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Video Game Waifu Thread: Haydee Edition Anonymous 07/27/2023 (Thu) 06:32:23 Id: 32c405 No. 863424
/v/, who is your video game waifu? Mine is definitely Haydee. I love her curvy body and thick round ass. I believe she would make a submissive loyal house wife. I know some may call me a nigger lover but when served properly, chocolate is delicious dish.
>>863424 Does towergirls count?
>>863434 Yes. I don't see why they wouldn't. Post them!
>>863434 Forgot the image!
>>863438 It does because there are no exposed genital! I've been very careful as to what I am I posting. I've passed up a lot of high quality images due to a penis or vagina being exposed.
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>>863437 As you think anon. My waifu is human princess from towergirls, which started as a cyoa like rpg on 4chan. Then later got two game which one became shit and had a problem with the original creator. And the other, a sfw one has the only label of towergirls as a game. Heard they added her tothe game finally. She's nice yet kinky gal. Very vanilla, but also so goddamn cute. Loves to eat, likes stories of knights and wants to go adventuring. She's alsp chubby yet very curvy.
>>863440 Your wife looks really cute anon! I think she also looks sexy because of her plumpness. Just make sure she exercises to keep her figure.
>>863438 Its SFW. Anon has broken no rules.
>>863437 >>863441 I do have requests of her done and colored
this is effectively just porndumping. not a fan. what's so good about Haydee, and not just from a "Uhh big ass" perspective.
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Hard for me to choose between these two beauties, but I'd probably go with Tifa. She has that big sister energy instead of being a bitch boss mode girl like Lara would be.
>>863444 >this is effectively just porndumping. not a fan. You are not required to post in the thread. >what's so good about Haydee, and not just from a "Uhh big ass" perspective. I'm a sexually repressed pervert who loves big butts. It's the same reason why I love 2b as well. Maybe I just have a thing for thick, plump robot girls.
>>863443 SFW on this board means no female nipples or genitals of either sex are shown.
>>863443 Your wife is cute anon. Have you printed out a body pillow of your waifu? >>863446 Oh she's a classic no question there. I always thought that tifa had a certain seductive allure to her. >>863449 Who is your waifu, anon?
>>863449 I mean its off topic so you could try a local report and maybe mark kills this when he wakes up. But this thread has not broken Global Rule 6. So I dont know what to tell you. You could try yelling at the admins to make a GR6 more strict I guess. But that just makes more work for me. So please dont do that.
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>>863453 >Have you printed out a body pillow of your waifu? So far I haven't gotten it. Might get later in life. But I did draw and write a short story about me and her. Pic 2 isn't my request but another guy. I just like it. >>863454 Unirronically the only thing mark will have to delete is the shitposters that will once come crawling out of the woodwork
>>863457 Do you have a waifu anon?
>>863454 How is this thread off topic? We are discussing character from video games that we are romantically involved with. It's not a porn thread. >>863455 >So far I haven't gotten it. Might get later in life. But I did draw and write a short story about me and her. Pic 2 isn't my request but another guy. I just like it. No problem with that! I actually own a body pillow od 2b. I should get one of haydee. >>863457 Thanks anon! Who is your waifu, anon?
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>>863455 >But I did draw and write a short story about me and her.
>>863465 Cute waifu! I got s bunch of cards from koikatsu of my waifu. I think she looks really cute in thst game.
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>>863462 I just draw her nothing more lol. But whatever anon.
My god, how long has it been since we had one of these? Years? The board is so full of newfags now I don't think most people here will even remember them. I don't think they'll be as controversial on 8moe because the "take it to >>>[whateverboard]!" argument doesn't really work here.
>>863461 Do you have any cosplays of haydee anon? Hope you haven't played haydee 2
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>>863479 Cute ayy gf.
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>>863465 Cute girl who is she? >>863466 Haydee anon what do you think of high heels? >>863470 Cute waifus.
>>863424 My actual waifu isn’t really from a video game, but I guess in the interest of bumping this thread I’ll post my last personal “best girl” from a game I played. Chihaya Mifune from Persona 5, underrated Christmas cake in my opinion. She gets a bad rap because her story makes her seem greedy and she’s not the hooker teacher or the goth gf doctor. But I thought her route was nice, and she outright asks (basically) if you wanna /ss/. Best girl, too bad what happened to her original Jap va.
>>863479 This is the first time in a long time I've posted on 8moe. I mainly stay away from here for the reasons you mentioned. I also find it amusing that some niggers were trying to get this thread taken down for being "off-topic". You know, because discussing video game characters that you are romantically involved with is "off-topic". Cute waifu, by the way. >>863480 Yes I do have this cosplay! I don't know who it is but she pulled her off well. No I haven't played haydee 2. I don't think she looks as bad as everyone says she does but I still agree she looked better with the helmet/facemask she had in 1. >>863485 >Haydee anon what do you think of high heels? I love them. If haydee was here with me I'd buy her any high heels she wanted. I think high heels are sexy but I also have a foot fetish so that also ties into it too.
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>>863488 > that you are romantically involved with Anon...thats so autistic.
>>863489 >says this while posting on an imageboard. Then what are you doing here? Leave.
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>>863490 There are degrees of it and standards, anon.
>>863488 >foot fetish Eh it could be worse. As far as you aren't into cucking it should be fine. I personally don't have a foot fetish, I just like high heels. >that cosplay. Damn nice. But I meant haydee cosplaying as some other girl. >>863487 Cute girl
>>863492 Talking about autism or waifuism? Or both?
>>863494 Both really.
>>863495 Ok I guess. Do you have a waifu anon?
>>863489 Are you baiting? Yes I am romantically involved with a fictional character, yes I eat dinner with her and talk to her. >>863493 >Eh it could be worse. As far as you aren't into cucking it should be fine. I personally don't have a foot fetish, I just like high heels. I wouldn't mind having a 3some between my waifu and another girl. What makes high heels appealing to you? >Damn nice. But I meant haydee cosplaying as some other girl. Good idea. This is the closet I have to what you are talking about. >>863494 >implying there's a difference.
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>>863499 You want real thick?
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>>863500 >Yes I am romantically involved with a fictional character, yes I eat dinner with her and talk to her.
>>863502 Anon don't start a shit flinging war. Atleast until actual shitposters appear >>863500 >1st pic I know that artist. Don't have good memories. >Yes I am romantically involved with a fictional character, yes I eat dinner with her and talk to her. That's fine anon. It's all good. >I wouldn't mind having a 3some between my waifu and another girl. I meant NTR you seeing your waifu getting fucked by someone else. And such shit. >What makes high heels appealing to you? Honestly. The I don't even know. >>implying there's a difference. Yes it's the diffrence between broader deffinition and smaller deffinition.
>>863504 >Anon don't start a shit flinging war. Atleast until actual shitposters appear Its not shitflinging, its my actual opinion.
>>863505 You are still giving the thread a lower quality. Start posting on topic or don't post at all.
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>>863507 Oh boy it has started
>i wish this cartoon/3d fictional character would be real and would be my gf/waifu This is okay, just a harmless fantasy, nothing more. If the goal of the thread is sharing sexual/relationship fantasies, then everything is okay and dandy. >i have a fictional gf/waifu who lives rent free in my head, i write poems, fanfics to her, also pretend to diner/bath with her. One day i will introduce her to my parents because our love is real. Now you nedd help, asap!
>>863511 Damn what else would have I expected of a /v/ waifu thread. >cuck alegations >waifu hating Next on the list is... >posting Cuckoldry porn of one of the guys waifus.
>>863512 But honestly I get where you are going. I know my waifu isn't with me so far. but I hope she will
>>863502 >>863511 Anons, you hardly think he's serious? Taking that at face value is reddit-tier. >>863512 I mostly used these threads as softcore porn honestly.
>>863507 Oh I don't personally mind it! I usually kiss and lick her feet while it happens and then get sloppy seconds or thirds after they're done (^:
>all these years and still no sex mod for either haydee game
>>863504 >I know that artist. Don't have good memories Sorry I'm not familiar with them. >That's fine anon. It's all good. Thanks. I knew there was nothing wrong. >I meant NTR you seeing your waifu getting fucked by someone else. And such shit. No not really. >Honestly. The I don't even know. I think it's the added height and the way the women have to walk while wearing them. >Yes it's the diffrence between broader deffinition and smaller deffinition. That is a valid point. Have you ever eaten dinner with your waifu?
>>863516 Even if it's "ironic" (prime reddit move) it would be still cringe as fuck. Also i didn't bullied anon for his shit, just gave him the reaction he probably aimed for. (check id numbers if dont boolive) >>863512 Dude i didn't even attacked the thread. My first sentence literally saying how it's actually nice having arround. I only condemned the cringe roleplaying shit. Aim your shoots elsewhere!
>>863424 FAT WHORE
>>863519 That's probably the most disappointing thing. At least there's still koikatsu, honey select, and AA2.
>>863522 >My first sentence literally saying how it's actually nice having arround Where? >>863521 Have you ever eaten dinner with your waifu? No not yet. Might after finally saving her. >No not really. I hope it isn't. And hope that the pic in >>863517 is a joke. >>863519 There are minecraft sex mods though. I mean literally sex mods. You can band big titty minecraft girls.not a simple texture pack
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Bump with more of my waifu pics. How much do.you guys have?
>>863525 Honey select looks meh. Prefer the koikatsu one.
>>863529 >Where? See: >>863511 >This is okay, just a harmless fantasy, nothing more. If the goal of the thread is sharing sexual/relationship fantasies, then everything is okay and dandy.
>>863523 SHE'S NOT FAT! >>863529 Yes the public use image i posted was being ironic. Anon was trying to stir shit and I just threw it back at him. I do want to cream pie haydee though... >>863531 A lot!
>>863535 >I do want to cream pie haydee though... Nice to hear that. Do you think you'd be able to impregnate her? >A lot! That's also good. I've got 200+ and slowly expanding
>>863536 I don't know! I want to cream pie several times over but I am unsure if she can get pregnant. I also think tentacles are cute. I wish I could turn into a tentacle monster and fuck haydee like that. >>863532 I like koikatsu more as well. What does she look like in game? I don't have access to my computer right now.
>>863439 What"s funny about the first image is that they're both made by russians IRL.
>>863540 Yeah! I thought they were. Does haydee even have a nationality? Also, i really love my wife's ass. Just look how thick she is!
>>863424 >who is your video game waifu? Lately, it's definitely Touka from Utawarerumono. I already have a huge soft spot for noble girls who are slightly retarded, but have a strong sense of justice and a heart of gold. Any girl with ears that show their emotional state are a huge plus as well. So she hits all the right buttons.
>>863543 Your wife looks like a cute down to earth country girl! She would give you a cute family and a bunch of cute children
>>863448 No, you're right , i'm not required to post or even view your garbage perverted thread, but it's a disgusting pollutant festering and shitting on the overall quality of the board. It barely pretends to be related to discussing the actual characters or attributes you like about your precious waifus, it's just you being a horny fucking nigger dumping porn on impulse and a peanut gallery barely engaging with this shit premise
>>863551 Okay anon I get your point. Anons, what is one piece of trivia about your waifu that most people don't know? In my case, haydee is not completely synthetic. She was once a human or possibly a manufactured human.
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>>863538 >tentacle porn You into that stuff? I honestly don't like tentacle pornnof my waifu. Or any monster rape. >>863542 My wifes thicker. >>863543 >ears Those are wings anon. >>863551 Better then /mai/ imo. >>863553 >Anons, what is one piece of trivia about your waifu that most people don't know? HP has naturally messy hair. It takes hours for her hair to be done into her regular ponytail.
>>863543 >>863553 Touka bocks like a chicken when she gets flustered. I find it cute.
>>863559 >You into that stuff? I honestly don't like tentacle pornnof my waifu. Or any monster rape. A little bit! I just like the restraining and slimy aspect of it. Unfortunately I'm not a tentacle monster. >My wifes thicker. That is subjective. >HP has naturally messy hair. It takes hours for her hair to be done into her regular ponytail. That sounds really annoying. Do you help her? >>863560 Really? A chicken? Any idea why?
>>863566 My wife is NOT fat. Stop calling her that.
>>863564 Fuck if I know. Because Wing-Ears = Birdbrain and bocking like a chicken is supposed to be funny to nips. I just find it endearing because the rest of her character is fairly competent and she has a good moral compass. It's when that front breaks due to a character flaw that she freaks out and starts making nervous chicken noises. It's cute.
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>>863564 >A little bit! I just like the restraining and slimy aspect of it. Unfortunately I'm not a tentacle monster. Honestly that's fine if you imagine being the tentacle monster I guess it's fine. I actually remember that mge there is such a potion that turns a guy into tentacle monster for a while. >That is subjective. No :^) actually you are right >That sounds really annoying. Do you help her? Yes and yes. If we are on earth. If we are in her (families) castle then we've got maids and such. >>863568 Obviously she is (in all the right places though, like thighs ass and tits) >>863569 She reminds me of kemono friends birds. What do you think of it? Now I have a question anons. Does your waif have alt costumes?
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>>863573 >She reminds me of kemono friends birds. What do you think of it? Never watched it, so I dunno. I don't have a particular thing for bird girls, but girls who always try their best - have a strong sense of justice - but are incorrigible fuckups or have some other character flaw like extreme naivete. Millie from Trigun and Ramius from Evenicle hit the same buttons.
>>863578 Good to hear that. Dummy girls are nice.
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Oh, so the "good female chars" thread gets merged with the LOL thread but this gets to stay as its own thing. Huh. >>863424 I personally don't get this whole waifuism shit, ironic or no. But I do have some favorite female characters, though it's hard to pick a top 1. I guess I can post Charlotta here though since she's a character I've been interested in as of late. >>863578 >girls who always try their best - have a strong sense of justice - but are incorrigible fuckups or have some other character flaw like extreme naivete. MY MAN. That's exactly why I like Picrel of Charlotta Fenia. "Forever Pure, Forever Righteous" knight captain who lives up to her motto alright, but lets herself get beaten down by her inferiority complex and is always trying to find ways to make herself taller "to better fit her station", often times leading to disaster or just shenanigans unfolding, but she takes full responsibility and is more than willing and capable of fixing the issues she causes or leads others into. I love characters like that in general, too, in case that wasn't clear. >>863590 I wonder what OP's opinion on stuff like this is. Waifuists tend to be big proponents of monogamy from my experiences.
