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Official 8chan Site Meta. (Bring bug reports, complaints, and requests here)

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Ghost Screen
Don't forget the global announcement this week
Saturday Evening

8chan.moe is a hobby project with no affiliation whatsoever to the administration of any other "8chan" site, past or present.

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2ch style Anonymous 11/28/2021 (Sun) 08:27:39 Id: 000000 No. 4497 [Reply]
If I make a global stylesheet for 8chan.moe that emulates the style of old 2ch.net (now 5ch.net), can it be accepted as a site style?
Short answer is yes. I love a good theme and the more choices for users the better. Longer answer is maybe. There's some criteria for being added to the dropdown, which includes ensuring the theme is usable with default site functionality (markdown functions as intended, posts highlight when selected, homepage layout is fine, etc), selecting a syntax highlighting theme that matches the theme's style and is readable, and providing an appropriate logo for the homepage. If you have a theme to submit, you can post it here on /site/, or e-mail it to the administrators. I can be reached directly at codexx (at) cock (dot) li.

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Porting over 8kun's /clang/ board to 8chan Anonymous 11/03/2021 (Wed) 16:36:54 Id: 9aca40 No. 4404 [Reply]
I don't know the moderation of this site very well, but I've read that they're willing to take posts from other websites to salvage dying boards. 8kun has been steadily destroying all remaining pictures posted by users so I wish to preserve the few boards I still mingle on. I don't really own it, but I'd really like it if this place could salvage what little is left of https://8kun.top/clang/ if that is possible.
>>4404 You need to make an account, verify your e-mail, and claim the board. After that, send an e-mail to codexx (at) cock (dot) li with the request. We no longer require you be the BO of 8kun boards for an import. Unfortunately, I cannot recover the missing images, so only the test posts and what images remain will be imported.

voteban wapplewtwo 09/04/2021 (Sat) 18:34:49 Id: 265606 No. 3962 [Reply]
Please create an experimental board. The purpose of which will be to test the concept of Democratic Automoderation. >2 reports = 2 hours ban >3 reports = 3 days ban >10 reports = 10 days ban The Net has never been safer!
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>>3962 I'd like if 4chan have feature like downvote. There is always a contrarian nobody likes in thread. Thats's why I make a board here. Since I have no volunteers, having vote system sounds attractive.
name suggestion: Reddit mode
>>4149 This sounds like way too much work for just mods or regular posters. I see now why Democratic Automoderation would fail. Putting the burden of maintaining the health of a website on it's posters could exhaust anyone. >>4162 backreplies are votes backreplies are loosh backreplies are "doomscrolling" the backreplies fuel cringe which kills the volunteers solve the backreplies, salve the good Samaritan the backreplies themselves embody Visible Democratic Automoderation >>4244 exactly my point all the XFF stuff is necessary all of it except for the backreplies

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8chan Board Directory Anonymous 06/22/2020 (Mon) 07:14:10 Id: ccbb2b No. 269 [Reply]
This thread is dedicated to listing the various boards of the site in order to increase its visibility. If you know of a board that may be of interest to others, add a link to the board along with a brief description. Hidden boards welcomed as long as their BO are ok with being mentioned here.
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>>3845 On the other hand, an overemphasis on PPH encourages shitposting to get on top boards as opposed to engaging in slow but meaningful effortposting.
Can I shill my own board in here? >>>/nra/ - No Rules Anime I expect it to be overrun with shitposters and spammers, and that's ok.
>>269 Advertising >>>/sig/ It's basically a board dedicated to self-improvement in areas more than just physical appearance.

