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Mummification, sleepsack, plaster cast tickling Anonymous 12/07/2023 (Thu) 23:37:00 Id: 83da0c No. 58321 [Reply]
Obsessed with this method of torture. Post vids, pics, stories, whatever you got. The more locked in the better. Only feet and head sticking out.
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>>58336 https://www.tumbex.com/pj-tickling.tumblr/post/646905317157928961/feetfantasy17-back-in-the-mid-90s-there-was-an Found this link with more gifs of what you wanted and a story. That’s about all o could find
>>58336 >>67991 No idea if this is the full video or not but found via Saucenao and the gifs above https://drive.google.com/file/d/1J9IT2JnoYhH3nl3km94iMU8XruJMOIyS/view
>>67968 YES, This is it! Thank you for this! I'm glad you remember the second part too, I'll be looking for that as well

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Translation Thread Anonymous 09/24/2021 (Fri) 01:07:50 Id: 3cc0ca No. 1436 [Reply] [Last]
I'm probably not the one who should be making this thread since I don't speak Japanese, but I saw the idea pop up before and I think it'd be nice to have one. Anyway, I used the magic of google to translate this doujin into English. Enjoy.
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>>67293 Seconded
>>67632 The one from Friezalin? It's on his pixiv I think
>>67999 If you're talking about the Darkness comic, I was neant the one by Muriyari Egao

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KIIMMOTK Art Thread Anonymous 09/12/2023 (Tue) 07:19:49 Id: e0ddfe No. 52926 [Reply]
There are lots of requests of her art, so I wanted to collect it here ... Can anyone help?
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>>65759 Holy shit thanks dude!
Anyone have the interrogation comic? Please and thank you.
Anyone have the latest pics?

Anticipation Anonymous 10/12/2021 (Tue) 21:19:19 Id: 693cc8 No. 3310 [Reply] [Last]
Makes me feel dgfksgkhf
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Ticklecest Anonymous 10/08/2021 (Fri) 04:41:22 Id: 150860 No. 2679 [Reply] [Last]
Post any media that involves family members getting tickle together or just tickling each other.
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>>67927 fucking classic I TOLD YOU NOT TO TOUCH IT
>>67765 Stories like this make me wonder if there is some validity behind fetishes or kinks being a hereditary thing or at the very least having a shared psychological profile that makes them all receptive to the same influences that would give them all a fondness for similar kinks. It’s not hard to believe that a household where family members engage in tickling fun with each other could foster similar desires later in life.
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I remember years ago on a yahoo forum (ancient internet times for most who use this board I assume)where random users would put down stories about their past that seemed interesting or would get a lot of replies. One young woman from a very religious household made a post about how her mother, brother and sister traumatised her by continually tickling her whenever the mother deemed she had done something wrong, as a kind of non-harmful punishment in the name of god. The woman must have been in her early teens at most when it happened so right at the age where psychological abuse is lasting, saying that any kind of tickling or mentioning of it gave her PTSD. I remember her making note about how incredibly ticklish she was and that her mother was well aware of that, using the threat as an abusive form of control in her younger years which obviously carried into adulthood. The problem was that she would use that punishment for small things, like accidently knocking over a plate of food or using a curse word. The mother would then declare it was time for 'punishment' like she was getting some kind of thrill from putting the fear of god in her - the girl would then get pinned by her siblings and mother and then tickled all over, sometimes to the point of wetting herself. I don't know of this was because really religious families have screws loose or some weird repression on the parties involved but shit was fucked. As abusive and disturbing that story was (could have been exaggerated ofc) there was a part of me that found it incredibly hot at as a young teen on the web at the time searching for any morsels of tickling content. Having your family actively enjoy tickling the hell out of you, begging, pleading, and crying knowing full well you're in no position to fight back or get any help was a despair boner that probably shaped some dark tickle fiction I'm into these days.