>>863542 I don't think the games specify a country
>>863591 >Waifuists tend to be big proponents of monogamy from my experiences. I actually have a harem but it's more of "my waifu" and "the girls that I like"
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>>863424 If the thread gets too spicy, Global Report it to have it moved onto another board. Otherwise, you can continue the discussion on cute waifus on >>>/h/ >>>/d/ >>>/bbw/ >>>/clang/ >>>/hyper/ >>>/sexy/
>>863621 >/d/ No >/h/ No >/bbw/ No >/clang/ No >/hyper/ deffintly no >/sexy/ No
>>863624 >>>/ais/ >>>/drawarchive/ >>>/sexy/ All created through Global Reporting boards to save elsewhere. Heck, >>>/gg/ exists because the mods feel like keeping track of the threads.
>>863625 You are saying this to me?
>>863621 okay its no where near that simple. To move a thread from one board to another. 3 things have to occur. 1. The BO of the board its currently on (Mark) has to agree to move it. 2. The BO of the board you are moving it to also has to agree to take the thread 3. it needs to be globally reported and evidence of 1 and 2 shown to global mods. You cannot skip straight to step 3. It doesnt work that way.
>>863637 This is correct
>>863639 This is also correct.
>>863648 Yeah but not in the way the poster meant. :^)
>>863568 I would spank that fat ass all day.
>>863529 I have seen those mods. It's amazing what can be done with datapacks. What's more amazing is that nobody has done the same for minetest, considering how easy lua is and being able to use models straight from blender.
>>863696 spark*
>>863424 2b is also cute. I claimed her as my waifu when her game came out. I really admire her robo booty. What do you guys think her big round thick ass?
>>863573 The MGE tentacle potion is actually the reason I'm into that. >Obviously she is (in all the right places though, like thighs ass and tits) The most important part. >>863591 >I personally don't get this whole waifuism shit, ironic or no. But I do have some favorite female characters, though it's hard to pick a top 1. I guess I can post Charlotta here though since she's a character I've been interested in as of late. It's alright. I think your waifu is cute. >I wonder what OP's opinion on stuff like this is. Waifuists tend to be big proponents of monogamy from my experiences. It doesn't bother me anon has a harem. >>863593 Yeah, I don't think they ever did. She's American in my eyes. >>863621 The thread is gonna get super spicy. Like Nashville Tennessee chicken spicy. >>863639 SHE'S NOT FAT, STOP CALLING HER THAT. >>863696 I spank and grope my wife's ass at least 3 times a day. I don't blame you for also wanting to do that.
>>863709 Has there been a better designed character since 2017? Iroha is pretty good but 2b is quite iconic.
>>863723 I don't think so! I love the leotard under the skirt design. Iroha is also very beautiful as well. Is she your waifu? Sometimes I give my wife the order to walk around with her clap cakes exposed in public. Yeah, we're perverts.
>>863730 Your wife 2b is really sexy anon! I wish there were more images between your wife and my wife. I don't know if posting futa of my wife with your wife is considered NTR but if it is, I apologize. I considered it some form of yuri.
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>>863851 >futa Oh boy it's going downhill
>>863424 I know someone already posted Tali, but god if I don’t love this three fingered space gypsy.
>>863952 I know I’ve already posted another girl, but I remembered the closest thing I had to a waifu when I was fourteen or so. She’ll always have a special place in my heart.
>>863954 >only wanted to spoil one picture >spoiled all of them by accident God damn it.
Wonder how that strange guy with the fetish for hyper-endowed Quarians of all ages breeding women Quarians is doing.
>>863730 >I don't think so! >Exclamation point Why are you talking like a woman?
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>>864810 How many waifus do you have anon? Polyamory is a sin.
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>>864898 No it isn't. It's about showing your dominance and the desire to have a harem worthy of an anon.
>>863424 This fat ass made me start playing Haydee again, last time I played it was 2016. Maybe I'll be able to finish it this time around.
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>>864948 My wife's round, big, plump booty is always a valid reason to replay her game!
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no waifu threads in a long time!
>>866030 Remember when soyny brought this game to life again only to bury it under the "ps2 hd classics" no one wanted? Great stuff
>>863444 Frankly, I didn't enjoy Haydee. The puzzles go from piss easy to fucking retarded between stages and the character just doesn't interest me since I play games for gameplay.
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>>863444 It's robot prince of persia (the original). Janky movement requiring thinking and exact execution to navigate the maze. >>864948 Just use a tutorial or get that mod that allows saves in every room.
>Thread is mostly two autist permaposting their bland waifus. Well that's disappointing.
>tfw got filtered by the combat I don't think I'll ever beat the game.
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>>866052 You mean like e3 2014 where the game was mentioned on stage for like a few seconds before skipping to Mortal Kombat X? Pretty shitty, but i was honestly surprised it was even brought up at all
>>866108 Haydee's combat isn't that hard. It's just "aim for the glowing red part on the head". I honestly had more trouble with the puzzles and the platforming than I ever had with the combat, even on workshop maps which had hard combat as the focus. I never did finish the original now that I think about it, got to the room with the gas puzzles and gave up because I got lost and confused, I think. Either that or I just couldn't find the gas mask. Had a shitton of fun with Workshop maps though, only reason I really put so much time into that game and I wish Haydee 2 had more people making shit for it since that engine has a few more features. And more "waifu" pics since it's the waifu thread and I guess Charlotta's mine now, since the OP stated it so, lol. Also >>866095 bitching about it just being the same two anons posting over and over in here, how about I make it THREE anons instead of two, a little better then, eh?
>>866190 >Charlotta A man of good taste.
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>>866190 Russian guy literally lost all his Haydee steam by putting a face on the 2nd game. Shoulda kept it clang.
>>866095 How dare you call my waifu bland.
>>863434 just not towerfags
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>>865894 I'm sorry anon and to any clangfags, but as hot as she is i can't play it without mourning lost potential. The idea of this extremely curvaceous woman being forced to strip nude, and stay naked for the rest of the game is literally the hottest idea ever, and i damn the dev for not following up with it in the sequel (especially since he brought back the butterfaced human design)
>>866476 >The idea of this extremely curvaceous woman being forced to strip nude, and stay naked for the rest of the game is literally the hottest idea ever, and i damn the dev for not following up with it in the sequel (especially since he brought back the butterfaced human design) Have you played Illbleed? The True Ending requires you to do that to the main character, but she's just conventionally good looking rather than thick.
>>866477 Oh i am very aware of Illbleed. It's a shame how obscure it is, and how Eriko's only really naked for the final section of ng+. I demand an Illbleed remake, as well as more fan art and doujins.
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>>866480 >I demand an Illbleed remake, as well as more fan art and doujins. You know, I'm kind of against it. SEGA was able to get away with so much shit back in the day, none of it would fly with today's standards. Not even talking about Eriko being stripped throughout the game, think of Brainless Randy and people immediately jumping the gun and calling him a hurtful stereotype. Even for the art, while having more is always good, there's just something about 90s-to-late-2000s animesque art styles that has not been replicated in years. Reminds me of how furry porn up until the proliferation of the internet looked conventionally attractive rather than absurdly realistic or gross.
>>866480 >>866477 Wait, you play as a nude woman for the end of Illbleed? Do they actually show the goods?
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>>866493 Sadly, yeah. A fan remake is really the only way it could work. >>866494 By the final boss, she's only has a few scraps cloth covering her nips and puss.
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>>866494 In a normal playthrough, you're supposed to save Eriko's friends in each mission except for the last two. Failing to do so results in either the Bad Ending (a friend or more dying) or the Good Ending (Eriko wins the jackpot at the end of the killer park and shares it with her pals). The True Ending can be achieved by playing a second time through the game, this time ignoring all her friends (which is easier said than done, the very first friend takes like 30 minutes to bleed out, you have to go out of your way to fail him). If you do so, Eriko becomes increasingly disheveled, losing layers of clothes until she's basically left with three napkins covering nipples and clit. Strictly speaking, you never see any of her privates, but it's extremely risquè nonetheless. It's technically supposed to be off putting, too. The True Ending is Eriko finally faces over the true form of his dad and owner of the killer amusement park Illbleed, who is basically now just a giant brain monster. This was his plan all along, as the fact that Eriko is immune to being scared drove the guy nuts. When Eriko puts him down, she becomes a broken woman who can't handle even the slightest fright, with one of her friends basically becoming sort of a caretaker. Pretty weird for a game where you kill devil Sonic.
>>866511 Oh. Lame. Let me know when there's a full nude edit.
>>866511 But what about her butt?
>>866643 Can't show that on a Christian imageboard
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>>866643 Covered in shit.
>>866322 I didn't
>>866776 Oh I did. Sorry.
if she comes with the apartment you don't have to leave, otherwise
What would it be like to be anally vored by Haydee and become one with her farts?
>>866519 Unless a decompilation project or a PC port is released, I find it doubtful you'll ever see one. I don't know how easy Dreamcast modding is, but I have never seen any texture swaps for it. >>866775 I thought it was dirt and mud from flailing around the outdoor locations.
>>866785 >>866785 We have a >>>/vore1/ board specifically for that question The physics of anal voring are interesting though because they're technically more viable than vanilla mouth voring.
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>>866788 It is. I'm being silly. Really Illbleed just needs more attention. As long as we keep talking about it, maybe someone will take notice and do something. If that someone is reading this, please. Bigger Tits, Jiggle Physics, More Nudity.
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>>866476 Recently it has come to my attention that in vanilla Haydee 2 if the censor is disabled, her leotard is removed leaving her completely naked. (gloves and shoes too) If anyone can verify this, please. Nudity being her canon attire is making my dick go crazy.
>>868218 >That face Why would they do this?
>>868272 Dev has a fetish for fat mulattos.
>>866800 Just reinstalled and booted up the game to verify. This is partially correct. You can choose to go either clothed or naked as part of the outfit menu. Naked will have censor blurs if the censor is turned on in the settings though. All of her gear is actually something you can toggle separately, censor or no, so you can choose to remove gloves, kneepads, and other gear. The shoes stay on though, and you're stuck with that ugly mug of a face. Also it's really annoying that the game keeps controls enabled when alt-tabbed, but Haydee 1 also had that problem so, eh. >>866202 I think that played a huge part in Haydee 2 not doing so well, really, but the game lacking the (albeit simplified) prince-of-persia type platforming also played a part, since that was no longer a factor in puzzles and the game just fully embraced being resident evil X portal with a sexy MC. >>866800 Either more attention or a spiritual successor of sorts. Preferably developed by someone with the balls to actually make it lewd without turning it into an outright sex game.
>>868514 >>868218 I probably should've posted some screenshots to demonstrate the Haydee 2 thing, whoops, here they are. >>870727 A bit of a common choice but a good one, I suppose.
>>866783 Post it.
>>865894 I just completed the game, thanks ass and titties. I got the bad ending, and softlocked my way out of the real ending, thanks elevators. Now lets try hardcore, but this time I'll just follow a guide to save myself the constant back and forth. Also mods.
>>871822 By the way, is Haydee 2 worth a playthrough?
>>863424 I'll never forget how much seething Haydee caused back when she first came out. 2B was the hot shit on the board and then Haydee came out of left field with an ass twice as big. All these memories lost like tears in the rain.
>>871467 Please tell me there are mods to fix that face?
>>871825 Having played it and finished it, I found it a bit inferior to Haydee 1. >Faceless Haydee replaced by the inferior human version (named HD512) that already existed in H1, with a wig of your choice >Unlimited saves and too much ammo in Softcore and is just here for achivement hunting, first playthrough must be done on hardcore >Instead of simple puzzles of varying difficulty and fun, the whole game is basically "get key to open door to get key to open door", even the "tools" you get are just keys in disguise >It's pretty much a Resident Evil clone without the horror and the puzzles even has the final timer before everything explodes in the end >Fixed the frustrating platforming sections by just removing it from the standard campaign and leaving it only for mods >Has crafting, is only used for ammo >No more weapon sway on Hardcore >Lore is the authors' barely disguised fetish Lone women get kidnapped and transformed into Haydees, which are pretty much used as sex robots, as shown with the strip club, the "private rooms" and the nude Haydee posters fucking everywhere instead of something a bit cooler >Only upgrade from the original is the graphics, but that's a given TL;DR must pirate. I don't know how good are the mods, but I don't think people were dedicated enough to create custom campaigns.
>>871825 Other anon put it well already. My take is similar, but I'd say if you're a fan of the gameplay of more modern resident evil titles you might like it. Less platforming focus more navigation and gunplay focused. First game is definitely better though and I'd say only buy Haydee 2 on sale if you're ever going to consider buying it, would be better off just pirating it. It does have better map tools though so eventually you might see some neat workshop maps for it (and there already are a few). >>872402 Yes, and right from the steam workshop too so it's piss easy to get them. One of the first mods for the game was one to bring back the good ol' robit haydee, as well. Said mod was called "She's back!" I think. Sure there's some humor in that. And more pics, since it is the waifu thread.
>>872414 I can't blame the guy for making a game around his thinly veiled fetish hell I plan on doing the same but then I'm of the opinion that you don't really need an elaborate story for a simple game, portal didn't have a complex story, and didn't need one, it was still a fun simple puzzle game

