't a thread just dedicated on it
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New Qido2000 AV video Anonymous 11/08/2023 (Wed) 23:13:54 No. 37761 [Reply]
https://www.patreon.com/posts/grumpy-girl-88329968 Been waiting 3 months to see if the kemono would be updated, does anyone have the link to his latest animation?
it's really nothing special...

Hauntz/Sweetbunnii/cheddarcheeze Anonymous 09/11/2021 (Sat) 22:13:07 No. 566 [Reply]
they're an idiot who cannot allow their work to stay for even one minute, so why not archive the shit they like to nuke? archive thread. edits are welcome. just make sure it's this artist.
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>>7345 sorry, the files are not found. can you relink it again please.
Did they ever come back? They were amazing
>>2351 Drelard being so spineless that he bends the knee like that explains so much about him.

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Anyone happen to have anything from Sybungo saved? Anonymous 11/07/2023 (Tue) 08:31:43 No. 37689 [Reply]
Title. They left the vore scene, deleted all their work, locked the archive behind a patreon + discord server and then lost everything when they deleted the old discord server. I only have two pics, but they're some of my favorites so I was wondering if anyone else is familiar with the artist or has anything archived.
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i know ive made a thread previously but yours is worded a lot better, so hopefully it gains more traction. i know even with how much i was able to find it barely scratches the surface.

Giraffe vore Anonymous 11/04/2023 (Sat) 12:15:41 No. 37552 [Reply]
A long way down
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I NEED to slide down a thick giraffe woman's throat
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Sentient breast Anonymous 11/01/2023 (Wed) 06:39:34 No. 37410 [Reply]
Caps where the prey ends up as sentient fat on pred's breasts
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