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Find that Art Anonymous 09/29/2021 (Wed) 16:21:41 Id: 80ee91 No. 1958 [Reply] [Last]
Thread for finding specific artist or art you might’ve lost or forgotten. Start off by asking if anyone knows the artist for this.
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>>67547 Found them, enjoy.
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Does anybody have the colored version of this Maho Minami pic? It was done by a kind anon who posted it in the coloring thread on one of the older boards.

Drawing guides and artist motivation Anonymous 06/21/2024 (Fri) 22:47:07 Id: add632 No. 67757 [Reply]
Being an overseas anime artist or any style of artist can feel like a pretty forlorn and fruitless hobby sometimes. This thread is for artist inspiration, encouragement, and just convincing people they need to stop dwelling too much on their past mistakes, and instead start focusing on getting better by drawing more. It's also for posting drawing assistance and art guides, e.g. drawing ticklish parts of the body & laughter faces if such a guide exists, or even making your own guides related to tickling. Otherwise go to >>29138 for artwork roasting/critiques and >>287 for requests and just posting your own artworks. ps: I didn't make the title image.
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>>67778 Well, anatomy is something that I have studied thoroughly (or at least I want to think I have), so I think my problem is actually practicing shapes. To me practicing shapes was always boring as hell, so after the first few times I was able to draw things that didn't make me cringe just by looking at them, I immediately jumped to studying anatomy/shading/non-shapes and then never looked back at the logical first step to draw lmao I'll try focusing on that. I have been at a standstill in drawing anything for a few months now, so I guess it won't hurt to try something new, thanks for the idea, anon.
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word of advice for people learning to draw, it's going to look like shit when you start. I am sorry. but don't be discouraged. it's part of the process. keep hammering at it. examine why it looks bad, consider how you can make it better. You will draw a thousand shitty pics before you make one you take pride in. do not give up.
This exactly >>67789, and a thousand different pose sketch drawings would be doable in a year depending on some things. >>67783 If you're practicing without tracing and consciously recognizing and redrawing to fix your mistakes, than anyone with neurons can learn to draw. I've seen elephants do it, pretty good too. It depends on what you're having trouble with, but if you haven't already I'd suggest comming up with your own shapes that you break the body down into in order to size and position things first. I use spheres for most things other than the ribs which I draw two vertical curves for. Do what works for you, look around online if you can't think of how to. Make sure your drawing from references that you like and want to be able to do yourself. I've had the complete opposite issue with focusing too much on drawing how a specific part looks, and then getting the size, angles, and composition all wrong. So after you have the composition down, maybe try focusing on what your hand muscles remember from practicing. It might not match the composition perfectly depending on how accurate it was, but that's just an outline. If you dislike something, then redo it. Odds are you will make a few mistakes at first, so I'd just wait till the end to redo the whole thing, or at least until you're really unhappy with something. Some people just start with a line of action then add the basic shapes. ATM I can't draw hands very good without using like 10 circles.

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Japanese tickling accounts on Twitter. Anonymous 06/22/2024 (Sat) 01:01:45 Id: 594773 No. 67768 [Reply]
For those tk accounts on Twitter that you see, but don't have a patreon or anything else like that. https://x.com/orange8619?t=oHvxqItTSvy6doP8ByNrZQ&s=09
Edited last time by Flatty on 06/22/2024 (Sat) 01:20:09.
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>>67768 that guy is a saint lol
So far every account posted in the Japanese accounts thread is Chinese. I wish it was easier to buy clips from these pages as the quality generally seems high

Genshin Impact tickling Genshin Impact tickling 09/08/2021 (Wed) 22:36:55 Id: d54e95 No. 639 [Reply] [Last]
Teyvat with t of tickling
Edited last time by Flatty on 09/28/2021 (Tue) 02:26:07.
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e-celebs, STAs, etc Anonymous 12/04/2021 (Sat) 06:23:25 Id: fa281d No. 8466 [Reply] [Last]
what are the ethics around tickleporn of ecelebs/their avatars? is it much different than that of normal celebs or vtubers? and who would you wanna see get it?
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>>67743 skill issue im afraid i think this is a godly leporine presence who happens to be a Final Fantasy charactee. agree on the tummy. pits too actually. Just in general.
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>>67755 I wonder if it's accurate to call it cosplay when it's your OC. >>67743 Esteemed bastards, shitasses of the jury, I rest my case. See the attached extras. I don't think you believe in women. Sometimes the alt girl wasn't always a girl. That's actually pretty common now.
>>67743 I don't know, man. I just have an overpowering urge to tickle whatever skin is covered in fishnets, so the face would be the last of my concerns, maybe my standards are just that low.

