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Necro DD 05/07/2024 (Tue) 01:07:59 No. 13202
After some meta thread debate, necro will be in this separate thread with these rules: 1. NO ABUSE 2. SPOILER YOUR SHIT 3. NO EXCESSIVE BLOOD 4. NO ILLEGAL SHIT 5. SHORT DESCRIPTION OF YOUR UPLOAD IS APPRECIATED I am necro thread janny, I'll be on when I can to make this thread as clean as it can. TO ALL THE HATERS: Scat is plant necro, let us have our little thread too in peace. Much love to you all - DeadDog
Edited last time by DDBoy23 on 05/07/2024 (Tue) 04:04:24.
>Necro Thread >No blood
>>13209 Not all necro has blood
i respect 8ch zoo for being the only place on the clearnet to not be pussies and allow necro
Don't you have a sadism board? Eff off
This thread is going to make the zoo community look bad. I'd just ask to mod the old board that used to host such stuff.
>>13210 >removes all roadkill content that is the majority of necro in one fell swoop So whatever content is here is either from someone killing their dog or fucking it as soon as it died from whatever natural cause. >>13220 Necro is not abuse
>>13218 >moral zoo lol
>>13218 We don't actually, can't post on that board. Plus the goal of the rules put forth are to avoid sadism as best we can!
>>13220 I don't mean to be a party pooper, but I think that people's main gripe with the zoo community is sex with animals. I'm here to try and keep things like snuff out of the thread while I'm active. >>13223 I would and will argue that cleaning up the blood from the roadkill you find is due diligence, and a perfectly fine compromise for having necro on this board. I happen to think roadkill is one of the more "humane" ways to go about this, assuming the person didn't hit the animal on purpose. Plenty of roadkill necro vids with no blood either. Just need a dedicated towel
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Not my video. From Muledeerman on zx18 b4 it got ruined
>>13236 nice
>>13236 lmk if there is an interest in seeing more of his stuff
>>13239 Ya as long as it follows da rules
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Same doe
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only 5 at a time?
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Not mine Fox video from Chrbtz on zx18
>>13267 That board is no longer usable if I'm not mistaken. Plus we don't want sadism here
>>13202 I don't understand this necro stuff what's the fun of fucking a dead body? you can't even feel the warm into their bodies..
>>13278 No clue. I think 90% of the animals necro fans like are too small for when they're alive, so maybe that?
Is the zoocore thread still alive?
>>13295 Don't think so
>>13278 I'm a zoo, and I very much love my alive companions. But I do also love the looks of deer and other interesting animals, but there is just no way to have sex with many wild things short of them being dead. And no, can't "just go out and buy tranquilizer". I wouldn't do that even if I could. My own foray into this weird practice started with a stunning, huge, fresh roadkill buck I witnessed being hit. My sole intention was just to harvest the meat and avoid a senseless waste. But, during the process, looking at that pink ass, I broke to my baser urges and fucked him before butchering him. It was nice. I was sad he was dead, but there wasn't anything I could do about that. And yes, the meat was delicious. Was I squicked that I came in my dinner? No. Of course his rectum wasn't included in the meat harvested. After that, I would just keep an eye out while driving. I would pick up any that weren't in bad shape, not rotting or too mangled. There are plenty. Gone are the days when most people who hit a deer would strap it to their hood and take it home to butcher it themselves. Most people now only get meat from the grocery and leave it at that. Anyway, there have been some does as well, and the pussy is very good, even after their unfortunate demise. As for warmth, that is easily solved for with a warming wand and a heating blanket. If I felt that the deer wasn't really fresh or it was cold enough out to keep it so, I would take the body to a very wild and wooded area for the coyotes and vultures to consume, and not have it rotting or mummifying on the roadside. I will also admit, without going into detail, that I have also engaged with species other than deer, more out of curiosity than anything else. It kinda became a question of whether I could do it and what it would feel like. Some hits and misses. I can't say I had any attraction to those other species so getting aroused was sometimes a challenge. I'm not ready to tell all, anyway. The thread is new and some might not even want to read tales from the fringe.
>>13300 I'm always down for a story, and a hitchhikers guide to roadkill sounds interesting at the very least. Depending on where you are you could even get armadillo leprosy
>>13306 I am aware of various zoonoses and they are a valid concern, so there are some species that I just don't see as being worth any effort, armadillos are one of them. I even hit one not long ago and didn't even look back. Was sad, though. There really isn't any point of going to the trouble for raccoons either; they harbor some really nasty parasites and could also possibly be rabid. Ugh, no. Sometimes even I find it hard to believe the things I have done. But I have learned to live with my Mr. Hyde.
>>13307 ooh, mysterious
No. This shit is going to get removed. Every single one here that thinks this is "OK" is a retarded psychopath. Please fucking kill yourself.
>>13324 Are you attracted to animals?
