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IT'S FRIDAY NIGHT MUTHAFUCKA #232 Anonymous 05/11/2024 (Sat) 01:04:54 Id: d5fb1e No. 967606
The previous thread is now anchored so it's time for a new thread all about Friday Nights and: WHATCHA' >PLAYAN >WATCHAN >LISTENAN >READAN >EATAN >DRINKAN >FAPPAN >FEELAN
>>967598 Sorry to hear about your GF. I'm glad you guys are on good terms again though. >>967581 I've never heard of Pokerogue before. Is it good? Anything like the Mystery Dungeon games? >>967469 What's your final opinion of FFXIII anon?
>PLAYAN The Binding of Isaac, mainly. But also Sucker for Love: Date to Die For. >WATCHAN Nothing at the moment. >LISTENAN At the moment, soddiken's stuff. I'll let spotify take the wheel after that and see if anything good comes up. >READAN Nothing at the moment, but I really should catch up on Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete. There's a couple new chapters that came out before the mangaka took a break and for some reason i just haven't gotten to them >EATAN Peanut Butter and Banana sandwiches >DRINKAN Coffee >FAPPAN Futadom or Lolidom stuff, depending on the day. Recently been playing the hgg-modded CoC and have been down the rabbit hole of stuff that's been added. >FEELAN I'm going to Anime Central next week and while I'm excited, I'm annoyed that I'm functionally broke since I ended up fixing my glasses and so I only really have my share of the room fee and admission money left. I get paid on that same friday, but that's a whole week away.
>>967608 I'm not the last anon, but FF13 kind of sucks. It has the nickname Final Hallway for a reason. Most of the people who like it seem to only feel that way because they like the main girl, I can't even remember her name. >>967687 >that FAPPAN Truly horrid taste, I commend you. It's much easier to find content when that's your taste. I could never like CoC because of all the weird shit like piss and cock worms. So much of it is based on you sucking dick for some reason? It has some highlights but man the furry stink runs deep.
>>967690 Yeah I'll admit it's pretty bad, but there's not really much in terms of games where you can play a male mc and still do transformation stuff unless it's gender-bender stuff so I'm kind of stuck eating scraps when I can find them. At least the hgg mod lets me de-furry chunk of characters, and delete urta. >It's much easier to find content when that's your taste You'd think, but I spend more time filtering out the various flavors of "girly male" that there's not much in terms of doujin selection. I'm not touching the western """futa""" content where it's just a shemale that's been tagged wrong.
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>PLAYAN Path of Achra( finally out of EA) & Riftwizard 2 .It is very inspiring to see the solo dev for Path of Achra succeed in his passion project. I wish I had the willpower to work on a single project for years. Rift Wizard 2 still in EA has some issues, such as that all  starting spells other than fireball are trash and some starting rifts are impossible because high monster HP. Spawner  gates as items are useless because they have very low HP; they get deleted instantly within five turns before spawning anything. They definitely need a buff. Enchantments do not deal enough damage.  . >WATCHAN Astro Note: This must be Japan's first ESG compliant anime. It has a tranny child, eats ze bugs, and a cuck king.The backgrounds are nice, and the character animations are expressive. I wish more modern anime did exaggerated character animations, going off-model as a reaction or being the punchline of a joke.  >LISTENAN random podcasts about politics and sheeet!  >READAN Drawing books by Nakamura seiichi >EATAN Cake >DRINKAN Tea >FAPPAN Imagination >FEELAN Weak ,Powerless, Impotent ,Loneliness unbearable , rapidly dwindling sanity........................ I feel immense despair & I worry about my future
>>967691 >You'd think, but I spend more time filtering out the various flavors of "girly male" that there's not much in terms of doujin selection. So you do you want domming females, or bara males? There's some ambiguity there, I haven't actually very much of anything for the latter. >urta I haven't played it in years, who was that again? Was she the barber who wanted you to drink cum or something?
>PLAYAN <Voices of the void. Very fun game, they updated it a fair bit since I last played it though. Think I might've pissed off some aliens though since I took a burger from their picnic. Eh it's probably fine. Also got the facility somewhat cleaned up, as much effort as that took. <Elden Ring Just finished a co-op run with some friends. Well, almost finished. We still have Malenia left but she shouldn't be too hard for us. Hardest boss so far was Placidusax oddly enough due to how much HP he got due to Seamless Co-op's insane HP scaling some bosses have. >WATCHAN Nothing really. >LISTENAN Podcasts and shit, nothing too interesting though. >READAN Nah. >EATAN cheap pizza. >DRINKAN Water. >FAPPAN Nah. >FEELAN Pretty alright. Could be better, could be worse.
>>967741 Oh I mean the "futa on male" stuff, mostly. Not essentially bara, just not traps/femboys/etc. Urta was Fenoxo's Original the Character. A fox with a "magical horsecock that contained a god inside of it". Even in CoC that was dumb, but it got worse when you considered that Urta had a whole quest where you had to play as her if the player was romancing her, in order to get pregnant from her, and if you were familiar with her and were in a relationship with Amily (a fairly vanilla and lovey-dovey mouse girl who is probably as close to a proper wife that the unmodded game gives you), Urta will get her drunk and try to sleep with her. I am fairly sure it's Urta trying to cuck the player, along with her being the writer's OC, that got the most animosity but the whole thing is just retarded. Which is why the mod just gives you an option to remove her entirely.
>>967811 It's odd how CoC wildly swings between weird characters like that, to love interests like Amily and Arian. The game's tone is completely schizophrenic.
>>967819 Some of the writing wildly changes in quality and style, too. I haven't played in years but I remember problems that could have been fixed with simple editing, always tied to certain characters. I assumed it was due to whoever had been writing the relevant part. The ant girl is fine
Oh my god I hate the binding of isaac so much. I have been trying to unlock 'the lost' for so long, I didn't realize the unlock method changed in repentence, and I just ended up cucking myself out of it. >in Rebirth to unlock The Lost required dying 4 times in a row, with specific characters, to specific damage >First, Isaac must die to a mulliboom in chapter 1 >2nd, Magdalene must die to her own bomb in chapter 2 >3rd, Judas must die to Mom, if he's killed by any monster spawned during the fight you gotta start over >4th, Azazel must die to Satan, if he's killed by enemies spawned by Satan or dies to the Fallen at the start, you gotta start over, you also cannot die to the 3rd phase of Satan's fight where you get stomped on >In Repentence, unlocking The Lost requires dying to the sacrifice room while holding the Missing Poster trinket >the trinket was common prior to this DLC, now it has one of the lowest drop rates >after so many failed runs playing Isaac, start victory lap after beating The Lamb, I get backpack, I get mom's box, I get the D-infinity, I got sharp plug, I've got 2 trinkets to charge actives faster >it took until Sheol to roll missing poster, I got enough health to keep re-rolling items in a secret room until I get the R key item >this is it, this is what I've been grinding for >beat Satan, collect more items from the Dark Room >use R key to go back to the start with all the items I needed >did not get a sacrifice room until the Mom fight >one problem: I had x13 lives from other items, you cannot have extra lives when you die in the sacrifice room, any revive will ruin it >I also have bomb immunity, so doing self damage is going to take a long time >prayers answered, get razor blade, speed through using up every extra live, down to x1 from guppy's collar, a 50/50 chance to revive, time to risk it all >go into sacrifice room, moment of truth, used the razor >game over >didn't unlock The Lost >the final damage had to be FROM THE FUCKING SPIKES ON THE FLOOR THE FUCKING WIKI DIDN'T SPECIFY THAT, IT JUST SAYS YOU HAVE TO BE IN THE ROOM F U C K
>PLAYAN Conker's Bad Fur Day. >WATCHAN Some 80s mecha anime OPs. I was trying to find one that had several characters lined up doing a dance move in front of a monochrome background, but didn't find it. >LISTENAN Metal, also some stuff from James Lindsey >READAN through the Dresden Files novels for the second time >EATAN Eggs and fried veggies >DRINKAN Pure wa'ah >FAPPAN abstinent atm >FEELAN Breddy gud. Did my exercise for the week, and last weekend I tried adding a twist to my weekly planning, which seems to be working out so far. Hopefully this'll help me get out of my lazy phase and start being more productive again. This week I'll try to sleep at healthier times as well. >>967853 Did it say "die in" or "die from"? Honestly, I lost all interest in BoI way back during the flash edition, when I realized Wrath of the Lamb was balanced around you having all character upgrades unlocked already, and that the DLC just added a bunch of annoyingly finicky bullshit. >>967694 >FEELAN Lift. Or do other strength training. Between that and quality sleep, you'll have the energy to get into more productive habits again.
>>967608 >What's your final opinion of FFXIII anon? its good. Combat can be kind of boring and the story was a little hard to follow, but its was still a fun time.
>>968049 The only gook toon I know with a dance move in the op is King Gainer.

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>PLAYAN Fallout TTW I've played only 2 hours but so far I'm enjoying it more than FO3 mainly because I can actually play it its a bit weird seeing it look and run so smoothly, although it does stutter sometimes. Probably due to my Laptop being weird. >WATCHAN MikeBurnFire and Dankpods >LISTENAN https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=sL_W8h5WLuc >READAN Vidya News and /v/ That leaked Valve game looks like ass >EATAN Cake and Pizza >DRINKAN Beer and Soda >FAPPAN Not today >FEELAN Fuckin amazing, cant wait to get home for my birthday. My GF made plans for me, her, and my friends to go to this old school arcade. Looks great and its been around since 89'
>>969394 I don't get why so many people love Tale of Two Wastelands. It requires you play Fallout 3 :^) >That leaked Valve game looks like ass It fucking does man, goddamn it. I'm seeing a pathetic cope of "the screenshots are years old!" which 1) apparently isn't even true, and 2) is irrelevant, the game as seen and described sounds like failed GaaS from 2017.
>>969399 >I don't get why so many people love Tale of Two Wastelands The mod makes FO3 better and actually playable and it adds everything from NV into 3
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>PLAYAN GZDoom and modded GULAGkraft >WATCHAN Anon strims >LISTENAN nope >READAN nope >EATAN premium food and bread >DRINKAN powder coffee >FAPPAN can't right now >FEELAN Still depressed. I don't like the prospect of making content for ages and I am still hardly recognized for, I should have focused on getting a community build up on shitcord somehow I guess but I dunno where I can safely shill my shit, I am not popular on twitter and on newgrounds either. I need to force myself to get shit done or else I just keep playing or sleep all the fucking time. I am getting sick of going to the caritas daycare twice a week since nobody talks to me there so I just end up doing shitty MS Paint drawing with my tablet. I wish I had a good friend to talk with but I don't really have one, I don't count the few shitcord communities i'm in as friends since they never talk to me. I am also annoyed by the fact that my DWM mod for GZDoom isn't going much anywhere in terms of popularity no idea what i am doing wrong, maybe my mod is just too generic for people to notice i guess. Overall I only wish I have a few more friends to talk with and that my fucking depression will finally go away so that I can churn out content at a faster pace. I can't wait for the AI chatbot tech to improve even more, so if it becomes finally even much better than before I think I will just spend the majority of my time talking with a robot instead of finding some humans.
>PLAYAN DOOM Pic related >WATCHAN Nothing >LISTENAN Nothing >READAN Something about paleolithic Venus sculptures >EATAN Bread >DRINKAN Water >FAPPAN No >FEELAN Alright. No job prospects, no gf, no home, but I'm alright
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>PLAYAN Far Cry on Veteran Difficulty, then I want to check out Ghostwire Tokyo since I apparently got that for free through my EGS script. >WATCHAN >LISTENAN Space Ghost Coast to Coast. >READAN Been reading Sakamoto Days, Nana and checking back on To-Love-Ru after almost a decade. >EATAN Salad with some breaded chicken. >DRINKAN Iced Black Tea >FAPPAN Superheroines in skintight outfits. >FEELAN Tired after a day of work plus exercise.
