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Anonymous 07/31/2023 (Mon) 19:35:06 Id: 7dee0f No. 8373 [Reply]
What happened to /2dblacked/? I really liked that board.
>>8373 Got abandoned by its board owner.
>>8373 It was abandoned by the BO, BO gave the board to someone else That someone else then promptly nuked the board A day went by and the board was remade Got raided to death and the BO let it happen and the admins nuked the board again.
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Good riddance, now OP just needs to kill himself.

Anonymous 07/29/2023 (Sat) 15:35:16 Id: 984cc4 No. 8370 [Reply]
Stephen Lynx here, I'd like moderation's feedback on a new implementation: https://lynx.farted.net/lynx/res/6428.html#6917

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Anonymous 07/21/2023 (Fri) 05:39:21 Id: d9099d No. 8351 [Reply]
How do I delete a post I don't like?
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>>8352 ...sorry, the delete button didn't work...
>>8353 Did you use the same password as you used for your post?
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Become Mark.

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8moe Seemingly On Track to Surpass 8kun Anonymous 08/25/2021 (Wed) 06:09:57 Id: ec3c57 No. 3841 [Reply] [Last]
https://www.similarweb.com/website/8kun.top/?competitors=8chan.moe Will 8moe continue its seemingly rapid growth? That's up to (you)!
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>>8309 8chan.co
>>8356 8chan.co? That's impossible; no one can reach it right now!
fuck it. 4/d/ genderbent thread got 80 post in 2 days. My board need like 6 months to get to that number

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vamp should be fired Chijō 05/17/2023 (Wed) 20:47:05 Id: 10716b No. 8152 [Reply]
you guys should fire vamp hes one of the worst /b/ board owners i have ever fuckin seen in my entire life hes worse than dysnomia and even dumber then him too you guys are fucking idiots if you keep him around
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>That one time Chijo got knotted by a dog

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How do I create a new theme.css for a board? Anonymous 03/20/2023 (Mon) 03:23:44 Id: ec1c7e No. 7858 [Reply]
I want to create a new theme for the /arepa/ board but I don't have the code or documentation to do it. Could you help me?
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>>7860 https://gitgud.io/8chan/Aleph/-/tree/dev-themes/static/css La verdad no eh probado con archivos .webp, solo .png, jpg y gif
>>7863 muchas gracias negrito
>>7858 Puto tablon de mierda mas censura ue maduro por eso nadie los quiere venemierdanos hijos de puta pronto toda la gente se levantara en armas y los echara a balazos de todos y cada uno de los paises donde estan igual a alos argensimios y chilemierdos

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There needs to be some kind of AJAX spinner when submitting new posts. Anonymous 05/15/2023 (Mon) 15:00:54 Id: ae104a No. 8126 [Reply]
When submitting especially large posts like videos, it just sits there and you have no idea anything's happening. Need some kind of animation to indicate that there's background activity.
That should be doable. Let me see if I can get it in the next release.
>>8127 Cool. Perhaps even a progress indicator would be nice.
>>8128 The Reply button has a progress meter already. This just tracks the upload progress. The problem is, there's not really a way to signal what the server is up to on the other end. The delay once the Reply meter hits 100% is the backend handling thumbnails, organizing the files, and regenerating the thread page. There's no way to meter that and report it back. The only real option is a spinner just to let you know the site is doing something and that the page will update once your post is finalized. Can probably make the upload progress clearer, though.

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My images not showing on latest images home Anonymous 04/28/2023 (Fri) 23:11:50 Id: 4861ea No. 7980 [Reply]
My images are not showing up in the latest images box in 8chan.moe home page. Why, how to fix it?
>>7980 First, wouldn't it be better to ask this in >>5423? Second, which board is it? Because as far as I understand, only the images of the boards that are public and SFW are shown there.
>>7981 Its public and the images are SFW, images first appeared but not any more, why
>>7982 >the images are SFW What I mean is that the board where you posted them should be marked as such. Check https://8chan.moe/boards.js and see if the board in question has a suitcase icon next to its name like /v/, /hispachan/ or /hisrol/ (this indicates that it is SFW). >images first appeared but not any more, why The only thing I can think of is that the board was flagged as NSFW recently, but I would prefer an admin or the board owner answer this.

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/conlang/ Anonymous 04/07/2023 (Fri) 10:30:58 Id: cb39b1 No. 7935 [Reply]
Who would be interested in a board for linguistics and conlanging? It would be useful to talk about the aspects of language that you probably can't talk about on other conlanging boards because they're not PC enough.
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>>7935 >board for linguistics and conlanging? Kind reminder that >>>/lang/ exists.
>>7935 If you're serious about it I can give you mod access to the board >>>/lang/ unless you want to make your own board.
>>7949 >>7950 I noticed that /lang/ exists but it seems more about learning natural languages than discovering and inventing linguistic features and languages. >>7950 Would the latter kind of thing be on topic for /lang/?

