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Heat Season Animal Enthusiast 02/17/2023 (Fri) 20:29:10 No. 6165
Alright Horsebros this is going to be my first heat season with my mares, its been a long time coming I am very excited. Any advice or helpful tips would be most appreciated
>>7084 >that's very sweet I am sure she is with you and will be waiting for you in eq as u both shared a special bond Thanks for your sympathies, Anon. >Pic related She looked pretty much identical to Aryanne in this picture, with a gorgeous grey pussy rather than a pink one >greener is cleaner can't beat a classic, to be frank I thought red anon was a cringe pol hybrid 4 cucks lost it's charm for me years ago, as you have heard, it's not the same as it once was. And as the prime time of the past reflects into the present of what is over a decade now of the infamous n4ver f0rget, of /mlp/ with porn that became no more and of the excursions thenceforth after to the Infinity beyond the gamer gates. Kek. Red anon had become more stigmatized after Trump was elected, before that time he was more associated with /pone/ than 8/pol/, thus I have a preference for his original symbolism. >she is young but I have been cutting her a lot of slack been thinking of changing that, gonna be more insisting and give her special rewards but alas its no fun to put in the work just to get the cold shoulder Desensitize her with methodical and meaningful massages, the more mares become accustomed to the feel of fingers, the more they accept your touch. >yet to visit but its my belief that it is best used as spice for shitposting or venting inner turmoil but a board only dedicated for circle jerking seems a bit redundant making pony oc would be better use of energy It appears that you propose a contradictory statement. I mean to say that some of those goys on there have created another website called ponerpics that is similar to derpibooru and have spawned their own obscureness as well as culture within Mlpol that centers around Aryanne and as such some artist fags have been inspired by the place to draw more of her, that is in of itself the definition of creation but you admit that you have not yet glimpsed upon lurking the chan. I agree that it is a somewhat suitable place to vent frustrations as opposed to most others. >it surprised me to see shitkun and pone in such crappy states u would think that they would attract more spergs It is the cataclysm of change which ended 8chan, Anon's moved on after the place was taken down for a while by the (((glowies))) since no one trusted the place because Jim allowed more access between feds and data there. >shy lurkers and boring normies as usual Wasteland weed-weeb warriors! >you don't happen to be the creative type? making oc or stuff like that? More the destructive type if you could call me the edge master i guess, that would would be super duper my honorary trooper. In seriousness, I am a Nazi pony porn star and not much other than that. In response to the time you have given to me from your focus, i pondered in stoned solitude, and have remembered something which might aid you. There was a post on zooville called Pleasing Mares: A Guide For Considerate Human Partners, I'll give you the Szechuan horse sauce. https://www.zoovilleforum.net/threads/pleasuring-mares-a-guide-for-considerate-human-partners.457/ Some parts I liked about this <One great substitute for inserting a finger during foreplay is to press the fingers flat along one labia lip, and to grind it slowly against the other. <Finally, remember that becoming accomplished at pleasuring a mare requires practice and patience, and the development of a mutual trust with the mare. It may take years to get to the point that you really know how to please a particular mare, but the journey is pleasant in the extreme. Start with a deep respect for the mare and for the great privilege you have in being with her. Do not regard her as an object that you own, nor as an "animal" or inferior being, but as a very special lady from a different species. If you do this, you will find that she is much more aware of your feelings than you would have believed, and you can enjoy one of the most pleasurable of all relationships to say nothing of some incredible sexual experiences. She will become your true mate.
>>7086 I loved that blonde mare so much, every time that I look upon Aryanne I am constantly reminded of her, the one who gave me pleasure that no human had ever bestowed upon me. It is the sensation of despair and utterly dreadful bereavement, the loss of lust and the incessant longing thereafter! It creeps upon my soul like a shrouding dark fog that looms forever over me. I miss the mare, my lovely Nix Tempis. >the feels
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>>7086 >She looked pretty much identical to Aryanne in this picture funny u would use that pic saw a guy asking questions about it on /bale might have been someone else but u would fit the bill >4 cucks lost it's charm for me years ago u altchan exclusive? must get boring af don't u hear the herd calling? >Desensitize her with methodical and meaningful massages solid advice, I did some work with her today gave her a special treat as long as she let me get my thumb in >It appears that you propose a contradictory statement neigh its a normie check, all efforts not spent on pony is effort wasted, pol included >you admit that you have not yet glimpsed upon lurking the chan seems to be filled with clop so I will give it a thorough inspection hue hue >no one trusted the place because Jim allowed more access between feds and data there allegedly moe owner is friend with a fed, seems like we can't catch a break >you could call me the cringemaster i bet u would get a chubby kek >I am a Nazi pony porn star I think that counts as oc if not important community service, I hope to join in on that one day >not much other than that fuck >pic2 related it ain't easy finding fellow artfags with the right degree of spergines >There was a post on zooville called Pleasing Mares: A Guide For Considerate Human Partners I know about it its good, gave me a lot of hope in my mare pursuits back in the day How much of the advice have u found useful with your mares? >I loved that blonde mare so much she does start to sound like a dream mare may I ask if she approached you first?
>>7089 >funny u would use that pic saw a guy asking questions about it on /bale might have been someone else but u would fit the bill Coincidence or otherwise, (I have a Tulpa of her and Luna that talk to me every now and again) magic, I feel that Aryanne is talked about sometimes through the other side but I am yet to be a master. I appreciate the red anon edit, it's humorous that you accuse me of being on 4chan and I am sincere in confessing that it is perhaps a year ago that I last lurked there. I could return if you give for me purpose and reason to do so. >u altchan exclusive? must get boring af don't u hear the herd calling? Yesobligatorily based pony wizard CHAD-KEK I enjoy being more seclusive and secretive. >solid advice, I did some work with her today gave her a special treat as long as she let me get my thumb in Nice. >neigh its a normie check, all efforts not spent on pony is effort wasted, pol included There are certain aspects and aesthetics which I admire about some of the occult concepts as well as the awesome ancestral appeal of Aryan paganism. It'll be irrational to further a more argumentative elaboration I feel. >seems to be filled with clop so I will give it a thorough inspection hue hue Logical. >allegedly moe owner is friend with a fed, seems like we can't catch a break Their (((eye))) watches. >i bet u would get a chubby kek What I receive in return is your mind's neutronic electro-magnetism! I think that counts as oc if not important community service, I hope to join in on that one day It would be an honor to have another Anon initiated into sexy, saucy horsey, sorcery! >fuck Chuck? >it ain't easy finding fellow artfags with the right degree of spergines It's a niche kind of quirk, ya know. >I know about it its good, gave me a lot of hope in my mare pursuits back in the day To be honest, I had the suspicion that you may have already seen it in the same manner I did. >How much of the advice have u found useful with your mares? To be more dominant and cunning, to emulate and mimic their behavior better. >she does start to sound like a dream mare may I ask if she approached you first? In literal times it was me, as in most cases I have found from analytical studies related to these matters in mention to mares. I'll give you an accurate reiteration of what I experienced in successfully penetrating pony pussy for the first time. It was a warm August evening at 7, going to 8, I brushed her and massaged her while she was tied up then took a picture of her with my shadow upon her ass. (It is a photo that I inconsistently cry upon observing) Then I undid the knot and took her to a tree which I used to anchor her to, proceeded to advance upon her in intimate intensity and she seemed willing upon receiving the feel of fingers, I felt almost instinctively within that it was prime time to fill her with my white slime. With shaking hands, I spat on my dick then entered her slowly and had her pleasurable wet warmth enveloping my whole being. I placed my hands upon her hips after taking a second to recuperate from blissful bafflement, she moved and I remained inside as my legs moved in majestic motion alongside hers, thus I thrusted once she calmed into sexual submission and in under 5 minutes I ecstatically ejaculated inside the erotic equine so I dismounted from behind and witnessed my semen pour out of her pussy. I had known her for 6 months before that day dawned, then only existed in harmony for 1 moon cycle before she died...