>13324 Calling people names may gain you some points on the playground but that ends in middle school (unless you're trump). Granted, cruelty to live animals is a known psychopathic trait, retardation (ahem, mentally challenged) not so much, though developmentally disabled people have to sometimes be taught to be gentle with animals. That said, sexually engaging with something that is not alive is the complete opposite of cruelty and psychopathy. The animal cannot be abused since it is not sentient and can feel nothing. Why, how do you think that cow would feel as you ate its flesh for dinner the other night? Your assertion is absurd that necro is cruel, and thus psychopathic just transmits to me that you lack understanding of the definition of the word "psychopath" and are just out on the playground spewing some name-calling. I'll help you out: Psychopaths lack empathy to varying degrees. When they see or experience others who are in pain or anguish they fail to recognize or feel those same emotions by proxy. Some of them feel nothing to very little at all. Some develop a proclivity to be cruel or inflict pain on others just so they can feel "something". I love all animals. It saddens me to witness our destruction of our planet and the animals who are sadly stuck here with us as we run amok and ruin it for everything. It saddens me to see the senseless and wasteful death of so many beautiful creatures. I would vastly prefer to see any and all of the dead ones happily alive, and running merrily on their way. But it is not so. And it won't be; indeed it will get much much worse. Taking "advantage" of something dead, well, is that the wrong here? It's ok to consume it but not enjoy some physical pleasure at zero possible hurt to the animal? The logic of that fails. So what I have done maybe grosses you out and offends you, fine, you have that right to go visit other places that do please you. Spend time with people you like and identify with, but perhaps also recognize that not everyone is you, and thinks like you. I don't come charging into threads and declaring the denizens are mentally ill or challenged just because the things they are posting aren't to my liking. Perhaps you could grow some tolerance or at least indifference to what others do. If this thread gets removed, fine, so be it, I don't care. It'll be just another case of "what I do is ok and what you do is not" even though both beast and necro are considered abhorrent and illegal (or should be) by the populace at large. If it isn't enough that we'd both burn at the stake at the hands of normies, we'll burn each other at the stake as well? Pfft, humans. Once again reinforcing why I don't care for them. Do carry on and have a nice day.
>>13338 Bro's Malcom Sex out here lol
>>13339 Looks like just you and me against the world. I'm used to that.
>>13341 Real.
>>13338 You have no idea how fucking insane and crazy it looks being this fucking passionate about fucking dead animals. Holy shit.
Please keep foxes out of this. They're holy for me.
>>13355 But they're kinda too small to take humans and not get hurt, which is why they're a popular necro buddy
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>>13355 No more fox vids? Understood. Deer fucking video from zx18
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Black bear anal fisting, slight scat warning.
>>13363 I hate scat but bear is new! Nice nice nice
>>13375 I hope someone else posts content, I'm only going to occasionally repost what's on zx18.
>>13386 I would if I had any, I was hoping the deer, fox, and one zmv vids would get reposted on here, idk if they have
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Raccoon anal video >>13388 zx18 is being difficult, I can't seem to pull off most deer videos as they may be deleted. >>13338 If you have any more of MDM's stuff post it here, there was a picture series with an elk that was pretty good.
>>13388 Fuck, I knew there was a reason I felt a rush to get a ruling on its legality. I meant to restore that zmv from the trash before it got deleted and unban that one anon. Shit. Well its gone now, trash only lasts 3 days. Uh, could you please apologize and ask anon to kindly reupload his work? Anons all seemed to really like it. Rare work of universal praise. Was annoying it got reported by someone and set all this off. Well anyway ignore the haters and keep up the good work.
>>13429 idk which anon it was but he is welcome here!
>>13353 Again with the name calling. Can't anybody mount a logical argument- not just trot out insults? I'm passionate about liberty and freedom, two things I definitely do not have. A lifetime of repression of one's true nature, and fear of persecution/prosecution can do that to a guy. I don't think that's "crazy" at all. All these laws that can land a zoo in the slammer are religion-based, which itself has no logical or scientific basis for its existence. Leviticus was written in an attempt to get the shepherds to fuck women instead of sheep, because all religions need new offspring to brainwash and subjugate. So here we are, 8 billion+ and counting. I think it worked, and men need to go back to fucking sheep. I'm not just talking about dead things, either.Think Oregon can't happen everywhere? It absolutely can and just might. Necro is just the razor-edge of zoo. You have the normies, the furries, the zoos, and then scat and necro out on the frontier. What happens to necro is just the canary in the coal mine. All of this could be outlawed or banned and probably will someday. Necro will just be first, solely because it squicks people harder. To me, necro doesn't deserve to be the "most vile", no harm is being done. If anything, necro is more easily defensible than zoo. I reserve