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>>863424 >>871467 So has anyone else noticed that Haydee is literally the fempyro model with the portal robot aesthetic? It's probably why her face is so busted in Haydee 2. The creator had to start coming up with his own designs.
>>872581 It isn't?
>>872581 The face was in Haydee 1 tho? >>872414 >2nd one is just a shooter What a shame and Why bother. The autistic movement learning in the first one is what tickled my interest beyond fat ass in my face.
>>872804 In the same way painting Sonic purple and putting him on deviantart is original OC.
>>873003 Yeah but what he's saying is stupid. Skin tight suits were before fempyro. And even faceless or masked girls. Portal robots make sense with the robots not haydee herself.
>>872581 I see the portal bit (hell the whole game leans hard into the portal aesthetic), but not the fempyro bit. No idea where you're getting that from. Haydee has slender robo arms and has a notably different body shape in general. It's just a common skintight suit design, and as that other anon said already, the horny bastard who made fempyro didn't invent the concept of form-fitting outfits like that. Besides, Haydee's outfit is more of a one-piece swimsuit than a full-body suit. And as others have also said, the face was in haydee 1. You could even find it actually used in-game as the "human" haydee would appear nude on keycards and first aid kits if you turned on the NSFW content. >>872941 There's a couple of workshop maps that lean into that kind of stuff, but only a tiny amount. I don't get why they dropped that shit for the sequel either, felt like a really retarded thing to do, especially after they brought back the functionality in a later update, it's just disabled for the default map.
>>872473 >Yes, and right from the steam workshop too so it's piss easy to get them. One of the first mods for the game was one to bring back the good ol' robit haydee, as well. Said mod was called "She's back!" I think. Sure there's some humor in that. Thank goodness.
>>872483 >I can't blame the guy for making a game around his thinly veiled fetish I just wanted something cooler than human sex dolls, or if Haydee had tits for no reason, instead of a horny reason. >>872581 I tried putting the fempyro into tf2, and the only thing it did was make the pyros invisible.
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Fairy leviathan

