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Board Owner Support and Migration Requests Codexx Root 12/13/2020 (Sun) 05:27:09 Id: abfacc No. 1651
This thread is for Board Owners to get support for running their boards. How do I create a board? First, you should see if the board you want to create already exists. Some boards may be marked abandoned, in which case you can put in a board claim. If the board doesn't exist, you can create one yourself. Create an account or log-in by visiting the lightning bolt symbol next to the CSS dropdown at the top of the page. Once there, make sure you have a verified e-mail address. Then, you can scroll to the bottom of the page and find the board creation section. Enter the URI, name, and a description. After you fill out the captcha and submit, you'll have your very own board. How do I claim an existing board? A board will be marked abandoned if the Board Owner has not logged in for a few weeks. Sometimes, this indicates they've gone missing. If the BO cannot be reached then we will hand the board over to a willing replacement. We recommend sending an e-mail to the administration address of 8moeadmin@protonmail.com. Please include your username on the site and the board you are requesting. How do I create custom CSS? There is an upload field on the board settings page for custom CSS. Upload your file there. Custom board assets such as background images, mascots, icons, music, etc should be posted in the appropriate thread on >>>/res/. This board is for board assets only. This way, you don't need to clutter your board with a pinned asset, or worry an uploaded image will fall off the site. How do I create custom JavaScript? This feature is currently disabled. Soon, you'll be able to request custom JS be activated for your board. You can leave that request here. I am moving my board in from another website. How can I request a migration? We're happy to move or archive boards from other websites at the board owner's request. Please contact me directly at codexx@cock.li with the name of your board on this site, a link to the board on another site, and some kind of proof you are the board owner. Generally, a screenshot of your board management page or a capcoded post on the board to be imported is sufficient. Currently we offer imports for boards on Vichan and LynxChan websites. JSChan support will arrive in the near future. What rules do I need to enforce on my board? Just the global rules, which are minimal and mostly consist of deleting illegal content. If your board is marked as Safe for Work (SFW), you will need to spoiler any images that show genitalia, scat, guro, etc. Globals will only police global rules on your board. You're welcome to add more rules on top of this, but you and your volunteers are responsible for enforcing them. How do I label my board as "Safe For Work"? Leave a request in this thread for a board to be marked as such, or send us an e-mail from your verified address. Your board must be reasonably about SFW content, and NSFW content must be spoilered so it does not show on the front page or overboard. We may label boards SFW or NSFW at our own discretion based on the average content on the board. If you would like its designation changed specifically, then please notify us of your preference. Why was captcha enabled on my board? If you set an automated captcha threshold in board settings, then captchas will be enabled on your board once a set number of posts/threads per hour limit is hit. The setting will not undo itself; you need to manually turn the captcha back off again each time. Still, we recommend setting a PPH captcha limit a bit above your usual peak PPH; this helps limit spam attacks. What if my question wasn't answered here? Reply with your question and we will try to answer as quickly as possible.
>>7896 >site announcements bar is used to announce maintenance, issues, updates etc Yeah but you never fix, update or announce anything that's actually important to us anymore. Board owners are still waiting for you to *announce* anything on the Tor issue for example. And its been over a month now lol. No, instead we are left with old, spanish announcements that does not even "fit" with 95% of the boards here. I'm sure /t/, /fur/, /v/, /co/, /abdl, /a/ etc has *great* use for all of these spanish announcements flooding into their front page like spam. >If you would like a community event you participate in to be featured, then you can ask us to put it in the announcements. Umm? How about you do some actual work and relegate the spanish announcements to ONLY the spanish speaking boards? And leave the rest of us alone mby? k thnx.
>>7898 As far as I know Tor has been re-enabled for some time now. If you're still having issues, let me know so I can diagnose. I'd like to replace the event announcements with a calendar system. I'm a bit overwhelmed at the moment, but I will circle back to it.
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>>7899 >As far as I know Tor has been re-enabled for some time now. Please see pic.
>>7904 Ah, I see. That's a LynxChan error. We have multiple routes to block Tor posting and we normally don't toggle this one. It should be fixed now.
>>7905 >we normally don't toggle this one. It should be fixed now. ...
>>7905 File posting is disabled. Please enable.
>>7905 >didn't even test it Bro I swear to god you fuckers are so brain dead holy fuck. Give the date where you thought it was turned back on so we can fume over it.
>>7905 nigga...
>>7905 I can't believe we waited over a month for this. Struggling with shitty vpns just to post anything at all, and this was the reason?
>>7905 This is unreasonable. You need to do better than this.