>PLAYAN I am trying to reinstall Skyrim for some stupid fun but it straight up will not bring me beyond the loading screen, just that stupid fucking Todd's Creation Club logo spinning infinitely loading >WATCHAN Puss in Boots: The Last Wish >LISTENAN Beastie Boys >EATAN Porkchops and toasted brioche >DRINKAN Modelo >FAPPAN /clang/ >FEELAN Kind of blank, been feeling really bored lately with my backlog. For some reason, I've been craving a game with action-packed catpeople. The Khajiit in ESO have a bunch of cool lore behind them, but the gameplay sucks and I don't know of other franchises that can help me scratch that desert-warrior-monk asceticism kinda vibe they got.
>>969408 You have a community here, Renamonanon. I may not reply to your posts in AGDG or retro FPS general often but I always enjoy seeing you there. >>969416 I hope things get better for you, anon. >>969456 >that FAPPAN What kind, if you don't mind me asking? It's a huge spectrum
>>969469 Thanks. I think I'm gonna live innawoods or something. The only problem is the toilet >>969456 I'm also interested.
>>969469 Hmm right. on other thought I should be glad I get to hang out with you anons instead, can make fun of all the minorities and shit there all the time without getting banned because their feelings got triggered. I am like a fucking double agent now where on one part I have to act like a normie so that I don't get banned on their shitty community places and on other hand I am a anon here where I can say fuck NIGGERS.
>>969456 >Skyrim I hope you pirated it at least. Dotty Howardson released a "patch" which fucks up all the mods. >>969416 What wad are you playing? >>969394 Tales of Two wastelands sounds interesting but since I am the type who install shit tons of mods I don't think this one will be that appealing to me, since you cannot use Fallout 3 mods with that and New Vegas mods that adds new content won't be added on the Fallout 3 map. Unless things have changed somehow? >>967806 >Voice of the Void I like watching streams of it. Shame AlphaBlaster and Nep doesn't do that often else I'd watch that all the time here, so I often have to watch (((Twitch))) streamers instead and for some reason it's a lot of russians playing this game.
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>PLAYAN Fallout 3, even though the show looks like garbage the talk around it got me wanting to play it again. It sucks but it's a good suck. After I speed through it vanilla I'll go crazy with mods, or play NV. >WATCHAN I gotta catch up with Dungeon Meshi, but I've not put anything on in a while. >LISTENAN KoF Arranged soundtracks, they're pretty good >READAN Scouring academic journals for this report I have to write. I hate it >EATAN I had a hueg turkey sandwich for lunch and later I'll probably make some pasta. >DRINKAN Diet Pepsi. I have given in to the soda jew, after research and weighing all the options I think diet sodas are fine. Also maybe beer later. >FAPPAN Honestly just been so busy that I haven't, but maybe that's a blessing because it'd probably distract me from things I gotta do this week. >FEELAN Very exhausted. Almost done with college. I just want to peruse my hobbies instead of writing reports and giving speeches.
>>969485 >I just want to peruse my hobbies instead of writing reports and giving speeches. Have fun working a full time job.
>PLAYAN Ghost of Tsushima, Dragon's Dogma 2, Ghost Trick, Devil May Cry 5, Megaton Musashi, Helldivers 2, Gungrave, Ring Racers, Go! Go! PogoGirl, Unsighted, Super Smash Bros Ultimate, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. >WATCHAN Mushou Tensei, Konosuba, RE:Monster, The Fall Guy in theaters. >LISTENAN Images and Words by Dream Theater Paradise Lost by Symphony X Screaming for Vengeance by Judas Priest ...and a whole lot of video game songs >READAN Every chapter of Kaiju No. 8 so far. For the Ojou-sama type, Kikoru really gets it rough, huh? >EATAN Beans >DRINKAN Fanta Grape >FAPPAN Yes >FEELAN Shitty, the job I was supposed to work turned out to be a half scam since they lied about it lasting six weeks but at least I got paid for last week. It is what it is.
>>969484 The wad I posted a picture of was MAYHem20, which wasn't fun enough, so I tried trocked.wad, which is pretty challenging and feels like a good old wad.
>>969490 Sorry, trocket.wad. Pic related
>>969490 >>969491 Ah. I play any wads but I despite maps that have bullshit enemy encounters like being stuck in a claustrophobic room and tons of monsters rush in or a large area with no where to hide to dodge from the projectiles and getting bum rushed by monsters, I've encountered plenty of those maps in various wads. It also sucks there isn't many good monster mods to choose from, I have a bunch downloaded but nothing of them is really that appealing. Either they are not much of a change over vanilla monsters or they are insanely hard like stylized hell. I wish there were more monster mods like angelic aviary that one is good though. Also I don't bother much with makiing screenshot of games I am playing so my recent collection is sparse. Hmm might be a thread idea though? A thread about sharing screenshot and telling a short experience about it.
>>969494 Not a bad thread idea. I usually post screenshots to share, which I do in the doom thread sometimes. I've rarely seen good monster mods myself. Last one I really liked were the monster additions from eviternity except the big boss which felt out of place
How do I stop playing games that I hate because I'm already halfway through and I don't like leaving things undone?
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>PLAYAN More Turtle. I've gotten most of what I can safely solo taken care of, so I'm starting to reach the point where I'd need to invest significant chunks of time to actually get stuff done. I'm just hoping for no repeats of the LBRS run I did yesterday, shit was Hell on Earth. >WATCHAN/LISTENAN Think I might put on some stream vods as background noise. I'm not sure. >EATAN Fajitas, ex's recipe. Or, at least, my best attempt to follow it. The recipe she gave me was extra-vague. I think I did an alright job flavor-wise, but might cut down on the amount of spices used. My stomach isn't super happy with me right now. >DRINKAN Milk and water. Maybe Ginger Ale if my stomach continues to act up. >FAPPAN Right now my mind says no, but given the past couple of days, that will likely end up being a yes. Probably to fat chicks. >FEELAN Fine, though I thought work would start giving me more hours by now. I can only blame myself for not finding something better by now. >>967600 >I'm surprised how many people still play WoW, hasn't the game been having somewhat of a comeback playerbase wise? From what I understand, as far as official servers go, Dragonflight has been falling off slower than some previous expansions, while Classic has been a large part of why the game still has a decent sub count. I haven't played official since 2021, mind you. The main Turtle EU server has been reasonably steady population-wise, though the total population, when you include Asian servers, has been popping off. I have a feeling it will retract once the official China servers open back up, though. As it stands, the main EU server has a bit shy of the pre-China invasion population. The EU PvP server is dead as a doornail in comparison. >>967608 The nature of our breakup meant that even if it was messy, it wasn't anything worth losing communication over. Frankly, we both still have feelings for each other, but a full-bore relationship simply isn't viable, given circumstances. It's an abstract sort of feel. To answer the other anon I'm responding to, I can only speak for myself in saying that I'm alright. She seems to be more or less back to normal herself. I still worry from time to time, but she's been in pretty good spirits as of late.
>PLAYAN Total Warhammer 3, pretty much the only game I've been playing recently >WATCHAN The odd stream. >EATAN Had two baked potatoes with beans. >DRINKAN Rum and coke >FAPPAN Already done >FEELAN Ehh. Had my Grandmother's funeral this week, the day after the funeral was my 29th birthday. No more grandparents left, my grandad died last year and the other two died a few years ago, it feels weird not having grandparents. Didn't do anything for my birthday, spent it alone. I'm not sad or depressed, I just feel a weird mix of calmness and emptiness.
>PLAYAN Real life has taken that away for now, but I'm going to be playing games tomorrow. >WATCHAN South Park >LISTENAN Allan Holdsworth - Non Brewed Condiments; also Suicidal Tendencies - Institutionalized >READAN The Bible >EATAN Pepperoni mushroom and black olive pizza. >DRINKAN Water >FAPPAN Nah >FEELAN A little better than before. I spent 7 days in a psych ward due to having serious suicidal thoughts and psychosis. I've probably been diagnosed with schizophrenia (they didn't list any official diagnosis in the diagnosis from the hospital). In addition, I no longer have work at the moment because of some gay policy, even though I told them I would be hospitalized for an unknown amount of time. At least that gives an excuse for me to schizopost online.
>>967606 >PLAYAN Pikmin 4 Ara Fell Escape Dungeon 2 >WATCHAN Record of Lodoss War >LISTENAN Webm related. It just came on from my YT shuffle playlist. >READAN Elsewhere by Dean Koontz >EATAN Pepperoni pizza >DRINKAN Coke Water >FAPPAN NA >FEELAN Alright. A bit burnt out on my RPGMaker project today. Gonna take the day off and just play some vidya instead.
>>969564 Sorry to hear you're going through that anon. I'm in a similar boat to you (schizo affective bipolar disorder with severe depression) and last time I had an episode I spent all my savings on useless vidya (PS5 and Xsex) that I don't even use now I'm relatively sane again. >>969562 Sorry about your nan anon. I don't have any grandparents left either, and only my mum is alive. It does feel a bit empty. >>969558 Pick up something more interesting and stop being owned by your possessions. Just because you "have" something doesn't mean to "have" to do something with it, even if it's pirated vidya.
>>969564 >Psychward I am sorry anon. Sounds like a fucking hell to go through. You are lucky you spend only 7 days on that shithole. I was forced to spend longer on that shithole. My latest "appointment" to the ward lasted only like uhh 2-3 days because I pissed off the chief doctor. I can't remember the exact details but I think with my loud outburst (I wasn't violent I was just loud) and they thought I was gonna murder somebody so the chief doctor was in a shitty mood the next day and asked me directly if I wanted to stay or not and I said no, the main reason was that I had to share a room with a fucking asshole which I suspect he went to jail before. But also the third "appointment" was more out of my own will instead by force because I had a series of evil thoughts almost overwhelming me. I am not gonna say the shitpills I am forced to take because of family makes me much better overall, they don't as I don't enjoy things anymore compared when I was a kid where I could have fun from the dumbest shit.
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>PLAYAN Noita >WATCHAN Simpsons >LISTENAN Barber Beats >READAN Nothing but I did go to a library book sale recently and got a copy of some Asimov stuff >EATAN I had rice and shrimp earlier >DRINKAN Some godawful beer I bought >FAPPAN Later >FEELAN Shitty in a way too complex to put into words easily so I won't
>>969562 All of my grandparents are dead too except one, and she's in a nursing home because she started to lose her mind way faster once her husband passed away. Sorry. >>969564 I'm sorry to hear all of that too, anon. A friend of mine had to go to a psych ward back in high school and I know it can be tough. Since you're out at least that means things are getting better.
>PLAYAN Unicorn Overlord, I'm getting closer and closer to the endgame that I can almost see it in sight, probably around 60% done now is my guess. Its been pretty long, yet somehow still feels too short. Saying this in advance of course, but still. >WATCHAN Nothing, no time really. >LISTENAN See above >EATAN Middling pizza and some tea. >DRINKAN Water >FAPPAN No time >FEELAN Graduating law school tomorrow; it feels weird. Time literally just flew by, I'm shocked 3 years passed in what feels like an instant. Been exhausting with so much family around after being single for so long, but its... nice, I suppose, minus the frustrations. I'll probably feel better about it in hindsight, its just stressful at the moment. Then the next hurdle of the bar exam looms on the horizon, on top of finding a job. Both of those things are probably what's got me feeling antsy, on top of regrets of not doing more in school when I had the chance. Oh well, we'll see how things work out. >>969562 My condolences anon. I would be a total wreck in your circumstances. >>969564 Man this week has been rough for a lot of anons. I wish you well and hope things end up working out.
