/vore1/ - Vore

Giantess, same size, female, loli etc

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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

Female teacher pred thread Anonymous 11/26/2021 (Fri) 02:03:55 No. 5869 [Reply] [Last]
Female teacher vore anyone?
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>>50589 >>50341 Don't know if it's the same one I'm thinking of, but I'm pretty sure it's by HMDVore.
... I just realized that I'm the person that originally posted the link.... Yeah, it's HMDVore. God, I feel like such an idiot.
>>50589 That babe is one of the best pred in the teacher section. I wanna cum in her hair and rub her fucking gut until she begs me to stop in Pagmean's tongue.

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Kurumii Anonymous 07/04/2022 (Mon) 16:24:18 No. 15868 [Reply]
https://aryion.com/g4/user/kurumii Anyone has saved his stuff before he removed them all?
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... and a few more.
And the last few I have.

Hypnofood Anonymous 05/13/2023 (Sat) 12:55:11 No. 29687 [Reply] [Last]
I lost my archive of hypnofood's artwork and since they - for whatever reason - wipe their twitter often, it's hard to get their new stuff. Just please post what you have
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God Sascha is an amazing pred Just snatch me up and cram me down that tight throat already
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Fresh from 4chan

Vore opinions Anonymous 03/23/2024 (Sat) 10:14:01 No. 44639 [Reply] [Last]
Your opinions on Vore and anything relating to it, as well as discussions around those opinions, whether you agree and add on or disagree and wanna challenge an opinion. To start, I will say that I don't like characters in Vore who are sex driven. Vore doesn't need sex to be appealing, and I don't mean a pred can't be sexy, but the pred doesn't need to get horny or involve sex, and I think it lessens the impact of Vore. I like cute girls who have no interest in sex and live a fairly normal life but love big, lively meals. I also would say that Vorny isn't the same as horny since a character who's Vorny may get satisfaction from Vore which makes them eat more and not sexual satisfaction. I also do like some horny characters, but I find them much less appealing than a cute girl who is a pred and has "pure thoughts".
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Swallowing Pokeballs is hot and we need more of it.
>>44639 I'm a little picky when it comes to what I like in vore Mandatory: >Female pred (biological female, no trans or futa shit) >Pred and prey must be adults >Pred and prey must have more human traits than non-human traits >No R34 >No scat >No snuff Preferred: >Female prey >Internals >Giantess >Non-fatal or reformation >Any female characters are naked
Vore is the perfect Yandere fetish and it makes me upset that there's an extreme lack of it/hard to find

Yandere Preds Anonymous 12/29/2021 (Wed) 21:11:29 No. 7905 [Reply] [Last]
Vore is the perfect Yandere fetish and it makes me upset that there's an extreme lack of it/hard to find.
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Weird/Obscure Preds Anonymous 03/04/2022 (Fri) 08:23:44 No. 10507 [Reply] [Last]
This thread is for characters you'd never expect to be a pred or are practically never drawn
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Underrated/Unused Preds Anonymous 11/14/2021 (Sun) 20:13:17 No. 4630 [Reply] [Last]
There are a ton of popular or underground cartoon characters that don't get the art they deserve despite the fact some of them are canon preds.
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Vor3lov3r Comics Anonymous 10/08/2023 (Sun) 12:50:28 No. 36202 [Reply] [Last]
This artist's comics are quite difficult to find, i may be wrong making this thread but i feel i had to take the chance. Can you share Cyberguts and/or the other comics from their Gumroad ?
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can anyone share the audio edit they made of the first one?
>>49067 Bump for notification, would like to see this
Anyone got Audio to the first one yet?

