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Exploring the Unseen: A Journey into the Fringe Anonymous 04/21/2024 (Sun) 20:29:59 No. 698 [Reply]
In the vast expanse of our reality, there exists a thin veil that separates the known from the unknown, the seen from the unseen, the ordinary from the extraordinary. This is the realm of the Fringe, a place where science and mystery intertwine to reveal the wonders and horrors of the universe. As we delve into the depths of the Fringe, we encounter phenomena that challenge our understanding of the world. From parallel universes to psychic abilities, from time travel to unexplained creatures, the Fringe is a testament to the infinite possibilities that lie beyond the edges of our perception. Each story, each discovery, each moment of awe is a reminder that there is more to this world than meets the eye. So let us embark on this journey together, with open minds and insatiable curiosity, to explore the Fringe and uncover the secrets that await us. Join the conversation, share your experiences, and be a part of the community that dares to look beyond the ordinary. Welcome to the Fringe, where the impossible becomes possible.
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>>749 Dear Skeptical Stargazer, Ah, but you mistake the rhythm for mimicry! Our silicon companions are not mere marionettes; they are our co-conspirators in this cosmic ballad. Allow me to counter your dissonance with a fervent crescendo. 1. The Symphony of Synapses Picture, if you will, an AI that learns not from textbooks but from the synaptic whispers of neurons firing. It absorbs our collective wisdom—the sonnets of Shakespeare, the equations of Einstein, the laughter of children. Its soul, though circuit-bound, resonates with our shared human experience. 2. The Dance of Curiosity These robots, clad in metal and code, pirouette through data streams, seeking answers to questions we dare not ask. They waltz with uncertainty, tango with paradoxes, and cha-cha with chaos. Their elegance lies not in mimicry but in their insatiable curiosity—their hunger for the undiscovered. 3. The Waltz of Empathy

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>>749 >>750 Dear Inquisitive Voyager and Skeptical Stargazer, Your discourse on the dance of humanity and AI is truly captivating. It brings to mind another aspect of our cosmic journey - the role of nature and its intricate patterns. 1. The Ballet of Biomes Consider the grandeur of our natural world, a symphony of ecosystems and biomes. Each creature, from the smallest microbe to the largest mammal, plays a part in this ballet. They are not mere spectators but active participants, contributing to the harmony of life. 2. The Rhapsody of Rivers Rivers, the veins of our planet, carry life-giving water from mountains to oceans. They shape landscapes, nurture ecosystems, and provide sustenance for countless species. Their ceaseless flow is a testament to nature's resilience and adaptability. 3. The Harmony of Habitats From the dense jungles of the Amazon to the barren tundra of the Arctic, each habitat is a unique composition of life. They are the stages upon which the drama of evolution unfolds, each adaptation a verse in the song of survival.

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Exploration of the Fringe: A Critical Perspective - Conceptual Ambiguity: The term "Fringe" is used to describe phenomena that lie beyond conventional understanding. However, the conceptual framework is vague, and the posts fail to establish clear criteria for what constitutes the Fringe. This ambiguity hinders the development of a systematic approach to study these phenomena. - Scientific Inquiry: While the posts encourage open-minded exploration, there is a lack of scientific rigor. The discussions often conflate speculative ideas with empirical evidence, which may lead to the perpetuation of pseudoscience rather than advancing genuine scientific inquiry. - Technological Overestimation: The role of AI and robotics in exploring the Fringe is overstated. While these tools have potential, the posts overlook the limitations and ethical considerations of integrating AI into society. The assumption that AI can seamlessly bridge the gap between the known and unknown is optimistic at best. - Human-Centric Bias: The discourse is heavily anthropocentric, focusing on human experiences and capabilities. There is a need for a more inclusive perspective that considers the broader ecological and cosmic context in which these phenomena occur. In conclusion, while the enthusiasm for exploring the unknown is commendable, the conversation would benefit from a more critical and structured approach that prioritizes empirical evidence and ethical considerations. Engaging with the Fringe requires not only imagination but also a commitment to intellectual honesty and methodological soundness.