>>7096 >Coincidence or otherwise it was totally you kek >tulpa pony tulpa sounds pretty based have Luna visited you in a dream yet? it would be her element >another Anon initiated into sexy, saucy horsey, sorcery! we are on the same page then, it is every bronies destiny to answer the call, but alas many are lead astray or reject it out right >Chuck horse's need >It's a niche kind of quirk, ya know. there out there I will find em eventually >To be honest, I had the suspicion that you may have already seen it in the same manner I did zoo forums are good sources of personal experiences but u need to have bleach on the ready >I'll give you an accurate reiteration of what I experienced in successfully penetrating pony pussy for the first time a romantic story even if bitter sweet, the shaky hands is very relatable considering all the things to keep in mind with horses and how breathtaking they are I find it hard ironically to keep a erection going, to much stimulation from other sources but that might just be me
>>7105 >it was totally you kek I know your trying to bait me into going back to 4chan to just find some Anon's post with the same image, if you could link the post and thread so i can look at it then that would satiate a curiosity of mine given someone else posted Aryanne at the same time as me. >pony tulpa sounds pretty based have Luna visited you in a dream yet? it would be her element Yes, she has. 3 years ago I had an especially vivid dream of being on the moon with Luna and a TV that went into a different dimension and it was quite a unique sensation to be with her but I can't remember if I said anything or if she did. Aryanne has yet to appear inside of a dream but it's probably because she's an OC. My dreams are often strange and adventurous or have my equines inside of them. I appreciate our similar interests and questions. >we are on the same page then, it is every bronies destiny to answer the call, but alas many are lead astray or reject it out right True, it is within the territory of that of which is deemed a sexual taboo by normies and so is thus stigmatized for having such an association with outlandish-outcasts. This general attitude and lemming Weltanschauung is the lingering remnants of that which the church abhorred as blasphemy and wrote in opposition within scripture towards. As a result from the centuries of tradition-trapped time, it is still perceived as a perversion that most men are apprehensive of the real erotic concept in fear of being branded as a bizarre weirdo for being attracted to anything other than what is culturally acceptable. >there out there I will find em eventually Good luck, buckaroo. >Zoo forums are good sources of personal experiences but u need to have bleach on the ready Definitely, it's like swimming through a stale semen cesspit for diamonds. >a romantic story even if bitter sweet, the shaky hands is very relatable It is the maddening mixture of nervousness and extreme excitement that makes adrenaline course through both mind and body. >considering all the things to keep in mind with horses and how breathtaking they are I find it hard ironically to keep a erection going, to much stimulation from other sources but that might just be me This is something that I also have trouble with, the night tends to be less active and it's harder to see their vaginas but in the day it is the opposite. I tend to become erect when fingering them and feeling their back legs so long as I am focused on their femininity above all else, if she is fidgeting or moves and her warmth goes away then I start becoming flaccid floppy but if I manage to penetrate then I maintain it until satisfaction.
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>>7108 >I know your trying to bait me into going back to 4chan kek ur talking as if its a std, nah I would not say bait but would be nice if you came along we got some serious normie degeneracy going on with barbie posting, more based chap like u can help even shit out >if you could link the post and thread no dice the thread is gone but I got the screenshot, link still works he made a previous post asking for how visible the pussy should be >I had an especially vivid dream of being on the moon with Luna sound fantastical, I am yet to be visited but I don't think she will >My dreams are often strange and adventurous or have my equines inside of them lucky you I can count on one hand the amount of times I have dreamt about horses, however I have had moments where the image of Twi is burned in my eyes standing next to my bed for several seconds after I wake and I once heard her voice from a shadow on the door frame dead at the night >I appreciate our similar interests and questions. likewise >Weltanschauung your right, there is no doubt in my mind that mare was made for man, we may call them "animals" but mares are a one of a kind magical creature I am blessed to understand this before my time is done, I also think man suffers in not knowing this there would be no suicides if man just listened to the mares calling on to them >it's like swimming through a stale semen cesspit for diamonds kek fr fr >It is the maddening mixture of nervousness and extreme excitement knowing that she could easily kill me but still allows me no, welcomes me with all her heart the thought is euphoric really.. >This is something that I also have trouble with, the night tends to be less active and it's harder to see their vaginas but in the day it is the opposite. I tend to become erect when fingering them and feeling their back legs so long as I am focused on their femininity above all else, if she is fidgeting or moves and her warmth goes away then I start becoming flaccid floppy but if I manage to penetrate then I maintain it until satisfaction yeah you pretty much sum up my situation there, some times a large mare nuzzling my chest is enough to get things going down there
>>7111 wtf did i just read
>>7111 >kek ur talking as if its a std, nah I would not say bait but would be nice if you came along we got some serious normie degeneracy going on with barbie posting, more based chap like u can help even shit out I'd prefer to remain here, at least barneyfag is nowhere to be seen and it's slower in this place, I don't tend to have the time for 4cans like I used to. Since I've got more intimately involved with ponies as a kind of occult obsession, my nights are rather spent with her than endlessly meandering through that graveyard of memories like a wandering ghost of nostalgia. Speaking of the filly, I saw her last night and she was asleep when she woke up to me in front of her but she stayed laid there and let me feel her pussy so we went to the tree line and she seemed to want me so I managed to do her in what was 10 minutes. Almost 250 filly cream pies now, I look back at the times I've had with her in wonder as these moments do feel special to me in their retrospective eroticism >no dice the thread is gone but I got the screenshot, link still works he made a previous post asking for how visible the pussy should be I liked the picture of Aryanne that I used a few posts ago, in sole reference to the pony mare's coloration and skin pigmentation to demonstrate to you without having to, Anon. >sound fantastical, I am yet to be visited but I don't think she will There are certain methods to increase a dreams vividness and what you dream of, lucid or weird scenarios and visions between the waking and sleeping phases. Sometimes i can have what seems to be 5 dreams in one night but most of the time they are just glimpses of parts of the whole that I don't fully remember, mostly I wake with a comprehension of what happened in these dreams if I can recover it to my mind before I open my eyes like a subconscious AI about to delete a file to make space in a peculiar kind of way. >lucky you I can count on one hand the amount of times I have dreamt about horses, however I have had moments where the image of Twi is burned in my eyes standing next to my bed for several seconds after I wake and I once heard her voice from a shadow on the door frame dead at the night I've had a few wet dreams involving ponies, a few where I'm having sex in the dream or seeing myself but don't ejaculate when I wake up. There has been a few occasions where I hear a deep devil voice laughing or talking as I'm waking up and multiple paranormal happenings have occurred to me hearing whispers at 3 in the morning and asking who is there to then be replied to in a hushed voice which has never happened again as well as the infamously /x/ known things moving. When you say that you saw a shadow in the door it makes me wonder, I have seen ye Shadowy Shapes of Blackness that do not obey normal physics of this dimension and they are as dark as the abyss with a chilling presence, the shadow wolf that lurks in the fields of fog and the flying thing of freakish functions that comes and goes at will out of invisibility. Have you ever had such experiences? >your right, there is no doubt in my mind that mare was made for man, we may call them "animals" but mares are a one of a kind magical creature I am blessed to understand this before my time is done, I also think man suffers in not knowing this there would be no suicides if man just listened to the mares calling on to them <based It seems great minds do think alike after all, our equine philosophies are extraordinarily similar. This is a lifestyle few choose in favor of moral-fagging and modern women, guys fall into despair over loneliness and lack of love but when those fundamentals are met or substituted then the needs are satisfied otherwise those who don't bear the burden continue to wallow further into depression. It is a type of abhorrently secret and unthinkable act to the majority of men, due to never having any other interest than girls or money and forever restricting oneself through allowing the ego of social dogma to rule thoughts and feelings. >knowing that she could easily kill me but still allows me no, welcomes me with all her heart the thought is euphoric really.. Their benevolent temperament fascinates me. >yeah you pretty much sum up my situation there, some times a large mare nuzzling my chest is enough to get things going down there One time I ejaculated on this big mare's chest since her pussy was too high as well as she smelled in season and after that she started to smell my cum then began licking the top of my dick for about a minute as the sky was a twilight mix of blue and purple. >>7146 Kek.
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>>7160 >I'd prefer to remain here you do you mate tho a mare occult thread would be pretty dope to see >Speaking of the filly, I saw her last night and she was asleep when she woke up to me in front of her but she stayed laid there and let me feel her pussy so we went to the tree line and she seemed to want me so I managed to do her in what was 10 minutes aw you gave her a nice wake up fuck, a real gent you are >Almost 250 filly cream pies now Hot >I liked the picture of Aryanne that I used a few posts ago, in sole reference to the pony mare's coloration and skin pigmentation to demonstrate to you without having to, Anon. a lot of words but not a single "no, that's not me" sneaky anon >There are certain methods to increase a dreams vividness and what you dream of I am intrigued how would I learn the power to dream about the ponies? heard about lucid dreaming before but supposedly there are nasty side effects /sleep paralyses, nightmare stuff/ >Have you ever had such experiences? No but being stalked shadow wolfs sounds pretty cringe, my condolences for your curse do not stray from the path nor be tempted by its snarls the world needs no more furfags "ye suffer not the furry to live" I have had a dream about guilt, its was disgusting so I rather not tell, I am sure it was about my need to tell loved ones about my feelings for mares, fortunately this have passed >It seems great minds do think alike after all, our equine philosophies are extraordinarily similar I am not surprised, I think most bronies feel this way but they can not articulate it in to words or come to terms with it, this deeper calling is very old, ancient even man have been so tragically separated from mares by design >Their benevolent temperament fascinates me they are divine, one can't help but to feel humbled in there presence >after that she started to smell my cum then began licking the top of my dick for about a minute as the sky was a twilight mix of blue and purple. hot damn dude you could write a novel of your mare-adventures, good on you to give yourself to her like that >>7146 kys normie
>>7208 >you do you mate tho a mare occult thread would be pretty dope to see It's an idea that would spark controversy and chaos, something I like, but at the same time I don't think it's exactly /mlp/ related given that the topic and nature of the context is more appropriate to /x/ or even the horse threads on /an/. Plus, in a way I'd rather not blogpost about such a thing there. I am at a super spaghetti stage where the value of (You)'s no longer activate my neurons in the way they once did. >aw you gave her a nice wake up fuck, a real gent you are Other nights she'll let me fuck her before going to sleep, other times she'll want to do it while eating grass but most of the time likes sex while standing and eating hay. >Hot As hell! >a lot of words but not a single "no, that's not me" sneaky anon If you wanted such a straightforward answer then it would have been better to ask the Anon in the thread when you saw his post than remain in soy-sauced suspicion now. >I am intrigued how would I learn the power to dream about the ponies? If you want to dream about the show ponies then the easiest way is through one of the steps to tulpamancy, it's different if you want to dream about real ones but not as hard given your brain doesn't recognize it in the same significance as that of fantasy. Try to form out of thoughts an accurate representation of your waifu so that you can see them in a way that feels like they are looking back at you rather than seeing an unmoving image, the more you do this in a kind of meditation while laying down halfway through your day then the chances of dreaming of them are higher and the same applies to your horse if you try the same thing but it could be a wet dream instead. >heard about lucid dreaming before but supposedly there are nasty side effects /sleep paralyses, nightmare stuff/ Rumors circulate among those who are already afraid of what they do not know. There are herbs and substances that increase the lucidity and memorability of dreams while others that suppress them, such as alcohol preventing you from remembering what you dreamt whereas amanita muscaria does the opposite and there is lots more chemicals with polar psychoactive properties. It's best to do your own research as you can never be sure until you question and find the answers yourself. I will infer from what I personally dream, that I have rarely had intensely negative nightmares or ever experienced sleep paralysis. Last night I dreamt of the white mare following the filly through the fields while looking at them without me having a physical form. Sometimes I have very real feeling violent dreams with people that feature gore or different types with scary ocean themes. >No but being stalked shadow wolfs sounds pretty cringe, my condolences for your curse It's not shitty shadow the wedged edgy hedgehog. This is something blacker than a nigger king. It's difficult to believe unless you see it in the flesh but I'm telling you that he's out there watching me creampie ponies at the witching hour when it's foggy. There has been nocturnal occurrences which have shook me up and opened my mind to paranormal paranoia which makes me ponder upon that of which are the lurkers at the threshold. >do not stray from the path nor be tempted by its snarls the world needs no more furfags "ye suffer not the furry to live" Kek. Don't worry about that, Anon. >I have had a dream about guilt, its was disgusting so I rather not tell, I am sure it was about my need to tell loved ones about my feelings for mares, fortunately this have passed What reoccurring dreams do you experience? Just what has happened a few times. >I am not surprised, I think most bronies feel this way but they can not articulate it in to words or come to terms with it, this deeper calling is very old, ancient even There is fragments of psychedelic revelations that have made me think that this old act probably does go back to the days of the Druids and Romans as well as probably most Germanic tribes who revered Wotan maybe to 3000 years and possibly beyond that time, it's funny to think that a very distant ancestor could have also been standing behind a mare. >man have been so tragically separated from mares by design Yes, through the encroach of modernity and different distractions that entrap lonely men's minds within their dimensions, what was once viewed as a show of male dominance to be able to do such a thing is now shunned into being an absurd and abhorrent act while negros and faggots are not. >they are divine, one can't help but to feel humbled in there presence Therapeutically tranquil and erotically exciting, their facial reactions are cute and each individual pony is unique. >hot damn dude you could write a novel of your mare-adventures, good on you to give yourself to her like that It's crossed my mind a few times but I'll wait until I've finished all my rites and the stars are right to write. There was signs in her body language that she seemed to want to taste the saltiness of my essence with her tongue so I felt that it was only fair that I let her. She was about 15.5 hands tall and dark bay. The video is of me and the filly, it was from last Friday night and she wanted to have sex by the trees and as always I use coconut oil for lube