>PLAYAN more fucking binding of isaac >WATCHAN occasionally a video of other people playing this cursed game to see if I'm missing out on better item synergies >LISTENAN crickets >READAN nothing >EATAN coffee >DRINKAN coffee >FAPPAN coffee I'm so miserable the only time my dick is hard is getting morning wood from needing to piss. >FEELAN dead inside >>968049 Verbatim from the binding of isaac wiki: >The Lost is unlocked by dying in a Sacrifice Room while holding Missing Poster. I finally did unlock the lost, only through R key shenanigans which clears the victory lap flag and allows you to unlock things as if you hadn't done a victory lap after beating the Lamb. I have since been trying to get all the hard mode completion marks for the Lost and failing over, and over, and over again. I've fucked up on so many attempts just to GET to boss rush in spite of starting with some of the best items available so far for the most bullshit rogue projectiles tapping me. The one time I did get to boss rush I got fucked by losing holy mantle shield at the very start of it, only made it through maybe 5 waves of bosses, and I keep getting fucked by speed down pills/blind items. At this rate I think I can only achieve boss rush AND delirium by beating the lamb while holding R key, then using it immediately after starting a victory lap. I haven't even started on the tainted characters... god help me.
>>967606 >PLAYAN Torchlight 2 still, no point in starting a new game when time available is just not there. I think I am doing an elite Engineer run right now on NG++++ lol. >WATCHAN A little bit of everything and nothing worth mentioning >LISTENAN A little Fear Factory in car maybe. >READAN These type sites for news and humor. >EATAN I had fish and veggies tonight >DRINKAN Water right now >FAPPAN I imagine I will be too tired >FEELAN Alright but a bit shaky and that is affecting my sleep just a little. Big project week was a lot of work and the logistics were a little tight and the sun a little too hot. Hopefully things steady out soon. >>969564 Schizo runs through my family, if you don't want to go chronic sleep and low stress levels should be your priority. Most of my family members have regular lives and just take a anti-psychotic pill at bedtime that puts them to sleep so the brain chemistry balances itself. Stay away from street drugs and pot, that will pretty much seal a terrible fate. John's Gospel hints something pretty interesting about the supposed nature of reality revealed during the conversation with the now healed cripple at the fountain. I credit that Gospel with healing my sleep disorder when nothing else worked, I listen to it every night to fall asleep.
>>969592 alright binding of isaac can fuck right off, after countless more attempts at getting boss rush as the lost, I got the R key on flooded caves, managed to keep it all the way to the lamb, started a victory lap and immediately used R key so the timer was low, finally beat boss rush, and DID NOT get the completion mark for it, went to delirium fight, beat it easy, and STILL no completion mark for it, HOURS OF MY LIFE WASTED ON THIS FUCKING GAME I had to check the wiki because it made no sense that the unlocks didn't work, and the R key entry states: >Victory lap counter will reset to 0 as though every victory lap is considered part of the same run >The timer and score do not reset. > * this means that the timer requirements to access boss rush, ???, and broken shovel do NOT reset that is bullshit of the highest order
>>969558 Pic unrelated? Because that's the best strategy game ever, probably.
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>>969558 >>969664 >Geroy of Stalina III Based and Slav pilled. Don't have any more russian HoMM meme pictures. Probably can find those on joyreactor shit heap site
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>>967606 >PLAYAN I just play Blue Archive lately, I may boot up Ultrakill and try to finish P-2 fists only, but that is quite hard >WATCHAN News >READAN News >EATAN May buy some beef today >DRINKAN H20 >FEELAN I just keep dropping games whenever I start talking about them >Dropped Morrowind >Dropped Persona 3 >Didn't play LobCorp on about a week or two >Dropped Snake Pass Life just gets in the way too much for me to actually find a spot for games that take that much time or are just a bitch, but not in the way enough to not play basically a phone game. This is why Arcades and NES titles are far superior.
>>969585 >>969587 >>969623 Thanks lads, I feel better now, although I can still see and hear things. There's a silver lining since I got a tech detox and made some friends there, so it's almost worth it. They're all country niggas and autists that are on par with the average /v/ user, but that's better than nothing. >>969577 I was put in there because I was suicidal. My dad intervened because he didn't want to lose his son, and took me to the hospital so I could get treatment. The hospitals here have to hold you for up to 72 hours, and because of my schizo, they kept me around for longer just to check my symptoms. Unfortunately, we didn't do much of anything except get occasional checkups (the bare minimum), color with crayons, watch TV, eat, and play sports from time to time. I was expecting more from that, like actually discussing our problems and trying to find solutions to them.

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>>969665 I learned today that certain search engines tied to google images gimped image search.
>>969720 Yeah search engine alternative these days fucking suck, either it's worse than google or they are just a proxy for one of those bigger search engines which means that they aren't really a alternative. >>969721 While I was in the asylum I didn't got good treatment there either, either I had to go to some boring therapy which was not related to my illness, then their food which happens 3x times (morning, lunch, dinner) really fucking sucked and I really hated eating their vegetables and if I am lucky I may able to speak for a few minutes with one of those doctors once a week then I am forced everyday to take their stupid pills which doesn't even help me out with my depression and the only schizophrenic things about me that I heard voices and that's it, I didn't have any other hallucinations and what else happens from schizophrenia. God damn was it several months of pure suffering in a boring ass asylum.
>>969720 >>969722 That sounds very difficult for you, anon. I'm sorry you're getting such ineffective treatment. There was actually a study that found that yes, search engines are getting worse. I don't remember what their explanation was but it's at least vindicating to know it's not just cynicism.
>>969721 >What do you actually see? I see the outlines of several beings: a horned being with a halo/crown, a forked tongue and fangs; a goat-headed thing, an owl with black hair, and an alligator-faced being. Because they're outlines, I may be misinterpreting what they are and it may be just my imagination or them shapeshifting. I also hear one positive and several negative voices. The positive voice is being encouraging, friendly, and loving; the negative ones being the exact opposite. >I'm guessing you live in South America or somewhere like that? Being committed because you're experiencing suicidal ideation doesn't happen much in first-world countries anymore. I live in the US. In my ward, the patients who weren't obviously mentally dysfunctional or crippled (very few, actually) were suicidal or on drugs.
>>969727 Interesting. I know what you mean by that "outline" part. Other people I've talked to about this experience similar things. I guess the brain can't effectively produce coherent imagery without real sensory input. Oh, sorry, I think I misunderstood. You were in a psyche ward, not a mental institution? And your dad put there, not the state? That make would make much more sense. One of the main ways people get put into those wards is through their family.
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>PLAYAN Xmas Shooting Scramble alongside some Cotton 2, my Saturn has been having these weird video issues that I need to fix somehow. >WATCHAN Shitty Youtube essays >LISTENAN https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19y8YTbvri8 >READAN 8chan >EATAN Nothing yet >DRINKAN Water >FEELAN Okay
>PLAYAN <Remnant 2 Just finished finding some leftover items I was missing from the new DLC. And the builds randoms will use will never cease to amaze me with how useless they can be. One guy just made himself an ammo fountain... with no damage output... on the highest difficulty. If I wasn't running a shield spam build he would've just been a corpse several times over due to capping health at half to make his relic spam ammo fountain gimmick work. He wasn't even using an ammo hungry weapon and neither me or the other rando were. Fucking strange shit man. <Fable Anniversary Decided to work on clearing my backlog so gave this game a go. It feels... well, old. Combat isn't stiff, it's surprisingly fun, enemies just feel very spongy sometimes and there seems to be no rhyme or reason to it. Also not sure if this game is supposed to be a comedy or not, can't quite figure that out. Typical western RPG binary morality shit is also kind of annoying. >WATCHAN Stupid meme videos, nothing too interesting. >LISTENAN Xenoblade Chronicles 2 OST >READAN Textbooks on information security. >EATAN Fish Nachos, good shit. >DRINKAN Cheerwine. It's a brand of cherry soda. >FAPPAN No >FEELAN Alright I guess, started taking a summer class and had some issues with the due dates being all kinds of fucked up, professor is still trying to fix it but at least I can do part of the assignments in the meantime. Still annoying though. >>969562 >that feelan I know how it feels dude, lost my last grandparent earlier this year, was damn close to her to. It'll suck for a few months but you just have to pick yourself up and move on. Cherish those memories you made together and do your best to make them proud and honor their memory. That's all you can do, really.
>>969741 I know there's a nendoroid of Cotton. Does she have anything else? You know who else needs some merch? The tomboy from Umihara Kawase
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>>969883 >Does she have anything else? There's some rare figures here and there, if we include the goodies that come with the CEs there's a Kokeshi doll that looks MUCH WORSE in-person and this cute microscopic Cotton. I hope Saizensen makes some Umihara merch for her series' 30th anniversary. I wouldn't mind if they also made some merch of Cotton's adult appearance.
>>970164 With Cotton kind of having been revived in the past 2-3 years, I feel it's time she got some merch. Just look at Urusei Yatsura, which also got revived about 2-3 years ago. Now Lum is getting all the high quality merch she had been missing out on since the first series.
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>>967606 Completely late to the party but oh well >>PLAYAN >CryptMaster Pirated game, really fun typing Dungeon Crawler that plays like a mix of an RPG and a word puzzle >Pacific Drive Pirated once more, don't know how I feel about it yet because haven't get too much into it >WoW Got geniuently better after Shadowlands completely cucked it, now the gameplay actually has things to do in the overworld, still far from perfect and there is a lot of pandering but Plunderstorm was fun, and so is Pandamonium. >>WATCHAN Will be watching this soon: https://youtu.be/9qUMnPhR_Hk?si=j1gSTUoqfKj87NG3 Besides that nothing major really. >LISTENAN Random video game music >READAN Finished House of Leaves and read The Jaunt, not sure what I want to read further. Maybe Paradise Lost? >EATAN Grilled food that my family brought >DRINKAN Lot's of warm tea, juices >FAPPAN Haven't in several days >FEELAN I'm sick

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>>967606 >>PLAYAN TTW, Payday 2, TF2, and maybe Killing Floor 2 if it stops crashing who tf thought "loading everything into RAM" was a good idea Thought of trying out Balatro, its kinda like solitaire right? >>WATCHAN MikeBurnFire, News, Vidya News. The Paper Mario TTYD remake looks very good. Vivian was trans in the original faggots >LISTENAN https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=2QiFl9Dc7D0 https://iv.ggtyler.dev/T6eK-2OQtew?listen=false&t=3 >READAN /v/ and Vidya news >EATAN >DRINKAN Faygo >FAPPAN no not today >FEELAN Happy. School is finally over, I have a GF hopefully a permanent one and I've been in a more happy mind set lately.
>>971737 >Vivian was trans in the original Probably the first time I've seen anons angry over an accurate translation. This was literally censored in the first western release.
Who invited the fags to the Friday night thread?
>>971737 Vivian was a trap, not a tranny.
>>971752 >>971787 Vivian was an otokonoko in the first Japanese release, a girl in the first Western release, and a transgender in the later Switch release. My issue with wokalization? It perverts the author's vision with woke. If that vision's already perverted with woke it just took the express lane to Shitsville. I'll pirate the game after a modder unshittifies it.
>>971790 >>971787 >>971785 Localization fucked this game hard originally https://tcrf.net/Paper_Mario:_The_Thousand-Year_Door/Regional_Differences Vivian is trans in the Italian version A Trap in the French, Spanish, and Japanese version and is a Girl in the German and English version
>>971752 Uh, excuse me princess, but traps are not trannies, hmmmokay?
Traps vs trannies is a fucked up overton window. I just wanna game like 2004 on gamecube without lgbtq faggotry shoved in my face.
