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All Waifus are beautiful

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Discord Thread 16crystals 10/30/2021 (Sat) 23:36:08 No. 70617 [Reply]
This thread is to access our Discord. If you wish to join, comment below and watch the thread. As soon as you see our reply to your post, just make another one then check out the ban message for the Discord link. The ban will last for three days normally but we'll also remove it once you join the Discord. This is a post made purely for making comments to access the Discord, any other comments will be removed.
Edited last time by 16crystals on 01/19/2022 (Wed) 00:03:25.
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>>71890 You can now make a new post and find the Discord link that will automatically appear in the ban message. See you soon!
I am utterly retarded, pls lemme in back, Sona is my waifu... And ban the previous Losk if possible

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WELCOME!! 16crystals 10/30/2021 (Sat) 23:41:53 No. 70618 [Reply]
Welcome to /mai/! We migrated from 8kun.top/mai/ and 8chan.moe/mai/ is now our new home. We migrated many of our old threads along the way. Sadly, original images could not be migrated since 8kun is now deleting all images uploaded by its users. Feel free to bump old threads, create new ones, and also join us on our Discord (see Discord thread >>70617 ). You can also introduce yourself and your waifu in the intro thread ( >>70622 ). WHY WE DECIDED TO MIGRATE TO 8CHAN.MOE We decided to migrate to 8chan.moe after numerous major problems with 8kun: 1) 8kun is basically a Q-Anon fortress now, so it’s not the best environment to attract new waifuist users. 2) Broadly speaking, 8kun doesn’t have a good reputation since the events that lead to the fall of the original 8chan. We want to stay away from drama.

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Edited last time by 16crystals on 10/31/2021 (Sun) 01:00:52.

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if your waifu had to drive a car? Anonymous 03/28/2024 (Thu) 09:17:10 No. 71849 [Reply]
what kind of car would she use?
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Something fashionable, fast, and with lots of features. I don't think Ann would care too much about practicality, as long as it works well. But she would appreciate being able to go as fast as she wanted and to travel in style, luxury, and comfort. It would almost certainly be red.
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I headcannon Yomi ( :3 ) to be into more mechanical things if anything so she is probably into cheap compact "sports" coupes from the 90s and 2000s haha!

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New introduction thread 16crystals 10/31/2021 (Sun) 00:58:34 No. 70622 [Reply] [Last]
Tell us a bit (or a lot) about you and your waifu.
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>>71879 >kurotsuno I'd say step-daughter is mostly how it feels, she is a teenager to young adult, just going through a phase of growth. I'd hope she at least tolerates me, but I wouldn't naturally see her that much. Sullivan comes first. >work It might be, actually. You can at least see the workers get time off, & considering that most demons are vulgar drinkers, they are mostly casual. >pain infliction I definitely don't like it, & I don't think he accepts it either. He just isn't a violent person, which puts him at a big disadvantage in a world of violent people. It's even gone so far as to him being attacked in the hospital, what can he do then? >creator I appreciate what she has done despite her issues, you might know her more for games like Mogeko Castle & Wadanohara however. She has her favorite characters & isn't afraid of controversial subjects, but does not always handle it the best. Of course, the "fans" don't like this content despite it being a lot of her work, so it ends up in drama. I'd almost compare it to South Park nowadays.
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Not sure what else to post, so enjoy this adorable picture of the best girl ever.
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>>71876 >Can you tell us more about said qualities? I'm not sure if qualities were the right word, but I could never think of another one. The story about that is years ago, personally, I was in a pretty bad place mentally. I was hopeless, directionless, and felt like giving up on life. Now, Misaki has a peculiar esper power called Mental Out. I'm not going to go too deep into it, because it'd be a wall of text, but the short of it is: If it has anything at all to do with the human mind, Misaki can manipulate and control it. In others, and herself. (There's even more things it can do outside of that, just to put my previous comment about it being a wall of text into perspective) Now, for someone who has the ability to manipulate and control others at will, it'd be so easy to use and abuse that power in order to bend the world to her will. However, Misaki used that power to help others. Or, more accurately, further her own personal agenda. Which involved helping others and looking after those close to her. In the end, I ended up falling in love with the idea of her using her power to fix me. I don't normally like talking about this part of it, because it makes me cringe and I hate that I've ever thought like that.