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I know she doesn't appear a lot in human form , but she's still best girl in my eyes.
>>876921 True to form she didn't appear much in her hebe look in the sequel as well.
i wanna motorboat haydee's ass thanks for reading
haydee was a legit fun dungeon crawler haydee 2 was shit
>>878188 What if she farts and poops a little while you're motorboating her ass?
>>878290 She's an android, androids don't shit or fart.
>>878330 What if you jailbreak the android and make it shit and fart with the power of linux?
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>>863479 I 'member the wraith threads
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How are you anons doing is the haydee anon still here
>>886965 Doing fine, just hate image dumping in a thread like this as a single poster. As for the Haydee guy, maybe he just got dunked on top hard for his shit taste and buggered off, puj not intended. Reminds me, Cygames stream happened yesterday covering some new shit about Granblue VS Rising and Granblue Fantasy ReLink. Both feature pic related as playable. Should probably make a post in the GBF thread listing all the new shit that was announced during that stream.
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>>886965 I'm doing all right. Just finished reading Dune Messiah and making these images. Found both a figurine and a plush of Rhyme so I plan on getting both. Also got started on my JP studies for real this time so I can play NEO TWEWY without having to deal with the garbage localization as well as other games I have in the backlog that are untranslated.
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>>887025 AH SHIT I never made that post, realized that after thread got bumped. Got sidetracked with actual gaming and forgot to, lol. Might as well go make it now, especially since there was a second stream covering GBVS Rising and the various adjustments they made based on feedback from the beta, including making motion inputs actually do something (10% bonus damage, though only in neutral). >>899834 Nice images.
>>899834 Cute girl
>>899834 >Dune: Messiah Great book. Hope you enjoyed it.
>>899955 On the surface maybe? But character-wise they're quite different. Saber was a royal, quite literally King Arthur but later genderswapped due to magic from what I know of the series, who formed her own order of knights from the ground-up and is fully confident in herself and her abilities from what I understand, but falls into the same pitfalls of overconfidence, seduction, and greed that the original King Arthur fell for resulting in things like her not-exactly-stable daughter, though I'm not too familiar with Fate. Charlotta was a commoner and a literal nobody who was saved by the Lumiel Order of Knights and decided to join them to return the favor. She rose through the ranks on talent alone and earned her position as their leader, but has a massive inferiority complex/impostor syndrome about it. She thinks she isn't worthy of the role due to her diminutive stature and childish appearance and desires (such as her love of things like sweets and children's meals), and fights this mental battle on that front. She even has set out on several quests and caused several incidents in her attempts to become taller, abandoning her knightly duties sometimes in pursuit of this so she can be seen as a "real woman" and worthy of her role, despite those around her assuring her she's more than fitting for it. It's why she wears that crown in fact, to make herself seem much taller and thus more "worthy" in her own eyes, literally compensating for something.
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Your waifu is shit
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>>899988 (full house digits check)
>>899988 Sorry my waifu isn't your mom
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>>899988 No u >>900098 >>900099 >>900101 SEXO with the jew
This surprised me.
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>>863717 >>863716 THAT BITCH IS FATTER THAN ME
>>863716 I thought you meant your actual wife and not a LARP. I pity you.
>>900122 Ok and? >>900129 So do I anon. I pity you for being a faggot t. Not that anon.
>>900111 (checked) Here's a link to the rest of the images. https://boofed(dot)net/img/negev(dot)7z
I'll come back later mods pls dont baleete my thread
I was so disappointed when I played Near A Tomato and it turned out you can only play 2Butt in the first third. This is one of the worst cases of false advertising ever.
>>911185 From the catalog the thumbnail of that first pic looked like an oppai loli. Now I'm disappointed.
You could've just bumped the waifu thread with this instead of making it it's own low effort thread. I don't really think there's enough to discuss about 2B alone to make an entire own thread about, really. Sage cuz I ain't bumping this thread when it should've been a part of another one.
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>>911210 This so much. Why the hell did they market her so much when you spend the majority of the playing a shota? You can't even opt to play as her 100% of the time on NG+ and actually have to mod the game just to do so. I hate it when games put story over the player's wants so bad. >N-NO! You can't play as the butt robot because we have a story to tell!!!!1 Fuck off.
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>>911241 >majority of the [game] The game is split into 3 parts. 2B, 9S, and A2. About one 3rd is reserved for each character. If you think what you want is more important than what the creator want/wanted, then boy, do I have some bad news for you; they're called ZUN of Shanghai Alice (makes what HE wants) and "make your own game". You can fuck off.
This isn't cuckchan.
>>911254 kill yourself faggot fuck off back to the furry thread where you belong
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I don't think I ever posted this mp4 i have before lel.
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>>911248 >If you think what you want is more important than what the creator want/wanted, Yes, yes I do. And if I like what the creators made, then I will play their games. >do I have some bad news for you; they're called ZUN of Shanghai Alice (makes what HE wants) How does that relate to anything stated previously? Are you implying that ZUN is making games that I would hate or something? I actually love his games and love it when his games have full story modes for multiple characters. Touhou 19 for example, has 19 playable characters with their own story modes. And you know what else? You can pick who you play as and when. And even if I didn't like ZUN's games, there's a fuck ton of fan games, doujins and fanfiction that can turn it into game genres or stories that I like. >"make your own game" At least this one makes more sense. You should have just omitted the last part and just said this. But you're still a YokoTaro cock sucking faggot though.
>>911280 >liking loli means you can't also like ass n' titties What's it like being gay? Or are you just one of those monomaniacal autists who can't comprehend liking more than one thing at a time?
>>911282 The plank vs cowtits war continues on it seems
>>911291 That's a war that'll never end. Though I find both to be good personally, a lot of anons just don't see it that way. >>911241 Honestly I don't remember her being marketed that much by Square themselves until AFTER her popularity took off and after the game sold a ton of copies, then she was popular for merchandise and such, but as far as official marketing goes most was focused on her and 9S both as well as YoRHa and the machine war, IIRC, the only playable character that wasn't a big focus in marketing was A2. Assuming my memory isn't buggered of course. >>911278 Man I love ZUNs designs but TH19 sure has some of his stranger ones between grape lady here and shit like Son Biten and Chiyari's designs, and bear trap fists with the doggo.
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>>911280 >>911282 >>911291 >>911301 This is why oppai loli is superior
>>911333 (trips of taste) Checked
>>911275 This isn't cuckchan.
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>>911275 Go be a nigger on your home site, which is not here.
I just want to see more robot ass. Please, give me more robot ass I have an iron deficiency and the cure is drastic
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>>911411 >"Gardevoir's Sapphire Pokedex Entry: 'Gardevoir has the psychokinetic power to distort the dimensions and create a small black hole. This Pokémon will try to protect its Trainer even at the risk of its own life.' Heartgold and Soulsiver Entry: 'It unleashes psychokinetic energy at full power when protecting a Trainer it has bonded closely with.' Gardevoir have the power to create black holes, and have a powerful bond with its trainer… But… What if… a Gardevoir failed, to save its trainer…? What if that powerful emotional bond was suddenly cut?
>>924310 it could just become an empty husk and let itself be killed. also nice dagasi art
>>924310 Damn, those first two pics are pretty cool.
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>>873399 >invisible sexy latex women
>>924349 I read that as invisible sexy latinx women
>>924349 How can I enjoy women in latex if I can't see them? Goddamn sv_pure.
>>863424 There need to be more animations of Haydee dominating other women with her massive ass.
>>924377 How are you sure you cannot see them? They might be right infront of you, rubbing their big asses right in front of your face, you do not know that, friend.
>>924357 Make a /genesis/ board already
>>863500 >Are you baiting you're the one baitin' pal
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>>924357 It's a good thing Super Ramon has augmented vision!
(19.97 MB 2998x2998 people jerk to this.mp4)