OH MY GOD WHO THE FUCK CARES. it's a mentally ill faggot who should get the rope either way. End of story.
>>971794 Still gonna fuck'em either way
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>PLAYAN Megaton Musashi Wired, Xdefiant, Devil Blade Reboot, Hollow Knight, Steel Assault, Helldivers 2, Batman Arkham Asylum, Tekken 8 >WATCHAN Saw Drive for the first time, I honestly don't get the hype. >LISTENAN Heavy Metal video game songs >READAN /v/ >EATAN a bagel with cream cheese >DRINKAN water >FAPPAN Of course. >FEELAN Good. I got a new cooler since my Corsair was shitting on me, I'm kinda worried that the 9th gen asetek coolers are right around the corner, but here was something I was able to get locally. It's working pretty well despite the gimmicky screen.
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>PLAYAN Finished Mario Land 2, a great game. Might try Wario Land, but it's not the same. >EATAN No idea actually >DRINKAN H20 >FEELAN I need to take a shower
>>971812 Looks generic, I'd rather set a color palette of my preference, leads more to the imagination. Besides I just finished that game.
Setting a palette limits you to 4 colors while the hack supports up to 56 simultaneously and 32768 overall. If someone else wants to try, it does not look generic and is recommended by 24/24 reviewers whose reviews are titled "Level Up," "The Definitive Version of The Classic," "Awesome," "Now a Timeless Masterpiece," "Simply beautiful to look at, looks like a worthy remake," "Color me impressed 2: 6 times more enjoyable," "You just 1-Upped Nintendo," "Could've been an official Nintendo product," "Works great," "Beautiful Upgrade," "WOW, just wow," "Beautiful," "A masterpiece", "Very nice choice of colors, with one slight issue," "Mario Land 2 but with beautiful colors (and a minor issue)," "One of the best Mario games, finally goes color!" "The hack of my dreams," "This hack is 20% cooler," "The greatest," "This is AMAZING," "Love it!" "Perfect," "Awesome," and "Amazing."
>>971818 >more graphics = better game not necessarily
>>971818 This a bot post or somebody just taking the piss?
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>>971820 Not necessarily, but clearly in this case or every reviewer wouldn't agree. >>971822 (1) makes random accusation because there's no argument.
>soul vs souless shit again Get a grip or do a flip retard
>>971820 >Spyro likes to fuck Color me surprised.
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>>971825 >Not necessarily, but clearly in this case or every reviewer wouldn't agree What if I decide to NOT agree, and would rather play an old game with no proper color palette, because that's how the devs originally released it?
>>971820 Say that to the graphic's whores.
>>971834 Damn, did Baron Harkonnen lose some weight?
>>971811 >>971812 >>971816 >>971818 >>971820 >>971825 The bottom picture from Spyro Reignited Trilogy looks better while the translation is worse. The description for the Super Mario Land 2 DX hack says, "It adds color, lets you play with Luigi (with different physics) and removes the lag," so shouldn't retranslate. The Screenshots gallery on ROMhacking.net looks good too, unlike the N64 Paper Mario retexture where the whimsical background gets swapped with a "Nintendo, hire this man" gradient. Adding color has fewer opportunities for disaster than redrawing art, so they're a false equivalence, and the colors in the Screenshot gallery look pretty good.
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>PLAYAN I don't feel like playing anything right now, too tired, i just want to sit back, relax and watch something like an old man. Saturday morning i will play something from my backlog which keeps getting bigger. >WATCHAN wwe shows from the late 90s >EATAN rice and beef, a few chips. >DRINKAN iced coffee, i don't that's it's late, it's too hot and i'm exhausted >FAPPAN i did, shouldn't have >FEELAN good, i'm getting back to working out daily again
>>971834 If devs could have released it in color they would have. >>971818 isn't to persuade you, do whatever. I say >If someone else wants to try Then very positive titles of reviews on https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/3784/ so your cantankerous contrarianism doesn't get everyone to skip something cool. >>971842 Color choices are great, the 4 screenshots are too few to do them justice.
>>971842 Spyro isn't translated. It's an English game. It's made in America.
>PLAYAN Workers and Resources: Soviet Republic for the city-building autism, and The Sims 3 for house-building autism and wish fulfillment. >WATCHAN The new Dune with my dad. While I personally prefer Lynch's version, I think the new Dune is alright. Haven't seen part two, but I've heard it's awful. >LISTENAN Rush - The Analog Kid. >READAN On the Heights of Despair by Emil Cioran. It's very beautifully written and I think it perfectly describes a lot of my feelings on things. >EATAN Had Waffle House earlier this morning. >DRINKAN Southern Comfort >SMOKAN Lucky Strike and Marlboro >FAPPAN Nah >FEELAN A little better than last week, but I'm still depressed and miserable. I've got a trip to the beach with family coming up and a trip innawoods with a friend made from the hospital, so I've got that to look forward to. I've been trying to make gaem too, but I'm still in the conception stage.
>>971914 it got translated from normal on playstation to gay in the remake, it speaks gay now
>>967606 >PLAYAN Torchlight 2 still, but I have acquired a lot of games for cheap of late. >WATCHAN There has been a lot of laughs with streamers this week and I have been trying to keep up. >LISTENAN See above >READAN See above >EATAN Leftover fish and veggies and a store bought samosa. >DRINKAN Going to have some healthy Kombucha to wake up a bit. >FAPPAN Hope so >FEELAN Tired but feeling accomplished. Major project went off the rails a bit but ended alright, another minor but inconvenient one just ended. Lots to do but well within my capabilities so I feel pretty good about things. >>971932 Get your rest in too buddy.
>PLAYAN Yellow Taxi Goes Vroom, I've been trying to get the last gear in the demo and it's been a real pain in the ass, it's the one in the clouds that's near the light house. >WATCHAN Nothing, I want to resume Precure when I get the chance. >LISTENAN https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VgrnEVnZ4xU >READAN 8ch >EATAN I had a shitty gyro earlier >DRINKAN Water >FEELAN Alright.
>PLAYAN Dragon Quest 7. This one drags on a bit. Paper Mario TTYD. Just started, haven't gotten very far yet. >WATCHAN Record of Lodoss War >LISTENAN Eurobeat remixes >READAN Elsewhere by Dean Koontz >EATAN Spinach and feta spanakopita >DRINKAN Water >FAPPAN NA >FEELAN Exhausted. Bloody Chronic Fatigue Syndrome really got a hold of me this week. And I've stalled in my AGDG project.
>>972068 >AGDG what'cha makin'?
>>972076 Just a little RPGMaker project. I wanted a little DQ1-like to play when waiting for appointments and such and figured I could make one easily enough. Scope creep has hit me though and drained my enthusiasm for the time being.
>>972096 Hmmm sounds fun. I don't use RPGMaker myself though even I grabbed one of those version for free on steam, I have already a Doom and Godot project going on so I really can't do any new project that involves with RPGMaker, ehhh not that it would matter for me anyway I can't do pretty looking 2D graphics in the first place.
>>972126 >I can't do pretty looking 2D graphics in the first place. 1. make pretty 3D graphics 2. take screenshots 3. ???? 4. profit!
>>972136 That or reference graphics from 2D games.
>>972136 >>972152 I would have to seriously up my texturing game then. I haven't looked yet more into it how I can use Blender and Krita for making pretty looking textures.
>PLAYAN <SSBU The roommate kind of sucks but it's the fun I suppose with playing the game instead. We unlocked like 20 new dudes and lost to like 10 of them. >WATCHAN Blood of Zeus at the moment since it's suppose to be a lost mythos to Greek. >LISTENAN Spotify >READAN Trying to download Berserk at the moment and read it. >EATAN Oatmeal and peanut butter >DRINKAN Coke >FAPPAN None >FEELAN Pretty good

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>PLAYAN The usual: trying to unlock the Forgotten in The Binding of Isaac. Pretty sure the game is run by malicious AI because it's starting to spawn enemies that specifically resist whatever bullshit is carrying my run. >WATCHAN Ben-to. >LISTENAN Random spotify playlist >READAN Dungeon Meshi, My Two Wings >EATAN I just had a burger that used two grilled cheese sandwiches for the bun. I regret nothing and everything. >DRINKAN Coffee >FAPPAN On the menu today are digimon. Specifically Cherubimon. I've done a swan dive down the rabbit hole. I'm fully aware of my terminally shit taste, but I can't help what makes my Gae Bolg thrust >FEELAN Tired. It's the first weekend since making my yearly trip to Anime Central and my sleep schedule hasn't fixed itself yet, which is annoying. There's a new Nanachi figure sitting on my desk and all I can think is how the one where she's fishing is three hundred god-damned dollars. I have a weakness for bunny girls, I guess, since the price tag isn't that much of a deterrent. What I'm saying is that I plan on making a financially dubious purchase in the near future. I'm not happy about it, but my pride won't allow that figure to escape my grasp twice.
>>971825 The guy who made that meme is now dead
>>972902 Did he kill himself for being a big pussy faggot or something?
>>972902 That he/him bi autist 17? Bro died of cringe
>>972295 >terminally shit taste Not at all, of all the furshit I've seen that .png is quite exotic. Not at all the sparkledogs or weird fetishes people usually make fun of furries for. >>972907 Posted a spoken suicide note on his Twitter, yes. Whether he actually does it or not I have no clue, teenagers are weird.
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>>972907 a couple of trannies were attacking him online accusing him of retarded shit **(accusing him of being a trans chaser) which led to him "allegedly" trying to kill himself talk about friendly fire The people who accused him are also being attacked, and I hope they get burned to a crisp if he actually commited
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Ok but, watcha buyan?
>>972960 Literal dozens of pencils. I will not elaborate on this.
>>972992 Please elaborate on this. Are you putting them all in your ass? Urethra maybe?
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>>972993 >Please elaborate on this But since you're asking so nicely, here's a hint: It involves a hacksaw.
>>972995 Bet you're making a cool vase by gluing all those pencils together and then turning the block on the lathe. We need a /diy/ or a /craft/ board.
>>972996 >We need a /diy/ or a /craft/ board. I was just thinking about that the other day, it would even mesh really well with the current mix of anons interested in videogames/drawing/3d printing (and even cooking for the three other people who post on /ck/).
>>972960 With Sakamoto Days getting an anime, I figure it's about time to finally finish reading. So I'm grabbing volume 5&6 tomorrow.
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>>972960 Poverty
>>972960 I want to buy one of those e-ink monitors to rest my poor little beady eyes. I really liked my old e-reader despite its 1fps. There are several problems so I'm still on the fence about buying a big screen. >low framerate (16 Hz max) >not cheap (1500 bucks starting) >state of the art still has shit colors I don't mind playing text games so the only real problem is the price.
It's another Friday and so... >PLAYAN Sucker for Love: Date to Die For, Binding of Isaac, Palworld >WATCHAN Nothing this week >LISTENAN More random shit on spotify, and kamen rider music >READAN Dungeon Meshi, and rereading a story about a viking going to japan and dealing with kitsune it's furshit >EATAN Donut >DRINKAN Coffee >FAPPAN Same as before. But writing down anything good to that's thought up use in a story later. >FEELAN Pretty good. Weather's nice and cool and I'll finally have real coffee after a week of bad instant. >BUYAN Same as before: 5&6 of sakamoto days.
