/gts/ - Giant Women

Giant girls (and boys and futas) of all sizes welcome!

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WebM/MP4 thread Tiny 07/28/2020 (Tue) 05:22:22 No. 2626 [Reply] [Last]
Embeds are also welcome post whatever cool porn shit you got I'll probably mainly stick to MMD shit since i deleted a ton of my 3DPD vids but everything is welcome Sadly the size limit prevents me from posting the full versions of a lot of these so the twitter ones will have to do
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>>3373 im a bit dumb, but i cannot find the artists which made these, can you provide the sauce plz as google aint showing.

Artist shilling/Update Thread Anonymous 11/20/2017 (Mon) 20:40:51 No. 1316 [Reply]
Post artists you wanna promote who you feel deserve it >Japanese artist Ochiko Terada is now presenting his works on Deviantart. https://teradaochiko.deviantart.com/art/Gigantic-elf-maid-705041823 Also feel free to shill your favorite underrated and obscure artists here, it would be great to find new ones.
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>>1317 >This person is indeed fantastic >I hear she's making (or at least an artist for) a Shrink High remake and I can't wait for it.
in case it wasn't clear by now… reposting >Hi /gts/,i wanted to let you know that the famed giantess artist known as Ochiko/Ochikonium has started a Patreon. >Her works are amazing and by supporting her on patreon you gain access to a ton of exclusive artwork,let's give her all of our support. >This is her Patreon page. https://www.patreon.com/OchikoTerada >Here you can see many of Ochiko's works here. http://gs-uploader.jpn.org/upld-index.php?uname=ochiko >Or on her Pixiv page. https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=277281
>>1316 bump

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MMD Thread Anonymous 09/26/2018 (Wed) 20:42:45 No. 1724 [Reply]
you all know you needed one
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>>3235 Made me laff/10
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Size general thread Tiny 07/09/2020 (Thu) 20:45:18 No. 2521 [Reply] [Last]
To increase activity and because general threads help. Post whatever you want, its all basically allowed, but please spoil things that you think would be polite to spoil (i.e. scat)
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>>3620 Fuck I can't view logged out
>>3624 Heyo, still thinking about this, any sort of archive I can access logged out?
I generated this with Stable Diffusion and didn't know where else to post it. At the moment you can make some decent macro stuff but it seems to have trouble generating micros, most of the time it just merges the two characters I try generating together. If anyone has any experience making giantess and tiny pics using AI I'd appreciate some tips, otherwise I'll just post stuff I learn.

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Giantess Video Thread Tiny 04/28/2015 (Tue) 23:47:03 No. 104 [Reply] [Last]
I was going to keep posting links in the Giantess Katelyn thread, but I thought it was more appropriate to give all gts videos a thread. Post links to sites where you can watch/download giantess videos, preferably for free. I'll be sure to keep this thread updated when I find more sites, just be sure to share and share alike. Livefetish used to be my go-to for gts vids, but it's down. Probably for good. http://ua-teens.com/forum/showthread.php?116766-Giantess-girl-fetish&s=070ed7d2efc3ef0bac6b1df5b2da71af http://eroticity.net/threads/246539-Giantess-girl-fetish http://www.intporn.org/threads/giantess-girl-fetish.1150/
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there's giantess japanese video from fetish-master website, they advertise everywhere on the porn web , someone have any vid ??
Anyone got a backup of Naughtynikki777's giantess videos? She recently deleted all her porn video channels.

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Giantess Game Thread Anonymous 12/02/2017 (Sat) 11:15:07 No. 1376 [Reply]
A thread dedicated to the discussion and sharing of Size/Giantess related games. Most of which are RPGs and visual novels, but I'm not complaining. I just downloaded Attack on Giantess, so hopefully there's a couple good insertion scenes. Kind of sucks that you need to nigger rig a translation program for most of these games if you can't translate moon runes. Anywho, feel free to request games/language translations. Just be sure to share and share alike.
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>>3544 From what I can tell from the file, it contains what has been done so far for the game, so I imagine Chapter 2 is included.
Anyone know where to find Anasteema Tea Party? I know it's not translated, but I'd be happy to just try to power through it
when's gigamaidens

