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Animal Enthusiast 01/01/2024 (Mon) 21:08:32 No. 10401
horse anal thread
i have a bunch of shit over 32mb if someone can post a good filehost i'll upload them there happy new year
Yaaaaaay I love horse anal thanks for creating this thread and for sharing all this wonderful content. ❤️
>>10407 god that first one... amazing stuff. donuts are the best. can never get enough of them
What better way to start the new year than with donuts.
try https://cyberfile.me/? i love this thread!
Anyone got any videos/pics of donuts getting creamed or eaten out?
(20.21 MB 1280x720 Stallion_Inflateable_Toy.mp4)

Stallion getting its ass stretched out
These are amazing! Thanks for sharing ❤️
>>10456 you have the Mercedes one with the plants? I haven't seen it posted in years since my drive failed and it doesn't seem to be on zoox18 or any boards
>>10462 Plants? I don't think I've ever seen those. >>10456 Only like half of these are Mercedes. One is Cody1234, one is Ruby, two I don't know but I'm like 95% sure it ain't Mercedes. And a couple of them are just straight up abuse, not even like...sexy but rough.
>>10462 Dude, they stuffed her cunt with nettles. Fuckin sadist.
>>10465 Wow, they really are cruel to that poor mare.
>>10463 i said most 4/7 videos being mercedes means that most videos are mercedes
>>10462 thats evil
>>10473 Yup. There's a reason people hate zoos so much, they can't separate them from the sadists.
>>10514 No actually Mercedes was abused, she had a rat put inside her as well as being whipped and having a knife used on her.
>>10517 Yes I know, that's the point I was trying to make. Most people just think all of us do the sort of things these sick fucks do to that horse. To most people, sexx with a horse is as abusive as shoving nettles in them. Or that anyone who fucks a horse will inevitably do the other stuff. So glad I've never seen the knife one. I did see the rat one, though...
>>10526 You are lucky you didn’t, I saw it when it was made. Thought they were just some quirkey animal dress up zoo like DinaLita or SebastianJGF (super obscure people from old Beastforum who put leather on dogs) but damn krauts shoved a kitchen knife up her asshole would you believe that?
>>10526 Yeah, I witnessed that rat video too. Fucking disgusting
>>10526 >>10528 >>10529 Where did you even see that shit? The dark web? And are there any other Mercedes videos that arent complete sadist shit? Like normal videos? or was the stuff I posted the end of all the normal stuff they did.
>>10532 -Q1-2: Old Beastforum -The stuff you posted was the end of it but you can consider stuff like the rubber suit or anal vids non abusive. Though if I am being completely honest she was abused more than loved. She lived in a really small spaced for a horse and their were talks of how she was the main show at a zoo brothel in Germany. Besides there were other horrible vids and picsI remember from old Beastforum. I am 56 now but if my kids havent made me forgot there was the knife, the nettles, the rat, the piercings, forcing her to drink piss and eat shit with a funnel, as well as restraining and whipping her with short whips. I heard there was worst, something something spearding her open and dropping razor blades in her but it was probably false I hope. I assume she died not long after the last video was made due to a vaginal infection according to some rumours.
>>10533 damn...
>>10533 I think the thing that saddens/enrages me the most is... ...this is the stuff we saw. This is the stuff they filmed and got leaked. Imagine how bad it got when the cameras weren't rolling. Jesus fucking christ. Like, I don't mind some rough sex - a stallion isn't gentle either - but there's a limit and this shit goes WELL beyond that limit. Fisting, maybe some toy play. That's as rough as you should ever go and some would argue even that's too much. Fucking psychopaths.
>>10533 Why was that allowed on beastforum? I thought they would have rules against abuse.
>>10548 The mods were slower than your grandma by the time they removed a post it’d be atleast a day or two later
>>10541 that's so true. sometimes what goes on off camera is plan nightmare fuel
Fuck that sadist atrocity. It's entirely possible to love a horse's butthole in a respectful, loving way. I've fisted my mare's ass in the pasture, completely unrestrained, not even a lead rope, with some lube, and it was lovely. This stuff makes me sick and yeah it's exactly the reason people are anti zoo because normies can't separate consent with rape and abuse
>>10581 RECORD IT
(4.25 MB 384x360 5cc6fc38d3d76.mp4)