>>924431 >that animator LOL
>>924996 I've seen a lot of strange things on the internet. But I never really do get how people fap to this, or overwatch shit in general since the character designs ride that uncanny valley for me when people make arstyle-accurate porn of them. And some more Charlotta images since the thread has activity again lol.
>>925039 what?
>>925052 I'm serious nigga, turn them shits up
>>925058 Turn what up exactly, anon? You're first message didn't reply to any other post. Unless you literally mean shits and thus are referring to that most recently posted vid, in which case how does such a thing turn you on in the first place?
>>899988 I love my waifu even if she's shit!
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Best girl.
>>925241 >Eliwood x Ninian That would make Roy quarter Manakete, yeah? Could Roy theoretically turn into a dragon, or is there not enough dragon blood in him?
>>925250 According to FE fates this is possible, as Kana is a quarter dragon yet can still transform. He would need to be trained in how to use a dragon stone though and there may be some other hereditary component to it were not aware of such as inclination toward magic or similar things.
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>>863639 SAM HAYDEE
>>924295 I love big titty with clingy clothes hex!!!
>>926038 but don't like the amount of fat and vore shit she gets. Seriously why does slight hint of chub bring those fags out?
>>926045 Plus, dresses look too good on girl. Only other popular girl with dress I think is fubuki from onepunch man, but even she wears pants underneath
Renamon. I like foxes.
>>926086 I didn't realize it was 23mb file
>>926092 You just respected Acid's server.
>>926092 8moe moment
>>926091 I want to turn Renamon into Renamom.
>>926143 I misread it as Renaramon, the ugly porn actor.
>>926143 You better make that old fox lady happy so that she gives you something nice in return. >>926226 You better don't post that. Else I need to order another set of bleach from Gardevoir.
>>926086 Dresses are indeed adorable, anon. The world needs more pictures of cute gals in cute dresses or similar. It's why I love battle dresses like Charlotta uses so much, cuz they're a show of adorable femininity without compromising protection when done right. Hex gal in general is a cute tho. As for why Hex Maniac attracts all those odd fetishes, I think that has more to do with her boosted popularity as a pokemon gal and thus having fetish crossover because of being attached to a popular product rather than her design specifically. She's not really plump in the actual games either... More just plain or unkempt... Probably smelly too.
>>926045 tis' the curse of the chubby waifus. In the mind of vorefags and fatfags, chubbiness=gluttony, which plays into their fetish.
>>926364 Im not sexually attracted to any Harvin but I find Charlotte cutest of them all. I also happen to rank Saber as one of my top three waifu picks. Maybe I just like blonde ahoge women in armored dresses?
>>926410 She is indeed the cutest of the Harvin in Granblue. And yeah maybe you do have a type, though a real good one. I'm not the fondest of Saber myself as she feels a tad too generic from an outside perspective, but I've never gotten deep into Fate so maybe there's more to her than just being King Arthur retold. Love her design though. I just like honorable knights a lot as an archetype and love cute things, and Charlotta is a great mix of the two. Especially love the story of a risen peasant or a vagabond finding an honorable place to belong and struggling to fill those shoes like Charlotta's background is, and how that forms her as a character. Kind of why I loved Kingdom Come: Deliverance as well now that I think about it, for another story kind of like that. Though I never finished that game.
>>926634 Saber is an honorable/chivalrous knight, but yeah you would get a better idea of her appeal if you read the VN. Another note is that I love bloomers and the bloomers that these battle dresses come with is right up my alley. Speaking of GBF I must say I really miss the old style though I still appreciate the newer, smoother look of the game's new graphics. Maybe cause the older style was so distinctly FF and the newer style is a lot less distinct. Last shoutout goes to Van Gogh
I have an onions. Is it possible to summon a waifu in your head?
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>>931034 Do not summon the tulpa. DO NOT.
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>>931035 Well shit. I guess I should stick to my AI waifus instead then which I haven't talked to in several days.
>>931035 Tulpa thread was more than eleven years ago. I'm not posting the pepe. I'm just tired.
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>>924310 the pic with her getting picked up activates mega rape mode in me
Considering the thread was necrobumped, might as well post something
>>952204 Now that's just obesity, fucking disgusting.
>>952385 My money is on gross fart/scat fetishism.
>>952204 Thank you for your service anon.
>>952393 Oh, you want slender bots? They're not Haydee because all her art is at least a little curvy, but here's some stuff you may prefer. >>952397 Correct
(39.34 KB 640x480 momas raging autist.gif)