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Giant/male thread- New beginnings edition Anonymous 09/27/2017 (Wed) 22:41:53 No. 1296 [Reply] [Last]
Just wanted to welcome people here with a thread. Giant males are indeed allowed to be posted here, so feel free to fill this thread to your heart's content with your giant husbandos or tiny cock worshippers or what have you. Just to let you know, multiple image posting as well as webMs and mp4s with sound are able to be posted here. FIlesize limit is 12 MB https://exhentai.org/g/1081567/0b07810693/ Some images I threw into a gallery What are your favorite types of scenarios and interactions anons? Mine is usually underwear entrapment in school settings. Cock worship, foreskin entrapment, anal vore and oral vore and really everything is my jam.
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Why are canon giantesses so shitty? Tiny 11/20/2022 (Sun) 04:51:13 No. 3504 [Reply]
Mount Lady is the worst giantess of all time. Among kink-positive dudes I talk to who know I'm into giantess shit, they keep bringing up Mount Lady in conversation and are surprised to find out I hate her. >Benchwarming hero character in her own series >Is CONSTANTLY getting defeated by literally everyone and everything >Can only grow to a maximum height of 67 feet >No cool abilities outside of just being slightly huge >Never dominates >Never destroys >Is way too concerned about squashing people or not causing any destruction to buildings >Would be way more fun, sexy and free if she were a villain She is exceptionally weak in the series and is basically just a giant bimbo punching bag. No power, no dominance, no invulnerability, no unstoppable grace and beauty. Just a weakling benchwarmer. She's the fucking Yamcha of giantesses. Why are canon giantesses in fiction always giant punching bags? Ideally they'd be the most powerful card for the heroes (or villains) to play, assuming they even cooperate with them. A real giantess should be a walking natural disaster, and the only time she doesn't cause casualties is through her deliberate mercy. People should be sacrificing themselves into her mouth by the truckloads in exchange for letting their cities remain standing. What the fuck is this failure of giantessery?
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There are briefer scenes with giantesses that are far more of what you're looking for like Cala Maria from the Cuphead show and Ginormica from Monsters vs. Aliens get a whole movie in which she's the protagonist.
>>3528 Ultimately my guy, the primary reason is because canon giantesses are not written to tickle people's dicks. That's numero uno amigo The second gripe however is more valid, that giant/esses are often subject to the Worf Effect- we implicitly recognize a giant as a powerful force, so when something normal size beats it up, it's a cheap way of saying "oh man, look at that guy, he's really strong, he beat the shit outta that giant/ess!" There's probably stuff that's more up your alley- I remember one French comic about a giantess (ugly though, so maybe not so up your alley) royal that people bowed and scraped around for fear of being eaten on the spot. Oh, there is Radiant, a French anime- I haven't actually seen it, but there is a giantess in it that's the queen of a country and considered one of the most powerful beings in the setting. Aside from that, there probably are other works out there that make giants legitimate physical threats, but don't expect to find that in mainstream content because if giants exist, then the setting is naturally going to revolve around them, due to their innate size and power, and if the story doesn't want to focus on that, then they need to be tamped down somehow, and oftentimes the way that's done is by making Worfs out of them.
>>3573 >Ultimately my guy, the primary reason is because canon giantesses are not written to tickle people's dicks. That's numero uno amigo Could've fooled me.

OYG paid content/comics Tiny 03/14/2023 (Tue) 13:25:29 No. 3575 [Reply]
Does anyone have OYG paid content/comics or can put his subscribestar on Kemono?

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NksVolkov 12/20/2022 (Tue) 01:05:13 No. 3535 [Reply]
What the fuck happened to them and if you got any art share it.

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ultrajamman 12/06/2022 (Tue) 02:37:29 No. 3529 [Reply]
looking for more of their art

Honestly, what's wrong with me? Tiny 10/16/2022 (Sun) 20:16:28 No. 3479 [Reply]
I'm in my 20's and I feel nothing watching porn but this for some reason turns me on? Where's the logic in that? Gets me a bit worried, I just don't get it...
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How come every nip artist is just doing giga size content? I know having foot and buttprints carving out half the city is hot and drawing buildings is super tedious but i prefer some variety like a mega using a skyscraper as a sex toy or even a giantess eating cars and people
>>3495 I like most sizes but that sort of larger than office buildings size might be my usual favorite, I think people are just finding bigger sizes more appealing lately, it used to be a drought for gigafags with mostly ochiko carrying giga stuff(and not very well until later)
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>>3500 (checked) Yeah, at least theres a lot the giantess could do if she was slightly taller than a skyscraper. At least gigafags have a lot of content i guess

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Mini-Giantess/Amazons/Etc. Tiny 03/22/2021 (Mon) 21:56:08 No. 3004 [Reply]
For those that prefer their tall ladies to not be too big.
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>>3196 This is so cute and yet so lewd-feeling
want to share 17,833 files, even if some aren't nsfw the filenames are generated this way because they come from hydrus network i have been hording shit for a while and settled on sharing it if any of it interests somebody had to split this in 6 folders, 5 of them with 3000 and 1 with 2833 expect all kinds of fetishes and types, some rare too https://gofile.io/d/q9nCvt https://gofile.io/d/nMoIcM https://gofile.io/d/Ctenv8 make sure your computer and connection aren't shit >it's all disorganized, but the folder with 2833 files is the biggest because it has bigger images and videos >the files were copied from hydrus network and organized by filesize accordingly, then split for each folder >muscle girls, fat girls, yuri, yaoi, futa, maybe some cuntboy, 3d, furry, fantasy races, real races, robots, pov, animated, 3d, size difference, monster girls, lolisho, sfw art, pixel art, female and male focused content and 3dpd with real women and some men feel free to preserve and share the files, i don't blame anyone that doesn't trust these links either there's at least some giantess stuff
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>>3488 Sweet, thanks anon I'll check it out later

Tiny 10/23/2022 (Sun) 20:33:30 No. 3486 [Reply]
Anyone got any of SorenZer0's VR videos?

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Sizebox thread dis thread sizebox 02/27/2022 (Sun) 12:15:00 No. 3377 [Reply]
I specifically made this thread because to be honest after macrochan went down there isn't many people making or converting models for sizebox/making scenes and i aim to fix that also we could probably convert some more niche(cough loli cough weird furry and trap shit) models if we feel like it.
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>>3377 the discord is a massive headache
i can throw up downloads for various paid booth models if anyone wants to actually convert them + get the toggles working on them. because the current SDK is honestly shit.
>>3377 Dude there's a specific addon that I found on macrochan, it basically made the giantesses try to sit on any tiny they see It was so fun running around trying to avoid the giantesses trying to sit on me and I crave it so much again

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Furry Containment Thread: Somebody Has To Do It Edition Anonymous 01/25/2019 (Fri) 12:31:10 No. 1933 [Reply] [Last]
Post any and all things furry giantess related.
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