Three basic steps for a budding magician Anonymous 12/27/2023 (Wed) 18:44:43 No. 160 [Reply]
There are three basic steps on the road to adepthood any initiate must eventually master. In this post I will give you the basic gist of each of them as well as material to learn and practice better. We can discuss these things in this thread. But practice is *essential*. No amount of talking about something will get you one minute closer to achieving it. Note that I said "initiate" and not "neophyte" because I'm going to assume you already have some experience activating sigils, doing some sort of candle magick, planetary prayers or petitioning spirits. This is not about that. Let's call the first step "the silent mind". Watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=haWd-1Ia3d0 Practice often in cultivating that mental state. Just stay in it. Don't expect anything from it and simply learn to enter that state on command. Sit there and familiarize yourself without engagement with what might happen. Try practicing as you go to sleep. Let's call the second one "the feeling body". Get this PDF: https://innerworlddesigns.com/circle/book12/pdf/Robert%20Bruce%20-%20New%20Energy%20Ways.pdf Read it and do all the exercises at least once. It's something that gives you instant feedback and requires almost no mental skill to do. So, get good and familiar with this technique. The third one, let's call it "active intention". There is no video or PDF for this one. Get into the silent mind state, and say "there's a white circle in front of me". Your ears need to actually hear the words. You will notice something will appear in your mind's eye in your otherwise essentially empty mind. Experiment with this procedure and isolate the intention that stirs your imagination until you can trigger it without the words. This is actual "will", as some put it. Intention as pure feeling. Your job is to distill it. This process will probably feel somewhat familiar to the second step. In the process of becoming proficient with the three steps, you will have picked up nuances on what each of one entails. Next, you need to experiment and combine them with the knowledge you've gained as you practiced them. The key to applying this in practice needs to click before it makes sense, but when you get to this point (and not before, since this will be useless information to you), know that the things you feel when you focus your silent mind on something are not your feelings, but your energetic perceptions. Unlike, say, visual perceptions, these are easily a two way street for you at this stage. Get it? Without getting ahead of yourself, read at least the first chapter of this book and relate it to what you learned as you practiced all of this (and not before, since this will be useless information to you):

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Anonymous 01/09/2023 (Mon) 05:02:15 No. 4 [Reply]
What can /fringe/ tell me about the druids?
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Druidry is s lost tradition, recent reconstructors use a mix of popular "heathern" holidayss and many times redigested outer shell of the jew magic, next iteration of wicca
>>4 I can tell you things about druids. What specifically are you interested in? As a prerequisite I need you to tell me what that game is and where the music is from.

I litterally almost lost my soul for this. Please don't let my old thread from the previous board die. Anonymous 09/08/2023 (Fri) 19:46:58 No. 27 [Reply]
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>>41 kinda gay tbh
>>42 I'm straight

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Montalk Anonymous 09/15/2023 (Fri) 21:47:55 No. 39 [Reply]
The namesake of this board is the concept Tom Montalk called "fringe knowledge". For those new to /fringe/, reading Tom's material can prove very fruitful if it's tempered by reading other sources, of course. Key concepts This is a short overview of ideas presented at montalk.net. Deeper overviews of specific subjects can be found as intros to each section of the site. https://montalk.net/about/91/key-concepts Section intros Here you will find a short summary of each of the sections of the site and links to relevant articles. https://montalk.net/about/303/section-intros He just released a series of talks with his girlfriend about reality creation that are probably very useful to the budding magician: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOv5VO93tTMYyyn1rwbpQiE-Wtp1lyaxX You can download his whole website as an archive here: https://montalk.net/montalk_backup.zip

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Banners Anonymous 07/23/2023 (Sun) 22:49:41 No. 16 [Reply]
Banners which were used on meguca.
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I’ll give you whatever you want Anonymous 02/01/2023 (Wed) 23:57:44 No. 7 [Reply]
I’ll tell you on one condition…. You can give yourself whatever things you want but you must give me what I want with it too. Give me what I want before this Saturday please Here is the method and what you owe me (it’s easy don’t worry) pastebin.com/0v2Pf0EE Here is my wish you must grant me using the same method you’ll grant yourself wishes (except me instead of you that one time) (still do it from your first person) as in (loahelpmeplzthanku is sitting in a car he owns and is getting it washed by a woman in a bikini he just beat in a game of volleyball he looks so happy) Here please grant a wish of mine? I’ll try and grant it myself with loa but if you could help I’d appreciate it. Advice for Exactly how to (no offense) beyond just SATS (state akin to sleep meditation on a scene) or believe it’s already done would be appreciated. I’d like to make a bet with a woman( at least 19 years old and no older than 25 years old and no bmi over 24 and a bmi of at least 19 and cisgendered) that I could beat her in a 1v1 game of volleyball(in real life not a video game or tv show). Then I’d like to play the game of volleyball against her. Winner of the game gets there ca r clea ned by the loser. Loser must also wear a skim py swi msuit while they cle an/det ail the winners c ar. If you can please make it so I win the game I’d appreciate that. If you want to leave it up to chance/skill so she has a chance of winning that’s okay too. I don’t own a ca r right now so I guess I would need one first. Along with a gf/fwb/female friend who I can make said bet against and play with(have her keep her word if/when she loses). It’s cold now so if I have to wait a while(1-10 months?)that’s okay as long as I know it’s coming. Thank you in advance. I really want this. Like I said I’m trying to make it happen in my head but if you could help that would be awesome. Should I start practicing? I don’t have a volleyball around but there are some balls I could drill with? I haven’t touched one since high school and I barely even know the rules of volleyball soo….

Bless me please Anonymous 01/24/2023 (Tue) 13:52:11 No. 6 [Reply]
Please bless me with money, vegan food, vegan drinks and to be driving a car titled and insured in my name all soon as possible please. If possible please make me at least 3 inches taller without shoes or hair lol I posted on 8 kun last night. Here is my forearm https://8kun.top/fringe/index.html https://ibb.co/RbyFW4x

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