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Rules and Meta thread Anonymous Board owner 05/27/2024 (Mon) 18:12:39 No. 1 [Reply] [Last]
The rules for this board to ensure a comfy experience. Subject to change. This thread also serves as a meta thread 1) Global rules apply 2) Do not derail threads too hard A little bit of off topic and banter shitposting is fine, but try to make sure to get back on thread topic after your banter exchange 3) Do not cause severe drama or autistic shitflinging Banter and Insults are fine, but not to the point that anons are developing a personal autistic vendetta against somebody. Offending posts will be swiftly removed. 4)Posting unspoilered porn is fine. If the porn in question contains extreme content such as "water" sports, scat or other such things it needs to be spoilered. 5) No 3DPD content. Porn pictures of real life content will be not allowed. 3D CGI and AI generated content is not subject to this rule.

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Edited last time by Boruvkov on 06/30/2024 (Sun) 17:01:27.
51 posts and 21 images omitted.
>>398 But Great Leader, the people aren't illegally immigrating. They're fleeing the Союз Сомғч Социалистических Республик! We must build a wall to keep the troublemakers in.
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>>399 Well I'll be damned, tell the builders they should build a anti fascist wall then right away!

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Lounge Thread #2 Geroy na Soviet Union Comfy Anon 06/29/2024 (Sat) 08:48:00 Id: 03c4e3 No. 326 [Reply] [Last]
What did you do today for the Soviet Union, comrade? Did you helped out your poor babushka? Did you feed your kitties? Do you sing daily praises how Stalin and Lenin made Russia great? You don't want to go to the GULAG, anon do you?
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>>375 I need some few days off for now, I am really in a bad mood cannot be bothered to lurk more on other 8chan boards. also there is some IRL shit I need to take care off. I will still be checking this comfy board from time to time to see if everything is alright.
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I will be celebrating victory day on /b/ when it comes up tbh, gonna haul my ass later for some grociers so that I can destroy several beers at once like true audrious style and do proper drunken shitposting

Comfy Anon 07/03/2024 (Wed) 06:56:08 Id: f52fb3 No. 401 [Reply]
When this post reaches page 2, I will finally be free of /ᲃомғч/ dictatorship and emigrate to /v/.

Haii Cat thread 07/02/2024 (Tue) 23:59:50 Id: cac15e No. 388 [Reply]
Post silly images of cats that you like
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Gondola Thread Anonymous 05/27/2024 (Mon) 18:43:34 No. 6 [Reply] [Last]
Post Gondola's
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Comfy webms Comfy Anon 06/12/2024 (Wed) 08:06:40 Id: ad2335 No. 229 [Reply]
Post and discuss comfy webms. Most (if not all?) of gondola webms are comfy and there is a thread >>6, but there are other comfy webms that are not gondolas.
4 posts and 12 images omitted.
Nice board
I don't have many comfy webms to share since most anons are uploading shitposting tier ones that I have saved, so F

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Comfy Vaporwave and Retrowave Comfy Anon 06/29/2024 (Sat) 10:41:57 Id: 67fdcf No. 330 [Reply]
Unaltered 80s-90s stuff too. I'm this board could use a thread like this. Please enjoy.
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>>360 LOL I never realized Ridley was in that pic too before now.
>>355 Spasibo anon thanks for sharing it with us

Wallpaper Thread Comfy Anon 05/31/2024 (Fri) 09:34:06 Id: 6d612d No. 78 [Reply]
Thread for some comfy wallpapers. Post some of yours. Yes I like the twilight hours.
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>>309 Hello, I've been lurking, I don't think I have many comfy wallpapers left.
>>362 I was about to post some but then I realized that not all the ones I wanted to post were proper dimensions.
>>363 >>362 No need to worry. This thread wont be going away soon. So take your time first and if found later some comfy wallpaper pictures then feel free to share it with your fellow comrades

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Firearms and Melee thread Comfy Anon Board owner 06/06/2024 (Thu) 08:42:59 Id: a9d63c No. 138 [Reply]
Thread for discussion of fictional and real life firearms as well as melee weapons. I will be dumping some few pictures that I think that look nice.
Edited last time by Boruvkov on 06/06/2024 (Thu) 08:45:04.
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>>138 What is the worst design for a vidya/movie gun? I've seen some terrible designs out there that make no sense whatsoever, but I'm curious if I missed some especially bad ones.
>>344 (checked) Borderlands has a good chunk of weird looking weapons that doesn't make any sense, such as a under attachment minigun. No idea about movies, maybe when a movie buff anon would be here he could post a few examples. Then one of those CoD games and I am not sure if it applies to later Battlefield games had a lot of cursed guns too.

fitness thread Comfy Anon 06/05/2024 (Wed) 23:38:31 Id: 033b9e No. 131 [Reply]
Man, I've gotta exercise again
1 post omitted.
>>140 The /comfy/ board is pretty new so it will take a while to get a few more anons to post there, but we do have a wallpaper and gondola anon at least.
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I need these, I've gained so much weight since I left my last job. These are all the /fit/ stuff I had saved. I swear I had more.

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Anonymous 05/27/2024 (Mon) 18:30:49 No. 4 [Reply]
Yo soy de rancho señores
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Is it Ram Ranch?
What do you plant?
Looks like OP left. Sad!

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