8archive.moe Anonymous 04/04/2023 (Tue) 02:42:59 Id: 4345aa No. 7894 [Reply]
Never forgetti
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>>7947 >>go to https://archive.ph/ or https://archive.md/ There are also saved threads on these sites (redundancy is always good): https://ghostarchive.org/search?term=8chan.moe http://web.archive.org/web/*/https://archive.8chan.moe/* http://web.archive.org/web/*/https://8chan.moe/* >https://archive.8chan.moe/board/* For some reason the admins haven't made this clear enough, either in the shitty disclaimer they put up a few months ago or somewhere visible on the site (that threads should now be archived using https://archive.8chan.moe ). I wouldn't be surprised if many continue to archive threads with the main domain without realizing this detail.
>>7963 Less than a month ago you can save the thread with images as before. I heard about it from those who save without using the archive.8chan https://archive.ph/L83O8 I do not know since when the change happened.
>>7964 It only works with Archive Today, in the other archivers the disclaimer is still displayed: http://web.archive.org/web/20230420024601/https://8chan.moe/site/res/7894.html https://ghostarchive.org/archive/zolXR Personally, I don't think it's right to give that preference to an archiver over the others, what happens if tomorrow the chan is banned from there or if Archive Today closes?

Only solve one captcha Anonymous 08/25/2022 (Thu) 14:28:21 Id: e3bad1 No. 6606 [Reply]
If I solve a board's captcha, it should also solve the site captcha. I hate solving a captcha only for another one to pop up. It's pointless. There should be only one to solve. I understand that some boards have a per-post captcha. That would not be affected, but solving one of those would also solve the site captcha.
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>>6606 test
>>6606 Yeah, I thought fans set this site up, not loli-haters!
>>7959 pauper pls

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Anonymous 07/11/2021 (Sun) 06:29:59 Id: 016894 No. 3272 [Reply]
>Total media size: 326.84 GB Holy shit, I remember when it was around 40 GB just one year ago. Just what the hell is being stored that takes so much space? Do these 300 GB include backups, banners and custom themes?
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>>6718 >* Use a quantizer like http://pngnq.sourceforge.net/ to compress the image. It seems to be the most reasonable and easiest option to implement. I was doing some tests with the image of >>6801 and these are my results: Original size: 72.34 KB Size after uploading from clipboard: 1.17 MB Size after compressing the reuploaded image with pngnq: 208.54 KB The only drawback is that the new replies may take a little longer to appear due to the additional processing required by using pngnq. >* Save them as webp instead of png. Beyond the bullshit, it could be useful in certain cases. In this chan it wouldn't make much sense (I think), but if you manage a chan and it runs on a VPS with space limitations, then it would be necessary to save every MB you can. One way to achieve this would be with some option to indicate in which format by default to save the images that come from the clipboard (png, jpg or webp), perhaps along with an explanation of the pros and cons of each. >>6723 >Imageboards thrive on the ability to use lossless, artifact-free formats But that does not mean that it can be used for everything indiscriminately. For example, with https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Vienna-big.tif (which weighs 3.94 GB) I got the following when I converted it into these formats: PNG: 2034.84 MB JPG (92% quality): 171.08 MB As you can see, using png is not always ideal.

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>>4467 It's not because of the large migrations of the hispachan and india-indiachan userbase, is it?
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>>7713 Not really. Based on the data attached in this answer, the following conclusions can be made: * >>>/delicious/ is the heaviest board with 64.13 GB. * >>>/dpsn/ only weighs 8 KB, which makes it the lightest of the chan. There are also a few boards that have text-only threads or are completely empty. * The data set that I was analyzing only covers 770.21 GB that are from the accessible boards, the rest (approximately 376.67 GB) belong to non-indexed boards. * The Spanish boards (around 30, although most of them were opened after the closure of hispachan.org) weigh together 77.36 GB, while the Indian boards (>>>/india/, >>>/indiachan/ and >>>/aic/) only occupy 2.17 GB. That in total would be a little more than 10%. Below I leave the script in Bash that I made to get the data: # TODO: Get the number of pages of the boards list automatically boards=$({ for pagelist in $(seq 1 5); do # Make an HTTP request to the site's board listing response=$(curl --header 'Cookie: disclaimer=1' --referer "https://8chan.moe" "https://8chan.moe/boards.js?page=$pagelist"); # Extract the board names from the response echo "$response" | grep -oE '<a class="linkBoard" href="/(\w+)/">' | cut -d"/" -f2; done; }) # Use an array to store the name of the boards along with the file sizes of each one declare -A board_sizes;

