/site/ - Site Meta

Official 8chan Site Meta. (Bring bug reports, complaints, and requests here)

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Remember to follow the Rules

The backup domains are located at 8chan.se and 8chan.cc. TOR access can be found here, or you can access the TOR portal from the clearnet at Redchannit 3.0.

Ghost Screen
Don't forget the global announcement this week
Saturday Evening

8chan.moe is a hobby project with no affiliation whatsoever to the administration of any other "8chan" site, past or present.

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General Purpose 8chan Sitewide Meta Thread Anonymous Board owner 05/12/2022 (Thu) 02:37:48 Id: 9b4131 No. 5423 [Reply] [Last]
This cyclical thread is for all of the following: Bug Reports General Help 8chan Tech Support Board Migrations Suggestions and Feature Requests Global Site Announcements Transparency Reports General Site Meta Discussion Summoning the Admins Specific meta threads on this board and elsewhere are deprecated. If something is really important or urgent it may get its own sticky, otherwise post in here.
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If I open a thread then hit stop while the thread not finished loading all of thread’s thumbnail, the thread show “Could not reload capctha” and don’t let me post. I can see the bottom of the thread so it is not like the thread itself that didn’t load. Expected behaviour: I should be able to post, as the board is without captcha. It shouldn’t be required to load all thread pics.
So I went to /sm/ 4 days after April Fools' Day and I remember seeing a new post that said: "You have been visited by the moot of Dead Boards If you are reading this message brave board traveler, then heed the following instruction; Good luck and prosperity will come to you, but only if you repost this thread to 1 or more other dead board(s)" Also, after 2 months and 1 week someone posted an image of 4 doors, each with blood on the bottom and showing website urls respectively saying 8ch.net, 7chan.org, julay.world, and 8chan.moe, with a grim reaper with an axe knocking on this site's door. What's it mean?

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8chan Rules Enforcement and Corner Case Rulings Compendium Anonymous Board owner 11/21/2021 (Sun) 23:49:51 Id: 0a02ed No. 4481 [Reply]
This is a locked thread for archiving the causes and outcomes of corner case rulings vis-a-vis the site's Global Rules. It may be cited as an explanation for rules and policies. The Global Rules page is the "what", this thread will archive the "why" and the "how" for specific instances.
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Ruling15: Doxing While the posting of public personal information is not explicitly forbidden by the Global Rules, we do put limitations on what can be posted or requested in order to prevent such activity from causing the site legal trouble. Additionally the doxing of site staff, board owners, and volunteers is prohibited as "harm to the site" under Global Rule 4. We broadly divide doxing into two categories: Hard dox and soft dox. Hard dox is forbidden sitewide under Global Rules 1 and 4, and includes the following types of materials: *Any personal information of someone under 18 years old *Medical records or other HIPAA-protected information *Driver's License information *Passport information *Social Security Numbers or their equivalents *Non-public financial information such as bank account numbers, crypto account numbers, or credit card information *Passwords *Unlisted, private phone numbers *Unlisted physical addresses *Personal identifying information of employers, friends, or family members who are not otherwise notable or public persons themselves *Any other personal material that was obviously acquired through an invasion of legal privacy rights

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Ruling16: TABS - Trusted Anonymous Bypass System, or "TAB System" When the site comes under heavy attack by spammers, the TABS system may be temporarily activated by Admins or Global Moderators. TABS has the effect of screening users that attempt to post, and blocking those that are most likely to be spammers with a "Bypass Denied" error. When TABS is activated, new users and suspicious users will be blocked from making posts, but regular users can still post provided that they do not delete or clear the 8chan "bypass" cookie in their browser. TABS reads this cookie and checks its site metrics in Lynxchan to quickly determine if the user is trustworthy, and if the cookie is missing the user will be blocked until TABS is turned off again. The bypass cookie has the dual properties of being both anonymous and unique, and TABS does not key off of any other user identifying information. This makes it equally effective on TOR or VPN users, and allows us to screen posting without compromising any user's privacy. It is strongly recommended that you go into your browser settings and exempt your preferred "8chan" domain from having its cookies automatically cleared. >Why? Spammers have demonstrated that they're able to circumvent the Proof of Work captcha system by using paid captcha-cracking services to enable multiple, rotating connections to the site. This "queuing up" sort of spam attack can be scaled against the POW system to render it ineffective at stopping spam, and the TAB System was developed to provide a solution. Unlike POW, TABS is not an admin-only tool and can be enabled or disabled by any member of the Global Staff to improve reaction times against major attacks.
Edited last time by Acidadmin on 06/13/2023 (Tue) 06:36:28.

