/gts/ - Giant Women

Giant girls (and boys and futas) of all sizes welcome!

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Greentext stories/general writing thread Tiny 08/07/2015 (Fri) 16:50:59 No. 476 [Reply] [Last]
I'm mostly gonna use this thread to save any greentext stories that people write in /d/ threads, but if anyone wants to post their own stories or link to anything they like then that's great too.
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>get a new job in an office >air conditioning and less activity is nice, but you don't want to start getting fat >hit up /fit/ for advice >get recommended food, supplements, and exercise routines >"Remember, anon, no drinking." >whatever.jpg >start appreciating your gains >roommate decides to have a party on her weekend off, invites a bunch of people over >mingle a little >have a couple of shots >one of roommate's friends, some tall blonde, hangs out on the couch with you and starts flirting >she seems familiar, but you know none of roommate's female friends are over six feet >a few more shots later, you both stumble into the bedroom >she keeps calling you short, and laughs when you scoff and say you're average height >get down to business and rail her like the champ you've come to feel like since you started working out >end up going three rounds before running out of steam and going to sleep >tittypillow.jpg

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>Janet considered herself a pretty average person >She liked sweets and going to the gym >Reading books in the tub, with a candle to give the bath a bit of atmosphere >Keeping pets… >Her pets, though, were usually more like servants >She worked as a cashier at a convenience store and lived in an apartment somewhere in an unfortunate part of town >At least, that's all you could tell >You met her outside of the store she worked in and apparently caught her eye >You weren't really paying attention at the time, but you figure she must have given you that wide grin that really showed off the gap between her front teeth, probably saying something like "Welcome to X-Mart!" >What was more important to you, at the time, was getting to the bathroom after a terrible Taco Bell decision earlier in the day >While you were finishing up your paperwork, a bluish smoke started coming from the air conditioner vent in the ceiling >The rest is hazy >Now your life revolves around Janet's, and that's entirely because she's easily five times taller than you, or anyone else who lives with her >Whatever that smoke was, it didn't always reduce people to a similar size >Of the five of you who lived under her thumb, you were the biggest at about thirteen inches, with the next-largest standing at ten inches, then nine, and finally seven >The only woman among you was called Pet, and she stood at three inches tall >She had been living with Janet the longest, but rarely spoke

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Jill Stingray VA-11 HALL-A Anonymous 05/28/2019 (Tue) 10:47:27 No. 2211 [Reply]
Theres this one picture I cant seem to find. It's a picture of Jill Stingray from that one game about cyberpunk bartending action. It's a black and gray pic, like foooly's work, of Jill taking off/putting on her stockings saying "I now dub the my lucky stockings" maybe also another bit about how the two people she put in them couldn't even last a shift. I've been looking for the damn thing but I cant find it. Also just, general va11hall-a gts thread (Pic not relevant. It's all I had on hand)
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relevant pic

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hair forest's hair forest 05/23/2019 (Thu) 02:35:53 No. 2170 [Reply]
inspired by a thread from macrochan which is ded now http://web.archive.org/web/20170716030059/http://macrochan.us/gts/res/424.html

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SizeCon Anonymous 03/07/2019 (Thu) 05:39:49 No. 2048 [Reply]
So apparently there's a size related convention happening around July in New York City where filthy degenerates like us congregate and share their love for all things macro/micro. Has anyone gone before and, if so, do you have any stories about your experience? Is anyone interested in going this year? http://www.sizecon.com/
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>>2048 Sounds like it'd be nothing but cringe and autism "Don't you all just love giantess Katelyn's feet?" Wtf else would people even talk about
i would talk about size hentai games
>>2049 >>2055 >>2072 At least you guys have the wherewithal to know that this kind of thing should stay in the bedroom. The event schedule for the last con had shit like "Diversity in the Size Community" and "Trans Size Social" so it's already pozed from the get go and not worth giving a second thought to. The size related VR games and D&D sounded kind of fun, but dealing with all of the other shit wouldn't be worth it.