the "most vile" tag for those true psychopaths that bind, torture and kill animals for sexual gratification. I'm fine with sadists that engage other willing humans, but animals- (who do not appreciate pain and cannot understand why this person is being so cruel)- absolutely no. I despise anyone who would willingly hurt an animal, excepting hunting and slaughter for consumption. I know of no hunters whose goal isn't a clean kill. To be clear, again, "fucking dead animals" isn't my thing, and I suspect that is the case for most who have done it. I don't like that they are dead, I don't get off on death. I would love nothing more than to see them alive and just keep my pants on. But the objects of my desire have been stilled through no action of mine, and this may be my only chance to ever mingle with one. Somebody just posted a live deer video, so glad that they are out there living the dream. I'm going to get back to working on my own dream. I have no doubt if I can make it happen I won't be bothering with roadside attractions, if that's any comfort to you. Thanks for your concern though.
>>13434 And good morning to you too roadkill. Anyway I gotta water the plants and let the cats out then get to work. Everyone have a great day!
>>13435 You too! stay safe out there in the big world
>>13408 I do have it but it's not right at hand. Since you expressed an interest I will dig it out and post it later.
>>13434 Bro you are eloquent and mysterious. I like you :3
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>>13438 Now MDM elk cow as promised
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>>13459 >>13460 anal is the best
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>>13458 Nice, enjoy some Marten videos.
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>>13486 I have this series "oh deer" I think, somewhere in better resolution- Blissfully, that doe is still very much alive (when the video was made anyway). A nice warm doe in your bed to greet your every morning? Yes please, thank you! Thanks for your effort anon!
>>13488 If what you're saying is true, and it seems to be as I see some movement in her, than you should post it in the deer thread. Also if you had any content that isn't on zx18, it'd be appreciated for you to post it! I have the Stingray video from there but won't post unless its OK'd from DD as there's a touch of blood at the end.
>>13491 Put a description and content warning, and I'll take it down if there's any complaint
>>13488 ah yes, I made my zx18 account back then to ask in the comments if anyone knew if this doe was alive, thanks for confirming that after so much time
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Never understood if this raccoon was alive or not, saw him on zooville, he looks kinda limp in the pictures, so i guess I'll post it here. I'm surprised this thread still exists, I'm all up for "ethical" roadkill necro-zoo or necro-bestiality, however it's called. As long as no one's hurt and it's not too disgusting/disturbing of course.
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>>13498 I'm sure he was alive when those photos got made.
Anyone got those rat videos?
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More cat content pls
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Raccoon anal & finger videos
>>13523 Bump
Dog o
>>13549 wtf spoiler that shit dude
>>13551 Spoilers required
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>>13555 I love raccoons :3
>>13570 You have to spoiler your stuff
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CAT CONTENT WARNING Angel was properly buried after the making of this video.
I can't even watch the dog ones, much less fap to them, I just love dogs so much, it hurts my heart to see them dead. One of the many curses of being zoo is outliving those you love dearly, over and over. I've seen plenty of canids on the roads of course. I know I can't do anything frisky with any of them, just seeing them causes me so much anguish. If I see a coyote in the road I will stop and at least get the body well-clear so it doesn't get pulped, and the vultures can do their work safely. If it's a dog, I have also moved and covered them, made attempts at contacting owners (if there's a tag), and also animal control agencies (if there's not). This poor thing may be someone's beloved pet or partner, even- and they deserve better than rotting. It ruins my day for sure, but to me it's the right thing to do. I recently saw a big hunting dog, he looked like a mastiff-dane cross. Good gracious, he was a beautiful animal, perfectly fit and glossy, had a big wide nylon collar to protect him from feral hog tusks. The highway bordered a big wild area, so he probably just pursued a boar across the road at the wrong moment. He had a tracker collar and a sewn-in tag. Anyway, I called the guy and he already knew and was indeed on his way. I thanked him but didn't stick around since I think he would probably appreciate some privacy to pick up his dog; me falling apart wouldn't have helped him. How much I wish I could have been there before his fateful moment, and called him over, saving his life. What a waste. RIP big boy. You were an amazing creature. :(
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>>13590 I feel your pain man, I also own a dog and would hate if they got lost and I never knew what happened to them, I would at the very least want to know what happened to them, even if they're already gone. I also see a lot of poor unfortunate animals, sadly most of them were only street/stray animals without a collar nor an owner, so I make sure to go out of my way, take them and bury them myself if I can't find the owner. I personally don't have too much problems with dogs, unless they look similar to mine, or if I see them die myself, really makes me sad, but well if i don't take care of them, no one will unfortunately. I suggest from now on, all the videos uploaded, to come with some kind of warning or at least say what animal is in the video so we don't accidentally see something we don't like.
