/gts/ - Giant Women

Giant girls (and boys and futas) of all sizes welcome!

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Butts thread Tiny 07/06/2015 (Mon) 15:46:44 No. 397 [Reply] [Last]
Post giantess butts (no male or futa butts allowed) Scat has to be spoilered
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>>3197 I love giant asses and upskirts
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>>3198 Upskirts are my favorite

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Edits Thread Tiny 01/01/2021 (Fri) 19:59:53 No. 2857 [Reply]
I didn't see any in the catalog, so I decided to make one. Basically, post images or request images that have been edited to look like macrophilia/microphilia/giantess/etc. content. Pic related, use it if you want to help get things going. 3DPD allowed.
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>>2857 I plan on making size edits of these pics. The first will have a couple since it's so simple, with one where the villager looking up at Isabelle in surprise and another where he's stuck deep in her pussy, reaching out for help. The second image I'm just going to shoop a little person trapped in her panties. I'll get around to it when I find a minute.
>>3105 Sounds like fun anon
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here's an edit of a previously non-size image

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Giantess "Colossal CYOA" Brit 05/19/2017 (Fri) 20:36:40 No. 822 [Reply]
A thread where I will be regularly posting a story I'm writing using the Colossal CYOA. I'm going to write what I want, but if people get interested and want to help choose our hero's path, that would be great! Any comments, or suggestions on improving would be greatly appreciated. Without further ado: I’ll be honest, when I figured out what had happened a year ago, I was a little bit excited. When the rift tore open above the Alps, permanently disfiguring them for all of history and tearing the ruined mountains from their foundations; we were all scared. Terrified in fact. Was it the end of the world? Alien invaders? Rapture? Days rolled on and all was quiet. Soon armies and scientist descended upon the rift and began studying it. Turns out it was Aliens. Well, when I say aliens I mean creatures from another dimension. So, this rift was a portal to a parallel world much like earth, but where magic is commonplace. The natives of this world are gigantic humans called Colossals. In addition to their sheer size and strength, most of them seem to have supernatural powers or were in possession of magical artefacts. Of course, as soon as we made contact and found out the nature of these beings, the world leaders immediately thought the worst. Realising the new threat, they dropped all previous notions and prejudices as Earth needed to work together. Any one nation that tried to sway anything in their specific favour were soon brought into line by those who could see the clear and present danger. We as a species came together to fight for our very survival. Surprisingly it was a very short lived “All for one!” as we were informed that not only were the Colossals peaceful, but were actively willing to trade with us in exchange for their ability to come to planet Earth. The nations divided again, each offering the Colossals land to settle on and citizenship in exchange for Trading Rights with the Colossals home world Metra. Those with the greatest number of guests received greater economic benefits. There were some teething problems as the larger, more dangerous Colossals took to this new world with reckless abandon.

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

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>>1075 Less RIP, more than due to delay in response I ended up rewriting/ tweaking it. If you got a better way of sharing up to date versions let me know rather than me just reposting whatever I’ve done. And whilst yes, I fully agree with the above choices, you can't merely pick your girl without taking responsibilities. What items would you choose for your adventure/life with your wards?
Im going with Tyanor, he seems like hed be my bro, as his moderator, id give him everything he needs and do everything he can't, in exchange, he'd be my friend and give me one entertaining show. Together, we'd create an unstoppable alliance of giants and humans spanning across the two realms, where the giants are worshipped and served like gods, and which has a social darwinist ideology which values merit and power above all else. Anyone who stands in our way, human, giant, or otherwise, shall be removed by any means necassary (prisoners have more utility than corpses, so casualties will be minimized, and more glory shall be given to those that take the enemy alive and well than those who simply slay them).
>>833 Nershi nershi nershi

Minigirls Tiny 10/28/2015 (Wed) 20:37:11 No. 568 [Reply]
Because "tiny" is an unusual size.
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>>568 This is heresy.
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Spryte is unironically the best fairy in all of existence and nothing can change my mind. Link is a fucking idiot for ignoring her advances, I'd marry the fairy in a heartbeat.

Requests thread #1 Anonymous 09/13/2017 (Wed) 06:37:08 No. 1268 [Reply] [Last]
Here's a requests thread for any anons who are looking any specific giantess/size-themed work or creation, be it video, doujin, video game or whatever. There's a lot of threads created here only requesting a single work. If you'd like to make a request thread for a group of works or a type of work (like a certain type of video or whatever like buttcrush videos as an example) feel free to make that thread. I'll transfer over the requests that have been made in these other threads and delete them.
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>>3050 Hmm?
Anyone have any sizebox touhou models? I used to have a few but my hard drive died and I lost a bunch of shit
Does anyone have Guys Night Turned Wrong by Princess Kristi?

