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Tickling Websites Thread Anonymous 02/25/2022 (Fri) 01:07:01 Id: 5a304e No. 15208 [Reply]
I want to expand the domains I use to search material, which pages do you use? I search some anime pictures from Gelbooru, Pixiv, Sadpanda, Deviantart and this refuge Pornhub is not useful anymore from tickleporn, I've been using Spankbang but I think I need more websites
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>>23149 >>23152 There are also 10x as many females here than on TMF and fetlife combined
>>23229 On Reddit they're all either shilling their content or whining about everything and getting attention because they're female.
>>15208 Alright let's try this again As far as videos go, Spankbang and VK are where tickling content is shared most freely. Mostly endlessly cycled reuploaded libraries from studios like TA or Czech. For more recent stuff like RF videos, those usually flow down the tickling-videos pipeline through keep2share where someone with premium would download it and eventually share it to the free sites, saving folks from having to slowly download the fullsized gigabyte file for a friendlier web-compressed one. For VK, you won't be able to access much without an account attached to a phone number to join active groups sharing and congregating their video libraries. But for Spankbang, it's worthwhile to easily download videos but also subscribe to other users and playlists. You'll only go so far by searching 'tickling' and sorting by new to find clips. Often people won't titles videos correctly or just keymash one, which is warranted as to not put the actual clips title for studios to find by search engine. So you kinda have to game it. Because who knows every once in a while someone is either brazen enough, stupid enough or oblivious enough to upload very recent very exclusive content. At which point nab it yourself before it may disappear. Other than that, ever since PH fell, footstocking and boundhub may have some things sometimes but it'd caution going there if you want to avoid some unsightly thumbnails of other content there. Also I'm a bit curious about this >>48282 individuals case. Supposing that they have indeed seen 'all' the tickle porn there is and have not resorted to actually buying clips and customs. What are their search parameters or methodology. Or they're just a brain broken coomer. Probably that.

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Rant Thread Anonymous 04/27/2023 (Thu) 12:05:45 Id: 60b2ea No. 45642 [Reply] [Last]
This is probably just me and my autistic tastes in tickle vids, but I fucking HATE when videos fake having the lee's hands tied. I am pretty picky when it comes to bondage and don't consider a lee truly helpless unless her hands are tied and she is unable to free herself on her own. The worst thing is when they film lees being tickled with them holding their hands behind their back like they are tied, but she moves them in frame for just a second to show she was just holding them behind her back. STOP FUCKING DOING THAT.
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>be me >early 20s >never had any sort of action w this >trying to set up my first tk session, never had one before >explore on fetlife, tklmap and tmf >post a little bit about myself in groups and communities in my area to try and get the ball rolling >try not to come off too strong or desperate >week passes >only dm so far is two states over, single 57 year old man with no followers and 1 profile pic and all he says is "Hi I want to tickle u" >why live please. for those who have had a tk session before with no previous action, how'd y'all do it? offer your guidance, i implore you. what are some of the hotspot places to find people looking for meetups and shit like that in this kink. i'm starving bros, help a dawg get tickled ffs
There's never really any good tickle mods for games. Ton's of porn ones for free but heaven forbid one of the autistic here use that mental damage for the greater good.
To the few people that actually care, I believe omegle has removed their idiotic filter. Happy chatting!

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Lucky Star Anonymous 12/29/2022 (Thu) 10:53:21 Id: 730357 No. 37031 [Reply]
Lucky Star tickles~
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Confession Thread Anonymous 01/09/2022 (Sun) 07:01:55 Id: b80479 No. 11297 [Reply] [Last]
your sins, your perversions, your cringe behavior, lay them bare, that you may repent
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>>1129 forgive me, for i have sinned many years ago. >In middle school >Sat near the front of class >Teacher walking around barefoot one day as teachers liked to do >Sheet of paper falls off desk >I don't pick it up >On one of her passes by my desk, she stops and picks paper up with toes >While she is balancing foot above desk trying to drop paper on desk, i reach out and tickle her sole in front of class >She lets out aloud giggle and quickly drops paper >She turns red and quickly walks away, avoiding my desk for the rest of the class >At end of class, hand in assignment >Make a point to obviously look down at her still barefeet >Comment on how pretty they are >She just blushes and curl toes up Was the only time i ever acted on my impulses. Was afraid of getting in trouble so learned to control them
>>48252 >Comment on how pretty they are >She just blushes and curl toes up I was somewhat willing to believe you until this part, anon, come on.
>>48270 Lol what? Okay maybe that part was embellished a little to the way i wished she would of reacted. Because the "cute feet" comment was me trying to break the awkward tension that stunt caused but my horny teenage ass still focusing on her feet. What i said was "i like how your toe nail polish matches your dress". The blushing was probably just embarrassment along with her moving her feet away out of embarrassment or fear of me going in for another attack. Looking back, she was pretty young and having a student tickle her foot in front of the class probably never crossed her mind as something she would have to deal with. So she more than likely didn't know how to handle the situation at the moment. She opened the next class with a 15 min speech about why it's never okay for a student to put their hands on a teacher. Even in a playful friendly way. Trying to not single me out i guess (even though we all i saw i did it lol). But it's not like it scarred her. A few days later she was back to strutting those bad boys in front of us again.

