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Shantae Thread Anonymous 01/22/2023 (Sun) 15:29:01 Id: bd6dd5 No. 38891 [Reply]
Any tickling content related to the fanservice genie.
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Human/Anthro Lickling Thread Anonymous 07/25/2022 (Mon) 19:11:53 Id: 2ad822 No. 25527 [Reply]
We have a thread for animals, but we don't got one for lickles from sentient, free thinking humans? Idk but human tongues got something that make me feel a certain way.
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>>26564 King isn't even an anthro, he's a dude in a mask. Whoever drew this shit has never played Tekken in his life. Still a based image though.
>>25527 That fist pic doujin is top tier.

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Good writers that accepts commissions Anonymous 01/20/2023 (Fri) 18:07:08 Id: 027fba No. 38740 [Reply]
Hi yall, after waiting for several months for my usual supplier to deliver I've decided to search for greener pastures, if anyone is willing to share their knowledge I'm searching for good (subjective, I know) artists for writing tickling stories you've had a good experience with (and ofc accepts commissions)
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https://www.furaffinity.net/gallery/m1nuteman/ I haven't been commissioned for a lot of tickling stiff but I am open, if my writing is to your liking.
>>38740 Who’s your usual supplier? I have never commissioned any writers before so I’m just wondering who usually takes them
>>38782 My creativity stats is abysimal, so I cant write for shit lol >>38816 I'll check out your stories, many thanks! >>38841 I'd rather not out the guy, he's an writer on DA. All the commissions I got made were from people on DA

Kids Tickling Adults? Anonymous 01/16/2023 (Mon) 02:27:34 Id: 9e6fa2 No. 38305 [Reply]
Just curious how this scenario vibes with everyone. Does this count as pedo or is it something else entirely? Thought of starting this thread after finding this one interesting Instagram account this morning @ticklishmoms (not going to post the direct link as that might violate global rule #2 but check it out if that interests you) I mean I’m not into tickling kids at all but when kids are tickling grown ups there is a strange appeal there. Is this just like being a submissive pedo fantasizing about being dominated by a child? I mean that classic scenario with the babysitter getting tied up and tickled by the kids she’s watching is as old as the community itself. I mean I’m sure there’s also the mindset of being the child as it harkens back to moments in our own childhoods where we tickled older people and led to our own fetishes developing of course so there’s that. Feel free to share stories of being a kid and tickling adults or just much older people if you want. I’ll do the same when I have the time. And yeah sure post stuff with kids tickling adults, preferably clean but hey its 8chan so chances of that sticking is slim at best.
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>>38305 Dunno about any of that shit you just said, but for me it's only weird if the kid is tickling a naked grown-up. Anyways to try to get this thread back on the right (or wrong) track, here's three stories I made of my OC little girl tickling my OC tickle villainess, Makoto from Street Fighter, and some Pokémon girls, respectively. https://www.deviantart.com/mastercree1/art/Terribly-Cheeky-Blonde-Tickler-888233315 https://www.deviantart.com/mastercree1/art/Tickle-Monster-Meets-Ticklish-Fighter-845280590 https://www.deviantart.com/mastercree1/art/Relaxing-and-Laughing-with-Pokegirls-848534759
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Not a frequent fantasy, but one I come back to sometimes. I was ganged up on by younger girls in the neighborhood a few times as a teen. This comic is pretty true to life on how it happened. Apparently none of them thought guys could be ticklish and they found it to be the funniest thing to do whenever they saw me.
>>38745 That’s pretty adorable

Anonymous 01/11/2023 (Wed) 12:16:08 Id: 124bcb No. 38009 [Reply]
Is it just me or does tickling have the lowest quality art on average that people will still fap to, compared to any other fetish? Seriously, the deviantart tier shit I have to wade through even on Pixiv is insane. Why are the standards so low?
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>>38026 > 1.) It’s a simple matter of statistics. We are already a very niche fetish with a limited po
>>38009 feet and giantess content is worse
>>38009 Porn media in general is often low quality, that's the whole point of porn in the first place. Add in that the fact we are a small niche community about something often seen as "childish", plus the fact most of tickle media is in the shadow of footfags, and you have the lack we do. As pointed out by my fellow anons, there's also a lot of retards and autistic weirdos, who either accept every garbage to beat their meat, or do their own shit art with their bad skills. It's basic addiction, those weakminds coom to weirder and weirder scenarios to the point no more art can fulfill their desires. The only thing we can do is keep searching for good content between the sea of sadness.