>>13590 >>13594 This was my goal with asking for video descriptions. Since it's spoilered and due to the nature of necro, it's necessary for me.
>>13590 You interest me so I have a question. Most interesting necro animal you've laid with, and would you try it with them live if you could without causing pain or anything? No need to answer, and this goes for anyone in the thread
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Wild boar sow Its upside down and I'm too lazy to correct it, if someone else wants to, fee free to delete this post.
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Beastboy fucking a kangaroo
>>13596 Not the one you're asking, but I've laid with a few wild sows before, and a deer once. Never filmed it. >>13570 Raccoon content is my favorite, wish there was more.
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>>13598 Rip BB, he's not dead but Australian laws finally got to him.
>>13589 Ayy Nekuru! Been waiting for you to show up!
>>13596 All were pretty interesting. Maybe most unusual? Alligator. Surprisingly excellent and definitely unusual. Would I try a live one? Uh, if biting my face off wasn't a possibility, sure.
Anyone ever let their dog fuck something dead like the coondog image set?
>>13594 Thank you for doing what you do. It is very kind of you to give them an honourable burial if there is no one else to do it. As for myself, I do try to contact someone but not all places have such services. I'm on the road a lot and the more rural areas just don't do cleanups. I must have dragged 4 or 5 deer off the highway and past the ditch on my last trip, just for mercy's sake (I had no other contact with them). I felt bad for them but it was all I could do. Obviously I'm not a religious man, but I did apologize to them on behalf of the human race that they were senselessly killed by us and our infernal machines.
>>13589 These are gorgeous. Do you have any more you want to share? :3
>>13612 I swear I need a book of all your adventures. I must become your successor
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>>13612 Speaking of which, here's a crocodile/alligator video
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A pair of stingray videos, the first was seemingly removed, however this doesn't include any blood, so I'm hoping its ok.
>>13635 He's alive- as evidenced by his growing erection. Fine by me, just fyi
>>13636 Heh, cool. Is this on the menu? #17 Fuck and Eat Stingray with Drunken Noodle and Mix Vegeatble
>>13636 Huff hot. Whered did you find these?
"scat is plant necro" is the biggest delusional cope I've seen about this shit in my 20 years of zoo congrats, smoothbrain
>>13681 Pretty sure he's joking. I laughed anyway. Probably bc I have a sense of humor. TBH, I think plant necro would be more akin to those guys over there squeezing the cantaloupes before they take them home to ravish. Never tried that btw. Suppose I could though and report back. Maybe I'll convert to all-vegan fuckery.
>>13681 I would argue "dogs consent to monogamous relationships" it the biggest cope I've seen, half of humans can't pull off consent consistently >>13696 Yeah, I laughed pretty hard when that came to me. If we start a plant thread we might get into congress as revolutionaries
>>13650 A pair of videos titled エイ On zx18, no idea of their original source
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Moar raccoon
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>>13618 Maybe in private, but I'm too paranoid to reveal a lot here, plus this just freaks people out, so. Maybe in time. I do long to tell my stories, but I'm not ready. The planet isn't ready. I suspect that nobody but you is ready. Well, do this: Drive a lot. A truck, preferably. A nondescript white truck with yellow emergency lights would be best. Get a neon vest and gloves and wear them. Nobody will bat an eye at a worker doing a dirty job. Be super-horny all the time, and an adrenaline junkie. The rush I get when I see a nice animal is usually better than the sexual act itself. Have a strong stomach. Some things are way worse than they initially appear. I still do my best to get them off the road and back into nature anyway. Rot, stink, and gore I don't enjoy but I will still drag them off the road. A strong back. If you do load something big up, dead weight is dead weight. There seems to be nothing in the world heavier than a dead animal. Feels like gravity has them 2x- like they want to be *in the ground*. Thoughts: Subjects aren't hard to find. But it has been a slippery slope I must admit. Once a barrier is broken through, after your first- what's to stop you from repeating or trying other species? Not much. My "conscience" used to bother me, but now it just has no valid argument. I don't believe in god or karma, we're all just animals living and dying here, so where my dick goes has zero consequence for me or them if they're no longer mortal. I do feel bad for every one of the dead, and though it may sound ridiculous, I am respectful and reverent of them. I don't mutilate or slap them around. Some, especially the does, are still beautiful to me. Yes, some were freshly killed and I carefully butchered them for meat, but I don't see anything wrong with that either. I despise waste, which may be the root of all this. I'm taking something nobody wants to even see, and possibly putting it to use just once more before it reaches its final destination. I do my best to treat their remains with care and respect.
