/gts/ - Giant Women

Giant girls (and boys and futas) of all sizes welcome!

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Giants and the City Anonymous 09/13/2018 (Thu) 02:56:44 No. 1708 [Reply]
Does anybody have Season 6 Episode 4 of this comic? Found this website https://www.macrophiliafan.com/thread-10629-1-1.html that has it, but I don't speak Chinese.
You don‘t need to speak Chinese,English is fine.most of people can understand what is meaning when you speak English.
>>1708 I gave it a look, the website is dead, can't buy it lol.

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Anonymous 09/17/2018 (Mon) 09:39:25 No. 1712 [Reply]
Foot thread? Foot thread. Anything is good (socks,boots,insole,crush etc.)

/8cup/ thread Anonymous 06/15/2018 (Fri) 06:08:55 No. 1541 [Reply]
Just a heads up, /gts/ has a slot in the upcoming 8cup. The current roster includes >Chijinda >Mount Lady >Brandish >Sabrina >Hibari >Ultimate Girl >Klan Klein >Diane >Giganta >Ginormica >Katelyn If anyone has a favorite giantess/tiny, then we can refine the roster further. The emblem is a work in progress and any feedback for a uniform/goal horn is welcome.
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>>1664 Diane is the best GTS girl
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>>1664 Mount Lady is a fine choice, but I prefer Jugga.
>>1667 Diane is the perfect rpg Fantasy setting giantess gf. >Canon likes human sized guys , finds them hot/cute. No qualms with size difference. >warrior class >tanky >super strength >high hp pool >high defense >can boost her stats to unknown limits , can boost your power too. (Might help survive snu snu later) >strong will >can erect barriers and caves to keep you safe and private with her. >has jealousy and will keep you close , naturally possessive of you.

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video source needed Anonymous 08/23/2018 (Thu) 11:33:35 No. 1686 [Reply]
so uh i found this video saved on my hard drive and i was looking for a source but was unable to find it. iirc it's from a japanese mmder's twitter page but i had no luck finding it, help would he appreciated.

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cream 07/29/2018 (Sun) 00:06:34 No. 1646 [Reply]
post ur best captions/stories/comics
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this was from a series Diamondeye had on giantesscity, would love it if anyone else saved anything

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Manzi dump thread Manzi's 05/07/2015 (Thu) 19:40:45 No. 142 [Reply] [Last]
Read the title and dump whatever good Manzi stuff you got Main reason I'm doing this is cuz some of his shit is getting deleted on some other sites (also only 1 image limit per post? Q_Q)
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>>1661 Why though? t. op and guy who dumped everything
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Not Manzi_ss' Hakuto's is also welcome here.

Tiny 05/05/2015 (Tue) 21:12:39 No. 118 [Reply]
Dumping some of my favorite artist.
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>>137 He's shown the most improvement by far in all the size artists I know of over the years and he actually seems like a really cool guy as well. A few times he's showed up at the /d/ threads and took criticism on how to improve his drawings before publically posting them on his Deviantart page.
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>>140 Well that's certainly something A lot of GTS artists I know are super-hostile towards any criticism (constructive or otherwise) and super-defensive/touchy about everything I didn't know much about Pogojo besides his amazing art, nice to see he's a decent guy as well as an amazing artist

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Anonymous 08/06/2018 (Mon) 02:19:55 No. 1659 [Reply]
Spacechan's Giantess board says Hi! https://spacechan.xyz/giantess

RandomUser44 01/08/2018 (Mon) 02:17:17 No. 1399 [Reply]
Hey guys, this is one of my friends who lives close to me. I’ve recently convinced her to start doing Giantess videos. Does anyone have any custom video ideas we could shoot??
Anything involving insertion, or a giant lap-dance with an upward facing POV might be okay Make sure she wears clothes; no offense to her but she looks better in something like the 4th pic, 1st pic is … no thanks.
If it wasn't for the tats, I'd be over the top in love.
You are a fairytale giantess walking along inside your home when suddenly you see a little woman on your counter. You learn that she's running from some of her other villagers. You ask her why, she answers then says that she's looking for a place to hide. You tell her that you have a good place for her to hide and show her that it's in your mouth. She jumps in, you close your mouth and slowly smile very sadistically, then swallow her. You are gently rubbing your belly as the other villagers come up. They ask you if you've seen the girl, and you tell them you haven't. They thank you and begin to leave. You say "Wait! Wouldn't you like to stay for dinner?" as you smile again. They agree, then you gently scoop them all up, then shove them all in your mouth and swallow them down. Next you are sitting back and gently rubbing your full belly, and tell them to be quiet in there, they really stuffed you and you're going to go sleep them off now. The digestion is important, and the "people" are represented by gummy bear

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AdmiralAbnormal 12/17/2014 (Wed) 23:12:50 No. 3 [Reply]
Welcome to what will likely be one of the slowest boards on the site.

If you have any questions about what can be posted here, go ahead and ask in this thread.
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Don't know if this is the best place to ask, but I'm desperate. There was a site I found a long time ago (few months) that had a list of most all instances of giant babies/toddlers in cartoons. The most info I can recall about it is it was like a blog site, with a bunch of links near the bottom of the page, with symbols or text color-coded from green (SFW) to red (NSFW) and yellows and oranges in between. If anyone knows what I'm talking about, please let me know. Thanks in advance.
>>1310 That sounds like Macrosonic's site to me, specifically the "where are these GTS" part of it, for the anime and cartoon section. https://www.acgts.gdn/where/index.html Hope that's it and it helps, sorry it came so late.
>>1514 That's the one, thank you so much! Sorry for the late reply myself! If you don't mind me tickling your knowledge one more time, have you heard of a site dedicated to giant kids, run by someone named Sarah Emef? If so, and if it's still valid, do you know how to access it?

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Sorenzer0-Snuff Anonymous 03/08/2018 (Thu) 23:56:56 No. 1453 [Reply]

Giantess Trinity Anonymous 06/05/2018 (Tue) 16:57:33 No. 1523 [Reply]
So recently Giantess Trinity on deviantart had deleted her account, but before she did she said she'd be remaking it. I was wondering if anyone here knew about the new one, or had a link to the new one

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uru new """"""improved"""""" art Anonymous 07/03/2018 (Tue) 15:06:58 No. 1609 [Reply]
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>>1609 Forgot to upload this one like.
>improved kek

Anonymous 06/29/2018 (Fri) 19:02:52 No. 1558 [Reply]
Crush thread anyone?
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Giantess Fantasy/Fetish Anonymous 05/06/2018 (Sun) 21:40:00 No. 1495 [Reply]
When I was a teen, I had a fantasy/fetish about a really tall somewhat plump lady with big round ass and huge tits tossing me around. I dreamed she would talk dirty to me while holding me down and undressing me. Then she'd blow me until I got rock hard. She'd ride me while slapping me and smothering me with her giant tits. Then she would flip around and bury my entire face inside her pussy and suck my dick until she cum so forcefully that is pushed my head out of her. Then she'd make me ride her doggie style until she got bored. Then she would toss me around and finish us both off while using me like a sex doll toy.

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Valkyrie Drive Mermaid Tiny 11/09/2015 (Mon) 22:11:06 No. 580 [Reply]
Courtesy of some kind anon from /d/
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