CAB Anonymous 06/05/2023 (Mon) 12:41:03 Id: d2a9fe No. 47505 [Reply]
Anyone know what happened to CAB/why he left DA? Is his work available anywhere else? If not could we upload here?
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>>47609 some-random-drawing was another who just ghosted at the height of his popularity. feelsbadman
Damn just realized he's gone. Was any of his stuff archived anywhere, specifically the pic of Mary Jane tickled by Venom?
>>48195 Literally the second post.

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Tickling Conventions and Events Anonymous 06/03/2023 (Sat) 17:34:41 Id: 3921ec No. 47423 [Reply]
I guess let's make this a thread where we can discuss about upcoming conventions/events like NEST. Okay I'll start with this: https:// fetlife .com/events/1270640 There's an upcoming gathering that will take place in the Philippines. It looks legit with how much effort was put into writing the post, but I can't help but still be skeptical with all this. Especially since they claim that a former beauty pageant contestant will be one of the hosts for the event. I tried using the clues given to figure out who the mystery person is but it's giving me nothing. I also noticed that the accounts that are going to host is realatively new (made within this year) If any slueths are able to figure out if this is real, that would be great.The terms used (Tickle Pageants) and the dress code sounds so absurb that I'm leaning towards it being a scam.
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> be me > be Filipino > have tickle fetish > be horni > visit various sites like DA, Discord, TMF, Pixiv, Hentai Foundry, Twitter, etc... to satisfy the horni. > proceed to right click and save pngs. > open really images on new tab to perform ctrl+tab ease of access hands on admiration on a later session. > time to visit 8chan for today's horni session > browse boards and read funny westerners arguments about morality, piracy, and their shit taste on a morally dubious, pirate centered, shit website for lols > check boards for new stuff > see NEST.png on a board > Thinking.png "must be that fancy tickle event gathering everyone abroad talks about" > *event being held in the Philippines* > Pointing Rick Dalton.png > bottom text: I live in that poor ass third world country that foreigners sugarcoat as "developing country" > "I know a lot and can say proudly say am an expert on that shithole. Maybe I can contribute to this discussion. MY TIME HAS COME!"

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>>47545 Did I just have a fucking stroke?
>>47545 What very little PH tickling content does to a kababayan

Animal Crossing Anonymous 10/15/2021 (Fri) 21:06:09 Id: 27d82c No. 3656 [Reply] [Last]
post em if you got 'em
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>>47937 Holy shit that’s awesome, thank you so much! I didn’t want to reply until I had time to do a little drawing. I really thought the image of her hiding her smile with her trunk at the start was cute.
>>47995 Hey! I'm glad you enjoyed it, nice art! You portrayed it just as I imagined it
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Bad B-Movie Tickling? 10/25/2021 (Mon) 23:28:56 Id: d36b5c No. 4734 [Reply]
Okay so this may just be something that I'm into but is anyone else here a huge fan of REALLY BAD B quality tickling videos? Like the REALLY BAD ones that try to create storylines with costumes and bad acting...mostly from the early 80's to mid 90's...I mean this is my THING. I love horrible B-Movie tickling videos. The most recent studio I can think of thats done this kinda thing is like TicklingParadise from the 90's or possibly LaughingGasZone content thereafter. Anyone else into this or is it just me? Be sure to post to your own examples if you have it.
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I kinda agree. Maybe it's just my age showing, but the older stuff always seemed to be better, to me. At least, in the reactions from the lees. Which is absolutely not universally true, hence might just be nostalgia. But that's how it feels, to me. SO much newer shit has extremely fake laughter. I'll take bad acting and lower quality for more authentic reactions. As always, just my 2 cents.
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I agree there is something charming about how unapologetically weird and stupid these videos were. https://biguz.net/watch.php?id=3988895&name=time-machine-tickle http://6kea.com/to/1219688-ticklish_time_traveler.html
https://pornzog.com/video/8871271/tp-witch-trial-tickling/ You find a studio that puts a hot model in the X-Frame. She gets tickled. They tickle her upper body, then her legs, then her feet for the finale. It's nice. Then they put another model in the X-Frame. She gets tickled. They tickle her upper body, then her legs, then her feet for the finale. It's okay... her feet weren't even her most ticklish spot yet they still focused on it for the end. hen they put another model in the X-Frame. She gets tickled. They tickle her upper body, then her legs, then her feet for the finale. Repeat... repeat... repeat.. They're boring after the first few times. If you love one model they use, that's great, you found a good one in the bunch. That's probably what the studios are doing: put ten models in the same device, do the exact same tickling, let people pick the one that interests them the most. But these older stuff with storylines? Hammy acting with (seemingly) genuine ticklish reactions? Those are 10x hotter. Maybe it's because there's a goal, or costumes, or a fantasy setting, or they can now beg and plead for the scene, but it just feels so fresh and interesting and hot. I fucking love these Tickling Paradise videos and the older Realtickling stuff. FMconcepts did some like this. A few misc videos here or there that were ripped without studio names listed, etc. FTKL is so so so so so close with this. Costumes, characters, story lines, etc, but everyone was chosen for their looks and not their sensitivity. They're so obviously not ticklish that I'd get better reactions trying to tickle someone's foot through thick woolen socks with a cooked piece of spaghetti.