Turn image posting on tor back on. It has been a fucking month. You should have been able to figure out some solution by now even if it were simply hire 20 new janitors to tard wrangle silvia.
Had to disable it again due to spam. I've got a better solution I am working on.
>>7919 >I've got a better solution I am working on. but you said that a few weeks ago. back to the endless wait I guess.
>>7919 >didn't actually solve the problem >only took the sperg knowing Tor was back to get back at it God you are such absolute NIGGERS.
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In order for tags to be searchable, you must space them like this: test1,test2,test3,test4,test5 And you cannot have more than 5
Please tick Non-bypassable by default. I keep checking the guide to remember what this thing supposed to do (well I know now)
>>8153 >guide Where? >Non-bypassable Wut?
>>8159 >Where? The guide or "Moderation Manual" is a special page that describes basic mod tools and board settings. I think you need to be registered to access it, but here's the link: https://8chan.moe/.static/pages/moderation.html >Wut? From the mod manual: <Non-bypassable: If this checkbox is un-ticked, the user can simply fill out a new bypass and continue posting. If it is ticked, it bans the IP from being able to bypass said ban until it expires.
>>8160 Ty.
Hello. I was wondering if it was possible for you guys to restore a hastily deleted board and for me to assume control of it. I created an account on the site, ticked the "Request confirmation e-mail" but I yet to receive it going for an hour or so. Thanks in advance.
>>8289 *have >Pending confirmation to be expired at Mon, 10 Jul 2023 13:09:08 GMT. What should I do in this case? I haven't received the confirmation e-mail
Unrelatable experience. Some fucker screenshot your board, then edit the screenshot to ask about .css My board is a small dying board, the kind that you only know by randomly see recent post. a BO see my css and purposely screenshot a spicy banner i make (mustve choose that banner to get reaction here) and for unknown reason, edited in part of my board you are not suppose to be able to see when the .css is on. I didnt want to make a fuss about it (I don't see it so either the post is in another thread or get cycled) but cmon you are ripping from small board. Worst thing about experience like this is that you are the only one knows it is edited.
>>3394 At this point clock symbol is more indicator of "board that doesnt have problem" rather than "BO who abandon their board" >2 years ago
I have question regarding the rules about sex with minors and animals in text form. One of my board users wants to retell a story about how he had sex with a cow back when he was 12yo. Its how he became a zoo. Would this be against the rules in anyway? Are real stories with minors acceptable in general? Or a strict no? Thnx for answer.
>>8347 Explain it carefully because I have no clue what's your issue. If English is not your mother tonge use the hispanic meta thread instead.
Why does it not work on Tor?
>>8556 Are you on the .onion, or one of the clearnet domains? And if on clearnet over Tor, which domain?
>>1651 say, if I want to create a new board(and a new css for it), but I do not have any experience with css, how do I do it? are there any free no-code tools/tutorials on how to create your own css?
>>1651 How do I hide my username in the last edited by messages? Can I hide my username in the public logs? this feature should be implemented, jschan has it too
>>4805 >flagging the board as SFW, Sending email to protonmail to request a status change for my board.
This sound stupid but I want to request a reverse warning option. I got a post who is either random passerby or potential user. If it is the later I don’t want to scare him but at the same time the sus post is the only thing they post. The reverse warning I propose won’t show warning if user do post within set time (I assume they are legit if they return soon) but will show warning if user doesn’t post soon (random shitter)
Uids are showing even though I have turned the option off. Please fix.
>>2092 Speaking about global limit, can BO have option to cap image limit in their board? >>2094 yeah I think loading 700 pics isn't doable for people viewing from potato device. I want to bring my board limit to half of it.
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Do your posters have basic courtesy of asking if they allowed to post sensitive content before they post it? I know Warning sign disuade new posters but on other hand people like pic related exist
>>9290 >image limit This can be set per-post with the "Maximum number of files per post" option. You can reduce the number of posts in a thread by setting "bump limit". Additionally, there is the [Last] button on posts, which just loads the latest 50. This helps a lot for users on toasters trying to click extra-large threads.
>>4805 >Both are planned features for Lynxchan 2.8 ( Still not seeing it nor mentioned in >>5978 or >>9110 Deleting user's file, either via thread/Moderate Thread option or ban droplist only show deletion by IP/bypass. Now that I do it, it does delete post from that bypass,which date back to last week. I thought bypass only last for 1 day? whole board post deletion, not just from thread. Thankfully only from that bypass. And different poster can’t share same exact bypass right? I thought I accidentally deleted a regular user’s post but consider 1 week worth of post get deleted, he probably is the offender, just changing identity fuck this is getting interesting

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