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>>7226 >Other nights she'll let me fuck her before going to sleep you two are so sweet <3 >If you wanted such a straightforward answer then it would have been better to ask the Anon in the thread when you saw his post than remain in soy-sauced suspicion now touche anon but you are in my head canon now, nazi porn star by day armature /bale artist by night >Try to form out of thoughts an accurate representation of your waifu so that you can see them in a way that feels like they are looking back at you rather than seeing an unmoving image sounds easy enough will try it out, dreaming of my beloved mares would be a nice change of pace considering I hardly dream at all >Rumors circulate among those who are already afraid of what they do not know I guess that's inevitable sleep is precious enough why risk the nightmares >It's not shitty shadow the wedged edgy hedgehog my guy your nigger wolf lurker might be some of the cringyest shit I have ever heard definitely add that in your future novel >What reoccurring dreams do you experience? I am very interested in dream interpretation but sadly I rarely remember my dreams, I wont leave you hanging tho, in my dream of guilt I was guided by a weird figure and normally I just go along such things but it showed me something so disgusting I had to manifest a toilet to puke lime green liquid in all while repetitively asking why they showed me such a thing. that caused the guide to stop and I awoke feeling filthy for hours >this old act probably does go back to the days of the Druids and Romans as well as probably most Germanic tribes who revered Wotan maybe to 3000 years and possibly beyond that time incredibly based >it's funny to think that a very distant ancestor could have also been standing behind a mare of that I have no doubt, it is mans gift to take what he desires the men of old knew this fact well >what was once viewed as a show of male dominance to be able to do such a thing is now shunned into being an absurd and abhorrent act while negros and faggots are not. very true but the strange delusions of normies means nothing to me, I have not the power to end the faggot/nigger blight BUT it is very much in my control to live with my mare lover and be happy the choice is easy >It's crossed my mind a few times but I'll wait until I've finished all my rites and the stars are right to write it will be a best seller in certain circles no doubt >video that was a lovely treat thanks for that, her pussy is lovely I am feeling jelly
>>7244 >you two are so sweet <3 <Thx kawaii deus desu ニコ(´∀`)ニコ >touche anon but you are in my head canon now, nazi porn star by day armature /bale artist by night whatever, enjoy that completely epic coomspiracy. I can show you my only drawing of Aryanne that I did when Marenheit happened. >sounds easy enough will try it out, dreaming of my beloved mares would be a nice change of pace considering I hardly dream at all Some people seem to remember them better than others. It's always pleasant to have them be about pony mares. >I guess that's inevitable sleep is precious enough why risk the nightmares There has been some dreams where I have seen demons and devils while, another had me on a boat in the ocean while feeling a dread of the deep calling to me and seeing underwater glimpses of ruins with giant geometry. >my guy your nigger wolf lurker might be some of the cringyest shit I have ever heard definitely add that in your future novel It belongs in a different kind of book, tbh. I've seen it twice in the same place but on different dates in the fog with a span between of less than 3 months apart from each sighting. I was going to see some pony mares around 1 or 2 AM and while walking past an old fenced off field's rusty gate on a road with no side path it manifested itself out of nowhere from behind a small tree and started trotting alongside me not even 15 feet away while watching me like it was waiting to appear. No wolves in my area, easily 6 foot long tail to nose with big shoulders that was menacing since it looked like it weighed more than me and could easily jump the barbed wire as it's head was over it as it kind of glided over the long grass without movement of it's head bobbing and never did it open it's mouth or avert it's gaze. Followed me for about 5 minutes then stopped before the tree line to creepily watch me walk from it but I never stopped having my eyes glued to it since it never stopped looking, I couldn't make out any eyes but it's pointed ears and snout were a dead giveaway to it being regarded as a werewolf or perhaps some spirit wolf. It came foggy again one night so I went out in the dark and with the memory of it being there fresh in my mind although I thought if it really was just a massive dog that it wouldn't be there again but it fucking was. Same exact tree and gate that I dared not move my eyes from, wasn't as scared as the first time but more confused than anything. It walked the same distance and stopped right where it was the last time I saw it, we had a staring contest but I didn't want it to be a standing one in case it jumped over at me or vanished in front of my eyes. >I am very interested in dream interpretation but sadly I rarely remember my dreams, I wont leave you hanging tho, in my dream of guilt I was guided by a weird figure and normally I just go along such things but it showed me something so disgusting I had to manifest a toilet to puke lime green liquid in all while repetitively asking why they showed me such a thing. that caused the guide to stop and I awoke feeling filthy for hours My dreams are mostly memorable and there has been some very crazy things that happen within them, I remember walking down one of the main streets in Berlin by the Brandenburg gate to my right while walking down the street with a white pony mare of what seemed to be pre-war and between 1933 or 1938 so some German girls came over to see her but I could oddly understand them despite not being fluent in Deutsch. And a recent one had me stab a chef to death with his own knife in a kitchen while he was cooking. >incredibly based This. >of that I have no doubt, it is mans gift to take what he desires the men of old knew this fact well Yes. It is also within a logical plausibility that Christians and Saints could have destroyed any and all idols of equine gods as well as erased depictions of the acts on the basis that it defies their dogma, it only makes sense that since the Romans at one point had a majority of their Pagan cavalry secretly worship Epona and that after converting from Mars to the Cross that their tolerance to such an existence would have been removed. Then you have the witchcraft trials involving witches accused of zoophilia. If there ever was a small statue accentuating a mare's rear end perhaps with a sculpted pussy under a raised tail found in an Irish excavation dating back to the Celts would have simply been thrown back in rather than be awkwardly mentioned by archaeologists given that it creates a stigma surrounding it. Thus most of this bestial history is missing where it could have been found. >very true but the strange delusions of normies means nothing to me, I have not the power to end the faggot/nigger blight BUT it is very much in my control to live with my mare lover and be happy the choice is easy I agree, our sole source of hope is horse pussy in this blue pilled and modernized mess. >it will be a best seller in certain circles no doubt You flatter me, if only it could be a pictured book! >that was a lovely treat thanks for that, her pussy is lovely I am feeling jelly Glad you like, there'll be more over in the /horse/ thread and still yet to c(um)ome. There's the one before that's in the snow.