Soul eater thread Anonymous 06/09/2023 (Fri) 06:19:30 Id: f6480c No. 47726 [Reply]
Surprised we didn’t have this already
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>>47796 Agreed. Does anyone have the colored version of the Pirata3 pic with Blair tickling Maka?
>>47854 Boom. Cheers guy, very much appreciated...I remember finding it on a very old thread and then I could never remember where it was. Takes a great pic and makes it even better

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The Perfect Session Anonymous 04/10/2023 (Mon) 09:52:09 Id: 0118de No. 44695 [Reply]
Let's discuss our perfect dream session using the template provided. Also let's discuss ways to improve the template. Pic related - my dream session and the template
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>>44695 Which way, western man ?
>>47773 tough choice but Imma have to go with the hard bondage punk girl
>>47773 right for sure. I'd make her beg,

Tickling, Autism and (you) Anonymous 10/12/2022 (Wed) 20:15:44 Id: 82981b No. 31000 [Reply] [Last]
There's a lot of talk about it: ticklefags are, supposedly, autistic as fuck. Well let's see if the claim holds any water: 1. Go to: https://www.idrlabs.com/autism-spectrum/test.php 2. Take the test. 3. Share your results. or, alternatively: 1. Share your irl diagnosis as a certified neurodivergent person. Let's see if there's any hope for the lot us, anon. And if you have the right to call that other anon out on being an autist next time you think about doing it. Of course, allow me to go first: Honestly, scoring a moderate is not surprising at all. I've never been diagnosed, but I've always been aware (and made aware) I'm atypical in many, many different ways, specially as a child. Growing up, learning about autism and some of the characteristics that come with it, and feeling uncannily identified with some of the more specific ones has me convinced I'm probably somewhat on the spectrum, if on the light side of it. From a quick interaction or conversation you'll probably think I'm a perfectly pleasant person, but sticking around me for a while will probably make you think I'm at least 'quirky'. Also, I'm apparently a very angry boi. DISCLAIMER: Online tests are NOT accurate ways of diagnosing developmental conditions. This is entirely for fun, and maybe so we get some insight on ticklefaggotry and its supposed ties with autism. If this is something about yourself you feel you legitimately need to consider and deal with, you should seek professional help.
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Fidgeting and depression are the highest ones I got, but I feel like they'd be higher I wasn't repressing them. I love that the test is written like it's for normal people tho, it never says anything like "how often do you think about ideals or religious beliefs" type shit. It also seems to think more about what other people tell you about yourself as if your friends opinions of you are gonna necessarily be honest, questions like "How many times have you been told you talk weird?".
>>47630 >the test is written like it's for normal people That's the secret anon, you are "normal" you were just psyopped into believing you're retarded. The internet's full of subcultures believing they're "special" whether it's trannies, Qanon retards or anyone in between. The only thing that sets you apart from other "normal" people is where you decide the boundary line is.
>>47633 I never really thought I was autistic or at least that I'm really good at suppressing it (but that could basically just be called my inner child then). According to the test autism is about having every mental illness I guess, so I probably don't act very autistic. The only problem I really have is aphantasia which naturally leads to mild depression but I prefer being rational & depressed over emotional & happy/normal. I've gotten better at not fidgeting, but I am still pretty lazy tho. I'll stop monologuing now