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Hilo /M/eta para hisparefugio´s Anónimo 06/02/2022 (Thu) 03:40:44 Id: 531752 No. 5682 [Reply] [Last]
Hola a todos los negros de >>>/hispachan/ >>>/hisrol/ >>>/arepa/ y demas tablones hispanos. Los convoco a aqui para organizar, estar comunicados y estar juntos. Hablando con otros anons todos los tablones creados por el cierrre de chispa (los antes mencionados) tiene administradores diferente y tendran mods diferentes. Esta es la primeras señales que como comunidad nos dividiremos, convoco a los demas dueños de sus tablones a que tenga este hilo en favoritos ya que mi deseo es estar unidos para ser fuertes y seria aqui donde tanto los dueños y los usuarios de los tablones hispanos podamos discutir, solucionar, crear, pensar proyectos y estar unidos. >Aldo Tambien pueden reportar usuarios malos que esten entre los tablones hispanos y entre dueños y mods reportar avarputos para poder juntos detenerlos. Desde /hispachan/ nos comunicamos para mas en chisparefugio(@) gmail.(com) pero por igual usemos este hilo para la comunicacion principal
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>>7413 >>7425 Ve al hilo meta anglo e intenta comunicarte en inglés
>>7426 Acid or codexx i have send an email to both emails because i want to adopt a board, have you received it?
>>6451 >como se genera la ASN? La ASN se basa en cookies? Tenia la misma inquietud así que le pregunte a ChatGPT como funciona un baneo por ASN en Lynxchan y me respondió con lo siguiente: ---- En LynxChan, un baneo por ASN (Autonomous System Number) funciona restringiendo el acceso a una dirección IP o un rango de direcciones IP asociadas a un determinado ASN. Un ASN es un número único asignado a un proveedor de servicios de Internet (ISP) o una organización que administra una red independiente. Cuando un moderador o administrador de LynxChan aplica un baneo por ASN, se identifica el ASN del proveedor de servicios de Internet del usuario que está infringiendo las reglas del sitio web. Luego, se agrega el ASN a una lista de prohibiciones en la configuración del servidor, lo que impide el acceso al sitio web a todas las direcciones IP asociadas con ese ASN. Por ejemplo, si se banea el ASN de un proveedor de servicios de Internet que brinda servicio a una universidad, todas las direcciones IP asignadas a la red de la universidad se verán afectadas por el baneo, incluso si los usuarios individuales no han violado las reglas del sitio web. El baneo por ASN es una medida más amplia que el baneo por dirección IP individual, ya que afecta a todos los usuarios que comparten una red específica, y puede ser útil para evitar que los usuarios que intentan evadir un baneo mediante el cambio de direcciones IP tengan éxito. Sin embargo, también puede afectar a usuarios legítimos que no tienen nada que ver con el comportamiento infractor y pueden ser vistos como una medida drástica. ---- Lo pregunte por que justamente me apareció un baneo de estos hace unas horas en >>>/hispachan/ y según estuve comprobando en https://hackertarget.com/as-ip-lookup/ sospecho que el baneo se extiende a todo mi proveedor de internet (ya veré si después lo apelo o si me lo aguanto hasta el 17 de abril).

Question Anonymous 03/19/2023 (Sun) 01:08:01 Id: 8cb63a No. 7855 [Reply]
Can I ask (and get an answer) how does the IB convert the special syntax (like in moe) and urls to html tags? It does use some javascript library? I tried to look at LynxChan source code but I don't even know where to start, lol. >also Sorry for my english.
Nevermind, found it.

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/pe/ in /hispachan/ into an emergency Chupapi 03/17/2023 (Fri) 20:17:15 Id: e788b6 No. 7850 [Reply]
Hi, I'm looking for advices and information about the process of claim a board, in this case is the board /pe/ because the last Board Owner of that board forgot his password and Peruvians are afraid of losing the board because of inactivity. Please, if you gave me the power to be the new B.O. of this board /pe/ it would have been fantastic.
>>7850 Board Owners are required to verify their e-mail before they can create a board (although there are some ways around this), so he should be able to reset him password. If he has issues receiving the e-mail or resetting his password, he can e-mail me from whatever address he signed up with and I can reset the password manually. Please instruct him to e-mail codexx (at) cock (dot) li. I will put a hold on board claims for /pe/ for now so that he can regain access.
Traduce esto a español por favor.

BO of /mex/ abuses his power and avatarfagging with an alter ego Anonymous 03/13/2023 (Mon) 17:01:45 Id: e00962 No. 7812 [Reply]
BO of /mex/ abuses his power and avatarfagging with an alter ego while banning other anons for much less, >>>/mex/30593 in this thread we can see how desperate and angry he gets to be discovered, >>>/hispachan/158726 In this other one you can see how the bo is still desperate while more people realize the truth, pic related is bo desperate and angry I hope you can analyze the case and make the best decision for the board,
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Ignore this flooder crying bitch. He's furious because he's not allowed to flood his shit and bother others and be annoying on the board. In the threads that he posts, you can see how he exposed himself, in his own words, as a liar trying to manipulate people over and over again against the BO so in the end everyone sent him to eat shit.for being an asshole throwing a tantrum who lies and invents nonsense.
>>7812 no hablo inglés 💀
>>7815 This is probably the BO of mex, the only one who self-defends or defends the avatarfag, the only one who defends him and with great hatred in his black heart on 3 boards all month.

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