/gts/ - Giant Women

Giant girls (and boys and futas) of all sizes welcome!

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Chun-Li thread Anonymous 01/25/2019 (Fri) 14:15:10 No. 1987 [Reply] [Last]
Is there ANY good giantess Chun-Li stuff out there? If not, how come? Easily the best SF girl. Best ass, best feet, best legs, best armpits. Let's all become a part of her thighs.
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>>3402 Can't wait to see other pages. Doing God's work.
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Got an extremely lewd comm from Onioniogre.
>>3428 Amazing, good artist choice what a fucking dump truck ass

Mass vore! Tiny 04/21/2022 (Thu) 17:57:16 No. 3397 [Reply]
Let's see some ladies stuffing themselves silly with hundreds, thousands, or hundreds of thousands of poor, tiny people

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boob thread Anonymous 12/30/2018 (Sun) 19:26:58 No. 1833 [Reply]
boob thread because we have an ass thread sauce https://twitter.com/teradaochiko/status/1078122567355879425
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Little Snatcher - Kanahebi Thread Anonymous 12/16/2018 (Sun) 17:13:47 No. 1816 [Reply]
https://mega.nz/#!PwtHGYzT!wOw0iyHOnKMDFIj5c_FXK2kggxUkOi8kJYgh2HQMwvE Here's the latest translated version of Little Snatcher, enjoy, faggots.
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Hawkali Tiny 02/08/2022 (Tue) 05:47:06 No. 3366 [Reply]
Hi anons does any of you got the Hawkali stuff? Some of his pieces are completely lost and I can't find them anywhere.

BIG console-tans wrecking your city Tiny 11/17/2021 (Wed) 17:34:10 No. 3267 [Reply]
Let's have a nice thread dedicated to big console-tans; it's Xbox HUEG's birthday after all destruction optional Who are your favorite console tans that you wanna see BIG?
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Here's an edit I did for the last panel

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Shrink High thread: Mammoth Ass Edition Tiny 05/18/2021 (Tue) 17:36:56 No. 3085 [Reply]
Because I'm an autist who loves this game to death. Discuss what you want post about your playthroughs, post fanarts you found that you like, your memes, what you like/dislike about the game(s), what you wish was changed, what you wish there was more or less of, and just whatever else you want, ask questions or whatever else. For now, I'm just gonna use it as an uncensored dumping ground for my Shrink High pics; I have plenty of things to say but I plan on eventually making a review of the game myself so I won't talk too much about it in the initial posts unless someone else starts
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>>3319 >>3322 Ok, continuing on from what I said before PROS: >Koizumi I'm glad he's able to be a playable character now, though I haven't seen how he is or his dialogue or anything. Hopefully its as good as Kyon's but I have no idea. The modder admits he did his best but is probably not on Dsojourn's level, but I'm guessing its decent. I don't think I care for the leveling up passively option though; the skill books were a better way of handling it and more in line with the game's design. >New optional area w/ sock stomp from V-D Insta-killing girls are fine, I don't like that he moved one of the ones from the original locker room to this area though. Hiden items might be cool, and a sock stomp from V-D sounds ace, using an unused CG from Hakuto might be cool. This is likely a big plus, hopefully its done well. >New endgame area where you can replay all the stomp minigames in the game Nothing wrong with this as a mod, I suppose its more convenient than the bookmark system and save files. I prefer vanilla because of the merit of finding all of them yourself rather than being potentially given all of them in one fell swoop, but I'll still consider this a plus >new optional sideboss in society labs Tentatively saying this is cool, based on it using a different (edited) CG, though I don't like being locked out of the breast crush death scene, but its fine I guess. New content is new content, assuming its been done well. If its not, then this becomes either a negative or mixed point. >C-rank girl 1st shrunken encounter reworked This is overall interesting. At first I was worried the boss fight was removed, but no, its just purely adding on additional things and conditions to get to it, so its in the spirit of the game, just with more content overall. Hopefully its pretty ace, it sounds good. HOWEVER, I don't like that the battle has been nerfed. It was one of the hardest optional boss battles and should stay that way, it was good the way it was and the english version of SH was already lowered in difficulty compared to the JP version, this might be going too far imo. Still a positive overall for all the additional potential content. I like that he used the unused CG for the 2nd possible encounter under certain conditions, that's a clever way of using it.

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>>3326 Agree with you dude goods and bads but mostly good iirc i heard they restored the child handcrush scene i dunno if its true tho (heres a vid of it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rzmh7YikfWc) anyways have 2 erika eat n growing vids https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=McRK1aN2w5g https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5HxJ714tn4
>>3329 damn it i added the ) without a space https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rzmh7YikfWc

