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First Time Thread Anonymous 07/25/2021 (Sun) 04:03:11 No. 544
What animal did you have your first time with? What breed? Were they male or female? Are you male or female? How'd it go? Was it something you properly planned out or was it a spur of the moment thing?
>>10577 >>10560 damn kinda hot, would love more details if youre willing to give them
>>10611 (Akita boy here) idk if my friend is ok with me sharing details but we're still in touch so I guess I'll just ask him first. It's a maybe for now...
>>10611 >>10560 (M Dobermann with friend responding) what do you want to know?
>>10617 more about that first time, like how'd he even present that to you? and how'd he get you into zoo in the first place?
>>10624 Well they kinda just started going at it when I got to his house and the coast was clear. I had no idea at the time, mainly cause he was secretive when he first told me. of course I was very scared and confused at first but the more I watched the more aroused I got. Eventually he had me join and I got my first blowjob. We didn't just stop at bjs and that weekend the living room was a breeding ground
>>10632 oh wow, dobermanns are pretty big, how was the knot?
>>10632 Did you tailhole him? If so how did it go?
Man this thread is awesome hope to see more
I should talk about my experience at the farm, moving from shitholeistan has been good. But I'm starting to hate cows like mad
Male. I was a teenager when I started working at a stable. I didn't really have anything special with horses before but it wasn't long before I came to recognize them for their pure beauty and kindness. I loved them. I loved being around them, the way they interacted with me, and every day still I'm hypnotized by their appearance. The ears, the fur and hair and the colors, staring into their eyes and the way they stare back, it blows me back and leaves me speechless every time, no matter how many times I've seen it. Did I mention I was quite a horny teenager too? Of course in all that beauty I also recognized the prettiest pussy there is and the crazy affectionate and downright horny behavior of some mare in heat. One day I was scratching the bum of a mare I really loved over the stable door. It wasn't anything sexual initially but when I rubbed her tail she moved it aside and I couldn't keep my eyes of her pussy. I was on great terms with this mare and I was worried that maybe she'd wouldn't be too keen on me making a move but at this point I almost came in my pants by looking at her and scratching her tail. I had to give it a shot and I started gently rubbing her pussy. She moved her tail away some more. I put some spit on my finger tips and slided up and down her lips. That warm soft feeling under my fingertips blew me away. I inserted my index finger and she pointed her tail all the way up and started winking on my finger as I was playing. I couldn't stretch the moment for too long because someone could walk through the door at any time and I was standing there pitching a tent. I smelled her scent on my fingers, it was complete. She made me long for more. That was my first sexual experience with a mare (and in general). Being alone at the stables was rare, I could do something like this pretty discreetly but to take a bucket in the stable was too risky, although I knew it had to happen at some point. It took a long time but the moment came where I was asked to keep an eye out because the couple living there had to leave in the evening, and I was alone. At some point I was alone more frequently. I've had the greatest sex I could ever dream of.
>>11561 Horses are so sweet, thanks for sharing. >>10577 Both? Hot. >>8602 That's sweet. What was the very first time like?
I thought I gave my story but guess not. I'll keep this super short, the site moves slow so I can come back later. BTW nearly all my experience is topping male dogs so stop reading if you don't care. Also I'm always telling this to Telegram friends so I bet it's really identifying but hey. My first time/s was with this white shep who was really hot but he preferred his owner fucking him, so I didn't do that much with him but it still drove into me that canines can have that intimacy and connection. I could tell, I could *feel*, the difference of consent, it was just in the air that he liked being fucked by his owner, so it still acted as a confirmation for me. I've had other experiences but I class it as my first, plus I'm crossposting so it's easier to type once and post it on two threads.
>>11561 That is so hot. Would love to hear about the first time fully having sex with a mare
>>12059 I’d like to hear the full story on telegram. How can I find you?
