>How do we make sure that no shadow government ever forms to undermine it
You cannot. That's never going to happen. You're always going to have some group attempting to undermine the system for their own personal gain. What you can do about that, however, is make their attempts less effective in practice. America, Japan, and Taiwan (
And I want to say Poland) have been a few of the countries of that have managed this most effectively because of the following reasons:
"Surprisingly", giving everyone access to a free and relatively unregulated market actually defeats many of the reasons why those shadow groups rise up in the first place. Because it gives people the options to choose who they support every moment of every day. Nothing is ever really forced. So you are really the only person who decides your own destiny. No, it doesn't work "all" of the time, but it gives you enough power to make a difference by simple choosing to support someone else.
Japan and Taiwan are still highly dependent on their cultural heritage that goes back over a thousand years. Much of this can be attributed to their language where, unlike with English, there are centuries old customs and rules that are still autistically followed to this very day and that one needs to know if you want to operate in those environments.
Compare this to West Taiwan that had to discard and remake a large portion of their language after the Anti-Rightist struggle. And keep in mind that this is still true even
AFTER "modernization" attempts during the first half of the 20th century. There are numerous other aspects, but the language is the metaphorical "wall" that protects those two countries.
Unlike with Taiwan and Japan, America's big solution was the decentralize the government of the country. To where, in addition to the "three branches" of the federal government, you have effectively "three branches" of rights and laws: The federal government (The Constitution), the State governments (The 10th amendment), and the people (The 9th amendment). This has allowed many of the attempts to outright subvert America over the years to fail because power is so disconnected in who's allowed to wield it that it requires a master autist to even navigate this mess. Keep in mind that this isn't a One-all-end-all solution, as there have been some steps back that make subversion easier due by centralizing powers (Such as the 16th, 17th, 23rd, 24th amendments), but it makes the subversion harder to accomplish without someone stepping in at some point to halt the entire process. Best example of this is all the local and state governments that stepped in to stonewall Trump during his first term with anything the guy tried to do. From preventing him from building the wall, to refusing to help ICE, to even enforce the government's "recommendations" on how to handle the Corona-chan lockdowns. Yes, all of that was done for evil purposes, but it proves the point that no one can control "everything".
However it should be remember, as I pointed out with the last mechanism, that none of these are "One size fits all" solutions. The point I'm trying to make is that these mechanisms have created stable environments for people that negates or softens and power that a singular shadow organization can use to subvert a system.
>like what has happened to the US?
The U.S. isn't nearly as far gone as people like to think it is. Much of what you hear is just people becoming demoralized due to them constantly being tuned in on the 24/7 news cycle. The bigger issue is that things have been "stable" for so long that people don't want to actually do anything. It's not that they cannot prevent these laws and regulations from going into place, it's that they do not want to put in the
effort to fight these laws and regulations. Because they would much rather just sit at home "living life" rather than improving themselves. Even assuming that Trump is elected and he removes everything "wrong" (
Which to be fair, I do not think he'll do, at most I believe that he just won't make things worse than they are), these people will still sit on their fat asses all day and not do jack shit. They're happy where they are, and there's nothing you can to get them out of that chair.
And that's where the baizuo have people beat and why things are so shit right now. Unlike with the morons content with life, the Socialists never rest because their goal is the complete destruction of the world, and operate on the understand that they can rest when they're dead. So the goal going forward, even if Camel Toe wins, is to get people to get off their duffs and
do something. Just do literally anything except sit down and be content.