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IT'S FRIDAY NIGHT MUTHAFUCKA #232 Anonymous 05/11/2024 (Sat) 01:04:54 Id: d5fb1e No. 967606
The previous thread is now anchored so it's time for a new thread all about Friday Nights and: WHATCHA' >PLAYAN >WATCHAN >LISTENAN >READAN >EATAN >DRINKAN >FAPPAN >FEELAN
>PLAYAN Broforce, since it apparently had an update last year. >WATCHAN NCIS >LISTENAN Podcasts. >READAN Rental software guides (long story) >EATAN Home made pastry >DRINKAN Pepsi >FAPPAN No. >FEELAN Busy.
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>PLAYAN Dragon age:origins. After the recent announcement of veilguard there were naturally a lot of complaints. The usual contrairians then showed up claiming that bioware was always shit. I decided to replay the game to see if it was as good as I remember it. It is! I also had pic related on my mind and wanted to play as him. My character ended up being way too good natured though to be a warrior of chaos with only a neutral opinion on mages. I posted some screenshots in the screenshot thread. Does anyone here know any games that lets me be pic related? >WATCHAN https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecJHkdSFDYs >LISTENAN steel ball run medley. >READAN /v/ >EATAN Sausages, potato sallad and a boiled egg. >DRINKAN DR.pepper. >FAPPAN This Wednesday I stayed up until 3 in the morning playing DA:O(Technically its 03:00 thursday but whatever). Then I realised I had a dentists appointment in 10 hours. So I decided to pull an all nighter. I started watching these lewd MMD videos on youtube. Normally I dislike them but I think my sleep deprivation made me way hornier. It usually does. Ended up jacking off 5-6 times on thursday. >FEELAN Like an idiot. I was at the gym today and was doing back day. When I noticed the instructions on one of the machines says "Hold for 1-2 seconds". Suddenly I realised all those exercises for back strength wanted you to hold the weights for a few seconds. I did rows afterwards and tried holding in between every pull and yeah I felt the back muscles being strained. How am I this stupid? I was under the impression that I just had baby muscles and that I would feel the back muscles when I got bigger. Well besides that I am also a bit sad because I don't think my RPG group is having a session today. Guess ill go back to playing dragon age.
>PLAYAN Breath of the Wild. The exploration of a dead nation's ruins is incredibly fun to me. Some might complain that the world feels empty, but that's actually one of the perks for me. Whenever I do run into people, I'm grateful to see them and it's a nice amount of human contact. I'm fucking tired of the Yiga ambushes though. >WATCHAN I've been getting back into House MD. The first season had an incredible episode that I had to rewatch a few times. >LISTENAN Hiroshi Sato >READAN The Big Sleep by Raymond Chandler. >EATAN Donuts. >DRINKAN Cranberry Grape Juice. It's nice. >FAPPAN Morishima Kon oneeshota. >FEELAN Caught a bug from a recent visit to the museum. I'm on the mend, but it's still not the best feeling.
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>PLAYAN Septerra Core >WATCHAN The last few wwe raw episode. People say it's been getting good lately so I'll give it a try, but i don't expect much. >LISTENAN Kino egg white vods >EATAN salami >DRINKAN beer >FAPPAN I did, but i will go nofap for at least 3 weeks. I promise. >FEELAN Surprisingly, things have been pretty good recently. It almost makes me worry.
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>PLAYAN SMT: strange journey as my "small" game (playable on my phone). As for a "big" game (playable on my PC), I dunno. I recently finished "metroid: dread" (it was REALLY good). Been trying both rouge galaxy and star ocean 3 thorough the week, unsure if I really like them or not. Did consider star ocean 6, however, looking at various reviews it seems to have gotten a mixed reception. Anyone here played star ocean 6? >WATCHAN Nothing >LISTENAN Nothing >READAN Nothing >EATAN Chicken with some green curry sauce mix, vegetables and rice. >DRINKAN Whater, hwite hwine >FAPPAN Nah, ain't feeling it. >FEELAN Toasty, its evening, but it is still 27 degrees Celsius, just sitting around in my underwear. It's the hottest day so far this year. Other than that I'll be going away to visit my family next week witch might be fun.
>PLAYAN Finished SotE and now finished Spark The Electric Jester 3. Great fucking games, even if SotE ended on a bit of low note due to just ending. >WATCHAN Nothing >LISTENAN Enrio Morricone's works >READAN Finishing up Dungeon meshi. >EATAN Dark Chocolate >DRINKAN Water >FAPPAN Nothing at the moment >FEELAN Kind of strange, I am going to a weeaboo con tomorrow somewhat nearby my area. I expect people to be really cringy and all kinds of degenerates and some decent cosplays on the side but I might something decent like fairly niche buildkits.
