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Desire for information Anonymous 05/12/2024 (Sun) 18:19:46 No. 459003
I have a serious question for all the atheists here, and I'd like you to be honest with yourself before you answer. Do you never wonder if you might be wrong about the existence of a literal Satan when you see the evil his worshipers commit in the name of goodness?
>>459003 fuck off schizo
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>>459003 I can't wait when people like you start to get persecuted for real
>>459003 Science proves to me God exists. Christians prove to me Satan exists.
>>459003 This is a fair question even though your tone implies a degree of bad faith. To answer your question, no, because I can accept that people can be evil. In fact, I'd argue it's important to recognize that people, that anybody, can be evil, because you need to think about if your own actions are actually correct. Separating the bad guys from yourself, as if you could never be like them under any circumstances, is a great way to start doing bad things without realizing it. This seems like the intent behind the idea that "the devil's greatest trick was convincing the people that he doesn't exist." But I don't think you need to think he literally exists to get the point. The point is that you need to realize evil is out there and all around us, and you can be tempted toward it too, so be careful.
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>>459478 >This is a fair question even though your tone implies a degree of bad faith. No, just depression. Like a LOT of depression. I see the direction we're going in and it brings me down. >Separating the bad guys from yourself, as if you could never be like them under any circumstances, is a great way to start doing bad things without realizing it. That is EXACTLY what the people in the OP pictures do. They call people nazis while using nazi tactics against people who just want to be left alone to live their lives. >The point is that you need to realize evil is out there and all around us, and you can be tempted toward it too, so be careful. I'm well aware, and no one is without sin, but I fight it as much as is humanly possible instead of wallowing in its filth the way Klaus and the other minions do.
If you go into psychological analysis you'd discover a whole ass world of "why", explaining it all without the Satan and all the other folklore bullshit
>>460169 >That is EXACTLY what the people in the OP pictures do. They call people nazis while using nazi tactics against people who just want to be left alone to live their lives. That was precisely my point. But none of this really relates to the OP anymore.

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