Self tickling Anonymous 12/31/2021 (Fri) 13:04:27 Id: 584813 No. 10485 [Reply]
Want something done right do it yourself
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>>67903 Celty Sturluson, a dullahan from Durarara who's being tickled by her own powers. The phone to her right is how she generally communicates in the show
>>67900 Cute
>>67903 I feel you my nigga these disembodied tickles remind me of some Dalmer shit

Furry tickling general #1 Anonymous 01/13/2021 (Wed) 10:47:08 No. 4 [Reply] [Last]
new board, new thread edition! post any and all furry tickling art you like, anticipation and paw focus stuff is fine too!
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Spoiler marked pics are futa alts, heads up for the folks who don't like girls with huge cocks. Possibly the first and currently only tickle art of Sybil from Pseudoregalia. Of course, if I'm wrong, please prove me wrong by posting more art of Sybil getting wrecked with tickles.

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Games thread 2 Anonymous 08/25/2022 (Thu) 02:10:31 Id: a588a7 No. 27549 [Reply] [Last]
The previous thread >>680 hit the bump limit.
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do you have the password for this?
password is kimochi.info
new thread anyone?

Adorable tickling Anonymous 10/03/2021 (Sun) 07:59:06 Id: a1a71e No. 2252 [Reply] [Last]
Sexual stuff is fine, only one condition: it has to be ADORABLE
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Feet Pics and Ticklish Fates 2.0 Anonymous 12/23/2021 (Thu) 13:25:40 Id: 6bfd93 No. 9880 [Reply] [Last]
There was a thread like this on the old board. Premise was that half of the posts would be anons uploading pictures of their bare soles (or a ticklish part of their body) and the other half would be people responding on how to torture or otherwise have fun with them. As always, expect mostly male feet here, but who knows, there could be some surprises. I thought it was a pretty fun premise and wanted to bring it back. Ill even be the first to offer up my soles since Im in a very horny mood currently and imagining how I would get wrecked by the people here makes me jittery in a good way lol. Anyways, here are my soles. Early 20 year old bisexual latino guy. Feet are us size 7.5. They are erogenous zones for me, so getting tickled is both hell and heaven for me. Im down for pretty much anything, so get creative (or sadistic if thats what youre into).
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>>66793 Are you still adding people?
>>67548 I am! I was debating posting more pictures but the sub’s been kinda dead so I’m just lurking.
>>67717 My user on discord is copperbadge11

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Renfaire Tickling Thread RENFAIRE TICKLING THREAD 12/09/2022 (Fri) 10:40:48 Id: 2b055f No. 35511 [Reply] [Last]
Where the heck is renfaire thread? The only known events where random girls get tricked in stocks and tickled.
Edited last time by Flatty on 02/13/2023 (Mon) 21:59:28.
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>>65420 I'm italian and that screams fake as fuck. Still a nice story that I would fap to though.
>>64919 Could a kind soul please repost the torrent file?

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Writefag/Literature thread Anonymous 09/14/2021 (Tue) 11:00:27 Id: 7df0c7 No. 957 [Reply] [Last]
(Get it? It's a feather quill.) Use this thread to discuss fetish literature. Read something good? Post it. Write something you want to share? Post it. Looking for recommendations on what to read, or suggestions on your own writing? You've come to the right thread.
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Does anybody have a story from laughing crusader 09 saved? It was about Black Widow getting tickled like that famous kiki delivery service scene
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>>64888 >>64892 >>64893 Instep =/= arch. People get this mixed up all the time, and I Googled to be double sure before posting. The instep is the top. If you're tickling the insteps, you're tickling the tops. First two hits on Google: 1. : the arched middle portion of the human foot in front of the ankle joint. especially : its upper surface. The instep of your foot is the bony structure on top of the foot. The arch of your foot is the curve under the foot, between the heel and forefoot. The instep runs from the back of the toes to the front of the ankle. The arch runs from the back of the toes to the heel. Let's stop getting this wrong.
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F/M tickling with foot worship thread Anonymous 08/16/2022 (Tue) 06:17:39 Id: 91bdbf No. 27025 [Reply] [Last]
Post lucky guys getting more intimate attention to their feet while being tickled by merciless vixens
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>>67685 he does "F/M stuff" not shota, which is seen as pedo stuff by a lot of people. it would make perfect sense if he wanted to separate his con, of-age art from his shota (minor-looking) art
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>>67474 Yes indeed.
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>>67737 But he already posts this stuff on his main.