JJ Psychotic Anonymous 08/18/2018 (Sat) 05:11:11 No. 1669 [Reply]
anyone got any never before seen jj psychotic pics? pic related
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>>1901 the sequel is already out? yay!
anyone got hell the game show 2? will trade

Nostrils thread 11/02/2018 (Fri) 14:50:38 No. 1782 [Reply]
It is a place to paste images.
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giantess vore Anonymous 01/31/2019 (Thu) 11:58:28 No. 2021 [Reply]
giantess vore captions
are trash

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/aco/ general #1- Welcome edition! Anonymous 08/14/2017 (Mon) 07:37:46 No. 1105 [Reply]
Let's get this rolling. BO is still working on the rules page.You can post whatever you want in the meantime, but please spoiler scat and any uru-tier guro if you can. Lolis are indeed allowed and do not have to be spoilered
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>>1105 >That Chief drawing I remember that oekaki board. I drew this on it. I wanted to have fun with the idea of "drink sponsored" giantesses so I made them wear pepsi/coke symbols. If anyone remembers that board does anyone have the drawing Chief made of his own sodagirls? I remember he had a giantess Dr. Pepper fighting a Ms. Pibb. But I can't find that drawing. I drew this with a mouse 13 years ago please don't bully me

DATAMININAN Tiny 07/20/2015 (Mon) 19:05:58 No. 447 [Reply] [Last]
Post your /gts/ waifu or a girl that you wish had more size content.
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>>447 I wish Miltank had more size content. I've been jerking off to the same 2 pics for longer than I'd like to admit.
The lack of Chun-related size content is an atrocity that must end. Everything about this woman gives off giantess pheromones. I want her to steamroll cities with her ass, crush skyscrapers with her thighs and stuff tinies into her shoes.

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The 8chan Cup 4 Anonymous 12/22/2018 (Sat) 04:10:41 No. 1823 [Reply]
GREETINGS /gts/ The 4th edition of the 8chan Cup is fast approaching. First kickoff is set for January 4th, 2019 at 08:00PM UTC and your board is a part of it. The Cup will be a 32 team tournament, first with a group stage followed by the 16 team Knockout Round, all to determine a champion board of the site. The 3rd editon of the Cup saw the debut of 15 different boards, all of which are returning to shoot for glory once again, amongst revived boards and a few new ones as well. The Cup is being defended by >>>/christian/, who grinded out a 1-0 victory in the Finals over newcomers >>>/ita/. Eternal powerhouse >>>/bane/ managed to claim 3rd place over >>>/strek/ by stopping the Trekkies potent offense and pouring on four goals of their own. For a full breakdown of the 2018 Summer Cup, please take a look at the wiki http://infinitycup.shoutwiki.com/wiki/The_8chan_Cup In 2019, your board has been drawn into Group F, with /liberty/, /v/, and /co/. Please use this thread for pre-tournament hype and also any MINOR tweaks that may need to be made. For the full wiki: http://infinitycup.shoutwiki.com/ For the stream: https://cytu.be/r/8cup
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8chan Cup Knockout Round THE FINAL DAY OF COMPETITION A1 >>>/christian/ vs >>>/tv/ B2 C1 >>>/genesis/ vs >>>/todd/ D2 E1 >>>/test/ vs >>>/liberty/ F2 G1 >>>/unna/ vs >>>/cow H2 B1 >>>/a/ vs >>>/bmn/ A2 D1 >>>/monster/ vs >>>/hgg/ C2 F1 >>>/co/ vs >>>/b/ E2 H1 >>>/strek/ vs >>>/ausneets/ G2 For the full bracket: http://infinitycup.shoutwiki.com/wiki/The_8chan_Cup_4#Bracket After the First Round we'll play the Quarterfinals, Semifinals, Third Place Game, and Finals. It all begins at 8:00 PM UTC, on https://cytu.be/r/8cup

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Panty and Stocking GTS Anonymous 09/12/2018 (Wed) 03:40:40 No. 1707 [Reply]
There's a sad lack of it, at least from what I've seen. Post what y'all've got.
>>1707 I remember seeing like 2 other pictures. I think one is on sizebooru
i am pretty sure jackurai has a panty and stocking animation

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Anal Insertion Thread Anonymous 11/27/2018 (Tue) 02:50:56 No. 1804 [Reply]
Post your best stuff involving anuses lads.
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Reminder that donut anuses are best
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>>1914 They sure are.

MartyZ Pics Anonymous 12/22/2018 (Sat) 20:56:34 No. 1825 [Reply]
If any of y'all could post whatever new pics MartyZ has, preferably pics on the patreon, y'all would be mighty kind and loved and adored by any who follow the thread
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He's a pretty great artist that deserves more credit and attention imo
>>1859 Agreed.

Digital Render General? Anonymous 08/17/2017 (Thu) 07:26:28 No. 1205 [Reply]
You don't see many digital renders being discussed or posted on the chans. Figured we might as well start here. Post whatever you got. For some reason a lot of them have shit taste in girls and hairstyles.
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Collages with a theme Anonymous 10/04/2018 (Thu) 14:58:46 No. 1732 [Reply]
Today's theme is: Someone makes a button that makes you taller, we see what jealous thots would do
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I other words, the girl is only starting th realise the power trip she could go on

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