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Looking for a Few Good Men - Global Mod Recruitment Drive Anonymous Board owner 09/08/2021 (Wed) 00:53:50 Id: 2cc1af No. 3983 [Reply] [Last]
EDIT: RECRUITMENT ENDING SOON We will stop taking applications at the end of this week. If you're still considering applying, please do so soon. With the LynxChan 2.6 upgrade finished and a little bit less on our plate, we're now ready to start taking on more global volunteers. I want to lay out a bit of what you can expect: >We're looking for autists who lurk the site a lot. The more time you spend with a tab open, the better. >We're especially looking for at least 2 people in the 4am-8am America time (CST) hours. >We're looking for people who give a shit and want to help, but who aren't looking to be overbearing mods. >Globalling is low-volume but high uptime. It's easy, but being vigilant can be boring. >You need to be dependable. Everyone takes breaks, but you can't just no-show for weeks at a time. The site needs you, and you need to act like it. If these things are mostly agreeable to you, please contact us at 8moeadmin@protonmail.com with the following: >Your account name (or TBD if you don't have one yet) >IRC handle (if applicable) >Have you ever modded before? If so, for how long and on what site? You don't have to name the board if you wish to keep it private. >What your most common available hours are to do your jannying.

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

Edited last time by Acidadmin on 09/21/2021 (Tue) 02:36:18.
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>>4238 You think they care? There won't be any repercussions because they're targeting the "bad actors", it's the same problem /v/ has had from the beginning only now it's being applied to the entire site. Anyone they have a personal grievance with is fair game because they know they'll never be held accountable.
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>>4239 Well it's still new and I think everyone is learning--I'm not trying to single anyone out or anything like that. Just a few wrong calls which will hopefully be ironed out. I only post on /b/ so I don't really care how they moderate other boards, but on /b/ it should be strictly enforcing the global rules--even leniently, though that's personal preference.
>>4240 you're a trash bo I could've prevented this

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Webring blacklist Anonymous 06/14/2021 (Mon) 10:03:11 Id: 952909 No. 3118 [Reply]
Why do so many webring sites have 8chan.moe blacklisted?
>>3118 Hello, because of the pedophile board. /hebe/. You better leave this site, right away or else you'll be on a watchlist. trust me, dumbfuck.
>>3119 If you were on the original 8chan period, you're already on a watchlist, and even worse, Jim and Hotwheels both ran state of the art datamining scripts and probably gave that info for cash to both the FBI, Mossad, and probably Philippine government. Stop browsing imageboards period if you don't want to be on a watchlist or deal with glowniggers. Buy a clean chromebook, reset your ip, browse only normalfag sites like YouTube and Twitter for the rest of your life, and only brush the surface level stuff like vlogging etc. Anything more and you are compromised. Freedom or safety my friend. Pick one, and only one.
>>3118 Pedos, also acid swinging his e-peen around because he has an 8chan domain and the webring doesn't.

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Bug? Anonymous 07/31/2021 (Sat) 18:45:25 Id: bac75e No. 3403 [Reply]
can't download webms and mp4s on this site but it works on other sites does anyone know why that is? I'm using https://github.com/CookieJarApps/SmartCookieWeb
The browser probably disabled the referer parameter.

