/tkr/ - Tickling Refuge

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Ticklishness Database Anonymous 07/13/2022 (Wed) 16:27:07 Id: d664c6 No. 24841 [Reply]
This thread is meant to the collection of information on the ticklishness of any notable people or fictional characters. Celebrities, popular internet personalities, anime and comic book characters, etc. are all allowed here. I'll start the thread off with Fernanda Lima, a Brazillian ex model/show host who once did a segment on Tickle Abuse. Her feet are either completely not ticklish or close to it, as Brooke couldn't get a giggle out of her even when using a brush, but her armpits are extremely ticklish.
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I thought it was eventually posted
>>24965 Any sauce on this? Only yt vid is down

LWA tickling thread LWA tickling thread 09/07/2021 (Tue) 15:12:08 Id: 5f3a9d No. 553 [Reply]
Post some LWA tickles here
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>>9723 ... Look, you got me in a box here...

Dangerous Lees Gael 10/29/2022 (Sat) 07:05:37 Id: b91e1a No. 32098 [Reply]
Post lees that could easily kill you if they ever escaped their ticklish captivity
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Don't let out the ticklish delinquent girl. She'll surely curb stomp and beat you half to death for making her succumb to such humiliating treatment. But for now, let's wipe her usual, cool demeanor and reduce her to a cute, helpless, ticklish mess. :)

Good Interrogations Anonymous 11/16/2022 (Wed) 14:34:56 Id: fa8279 No. 33791 [Reply]
Any interrogation or captivity that's either really good or creative. Cruel ler? Or soft and caring? As long it's good. For example, this one from Mrgagfoot is so good. This technique the torturer used to repeat the same simple questions over and over again to drive the captured girl crazy and drop her defenses is excellent: https://e-hentai.org/g/2350096/919e2c77e3/ Any good stuff like this?
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>>33838 >This is good but she's not really being tickled according to her reactions. have you ever seen a Japanese tickling video? this is exactly how they "laugh" in those
>>33805 It often feels like interrogation scenarios in tickling art/stories are often just a vehicle for "look how TICKLISH she is, she is so TICKLISH she would do anything to make it stop" thing without much fetishization of interrogation dynamics themselves. Further reinforced by how popular "mistaken identity" and similar interrogation scenarios where it is meant to just go on indefinitely are in tickle smut. Now that I read this manga I do wish there was more tickling stuff like this though, that dialogue was surprisingly hot. >>33873 Reminda me how there were some Japanese comments praising the Tickle Prison: Dungeon game specifically for using a "foreigner" as a voice actress. I bet there are plenty of Japanese ticklefags who are just as done with the moan "laughter" Japanese women almost always try to do in porn.
I've always liked this ancient Mara Jade fapfiction by Marauder.

Grace Thread Anonymous 11/02/2022 (Wed) 00:55:19 Id: 81772f No. 32374 [Reply] [Last]
This is the deal We have a new toy and we will torture her until /monarchy/ listen our requests So, let's start a Commission crusade and ask the tickle artists to take our new hostage and make her laugh the way they know AI images are also accepted
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>>33774 Do you want me to try and go ahead and rework the face? I don't want the original artist to feel hurt by its work being revised especially when they were nice enough to do this
>>33816 You could try, but I don't think it would offend the artist.
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Another version.

Obviously ticklish. Anonymous 11/09/2022 (Wed) 01:48:57 Id: c70a5c No. 33133 [Reply] [Last]
Share characters that you know are very ticklish. They can be male and female characters.
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>>33444 unfathomably based.
>>33438 >>33443 She's clearly such a brat because she's trying to frustrate those around her into tickling her.
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>>33562 I bet Estir is plenty ticklish too.

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Artstyles you really enjoy Anonymous 10/01/2021 (Fri) 21:41:14 Id: ce0350 No. 2153 [Reply]
For me, Sharky-B's artstyle is really cute.
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I like the artstyle but the artist is really protective of their work against filthy gaijins
Honestly Wossa is my fav artist out there stylistically, but these are like their only tickle centered pieces and one of them is just an anticipation piece. I love bondage as much as the next guy, but tickle your victims feet man!