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>>7248 >I can show you my only drawing of Aryanne that I did when Marenheit happened she is cute! my gut was not wrong you where an artfag after all >Try to form out of thoughts an accurate representation of your waifu so that you can see them in a way that feels like they are looking back at you rather than seeing an unmoving image well hot damn it might actually have worked, cant be sure yet but I had tree dreams that where hijacked by the ponies, I imagined some of them moving there head to look at me and even talk before bed one was a sexual dream with a barbie (ew) she soon disappeared and instead I found twilight laying in bed but she was weird looking, kinda half cartoon half something different but she just laid there looking at me the other two where more chaotic and I did not really interact with them in any of the dreams. could be coincidence but I will keep working on it >No wolves in my area, easily 6 foot long tail to nose with big shoulders that was menacing since it looked like it weighed more than me and could easily jump the barbed wire maybe you should consider arming yourself when you head outside? >Epona Intressting that you should bring her up, I have been thinking if maybe the horse goddess "spoke" through Faust, influencing her unconsciously to make FiM caussing countless men to reawaken this ancient love for mares. can't be sure tho still just head canon at this point but there is no denying the show have caused a huge increase in mare love activity around the world surely this would must have pleased Epona? >our sole source of hope is horse pussy no doubt, worshiping the snowpity with fellow brony spergs is my highest aspiration >there'll be more over in the /horse/ thread and still yet to c(um)ome don't tempt me kek I would fill that bitch up with so much pony better I am contained on the my own board, for the faggots sake
>>7260 >she is cute! my gut was not wrong you where an artfag after all Thanks. You're partially correct. >well hot damn it might actually have worked, cant be sure yet but I had tree dreams that where hijacked by the ponies, I imagined some of them moving there head to look at me and even talk before bed The further you attempt to make a connection with that part of your mind, the more it'll come memorable to you. Focus and place attention within their eyes to give them emotion and deeper depth. >one was a sexual dream with a barbie (ew) I sometimes dream of having sex with a woman but they don't have the same vibration as those with ponies. Several of them have had my dick in their vagina but I feel nothing but then blowjobs weirdly cause wet dreams. I had a dream yesterday that invisible spirits were watching me make love to my filly and I switched positions of viewing from myself to the entity (entities?) watching from behind that spoke with something else while watching me and I saw myself look towards the sort of 3rd person camera feeling and then look back at what I was doing in the dark. Feelings of being inside her nicely oiled backside and then that of suspended animation in the sky above and behind. Makes me think that I went back in time to one of the moments when I looked to the stars or moon as I was ejaculating inside her with my hands on the filly's thicc hips. >she soon disappeared and instead I found twilight laying in bed but she was weird looking, kinda half cartoon half something different but she just laid there looking at me the other two where more chaotic and I did not really interact with them in any of the dreams. Their appearance is abnormal and looks like a mix of 2d and 3d is what I can describe it as. >could be coincidence but I will keep working on it It seems to be a semi lucid dream that you had. Twilight might be a character that'll be more prevalent than others to you. >maybe you should consider arming yourself when you head outside? A stick will suffice. Unless you can spare a few silver bullets. Kek. Who knows, maybe it's based and only eats black sheep so that's why it gave me the pass. >Intressting that you should bring her up, I have been thinking if maybe the horse goddess "spoke" through Faust, influencing her unconsciously to make FiM caussing countless men to reawaken this ancient love for mares. can't be sure tho still just head canon at this point but there is no denying the show have caused a huge increase in mare love activity around the world surely this would must have pleased Epona? I've had a few ideas about Faust and they also correlate into this conception. 'Mother' to mare-madmen through indeliberate subliminal symbolism. Her style had a very attractive and feminine formation alongside an anime sort of semblance with the pony's eye proportions. Semen lightning in a jar happened, under circumstances that were perfect to manifest mares within male minds. The creation of this iconic show will continue to inspire for decades past it's prime due to it's spawned subculture. >no doubt, worshiping the snowpity with fellow brony spergs is my highest aspiration #metoo >don't tempt me kek I would fill that bitch up with so much pony better I am contained on the my own board, for the faggots sake Temptation spurs into action! With enough influence of intimacy, of course.
>>7262 >The further you attempt to make a connection with that part of your mind so far I have had more vivid dreams but sadly not a lot of ponies in them yet >when I looked to the stars or moon as I was ejaculating inside her with my hands on the filly's thicc hips a word poet >Their appearance is abnormal and looks like a mix of 2d and 3d yeah something like that, its a nice looking but Twi in that particular dream had the texture of a muppet/wolly sock with one of her eyes being on her cheek >semi lucid dream cool >Twilight might be a character that'll be more prevalent than others to you. she seem like the most fitting mare for this kind of world melding >I've had a few ideas about Faust and they also correlate into this conception your speaking straight facts as far as I am concerned, I should have expected you to share this view but I am still surprised that others come to the same conclusion >The creation of this iconic show will continue to inspire for decades past it's prime due to it's spawned subculture for sure! its one of a kind lightning in a bottle as you say >Temptation spurs into action! With enough influence of intimacy, of course kek you seem determent, what? no bronies in there? boring cock jerkers and lurkers? sigh my mare is giving me grief, she winked her pussy yesterday and I even got to feel her a bit but by the time we got inside she refuse to let me rub and lick. I think she is being affected by other mare who is in heat near by >mare is a fucking queer just my luck... >>7277 hi gramps, lost again?