>>12108 I'll give it since I got a throwaway account. I trust you, I just don't know if we have bots on here :) @ Shep Fuzzer no spaces though
My mom forced me to babysit one of her coworkers kids for around 3 days Got bored as hell and morning wood with nothing to do decided to get their two dogs German Shepard and Lab and got them to blow me and rim me for around an hour in the shower before they woke up And again right after the kids went to bed for another Then sneak to fuck their dogs again somewhere while they are distracted on their ipads
>>12186 Feel free to share it here too
>>12495 Probably the most detail I'll go into is what I already said, for now. I didn't really fuck the boy too much, out of respect of his consent but he did seem to enjoy it with his owner, which to me locked in my enjoyment of the butt stuff genre. I'm still looking to try bitches, I massively prefer female humans over male humans and don't yet know how zoo stacks. I probably did go in at the deep end when my first time was the taboo among taboos, but what can you do, male owners are less dramatic and more horny than bitch owners from what I've seen. As a side note after putting my handle on here I mostly got messages thinking the dog was female or a top but reading my comment back I implied neither so I guess people read what they want. Which in a sense is fine, these threads are for coomers (like me)
>>12531 I had a similar start with topping a male. Idk if that's why I have 0 interest in bitches now lol. 99% straight with humans, 99% gay with dogs and a minor obsession with butt stuff. I went in on the deep end and then some. Didn't even know it was taboo among zoos back then, idk if it even was. Seemed like it was way more common back then and male owners were openly talking about topping too. I feel you with bitch owners beeing dramatic often. Like you do you but calling your dog your wife and acting like you're in a relationship is 10 steps ahead of me I'm just a horny bastard and we're all dog fuckers anyway. Maybe it depends on your circles too but male owners are waaaay more chill in my experience
>>12534 Dude we're so on the same wavelength I thought I was reading one of my own comments. I unironically see straight zoos saying shit like "share? why would I share she's my girlfriend and she loves me!" She loves you sure, dogs are lovely, but in the sack she just loves dick she doesn't want to be your soulmate and bride. Due to statistical majority I know most bitch lovers are probably pretty sane. I do want to try a bitch and debate getting one instead of a male, but blah blah stuff I already said. I don't know if male anal is more or less common now, to me it feels more popular due to people finding it, it's just zoo feels more supressed and zoophiles themselves (read: Zooville) supress male and anal. Anyway it's cool you started topping a male, makes me feel less alone. I'm curious how that went for you.
>>12642 >>12534 Lucky bastards, can't have a dog but anal is my favorite with people
>>12642 Yeah I don't think the opinion of the handful of mods running ZV is a good indication of the community at large. As for how it went for me... good, great, fantastic even? I was gonna write about it like half a year ago but never got around to it lol. I'm the guy who posted about the male akita further up.
>What animal did you have your first time with? Dog. >What breed? Mixed breed. When we got him, we were told he was an Anatolian shepherd (Turkish kangal) and German Shepherd mix. I don't think that's true because he was significantly smaller than an Anatolian shepherd, probably 80-90 lbs? I don't remember him being especially much bigger than a German shepherd, but still, he had a sooty coat in roughly a sable pattern, but his undercoat and his face were like a Turkish kangal's. His ears were floppy as well. Super handsome and noble-looking dog, though. >Were they male or female? Male. >Are you male or female? Male. >How'd it go? Was it something you properly planned out or was it a spur of the moment thing? I was a dumb kid who had no idea what he was doing, young enough that I'm not going to mention it and give the pedos something to jerk it to. I wouldn't call it planned. It fucking sucked. I just liked the funny dog humping me, and things got way out of hand. We had a lot of space behind our house (rural southeast in the US) where I would play with him every day. We'd play fetch and chase each other around for a while, then he'd stop, whip around, and hump me. There was something exciting about it, so I just went along with it. I worked out that he wanted me on my hands and knees, and then he mounted me. I especially liked that. Got those pins and needles, felt hot under the collar, stomach fluttering, heart racing- Y'all probably know what I'm describing if you've been under a dog before. This went on for weeks. We'd play, I'd get humped, then I'd get back up and keep playing. It might have happened half a dozen times in an evening. I got the bright idea to go ass out one day cause, you know, the pieces were falling into place. I figured if he has balls, that must be his cock he's jabbing my ass with. I'd seen a few pieces of porn, and I was aware of my butthole. I didn't think anything was going to happen- dumb kid, no concept that the parts at play were compatible, but the idea was intriguing -and the obvious eventually happened. It lasted a few seconds, it hurt like a bitch (he got me with his baculum, ow) and I crawled out from under him. Epilogue: figured out how to make it enjoyable and kept doing it until he got too old and developed hip dysplasia or arthritis or whatever. Awful first time aside, I fuckin' loved that dog. I've been with four dogs (males) and one pig (female) since.
>>12695 Thank you for sharing all the same <3
this thread has more male than I thought especially near the bottom. well I'll bite because mine is top on a male also. to me this is embarassing. I think its something that half of you will laugh at and half of you will find really hot. Im just putting it out that its embarassing because I know its weird which are usually only ever larps or shameful memories and to me Im just like >why was I like that as a teenager anyway. so I was in my late teen years a while back, and I was very into gfur. Like gay furry and that stuff. my family is sort of semi rural or whatever, a couple dogs on our land but I was closest to this not neutured golden retriever or part cross or whatever so 3/4 retriever. ugh the cringe part. I made him a furry ref sheet (not gonna show because it's public on FA) and sort of pretended he was a male furry and thought I was seducing him. ended up losing my virginity to him so yes my >FIRST first time, him on his back and I was like head canon that hes a furry or at least a furry in feral form, and the physical incarnation of what was on his ref sheet. hand on heart I cringe bad about the furry aspects but he was also really fun to fuck and our first time was missionary with me holding his legs it was hot.
>>12818 I think that's cute, not cringe. I understand where you're coming from and wouldn't mind hearing more.
I knew a really nice sable shepherd that had just the hugest sheath. He'd sometimes sit and his whole cock would just fall out of it, knot and all, and it'd be laying on the floor. He didn't give a fuck either. He'd sit in a restaurant and have his whole cock just displayed lol. I never admonished him for it either. I'm sure we got some dirty (and other) looks. Anyway, he was a breeze to dock as one might imagine, and we both loved it. I had to do it after we fucked though bc he would get hard and it would slide me out otherwise.