(11.77 MB 360x360 5cc6fc24b3911.mp4)

https://www.zoox18.com/video/104328/dragon-dildo-in-horse-ass could anyone rip this one? zoox18 doesn't work for shit.
(29.47 MB 480x336 104328_SD.mp4)

>>10668 here
>>10445 hot as fuck and best in thread more?
>>10674 I could do you one better because that's my video and I have the raw content. No idea where the original file is/was but if I find it I'll upload it. It was originally called '8 minutes in equine heaven'. and that gelding loved having his asshole tongued.
>>10702 Always nice seeing stuff you made out in the wild years later. It sucked having to compress and split videos with that shit software I can't remember the name of for beastforum. I really wish I had all my old raw files still.
>>10706 Friggin HJSplit It had its purpose but hot damn it got so annoying.
>>10702 I've heard of it I only have bits and pieces though >>10649 >>10674
Just found this on ZooX. Still not a fan of that site but sometimes stuff like this will come along and it's nice. An ass worth tonge-fucking.
>>10709 >>10707 >>10706 >>10702 >>10674 >>10668 https://www.zoox18.com/video/71909/fisting-in-the-night this ones 18 minutes long and 100 megabytes the first half is the gelding, second half is some random mare
>>10731 Yeah those aren't the same clip, it looks like someone just edited all the pieces together. They are different times, recorded almost a year apart from one another, I only just had the same circumstances to film so it looks like it's the same. There's more to the clip I didn't show because I was young and foolish and one of the mares ended up bleeding just a bit (She was fine but it's what scared me off doing it for almost a year while I learned more about how to control myself). I was a young and stupid 20 year old. Point is, I don't even know what the point is. Behind the scenes stuff? IT's both nice that my stuff is still out there but also kinda weird that it's all anonymous and I can't really take any sort of credit for it. ah well. I still say if I ever find the raw files I'll try to upload them here without the stupid fucking ZooX18 logo on it. what's the file size limit on them?
>>10732 size limit here is 32mb i uploaded some stuff using this though >>10456
>>10456 Can you repost these files? Links are dead
>>10445 only getting audio :( can someone reup please?
Dead board XD, I blame ZooX18
gay please
>>12962 You can blame the board owner for allowing necro and abusive content and worrying more about "namefagging" than making the board appealing to come to
>>14822 I don't see abusive content being allowed. Some idiots still post it and it gets flagged and removed quickly. Then other cunts chime in moaning that it's gone. I wish all zoosadists would be subjected to their own torture.
>>14822 “””abusive””” content gets taken down all the time buddy. any time i do see something rougher on here its gone next time i come back in a few hours. its not like they allow abuse stuff here. for people who are not into zoo itself they have done a pretty great job moderating all things considered. these places can turn into a cesspit fast. and if you have a problem with necro then boo hoo. it’s spoilered so just ignore it instead of being a faggot
>>14825 If youre too stupid to not get why Necro shouldn't be allowed at all here then youre probably one of those sick sadists and you deserve to be the next star of a Funky Town cartel video. Zoophilia is already crossing a line for tons of people who dont understand it, but necro goes even further. It also allows antizoophilia crowds to point at a clearnet board like this and say "see, those sick fucks dont care at all about their animals, theyll kill them just to fuck their corpses. Zoo shit exists, and antizoos will always try to harass zoophiles for it, but if something was gonna push them to attack and shut down a board, adding necro into the mix would absolutely be a motivator.
Please more Mare Anal Fisting Videos.
>>14850 You know its exceptionally easy to get dead animals under the pretense of taxidermy practice right? It looks like they get them from those places. Honestly its more ethical to do it this way than forcing yourself in something far too small.

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