/tkr/ - Tickling Refuge

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BACKUP CONTINGENCY Anonymous 05/15/2022 (Sun) 00:01:11 Id: 2b6503 No. 21406 [Reply] [Last]
I suggest bookmarking these: Fallback plan: https://8chan.se/tkr/ Second Fallback plan: https://redchannit.org/ Last resort: Going back to 8kun - https://8kun.top/tkr/index.html
Edited last time by Flatty on 09/30/2023 (Sat) 16:16:12.
161 posts and 85 images omitted.
what's the difference between 8chan and 8kun? is 8kun really 8chan or is it a FAKE of 8chan?
>>67714 8kun was put as as an 8chan alternative back when the original got v&'d by the feds after some New Zealand faggot shot up a church or mosque or some shit after posting he'd do it on the original 8chan Kun quickly went to shit b/c mods Reddit'd their power over various boards (including our own /tk/ thanks, Nitrodude). So when this 8chan came about everyone jumped ship. 8kun now is pretty much DOA unless this place goes down and you're not in Monokron's Discord server

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Posting Guide Anonymous 01/06/2022 (Thu) 01:54:08 Id: 8cd7a0 No. 10967 [Reply]
READ BEFORE POSTING >Where are the site rules? https://8chan.moe/site/res/4481.html >What are all of these New Thread fields? Name - A name you want to use, most of the time you'll want to leave this blank. If you're one of the people here who wants to use a persistent name, you may want to use a tripcode so others can't impersonate you. See https://8chan.moe/.static/pages/posting.html Make sure you use the same password every time, but also don't reuse any password that you use on other websites, and it's recommended that you use a secure tripcode, unless you need to be identified across multiple imageboards. Files - You can attach up to 5, and they don't necessarily have to be images. >Where can I find the source of an image? The source can usually be found by either searching on https://saucenao.com/ or using Google's reverse image search at https://images.google.com/. Before asking for the source, try with both of these first. >How do I save an image in full resolution?

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Edited last time by Flatty on 12/16/2023 (Sat) 07:23:35.

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Underarm Tickling Anonymous 01/12/2021 (Tue) 15:58:23 No. 2 [Reply] [Last]
Cute sensitive pitties
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Ticklish? Or afraid of tickling? Let's find out!
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>>68222 Awesome stuff, anon

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Mainstream tickling scenes Anonymous 10/25/2021 (Mon) 17:31:50 Id: fa50a4 No. 4687 [Reply] [Last]
Mainstream tickling scenes. Post whatever good stuff you got from non-fetish content.
Edited last time by Flatty on 12/16/2023 (Sat) 06:11:02.
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Minnie and Clarabelle being foot licked.
>>68218 >Comic was made in 1931 Holy shit this is ancient. Amazing find, anon! I wonder if there any artists that'd be interested in recreating it? Maybe SirBombers or RaphJam85? >>68107 lmao Sorry to get your hopes up. Here's the real deal. It's the least I could do for you after a perfect response like this. >>68141 I know, but I couldn't resist! Besides, you got to admit that the three images I left above it are pretty good, right?
>>68225 I have to ask. Are there any other tickling scenes similar to this in the manga? I tried to look for another tickling scene (besides the ones in the series), but I couldn't find any and apparently there are some chapters of the manga that are only available in Japan. As far as I knew, the creator of Nagasarete Airantou died recently and the manga continued several years after the series finale. And that’s why the manga has many volumes.

Tickling Memes/Shitposts Anonymous 10/28/2021 (Thu) 04:10:13 Id: 8fac5c No. 5157 [Reply] [Last]
probably an ill defined subject, but I think we can piece it together
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>>67451 PLAY DUMB, if you can. Not sure how in your specific situation, but for me it'd probably go like "Don't call me/what makes me a furry?" blah blah, continues tickling bcause insult. I would be a little caught off guard tho and concerned that I've tainted her lmao. But how did she know about deviantart tickling heathens? Maybe there are memes about it somewhere. Or did you accidentally mention something about it? And what specifically made you self-conscious anyway? Hormones? It just seems like the lighthearted ipad-kids type of sibling mockery that you'd get used to and expect. What happened between you after you stopped? I assume you lived happily ever after. I HAVE QUESTIONS! You can't leave us at "I stopped after that." I feel like we're missing some things. You've left us to die of cringe, anon. 😔
>>67564 >>67512 My bad didn't see the id change, great that you're both g. Still wondering how she knew tho, that would haunt me too.
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Old bit from the pokemon thread. It still makes me giggle.