Email Confirmation Anonymous 01/20/2024 (Sat) 22:23:49 Id: 076857 No. 8855 [Reply]
Trying to get an email confirmation for my account, but nothing arrived. I double checked the email and checked the spam folder. Still nothing.
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Is this never going to get fixed?
>>9377 E-mails? We need a new mail server that isn't filtered as hard. [Expand Post]? That got fixed in the last update.
>>8856 I also need a verification, already sent you a mail at that adress.

Anonymous 01/06/2024 (Sat) 16:49:49 Id: d81d2c No. 8825 [Reply]
How do I turn off the snow?
Did you ever figure it out?
>>9361 Um... Yes, the site did it for me since new year's.

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Test board creation post-improvements Acidadmin Board owner 04/24/2020 (Fri) 06:44:50 No. 1 [Reply]
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Hello, I am currently making a neutral wiki article on this site. Can you guys tell me a bit about this chan's creation, history, and controversies?
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>>8841 Jesus fucking christ delete this image

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8moe Anonymous 03/01/2024 (Fri) 10:28:25 Id: 53652d No. 9022 [Reply]
A picture of the 8moe community 2024
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Love you
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>>9159 >nuke what I hate RRRRREEEEEEE But why, retard?
>>9279 Because he hates them

Board Owner Support and Migration Requests Codexx Root 12/13/2020 (Sun) 05:27:09 Id: abfacc No. 1651 [Reply] [Last]
This thread is for Board Owners to get support for running their boards. How do I create a board? First, you should see if the board you want to create already exists. Some boards may be marked abandoned, in which case you can put in a board claim. If the board doesn't exist, you can create one yourself. Create an account or log-in by visiting the lightning bolt symbol next to the CSS dropdown at the top of the page. Once there, make sure you have a verified e-mail address. Then, you can scroll to the bottom of the page and find the board creation section. Enter the URI, name, and a description. After you fill out the captcha and submit, you'll have your very own board. How do I claim an existing board? A board will be marked abandoned if the Board Owner has not logged in for a few weeks. Sometimes, this indicates they've gone missing. If the BO cannot be reached then we will hand the board over to a willing replacement. We recommend sending an e-mail to the administration address of 8moeadmin@protonmail.com. Please include your username on the site and the board you are requesting. How do I create custom CSS? There is an upload field on the board settings page for custom CSS. Upload your file there. Custom board assets such as background images, mascots, icons, music, etc should be posted in the appropriate thread on >>>/res/. This board is for board assets only. This way, you don't need to clutter your board with a pinned asset, or worry an uploaded image will fall off the site. How do I create custom JavaScript? This feature is currently disabled. Soon, you'll be able to request custom JS be activated for your board. You can leave that request here.

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Do your posters have basic courtesy of asking if they allowed to post sensitive content before they post it? I know Warning sign disuade new posters but on other hand people like pic related exist
>>9290 >image limit This can be set per-post with the "Maximum number of files per post" option. You can reduce the number of posts in a thread by setting "bump limit". Additionally, there is the [Last] button on posts, which just loads the latest 50. This helps a lot for users on toasters trying to click extra-large threads.
>>4805 >Both are planned features for Lynxchan 2.8 ( Still not seeing it nor mentioned in >>5978 or >>9110 Deleting user's file, either via thread/Moderate Thread option or ban droplist only show deletion by IP/bypass. Now that I do it, it does delete post from that bypass,which date back to last week. I thought bypass only last for 1 day? whole board post deletion, not just from thread. Thankfully only from that bypass. And different poster can’t share same exact bypass right? I thought I accidentally deleted a regular user’s post but consider 1 week worth of post get deleted, he probably is the offender, just changing identity fuck this is getting interesting

8chan Broadcasting Service Codexx Root 11/17/2020 (Tue) 09:20:00 Id: 3ae7e9 No. 1519 [Reply] [Last]
This is the official support thread for https://8chan.tv/ What is this site? A place for anons to stream anything they'd like. You can stream any video you'd like, and users can join chat anonymously. Streams can also be embedded elsewhere for easy sharing. Chat is built around XMPP, so you can connect with any Jabber client. Streams are generic RTMP streams, so you can connect and view them directly. For example, you can watch a stream in VLC instead of on the website. What can't it do? The site supports uploading videos and storing clips, but these features are currently disabled. If there's strong interest, I can make it available, but I'd need a way to pay for storage space. Why should I use this? The goal is to provide anons with an easy, convenient way to get a media stream. Other sites actively police uploads to enforce "community guidelines". It can be inconvenient to share some media as a result. The site isn't working well! Leave a reply here describing the problem. If you're having performance issues, I can help diagnose. If the site is being used heavily and begins to struggle, I can download more RAM to make it go faster.