Anyone have the video of the guy fucking the dead rat?
Dylan McCartney
>>13719 Respect. I wish I could make a telegram and chat about those stories. Good advice though, and interesting perspective. >>13730 Also bro who did you dox??
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>>13719 I feel the adrenaline and of course the horny can get a bit too addicting, at least for me it became a problem when it was all i could think of every day, i believe like many other things it's possible to do safely with moderation, knowing your balance between regular life and this unique hobby of ours. Still thanks for sharing oart of your adventures, i enjoyed reading, and related to a lot of what you wrote haha.
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Alligator pics i found on zoox18 before they removed the albums feature
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>>13748 Had a sad encounter last trip. Spotted fawn dead, right on the white line. First one I've ever seen. It was small, I picked up what was left of it with one hand. It was in pretty bad shape and I didn't even make an attempt to see whether it was a doe or buck. I walked it to the woods edge and set it off to the side of a little path that had been the trail it last came down, to its fate. Fuck's sake. Was very sad. Nobody gave two shits of course. I'm guessing it laid there for a few days baking in the sun and being further flayed by erratic drivers before some whackjob cared enough to give the poor thing a quieter resting place. Oh, but I'm no angel either. Also cursing my poor timing. Hate me more if you want, don't care. Still, would much rather see it alive. Then, on the return trip, I saw someone had hit a big feral boar. He was in much better shape but I wonder about the car! I did drag him to the bushes and not into my vehicle. They're pretty rough creatures and I already have that box checked, so no more boars for me thanks. Maybe if it was a sow, still have yet to encounter a small enough one in good circumstances. I've seen a few and have felt up the goods, definitely seems worth doing but how the fuck am I going to lift a giantess into the vehicle? It's carnage out there; springtime. Drive watchfully, peeps. Or I might be picking up your mistakes.
>>13604 Are these part of the same series? Are there any more? I only have these two.
>>13768 I have no idea, probably not, seen other pics, the roo is alive and he ties him and rapes him, not sure if it'll belong in this thread or not.
Have a badger and a turtle necro vid from zx18 Uploaded on gofile since this site always says my uploads are too big, even if they barely reach 40mb https://gofile.io/d/0dvAvm
>>13788 damn that badger one was great
>>13770 Please share the roo video
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These one's are a classic, not sure if alive or not.
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Also this badger
>>13770 If you’re talking about the photos of the roo strapped down in the back of a car, I think that’s a different set that came out later. I only have two photos from that set. If there are more, or you're talking about a totally different set, I’d love to see.
>>13794 I think it’s alive. I seem to remember those videos being on Beastforum, and the guy saying it was taken at a petting zoo. But I could be misremembering.
I'm making a necro group, anyone wanna join?
>>13883 why can't you just post it here
>>13883 Telegram groups are not encrypted so far as I know. I'd rather not have clear data flowing to and from a device registered to me. Yeah, I know nobody cares. At least for right now. But the witch hunters will come eventually. Here at least I can hide behind a VPN and tor.
>>13894 i think they do have an encryped version with secret messages but those are person to person. i also wont use telegram because of it. best off to use session imo. too bad their file size maximums are small
>>13883 I'm down
>>13883 I'm interested. But it's recommended to use Session, then will can spread the link in the session group
>>13883 Interested.
>>13883 i'm down, but make sure to use session
>>13883 Yeah, use session!
Hello fellow perverts. I have set up a group focused on necro zoo. Hit me up on session to join. I will add you. you can get session here for free, it is available for every platform: https://getsession.org/ Inactive members will be removed once a month to make room for new members. Share content and find new friends. Discuss everything necro! Group rules: Animals in media have to be dead, not dying. IRL and Art media is allowed. Stay friendly. This is not just a porn exchange but also a place to talk with other dead meat fanciers. My ID: 05c394b621b8a078f5f319bca6cbe40234dfb4fc1458b90dd6d296390b0e6eae09 see y'all in the group Baldur98-NecroZoo
>>13950 Addendum: I am not always online as i use a dedicated phone for this. so be patient i will answer and add you.
Nice! Ill reach out to you on session to join the group Also here is my id cuz why not: 05e009b4dcc445bc5caac4684a32baddbdaf736cf8b83c4a097aef1734b08b8874
>>13950 I have sent a request :) Under "skysky"
So, finally got a place we can post, and everybody just bails onto session?
>>14081 im imagining people are wanting something a little more intense
>>13950 Sent, here's my ID if it matters :p 057b7d26e1d1c8668a4bc58e1e2deef2ff619325fb3faf527d04c29b748728821c
>>13438 Stop using bro People will recognize I did
>>14085 What?
(3.62 MB 320x568 77717.mp4)