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Prey-centric Vore Content Anonymous 06/27/2024 (Thu) 03:34:23 No. 50615 [Reply]
Vore that follows the prey’s perspective rather than an observer or pred. It’s pretty hard to think of any immediate examples so I’d appreciate a thread dedicated to the idea.
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As much as I like when a pred’s strength is emphasized in various ways (ie: stomach capacity, indifference, cruelty.) I also like when the prey is characterized in scenarios too. Love when prey is actually trying their hardest and go through their own range of either denial or acceptance. It’s a whole other aspect to a complete scenario.
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Artists or characters you hate #2 Anonymous 11/11/2023 (Sat) 22:00:36 No. 37875 [Reply] [Last]
once again, in this thread you can rant about any vore artist or character that you feel a strong hatred towards
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>>49252 >the sharp difference between drawn vore and drawn CP is that one isn't possible to do in real life and the other is far too horrifyingly possible. You heard it here, folks, regular-ass cannibalism is "unrealistic" and "impossible" to accomplish in real life.
>>50593 I would like to believe you deliberately ignored the fact that I noted in the same sentence that scenarios pictured in hard vore are more likely to be feasible: "As you drift towards the harder forms of vore, the following becomes blurrier[...]". Because I'd rather believe in malginance than ignorance. Or, I could take the blame for not making that part of the statement more clear. The harder the vore, the more realistic; the softer the vore, the less realistic. Is that better?
>>50612 >Or, I could take the blame for not making that part of the statement more clear. The harder the vore, the more realistic; the softer the vore, the less realistic. Is that better? No because it still misses the point that it's ALL FICTIONAL. None of it is real. You bring up that there's a "sharp difference" between drawing vore and drawing Nice person/shotacon content. <What about these images that depict lolis stuffing objects the size of their torso up their cunt? Are you seriously going to tell me that these images are the equivalent of someone filming a child being molested on a movie set? If you don't care for Nice person style characters, I can understand that as your preference. However, to compare Nice person/shotacon content to cheeze pizza means that any and all vore content qualifies as a snuff film for all intents and purposes following the same line of logic. Doesn't matter how "unrealistic" it is, the purpose of such content is to receive sexual pleasure from directly causing the literal death of a character. With the live-action thread actually being the most damning part of this board because these are real people, not drawings: >>>/vore1/46629

>>48442 Sorry, I posted in the wrong place.
>>48442 Sorry, I posted in the wrong place. I've tried deleting the post but I can't. So just ignore this post.
New video coming first week of july.

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The Binding Of Issac vore Anonymous 02/01/2023 (Wed) 10:02:30 No. 24954 [Reply]
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Little Nighmares Vore Anonymous 01/31/2023 (Tue) 03:00:38 No. 24905 [Reply]
(pretty underrated ngl)
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Dont Starve Anonymous 01/31/2023 (Tue) 03:26:02 No. 24911 [Reply]
Technically not starving
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I'm surprised no one posted this one yet with how good it is.

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"Rokka" appreciation thread Anonymous 08/10/2023 (Thu) 00:35:09 No. 33730 [Reply] [Last]
Rokka, for many of you who do not know, is this guy. https://aryion.com/g4/user/Rokka He is not an artist. None of what he has is his own art. In fact, having known him and long since parted ways, he straight-up admitted that he doesn't know how to draw. The thing is, he never cites any of his artists or writers. He would be content for everyone to believe it's just him. So here's a thread of all "his" content. Yar Har'd, of course, it's the pirate life for me. Please show some appreciation to the REAL creators. Ono fire (Artist, just google) aryc99 (Artist on Discord) https://twitter.com/po_ki_yu?s=21&t=NwF4SUrd_uReK8B6v7YBqg

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last chance to get any of his shit on gumroad before it disappears for good
Anyone have the new comic Roka posted? https://www.fatfreecartpro.com/i/13lcc?card

Draw request thread 6 Anonymous 10/24/2022 (Mon) 10:54:50 No. 20340 [Reply] [Last]
For anyone who wants to make some requests, and those nice enough to fulfill them. There are no limits to how many times a character can be asked for or drawn. Previous thread https://8chan.moe/vore1/res/13027.html
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>>28548 Thank you JustAPotato
This image again except leshawna has heather going up her ass feet first and is getting a last look. Also lindsay has left a bunch of lipstick marks all over leshawna's ass.
Need someone to create my oc as the pred really dreamed to see my character as the pred and has to be a comic

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