There needs to be a tickle thread of our favorite gals DDLC Tickling 10/08/2022 (Sat) 18:00:23 Id: dd3d45 No. 30716 [Reply]
Monika, Sayori, Yuri, Natsuki, our girls need a touch of laughter as well
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>>65450 Biomacchia on DeviantArt
>>65362 I totally agree Though I'm not seeing anything on their deviantart... Maybe just flavor text?
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Tickling Content by people who aren't into the fetish Anonymous 12/06/2021 (Mon) 22:36:20 Id: cb9d8d No. 8685 [Reply] [Last]
I differentiate this from mainstream in that it's art or media involving tickling by artists or creators who clearly aren't known for having a tickling fetish but have indulged those who are. Could be commissions, or it could be random requests.
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>>60427 No way. There's no way you can convince me this wasn't made by a ticklefag.
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Belly and Navel general 2 Belly and Navel general 2 02/05/2023 (Sun) 00:30:59 Id: 415c99 No. 40363 [Reply] [Last]
I like Belly Buttons
Edited last time by Flatty on 02/05/2023 (Sun) 01:36:08.
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>>66947 Yessssss deserved for having an absurdly ticklish navel in canon
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I arrive with more Yuzu tickles
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Animal licking - Less cringey OP edition Anonymous 09/27/2021 (Mon) 20:48:48 Id: e14ea7 No. 1767 [Reply] [Last]
Post animals lapping ticklees into submission
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyVqK8DN4Ts Cast of House of the Dragon holds an interview while cuddling with puppies. One puppy takes interest in Olivia Cooke's toes, and she has some great reactions to them being licked at 6:52, 7:00 and 7:47
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>>67692 Based pupper is a show watcher and did what we all wish we could do to Alicent Hightower. Really nice that she reacted so strongly the second time btw, definitely super ticklish.

FAP TO THE ONE BELOW Anonymous 05/27/2022 (Fri) 03:48:26 Id: 703f8d No. 22019 [Reply] [Last]
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>>66209 How about a small, but interesting challenge? >smiling girls in sexy pajamas tickle each other on the bed during the bachelorette party at room.stockfootage
>>67687 oh, so you like the REAL stuff do ya mUahahaha

Lila Appreciation Thread Anonymous 11/11/2022 (Fri) 19:54:36 Id: 574f53 No. 33384 [Reply] [Last]
Isn't it a bit strange that we share content of our mascot on a thread that isn't about her? Anyway, I'll concatenate what we got of her so far
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>>67670 Love the style. Not a musclegirl lover myself but hope those guys enjoy
>>67688 Thanks anon
Now, I promised: Esther and her best friends Avellana of /av/, Grace of /monarchy/ and Lila of /tkr/ Colour version and HD

Miku Tickles Hatsune Miku Tickling 10/15/2022 (Sat) 15:31:11 Id: 6fb9f0 No. 31215 [Reply]
There needs to be a tickle thread of her
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Guilty Pleasures Anonymous 12/28/2022 (Wed) 02:49:27 Id: 9a7054 No. 36923 [Reply] [Last]
You're not a coomer that mindlessly faps to any and all porn they lay their eyes on, right anon? You actually apply principles, rules or at least your own taste's judgement to the smut you enjoy? Well, this thread's for any and all exceptions to all of those. Borderline cringe trash-quality tickle pics, lower-tier fetish overlaps, bizarre ideas and concepts, self-anointed hall passes for furries, lolis, or otherwise unacceptable 'lees and 'lers, etc. If you're exceptionally glad you're unironically admiting you're getting off to it anonymously, post it in this thread. >put to bed by a tickle fairy asmr: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BP98g7OKR8k&ab_channel=MelMarieASMR
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>>36923 Dead thread revival. The chick from the tickle fairy asmr thing--Mel Marie ASMR has an updated Kemono https://kemono.su/patreon/user/56075056?q= I was actually in the "eh her videos probably aren't explicitly sexual" camp until I saw this lol. I was quite wrong. For the worst kind of coomers she also shows feet: https://mega.nz/file/oipzkJjB#fReDqu0joctF2c0aGfwt6XwJ-NDiBvpTfKYEPKUDAlE Passcode: ASMRxonxMyBody1
>>67707 tfw I forget to upload any kind of image. But if tickle-tease audios get your goose this is for sure worth checking out

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Femdom Tickling Anonymous 01/19/2021 (Tue) 16:33:26 Id: 09a0dd No. 18 [Reply] [Last]
F/M and F/F both allowed
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Tickle Prison Laboratory Tickle Prison Laboratory 07/12/2023 (Wed) 22:16:14 Id: 988aa6 No. 49438 [Reply] [Last]
https://www.patreon.com/Fuwakusucado https://twitter.com/fuwakusucado/status/1679010890958483456 It is ready and it is glorious! And since he seems to be open for implementing a character import/export functionin the future, let's share some custom character ideas.
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>>67677 Weren’t these all already posted to the audio media thread? I mean I’m all for one stop shopping but pretty sure these plus tons more are over there https://8chan.moe/tkr/res/60404.html
>>67678 Nice! I'd use her
>>67677 thx these a re good!

Fate Tickling Anonymous 09/06/2021 (Mon) 14:35:00 Id: b2eb13 No. 474 [Reply] [Last]
Even the strongest heroes have their weaknesses.
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>>66983 Both 15,000 yen, so roughly $100 USD each
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>>66983 Yeah, it was about 100 bucks for me too.

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