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Help Create /gts/'s Board-Tan/Mascot ##pd0aPi 10/24/2020 (Sat) 14:57:46 No. 2795 [Reply]
BO here (saying this in case I fuck up the capcode), as some of you might've noticed yesterday it was 8chan's 7th birthday and we still don't have a mascot we can include in group illustrations and shit like that, or just OC in general. I want your suggestions for a board-tan or mascot, its high-time we finally put one together. It'll be hell deciding on anything and we won't use shitty systems like voting (which can be fucked in too many ways) to determine it. Like for example, one possible idea I had, was in the spirit of freedom that we make our board-tan a loli. Of course there are plenty of arguments for other types of girls from imoutos to ara ara's to onee-sans to college girls and christmas cakes, but let's try to nail the basics. However that doesn't mean the basics are all that can be discussed, if you have cool ideas for accessories or outfits, especially with pictures, feel free to post them. Like garter belts, fingerless gloves, long/short boots and socks, one-piece swimsuits, bracelets, clothing made out of tinies (but this might be awkward-looking unless its not overdone like a bracelet or necklace or some kind of tiny jewelry) Basically let's put something together people. Alternatively we could also just take a cool, already existing /size/ character and put an 8chan spin on her like giving her some accessories (like an 8chan hair ribbon) or something like that like Mount Lady or Diane for example, but that would feel a little cheap in my opinion. Definitely don't be afraid to post characters you think might work as a good foundation though imo, lots of potential here.
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>>2817 I don't much care for the gay overtones, but I do like the idea of a cute lumberjane. The kind who rips sequoias and grandfather oaks out of the ground with her bare hands like some regular girls might pick flowers. Maybe even somehow weaves them into a flower crown to wear in her hair.
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Bump just to bring it back into the public consciousness again
Giantess' can technically be planets if they are huge enough such a concept could also be used.

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Post-Vore Weight Gain Thread Anonymous 04/17/2018 (Tue) 08:44:21 No. 1475 [Reply]
Im a sucker when it comes to chubby preds, post anything and everything you got related to preds gaining weight after digesting thier meal It can be female or male preds idc, i just need that pudge on pred action
>Same-size vore You're on the wrong board faggot. Come back when this thread is about giantess vore.

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Giantess Growth Sequences termigrass 03/10/2016 (Thu) 06:12:49 No. 647 [Reply]
Sure, this is a Giantess forum, but some posts are just POV or Shrunken Men… Anyone have any good actual growing girls? Maybe even sequences?
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Including both the gif and mp4 versions
>>647 >>3172 Doesn't look like they're each as good as the samples. Aw well. Maybe one day I'll find something good.

Curvy giantesses Tiny 12/04/2021 (Sat) 03:35:33 No. 3291 [Reply]
Post BIG women with BIG proportions, hyper included. Please no scat/gore/futa/etc
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some OC I've made a while back. First one is Zan from Hedon, the other two are my character.
>>3306 Neat

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Rakia thread Tiny 07/11/2020 (Sat) 06:16:43 No. 2615 [Reply]
Post rakia art
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>>3258 Rakia is top-tier Replaced ochiko when it comes to good giga pics tbh
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At this point rakia might just be a worthy successor to hakuto

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Size Matters Thread Tiny 04/06/2016 (Wed) 20:47:55 No. 654 [Reply]
Hope this is okay to post, I've never posted my own topic here before, but I'm kind of tired of this board being dead. Size matters is a new giantess game in development by uru. It's gonna be free when it comes out, but at the moment the most recent development versions are exclusive to patreon backers. He did release a free english demo, but there's not much going on once you get past these two images. Here's the free english demo: https://mega.nz/#!Cp8H0arZ!XbavxzQ7foZpjEVa2zaVivdVhD3d7Axr6YafEJnrR1Y Intro has like twenty minutes of buildup before GTS stuff happens, but everything after that is giantess content. Load save three if you want to skip most of the buildup. Not much to do but explore, and if you know what to do you can beat the demo in about 3 minutes at this point. From what I hear, the game gets significant updates about twice a month and they already have someone translating it to english. Shouldn't be too long till its finished, and he might release another free demo soon, as the most recent in-development version was translated to english a few days ago. Thoughts?
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>uru doing giga stuff Maybe this'll give me a reason to like giga

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vtuber thread: Sana is a BIG girl edition Tiny 08/24/2021 (Tue) 04:28:27 No. 3236 [Reply]
What better way to increase activity than jump on this bandwagon:^) Though most of them have cute designs and good personalities for big. Sana is a very interesting one; art is just exploding for her lately I think it might start popularizing size as a gimmick and then we'll have more content, but unfortunately more normalfags and shit too
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>>3238 i see >spoiler Excellent taste anon
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Also >deliciously brown >galactic size giantess One can only imagine the mmd content when the eventual model drops
>>3236 oh no

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Furry Containment Thread Tiny 08/16/2020 (Sun) 22:53:01 No. 2625 [Reply]
Discussion of all things furry and size related, be it gay or straight. Who are your favorite size related content producers? Who are your favorite micros/macros? Do you prefer licensed characters or OC donut-steels?
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What does /gts/ think about giant rubber ducks? Am I able to post it here? not sure I should post here or make my own thread, I have a whole bunch and I don't want to dilute the whole thread with nothing rubber ducks
>>3111 Sorry, I'd suggest another board for it anon.
>>3111 Yes, please! This is too adorable to pass up. We need an entire thread of nothing but giant rubber ducks!

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Where's the beef?!
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Where are the vore day posts smh my head

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