Fetish pet peeves Anonymous 02/14/2022 (Mon) 00:03:54 Id: aaf477 No. 14343 [Reply] [Last]
Not cringe, not hate, just things that crop up in tickle fetishry that irk you on some level for me, it's when artists give human feet to characters that clearly don't have them because they can't fathom tickling any kind of foot that isn't fully humanoid. Even worse if they have normal human toenails growing over fur, looks cursed.
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>>65707 > if you do it on video you're a model but if you do it in private you're a prostitute Whoa…never thought of that. That’s weird honestly.
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Bastinado Vs Tickling https://vk.com/video586782881_456239050 https://vk.com/video586782881_456239046 This isn't as much as of a peeve as it is more of a kind of jealously, a common envy for tickle fetishist. Happens a lot when you're scrolling through tickling videos and see a great pair of feet in a thumbnail and go "I'd love to see those feet tickled" only to open up the the video to see the feet being whipped by a cane. RussianFetish videos are usually the culprit. They'll have great set-ups of bondage, perfectly exposed soles, gagged, blindfolded and everything; only for it to be falaka or bastinado or whatever it's called. I'm not trying to start a fetish taste war because there's nothing lamer than that on the internet. It's just foot whipping is not my thing. But I do wanna know if anyone from the other camp feels the same. Like are there bastinado foot torture fetishist that see foot tickling videos and go "Man, I wish they would strike those sole with a stick even one time".
>>67735 agreed. cant stand opening a video tagged 'tickling' only to see hot wax and sticks being busted out. it must be incredibly niche, like bdsm-whipping mixed with foot fetish. i dont know a whole lot of people that are into that

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Tickling: Lost media thread Tickling: Lost media thread 03/10/2022 (Thu) 00:27:21 Id: 64bd14 No. 16287 [Reply] [Last]
I'm talking about things that you wouldn't even be able to buy if you wanted. Like videos from defunct stores, lost art, and lost stories etc. For example, she made tickle videos but her store is defunct so her videos are basically lost: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xWD13J0gadE Few videos of her do float around though: https://www.xvideos.com/video29305901/irish_tickle_wish_2 The kind of infamous waytooticklish studio had a stock that I've never seen before, but their store don't exist anymore so can't buy their videos either.
Edited last time by Flatty on 03/11/2022 (Fri) 03:56:08.
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I was browsing old Tickletheater section of TMF, and found these two pictures by Atomic Shark from the mid-00s. He used to go by atomicshark67 on Myspace and shark85 on Deviantart, but neither of those accounts exist anymore. Does anyone have more by him or has he just renamed himself and I don't recognize who he is?
>>53081 >>53956 >>54355 >>59826 Still no update on anybody having these? Are they truly lost media??
Hi guys, does someone have a backup of the youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/@ntbsoles9900 ? They had some good videos but the channel now is deleted. I tried with wayback machine with no luck. I'm mostly interested in the Lexi videos if someone have them.

Fire Emblem Tickling: Engage CoFu 02/15/2023 (Wed) 04:49:05 Id: 74d697 No. 40972 [Reply] [Last]
The previous FE tickle thread got bumplocked, so here's the new one! A franchise with a ton of lees and lers, post pictures and discussions about your favorite FE girls (boys too) in ticklish scenarios!
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>>67732 They are from Heroes.
>>67732 The three characters getting tickled there are OCs The ticklers are characters from the mobile game.
>>67736 >67736 They all look cute good find

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