Drawthread Anonymous 09/03/2021 (Fri) 00:42:12 Id: 32b21f No. 287 [Reply] [Last]
Other boards have 'em, maybe we can, too? maybe a kindly drawfriend will look on your request with ffavor, it only takes one. 1. post references 2. be specific, maybe even do that thing where you draw stick figures as refrences to better convey what you're seeking 4. be patient 3. don't bitch
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>>67331 not bad went and added a few little touchups. hope it's cool.
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>>67359 Oh nice, that looks really good. I was actually thinking of making those exact changes myself, but I think you did it a lot better than I would have. Thanks for that. Here's a few others that I want to give a try at, but if anyone else wants to contribute to uncensoring these that would be welcome. Of course, I can post more if anyone wants. Hanepen has A LOT of really awesome futanari and femboy stuff that would look so fucking hot if they were uncensored.
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A new free-to-play hornybait game just dropped called The First Descendant. The artists went all out on the women, for obvious reasons. I just wanted to put it out there if anyone was interested in making some tickle art. Especially in their premium/pay-for skins. This is one of the poster girls of the game: Bunny. She's in her ultimate outfit (Which is $100). While the price may be insane for a FTP, it'd be nice to see someone take advantage of all that exposed skin. There's a lot more too, but I'm just going to leave this as a suggestion for anyone interested.

Elden Ring tickling content? Anonymous 07/14/2022 (Thu) 20:29:41 Id: 99b373 No. 24923 [Reply]
Ok this game has been out for months and I've seen barely any tickle art for it, and even feet stuff is scarce. This game has top tier female characters and they deserve to become tickle toys Whatever content you find drop it here and discuss
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>>68180 That sounds about right. But now I'm wondering if I even want to show the full face or just expose the mouth part of the helmet to see her laughing.
>>68187 That should have been this thread in the first place, but at this point you should just make a new thread since people aren't gonna read this comment

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Special Requests Thread 13 Anonymous 05/09/2024 (Thu) 12:00:41 Id: 61012b No. 65762 [Reply] [Last]
Previous thread was bump-locked: 51303 long shot but does anyone have any of erimoto's older self-oc stuff? like the 1k watcher stocker pic
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>>65771 nice
>>68013 Seconding >>68103 God I love Feeteraco >>68117 I can see there being an alternate version where her boots and stockings are removed in a smaller panel. Her final dialogue would of course be changed from "You're not going to do anything!?" to "You're not going to tickle me!?" There should also be a sequel where the implied tickle slut gets what she wants.

Artists You Hate 8: Balls to the wall edition Anonymous 03/11/2024 (Mon) 15:49:49 Id: 924b21 No. 63176 [Reply] [Last]
You know the drill. hate to your hearts content!
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>>68168 Forgive me for playing devils advocate but I’m sure plenty would see people who get turned on by a form of sadistic torture to be higher on the WTF list than someone with a stink kink. I’m not into this myself but I’m not about to start judging either. Live your best lives smell bros.
>>68168 >>68211 look what the fuck you did
>>68211 Nice bait >>68216 The thread's been anchored. Even the mods have had enough.