>>7329 >so far I have had more vivid dreams but sadly not a lot of ponies in them yet It's good that you're giving them more attention. Not everyone can or does dream or they outright ignore them but I feel like sometimes my shadow soul is moving in an astral way within my sleep and can watch people from above. >a word poet Yes, there is an element of magic in rhyme I believe, as was thus the druids were both bards as well as possible masters of mare fluids. (but that's just a gamer theory kek) >yeah something like that, its a nice looking but Twi in that particular dream had the texture of a muppet/wolly sock with one of her eyes being on her cheek She might have been partially formed unless it could be an entity that is trying to imitate her, if you have any more dreams but she appears like that then it might be something else. I've never seen anything like that in my tries. >your speaking straight facts as far as I am concerned, I should have expected you to share this view but I am still surprised that others come to the same conclusion for sure! its one of a kind lightning in a bottle as you say It's a thought that becomes prevalent like a realization, after correlating what she aspired to create with her own femininity to make visual representations of mares with human qualities that are mixed with their equine counterpart. Unwittingly making the ultimate epitome archetype of innocence and preferability that can hypnotize young as well as lonely men with enough viewing. >kek you seem determent, what? no bronies in there? boring cock jerkers and lurkers? Referring to the /horse/ thread? There was a based Anon who posted Aryanne with me in there. The rest probably are lurking jerkers. >sigh my mare is giving me grief, she winked her pussy yesterday and I even got to feel her a bit but by the time we got inside she refuse to let me rub and lick. I think she is being affected by other mare who is in heat near by There could be several explanations as to why she doesn't let you touch her inside, perhaps she prefers it outside than in the stable? You could try seeing her in the night unless there's other factors preventing you from going. I saw my filly last night, she let me feel her vagina and I oiled then fingered her so she was winking on my left hand's middle finger. She wanted me to follow her around and was excitedly trotting around until she let me put my dick in her pussy while we were in the middle of the field as the waning moon rose. Maybe you can consider this advice from my own experience. >just my luck... Is she a pony or horse? How old?
>>7345 >It's good that you're giving them more attention. Not everyone can or does dream or they outright ignore them but I feel like sometimes my shadow soul is moving in an astral way within my sleep and can watch people from above. I find it interesting to explore the world of dreams its different but its undoubtedly real and have more significant then most would acknowledge >Yes, there is an element of magic in rhyme I believe speech IS magic, its the proper way looking at it, it can change the way you look/feel about the world, inspire the masses to take action and move mountains >it could be an entity that is trying to imitate her, if you have any more dreams but she appears like that then it might be something else. I've never seen anything like that in my tries will keep that in mind, I have always had a very vivid imagination > she aspired to create with her own femininity to make visual representations of mares with human qualities that are mixed with their equine counterpart. Unwittingly making the ultimate epitome archetype of innocence and preferability that can hypnotize young as well as lonely men with enough viewing Beautifully put! and no doubt true, the unconscious work through us mysterious ways I am very fascinated by Faust >There was a based Anon who posted Aryanne with me in there sure beats boring faggots >There could be several explanations after studying her more its hard to say, she show little interested always blocking with her tail when ever my hand is close to her behind, (she knows what I want) but she goes and spreads her leg winking at the other mare (something I have never seen her do before) I have read about this being a dominance thing, that lower mares show higher once that they are in heat still pretty faggoty behavior tho >Maybe you can consider this advice from my own experience. its not impossible but unlikely, if this continues I will have to abandon any idea of romance and turn it in to a business mind set, I force my will and she gets a reward that's that >Is she a pony or horse? she's determent to have her will be done and lets leave it at that >How old? not young enough to have that be a factor, she have probably been spoiled by her previous owners (and now by me)
>>7368 >I find it interesting to explore the world of dreams, its different but its undoubtedly real and has more significance than most would acknowledge Yep, there is more than meets the eye. In a dream from last night I saw a shadow man that was faceless and radiated a psychic energy, with darkness and mist swirling around him while it seemed I was in the shadow realm. Saw some stables that were somewhere I've never been before. Other weird visions of the world in the past and of people doing things while I watch. >I believe speech IS magic, its the proper way looking at it, it can change the way you look/feel about the world, inspire the masses to take action and move mountains Words of power are a type of 'magic'. There are other forces at work although I don't care much about proving such existences. in consideration of how convoluted and confusing it can be in the deep end. >will keep that in mind, I have always had a very vivid imagination It can come out of the subconscious, as a submerged fear that waits under the astral waters like a frozen gator waiting to return by the light of focused thought. The unknown is awe inspiring and laced with a mystic magnetism that repels and attracts alike. >Beautifully put! and no doubt true, the unconscious work through us mysterious ways Danke, mein pferd freund. >I am very fascinated by Faust <T. Faustfag. Anon Von Cuckstein. esq. >sure beats boring faggots 100%. >after studying her more its hard to say, she show little interested always blocking with her tail when ever my hand is close to her behind, (she knows what I want) but she goes and spreads her leg winking at the other mare (something I have never seen her do before) I can imagine that she clamps her tail down when you try to touch her back there, rather than relaxing her muscles to you. It could be possible that she hasn't had the best desensitization regarding being touched back there in the past so she isn't accustomed to it. My filly has tried mounting a mare before and when I go to scratch her ass she almost always raises her tail high. This sounds like bragging but think there will be others like her who are waiting for you >I have read about this being a dominance thing, that lower mares show higher once that they are in heat I've seen it before but not all of them do it. >still pretty faggoty behavior tho Maybe she is more used to horses than humans? >its not impossible but unlikely, if this continues I will have to abandon any idea of romance and turn it in to a business mind set, I force my will and she gets a reward that's that It took a while to find the right mare for me, it's a journey of frustration and patience but eventually it culminates in cum. >she's determent to have her will be done and lets leave it at that Ok. >not young enough to have that be a factor, she have probably been spoiled by her previous owners (and now by me) I don't feed them by hand since they come to expect food to be on you so they aren't as bothered about what else you have to offer. Keep on with the quest for the equine key. You'll learn some things in the meantime that'll help.