>PLAYAN Shadowrun 3rd edition >WATCHAN Shadowrun 3rd edition >LISTENAN Shadowrun 3rd edition >READAN Shadowrun 3rd edition >EATAN Shadowrun 3rd edition >DRINKAN Shadowrun 3rd edition >FAPPAN Shadowrun 3rd edition >FEELAN Shadowrun 3rd edition
>>984452 >FAPPAN >Shadowrun 3rd edition That ain't something you can fap to.
>>984453 It was a time where punk girls were still sexy and not ham abominations. Leave me.
>>984452 very efficient
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>>984454 Post proof.
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>PLAYAN Crusader Kings II. Playing as a Scottish >WATCHAN Leon the Professional. It's a really good movie, nice and stylish. >LISTENAN The Squidbillies theme >READAN Anglo-Saxon Thegn, AD 449-1066. It's a really good book, one I'd recommend if you want to learn more about how the Anglo-Saxons did warfare. >EATAN Leftover pizza from last night >DRINKAN A pint and a half can of Dos Equis >FAPPAN Succubi and demon girls. >FEELAN Finally got a new job, it's shit but it's better than nothing. Other than that, I've been doing well.
>>984464 <celibate Do words mean anything anymore online? I hate that incel culture has infected the mainstream and that it gets pushed so much by women labeling everything as "-cel" just like wojaks. Yes, it was originally started by a woman, it's just irritating. It's like them coming up with new forms of anorexia and bulimia ("exercise bulimia"), calling everybody that doesn't act like a baboon "autistic," and inventing trendy mental illness mood rings like "muh enby anxiety."
>>984428 I feel the same way about BOTW. I don't mind a bit of emptiness in my open worlds. It's the constant to-do list bullshit every five seconds that ruins those games for me. Which episode of House did you rewatch? Was it Three Stories? That's one of my favourites.
>>984530 That's the exact one. It was a masterpiece of an episode.
>>984528 At least acting weird being called autistic maps onto the concept of autism. Incel is just used as a synonym for misogynist when the word incel has a completely unambiguous original meaning that is completely independent from misogyny. Things like autism are inherently ambiguous to begin with.
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>PLAYAN Not feeling vidya tonight. Probably gonna work on other stuff. >WATCHAN Oneyplays catchup if I can manage time for it. >LISTENAN Maybe some Eurobeat, I dunno. >READAN Post-Presidential debate salt. >EATAN A chicken thigh and some mashed potatoes. >DRINKAN Milk and water. >FAPPAN Not tonight. >FEELAN It's been a more eventful than usual past few weeks. Though that isn't saying much, given how remarkably low the bar is for that. I'm in a good mood today, though. Hoping to knock some stuff out over the weekend, since I have it off for once. >>984552 My theory is that people who throw around the term like that are merely attempting to connect Bad Thing A with Bad Thing B, while conveniently ignoring that married men are, on average, more conservative than single men. The irony of them linking a person's value towards their body count isn't lost on me.
>>984552 <At least acting weird being called autistic maps onto the concept of autism Not...really? The inherent issue of "social disability" is that one social norm is not equivalent to another, and can change, sometimes for the objective worse. How do you dictate what's "normal?" If some pop star started an act talking out loud to himself, and then everybody else followed in his footsteps seeing it destigmatized, what would be seen as a sign of mental illness would now be considered "normal." We are seeing a bunch of fringe subcultures and behaviors online explode into real life (*cough cough* kids unironically using the term "Rule 34" *cough cough*). Technically, that's "weird" from a certain point of view but it's also "normal." The fragmentation of popular culture due to the Internet enforcing algorithmic echo chambers means a monocultural norm is impossible to define as a bedrock. Try to see a female therapist work from the outside and realize they just stereotype people with their own biases most of the time. Then we have Asians, an entire race of autists from a Western perspective...except they themselves don't consider themselves autistic, and Westerners are slowly picking up their "autistic" habits like their choice of food, hairstyles, and taste in media and hobbies due to economic and sociopolitical factors. Or what about "female autism," Schrodinger's autism? Autism in itself as a concept was originally coined by some stupid Europoor (possible Jewish origins scrubbed AFAICT) to describe schizophrenia. Yes, the schizophrenia that would later go on to morph into "slow progressive schizophrenia," the complete bullshit political diagnosis. The original definition amounted to a disconnect with reality and indulgence in immersive fantasy. That describes everybody with Trump Derangement Syndrome. It's ridiculous. I rant "autistically" about this because it should be more obvious to everybody that the sudden rise in prominence of autism is due to dumb political and social incentives emerging. >quacks were tried of shit of people being diagnosed for Assburgers and lumped it in with actual autism to reduce paperwork >(((insurance companies))) realized this "autism" fad was a goldmine to wring money from histrionic parents >nerdshit broke into the mainstream Bing Bong Theremin style >mental