It's all just marketing. If it is what anon says, and this is them trying to say that they're trying to backpedal from the SJW shit, without saying it too loudly because then they get SJWs after them, then fine. But frankly, it's probably too late to win back many fans. They were already on their last legs before the SJW shit, and they lost many of their most autistic fans by deliberately shitting on them for years. It would be hard to win them back. And it's not like they know how to actually get new fans at anything close to replacement levels for the fans who are literally dying from being old and fat.
But anyone who trusts them anymore, even if they outright said they were backpedaling on the SJW shit, is an idiot. Until they outright fix all the characters they turned gay, including Jon Kent, who is a child and thus basically got molested (no, aging up his body doesn't count. It doesn't count for Arisia either), then they aren't doing anything.
You know, I even liked Supergirl's New 52 era outfit. If anything, you could argue a leotard and no pants was sexier. And at least she still looked young, since she is supposed to be a teenager. But the image posted there shows they're clearly trying to just follow the same SJW design trends as they have the last few years.
Smallville Season 11 was a good comic, but ruined her costume and made a few other dumb decisions. But it helped that it wasn't a shared universe, it was just about Superman and sometimes other people showed up, so it's not like you saw Supergirl often. But it was still irritating since in the actual show, she already had a classic-looking Supergirl outfit, and it was fine.
They do every once in a while, but nobody reads it. And the last few years, it's all SJW shit anyway.
There is more good stuff than you can ever read in a lifetime. Nobody will forgive them for what they've done the last few years. The sooner they go under the better.