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What do you wanna see? Anonymous 04/04/2022 (Mon) 01:12:10 Id: c211bd No. 18323 [Reply] [Last]
Whats some tickle porn you guys really wanna see, but either do not have the artistic skill to draw it, or the funds to commission it? (or if you do you'd be too embarrassed by it for whatever reason) bonus if you make a crude doodle, pic related is mine
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>>29256 >cute female oc >feathery ephemera around boots >toes, painted black, are exposed You are not sneaky
>>29517 Wasn't trying to be lol, while she is based on my in-game Operator she's still a tickle oc
>>27162 Would LOVE to see those other sets of Barb, especially in fishnets

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NO NUT NOVEMBER! DO YOUR WORST! No Nut Sigma 11/01/2022 (Tue) 10:26:02 Id: 8d57c6 No. 32293 [Reply]
Yall know what time it is. Do your worst post your very best shit and I and my fellow participants wont jack off for that month! Post everything you have, We will resist the urge and enhance our mighty willpower and we definitly wont fap to the second picture beeing posted. DEFINITLY NOT. Make it as hard as you can I fucking dare you, I double dare you motherfucker. (no lolis and furrys)
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>>32811 Do it anon
>>32971 Unironically down for this one if she's (it's?) ticklish or interested in tickling me.

Adventure Time Anonymous 09/29/2022 (Thu) 20:45:12 Id: a23028 No. 30079 [Reply]
Being it was such a popular show, there's not a whole lot of good tickle porn of it
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>>32855 Source?
Bound Bandit, they purged there DA and Twitter, but I saved all their stuff
>>32861 Think you could post all of it in the lost art thread?

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SCP-999/Slime Tickling Anonymous 11/01/2021 (Mon) 22:16:03 Id: bf79d6 No. 5672 [Reply] [Last]
♬Beware of The Blob, it creeps And leaps and glides and slides Across the floor Right through the door And all around the wall A splotch, a blotch Be careful of The Blob ♬
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>>5718 well it'll be a challenge but I'll do it.
>>32169 @chlorotkled

Mothers tickling daughters Anonymous 11/09/2021 (Tue) 04:15:46 Id: e0fed5 No. 6400 [Reply]
Unironically the best kind of tickling.
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>>32145 Good for her.
>>32145 >actual incest
>>32152 nigger do you know what "incest" is...

Neuron Activation Anonymous 10/21/2022 (Fri) 03:52:42 Id: 35f244 No. 31571 [Reply]
Ok, but like, for real, what is THAT thing that makes you say a video/image/story/whatever is good?
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Reposting from another thread, I think it covers my thoughts sufficiently. >I like all types of tickling content but I have to say that navel tickling is by far my favorite. Not just any old tummy tickling, but navels specifically. The fact that there's a cute little knot full of sensitive nerves to be poked, prodded and stimulated right in the middle of the body is too good. Even better that so many female characters are just casually designed showing it off like it's nothing. I'd love if it was more popular but the fact that it isn't doesn't bother me that much because it kinda adds to that appeal, like it's not the first thing you think of when it comes to tickling so it just makes it all the more special.
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Cute delicate girls!
>>31693 Diamonds over this one

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Ticklish Dicks Anonymous 10/27/2021 (Wed) 15:25:14 Id: bafd62 No. 5041 [Reply]
Any and all images you have a guy's dick being tickled into orgasm, becoming erect because of being tickled elsewhere and every mix of the two things, post it here.
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Mine actually is ticklish ❤️❤️ wish it was exploited more.
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TickleTortureFever/Ticklefanatic TickleTortureFever/Ticklefanatic 09/30/2022 (Fri) 01:54:39 Id: 3ca1a6 No. 30096 [Reply]
Post any of his stuff here.
Edited last time by Flatty on 10/01/2022 (Sat) 02:59:40.
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That's it from me. I have a few pics from when he was firtastic, and everything else can be found on his DA page.
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>>30096 I miss this guy so much. It's sad that he just up and left. He's even gone silent on his last active account trueticklefanatic. His exquiste choice in male ticklees, his Akira Toriyma-esque frantic laughing facial expressions, his delightful portrayal of masculine feet and bods getting tickled and from the few pics of his actual feet and body, he was no slouch himself. 10/10 would tickle those big aussie soles and stroke his pits and abs all day I could tell he was one of the guys who just "gets it" when it comes to male tickling. I also love his art probably because this is one of the first tickle scenes that made me realize how much I crave seeing buff, tough guys getting wrecked. I would've love to see him draw Goku getting it good. Wish he would come back /rant
I agree so much. I really wanted to see a Goku pic from him.

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