illness became trendy because globohomo wanted to destabilize civilization with degeneracy Are we a bunch of "autists?" For real, not just a meme and joking around? It's honestly hard to tell given you can support, I dunno, RFK in Amerilard and use "Well then" twice in a conversation and be diagnosed as "autistic" under the current DSM. >>984566 The easier thing to connect with this "incel" obsession with women is that the West is starting to immerse itself into the cultural struggle of the sexes that is occurring in the Confucian states. The Confucian states have mostly tilted for the men (see Worst Korea firing and blacklisting feminists associated with Megalia as unironic terrorists), whereas right now the West is matriarchal in culture (thanks to the Jews). The women on the West unconsciously recognize their loss on the other side of the globe, and thus are lashing out in fear the same will happen for them. Essentially, "incel awareness" was inevitable as social patterns repeat across different cultural contexts. For my hatred of unironic incels, they do tend to do well in backing their views up with statistics (feminism leads to decline in birthrates as women pick awful sexual partners who pump and dump them, then try to "settle down" with the men they've previously scorned as they hit the wall, blah blah blah everybody's heard it by now). I just loathe their entitlement, their intense categorization ("if you're not with us you're a 'volcel' or 'chad'"), and complete ineptitude in achieving their supposed goals ("gOvErNmEnT-mAnDaTeD gIrLfRiEnDs").
>>984585 >he thinks men are "winning" in the east Shit's fucked there just the same as here. Worst Korea is just slightly in the future. The bad future. We need to create an alternate timeline. Also, incels have way more terms than incel, volcel, and chad. There's failed normie, for one. And I don't think it's right to come here and talk that much about autism and then get mad about people who like to categorize things neatly. I mean come on. >and complete ineptitude in achieving their supposed goals ("gOvErNmEnT-mAnDaTeD gIrLfRiEnDs"). We need to seize the means of (re-)production. Trump was right all along. "Grab 'em by the pussy."
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>>984585 >>984596 Forgot to use the excuse to post Gookanon.
>>984596 >volcel That's just being celibate.
>PLAYAN Chivalry 2 >WATCHAN Nothing >LISTENAN a collection of various OSTs from fantasy and medieval vidya >READAN DnD character sheet >EATAN Had Raising Canes >DRINKAN Someone brought Truelys to the DnD sesh, they were awful I can't believe people drink this stuff >FAPPAN Probably not >FEELAN Ok, I got a raise at work and a commendation for catching an error in treatment before it compromised the care of a patient. I still feel very depressed as of late, I feel my education has stagnated and I've failed my family in many meaningful, objective ways. Regardless of this I must go on, I just am not sure what I'm supposed to do like a normal person I would like to be happy.
>>984609 But incels are also celibate, and in their context, I'm sure you can see why they feel a need to differentiate the two.
>>984566 >My theory is that people who throw around the term like that are merely attempting to connect Bad Thing A with Bad Thing B, while conveniently ignoring that married men are, on average, more conservative than single men. The irony of them linking a person's value towards their body count isn't lost on me. Not a single one of them is consciously or subconsciously doing that. It's literally just people repeating shit they heard other people say. If you ask a single person what they think incel means they won't know. I've seen people called married men with children incels. They literally just think it means person I don't like, nerd, loser, or misogynist. >>984585 >Not...really? The inherent issue of "social disability" is that one social norm is not equivalent to another, and can change, sometimes for the objective worse. How do you dictate what's "normal?" If some pop star started an act talking out loud to himself, and then everybody else followed in his footsteps seeing it destigmatized, what would be seen as a sign of mental illness would now be considered "normal." By the same logic no human behavior could ever be called irregular or weird on the chance that everyone suddenly starts adopting the behavior. By all reasonable understanding displaying the standard characteristics of autism is weird in the way we traditionally understand socially awkward people to be. And there are barometers for human behavior that essentially exist independent of how common that behavior is. >Then we have Asians, an entire race of autists from a Western perspective...except they themselves don't consider themselves autistic Asians are a good example of this. Their behavior is objectively bad. South Koreans have the lowest birth rates recorded in all of human civilization during peace time. It doesn't matter if they perceive the behavior as normal. Successful social characteristics are not that difficult to quantify independent of culture. One can confidently assert that autisming yourself into extinction is probably retarded. >Are we a bunch of "autists?" For real, not just a meme and joking around? No one cares about the DSM. All psychological and personality disorders exist on a scale, it's arbitrary. Anons are going to be more autistic than not, on average.