>>12818 I think that's hotter than you give it credit for, even the ref sheet part you retrospectively cringe at. Plus I'll always be a sucker for held legs missionary... like the guy above said feel free to say more, my TG is also up in the thread hint hint. >>12839 Sable shepherds are soooo nice. Not surprised you docked with him, don't know how you survived being fucked by him, lol. and as much as I like anal a sheath is cleaner and more novel I bet, don't blame you a bit for penetrating him like that. Sheath docking has come up a couple times now, anyone have tidbits on how it feels? I've tried it but was never that successful, I imagine it being a tight ring of like, the texture of the inside of your cheek, then a moist pocket with a dick poking you. Again just imagining and extrapolating with how the entrance felt when I attempted.
>>12930 derailing the thread here but to answer about docking. If he's a bigger boy (and he should be) the entrance is super smooth, but not super tight like a female would be, there is very little muscle there. You'll of course feel and rub on his dick in there, it's also very warm and smooth unless he starts getting hard. What's really special is a little further in. There are little rows of bumps in there, probably lubrication glands, but there are hundreds of them, evenly spaced and, oh, god. Some sex toys are designed with such nodules for a reason, the texture is just- words fail. But if this is any indication, once I got in him I never lasted more than a few seconds. Granted, part of that was he was so fucking hot and allowing me to fuck his sheath, but the other part was the sensation was just incredible. Words of caution: This boy was big, and had a huge sheath (and cock too) to go with it. He was a no-brainer. He was super cool about it too. Most dogs won't be. Maybe if you had them since they were small and got them used to sheath play. I've also seen some dogs with super-tight sheath openings, to the point where erections hurt them, so some gentle, gradual stretching play may be needed for some time before an attempt can even be made. The other thing is positioning. Most dogs will not be comfortable lying on their backs with you straddling them, it's a super vulnerable position for them. The first few times, I just got under him while he stood. Later we did it in bed on our sides, and progressed to me over him. He was an amazing dog.
>>12969 >There are little rows of bumps in there, probably lubrication glands, but there are hundreds of them, evenly spaced and, oh, god. I've never heard that, sounds awesome. That dog sounds super awesome, you're lucky, maybe even he's lucky, but I'm happy for you! (my reply isn't as bubbly and horny as usual, I'm on here right before sleep.)
>>12822 >>12930 probably I need to namefag so we know who is who isnt it weird how on here you can get 10 weeks no one talking then a few people in a night? or maybe the thread is exciting enough to check... anyway I can say more but I dont know what about exactly. our first was missionary but we ended up liking doggy more, I blew a lot of teenage steam on him late 2010s or something. moved out but he is alive and loves me he is just getting older and staying with my parents not me.
(6.13 MB 640x352 Aussie GIF.gif)

>Male Human, Female Dog (Lengthy because I like details) At the point of my first I had seen the feral art and it awakened something primal in me and lit the way for an easily doable goal. Guess I figured I'd try it out since I was horny and no one had to know. I think I thought about it for awhile and just decided to act one day. I think one other person was in the house at the time but they were working on something downstairs. So I found my sister's Australian Shepherd and brought her upstairs in the room next to mine because it had a lock and mine did not. For descriptive purposes the Aussie was one with the lighter tone coat and looked almost exactly like pic related. For those who know their breeds they know Aussies have fluffy butts that are real nice to look at. She was genuinely a very pretty dog and attractive with her mannerisms, again, see pic related for a good idea. Unfortunately at the time I wasn't experienced at all and real nervous so I settled for her sucking my dick. I locked the door and got her up on the bed in the room then took my pants off. I started real simple with pointing to my dick and having her lick it, which was surprisingly effective. Some videos you can see the dog doesn't really want to partake but I remember her actually licking it quite well. But of course, I was greedy and wanted more. I parted her mouth and slide in and went back and forth a little and never feeling anything like that before it was obvious nirvana. She really didn't seem to mind and I went in cycles of parting her mouth, getting a few thrusts in, then pulling out. Having her swallow my wet dick until climax didn't take long. My cum spilt a little onto her mouth and a little on the bed. I still remember her jolting back for a second when I came then coming in to sniff it. Unfortunately, or maybe for the best, my sister moved away taking the dog with her, but that wasn't the last time lol. I've had her swallow my dick around three times in total, all in different house's bathrooms. She's a well girl and tolerates it and maybe I'll be able to sneak in another doggy Bj this fall. Not a particularly unique story I know, but when your family neuters anything that can fuck it's unrealistic to expect going around pumping doggy holes with human dick all day. Maybe in the future I'll get a nice dog and treat her with love and respect but until that time here I remain just an Animal Enthusiast.
>>15320 (me) If any anon wants any other details or retellings just ask
hot story and hot thread
>>15321 Was her mouth sexy?
>>1192 Based

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