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Anonymous 08/18/2018 (Sat) 16:11:21 No. 1671 [Reply]
cute girls thread
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Tiny 01/28/2015 (Wed) 00:38:27 No. 49 [Reply]
I guess I'll dump whatever I have
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>>66 mmf

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Cute things involving giant girls Anonymous 04/26/2018 (Thu) 07:29:16 No. 1480 [Reply]
Post whatcha got. I found this doujin and it was too cute not to post somewhere.
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>>1509 Is that second pic a full comic or is it just a pic? I was able to find another comic by the same artist and a larger version of that image, but I can't find that exact image anywhere.
>>1509 >>1828 I found the name of this comic, it's by a group called Meloncholic comprised of two artists, Tayuta and Yuu, and this issue is called Chibikemo Secret. Someone was selling an issue of this comic on Ebay a couple months ago. Still can't find a digital copy of it.
Where the hell is >>>/pure/

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Unbirth Thread Anonymous 02/18/2018 (Sun) 09:43:48 No. 1443 [Reply]
I didn't see a proper one, so here it is. Post any and all unbirthing pics and videos you can find.
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I prefer my unbirth with transformation and rebirth.
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Tiny 08/10/2015 (Mon) 03:31:26 No. 492 [Reply]
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Is there a better site than giantessa(.)ru?
crush fetish link directory with onion sites
>>2993 what is the link or site name?

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Banners thread Tiny 08/09/2020 (Sun) 19:18:30 No. 2734 [Reply]
EDIT: BANNER SIZE LIMIT INCREASED TO 1 MB LADS, WE CAN POST WHATEVER WE WANT ESSENTIALLY Since apparently the only limit that I'm aware of is filesize (no BS resolution limits like 300 x 100) being less than 400 KB, which is a bit small but w/e We can have a lot of ideas. I've already added 2, but feel free to add or suggest whatever you want. Unfortunately my old 8chan banners disappeared with 8kunt's updates which is a shame since i really liked them a lot, but feel free to make or suggest some with pics or gifs or whatever you can think of! Funny, lewd, cute, anything is fine here as long as its preferably /size/-related.
Edited last time by Director_Miku on 01/17/2021 (Sun) 00:29:52.
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Why are the banners so damn small now? I'm all for being micro, but I like my girls BIG.
>>3019 Site changes, I have to change the CSS need to find a cute giant girl who can code
Alright, banners should be fixed now. Also feel free to suggest more.

broku5000 thread Tiny 02/28/2017 (Tue) 01:23:10 No. 714 [Reply]
A thread about giantess art by broku5000
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Tiny 01/21/2015 (Wed) 20:02:17 No. 43 [Reply] [Last]
Some gifs.
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>>2928 That's a very good gif and potential banner anon I'll see if I can either compress it or maybe ask if the banner filesize limits can be increased
>>2928 Good news anon, the filesize limit was apparently already raised to 1 MB, meaning I can use that as a banner.
>>2931 Oh, thats pretty nice

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giant/male thread Tiny 08/15/2020 (Sat) 04:35:32 No. 2744 [Reply]
post big boys and shrunken toys.
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MaskedCocoa is surprisingly very good at big boys and lewds
>>2920 It is pretty cute.

non-fetish GTS content thread (no vore, crush, etc. just sex) Tiny 01/14/2021 (Thu) 20:04:21 No. 2918 [Reply]
I'd like to see a romance between a 15 ft mini-giantess and a bunch of 15 cm minigirls in a fantasy world high school setting. also, this is a general thread for any GTS content that doesnt have crush or vore or other such fetish material, just sex involving females of unusual sizes.
>>2918 sex = sexual content

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Cannon Giantess Thread ? Anonymous 06/24/2017 (Sat) 17:58:12 No. 903 [Reply] [Last]
Can we have a thread for Girls that have been officially giant in their media or have had momemts of being the huge one around tiny characters? Eastern or western doesent matter as long as they've been the Larger female in Their source materiel. Fan art, screen shots, webms , gifs, comic pages are welcome. Lets have some fun seeing how many we can post
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>>1653 The doujin is called golden yellow Heres a link. That seems to be only 2 pages with microphilia shenanigans https://e-hentai.org/g/1263611/228a6abf4d/
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Granblue fantasy has this
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>>2854 Cute, but needs a bigger size difference imo

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