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Site Meta Update Acid Board owner 05/12/2021 (Wed) 05:38:29 Id: 196953 No. 2514 [Reply] [Last]
SITE META UPDATE 5-12-2021 Well this has been a fun week. I had one of these coming down the pipe anyway since we're over a month from the last one, and considering the current headaches this seems like as good a time as any. Before I go over the usual boring stuff I'll get straight to the issue of the day: /hebe/, their content on /b/ and elsewhere on the site, free speech, and the recent waves of spam. In short, our position is this: Pedos have a right to free speech, but do not have a right to possess or share unlawful content especially on our site. Global Rule 2 has always been quite strong, in my opinion and gave the staff and BOs some leeway to use common sense when removing material or banning users who post borderline material. Leeway is good. Good faith is also good. It means when we doubt what you post, it gets removed but you don't get banned, we don't assume you're a pedo, and nothing else comes of it as long as you don't repost it. Users have a little freedom to make honest mistakes, because the law in this area is murky, grey, and largely untested (yet must be followed.) So we do the best we can. Unfortunately this leeway has been translated into ambiguity about the content allowed under Global 2, which allowed for the rise of /hebe/, the appearance of their target audience, and outsiders from places as varied as /tvch/, /cow/, anonib, and "CIA Triad Security LLC" some of whom have proceeded to cause problems sitewide on both that board and the global level for going on three days. Much of this drama is manufactured in my opinion, and our concern level is low but we owe our anons and board owners a clear response. Please direct your attention to the new, much more specific Global Rule 2. This now hard-codifies what our base restrictions are and have been, but names the particulars. BOs are free to take a harsher stance if they so choose, but these will be the guidelines for global enforcement going forward. That said: We will not be deleting or removing /hebe/ so long as they operate in accordance with the rules. If they wish to have a board purely for discussion of their preferred interests, it is not our place to judge them for that or deny them provided they are in accordance with the Global Rules and the law. Free speech means free speech. Linking or making available unlawful material is already itself unlawful, and is covered fully by Global Rule 1 already. The rest of the site meta stuff Very little to report, honestly. We have received no warrants or court orders since the last update, the hosts and server are doing well, we took on the nice little community at /hisparol/ who have made themselves at home and the site has experienced two months of steady growth. Codexx is working on further improvements for Lynxchan 2.6, and I have a server OS upgrade scheduled for sometime next month that will probably cause a day of downtime, which we will announce well in advance. If anything comes to mind that I forgot, I'll edit it into this OP. As usual this will be merged into the meta sticky after a week of visibility. Onward and upward.
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>>3239 >just clean my site up janny No man. Like I don't like looking at child porn. Okay? And I am not going to keep doing it just to keep you out of jail.
>>3240 It's not child porn. Quit crying.
<Stupid text rule is gone <Something else retarded takes its place >All depictions of fictitious characters are 18+ years of age regardless of any contradicting textual description(s). AyyyLMAO. Literally fucking no one, not the law or consumers of the content, actually believes authors when they say "all characters 18", even if you are the creator, and beyond that you're not the creator, retard. Adding a statement like this is implies you have some level of authorial control over the content on this site. Not only is that patently false, since the content is user generated or taken from creators entirely outside this site, THIS IMPLIES YOU'RE A PUBLISHER/CREATOR OF THE CONTENT, NOT A PLATFORM. I strongly suggest you remove this entire sentence immediately. You still haven't fixed the line that implies conflating lolicon and pedophilia is a global ban, even though it isn't.

Anonymous 07/08/2021 (Thu) 16:21:20 Id: c3e47a No. 3226 [Reply]
Have you considered fixing the captcha so it doesn't take 100% of my cpu for no reason, maybe, maybe you consider fixing that.
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>>3230 The purpose is to prevent spam, not to raise funds. Spammers can pay people to solve captchas but they can't just get a shitload of computers to bruteforce hashes.
>>3261 Clearly. I have a better idea. How about instead of trying to burn a hole through people's cpus, just force everyone to upload a photo of themselves smashing their motherboard with a hammer to prove how just human they are. I know it's basically the same thing but I think it's a better idea all in all.

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/b/ 404's Anonymous 06/28/2021 (Mon) 22:12:08 Id: 547847 No. 3171 [Reply]
When typing it into the URL bar it brings up a 404 page. This doesn't happen when clicking on a link from elsewhere on the site (only works when there is a referrer header?). And the 404 page is different to the one shown when you go to a board that doesn't exist. Pic related.
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>>3175 b, loli, sm, tot, & delicious are all unable to be directly linked to. non cute/funny and similarly focused boards are accessible just fine, like cb, 404, pol. I assume global mods just don't want the more questionable boards public on search engines
>>3177 Fair enough. Its very inconvenient though.
>>3175 It's because of the time the fucking (((Russian Government))) demanded 8chan remove boards such as /loli/ or they would kill every Russian site using the host 8chan used to have.