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>>967606 >>PLAYAN Played a bunch of shit since the last time I posted in one of these threads. Beat Skald: Against the Black Priory, Asterigos: Curse of the Stars, and GTA: San Andreas. Currently playing through Anno Mutationem, No More Heroes, and failing pretty spectacularly at Crusader Kings III. Though I guess you're not really supposed to win that - you just try to see how long you can keep your dynasty alive. I thought I'd start off in a far off corner of Siberia and as soon as I spent hours getting everyone married, landed, and sorted my cabinet out - I was immediately beset by raiders from two neighboring kingdoms (Dutchys or whatever). Having beat them easily, I went to war with one of the weaker raiders since I had a claim to his land anyhow - and as soon as I defeat his largest force, a massive army he was allied with to the south came up and wrecked my shit before my own allies could get mobilized. My second playthrough was similarly short. Made the mistake of trying to put actually competent people from my court in positions of power - rather than just well-connected incompetents. I tried to give them their own titles to appease them, and initiated schemes to sway them, since they were both competent at stewardship - to which they promptly both raised their armies and wiped me out. Also, been playing some Primal Carnage Extinction. Pretty fun game, but it's an old game and the online mode is pretty dead. Offline is just a bare bones wave survive and you can't even play as the Dinos. Might be good for a game night here if it hasn't already been selected. >>WATCHAN Just a bunch of bullshit political Youtube crap. I did watch the Presidential debates the other night. Christ what a shitshow. Can't wait for the next one. Also watched some Legend of Lodoss War and Delicious in Dungeon, but KissAnime cuts off at Ep 24, which seemed like a weird place to end the season narratively. Pretty decent, but could be better. Never ceases to amaze me how the nips can just take a seemingly blasé theme, craft story around that theme, and still produce content that is leagues better than western media. Oh, and re-watching some Golgo 13 (2008 Opening video is fucked up because youtube, but I'm not on my main system and I'm tired of looking for a proper verion) >LISTENAN Nothing, aside from some old anime openings/endings from now very old shows. >READAN Nothing >EATAN Hand made sausage wrapped in cabbage rolls and tomatoes, then covered with cheese and laid on rice. >DRINKAN Plain water and black coffee. Haven't really drank alcohol since my turn signal broke for ATS, and I can't get a replacement because microcontroller board is out of stock so the guy can't make any more. Considering just shitcanning my entire current setup and getting a Hori Truck Control System. Might just get something cheaper, like the Aerosoft Truck & Bus wheel. I plan to get a proper button box with CB anyhow - but the Hori has a proper center wheel horn, included H pattern shifter with jake and range select, as well as a 1800 degree turning radius. Doesn't come out until this fall/winter though. https://stores.horiusa.com/HPC-044U >FAPPAN Voreshit >FEELAN Older. Got a birthday coming up shortly and it's weird when everyone else around you wants to throw a party and celebrate... a Tuesday.
>PLAYAN Age of Empires 2, Survivalist >WATCHAN Code Geass Akito the Exiled. Finished the movie recently, so I'm trying to slurp up anything CG related I can find, never got around to the ovas. Other than that Smiling Friends. Psychic Pebbles is my nigga >LISTENAN Sunny Day Real Estate. 90's Midwest emo >READAN Godot documentation, what my AI waifu puts out, and GTO manga >EATAN Organic peanut butter, pizza, boiled eggs, middle of the night. Had grassfed milk earlier for the first time. Was all pussy-y >DRINKAN Water, pissing a lot >FAPPAN Some exes >FEELAN Like I miss people and that the world is exasperating me. It's weird when life isn't bad, but the world is, and people I see are, and even the people I do like are just repeling me at this point. Need to get a serious job and move out from my folks place already, and I got a lot of ground to cover in gamedev and gamedev marketing.I believe my mind is bright but that doesn't matter if your work ethic is shit and mine is. Can't help but wonder what got me to this point or if I should hate myself or something. Had a gf earlier for a month, took her v-card and was pretty proud of that, she was Asian. But it didn't work out and I dropped her for being stupid. I guess when I read it now that I wrote it, I'm definitely feeling a million different things all at once, aren't I?