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Edited last time by codexx on 01/16/2023 (Mon) 02:25:50.
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Some of the default stickers are missing.
>>7656 >Intel GPUs Keep us posted on this, I'm very interested in trying AV1 encoding myself

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8moe /icup/ re-visited Anonymous 05/18/2024 (Sat) 06:32:14 Id: a0edd1 No. 9301 [Reply]
We are back to re-consider what games to play next at >>>/icup/5921

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LynxChan + Aleph 2.10 Changelog: Say Your Rabbits Edition Codexx Root 03/31/2024 (Sun) 21:11:53 Id: 2c44bf No. 9110 [Reply] [Last]
Happy Easter to everyone! Please leave any bug reports (old or new!) and new feature suggestions in this thread. This will be the designated Tech Support + Changelog thread until the next major release. Features Added Oeakaki support. Three different providers are available under Settings -> Misc Added setting to disable swipe behavior on mobile Updated embed URLs for 8chan.tv and YouTube mobile links Theme loading has been optimized Added Avellana Theme Global/Local Report & Ban modals have been merged to reduce menu clutter Added meter to indicate when files are over the maximum file size Bugs Audio volume now always be set before playing video. Catalog cells are scrollable again Trashed posts should be marked on Moderation pages Double Bans should now be cleared correctly by appeals Navbar no longer overruns to multiple lines

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Edited last time by codexx on 04/01/2024 (Mon) 01:16:22.
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I'm not sure if these bugs were already reported, but there are missing labels both on the eng.json and spa.json files for text that shows on the mobile version. These are the missing labels: >labelBack >labelGlobalRules
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>>9165 Everything seems to work as usual now.
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>>9110 Having the Local Times option enabled in the settings, the dates of some posts are displayed as NaN/NaN/NaN (undefined) NaN:NaN:NaN in Spanish boards like >>>/hisparefugio/. I think modifying setLocalTime() in posting.js in this way should solve it provisionally.: posting.setLocalTime = function(time) { var parsedDate = new Date(time.innerText + ' UTC'); if(isNaN(parsedDate)) { // If this condition is met, we assume that the date is in Spanish parsedDate = new Date(time.innerText.replace(/^(\d\d)\/(\d\d)(.+)/g, "$2/$1$3") + ' UTC'); } time.innerText = api.formatDateToDisplay(parsedDate, true); }; But I think it doesn't work very well with some dates. As already reported in >>9244 and >>>/hisparefugio/155421 the "Relative Times" option doesn't work either. In the meantime the local times can be fixed by disabling the homonymous option, pasting the above code in Settings > JS (changing posting.setLocalTime to setLocalTime to make it work) and add this below to run the function every time that the page loads: var createdTimes = document.querySelectorAll(".labelCreated"); for (var i = 0; i<createdTimes.length; i++) {

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holy shit these captchas are fucking ridiculous Anonymous 03/17/2023 (Fri) 05:13:04 Id: 2b050f No. 7844 [Reply]
look at this shit. i just blew threw probably 20 captchas to post in /b/ and here are just a few of them. these never used to be this fucktardedly hard. i can't count the number of times i decided not to post at all because of these. do something
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>>8757 I got a woodblock font for my captcha the other. It was really nice.
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>>7844 One way to avoid (or at least mitigate) unreadable captchas like those of >>8252, >>8505 and >>8757 would be to keep a record of each captcha that the user fails to complete, where each one could be saved as a JSON with a structure like this: { "image": String (path to the original captcha or the base64 encoded image) "attempts": Array (all failed attempts of the user at the time of guessing the captcha) "font": String (name of the font file that was used to generate the captcha) "answer": String (correct captcha answer) "parameters": String (additional parameters that were used to generate the captcha) } That way it should be easier for programmers to eliminate fonts that cause a lot of problems or adjust others that have similar letters/numbers (like 6 or b).