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Tickling art with solesmanly vibes (aka "real foot fetish") Anonymous 07/26/2023 (Wed) 22:14:47 Id: 9c6bcf No. 50393 [Reply] [Last]
This is more of a foot fetish related thread, but it would be nice to see some new solesmanly tickling art. Every form of art or self-expression is welcome! Please use spoilers for sopisticated images (e.g. some of Redscript's works, you know what I mean). A QUICK RUNDOWN: - Cheesiness, when speaking about female soles, is a mellow color of a fine Dutch cheese as well as a distinctive strong aroma. But it's worth nothing to mention that seasoned parmesan-colored soles and their unique delicious fragrance are valued above all. A great example of such a parmesan-like pedal perfection is an Italian foot model Miss Marty (pic 1). - Eggness (egg-yolkiness) is a... Imagine a yellowish, like an egg yolk, skin, and some delicious white hardened skin around, just like egg whites. Yummy! Almost every case of eggness involves heels. Unlike some of you might think, it has nothing to do with the smell of eggs. - Real foot fetishists like NATRUAL MEATY ROUGH LARGE AND CHEESY female soles and to indulge in a long, steamy love sessions with them. But since this board is filled with normies, we won't take the term "fetishist" from them and will call ourselves "solesmen". Every solesman is a foot fetishist, but not every foot fetishist is a solesman. - We can't discuss foot fetish without poshness. Poshness is a combination of an aura of domination, a luxury appearance and an overall burlesque, which makes you want to fall on your knees and greedily lick the posh woman's feet even when you see her on the screen of your phone. Examples of posh foot models include PlayWithAnny (pic 2) and Tsunderebean (pic 3). A lot of solesmen are fascinated by poshness to the point it inspires them to write poems — a great example is "Oh, Tsunderebean, your lovely pretty feet!" - The most sophisticated solesmen also enjoy shroomness. Shroomy soles, as you might guess, smell just like seasoned fungi. Some might find it too much for their tastes, but enjoyers definitely won't be disappointed. As some of them say, the feeling of licking along a shroomy female sole is something from an outer dimension. - There are a lot of prominent individuals among solesmen. The most notable is of course Quentin Tarantino with his undying love for natural large female soles. But, of course, solesmen artists like Redscript (pic 4) and EmpiricalSmut (pic 5) make a huge contribution to the solesmanly culture.
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What a hidden gem of a thread. Aside from Redscript, Feeteraco's extremely sexy depictions of cute anime girls with large smelly soles would be a good fit. It's a shame that not so many tickling artists are into such arousing details. I'm dating a 6'2" girl with size 12 feet while being 5'7" myself and let me say faceplanting into her huge moist stompers after she gets back home from work and kicks off her footwear is the best thing ever mainly because of that warm smell. It is addictive as fuck. Thankfully, she is totally into it, to the point that she loves being called princess Parmesanna and wears sneakers without socks on hot days to smell more and get more ticklish as well.
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VTubers Anonymous 12/14/2021 (Tue) 00:42:04 Id: 0e4815 No. 9225 [Reply] [Last]
Post any stuff you got involving Vtubers
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>>68201 At least they're doing that instead of killing people afaik
https://youtu.be/rBYoG1EwZN8?si=4AD8-kRrnKjtjEX3 Rikamii 7:30 He doesn't like it which just makes me wanna do it more
>>68201 The funny thing is I'm the furthest thing away from a serial killer dawg. It's just degenerate horny fetishist tier effort. I was planning on keeping it to myself anyway and not publicizing it

Monster Girls Tickled Anonymous 05/25/2024 (Sat) 23:50:15 Id: 77b352 No. 66423 [Reply] [Last]
I think this topic deserves its own thread. Post ticklish monster ladies getting it. (catgirls, wolfgirls, furries and pokemon don't count, please go post images of those in the furry tickling or pokemon tickling threads instead)
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>>68196 >Anonymous That looks amazing!!! How much did it cost?
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>>68197 $50, but only because i commissioned this first lol
>>68196 Anon. Brother. Please. My poor mortal brain can only handle so much moth back to back. I am dangerously close to dying a happy man

Non-Tickling Hot Content General Anonymous 05/01/2022 (Sun) 18:49:43 Id: 42861f No. 20592 [Reply] [Last]
For material not containing tickling that still stimulates the ticklefag monkey neuron. Sexy body parts that fill you with desire to tickle them, bondage or situations that seem ripe for tickling shenanigans, outfits that just scream 'tickle me', etc. 2D and 3D are both copacetic. Some overlap may occur with the anticipation and the temptation threads, but unlike either of those, this thread doesn't require a premise of implied tickling.
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I put behind the spoiler two pics with large bellies since it's not everyone's thing. It's nit grotesque though, and I'd love to just demolish her with raspberries
>>68162 I'm not into big bellies but I appreciate the hot armpit pics! Would love to see more.
>>68179 >>68179 Sure, here you go. These may be less subtle than yours, but oh well

Tickle GIFs Tickle GIFs 10/05/2021 (Tue) 14:30:54 Id: e141e0 No. 2468 [Reply] [Last]
Post em!
Edited last time by Flatty on 08/06/2023 (Sun) 20:35:25.
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>>52705 >>52738 >>52751 I found the tumblr post, it says that the full video is on her free onlyfans page. Could someone please check that out and get the video if it's really on there? https://www.tumblr.com/ninaluckx/728193652511391744/tickled-by-the-evil-mister-ttt?source=share
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Vintage thread Anonymous 09/16/2023 (Sat) 00:57:20 Id: 00ebd8 No. 53072 [Reply] [Last]
post any tickling/feet pictures or videos from yesteryear. From the early 2000s all the way as far back as you can find. No drawings, save those for the other threads.
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Kemono Thread 3 Anonymous 05/10/2023 (Wed) 18:57:50 Id: eb44f8 No. 46336 [Reply] [Last]
The previous one reached it's bump limit.
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>>67635 The first link most of the time is for subtitles, the other links are a gamble. You have to copy paste one by one on a browser and it should redirect you to the download. If it doesn't work it means that the file was either deleted or moved to another playlist and you'll have to wait on a update on the Kemono page. Also the videos can be only opened on VLC player
May someone update hatsukidashio please? https://kemono.su/fanbox/user/53910724

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