>>967606 >PLAYAN Warframe. I meant to start on the Elden Ring dlc but got distracted. >WATCHAN Beyblade X. It's okay, manga's better, in my opinion. >LISTENAN Nothing a the moment. There's a song stuck in my head but I can't remember what it's called. >READAN Roommates: Memoirs of the Hairless Ape. It's a fucking FNAF fanfiction where Mike is isekai'd into a world where the robots are furries. I mean to only read a chapter so that I can tell the guy who recommended it that it's shit, but I'm like ten chapters in and I can't stop. >EATAN Frosted cookies. >DRINKAN Coffee. >FAPPAN On the menu today is incest. In particular Mother/Son incest and specifically the "Haha ni Koishite Remake". I like my milfs to feel like they're actual moms, and this series really scratches that itch. >FEELAN Nostalgic. Since last time I've gotten a handful of the new beyblades and they're pretty fun to dick around with. And unlike the previous generation of them, apparently hasbro didn't bend the brand over a table so I won't have to worry about import fees and can just to to wal-mart or for the bulk of what I want. I'm on the hype train, basically.
>>984682 >Akito the Exiled I actually enjoyed those movies way more than the original show it spun off of. BTW I don't know if you watched those new movies because of timing, but there's a new spinoff airing right on (((Didney Worl))) with Orange returning to do the mech combat animation.
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>PLAYAN Continuing my new Elden Ring character for the new DLC. Really liking playing as a magic user. Closest I got in previous Souls games were paladin builds that utilize heavy melee with supplemental miracles/incantations. >WATCHAN Getting caught up on Season 2 of Smiling Friends >LISTENAN https://invidious.privacyredirect.com/watch?v=eMHqy54hM1s Also gonna try making AI music through the same service for shits and gigs. >READAN Death Note. Already watched the anime, but the added details are fun to know; like that Ryuk specifically wanted to play Mario Golf and the bus hijacker that Light was Geassing to find out the identity of the glowie that was following him was a "marijuana addict" specifically. >EATAN Little Caesar's and leftover chicken >DRINKAN Vodka+Cactus Cooler >FAPPAN AI Generated fit girls with big round asses. I just wish it could get the weights and barbell right. >FEELAN pic 1 related >>984428 Sounds like you'd be into Elden Ring. Follows a similar formula of exploring a dead nation's ruins. Only difference is that the small dungeons in Elden Ring don't always have something of value, whereas in BotW, every shrine at least nets you one of those upgrade orbs. >>984440 Metroid Dread was so fucking great that it made me go through the 2D Metroid games that I was sleeping on from the beginning since I'd only played the Prime games until that point. >>984440 >27 degrees celsius >hottest day so far this year. I envy you. In my part of the world that's the average winter temp. All week it's been 40C, and sometimes it peaks into 45C. >>984451 >Enrio Morricone's works Assuming we're talking about the same guy, The Thing soundtrack is one of my favorites. Literal kino taste my dude. >>984611 Here's a secret, anon. Normal is just what the majority are doing, and a majority of people are retards. As for being happy, that's something everyone has to figure out for themselves, and the only way to find out, is to try new things in earnest. >>984823 >Nostalgia for Beyblade Christ I'm old.
>>984872 >Christ I'm old. Tell me about it.
>>984872 >Christ I'm old. Same, but all the more reason to focus on things that make the happy hormone flow. Beyblade's been going on for just over twenty-five years now. The new marketing, along with remakes of the first gen beyblades, really hammers home that they're aiming for that nostalgia on purpose, too. The "beyblade day" this year had a trailer showing everyone from kids to an old chef playing beyblade.
>>984840 I've seen almost everything except Akito, and will see everything soon, that even remotely has Code Geass jammed in it like Super Robot Wars. I actually like the look of the spinoff so far. People are bitching and moaning about it not being Code Geass but that's what this new canon is for. The writers took the best possible approach to keep the integrity of the original show and it's proper decisive ending while still managing to make CG relevant with new shit coming out again. Lelouch my nigga but his story is over and I can deal with that, just interest is peaked on what this spinoff on Fagney is all about. And how exactly Lelouch doesn't just end whatever shit is happening there as well.
>>984585 Unfortunately, times change, standards change, and the rules are written by a combination of those in power and the perceived majority. People will just use autistic as a generic insult to point out how different you are, medical accuracy be damned. I'm not smart enough, qualified, or have done any research to want to go any further into detail, I just know this is an important observation that I never really thought about before. It is kinda funny, in a morbid "haha we're in danger" kinda way, that their attempt to create a society of unthinking cattle has caused ALL kinds of uniquely broken unironic autists, some good and some bad, to form and congregate. >>984622 >It's literally just people repeating shit they heard other people say The internet's destruction of the English language should never be forgiven. >>984682 >I believe my mind is bright but that doesn't matter if your work ethic is shit and mine is Are you me? >>984921 >twenty-five years I keep forgetting my first encounter with it fifteen years ago was not when the series actually started.

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