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Anonymous 04/26/2020 (Sun) 19:57:37 Id: 5fb243 No. 14 [Reply]
Hey Cakekike, why are you using 16chan's (one of the main imageboards in the shill cabal known as the ACA) Lynxchan frontend? https://gitgud.io/663/16Lynx
it's a frontend what does it fucking matter
>>14 Despite being a somewhat hacked together piece of shit at first, it looked nice and we fixed all the broken things with a lot of work. That was still faster than making a new version of Penumbra from scratch.
What is this place?

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/leftypol/ about to lose their home Anonymous 12/20/2020 (Sun) 21:11:52 Id: 03b4e6 No. 1757 [Reply]
https://archive.is/g5MsZ Just a heads up, Acid, be wary of power hungry communists in the next few weeks.
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>>1902 That was highly amusing to read, thank you for posting it
>>1895 >Pariah admin named pyongyang makes a board for trannies called /cute girl/ >everyone hates it because it's idpol >the admin gets removed >head honcho space_ then reinstates pyongyang >"bunkerchan is now in the hands of reactionaries" All of this is in the archive's OP
>>1757 why is /leftypol/ full of incel losers?

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Banner Thread Anonymous 02/23/2021 (Tue) 01:16:17 Id: 4a09b9 No. 1998 [Reply] [Last]
Requests, suggestions, contributions, ideas, and discussion Continuing off of >>1985 check there for some logo resources. Banner specs, if you're not aware: >300x100 px >Maximum 1MB file size Requests: >Post a picture or gif, and specify what you were thinking. >Larger images will be the easiest to /banner/ >General or board specific banner ideas are welcome as well. Banner images will resize to the default 300x100 ratio. To have any height/width ratio put this in the CSS: #bannerImage {height: unset !important} For CSS support use >>1650
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>>2172 Added to /u/'s banner. Thank you. I will remember to specify that next time.
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Here's a banner for /site/
>>2172 I didn't notice it last time, thank you for the wonky font. They looks fun

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Purge abandoned boards Anonymous 04/23/2021 (Fri) 19:46:27 Id: b91bdc No. 2298 [Reply]
Delete the boards marked as Abandoned that haven't had a single post in the last three months. This will save resources (storage, shekels, global volunteer manpower), free URIs for people who want to use them on different boards, free space on the board list, and reduce the amount of potential attack vectors for bad actors (like glowniggers posting illegal content on an unmaintained board or trolls parking URIs for no real purpose).
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>>2335 There are lots of abandoned boards with less than 10 posts that nobody would miss and only clutter the board page and the webring plugins. Some cleanup wouldn't do harm.
>>2298 This is why board creation shouldn't just be a free for all. You end up with dead boards that were never going to be active because some faggot thought it would be a good idea at the time but now doesn't care for the board. The fatass running this site won't bother deleting them though because it requires doing something.
Eh, imo boards should only be deleted upon request of someone wanting to take it under these criteria. Archive boards could get fucked under this for example, or backup boards and whatnot. It would be a shame to lose a board's content forever if it had a good amount of posts, but just happened to not have activity for a few months. Though as some people say, not all boards are created equal. This should be handled on a case by case basis rather than by any automated method imo.

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Alternative Css Styles Thread Anonymous 05/12/2021 (Wed) 19:49:16 Id: a6aa36 No. 2716 [Reply]
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These are the ones I have made or saved.
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>>2734 And here screenshots of each theme.

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On Abandoned Boards Anonymous 03/31/2021 (Wed) 15:43:34 Id: 9e7c35 No. 2199 [Reply]
How would one be able to acquire one of the abandoned boards' moderating rights?
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>>2277 BO deleted it along with his other boards.
>>2278 Oh. Goddamit I was rused. At least 1 of his board is a shitposting general I can whine in.
>>2277 >>2278 >>2285 Come to /c/. One of the reasons I created it was because I grew tired of seeing boards like /anime/ and /pure/ be deleted for no reason.

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