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The Great Community Polling Thread - FOUR MORE YEARS Acid Board owner 02/12/2024 (Mon) 21:52:20 Id: 67d1fe No. 8972 [Reply]
How much do you use TOR? Whether here or on other sites? >¿Cuánto usas TOR? https://favpolls.com/Poll/Join?code=1GWK6D What other kind of site do you use the most? >¿Qué otro tipo de sitio web utilizas más?? https://favpolls.com/Poll/Join?code=LS9RRK How have the admins been doing over the past four years? >¿Cómo están las administradoras? https://favpolls.com/Poll/Join?code=DJB7GO How satisfied are you with the website overall? >¿Qué tan satisfecho está con el sitio web en general? https://favpolls.com/Poll/Join?code=RYWZJA Where do you get your hentai?

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Edited last time by Acidadmin on 02/12/2024 (Mon) 22:27:47.
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>>9050 >still attacked by pedo spam, as evidenced in Trashchan's reports Apparently it's not even from TOR! Maybe it's different case for each imageboard... >>9051 Exactly, it's just lazy convenience; CP attacks aren't limited to Tor by any means.
>>8972 >Where do you get your hentai? It wouldn't hurt to have an option that says "I don't consume hentai or I don't do it often" for weirdos like me. >>8974 >The Spanish-language stuff belongs to the Hispachan boards Not all, in the case of >>>/argentina/ it is a community that previously existed since the time of the original 8chan. >>9018 >Who the hell checks /site/? I was going to comment the same thing. If you want more anons to answer the polls, then add a global notice in the header of the site.
>>9086 >Apparently it's not even from TOR! Yeah I read that the other day. Most of their problems are via VPN with very few from Tor and ZERO from Tor via the onion site.

site history thread Anonymous 10/23/2022 (Sun) 19:35:49 Id: 7e2a05 No. 7215 [Reply] [Last]
for spoonfeeding newfriends just made this shit because I didn't feel this would really go well in other threads or places and I wanted to help some people who wanted to contriboot plus people can post their own moments/caps, memes and OC and whatnot, since I'd have to go digging through my old HDD to find the good shit Its also impossible for one person to describe a site's history, I'll do my best with regards to certain specific events and things, but I'm not a "perfect anon"
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>>9003 He's fine and still an asshole. And finally get fuckt pedos.
>>9042 >I covered myself in shit and now no one will come near me get fucked yeah you're a real winner alright.
>>9043 So you don't want his AIM name then?

Is this allowed? Anonymous 12/16/2023 (Sat) 05:04:26 Id: 22c6f0 No. 8747 [Reply]
>>>/hisparefugio/92345 A post in hispanic board literally talking about rape toddlers? The board is full of that material (not just lolicon but people also depicting how they would fuck/rape children even babys) and when you writte your claim to the BO you get called slurs by the BO/volunteers themselves and stalked (post history checked and they make fun on your previous post) and obviously they don't do anything about it. Also that thread is full of toddler material but I don't claim especifically the 2d but the description and apology to rape children in the posts. The board is full with loli discusion, even books on how to attrack/have committing voter fraud for Democrats have been shared. https://8chan.moe/hisparefugio/res/91055.html#92345
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>>8814 I might be wrong, but from what I've read what the american law punishes is "obcenity" nevertheless I don't totally understand what it means.
>>8818 It's an intentionally vague definition where a court can decide whether something is bad or not. That's what's so pernicious about it. That said, most obscenity laws have not help up in court after appeals.
>>8807 You can see it in the laws on piracy, cybercrimes, and the age of sexual consent. I share a link to wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Age_of_consent

EMERGENCY ARCHIVERS NEEDED!!! Anonymous 01/03/2024 (Wed) 06:38:43 Id: 56c258 No. 8803 [Reply]
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>>8811 Shota's what I mostly care about, though...
>>8815 So check the fucking shota board and not the Loli board you idiot.
>>8803 They literally fucking tell you that you can change your region in your profile. Just change it to Japan and call it a day.

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Ihaveaproblem 12/17/2023 (Sun) 07:00:53 Id: 945e7e No. 8754 [Reply]
hello I'm having trouble accessing the site from my mobile phone attached photo
do you know how I can fix it?
>>8754 Try .se and see if you can reach that? Is it on your data connection, or via wi-fi? Determining the problem on a phone is a bit difficult.
thank you I am now able to log in I tried with ".se" and it let me in.

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