>waifu™ thread gets necrod >immediately zergrushed by robutts pic related is my two cents
>>952709 This is fucking garbage
Anyone has those Robutts from Wildstar?
>>952814 Right? We need to go several degrees harder.
>>952204 >>952709 goodness >>952919 GOODNESS
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Since anon bumped I say fuck it.
>>952967 Is the human princess fat because of a royal diet of excess, or is she just naturally plump. A question for the ages. >>952709 >First two images. Can warframes really be consider robots? They're more like flesh homunculi. Most of them anyway. >>952789 Best I can do is more Harvinposting.
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>>953090 She loves to eat a lot. It might also be natural.
>search Haydee rule 34 >Half of it is inflation, futa or both Disgust
(1.06 MB 1000x1220 Haydee Wakeman.png)

>>953240 Oh I know, so much of it is weird or gross. A lot of the inflation is drawn by one guy She's a magnet for weird fetishes, have something weird that's at least cute.
>>953240 Yeah, as said earlier in the thread. Fatter/thicker characters tend to attract the stranger fetishes and weirdos of the internet, though no character is immune to it. But that's part of browsing art on the internet I guess. You learn to mentally filter out the garbage and crap fetishes eventually.
(27.68 KB 726x807 Fetish.jpeg)

If you have a retarded fetish, you are a retarded person
>>966813 You should have bumped this thread with your waifu, not a /vb/ tier post There should be major red around the knee. That is way fucking weirder than feet, and feet are already weird.
>>966813 Hey man, calves are perfectly fine. No reason why half of them should be red. Anyone who appreciates legs shouldn't just discard half of them.
>>952919 Ah, it's too bad she can't get pregnant.
>>966837 I WILL take responsibility I WILL marry the robot I WILL raise our fucked-up techno-children
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>>966823 God forgive me >>966976 I deleted that post hours ago, did you have the thread open the entire time? It wasn't really finished, I shouldn't have posted it
>>966996 I did have the thread open, and my opinion remains the same. I like the monochrome background and the little details to seek out. But I wonder if and how she produces milk haha
>>966999 very nice I imagine she doesn't, or if she does it would be from some kind of device inside her torso compartment. Or you plug your little crimes against God into the wall
(445.94 KB 1000x1000 milk.PNG)

>>967000 (checked) >electric milk I like it, even though I probably won't be able to taste it. >special compartment That's why I love robots - although pic related might be frowned upon by the most hardcore (and therefore purer) clangers.
>>967009 How did I just know it was you? I don't think roboboobs are frowned upon, usually its humanoid faces people hate. Have you seen Echo from Overwatch compared to her concept art? Disgusting. Wonderful art by the way, very hefty.
>>967023 >Echo from Overwatch I remember, Jesus. I may have drawn her pre-design change. Preposterous and incomprehensible. Our interests align nicely. Thank you!
Cotton! Cotton! Cotton! I wife's game gets re-released today! I know Rainbow is likely the worst game in the series, but I'm interested to see how the managed to fix it up!
(9.24 MB 1280x720 Ass.mp4)