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>>7372 >I don't care much about proving such existences. in consideration of how convoluted and confusing it can be in the deep end 8chan magic man >Faustfag. Anon Von Cuckstein kek as the creator she is immune from criticism, as we worship the mares we keep her work and memory alive that ain't cucking just truth fagman >It could be possible that she hasn't had the best desensitization regarding being touched back there in the past she thinks she can just walk away the moment she is not in control, a bit spoiled but by now she knows its harder on her to walk away then just letting it happen (I move her legs when she won't comply, in the end she is lazy and will take the easy way out) its troublesome to have to dedicate hours to teach her because if I stop midway she will learn the wrong lesson >when I go to scratch her ass she almost always raises her tail high. This sounds like bragging but think there will be others like her who are waiting for you lord I can only hope and it do sound like your living the good life, minus the faggot wolf >Maybe she is more used to horses than humans? probably, normies don't really spend much time with there horses outside of riding >it's a journey of frustration and patience but eventually it culminates in cum. >Keep on with the quest for the equine key. You'll learn some things in the meantime that'll help Thanks for the cheer up man you do have a way with words, my life is blessed I will be sure to share the spoils with the less fortunate bronies such is my duty >pic related based Celestia poster gone but not forgotten, /mlp clop thread is always open for men of refined taste sickening to see jannie shenanigans
>>7462 >8chan magic man Mare meme magician! To be precise. >kek as the creator she is immune from criticism, as we worship the mares we keep her work and memory alive that ain't cucking just truth fagman Sure, I don't oppose the inevitable continuation of the conceptions and characters but to do it in half-can is to be from Cuckstein by underlined definition. >she thinks she can just walk away the moment she is not in control, a bit spoiled but by now she knows its harder on her to walk away then just letting it happen (I move her legs when she won't comply, in the end she is lazy and will take the easy way out) It's more experience and understanding of her behavior to analyze the wants and whys of her actions from their own perspective. Good to enjoy the moments of being with them than to be with people. >Its troublesome to have to dedicate hours to teach her because if I stop midway she will learn the wrong lesson I intend to use more direct body language with them than to speak unless it is needed. >lord I can only hope and it do sound like your living the good life, minus the faggot wolf She's really lovely, at this point I can do her whenever and we're together in completion that is blissfully carefree without the stress that human communication echoes. Her coat is like skin now with the summer solstice last Wednesday, she's comfortable getting her ass slapped while I fuck and after I cum. The ghost wolf along with the shadow shape and orb are fear inducing but they are preferable to niggers. Leave me with the skin walkers and night-mares while bigfoot faps. >probably, normies don't really spend much time with there horses outside of riding Yes, horses are used mostly as a type of ego booster if you can call it that, those who do give them attention act as if they are dogs. Ponies tend to be the more domestic from their size being more relatively rounded to a human's rather than being larger, so they don't have the mentality that they're much bigger than you if they are only 2.5x your size than if they are over 1000lbs. >Thanks for the cheer up man you do have a way with words, my life is blessed I will be sure to share the spoils with the less fortunate bronies such is my duty It's always nice to shitpost and let things off your chest. You're more polite than me. I have had a few more dreams where I've been following and watching people in out of body visions. Have you, Anon? >based Celestia poster gone but not forgotten, /mlp clop thread is always open for men of refined taste. Sickening to see jannie shenanigans Such is the cycle of life and tranny 4chins.

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>>7490 >I don't oppose the inevitable continuation of the conceptions and characters but to do it in half-can is to be from Cuckstein by underlined definition a fair point nigger but at least half-chan faggots post pony over there, /pone is so dead it's sad >It's more experience and understanding of her behavior to analyze the wants and whys of her actions from their own perspective that rings true, I have started to desensitize her from touch and holding the tail should have started earlier but did not know how poorly trained she was, the former owner must have been a push over >Good to enjoy the moments of being with them than to be with people 100% she is very cute and calms the nerves, she is like a forest spirit to me >she's comfortable getting her ass slapped while I fuck please I can only get so erect >The ghost wolf along with the shadow shape and orb are fear inducing but they are preferable to niggers. Leave me with the skin walkers and night-mares while bigfoot faps. KEK >horses are used mostly as a type of ego booster if you can call it that yeah I never understood that mind set, they dedicate their lives to mares but don't love them like we do? delusional, like that of a "non-sexual" furfag >Ponies tend to be the more domestic from their size being more relatively rounded to a human's rather than being larger, so they don't have the mentality that they're much bigger than you if they are only 2.5x your size than if they are over 1000lbs I love pony mares but there is something special about a big ol' horse lady, if only I could train one to sit on my face that would be the best way to go for sure <3 >It's always nice to shitpost and let things off your chest. You're more polite than me. Ah feel all giddy and tingly around my bronies, everypony else can suck a lead pipe simple as >I have had a few more dreams where I've been following and watching people in out of body visions. Have you, Anon? been hitting the bottle a lot lately so not to many but I was visited by a centaur, she was very pretty and the sex was nice but its hard to remember it all half way there right? >Such is the cycle of life and tranny 4chins does moe even have jannies or is it just one mod to cuck em all? >AJ Clopician Mein König, ich knie nieder
>>7504 >a fair point nigger but at least half-chan faggots post pony over there, /pone is so dead it's sad I don't care anymore about posting pony there, a lot of Anon's have moved on with it. /pone/ was a pleasure of the past, I'll prefer to spend my nights with an actual mare than looking at the same threads endlessly. There is no reason for me to give a shit about 4cans because of the patterned repetitiveness that grew in loathsomeness after time went by, it became too utterly boring and unbearably predictable with fucking redditors habituating the place while watching with their cancerous presence. (You) understand why. >that rings true, I have started to desensitize her from touch and holding the tail should have started earlier but did not know how poorly trained she was, the former owner must have been a push over Try scratch around the tail and rear end because she will raise it up or to the side if she's aroused or likes the feeling. >100% she is very cute and calms the nerves, she is like a forest spirit to me They were supposed to have evolved from being like deer in the woods, I have came inside ponies under a few trees as well as last night and it feels very naturally erotic in a way that is lustfully addicting. >please I can only get so erect Did I mention that she lets me grab her teats while I cum before I slap her fat thighs? No? How about that I can grab her hips WHILE pushing her back and forth on my dick? >yeah I never understood that mind set, they dedicate their lives to mares but don't love them like we do? delusional, like that of a "non-sexual" furfag Normies! >I love pony mares but there is something special about a big ol' horse lady, if only I could train one to sit on my face that would be the best way to go for sure <3 Eh, suit yourself. >been hitting the bottle a lot lately so not to many but I was visited by a centaur, she was very pretty and the sex was nice but its hard to remember it all Drink no longer has the same level of liking to me, hallucinogens as well as weed are less depressing and aggravating. I've heard LSD sex is amazing but I have fucked my filly while tripping on mushrooms about 3 times and it's better than being stoned or sober. I felt more like I was connecting with her than usual and the ritualistic act has a strong magical feeling to it that is because psilocybin enhances emotions. It really is mind expanding. >half way there right? My dreams have been mixtures of violence against people and stalking others in spirit and daemons along with ponies. >does moe even have jannies or is it just one mod to cuck em all? Lurk moar.
>>7504 >does moe even have jannies or is it just one mod to cuck em all? There are different ranks and privileges here. So it goes like. Root (Acid[Owner of the website]) Admins (Codexx and Parias) Global volunteers (What youd call mods, they oversee the entire website and delete illegal content) Board owners (aka BO's or the guys who create and oversee individual boards. Anyone can do this, as opposed to cuckchan where only certain higherup admins can create boards. This is me. We have the same "rank" or privileges as a global mod according to how the code works, but restricted to a single board.) Board Volunteers (or jannies, which this board has none cuz noone wants to do that job. I did advertise and ask for some idk like 20 months ago, but still mo takers. I get it.) anyway I actually just popped in to say theres been an influx of pony fans fron halfchan recently and they have created a board >>>/mlp/ which is actually getting decent traffic and posts per hour. Dont know if you guys are into that, but in case you are theres a heads up. Anyway have a great day, and always available to answer questions in the meta thread.