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Thinking about retiring my dakimakura for a while Anonymous 06/08/2024 (Sat) 13:59:51 No. 71885 [Reply]
And by "retiring" I mean putting away in storage for some time. Having my waifu in pillow form was nice at first but after about a year I started to think of her more as a "dakimakura" rather than a "fictional entity" if that makes sense. Even in my dreams (which I seldom have of her to begin with) she appears as a daki, not as full anatomically complete animated being. Kinda breaks the immersion. Just wanted to know if anyone else could relate to this. I also have been a "flat-on-my-back" sleeper for most of my life and sideways sleeping just isn't really my thing.
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>Just wanted to know if anyone else could relate to this. Absolutely. When I first got my daki, it was a massive game changer for me and I was only able to see the positive at first. But then, at some point, I started to notice that I was treating my daki as if it was my waifu herself, and not just as an object acting as a link between me and her. Maybe it was me who was unconsciously trying to forget the painful reality that I could never concretely be with Flandre, but in the end, realizing what I was doing made me feel like I had partially lost contact with her on a spiritual level. So what I did was to do my best to keep in mind that I tended to treat my daki as Flandre herself (therefore forgetting the real Flandre who is a fictional character, an idea, a concept), and whenever I saw myself making that mistake, I promptly changed my focus from the daki and redirected it to Flandre. For what I remember, it didn’t take that long for me to correct that bad pattern. For me, as long as I kept in mind that the daki was just an intermediate link between me and Flandre, I was able to use the daki as a mean to better spiritually and emotionally connect to Flandre (i.e. better than if I did not have the daki). So I suggest you to try the same as I did at first. If you realize that it isn’t working, then maybe you could try putting your daki away for about 2 weeks or a month and see if it helps in the end (and if it does, then try to reintroduce your daki and see if you can maintain the gain). >Even in my dreams (which I seldom have of her to begin with) she appears as a daki, not as full anatomically complete animated being. Same for me. I have dreamed of my daki multiple times, but I very seldom dreamed of Flandre as a full person in front of me. I personally don’t see it as a problem as I consider that it’s probably easier for my mind to represent, in my dream, a physical object that I see every day then a 2D character which can’t concretely exist in my physical 3D reality. >I also have been a "flat-on-my-back" sleeper for most of my life and sideways sleeping just isn't really my thing. First of all, a daki is far from just being a thing to hold while sleeping. It’s a material representation of your waifu that can help you better feel her presence in all aspects of your day-to-day life. As for sleep, you can have your daki close to you by your side and hold it with one arm, or lay it on top of you. Even without holding it, just having it next to you at night should help you better feel your waifu’s presence. I hope all of this helps you. Let us know later if your situation improved or not!
before i was a waifuis i have a teddy bear that i sleep with, i hold my bear every time i watched a movie or played a vidia. i see dakimakuras the same way i see a stuffed animals i do not have a daki of my waifu but i will post a pic of my waifu as a daki

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averi Anonymous 04/18/2024 (Thu) 00:36:41 No. 71860 [Reply]
i love her