A rather short video with a Canine of some sort, looks like a Coyote to me
(10.16 MB 632x474 deerfuck.webm)

An old ass deer fucking video from zx18
(9.93 MB 632x474 twodeerfuck.webm)

Another zx18 video, two different deer fucks mislabeled on zx18 as one doe.
>>14225 fyi that's her pussy
(23.84 MB 640x360 deerfinger.mp4)

Up-close doe fingering
(10.09 MB 640x480 raccoonanalshort.mp4)

Another raccoon video
(17.78 MB 632x474 raccoonanal.mp4)

Raccoon anal, wish this one had a closer perspective
As long as it's roadkill, I don't think it's an ethical problem. I'm just a bit uneasy about the deer, people hunt them too, I don't want zoosadist stuff leaking into here.
>>14267 wow i cant believe they finally let this topic stay up. the raccoon stuff is my favorite. you got any more of them? i remember a few more like one with a gape/creampie and another with just a nice gape.
(7.00 MB 854x480 raccoondildogape.mp4)

(31.07 MB 480x854 raccoontrunk.mp4)

>>14491 First video someone is loosening a raccoon with a dildo before fucking it Second is of someone going to town with another raccoon in the bed of a truck, its trimmed down to fit rules and file sizes set for this thread.
>>14493 damn yeah those are good, ill have to look at them more later when i can jerk it
anyone got more cat or fox stuff?
(10.33 MB 632x474 foxcreampie.mp4)