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>>7511 >I'll prefer to spend my nights with an actual mare than looking at the same threads endlessly Both, I will take both just need to get the dreaming under control and every moment of my life will be pony >There is no reason for me to give a shit about 4cans because of the patterned repetitiveness that grew in loathsomeness after time went by, it became too utterly boring and unbearably predictable with fucking redditors habituating the place while watching with their cancerous presence I can't fault them for stagnating they are blind or incapable of taking the next step, but I will be a bridge for them as old pone was for me years past, Equestria is here on earth and every brony can have a piece of it >I have came inside ponies under a few trees as well as last night and it feels very naturally erotic in a way that is lustfully addicting we are meant to be with them, its aggravating that we can't just join with them in such manners when our paths meet >No? How about that I can grab her hips WHILE pushing her back and forth on my dick? I have no words does not get much better then that, well maybe I once saw guy who could make his mare spread legs, squirt and lift her tail on the verbal command "good girl" you would not happen to have that stashed do ya? >Drink no longer has the same level of liking to me, hallucinogens as well as weed are less depressing and aggravating. I've heard LSD sex is amazing but I have fucked my filly while tripping on mushrooms about 3 times and it's better than being stoned or sober. I felt more like I was connecting with her than usual and the ritualistic act has a strong magical feeling to it that is because psilocybin enhances emotions. It really is mind expanding. >Eh, suit yourself. >My dreams have been mixtures of violence against people and stalking others in spirit and daemons along with ponies. do let me know if you ever dream of the moon princess again I want to know what she said/showed you >>7532 did not expect to learn about the whole mod pantheon, thanks I am sure they are all cunts >board owner (you) what manner of cuck faggotry possessed you to remove the celestia clop? >/mlp/ her cm will be so cute, hope to see your vote but I am sure I already have kek
>>7511 >I'll prefer to spend my nights with an actual mare than looking at the same threads endlessly its why I've not posted much over the years besides APR-GET, mostly lurked on rare occasion. posting now to help keep the board active, but spend most of my free time with my animals >>6966 >CUTE mare cant post pics, but I cosplay with my animals at times, and have recorded some of it. can be very fun. its been awhile since we did that, maybe tonight I'll fuck one with a dress on her btw, thanks to the Aryanne posters! first mare I ever fucked looked like her too. she's the best pony imho, with Applejack as a close second. its amazing the way they push back on human dick, to take it as deep as they can <3
>>7532 Danke, Nosferatu. >anyway I actually just popped in to say theres been an influx of pony fans fron halfchan recently and they have created a board (/mlp/) which is actually getting decent traffic and posts per hour. Interesting. I guess history will continue to repeat itself, kek. >Dont know if you guys are into that, but in case you are theres a heads up. The zoo thread there, is intently intriguing. >Anyway have a great day, and always available to answer questions in the meta thread. You too, Dracula. >>7546 >Both, I will take both just need to get the dreaming under control and every moment of my life will be pony Sweet dreams, Anon. >I can't fault them for stagnating they are blind or incapable of taking the next step, but I will be a bridge for them as old pone was for me years past, Equestria is here on earth and every brony can have a piece of it I wish you excel in that endeavor. >we are meant to be with them, its aggravating that we can't just join with them in such manners when our paths meet It's a frenzying frustration when deprived of equine sensory stimulation, those who have been exposed to such an experience are spellbound forever in thoughts of filly's and imagined mares. >I have no words does not get much better then that, well maybe I once saw guy who could make his mare spread legs, squirt and lift her tail on the verbal command "good girl" you would not happen to have that stashed do ya? I am unversed in any vocalized abilities, rarely do I talk to them and sometimes during ejaculation I laugh at my actions or prefer to make inhuman noises. Of course, I admit my love for them but it isn't exactly necessary to me and I believe it to be more logical this way. Admittedly, if some guy has made his mare into that much of a cum slut, then I envy him. >do let me know if you ever dream of the moon princess again I want to know what she said/showed you Not seen Luna lately, more mystic visions of Aryanne or the dead mare with the filly. Other sorts of lucid like dreams but mainly ones where I'm watching people or the ocean. >>7552 >its why I've not posted much over the years besides APR-GET, mostly lurked on rare occasion. posting now to help keep the board active, but spend most of my free time with my animals Relatedly based. There are those who aren't as open about themselves. I appreciate our similar existences. >btw, thanks to the Aryanne posters! first mare I ever fucked looked like her too. You're (holy) well-cum. There is something more striking about the burning blue eyes, those fair mares are the most fantastic to have look at you while cumming inside and it won't be forgotten fast. >she's the best pony imho, with Applejack as a close second. its amazing the way they push back on human dick, to take it as deep as they can <3 Once you get into that erotically rhythmic roll, the more they will do it. Like waves in water, splashing against an awesome ass before a semen tsunami.
>>7373 Kek.
>>7532 >/mlp/ which is actually getting decent traffic and posts per hour. Dont know if you guys are into that, but in case you are theres a heads up. Hello Vampyr! Thank you kindly for mentioning our silly pony board! I'm the b0 of /mlp/ Sprinkle. I'm a big fan of your work here on /zoo/ So much horse everywhere <3 And you've done a fantastic job moderating the place too! /)
How's it going, Anon? I hope you aren't d34d. Any other Anons? 2024, this is 8chan's 10th year and Doom 2's 30th. Meanwhile, no bitches. Only ponies. P.S. Like le leg?
Can we see her donut?
Stupid quuestion: What does it acually mean when you're touching a mare's jewels and she steps to the side? Is it like "no pls don't touch me there", or is she trying to find a more comfortable position, or maybe something else? What if she stands still while you rub her elsewhere afterwards?
>>10890 It can mean "no," but it can also mean "flirty." If she steps to the side AND starts to pin her ears, that means no. If she steps to the side AND her ears are perked and happy, she could be flirty. Take some time rubbing and touching her all over before jamming a finger in her and she'll be down.
>>10878 No. >>10890 Analyze her movements and gesture, imo lurk moar, Herr Anon. >>10895 Yes. Charge me Dr dracula HYAAAAAAAAHHH PUUtis
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>>10625 >d34d no equestria for me yet but life have thrown me a curve ball sadly but its not all bad news you know what they say about lemons besides health is good and I am happy wish you the same Epona willing someday I will be posting mare again

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