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AI Tickling 2 eternal 12/12/2022 (Mon) 19:02:00 Id: 6bce80 No. 35771 [Reply] [Last]
Last one reached the limit, also wanted to drop this since it was requested by someone https://beta.character.ai/c/j8m9OB3IksZuyQyJ2mlELSBDUhAUF_pFC3ayhbvJ5yM Natalia Larforella, interrogation scenario since she’s an attorney who tickles her captives.
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>>41801 There are versions of Pygmalion run through the Google Colab.

Toaru tickling Toaru tickling 12/03/2021 (Fri) 00:59:19 Id: d2e3fa No. 8373 [Reply]
Edited last time by Flatty on 02/13/2023 (Mon) 22:00:33.
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Anyone ever O.D. on tickling content? Anonymous 11/02/2022 (Wed) 17:41:43 Id: 1b310f No. 32482 [Reply]
I’m sure I’m probably in the minority here but I feel like I go super hard with the fetish content for like a good month or two but then inevitably I just kinda “burn out” and either stop fapping for a while or actually start watching *dramatic pause* REGULAR porn to get my rocks off. I mean I’m sure it’s because my fetishes don’t dictate every aspect of my sexuality and I can still enjoy vanilla sexual activities without having to indulge in tickling or foot stuff but I was just curious if anyone else was in the same boat as me.
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>>41213 >this nigga really gone and posted shit this dumb
>>41194 Your dopamine levels will be off the chart if you keep masturbating. Turning this into a frequent, unhealthy habit will fuck you up even further by inducing a CSBD, eventually causing irrational and uncontrollable urges to masturbate even when limp or dry. At this point the addiction has reached a dangerous level of intoxication that can permanently damage your libido, social life, and both mental and physical health. Masturbating in itself isn't a mental disorder at all. It becomes one if you keep doing it and wreck your body and mind. About tickling? Same principle, all in moderation. If you think about nothing but tickling or are conditioned to do so, you will go through intense craving and withdrawal phases, and its effects on satisfying that urge will gradually reduce, much like any drug (you need a stronger intake to tackle the dopaminergic threshold, which loops into even stronger needs with low satisfaction and permanent loss of pleasure gained from a "normal" sex life, depression, violence, anger, etc). Kocho kocho good. Kocho kocho all day long twenty-four seven BAD.

Artist tickle fantasy thread Anonymous 02/13/2023 (Mon) 19:34:45 Id: af32c6 No. 40854 [Reply]
My first thread here so I've got to ask the burning question: Which artists from our corner of the internet would you subject to hells of their own creation? Just a bit of fun here of course, horny dump all you like!
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I always found the black haired one HOT as fuck
Kandy my beloved
>>41119 I wish there was more art of her

Totally Spies! Anonymous 01/28/2023 (Sat) 22:51:06 Id: 594885 No. 39489 [Reply] [Last]
I wonder how many bondage/tickle fetishists were born out of a childhood expose to these chicks in latex getting wrapped and bound like every episode?
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>>40600 + variants
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fnf tickling Anonymous 02/11/2023 (Sat) 09:00:22 Id: beb173 No. 40724 [Reply]
I know literally nothing about this game, but some of the character designs in its mods look cool, so post stuff i guess
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Pics where the ticklees outnumber the ticklers Anonymous 01/20/2023 (Fri) 22:43:10 Id: 23dd94 No. 38771 [Reply]
Underrated subject, in my opinion. Just post pics where one or more ticklers is tickling a larger group of victims. the ticklers can be using magic or tickle devices or whatever to help them tickle, but I think simple tickling is the most fun for these kind of pics.
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Fire Emblem Tickling Anonymous 11/17/2021 (Wed) 22:09:48 Id: 505941 No. 7085 [Reply] [Last]
After all the Robin, Lucina, Camilla, and other FE posting in the favorite girls thread, I figured the series has earned its own thread. A blessed franchise with copious ticklish cuties
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>>40758 >>40756 Roy and Sigurd for the emblems. Not sure about the dub but definitely in Japanese.
Rhea and Edelgard know what's up. I will never be able to get over female Byleth, her outfit exposing her tummy is just so cute, and that belly button will get it
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Kronya and Edelgard have some fun with Byleth

Non-con Anonymous 01/28/2023 (Sat) 22:31:36 Id: fbd36d No. 39485 [Reply] [Last]
It's a pretty controversial topic, but what are the moral implications of non-consensual tickling? A lot of artists on Twitter have been sounding off recently about it being immoral and akin to rape.
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>>40579 Yeah i dunno anon the abuse option just makes my dick hard I guess
>>39485 Who are you following that's been doing this, cause I follow all the ticklefag artists and haven't seen it yet.