(11.47 MB 632x474 foxgapeandanal.mp4)

>>14496 First video is someone cuddling & giving this cold fox a creampie. Second is from the same series, missionary POV I don't like nor have any cat content.
(4.24 MB 640x360 foxdoggy.mp4)

(11.25 MB 848x464 foxleash.mp4)

>>14496 Two more fox vids Doggy POV 3rd person POV, dildo at end.
(21.79 MB 640x360 cooncreampie.mp4)

>>14494 Another raccoon video I pulled from zx18
(28.29 MB 640x360 otterone.mp4)

(11.39 MB 640x360 otter2.mp4)

And two otter videos
>>14502 >>14502 >>14503 thats great! thanks so much for uploading these. love small animals getting their asses blown out and this is the only ethical way to do it.
Anyone have the coondog image set? The one with a dog knotted to a racoon
(765.36 KB 2048x1536 DSC08001.JPG)

(807.16 KB 2048x1536 DSC07997.JPG)

(826.11 KB 2048x1536 DSC07995.JPG)

(829.02 KB 2048x1536 DSC07994.JPG)

(815.76 KB 2048x1536 DSC07993.JPG)

I found it.
(30.41 MB 640x360 badger.mp4)

Another badger video
>>14529 badgers got a big ass clit
(3.37 MB 632x474 harefuck.mp4)

(3.04 MB 632x474 harepullout.mp4)

Some videos with a Hare, looks like there's a ton missing so if anyone else has the rest, do post.
(5.41 MB 640x360 possum.mp4)

A possum being dildo'd
(4.83 MB 356x474 doeanal.mp4)

And finally for now, some doe anal
any pawjob stuff?
Got some fox pics Wonder if some of you have seen those before, with red background in particular (second one)
By the way, fellow perverts. When did you understand that you are into necro? Spontaneous courage to fuck fresh roadkill buck? Or maybe you are into exotic animals and its barely impossible to find good stuff with them being alive? I mean, sometimes you stumble upon stories that 10x hotter than any image or video you've already found.
>>14772 Yeah. That one guy on Lulz who was making dead fox pics and videos for a while. Retreated to a secure chat thing briefly but last I heard had pretty much written off anyone who showed interest in his stuff.
>>14774 years and years of desensitization because of using porn 3 times a day and dead animals are easier to fuck in zoo porn. its kind of a control thing to. you can do whatever you want with their body.
>>14774 i am absolutely into exotic stuff, but i couldn't found any good, so now i have to watch necro, also i don't mind it, looks hot still
>>14797 Damn that's good, anymore from that series?
>>13220 It already looks bad because you fuck animals, dumbass.
>>13270 Sadism is when they are alive.
anyone got some links to sites with necro stuff? people don't post much here, and i wanna see more, really love this thread. don't suggest sites like zoox18, because almost all necro requires premium. love yaall!
why is this thread so dead? someone please post more vids :(
>>14855 To my knowledge, Zoox is the only one on the clearnet that doesn't clean out necro. Other fetish sites that do have necro are just extremely common reposts of deer.
>>14862 oh, thats sad. btw do you know any onion sites that have this? would be very appreciated!!
>>14856 You have a future in comedy
>>14889 The necro group by baldur was very active
>>14899 Already posted >>13598 Here
does skeleton stuff exist or is that too far gone for most here?
anybody got that otter pawjob vid?
>>14909 does this count?
>>14920 lol i guess. not really what i meant though
>>14920 ...well, that's a new one for sure.
(8.64 MB 1440x1080 00009-converted.mp4)

Shit I forgot to spoiler
>>14930 you legend, thats the exact one! if you have the version with audio could you catbox it or something? the sounds are so hot
>>14920 that's just brilliant! thanks for the laugh
>>14797 I feel bad for her... If i were that guy i'd hug her all night and whisper how much i wish i could have saved her.
>>14931 >>14930 I gotcha, just try to remember next time.
>>13359 I doubt it I want to doubt it ;-; >>14500 I'm so happy to see someone cuddle their fox... I hope he treated her resting form with love and didn't just toss her into a lake, or god forbid mutilate her...
>>14958 Ah ah shit i mean Him HIM I MEANT HIM
(6.18 MB 266x474 marten gape.mp4)