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>PLAYAN Tomb Raider Remastered. Currently doing the TR1 bonus levels I never had the chance to play back in the day. Pretty tough, I like it. Very survival horror with limited ammo and health pickups though, and a few "gotcha" moments with monsters ambushing Lara. Other than that I've been considering going back to DD2 and getting it platinum'd but I don't think I can be assed. >WATCHAN Civvie moan about Descent 1 being hard. >LISTENAN One of my eurobeat jewtubers uploaded a new one today about Dixie and traitors down south and whatnot. It was not his best work. >READAN Still reading Elsewhere by Dean Koontz >EATAN Had pizza for dinner >DRINKAN Water >FAPPAN Had a fever dream about a convent that gets infiltrated by demons and one of the hot matron nuns wants a baby real bad. >FEELAN Sick. Like I said I had full on fever dreams do the point where I was waking up delirious not knowing which room I was in or even the dimensions of my own bedroom. Very strange week, and I'm slowly getting better but it's been a rough one. The one highlight was that dream about the nuns and the loli twins who may or may not have been demons/succubi themselves. At any rate I've got fappan fuel to last me a while. >>973932 Enjoy your coffee anon.
>>973491 I really wouldn't recommend it for anything other than productivity. If you're doing spreadsheets and document reading all day then it's not a terrible idea, but if you plan on playing games on it you'll just be kicking yourself and huffing copium trying to justify the purchase.
>>973942 I was half-joking when I mentioned vidya; I'd use my regular screen. Productivity really is the main goal here, because I read and shitpost a lot on screen. I still feel like it'd work with things like Cave Adventure, Nethack, or Spider Solitaire. If I ever get such a screen I'll do a review on a few games for fun.
>>973933 Has anyone was ever concerned that despite general lack of detail on the bus, with blank backside and no room for wheels, no detail on the roof also, author took exctra time to draw unique seatbelts on every chair?
>>973958 Please, for the love of God learn proper English.
>>974014 Devise proper please critique from the anon there >>973958 will be properly advised. regards
>PLAYAN Demon's Souls the remake >WATCHAN Nothing >LISTENAN Hank Williams Jr. - Whiskey Bent and Hellbound >READAN Imageboards >EATAN Pizza and pasta >DRINKAN Orval trappist ale and water >FAPPAN Nah >FEELAN Hanging out with my friend at a hotel. We're going to hang out, fishing, gambling and stuff. >>973933 >The one highlight was that dream about the nuns and the loli twins who may or may not have been demons/succubi themselves <loli twins I had a dream like that once, except they were my distant relatives coming to visit during a family reunion. As far as your dream goes, what did the lolis look like, and what was their hair like?
>>974187 The loli twins were strawberry blonde, one with a long braid, the other in twin tails. One of the twins, upon learning the thicc wanna-be milf was being creampied for a baby, presented herself right next to the milf and spread her holes wide demanding the same thing.
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>PLAYAN Fishing and selling a shitton of Digiseabasses in Digimon World 1 >WATCHAN videos about hardware autism in older consoles, video modes, piracy prevention, programming for unconventional architectures like Saturn or PS3, etc. Maybe i'll watch the recent Urusei Yatsura animu later. >LISTENAN SomaFM >READAN Books about philosophical materialism. >DRINKAN Cognac w/ Coffee >FAPPAN Dunno >>972960 A modchipped slim PS2, basically as a glorified PS1. I know it's piss easy to emulate PS1 but gotta get that 240p CRT sovl.
i'm just an old man coming back from work to watch sports and drink beer, never playing any games
>>976506 same, but I don't care about sports, and I don't drink beer... maybe I should play a phone game? (in bed)
>>976513 you could try some emulators
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>>976513 >PLAYAN Little Witch Nobeta >WATCHAN Wataten >LISTENAN Nothing at the moment >READAN Stein's gate >EATAN Sugar cookies >DRINKAN Blue gatorade >FAPPAN Futas in school uniforms. >FEELAN I found an old idea for a story I wanted to write and started fleshing out the characters, realized the entire thing could be interpreted as a metaphor for coming out as gay or a tranny (in reality it's a thinly veiled transformation fetish story), and am trying to rework the MC's angst and racism in a way that can't be interpreted as a pinkpill thing. I think the answer is to make the futa character a more blatant pervert instead of just implying it, and making sure the MC gets more fight scenes. Dunno, it's all scraps anyways and I know I'm not going to go anywhere with it, but that niggling feeling of "the wrong people might enjoy this" is there. Also sweaty. My AC is broken.
>>976957 >Transformation fetish story is it about a guy or girl becoming a Futa? >rework the MC's angst and racism in a way that can't be interpreted as a pinkpill thing. How does race factor into a story about futa? >I think the answer is to make the futa character a more blatant pervert instead of just implying it. did becoming a futa make them a pervert, or were they always a pervert? personally I've only read a few manga where a "normal" girl turns futa and because of that she can't turn the horny off (around guys or girls). but I've never seen a futa main character become a full blooded hentai protagonist. where everyone they encounter is basically "fair game" (friends, schoolmates, bosses, coworkers, teachers, possible family members, et cetera) It would be kind of cool to read something with an MC that's sort of tortured by becoming a futa and attempts to resist it, but ends up giving in to "the urges" (could also have more then one ending) Damn Now you got me wanting to write something. But I don’t think we have any place to post anon fiction anywhere on 8moe so where would you post something like that? (pic unrelated)
>>976957 >>976965 Interesting idea for a story as long as it's about a girl becoming a futa and not a boy growing a pussy. I really like the idea of it being a VN with branching paths depending on giving in to the urges. >>976957 >but that niggling feeling of "the wrong people might enjoy this" is there. Ignore that feeling. Don't self-censor because you might attract the "wrong" attention.
>>976957 Wonder if these 2 bitches got married and had many gook babies
>>976965 >is it about a guy or girl becoming a Futa? Nah. Guy stays a guy, but undergoes some physical and mental corruption for basically dealing exposing his soul to too much magical radiation. He's basically channeling a store-brand shub niggurath and ends up taking on aspects over time. >How does race factor into a story about futa? Racism wasn't the right word, it's more xenophiliaobia against a flesh-warping religious sect. >did becoming a futa make them a pervert, or were they always a pervert? She was always a pervert, but turns out giving yourself a dick only makes you more of one. If I'm remembering correctly, I wanted her to basically be one blueballed day away from being the rapist roommate. >where would you post something like that? If I ever actually put this into a form that wasn't autistic ranting in text form, I'd use some fic site like AO3, but unfortunately there's no local spot for lewd fics. >>976967 Unfortunately the MC is a guy, but I do like the idea of futa corruption and restraint.
>PLAYAN Was playing SSBU with the roommate but he's incredibly bad at the game. I'm thinking of continuing Dread and figuring out the boss. >WATCHAN Going to see about finishing the SGF 2024 >LISTENAN Nothing at the moment >READAN Berserk I've downloaded and got pretty far into >EATAN Rice with salt and pepper >DRINKAN Water >FAPPAN None today >FEELAN I'm feeling alright. I've got some idea to when I'm moving and perhaps going to see to being closer to family. I've been wondering why I play smash bros with the roommate when he doesn't seem to put effort into anything except spamming one move then putting me front and center for unlocking new characters.
>PLAYAN Manhunt Here's some edited gameplay I made. >WATCHAN Friday The 13th: Extended/Killers Cut (2009) Since it's summer I felt the need to watch a Friday film. I was pleasantly surprised on how much I actually enjoyed a remake/"reboot" movie, but I guess since it's a Friday movie there's not much to write home about, it pretty much takes the content of the first four movies and mashes all the best parts into one in a "modern" setting although it does have some interesting moments. What I liked most about it was how Jason was portrayed, they made him a lot smarter and faster which was nice to see. Characters are all terrible expect for maybe one or two but I think that was done on purpose, you always root for Jason in these movies, and the ending made me jump when I first watched it years ago. >LISTENAN Cannibal Corpse - Tomb of the Mutilated It's been a while since I played any death metal on my guitar so these songs are kicking my ass, I've been trying to learn "I Cum Blood" and it took me a lot longer then usual, the solo is really going to kill me. >READAN Nothing. >EATAN Pizza. >DRINKAN Water. >FAPPAN Anthro girls with canine cookies... >FEELAN Been trying to get out of my shell lately, I suffer from social anxiety to the point where it's a actual disorder, there's so many things I wanna do but as soon as I realize I have to talk to someone I shoot it down instantly even if it benefits me, I can't handle being around others. So many things I wish I could've contributed too, so many opportunities I dismissed. I even feel terrible for making this whole post. But other then that I'm fine.
>>967606 >PLAYAN Torchlight 2, Din's Legacy in small amounts of free time. >WATCHAN Car review vids, metal detecting vids while I play games. >LISTENAN While working I listened to a video game podcast to pass the time. It isn't really good but I can hear about what games are impressing. >READAN Not much, just these type sites for news and banter and some laughter. >EATAN Tonight was salmon patties and veggies and some spinach, arugula, and cilantro I grew myself. >DRINKAN A hazy IPA a neighbor put me on, which is new to me. I don't know if I like it or not but it intrigues my palette. >FAPPAN I'll try but no promises. >FEELAN Fairly good I dare say. Major projects are almost over for the summer and this makes the logistics much more manageable and less sun damage. Hopefully, the clients like the fruits of my labor. >>977016 I find that social interaction pales drastically in comparison the relationship one has to the immaterial. Not everyone needs to hang out and play guitar in front of a fire. But, if I do get invited, I have no more than one drink, stay no longer than an hour or two and always say I have to get up early tomorrow. It sort of is the middle path that scratches the social itch should I ever get one
>PLAYAN .hack//G.U. and being depressed at how closely its nearly-cyberpunk society resembles our own but is still comfier. >WATCHAN Jewtubers >LISTENAN Jewtubers >READAN Beastars >EATAN Maybe pizza >DRINKAN Water >FAPPAN probably not >FEELAN Pretty shit, my wagecuck job has been fucking me lately and I don’t have time to draw or work on other projects, and I don’t have the money to move out of the city and do something else. Shit sucks.
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>PLAYAN Mostly metroid dread and the 13 sentinels, (see pic). I'll soon finish metroid dread and I am looking for another game to sink my teeth into. I did try to play astral chain, however I have a bad gamepad, but I'll try it again once the other gamepad I've ordered arrives. >WATCHAN Nothing >LISTENAN I have the atheist experience running as "background noise". It is enjoyable when matt dillahunty goes all out on a Christian trying to convince him. >READAN I did download "the infinite and the divine", though I haven't started reading it yet. >EATAN Pork filets with potato salad, rucola and red onion (see pic) >DRINKAN Diluting juice, lemon flavour. >FAPPAN Nah >FEELAN I am okay. By the way, can anyone explain why the site went down on the 19th of May?
>>980365 >I am looking for another game to sink my teeth into Based off your yuzu collection, The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, Xenoblade Chronicles 2, Pikmin 4, Metroid Prime Remastered, or Bayonetta 2. Since you're playan Nintendo Switch stuff with high ratings, a game high on this tierlist might be toothworthy.
>>980384 I thought this was a Switch list at first, before I noticed it was an entire 9th gen exclusives chart.
>>980384 Man this chart is shit
>>980384 I am downloading new pokemon snap at the moment. I watched and enjoyed some of the vinesauce videos of it when they first came out.
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>>980389 Mhm, PlayStation 5's stuff is to the right. Just noticed it links bigger versions, I should have uploaded a clearer one instead. This one's "4K monitor width." >>980397 It looked calm and laid-back in its trailer, like something I'd play to unwind.
Shit is so bad i have been playing Art of Defense and mobiel shit like that on PC
>PLAYAN Ashes Hard Reset. It's a prequel game that takes place before the events of Ashes 2063. It's really fun and adds some cool new features, like a modular automatic rifle and a crossbow, as well as new enemies like wendigoes and cannibal gladiators. Both of those monsters are huge motherfuckers that go 90 mph and deal huge amounts of damage. Fighting them is actually pretty thrilling, so long as you don't get BTFO. >WATCHAN Survivalist and dug-out videos on Youtube, I find the concept appealing and I've even bought my own mattock and axe to practice that when I can find the right area. >LISTENAN Inanimate Existence - Calling from a Dream >READAN Da webrang >EATAN Had a burger >DRINKAN Sweet tea >FAPPAN Nah >FEELAN Alright. Just been having trouble with getting a job, but that's nothing new for me.