How has your fetish evolved? Anonymous 06/05/2023 (Mon) 13:38:12 Id: 5415d6 No. 47517 [Reply]
Thought this could be an interesting discussion regarding how your fetish and sexual interests have changed and grown over the years as we’ve been exposed to more appealing concepts on the internet. I’ve always been a footfag with a tickling fetish and for the longest time the only thing that got me going was big feet tickling (female or male); that was it. I was into big feet, long toes, stocks, light bondage, tickling with fingers and that was all. Over the years I learned to not only appreciate feet of all sizes and shapes but also really got into other ticklish spots like thighs, ass, genitalia and belly. Still not super into underarms but I’m starting to see the appeal. I also began to see the appeal of tickling tools and as my own sexuality matured I definitely got into tickle fucking. Also maybe it was because live action media became easier to come by over time but I used fap a lot to art and genuinely haven’t like at all in several years. It just doesn’t do it for me anymore. I also became interested in related fetishes like macro/micro, orgasm denial, milking and yeah got just a little into furries albeit with a caveat; I like the more human like ones like Callie Briggs from Swatkats but not the full animals that are just shaped like people with like paws and shit. How about y’all?
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>>47528 You knew what the internet was when you typed that address into your browser.
I went from hating getting tickled all the time by a friend from middle school to drawing tickle art and making money from it

Ticklish Fates (♀ Edition) Ticklish Fates (♀ Edition) 05/28/2022 (Sat) 23:24:37 Id: 1e701e No. 22135 [Reply] [Last]
So I figured separating this thread by gender would be more useful so that lers can look at lees that they’re attracted to, as opposed to having to scroll through swathes of images to find a male or female lee according to your orientation. I posted some pics on the old board, so I’ll just get this thread started by re-posting them here. Anyone is welcome to make a male version of this thread, btw, but as a lee I don’t have any pictures of men’s feet, lmao.
Edited last time by Flatty on 09/01/2022 (Thu) 23:44:32.
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>>35894 Specifically looking for a woman. That's why I'm on this thread
>>35900 The best #1050
>>30728 Hot damn those look soft anon. The kind of feet that belong in stocks, turned into their owner's complete world as some terrible nails exploit their sensitivity by abusing their every nerve ending with overwhelming ticklish sensations. They look so delightfully sensitive I just know some toe ties and some wide brushes moving quickly over their oiled surface would have you losing your mind laughing non-stop in complete submission to your tickler, crying with reddened cheeks, barely managing some gibbered pleas that you don't even know if you really mean with your tickle-fried brain, convulsing in hilarity with no control over your body and mind, simply because that little bit of deliciously soft, vulnerable skin won't stop being thoroughly bullied by someone that doesn't care about anything but making you laugh until you completely lose yourself to the sensations. Exactly as the owner of such a beautiful pair of soles deserves.

Ticklers Smiling for the Camera Anonymous 05/20/2023 (Sat) 09:01:49 Id: 3b0769 No. 46765 [Reply]
There's something I find really hot about a tickler casually smiling for a photo while they continue to torture their victim. Anyone else?
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>>47111 Came here to post this. They're called Las princesas cosquillas. Personally, I find it annoying and distracting, but if someone can get some enjoyment out of it, then that's good.

Avijustfeet Anonymous 09/01/2022 (Thu) 14:31:08 Id: 4c5742 No. 28113 [Reply] [Last]
his kemono doesn't work so let's make a thread collecting his works. Maybe we can make a google drive folder or something
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>>41834 Read the fucking thread. It all happened here.

Anonymous 10/22/2021 (Fri) 13:35:56 Id: 7b7e0d No. 4245 [Reply] [Last]
>based art > regular Xchan memes in this work and descriptions >knows about sneed Is LethalTK /ourguy/?
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>>46878 you're a poor actor, Lethal
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>>46885 My brother in christ I am right here >>46826 It's like the 5th time you get it wrong. Please accept the possibility that I am not alone on this board. >>46829 Yeah you're mostly right, I'm very autistic about 10 characters and 3 setups tops, and I will ask for them if given the occasion. Can't argue with that. However : >He probably made this thread For what reason would I come on here to practice auto-fellatio? I am a microscopic artist with plenty of people showering me in compliments already. It'd be simpler to open a discord server if I really wanted to be the center of the attention. >You can just tell by the way he writes The wendytoro post was made in chatGPT, but you can make the argument shes the kind of character I would be autistic about. >he's the type of guy that befriends an artist for the art Let's not pretend this isn't something every artist does. I'd like to see you befriend the *saves her* guy in your comment section. Plus I'll add that I have good relationships with a lot of artists in the community that isn't based on getting art. Anyway, I know you wont believe me. That's fine, it is what it is
>>46886 not reading that lol

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