>>14959 Are you worried about misgendering a fox? Marten Video, some nice gape at the end.
>>15021 Not a big fan of sounding but still kinda hot
Any more foxes getting fucked?
>>15015 Yes. :<
>>15028 Joyous day, necro fox lovers. Someone uploaded (almost) every video of fox footage in one big video. Not even a private video, maybe someone can rip it anyway. https://www.zoox18.com/video/149376/cold-foxes
>>15063 I have ripped it but there's nothing decent in that video
(3.52 MB 512x288 misc-30124.mp4)

(27.93 MB 640x360 112972_SD.mp4)

>>15071 crazy frog vanilla ice… just when you think youve seen it all
>>15063 They quickly took it down 🫠
>>15125 if not available plz download
really would love to see more, sadly people don't post too much:(
>>15125 whenever i see a dead maw like that it makes me want to both fuck it and romanticly and passionatly make out with it. oddly enough only the second one makes me feel unhinged.
>>15125 Wow, but also what a waste of a good dog head. I would have fucked from both end as deep as possible. Thank you for uploading!
Does anyone have the fox bj vid?
>>15167 Thanks!
>>15163 Thanks for sharing these. they are so hot!
>>15167 Remember to spoiler the videos, there’s a checkbox for it
>>15167 Man, i just feel sorry for the poor fox. He could have had such a good hooman boyfriend if they met alive... :<
>>15182 Aah okay, thank you for reminding!
>>15166 Reupload with Spoiler
>>13202 >>15125 Only audio, not visible even with downloading
(3.04 MB 632x474 84920.mp4)

(4.28 MB 640x426 131716.mp4)

(3.17 MB 430x474 97402.mp4)

(3.37 MB 632x474 85547.mp4)

(4.91 MB 486x474 97401.mp4)

Some hare videos
>>15227 like a little fleshlight... you love to see it
(2.90 MB 266x474 136840.mp4)

(3.11 MB 320x568 121303.mp4)

(5.50 MB 432x248 96616_SD.mp4)

(20.54 MB 848x432 145315_SD.mp4)

1st video is a dog in back of a trunk 2 & 3 dog in the bathroom 4th is a dog getting both holes used
(6.03 MB 640x360 123403.mp4)

Deer blowjob
(2.10 MB 274x474 129431.mp4)

(11.86 MB 640x360 140727.mp4)

(8.52 MB 320x576 94253.mp4)

(18.21 MB 640x360 61151.mp4)

(6.29 MB 268x474 138775.mp4)

Turkey, goose, and chickens Use them before you cook them
(10.56 MB 234x404 96953_SD.mp4)

(13.72 MB 362x640 80858_SD.mp4)

(1.40 MB 426x240 VID_20230722_001230_126.mp4)

>>15229 The first one is actually kangaroo, the whole video is longer but it's behind a paywall, a bit underwhelming I must say
>>15229 Damn, that last one♥️
>>15237 Where did you find the longer version of that video?
>>15237 a paywall for a necrozoo video? sounds like a great way to get arrested. you dont sell your own zoo stuff especially that. weird.
>>15247 Yeah, I had a few Telegram accounts saying they had vids for sale like that first video, there is good fraudulent content out there behind paywalls but the small or animation of it is all we're gonna get sadly :(
>>15246 There's a telegram channel for it, i honestly wouldn't even try to buy this kind of content, it usually gets leaked one way or another anyways. >>15247 It's another person who sells the videos, not the producer, but yes it's still risky for both seller and buyer, from what I've read he's a scammer and doesn't really pay all producers for the videos he sells so, he's kinda an asshole.
i'm looking for a group here is my id 0512233afe5f554d34fffa3b7b01d3dd9bab3e5b11df704dc2fe7aef0efc9bf85e
>>15277 Same here, tried the one from >>13950 but never got added to anything, would appreciate getting added to any groups. Id: 05fd5952d9ef795c4ab29d2e3ab97a41a04ff2b874f7981fdcdd1273df8b196b3d

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