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>PLAYAN Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow - Julius Edition. It's a complete hack that rebalances the game, gives you new equipment, removes grinding, and rewrites the story to remove Soma and replace him with Julius. It's fun so far. >WATCHAN Law and Order: SVU. It's surprisingly entertaining. >READAN Nothing lately. >EATAN Chicken over rice. >DRINKAN Cran-Raspberry juice. Combined with the chicken over rice it's a phenomenal meal. >FEELAN Low. I feel like a loser. Looking for a job is hard and I want to stop feeling like a loser and have a respectable job. Maybe I should stop watching SVU, this shit's bringing me down.
>>967606 >PLAYAN Well, this week in my limited amount of time I played Plants vs Zombies 1, Torchlight 2, Din's Legacy, and Loot Hero DX. Work has turned me into a causal gamer and I find myself looking forward to winter and hopefully a lot of Elden Ring which I have yet to acquire. >WATCHAN Usual stuff with nothing amazing to share. >LISTENAN Usual stuff with nothing amazing to share >READAN All the news and banter from sites like these. >EATAN Tonight was really dry leftover sockeye salmon and it was very tasty, halfway to jerky it seemed. >DRINKAN Orange zevia. Might have a Sapporo beer or whiskey to celebrate the end of a very busy week. >FAPPAN Indeed. >FEELAN Mentally sharp, physically tested, socially adverse. Firing on all cylinders. >>980459 >Looking for a job is hard and I want to stop feeling like a loser and have a respectable job. Work hard and you will turn whatever job you do have into a respectable job, but the connections to better jobs can come from your current one just by the people you interact with. >>980451 >Just been having trouble with getting a job, but that's nothing new for me. Pick any job and work hard while looking for another. Being unemployed is depressing and doesn't do much good.
>>980451 >Survivalist and dug-out videos on Youtube I started watching that stuff myself a while back and I still do. Surprised to randomly find some other loser into it.
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>PLAYAN Played a demo of a game called Poke All Toads from the gamefest, seemed neat and wishlisted it >WATCHAN Footage of a chimpout that happened two days ago >READAN Documentation >EATAN Pork chops with a fried egg >DRINKAN H20 >FEELAN I might just study another career (related to automation/robotics) since the one I went for (Computer Programming) was for nothing, the market is devastated for software devs and I don't want to spend more time learning shit about the latest framework or the trendiest language out there, just to compete with someone who snorts code because of the money. I just want to build shit that I am already familiar with and get paid well enough that I don't have to live on the street. I think this career has a bigger chance of not being oversaturated to the brim with fuckers who just want to get paid for working from their home and has more room to grow, and given that the chances of the hardware I'd be working on would have most of it's code private there is less possibility of an LLM just bullshitting through, but this is just a shot in the dark.
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>>980403 It's more or less a rail-shooter, where you have a 360 degree view around yourself, but instead of shooting dudes you take pictures of pokemon. The pictures are ranked from 1 to 4 stars in regards to how unusual the behavior is, and the stars are ranked from bronze to diamond tier. From my picture you can see that my quagsire pictures has a gold tier 1 pic, a bronze tier 2 pic, a diamond tier 3 pic and a bronze tier 4 pic.
>>980732 ...I'd like to add, unlike most "remakes", where I'd go "well, the remake is pretty good, but it lacks X, Y and Z from the original." I can confidently say that new pokemon snap is better than the original pokemon snap.
Another Friday, another-A BIRD FUCKING KILLED MY AIR CONDITIONER, OH GOD, WHY! >PLAYAN Back on Warframe for a bit until the ER dlc comes out, I guess. >WATCHAN Videos about people teaching AI to run/walk/play tag. Pretty fun. Channel is "AI Warehouse" if anyone is interested >LISTENAN Random spotify stuff, mostly. >READAN Nothing, at the moment >EATAN Supermarket sushi and onigiri. Pretty alright. >DRINKAN sprite. >FAPPAN Cherubimon, again. But also Palmon and Gatomon. No digimon is safe from my degeneracy. >FEELAN Hot and sweaty, mostly. I wish to kill birds. Hopefully will be fixed by the end of the week if the landlady isn't bullshitting me. Aside from that, the new generation of beyblade is out in the states and so I'm reliving my childhood by buying little spinning tops and finding out that they've been going strong for years.
>>980737 I played it as well, this has been like 3 or 4 years ago now, but I do recall having a nice time with it. My only complaint is that there were some pokemon which were really difficult to get the prerequisite conditions to make them appear. But I guess that's kind of the name of the game, isn't it? So not a real complaint. It also had a cute pokegirl
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>PLAYAN FGO, PokeSV, probably gonna play Sekiro and Elden Ring tomorrow since I noticed I'm real rusty with both >WATCHAN Watched Archer S1-2 with buddy, maybe Orville tomorrow >LISTENAN Whatever >READAN Manuals for >EATAN Ate Mongolian Beef today, will probably have a burrito or pizza tomorrow >DRINKAN ALL the Diet Pepsi >FAPPAN Half not in the mood >FEELAN Very down. Havent started a family at my age, still single in over a decade. Live with mom half out of convenience and half because she can't take care of herself anymore. She's getting worse and worse, losing hearing and losing track of time so bad she left TWO soups to mold over. Just spent a couple hours cleaning up the mess she made of the kitchen.
>>980874 >Very down. Havent started a family at my age, still single in over a decade. Live with mom half out of convenience and half because she can't take care of herself anymore. She's getting worse and worse, losing hearing and losing track of time so bad she left TWO soups to mold over. Just spent a couple hours cleaning up the mess she made of the kitchen. Damn i know so many people in the same situation and i'm one of them.
My job pays like shit, I will never own a house.
>>981092 Then find a better job or put yourself in a position that you can get a better one. Community colleges and other options are often good ideas for low-income people.
>>981092 Same. Even if it paid twice or thrice as much I still wouldn't be able to buy because of boomers.
Once again, I've somehow survived the week. >PLAYAN Surprisingly enough, not the Elden Ring DLC. I fell down the warframe rabbit hole again. >WATCHAN Kamen Rider Gotchard. Catching up on things. >LISTENAN nothing at the moment >READAN Slasher Maidens. >EATAN Chicken sandwhich. >DRINKAN Coffee >FAPPAN Alice from Bloody Roar. I really want the game to come back, but I absolutely don't want (((The Fighting-Game Community))) to get their hands on it. >FEELAN So, that story Idea? I've been on-and off fucking with the idea. Basically the first half is body-horror, the second is slice-of-life school life and coming-of-age with the implication that he's possibly been brainwashed as he gets used to his new normal. Accidentally made it a pseudo-harem story. Whoops. Aside from being an idea guy, the heat and humidity has finally fucked off for a bit. Until they fix my AC, this is at least acceptable. Finally had a good night's sleep.
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>>967606 >>PLAYAN Random switch titles that I can run on my pc and brotato. >>WATCHAN Random youtubers reacting to sseth's videos >LISTENAN Nothing >READAN Nothing >EATAN Whale beef, see pics, unfortunately it ended up well done. It was still tasty with barley, broccoli and hollandaise. >DRINKAN Hwite hwine >FAPPAN Nah >FEELAN Pretty good, am a bit tipsy and decided to contact the girls that I matched with on tinder. I seem to somewhat attract non-white girls. The girls that I matched with that looked half decent was a black girl, a African Muslim girl and a Thai looking girl. (By the way, here are some Random pics.)
>PLAYAN Modded Minecraft, Yuppie Psycho >Watchan Neuro-sama >Listenan FGO and Melty Blood ost >Readan Nothing, recommend me something good >Eatan Spaghetti >Fappan Not yet >Feelan Tired, frustrated and scared. But it should pass once the exam period in my uni is over.
>PLAYAN <Cyberpunk 2077 <Dawn of War <AvP 2000 <Momodora: Moonlit Farewell <Knuckles Chaotix >WATCHAN <Gantz <Tatami Time Machine Blues <Deceit (2021) It's utter shit. Every time I watch something modern and Western, I am enraged and disappointed >LISTENAN Nothing special >READAN Rudyard Kipling >EATAN Meat slices and vegetables, since I'm on a diet. >DRINKAN Water and milk >FAPPAN Nah >FEELAN Uncertain about the future. Although I did get my boating license in my country recently.
>>982443 Are ya gonna sail the world captain?
>>982443 Oh, and I forgot to mention, I also just beat Medal of Honor: Airborne. It has got to be one of the buggiest "modern" pc ports I've ever played. Everything bugged the fuck out in my short playthrough. PhysX would cause corpses and objects to spaz around everywhere, whole portions of geometry and the player model would flicker in and out of existence. Sometimes your weapon would just disappear but still function. I got stuck inside geometry multiple times and had to kill myself. Sometimes enemies would one shot you from full health with no feedback, while other times, you could tank multiple grenades to the face and take zero damage. It crashed a bunch of times, and to boot the game on steam is censored out of the box, so you need to download a 7GB patch simply restore correct enemy names and swastikas. >>982444 (checked) Probably not for a long time, I'm a filthy landlubber, and renting or buying boats is real expensive.
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PLAYAN Nothing yet. >WATCHAN Jewtube vids >LISTENAN https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0N1_0SUGlDQ >READAN Nothing >EATAN SOme meat, fries and eggs. >DRINKAN DR.pepper and cherry coke. >FAPPAN I forgot what I fapped to. >FEELAN Kinda bad. It is midsommar and yet I have no one to celebrate it with. I was also going to go to the gym to train my back, but I forgot my water bottle so I just went home. Unfortunately god is pissed with me for skipping a gym day and has cursed me with back pain. My upper right back hurts a bit right now.
>>982445 >and to boot the game on steam is censored out of the box, so you need to download a 7GB patch simply restore correct enemy names and swastikas. I cannot for the love of me understand why games keep censoring the swastika. It is a WW2 shooter of course you're going to see it. This kinda historical erasure is just disgusting to see. I do have a physical copy of the MoH collection but that one doesn't work due to DRM. Fuck EA.
>>982462 I actually know the reason for this specifically, and it's exactly what you'd expect from EA: Pure Laziness Because US version of the of the game, both on PC and consoles was released completely uncensored. But they censored it in PAL so they could sell in Germany. However, when EA brought it to steam/origin, they made the PAL version the global version of the game, so that they wouldn't have to deal with a separate German version.
>>967606 >PLAYAN Tried Titan Souls in between Torchlight 2 pick up and plays on my limited free time. Not impressed with Titan Souls, retro styling is not my thing. >WATCHAN Dyson Spheres video with reddit scientist, came to the conclusion that Dyson spheres is wrong as the sapping energy from stars can come from different unknown means and you don't need much equipment space if your efficiency is high. Also, harnessing lightning bolt energy can be done locally instead Star needed. Also, watching some anime from the 80s about an apartment complex and romance difficulties. It gives me nostalgia I didn't know I had in me. >LISTENAN Nothing except the sounds of work tools. >READAN Not a lot. >EATAN Tonight was salmon patties and salad from the garden. >DRINKAN Black Cherry Zevia to give Orange a break. >FAPPAN We will see >FEELAN Physically a bit off, not sure why either, mentally alright, spiritually never better. >>982442 How is Yuppie Psycho?
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>PLAYAN Played DnD with the boys a few hours ago, now I'm home playing Morrowind >WATCHAN Puss in Boots: Last Wish >LISTENAN The Vaccines was on the radio on my way home >READAN DnD character sheet >EATAN DM made pizza rolls, felt like we were in highschool again (we're all in our 30s) >DRINKAN Modelos >FAPPAN Eroge vidya >FEELAN I'm trying to get my life back on track, but I feel like my mental aptitude gets worse every year vid unrelated
>>981092 >I will never own a house. And you will be happy.