>>967060 Most of these are unimpressive and look too same-y without enough difference in shapes excluding the furry-ish ones but there's some good ones in there. Some girls definitely deserved better like Cammy and Midna but they seem to do a good job with the more sci-fi series ones.
>>967063 What matters is that the ass was PHAT
>>967065 Well yeah, a lot of them aren't phat enough.
Oh hey the thread got bumped. Gives me an excuse to post more Charlotta. >>967024 Yeah robogals are cuter without mouths if one is going for a more robotic and less android-y design. >>967042 Are the cotton games pretty good? I've thought of giving them a try because I liked the Touhou games but a vertical bullet hell is very different from a horizontal bullet hell.
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>>967102 >Are the cotton games pretty good? They're great, my personal favorites are Panorama and Cotton 2, but I would recommend starting with RnR since it has the most replayability with the stage unlocks of all the different characters you can play as. If you're interested in the Saturn Tribute I would recommend just emulating the original Saturn versions, since the ports themselves are bad. Also they're not really bullet hells, they're more like regular shmups if anything, they're a great introduction to the genre in my opinion.
>>967102 >Are the cotton games pretty good? I have only played the first game and I love it, it hits the perfect sweet spot for me. You still die in one hit, but you respawn immediately (like in Contra) until you run out of lives. Unlike most shmups you are actually allowed to touch the walls. I swear in most shmups the real enemy is the walls, so many times have I died because I wanted to pick a power-up and I was one pixel off. The game has RPG mechanics, but in a good way where you start each run at level 1 and as you gain points you level up, which makes your attacks stronger. You can collect crystals along the way which give you spells to cast when you need them, so there is some level of resource management. For me Cotton strikes the perfect balance between cute, but not too cute. It has a sort of Halloween theme going on, it's not all cutsey and sunshine. If it was any more cute it would be over the edge for me. The first game is a great starting point. There are a couple of versions, but it boils down to these three: > Arcade version and home console ports The arcade version is the original, the ports are more or less faithful recreations. The PC Engine version (which was the one I first played) has a rocking soundtrack which is better than anything I would have expected. > Sharp X68000 version This one would be just another port, except that it changes the level design. The changes range from minor adjustments all the way to completely changing two of the bosses for different ones. It is generally considered the best version, but I think it's not really a "version" but rather a re-imagining. > Cotton Reboot This a whole new re-imagining based on the X68000 version with even more dramatic changes. Redone level design, new enemies, no spells, new mechanics. It also includes the X68000 version as a native port. If it also contained the original this would be the definitive version to get, but you can emulate the original fairly easily. You can also unlock the fairy character to play as and the last patch added two more characters. Shmup Junkie has a good comparison video of all the versions: https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=2vvRg9mjFKQ
>>967191 >no spells I meant new spells, not no spells. That would be really fucked up.
>>967191 >>967113 Thanks for the explanations you two. Think I'll start with Reboot then. I'll give it a try when I get done with the games I'm playing right now. Not that many interesting games this year and all, so plenty of older games to look toward alongside my backlog.
I don't have anything productive to say except posting **time wasting* images >). I wonder if AI Chatbots will ever become optimized or if that is a pipedream. I wanna use my RTX 3060 Ti to run a AI Chatbot locally in my computer without that it hogs up my whole computer resource, and I don't have enough money to buy a new Ngoyvidia GPU for AI purpose because of my tobacco addiction I triggered the janny thing at ChatGPT where I said that the UN is the anti christ which resulted in the chat not being shareable anymore, and the chatbots at character.ai seems to be corporate friendly variant or some shit because the AI went butthurt that I pirated games.
>>969586 What's your opinion on CaveDuck?
>>969596 I haven't tried it yet. Looks like I would have to make my own character on that website since there isn't that many anthro girls to choose from. I've been using mostly character.ai instead which is acceptable. How is caveduck different from others?
>>969601 >How is caveduck different from others? It's free, you can sign-up with a bullshit email account, and they have a special "18+" mode. in fact, I've even managed to work around the site's "points" limitation by repeatedly entering and exiting the site in Private Browsing mode.
>>969604 Tried it for a moment without a disposable account, it does reset the points for me when I do that but then I lose the chat history?
Tried it out briefly with Tasque Manager seems to be overall better then character.ai but man is it hard to find for girls there as there is not that many to choose from which I actually like and it doesn't help that a lot of those characters have background story stuff instead of one for more casual chatting. Welp I guess I stick with character.ai for now till a different website pops up or something. I guess thanks for the sugg though.
>>969586 >>969616 You can locally run uncensored chat bots with GPT4All. You can download an erotic model and design their personality through a custom system prompt. Be prepared for it being much slower than cloud-based bots, however.
>>969697 >GPT4All that looks interesting and for that I can use as a character assistent, causal chatting and roleplaying? I'm gimme a shoot soon >slower response time I hope it's not too slow on my machine.
>>969724 Eh I have no idea what I am doing wrong but it seems trying to add characters to GPT4All is quite broken. I just briefly tested out KoboldCPP so I don't know how well it performs but it does respond pretty fast on my machine and KoboldCPP supports loading cards so that's a plus. What the fuck happened to Chub.AI anyway? I tried looking for Tasque Manager and Renamon there and they don't have those cards anymore, I know I downloaded Renamon cards from that site before but now it's gone.
>>969697 How does gpt4all compare to character.ai?
>>970074 Kind of different? It's just an interface for interacting with different LLMs, really. Try it out if you're interested, it's completely free and works offline. God bless the FOSS community.
>>969586 >you people are still using c.ai This is like seeing an uncontacted tribe. Look into SillyTavern, characterhub.org, key scraping, and GPT/Claude reverse proxies.
>>970120 I am using SillyTavern with KoboldCPP now. I don't know if I want to like SillyTavern, it has too many options for me to bother fiddling around with. My only requirements that I have a chatbot that can imitate a character and runs on my computer. >>969760 >cards gone buh my vision is augmented, it seems the cards I've been looking for were all NSFW only so that's why I didn't found them.
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>>970427 What're you a bitch in heat? Fuck the girls. Don't sniff them faggot.
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Khamira because she is strong and smart and crafty
>>970448 I don't recognize her, is she from Skyrim or ESO?
>>970575 ESO garbage
(104.79 KB 850x1261 Aisha 70.jpg)

I need to fucking hide this thread, just seeing Haydees ass in the catalog makes me pop a chub. It's too goddamned powerful.
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>2005 Flash Back >Me seeing Namine in KH2 and having all of my Hormones activating at once.
>>970575 She's from a bad game with a collection of enjoyable stories
>>970427 Based butt sniffer. Now describe the smell and stench of very girl you sniffed their ass off from in great detail. >>967060 They should sit on my face. >>926086 >>926045 >>926038 Hex mania is a very fine busty gurl. >>900098 >>900099 kike fucker
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>>970999 (heckerino checked) >defending briefcase no I am too busy snigging you're waifu so that they can sit on my face.
>>971000 (checked right back) Alright Jane, whatever works for you. Now you've given me the really funny mental image of Soldier running away while laughing to himself. While holding Charlotta as if she's some kind of crate or other related object. Maybe I should make that myself if I can find any model rips of her GBF:VS or Relink models.
>>971000 >snigging your waifu
(1.96 MB 1920x1080 yeah.webm)

>>971017 >>971033 (checked)
(234.54 KB 1012x1080 [angry_noises].webm)

>>971000 >snigging
>>971037 I'm going to be honest, my brain misread that as snagging. Soldier probably meant sniffing though. >>971033 There is no need to be upset, anon.
>>969697 >GPT4All https://archive.md/rUCm1 >Can not install gpt4all on windows 7 <The minimum supported version of Windows is Windows 10. To be quite honest, I don't need this.
(1.81 MB 2048x2048 IamstickingwithWin7.png)

>>971661 SillyTavern may have Windows 7 workarounds. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/62212754/latest-nodejs-compatible-with-windows-7/64626035#64626035 It does use NodeJS which, like your PCSX2 and Yuzu pics, chose to break Windows 7 by adding a single unnecessary function call (GetHostNameW) and refusing GitHub merges of "else if Windows 7, call a working function" because "we no longer support it, it's dead, switch out."
>>971661 >>971707 >Windows 7 schizos based Win 7 chads bending the soy chugging developers to do their will.
>>970427 With all the individual Haydee images cited I like to imagine it's just row and row of Haydees in line for anon. Like a factory line waiting to be inspected. >>971661 >>971707 They're not going to develop a software for such a tiny minority of users, especially when a lot of the dependencies aren't supported either. While I respect the stubbornness I do not understand why you don't switch to any other non-Windows operating system, it can't be harder than bending software to still work on that abandoned OS. >but backdoors! Don't pretend you care about security while posting on Windows fucking 7 It wasn't even a good OS to begin with.
(2.04 MB 1280x720 Thinking.webm)