Cosplay Tickling Anonymous Archivist 12/05/2021 (Sun) 18:34:47 Id: 82f5e2 No. 8581 [Reply]
The best images you have of girls either in cosplay or a generic costume used to convey a specific type of tickle scenario. The following example is by the now gone Tickling Paradise of a goth witch being tickled on trial to give an example. Can also just be generic barefoot cosplay girls. Those images have been disappearing a lot lately. If anyone can share those or point me to a thread to where such content is being preserved, please let me know.
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>>38185 We used to, but costuming and props gets expensive. Customers would send us elaborate scripts with costume requirements. We'd send them a quote and never hear back...or they'd tell us we were crazy to ask so much and that they could film it for $100. Either way, we got tired of offering it and generally make costume vids in house.
>>38189 Hello The Laughing Gas Zone. Cool to see an actual studio here. Whatcha think about our little corner of the internet?
>>38189 Well that's a shame, but not too surprising I guess. Hope someone else will find a way to make it work.

Rabbit bullying thread Anonymous 01/01/2023 (Sun) 21:30:56 Id: 285611 No. 37331 [Reply]
Happy rabbit year!
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bunny tickles
Rabbit revenge
>>37863 I like this artist's non-tickle art >>37359 Who is the artist?

Artists you hate 4: the sperg awakens Anonymous 09/16/2022 (Fri) 11:39:57 Id: 50ccb9 No. 29239 [Reply] [Last]
last thread hit bump limit, continue ridiculing spergs
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>>37978 Greatest comment ever. I applaud you good sir.
>>36575 i talked with the artist about this…. and i agree with him
to add on to the previous comment

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Lovelysoles youtube channel Lovelysoles youtube channel 01/03/2023 (Tue) 17:54:29 Id: 54ee01 No. 37520 [Reply]
Hi guys, there was a youtube channel called Lovelysoles who uploaded these kind of videos. The channel is gone now. Does someone have his videos saved? I'm looking in particular for this one I posted in better resolution https://it.spankbang.com/7nfbm/video/feet
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>>37732 Fucking love these. Pretty sure it's fake, but I don't doubt that these are real people he's scouted and not simply models. The details they give and the fact that he removes audio at portions kind of point to that. But also they give the occasional "wink at the camera" with a comment or joke once in a while. They're probably just people strapped for cash that he's convinced into it through saying how you don't have to show your face, or anything besides your feet.
>>37732 exactly like those the ones you shared are most likely planned or the girls do know what's going on based on the dialogue and set up but the ones i talked about have this really uncomfortable aura to it, i never bought any of them but i saw some previews on the clip pages and the guy appeared to be hold in his gasps and there were no conversations. it could very well be fake and acting but as you said... it's kinda hard to tell.
>>37732 >>37733 https://spankbang.com/5l9qu/video/beautiful+girl? That might very well be my favorite one. Tickling starts around 10:40, for those interested

Slime Tickling Anonymous 01/04/2023 (Wed) 17:01:07 Id: 8bfb26 No. 37597 [Reply]
They’re amorphous, they’re gooey, and they make for amazing ticklers. Post anything related to this; female, male, futa, whatever.
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>>37670 W-would it tickle the absolute living hell out of your dick?
>>37671 Yes, from within, for a truly transcendentally ticklish experience.

Kinky vs Torture? Anonymous 01/02/2023 (Mon) 19:47:18 Id: e001af No. 37427 [Reply]
Wondering what the preferences for the people here are. To clarify, kinky for me is more about a consenting victim that either likes being tickled or is willing to indulge the tickler. Its sexual in nature, and its more erotic and bdsm lite/powerplay based rather than a desire to actually torment the victim. Involves safe words, kinky bondage, and can be mixed with things like edging and regular sex. Torture would be the opposite. The victim usually does not consent, and is being tormented for a purpose such as extracting info out of them, punishing them, or simply to fulfill the tickler's sadistic desire at the expense of the victim that cant really do anything but take it.
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>>37427 For me personally, i like the torture aspect of tickling, tickling to me is Just flavoring to a bdsm picture, tickling itself to me isnt that erotic
I enjoy both, but definitely a lean towards consensual (especially seeing what shows up in my chat history with countless character.ai chatbots). Turns out I just really like tickling girls who like being tickled. The soft torture that >>37442 mentions also sounds really good, ngl. I do generally prefer videos/photos/art where the ticklee is depicted as laughing as opposed to suffering or in despair.