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Love in the Second Dimension jacksreality 05/14/2024 (Tue) 08:53:19 No. 71867 [Reply]
Hello there, I'm the author of a book called "Love in the Second Dimension: How Love for Fictional Characters can re-enchant the World" and it is simply about that: Love for fictional characters. Here's an abstract to get a glimpse of what to expect from it: With English-speaking Internet forums to express love for fictional characters and ceremonies to marry them in Japan, there has been an increase in activities to show affection for fictional characters in recent decades. While some people refer to it as “waifuism”, others identify as “fictosexuals”. What makes people develop deep emotional and romantic attachments to these characters? Which cognitive processes are involved when falling in love with them? What underlying mechanisms favor the belief in a parallel universe in which fictional characters live rather than taking introspection into account to arrive at the conclusion that a fictional character is the result of physical and psychological processes? By answering these questions, the author points out how people are creating their partners within their mind-space, as most of them are struggling with the effects of radical capitalism on society, seeking an alternative in media worlds to find self-fulfillment. The metaphors and values associated with the fictional character lead to sacred, collective, and binding conditions and thus to a re-enchantment of the world for these people. However, if a relation to a fictional character is used as a coping mechanism, the ideal one feels attracted to would be imperfect. The author also explains why the belief that a fictional character to be “out there” leads to a search for authority. Hence, he argues that the best way to have a healthy relationship with a fictional character is to see them as a product of culture, returning the love in multiple ways, such as inspiration, happiness, and joy. Moreover, falling in love with a fictional character leads to a cognitive reorganization, in which one expands consciousness and sets oneself in a new relation to the world. With that being said, love for these people needs to come from outside the individual — from the source of all things, the perfection of creation. Last but not least, the author raises the final question: Is love in the second dimension, also known as “2D Love”, a love revolution? You can read the introduction here: https://rptjacksreality.medium.com/love-in-the-second-dimension-a5eab7744a4c You can buy the book with its 402 pages on Amazon, as well as everywhere where to get books if you don't like Amazon for political reasons. Here's a link to it on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/3989230301 If you like what you read, it would be great if you'd leave a review anywhere you'd like (Amazon, Goodreads, etc.) and spread the word about it with sharing the medium article above, for example.

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jacksreality have put a lot of effort into this book. I know it because I’ve helped review some of its chapters! Take a look at his book and don’t hesitate to ask him questions in this thread and give him your comments!
>>71867 is there a way i can get this as a .epub or pdf ?
Unfortunately not - but if you're willing to give something back, just message me, the author, on Twitter (jacksreality1) or Discord (jacksreality).

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Anonymous 01/18/2024 (Thu) 21:57:27 No. 71790 [Reply]
I will (poorly) draw your waifu! Sfw, but gore is ok, send her name and reference. Picrel is how i draw.
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>>71826 >here's a Lilly Satou for you Impressive, very nice OP. Have a great weekend
Your work is super cute. Are you comfortable drawing boys/husbandos or just female characters? We can do an art trade if you'd like, I prefer giving back when I get something
>>71868 Thanks! I do draw male characters (rarely in a cute way, but it would be nice to pratice something different). >We can do an art trade Accepted, cute art of my waifu is always welcome. Who's your husbando?

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Does your waifu play a musical instrument? Perkele 05/06/2023 (Sat) 00:25:24 No. 71465 [Reply]
Do they? If unknown do you think they could or just aren't musically adept much.
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>>71760 Henrietta is so cool and cute.
>>71760 GG was probably one of the first that got me into anime OST's. Do you find yourself listening to classical music more because of Henrietta?
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Yes! That's a large part of her character. At first she couldn't afford the whole drum kit so she only bought the sticks and used to play with them on whatever surface she could find, which is adorable, but she'll insist she plays them because they're cool (it is pretty cool). Damn she's good.

Easter thread 16crystals 03/31/2024 (Sun) 21:22:43 No. 71850 [Reply]
Post pictures of your waifu celebrating Easter!
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Happy Easter everyone!!
i don't have any pics of my waifu with eggs but i do have i YouTube video of someone talking about both my waifu and and egg https://youtu.be/h6fcK_fRYaI?t=21
Happy late easter!

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Valentine’s Day 16crystals 02/14/2024 (Wed) 05:17:53 No. 71827 [Reply]
It’s Valentine’s Day! Post Valentine’s Day pics of your waifu. Your plan for Valentine’s Day with your waifu. Pictures of your Valentine’s Day date with your waifu. Cute love message you want to write to your waifu. Anything goes!
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Happy Valentine's day /mai/! It's already over a year since I learned to love Ran-shama, it's honestly incredible, it was an amazing year. I hope you all too have a wonderful day
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Happy Valentine's everybody! I've spent the day out, so i stopped by a café (and also searched for a new ring, but i don't wanna rush anything, so no purchases). Man i really love this blue eyed girl, i can't stop thinking about her, specially today. And best of everything for y'all!
a white russian for my white russian