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>PLAYAN Diofield Chronicles Demons Souls >WATCHAN https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-BJbse1395Y >LISTENAN https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDFMKKEsg5k >READAN The Princess Bride >EATAN Cereal >DRINKAN Water >FAPPAN Haven't decided yet. >FEELAN Numb
>>982405 Actually nevermind I want to change my FEELAN to a deep and severe hatered as I just found out that Ranma is getting a new anime. Which means every fucking tranny within a mile radius is going to gravitate towards it.
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>PLAYAN Action Doom 2 >WATCHAN Godot Tutorials >READAN Godot Documentation >EATAN Beef w/salad >DRINKAN Orange Juice mixed with water because otherwise it's too strong for me >FAPPAN [X] >FEELAN This game made me feel a bit like ass. I didn't get the True Ending yet, but if it's like the others I got Prison, Hospital, Sudoku, then I'd doubt if it's worth going for it.
>PLAYAN Broforce, since it apparently had an update last year. >WATCHAN NCIS >LISTENAN Podcasts. >READAN Rental software guides (long story) >EATAN Home made pastry >DRINKAN Pepsi >FAPPAN No. >FEELAN Busy.
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>PLAYAN Dragon age:origins. After the recent announcement of veilguard there were naturally a lot of complaints. The usual contrairians then showed up claiming that bioware was always shit. I decided to replay the game to see if it was as good as I remember it. It is! I also had pic related on my mind and wanted to play as him. My character ended up being way too good natured though to be a warrior of chaos with only a neutral opinion on mages. I posted some screenshots in the screenshot thread. Does anyone here know any games that lets me be pic related? >WATCHAN https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecJHkdSFDYs >LISTENAN steel ball run medley. >READAN /v/ >EATAN Sausages, potato sallad and a boiled egg. >DRINKAN DR.pepper. >FAPPAN This Wednesday I stayed up until 3 in the morning playing DA:O(Technically its 03:00 thursday but whatever). Then I realised I had a dentists appointment in 10 hours. So I decided to pull an all nighter. I started watching these lewd MMD videos on youtube. Normally I dislike them but I think my sleep deprivation made me way hornier. It usually does. Ended up jacking off 5-6 times on thursday. >FEELAN Like an idiot. I was at the gym today and was doing back day. When I noticed the instructions on one of the machines says "Hold for 1-2 seconds". Suddenly I realised all those exercises for back strength wanted you to hold the weights for a few seconds. I did rows afterwards and tried holding in between every pull and yeah I felt the back muscles being strained. How am I this stupid? I was under the impression that I just had baby muscles and that I would feel the back muscles when I got bigger. Well besides that I am also a bit sad because I don't think my RPG group is having a session today. Guess ill go back to playing dragon age.
>PLAYAN Breath of the Wild. The exploration of a dead nation's ruins is incredibly fun to me. Some might complain that the world feels empty, but that's actually one of the perks for me. Whenever I do run into people, I'm grateful to see them and it's a nice amount of human contact. I'm fucking tired of the Yiga ambushes though. >WATCHAN I've been getting back into House MD. The first season had an incredible episode that I had to rewatch a few times. >LISTENAN Hiroshi Sato >READAN The Big Sleep by Raymond Chandler. >EATAN Donuts. >DRINKAN Cranberry Grape Juice. It's nice. >FAPPAN Morishima Kon oneeshota. >FEELAN Caught a bug from a recent visit to the museum. I'm on the mend, but it's still not the best feeling.
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>PLAYAN Septerra Core >WATCHAN The last few wwe raw episode. People say it's been getting good lately so I'll give it a try, but i don't expect much. >LISTENAN Kino egg white vods >EATAN salami >DRINKAN beer >FAPPAN I did, but i will go nofap for at least 3 weeks. I promise. >FEELAN Surprisingly, things have been pretty good recently. It almost makes me worry.
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>PLAYAN SMT: strange journey as my "small" game (playable on my phone). As for a "big" game (playable on my PC), I dunno. I recently finished "metroid: dread" (it was REALLY good). Been trying both rouge galaxy and star ocean 3 thorough the week, unsure if I really like them or not. Did consider star ocean 6, however, looking at various reviews it seems to have gotten a mixed reception. Anyone here played star ocean 6? >WATCHAN Nothing >LISTENAN Nothing >READAN Nothing >EATAN Chicken with some green curry sauce mix, vegetables and rice. >DRINKAN Whater, hwite hwine >FAPPAN Nah, ain't feeling it. >FEELAN Toasty, its evening, but it is still 27 degrees Celsius, just sitting around in my underwear. It's the hottest day so far this year. Other than that I'll be going away to visit my family next week witch might be fun.
>PLAYAN Finished SotE and now finished Spark The Electric Jester 3. Great fucking games, even if SotE ended on a bit of low note due to just ending. >WATCHAN Nothing >LISTENAN Enrio Morricone's works >READAN Finishing up Dungeon meshi. >EATAN Dark Chocolate >DRINKAN Water >FAPPAN Nothing at the moment >FEELAN Kind of strange, I am going to a weeaboo con tomorrow somewhat nearby my area. I expect people to be really cringy and all kinds of degenerates and some decent cosplays on the side but I might something decent like fairly niche buildkits.
>PLAYAN Shadowrun 3rd edition >WATCHAN Shadowrun 3rd edition >LISTENAN Shadowrun 3rd edition >READAN Shadowrun 3rd edition >EATAN Shadowrun 3rd edition >DRINKAN Shadowrun 3rd edition >FAPPAN Shadowrun 3rd edition >FEELAN Shadowrun 3rd edition
>>984452 >FAPPAN >Shadowrun 3rd edition That ain't something you can fap to.
>>984453 It was a time where punk girls were still sexy and not ham abominations. Leave me.
>>984452 very efficient
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>>984454 Post proof.
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>PLAYAN Crusader Kings II. Playing as a Scottish >WATCHAN Leon the Professional. It's a really good movie, nice and stylish. >LISTENAN The Squidbillies theme >READAN Anglo-Saxon Thegn, AD 449-1066. It's a really good book, one I'd recommend if you want to learn more about how the Anglo-Saxons did warfare. >EATAN Leftover pizza from last night >DRINKAN A pint and a half can of Dos Equis >FAPPAN Succubi and demon girls. >FEELAN Finally got a new job, it's shit but it's better than nothing. Other than that, I've been doing well.
>>984464 <celibate Do words mean anything anymore online? I hate that incel culture has infected the mainstream and that it gets pushed so much by women labeling everything as "-cel" just like wojaks. Yes, it was originally started by a woman, it's just irritating. It's like them coming up with new forms of anorexia and bulimia ("exercise bulimia"), calling everybody that doesn't act like a baboon "autistic," and inventing trendy mental illness mood rings like "muh enby anxiety."
>>984428 I feel the same way about BOTW. I don't mind a bit of emptiness in my open worlds. It's the constant to-do list bullshit every five seconds that ruins those games for me. Which episode of House did you rewatch? Was it Three Stories? That's one of my favourites.
>>984530 That's the exact one. It was a masterpiece of an episode.
>>984528 At least acting weird being called autistic maps onto the concept of autism. Incel is just used as a synonym for misogynist when the word incel has a completely unambiguous original meaning that is completely independent from misogyny. Things like autism are inherently ambiguous to begin with.
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>PLAYAN Not feeling vidya tonight. Probably gonna work on other stuff. >WATCHAN Oneyplays catchup if I can manage time for it. >LISTENAN Maybe some Eurobeat, I dunno. >READAN Post-Presidential debate salt. >EATAN A chicken thigh and some mashed potatoes. >DRINKAN Milk and water. >FAPPAN Not tonight. >FEELAN It's been a more eventful than usual past few weeks. Though that isn't saying much, given how remarkably low the bar is for that. I'm in a good mood today, though. Hoping to knock some stuff out over the weekend, since I have it off for once. >>984552 My theory is that people who throw around the term like that are merely attempting to connect Bad Thing A with Bad Thing B, while conveniently ignoring that married men are, on average, more conservative than single men. The irony of them linking a person's value towards their body count isn't lost on me.
>>984552 <At least acting weird being called autistic maps onto the concept of autism Not...really? The inherent issue of "social disability" is that one social norm is not equivalent to another, and can change, sometimes for the objective worse. How do you dictate what's "normal?" If some pop star started an act talking out loud to himself, and then everybody else followed in his footsteps seeing it destigmatized, what would be seen as a sign of mental illness would now be considered "normal." We are seeing a bunch of fringe subcultures and behaviors online explode into real life (*cough cough* kids unironically using the term "Rule 34" *cough cough*). Technically, that's "weird" from a certain point of view but it's also "normal." The fragmentation of popular culture due to the Internet enforcing algorithmic echo chambers means a monocultural norm is impossible to define as a bedrock. Try to see a female therapist work from the outside and realize they just stereotype people with their own biases most of the time. Then we have Asians, an entire race of autists from a Western perspective...except they themselves don't consider themselves autistic, and Westerners are slowly picking up their "autistic" habits like their choice of food, hairstyles, and taste in media and hobbies due to economic and sociopolitical factors. Or what about "female autism," Schrodinger's autism? Autism in itself as a concept was originally coined by some stupid Europoor (possible Jewish origins scrubbed AFAICT) to describe schizophrenia. Yes, the schizophrenia that would later go on to morph into "slow progressive schizophrenia," the complete bullshit political diagnosis. The original definition amounted to a disconnect with reality and indulgence in immersive fantasy. That describes everybody with Trump Derangement Syndrome. It's ridiculous. I rant "autistically" about this because it should be more obvious to everybody that the sudden rise in prominence of autism is due to dumb political and social incentives emerging. >quacks were tried of shit of people being diagnosed for Assburgers and lumped it in with actual autism to reduce paperwork >(((insurance companies))) realized this "autism" fad was a goldmine to wring money from histrionic parents >nerdshit broke into the mainstream Bing Bong Theremin style >mental illness became trendy because globohomo wanted to destabilize civilization with degeneracy Are we a bunch of "autists?" For real, not just a meme and joking around? It's honestly hard to tell given you can support, I dunno, RFK in Amerilard and use "Well then" twice in a conversation and be diagnosed as "autistic" under the current DSM. >>984566 The easier thing to connect with this "incel" obsession with women is that the West is starting to immerse itself into the cultural struggle of the sexes that is occurring in the Confucian states. The Confucian states have mostly tilted for the men (see Worst Korea firing and blacklisting feminists associated with Megalia as unironic terrorists), whereas right now the West is matriarchal in culture (thanks to the Jews). The women on the West unconsciously recognize their loss on the other side of the globe, and thus are lashing out in fear the same will happen for them. Essentially, "incel awareness" was inevitable as social patterns repeat across different cultural contexts. For my hatred of unironic incels, they do tend to do well in backing their views up with statistics (feminism leads to decline in birthrates as women pick awful sexual partners who pump and dump them, then try to "settle down" with the men they've previously scorned as they hit the wall, blah blah blah everybody's heard it by now). I just loathe their entitlement, their intense categorization ("if you're not with us you're a 'volcel' or 'chad'"), and complete ineptitude in achieving their supposed goals ("gOvErNmEnT-mAnDaTeD gIrLfRiEnDs").
