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Anonymous 01/11/2024 (Thu) 17:54:14 No. 454885
Is it true? Is commiecat from /mlp/?
>>454885 this post isn't for you, it is for any anon that think what you say is true commiecat is from 8chan's /leftypol/
>>454886 Yeah. Based off a tranny. It's the BOs fursona. And it's a tranny. It's a transexual. It has a cock.
>>454886 I dunno, AI commiecat says otherwise. >>454887 I have yet to see proof of that.
>>454889 Now that's a lie. More like you've ignored all evidence including the BOs confession.
>>454892 Where is the BO's confession though?
>>454893 In your mega thread that you never use jackass. Over 800 posts again. In a seven month period. 99% of which are OP posts. No one cares that your retarded bro.
>>454903 I haven't seen a BO confession in that thread. Therefore, commiecat js not a troon.
(410.39 KB 1271x1538 Alunya sketch 1.jpg)

(433.01 KB 1272x1681 Alunya sketch 2.jpg)

(225.06 KB 983x1016 Alunya sketch bend.jpg)

(327.49 KB 1102x1374 Alunya sketch collar.jpg)

(145.26 KB 951x757 Alunya sketch tiddy.jpg)

MLP:FIM doesn't have catfolk; if he made a commie horse that looked like Uma Thurman from Pulp Fiction, then making her a catgirl is enough of a change to be an original character, do not steal. Also if she was a horse first, he wouldn't use 'nya' in the name, a very cat sound, it'd be aluneigh or aluhay or some shit instead. None of this adds up, other than commies being filthy thieves who can't produce enough to sustain themselves.
>>455017 Apparently the name is supposed to be related to a place or something.
>>454892 got any more nudes of her
(272.03 KB 999x1368 Alunya sketch spread.jpg)

(129.66 KB 756x907 Alunya sketch suck.jpg)

(149.09 KB 640x768 alunya bird.png)

(386.03 KB 1000x1000 alunya wine.png)

(207.41 KB 1280x705 alunya sudden fat.jpg)

>browsing kohlchan's /int/ >see an alunya i saved from there nearly three years ago posted in an alunya thread just after i posted it here a week ago i probably shouldnt feel directly responsible but considering how little you seem to have saved i cant help it
(152.78 KB 1084x1280 alunya booty.jpg)

(179.35 KB 1280x1023 alunya i guess expansion.jpg)

(277.04 KB 1214x1720 alunya pol pet n.jpg)

(605.19 KB 2340x3041 alunya kisses.jpg)

(851.67 KB 693x900 alunya kisses c.png)

(897.98 KB 2068x2864 alunya hardkoba.png)

(743.70 KB 2048x2048 alunya viv thicc 1.jpg)

(643.57 KB 2048x2048 alunya viv thicc 2.jpg)

(560.21 KB 2048x2047 alunya viv thicc 3.jpg)

(633.20 KB 2048x2048 alunya viv thicc 4.jpg)

(229.17 KB 1082x1107 alunya bush.png)

(61.79 KB 642x570 alunya Commie cat.jpg)

(992.54 KB 1033x1143 alunya goose.png)

(151.52 KB 1500x1059 alunya character sheet.jpg)

(666.09 KB 3541x6201 alunya wife.jpg)

(250.84 KB 850x923 alunya titty half.png)

(98.99 KB 680x697 alunya trash.jpg)

(170.60 KB 847x1200 alunya pol pet.jpg)

(409.53 KB 1012x1433 alunya fuck off.png)

and thats all i got on-hand, go hunt down the ourobooru for more
original, smol, & 2x versions.

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