Anonymous 06/12/2023 (Mon) 02:45:47 No. 71572 [Reply]
Do you think waifuism is becoming more or less common over the years? Based on your subjective experience as a member of online social circles
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>>71587 i know im responding to an old post but whatever. Definitely this, I always notice that the people I tend to stick closer to aren't fad chasers and stick with their husbando/waifu through thick and thin. The only way to notice this is with time and how many of these people that claim a character is their husbando/waifu drop them when the next shiny toy comes along.
>>71813 Time will always weed out fake waifufags, it's been like this for ages.
in the 80's Japanese anime was some weird niche thing. in the West the one 2 that where popular was my neighbor totoro and speed racer in the 90's is when western anime exploded Toonami was running Saler Moon and Dragon Ball z that is what everyone wanted in the '90s go they made what the audience wanted Cardcaptor Sakura, Yu yu hakusho Evangelion, Pokemon all of them are Saler Moon and Dragon Ball z look-alikes all of them designed to sell toys and trading cards then something changed in the 2000's Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya after that, everyone wanted waifu's

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Anonymous 12/27/2023 (Wed) 11:02:36 No. 71778 [Reply]
This board is so awfully slow, may I suggest we do something about it? The waifuist community seems to be too fragmented, maybe this board needs to go so that we can all gather elsewhere
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This board is indeed pretty slow, as our members prefer to communicate on our Discord server, which is extremely more active btw. As for your suggestion, I will decline it. Indeed, /mai/ has been around for 9 years and is here to stay. Still, if waifuists from other communities want to come here, they are welcome to do so. I personally don’t think fragmentation is a bad thing in itself, as it instead creates an opportunity for creating different environments, each with their own specific culture and atmosphere. I think that what we need is motivation to create threads on this board instead of always relying on Discord.
>>71779 I don't know you, but it's kind of obvious to me that you can't have two active places with roughly the same purpose when the common user base is just higher single-digit/lower double-digit
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the sad truth

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Weird pictures of your waifu 16crystals 12/03/2021 (Fri) 21:55:49 No. 70738 [Reply]
Post pictures of your waifu that are just weird and bizarre.
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The legendary Super Kochiyan...!
That's how it is on this bitch of an earth
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What the fuck is wrong with people???

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Our 8th anniversary 16crystals 01/09/2024 (Tue) 08:32:47 No. 71784 [Reply]
Eight years… That’s a rather long time; at least for a mere mortal like me. I’ve changed a lot since I accepted you in my life 8 years ago, and I’m sure you noticed. My soul is not as tormented as it was back in those days and I sure am at a better place now then back then (God, I don’t want us to ever live with my mother again). The way I relate to you has also changed too. Indeed, eight years took its toll on the fierce passion of the honeymoon phase, and I also sadly don’t have as much time as before to spend with you. And yet, you still remain a central pillar of my life, after 8 years and despite those changes. Maybe I don’t need to talk to you as much as before, nor think of you daily as much as I did, to truly love you? Because every time I look inside of my heart, I see you are there, and to me, it seems that you just moved in for good. Indeed, I can’t imagine a "me" in which you would not be a part of, and so I can’t imagine a future in which we would not be together. You know, I told my fellow /mai/den friends recently that if each of the year that we’ve been together were symbolised as one of your crystals, then we would have completed one of your wings already. It’s now with confidence that I tell you that I’m looking forward to complete your second wing, and to go even beyond. Happy anniversary, my love! Je t’aime de tout mon cœur!
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Amazing milestone, almost a decade, happy 8th anniversary, hoping that you and Flandre had a great day!!
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Happy anniversary!
Happy anniversary! 8 years... is a lot of time!

Anonymous 11/28/2023 (Tue) 21:49:31 No. 71758 [Reply]
Alright, Christmas season is here. If you are here, we already know what you want for Christmas, no need to state it. Just post a seasonally relevant pic of your dearly beloved, or two or three
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HEADCANON Rule 63 is an Internet meme that states that, as a rule, "for every given male character, there is a female version of that character" and vice versa HEADCANON Rule 63 of my waifu is DEATH from Discworld HEADCANON in the book/movie Hogfather DEATH saves Christmas my pretending to be Santa HO HO HO
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