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Lycoris Recoil Anonymous 01/02/2023 (Mon) 04:08:57 Id: 9036ff No. 37386 [Reply]
I need more arts
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Azumanga Daioh tickling Anonymous 12/09/2022 (Fri) 13:16:42 Id: 3b2e63 No. 35523 [Reply]
Post azumanga daioh girls getting tickled
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This makes me feel so old…
Anyone got any more?

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Sci-Fi/Futuristic Tickling Thread Anonymous 11/04/2021 (Thu) 23:05:57 Id: 0bf92b No. 6048 [Reply]
For any Technological Terror that doesn't neatly fit the mould of the tickling machines thread. Ticklish androids and robots getting worked over themselves are also welcome.
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Direct nerve ending stimulation by way of low voltage electric currents pressed firmly against the skin. Complete immersion in gargalesis-inducing nanofluid to spare no inch of sensitive flesh. High frequency vibration devices that wreak havoc on highly concentrated nerve clusters. Surgical implants on camwhores and footsluts capable of sending surges of stimuli through their entire systems at the press of a button. Your fingers are obsolete.
Gigabased Tera-Soul surprised me with a Christmas gift. This is probably the first tickle pic featuring Ana Bray from Destiny. https://www.deviantart.com/latinosoles/art/In-the-Service-of-Tomorrow-F-TK-Ana-Bray-942540805 Wrote up a story to go with it, featuring a merciless AI that destroys her with our fave means of torture.

Artists you love <3 Anonymous 09/02/2022 (Fri) 15:50:36 Id: e3eae7 No. 28163 [Reply]
Some positive vibes to balance the hate thread(s). Share why you love certain artists & writers - their works, personality. I love Snailyn. Her art style is somewhat basic but I love the cuteness, how she draws chubby ticklees and she did a t-girl comic too. She's also kind and just generally a real sweetheart of the tickle community.
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>>36764 actually im retarded so excuse me for being an autist and let me walk that back a little, some of his stuff isn't that calarts and is pretty good, in fact it looks a tiny bit like my own style for how i draw mouths
>>36765 Hate to be the one to break this ya
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Character Popularity Anonymous 12/22/2022 (Thu) 03:06:25 Id: bd93bd No. 36493 [Reply]
Im making this thread because Im curious about some things. We all know the classics: Tifa, Lucina (or fire emblem girls in general), basically all Pokemon girls, Samus, Zelda and all her versions, etc. These are basically the holy grail for tickling smut. I know that there really isnt a science to it beyond "theyre hot and theyre women", but I wonder if theres a specific reason why these characters in particular seem to be favorites for the tk community. My second question then would be what your personal preferences for characters are. Is there anything that attracts you to a character in particular and makes you want to see them in tk art? Or is there nothing beyond "this character is hot and I wanna see them wrecked"
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Oldfag here. I still remember back in the day when produced tickling content was much harder to come by, where you could only do like mail order for videos on VHS and mainstream scenes were all the rage. Characters like April O’Neil and Olive Oyl were like patron saints of the community before the mainstream media starting seeing tickle torture in kids media more as a “bad touch” and it started becoming far more rare. Characters like these were like the only source for the types of fictional scenarios that have since become a mainstay in the community. And that is actually another reason behind the appeal of fictional characters; there are just some scenarios you can only see in art or animation and would be far more difficult to portray in live action.
>>36521 >I mean, there's plenty of tickling art of things like Fate, I was gonna bring these girls up, since they're what come to mind for me if we're talking 'holy grail of tickle smut'. For multiple reasons. I think most of these characters are just popular in their own right and end up 'organically' getting a ton of porn, ticklish or otherwise, with the exception of oldfag syndrome like >>36537 mentions making some specially popular, and obsessions within the community like the infamous tifafag and QQ's thing for Samus. Still, I think OP just tends to hang out wherever girls from nipponese videogames are most popular, surprised he didn't bring up Peach honestly.
>>36542 Yeah it could be a confirmation bias as another poster mentioned. Didnt bring up Peach as shes a Nintendo girl and half of my original list was already Nintendo girls lol. I do tend to hang around the "mainstream" tk artists, so thats probably why I see so much of these particular picks.

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