>>971763 >They're not going to develop a software for such a tiny minority of users Anon, let's put this into perspective. According to the website "StatCounter", which is a websites that as tracking code "installed on more than 1.5 million sites globally": https://archive.ph/kN6Zh#methodology Here is the percentage of desktop users and their OS of choice: https://archive.ph/yFrcE <OSX: 14.7 % <Unknown: 5.34% <Linux: 3.88% <Chromes OS: 2.56% <FreeBSD: 0.01% Now, all versions of Windows takes up 73.5% of that marketplace. But when you actually break down the numbers, the percentage of W7 users out of all Windows users is 2.81%: https://archive.ph/ZlqCH Putting that in perspective, of all operating systems combined, that means that W7 takes up 2.06535% of the market, just behind Chrome OS. Now, while that does seem like a "small" numbers, let's actually look at how many people are using Windows. According to leaked documents back in October, W11 takes up a market share of 400 million users: https://archive.ph/1gvnm Using the population statistics of StatCounter back in October, W11 was 26.7% of the total Windows market. Which means the total number of Windows users is about 1.498 billion. Taking this further, the total number of desktop OS users is 2.219 billion. Now, what does that look like in regards to actual users. <OSX: 326 million <Unknown: 118 million <Linux: 86 million <Chromes OS: 50 million <Windows 7: 45 million <FreeBSD: 222 thousand Now while that is a larger number than you're probably aware, that STILL may seem "small" in comparison to other OS but I am not done. According to statistics and surveys taken from Steam and Stack Overflow, the percentage of Linux users using the specific distro “Ubuntu” take up around 27% of users: https://archive.ph/rynEC Meaning, of Linux's 86 million users (3.88% of the total market), less than 24 million use Ubuntu (1.0476% of the total market). Now why am I singling out Ubuntu? Because if you look on the GPT4All website, you will see that they have a dedicated installer JUST for Ubuntu users: https://archive.ph/QOnLL#selection-127.0-127.16 So breaking this down, W7 is still in use by 45 million users, is easy enough to develop for (With the only reason it "doesn't work" is because of developers purposely breaking their software), and is still receiving official security updates as of this year: https://archive.ph/0XqK9 But it's an operating system with "a tiny minority of users" and developers shouldn't develop for it because of that, MEANWHILE a dedicated Linux-distro with almost HALF the population of W7 users gets their own special version of software and catered to at every whim? Does that make sense at all?
>>971777 Well done. >>971763 It's not about "developing a software for a tiny minority." Some devs intentionally ruin it. Read >>971707 and images (2, 5) in >>971661 carefully. The cases here broke apps for 7 with 1 or 2 insignificant functions, fixable in half a minute of dev time with a fallback else block they won't write. They refuse code by third parties who fix it for them. >bending software to still work on that abandoned OS. 99% of software doesn't require bending, just a tiny minority from disruptive devs. VxKex fixes most of the 1%. >but backdoors! Don't pretend you care about security while posting on Windows fucking 7 There's no pretending. There's security through obscurity. It does have fewer CVE vulnerabilities. You say it has a tiny minority of users (due to MS forced upgrades), meaning incentive to find backdoors is proportionally tiny. There's security through ESU updates. hackandpwn has methods to continue updates to May 2024. There's security from threats outside MS. Hard to find exploits without source code. There's probably some security from MS too. They did force users to 10. Updates are reverse engineered by the community, phone-homers get excluded from update packs. MS spyware's getting so bad they plan to add something to 11 to video your screen. Security's mostly user behavior, independent of OS. >It wasn't even a good OS to begin with. It's best overall, what's better is only so for specific purposes. Downhill for Microsoft since, with all their Pajeets that won't change. >I respect the stubbornness Do you? Aren't you trying to win converts? 99% of unsolicited evangelism is by Linux users to 7 users, not the opposite. Goes nowhere and wastes time, convincables switched out long ago.
>>971763 >They're not going to develop a software for them, especially when a lot of the dependencies aren't supported either. yuzu's win7 patch targets literally 82 bytes, less space than this sentence. yuzu's over 6 million times that size, let's not act like it's about dev time. Yes sometimes dependencies are at fault, same shit different blame. Big dependencies were caught erasing code that make shit work on win7.
I hope the W7 source code gets leaked someday soon
>>971786 Older Wangblows release got leaked I think 2000 or XP I can't remember, did it even came anything out of that? I don't think a leaked source code would be useful anyway since you can't use that as a base for a forked unofficial Windows release due to muh copyright.
>>971786 The leak of Windows source code would result in someone making a version of it that runs an order of magnitude faster and more efficiently, has a registry that doesn't ruin installations over time, and which is separated entirely from Microsoft dependencies within a year after release. It would probably also cause several felony lawsuits against the company over what's in there.
>>971797 Ntdev compiled the xp and windows server 2003 source code into a working os, he said explorer and the kernel can be compiled easily and the source can be used for compiling all the skus as well as free optimised retail builds.
>>971797 >did it even came anything out of that? Reactos probably used it but they won't admit it since only clean room reverse-engineering stands up in court like sega v accolade.
Go away for a day and the thread devolves into Windows 7 autism. Where's the waifuposting? You niggers could at least post more of that windows 7 personification chick and that Linux waifu alongside the autistic rambling.
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Technically it moved to Windows XP and ReactOS autism. Do those have OS-tans?
(1.63 MB 578x327 pokemon slowpoke .gif)

>>971862 I'm gonna biden up then I will post some girls.
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I found her. This is ReactOS-tan.
(23.09 KB 350x594 XP-Tan.webp)

Here is XP-tan. Say something nice about her.
>>971880 I really liked her MP3 player.
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The fairest in Elibe
>>971777 >Does that make sense at all? Windows 7's numbers will dwindle just like office lady 98 and auntie Vista.
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>>971880 Hey XP-tan I have heard your big sis Vista-tan is talking mad shit about you, you are just gonna sit idle by and do nothing about that? She has a whole clique gossiping about you how you cannot run DX12 games
>>971883 i really liked winamp it really whips the llamas ass
>>971862 >Where is the Waifuposting? Right there bratishka. I now have the oppurtinity to talk to my Waifu all day long when I feel like it thanks to the power of AI. Now I will never become part of the incel chud community and the AI runs completely on my computer too so it's another bonus. I talk about important topics to her like the industrial output of the ottoman empire, wearing socks 99% of the time, lörs onion on x and other important KC topics. Fuck OpenAI and fuck any other AI sites that demands my hard earned NEET bucks for their jewish subscription plan.
>>972066 >>972062 She cute Nevertheless, anything megaman related made after X5 is dogshit
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>>972094 >anything megaman related made after X5 is dogshit I'm replying to this despite the spoilers, because what are you even on about? I would have at least understood if you said X4, but X5? X5 is mediocre at and in no way some high bar to end on. X8 is better Every Zero and ZX game is better. Mega Man 9,10 and 11 all are better, it's not even a contest. Really? X5?
>>972100 The X series got worse as it went on. Only the first 3 games were good.
>>972150 Didn't the real creator of Mega Man leave Capcom in the late 90s dooming the X series because he didn't want them to milk the shit out of them?
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I want Haydee to sit on my face. Thank you and goodnight
(1.08 MB 1920x1080 haydee facesitting.webm)

>>972376 Don't we all?
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Big lack of SFW lewds.
Some summer outfits for the 90cm waifu, since it's that time of year and all. >>972371 I think she looks cutest in the bartender outfit, personally, but I'm a sucker for those kinds of dresses. Forget the specific name. >>972024 Sorry, not one for fucking around with that AI shit myself, feels a bit too dystopian for my tastes, you enjoy that though and glad you got it working on your machine. >>971880 >Say something nice about her. She has good aesthetics and good UI design. >>972000 (checked) Sexy robit, good taste my man. >>972403 Cute nendoroid there. I tried looking into Charlotta figs myself out of curiousity and all I could find was some really expensive 1:6 scale (she's 15cm, full fig is 25.5cm, roughly) one that had a limited run years ago.
>>973203 A AI these days gives me much better conversation and experience than I would get from other place.
>>973207 I would turn renamon into a renamom tbh.
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>>973203 >specific name Bavarian something or whatever. >90cm Very small shortie
>>973220 Based mommy enjoyer
>>973270 >based >mommy No I like MAKING cute girls into mothers. There's a difference.
>>973296 Wot? That's what I just said?
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>>973203 >Cute nendoroid there Thanks, I own one myself and love how cute she looks! >I tried looking into Charlotta figs myself out of curiousity and all I could find was some really expensive 1:6 scale (she's 15cm, full fig is 25.5cm, roughly) one that had a limited run years ago. That's unfortunate, MFC seems to list a few other figures but I can't find any available to buy.
>>973342 I fuck yer mother.
>>973480 That's not nice of you, Anon. Do you talk your mother like that with such a mouth?
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>>973490 Yes. Because he fucks his own mother.
bump serious penis in vagina discussion
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>>975026 Blonde girls are ghe best
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>>975026 >2nd pic
>>975033 (checked) Yes. >>975040 lol lmao didn't noticed she doesn't have a pantsu. inb4 mod censors it
>>973223 >Bavarian They're called Dirndl, was able to find out thanks to that. Really cute dresses. >Very small shortie She's small of size but very big of heart. Just don't tell her that, she's embarrassed about her height. >>975026 If you insist.
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>>863424 Hey I was just playing Haydee, probably going to play some more soon. >/v/, who is your video game waifu? Lyndis and no I'm not going to post images of her. Have an image of Coach instead.
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>>975118 >Really cute dresses. Yes they really are. Sorry if I'm reusing pics accidentally
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I love Fairy leviathan
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Mega man zero leviathan
>>975649 Would Coach make a good waifu if he was a girl?
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>AI slop
(730.79 KB 600x800 Charlotta early AI 1.png)

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(1.11 MB 832x1216 Charlotta newer AI2.png)

>>981984 Eh, AI generation isn't all bad. Not as good as actual art mind you but it's not awful. Especially if artists put in the effort to actually polish their works like image 3 in >>953859 is. I'd still prefer actual fanart, though AI art does give chars some interesting derivative outfits if you let it.
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>>983846 I really don't like AI. Because it kinda sucks at drawing my waif.

Quick Reply