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aagdshgha i have not been tickled in so long :( dumb idiot 12/28/2022 (Wed) 13:17:33 Id: 5c27c9 No. 36960 [Reply]
sorry if this is the wrong place, i do not know how to use 4chan X_X i just feel like im going crazy. i really miss being tickled, im asexual but i just enjoy the feeling and the cuddling and the teasing adghsjagh!! i just want someone to hug me from behind and squeeze up and down my sides, nibble on my neck, blow on my ears, and jsut tease me to hell. im kind of scared of anything too intense, but being pinned to a wall with your hands alone?fihghasgjkdjsha dream fantasy. i just really miss having my back tickled, and tickle fights and someone putting my arms above my head and going ham on my underarms and HIPS AA. im really sorry if im using this place wrong, i dont know how 4chan works its really complicated :( i know some guys like tickling girls, but im so bad at talking to boys and i dont know how to flirt. I dont know why im makign this. just flustered and frustrated nobody will destroy me with skittering fingers and squeezes on my thighs.
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>>39932 That's Interesting. How did you start lucid dreaming? I've looked it up and there's plenty of tips and tricks, but I would like to hear from someone who's done it.
>>36960 Do you have a discord account? I can role-play with you if that would help
>>39935 Making reality checks a habit, and WILDing if I really really want them one specific night. The former takes time and the latter takes effort and practice, but it's very doable. I have lucid dreams 2-3 times a week just from reality checking now.

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Why do we even have this fetish Anonymous 10/09/2021 (Sat) 17:20:22 Id: 937f0c No. 2779 [Reply] [Last]
Explain like I'm five. Why do I get a boner over tickling?
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I'm mostly a lee, and as someone who's (literally) autistic, I think it's a form of sensory-seeking to me.
Unrestricted access to the internet at a young age
When I was about 4 years old, my uncle and my aunt visited us. They brought me a painting kit as a gift. Somehow it turned out that I start playing with their feet. My uncle wasn't ticklish, but my aunt was. Yeah, it was the point of no return. But really I don't know why exactly I wanted to tickle them at that moment. Btw, I don't like stocks, bondage, torture and other "hardcore" stuff. I'm a fan of a little softcore things, but I really love it when nice girl tries not to laugh when I tickle her. She looks so cute at this moment. And when she enjoys it, I feel even better. I like videos like "distracting her with tickling" cuz they are warm, cozy and... natural, I think. Real emotions, true feelings, you know. And yeah, ofc, I like videos where girl reads aloud/dubbing something/just says when someone tickles her feet. For me it's like an erotic game, a very gentle way to dominate. So if you think you're childish and cringe, just shut up and read my confession again. I hope this post will help you find out the truth, or at least help you gather the statistics you need for any reflection or research.

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Bellies, navels and upperbody general. Anonymous 08/28/2021 (Sat) 17:05:45 Id: adfac1 No. 101 [Reply] [Last]
seeing how we already have a feet thread going, why don't we give the other end of the body a nice ol' feathering? i'll start.
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>>40358 didn’t the artist make nude variants of the second pic with Misty and the others similar to it?
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Tickle stories where it's implied/shown that a lee's rescuers will also become victims? Anonymous 10/12/2022 (Wed) 15:35:57 Id: 073eb9 No. 30996 [Reply]
Overspecific. I know, but this one just scratches a special itch.
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>>39654 Bro picked the site with the most ads humanly possible
>>39681 Just use an adblocker, lol?

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Fetishmon Anonymous 01/28/2023 (Sat) 23:53:47 Id: d4d1f3 No. 39507 [Reply]
So the fellas on 4chin have Fetishmon threads, where people design Pokemon based on niche/specific fetishes. There are a couple of tickling-oriented ones that are pre good. If you were to design a pokemon that appeals to your kinks, but could still pass for a normal pokemon, what would it be?
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>>39556 the fuck did I tell you, anon? they're making mons for EVERY fetish
>>39615 yeah theres unfortunately not many good foot oriented ones. this one's okay. Seeing near fully human feet on a creature shaped like this feels weird though.

Smalltime artists Anonymous 01/27/2022 (Thu) 09:57:44 Id: 79c226 No. 12808 [Reply]
artists with less than a thousand followers/watchers, why not give them some love? limscast on dA draws some cute stuff
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Used to make tickle art, deleted my two pics to Avoid getting embarassed about le childlish and cringe fetish, gonna start making tickle art again but most of my art is just bondage https://www.deviantart.com/fueronlosdiablos
>>39528 lol lmao
>>39538 Good luck.

Tickling Feels Anonymous 10/31/2022 (Mon) 00:36:54 Id: d748b9 No. 32203 [Reply] [Last]
>Tfw you will never tickle an angry tomboy girl and afterward she blushes refusing to admit she liked it
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that feel when uhhh idk tickling is childish and cringe bro
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>>39430 is he into tickling, anon just ask him
>>33252 You fuckin tell me man it’s hard being a socks appreciator

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