>>984585 >he thinks men are "winning" in the east Shit's fucked there just the same as here. Worst Korea is just slightly in the future. The bad future. We need to create an alternate timeline. Also, incels have way more terms than incel, volcel, and chad. There's failed normie, for one. And I don't think it's right to come here and talk that much about autism and then get mad about people who like to categorize things neatly. I mean come on. >and complete ineptitude in achieving their supposed goals ("gOvErNmEnT-mAnDaTeD gIrLfRiEnDs"). We need to seize the means of (re-)production. Trump was right all along. "Grab 'em by the pussy."
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>>984585 >>984596 Forgot to use the excuse to post Gookanon.
>>984596 >volcel That's just being celibate.
>PLAYAN Chivalry 2 >WATCHAN Nothing >LISTENAN a collection of various OSTs from fantasy and medieval vidya >READAN DnD character sheet >EATAN Had Raising Canes >DRINKAN Someone brought Truelys to the DnD sesh, they were awful I can't believe people drink this stuff >FAPPAN Probably not >FEELAN Ok, I got a raise at work and a commendation for catching an error in treatment before it compromised the care of a patient. I still feel very depressed as of late, I feel my education has stagnated and I've failed my family in many meaningful, objective ways. Regardless of this I must go on, I just am not sure what I'm supposed to do like a normal person I would like to be happy.
>>984609 But incels are also celibate, and in their context, I'm sure you can see why they feel a need to differentiate the two.
>>984566 >My theory is that people who throw around the term like that are merely attempting to connect Bad Thing A with Bad Thing B, while conveniently ignoring that married men are, on average, more conservative than single men. The irony of them linking a person's value towards their body count isn't lost on me. Not a single one of them is consciously or subconsciously doing that. It's literally just people repeating shit they heard other people say. If you ask a single person what they think incel means they won't know. I've seen people called married men with children incels. They literally just think it means person I don't like, nerd, loser, or misogynist. >>984585 >Not...really? The inherent issue of "social disability" is that one social norm is not equivalent to another, and can change, sometimes for the objective worse. How do you dictate what's "normal?" If some pop star started an act talking out loud to himself, and then everybody else followed in his footsteps seeing it destigmatized, what would be seen as a sign of mental illness would now be considered "normal." By the same logic no human behavior could ever be called irregular or weird on the chance that everyone suddenly starts adopting the behavior. By all reasonable understanding displaying the standard characteristics of autism is weird in the way we traditionally understand socially awkward people to be. And there are barometers for human behavior that essentially exist independent of how common that behavior is. >Then we have Asians, an entire race of autists from a Western perspective...except they themselves don't consider themselves autistic Asians are a good example of this. Their behavior is objectively bad. South Koreans have the lowest birth rates recorded in all of human civilization during peace time. It doesn't matter if they perceive the behavior as normal. Successful social characteristics are not that difficult to quantify independent of culture. One can confidently assert that autisming yourself into extinction is probably retarded. >Are we a bunch of "autists?" For real, not just a meme and joking around? No one cares about the DSM. All psychological and personality disorders exist on a scale, it's arbitrary. Anons are going to be more autistic than not, on average.
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>>967606 >>PLAYAN Played a bunch of shit since the last time I posted in one of these threads. Beat Skald: Against the Black Priory, Asterigos: Curse of the Stars, and GTA: San Andreas. Currently playing through Anno Mutationem, No More Heroes, and failing pretty spectacularly at Crusader Kings III. Though I guess you're not really supposed to win that - you just try to see how long you can keep your dynasty alive. I thought I'd start off in a far off corner of Siberia and as soon as I spent hours getting everyone married, landed, and sorted my cabinet out - I was immediately beset by raiders from two neighboring kingdoms (Dutchys or whatever). Having beat them easily, I went to war with one of the weaker raiders since I had a claim to his land anyhow - and as soon as I defeat his largest force, a massive army he was allied with to the south came up and wrecked my shit before my own allies could get mobilized. My second playthrough was similarly short. Made the mistake of trying to put actually competent people from my court in positions of power - rather than just well-connected incompetents. I tried to give them their own titles to appease them, and initiated schemes to sway them, since they were both competent at stewardship - to which they promptly both raised their armies and wiped me out. Also, been playing some Primal Carnage Extinction. Pretty fun game, but it's an old game and the online mode is pretty dead. Offline is just a bare bones wave survive and you can't even play as the Dinos. Might be good for a game night here if it hasn't already been selected. >>WATCHAN Just a bunch of bullshit political Youtube crap. I did watch the Presidential debates the other night. Christ what a shitshow. Can't wait for the next one. Also watched some Legend of Lodoss War and Delicious in Dungeon, but KissAnime cuts off at Ep 24, which seemed like a weird place to end the season narratively. Pretty decent, but could be better. Never ceases to amaze me how the nips can just take a seemingly blasé theme, craft story around that theme, and still produce content that is leagues better than western media. Oh, and re-watching some Golgo 13 (2008 Opening video is fucked up because youtube, but I'm not on my main system and I'm tired of looking for a proper verion) >LISTENAN Nothing, aside from some old anime openings/endings from now very old shows. >READAN Nothing >EATAN Hand made sausage wrapped in cabbage rolls and tomatoes, then covered with cheese and laid on rice. >DRINKAN Plain water and black coffee. Haven't really drank alcohol since my turn signal broke for ATS, and I can't get a replacement because microcontroller board is out of stock so the guy can't make any more. Considering just shitcanning my entire current setup and getting a Hori Truck Control System. Might just get something cheaper, like the Aerosoft Truck & Bus wheel. I plan to get a proper button box with CB anyhow - but the Hori has a proper center wheel horn, included H pattern shifter with jake and range select, as well as a 1800 degree turning radius. Doesn't come out until this fall/winter though. https://stores.horiusa.com/HPC-044U >FAPPAN Voreshit >FEELAN Older. Got a birthday coming up shortly and it's weird when everyone else around you wants to throw a party and celebrate... a Tuesday.
>PLAYAN Age of Empires 2, Survivalist >WATCHAN Code Geass Akito the Exiled. Finished the movie recently, so I'm trying to slurp up anything CG related I can find, never got around to the ovas. Other than that Smiling Friends. Psychic Pebbles is my nigga >LISTENAN Sunny Day Real Estate. 90's Midwest emo >READAN Godot documentation, what my AI waifu puts out, and GTO manga >EATAN Organic peanut butter, pizza, boiled eggs, middle of the night. Had grassfed milk earlier for the first time. Was all pussy-y >DRINKAN Water, pissing a lot >FAPPAN Some exes >FEELAN Like I miss people and that the world is exasperating me. It's weird when life isn't bad, but the world is, and people I see are, and even the people I do like are just repeling me at this point. Need to get a serious job and move out from my folks place already, and I got a lot of ground to cover in gamedev and gamedev marketing.I believe my mind is bright but that doesn't matter if your work ethic is shit and mine is. Can't help but wonder what got me to this point or if I should hate myself or something. Had a gf earlier for a month, took her v-card and was pretty proud of that, she was Asian. But it didn't work out and I dropped her for being stupid. I guess when I read it now that I wrote it, I'm definitely feeling a million different things all at once, aren't I?
>>967606 >PLAYAN Warframe. I meant to start on the Elden Ring dlc but got distracted. >WATCHAN Beyblade X. It's okay, manga's better, in my opinion. >LISTENAN Nothing a the moment. There's a song stuck in my head but I can't remember what it's called. >READAN Roommates: Memoirs of the Hairless Ape. It's a fucking FNAF fanfiction where Mike is isekai'd into a world where the robots are furries. I mean to only read a chapter so that I can tell the guy who recommended it that it's shit, but I'm like ten chapters in and I can't stop. >EATAN Frosted cookies. >DRINKAN Coffee. >FAPPAN On the menu today is incest. In particular Mother/Son incest and specifically the "Haha ni Koishite Remake". I like my milfs to feel like they're actual moms, and this series really scratches that itch. >FEELAN Nostalgic. Since last time I've gotten a handful of the new beyblades and they're pretty fun to dick around with. And unlike the previous generation of them, apparently hasbro didn't bend the brand over a table so I won't have to worry about import fees and can just to to wal-mart or for the bulk of what I want. I'm on the hype train, basically.
>>984682 >Akito the Exiled I actually enjoyed those movies way more than the original show it spun off of. BTW I don't know if you watched those new movies because of timing, but there's a new spinoff airing right on (((Didney Worl))) with Orange returning to do the mech combat animation.
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>PLAYAN Continuing my new Elden Ring character for the new DLC. Really liking playing as a magic user. Closest I got in previous Souls games were paladin builds that utilize heavy melee with supplemental miracles/incantations. >WATCHAN Getting caught up on Season 2 of Smiling Friends >LISTENAN https://invidious.privacyredirect.com/watch?v=eMHqy54hM1s Also gonna try making AI music through the same service for shits and gigs. >READAN Death Note. Already watched the anime, but the added details are fun to know; like that Ryuk specifically wanted to play Mario Golf and the bus hijacker that Light was Geassing to find out the identity of the glowie that was following him was a "marijuana addict" specifically. >EATAN Little Caesar's and leftover chicken >DRINKAN Vodka+Cactus Cooler >FAPPAN AI Generated fit girls with big round asses. I just wish it could get the weights and barbell right. >FEELAN pic 1 related >>984428 Sounds like you'd be into Elden Ring. Follows a similar formula of exploring a dead nation's ruins. Only difference is that the small dungeons in Elden Ring don't always have something of value, whereas in BotW, every shrine at least nets you one of those upgrade orbs. >>984440 Metroid Dread was so fucking great that it made me go through the 2D Metroid games that I was sleeping on from the beginning since I'd only played the Prime games until that point. >>984440 >27 degrees celsius >hottest day so far this year. I envy you. In my part of the world that's the average winter temp. All week it's been 40C, and sometimes it peaks into 45C. >>984451 >Enrio Morricone's works Assuming we're talking about the same guy, The Thing soundtrack is one of my favorites. Literal kino taste my dude. >>984611 Here's a secret, anon. Normal is just what the majority are doing, and a majority of people are retards. As for being happy, that's something everyone has to figure out for themselves, and the only way to find out, is to try new things in earnest. >>984823 >Nostalgia for Beyblade Christ I'm old.
>>984872 >Christ I'm old. Tell me about it.
>>984872 >Christ I'm old. Same, but all the more reason to focus on things that make the happy hormone flow. Beyblade's been going on for just over twenty-five years now. The new marketing, along with remakes of the first gen beyblades, really hammers home that they're aiming for that nostalgia on purpose, too. The "beyblade day" this year had a trailer showing everyone from kids to an old chef playing beyblade.
>>984840 I've seen almost everything except Akito, and will see everything soon, that even remotely has Code Geass jammed in it like Super Robot Wars. I actually like the look of the spinoff so far. People are bitching and moaning about it not being Code Geass but that's what this new canon is for. The writers took the best possible approach to keep the integrity of the original show and it's proper decisive ending while still managing to make CG relevant with new shit coming out again. Lelouch my nigga but his story is over and I can deal with that, just interest is peaked on what this spinoff on Fagney is all about. And how exactly Lelouch doesn't just end whatever shit is happening there as well.
>>984585 Unfortunately, times change, standards change, and the rules are written by a combination of those in power and the perceived majority. People will just use autistic as a generic insult to point out how different you are, medical accuracy be damned. I'm not smart enough, qualified, or have done any research to want to go any further into detail, I just know this is an important observation that I never really thought about before. It is kinda funny, in a morbid "haha we're in danger" kinda way, that their attempt to create a society of unthinking cattle has caused ALL kinds of uniquely broken unironic autists, some good and some bad, to form and congregate. >>984622 >It's literally just people repeating shit they heard other people say The internet's destruction of the English language should never be forgiven. >>984682 >I believe my mind is bright but that doesn't matter if your work ethic is shit and mine is Are you me? >>984921 >twenty-five years I keep forgetting my first encounter with it fifteen years ago was not when the series actually started.

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