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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

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Create your own vore world Anonymous 03/20/2022 (Sun) 18:50:12 No. 11240 [Reply]
Suppose that you were able to create and make your own little vore world and universe. How would it work? Would there be an established hierarchy? Would only certain kinds of vore be possible? What would the history of this place be like? What would be the political issues? The different territories divided between the populace? What technology would exist? Go full autist on how you would create your own vore paradise or Hell.
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>>25452 I think that a religion around that would be maybe a mythical/possibly real person that did it once and that person is worshiped, it may be a falls god that the church stouts so they can make and use the "human philosopher's stones"
In general, it's very "have your cake and eat it, too," but especially revolving around sentient fat. Nobody is strictly pred or prey aside from what they prefer to do. Anyone *could* eat anyone else, and any and every hole is a goal, except i guess skin pores. If the prey is consumed by any method besides oral, that's the part their consciousness sticks around in, while oral can lead them basically anywhere, including organs. Wherever the prey's consciousness is, the prey can feel what happens to it, and they even have some control over it if they wish (so really it's more ptf than sentient fat). As a treat, they can even telepathically communicate to their pred. The prey will always be released in a reasonable amount of time, and in a form that makes sense with how they were consumed. The prey can then reform whenever they feel like it. Even after ejection and reformation, however, the sentient fat effect is indefinite, so the prey has split senses between their real body and the part of them that is part of someone else. This can be repeated indefinitely, only limited by what the prey's mind can handle. On the pred's side, if they have too many people in them, or even too much of 1 person, they could risk the prey(s) overriding control of their body, if the prey(s) tried hard enough. This isn't really to add stakes, but shenanigans. Because prey can wait until any time to reform, you can have fun with disposed forms too. If someone gets boob vored, they come out as milk, which can be used in baking, leading to sentient food. The "whenever the prey wants" thing is mostly just to keep them from being trapped in case they have work in the morning or something, so society can function largely as normal. Prey expelled as fluids can also decide to only partially reform, leaving them as basically a slime person. A bonus of the slime forms is that they can can absorb someone through their skin. They will also smell very potently of whatever fluid they are, but it will always smell fresh.(e.g. milk slimes won't spoil) Slime people won't age, but will be cold-"blooded" and will thus more easily freeze. This can be avoided by reforming the rest of the way and thus being exothermic again, they just need to make sure it doesn't happen where they'll just freeze again. A slime person can easily recover from that, a normal human, not so much. If the prey is a fluid and decides not to reform, they can get soaked into fabrics, turning them into sentient fabric(usually clothes or a carpet). This won't happen if they've already become a slime, but once it has, the fluid can dry or be washed out, and the consciousness will remain in the fabric(and remember, still also in the pred). If this happens and the prey decides to reform, instead of changing the fabric, they'll just materialize on top of it. If any prey is expulsed into a toilet or otherwise sewage/drain system or similar, they can reform at the toilet/drain/whatever entrance. Until then, however, their consciousness will follow through that system. I earlier mentioned there's a limit to what a prey's mind can handle. It won't be anything permanent like going insane, but some people won't be able to handle so many split senses. This doesn't have to end the fun, because, while the sentient fat effect does last through the pred becoming someone else's prey(or even their own prey's prey, more on that later), there are still ways for preys' consciousness to leave their preds. For prey to fully "escape," they need to force their consciousness into something that will eventually come out of the pred. If the prey became genitals or skin, it's simple to become their next load of cum or just sweat off, but if they became some other internal organ, it's a little harder. Each change is harder for the prey to do, but they can easily come back to what they were and start again. At worst, a prey can take just 2 steps to become their pred's blood and then urine, but they'd have to know biology well enough. Preds can more easily decide to move their preys' consciousnesses to somewhere they'll come out. For balance, the pred has an easy time moving the prey to different internal things, but a harder time putting them into something that will come out, and the prey vice versa. This way, the prey can prevent the below from happening, and the pred can exert some control as the pred, maybe even for some entrapment play. A prey also ought to choose *when* they get out wisely, or they could just end up back inside, or in someone else. If a prey is CVd and cummed into a woman, they could impregnate her, but the baby would still belong to the preds, but enough would be left over to leak out and reform. However, if it's what's left of the prey's consciousness in the man's genitals cums out into a woman, there won't be enough, and presumably the main part of the prey has already reformed anyway(more on that later as well). So if the prey chose the wrong time to cum out, they could be stuck for 9 months and change, until the first time the baby lets something out in or onto something that doesn't get thrown out. I add this thrown out part because it's difficult to get to a landfill or something(see below) they just return to the pred. Also to remove a potential "too wrong" vector, people trapped in children will only be regular fat, nothing special. Only 1 part of someone can be reformed at once. To actually get the parts of their consciousness left in a pred back into themselves, the prey must touch what that part of them became, and desire for it to come back. This includes babies like in the above example to make an easy out for that. Basically anything you think would split the prey's consciousness, will. Say someone becomes milk and then is in a dozen loaves of bread, the prey can only reform from 1 loaf, and they can either pull themselves out of the others, or the 11 other loaves can get eaten, and they'll feel it all, and be split into 13 total places(the normal that came out of a loaf, the 11 loaves, and the part still in someone's boobs). Another example, if someone is sprayed all over a bedroom, they'll probably absorb into the bed, floor, any clothes, maybe the curtains, and they'll soak into all of them, only be able to reform from one, and still be in their pred. In this instance they might get to "wear themselves" unless they decide to pull their consciousness out of the clothing once they touch it.

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>>34500 Autistic people really need to be put down already

Warm Hearts, Wet Stomachs - an Illustrated Anthology Anonymous 08/29/2023 (Tue) 17:42:55 No. 34551 [Reply]

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