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inchamars are NOT welcome here make indiachan great again

When will it get better? मित्र 10/24/2023 (Tue) 10:49:23 Id: 256562 No. 3519 [Reply]
Butter and bread now costs so much that I don't know what to do for breakfast, I'm spending more than I'm earning even when I'm living like shit.
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>>3519 Rice, eggs, oats, beans. Better for you too.
>>3523 honestly it's the most motivational image in my gallery along with 2 others on the same lines.
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>>3519 How are you doing anon =?

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B-bros मित्र 10/23/2023 (Mon) 03:05:53 Id: 1f8b83 No. 3483 [Reply]
Been feeling a dull pain in the heart for about an hour now It might be over though I have had zero problems in cardio n shit I delayed getting insurance, I don't have any, and I might come to regret this
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>>3490 >>3493 >>3483 Get well soon
>>3503 Thanks मित्र Just had momos for evening snacks My blood pressure was 180/100 Kal ka koi bharosa nhi So i had momos on the way back. Eating is about the only thing that gives me joy and i was hungry anyway. Increased my blood pressure back due to the salt le ebic style
>>3501 Chudbros....

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मित्र 06/07/2023 (Wed) 08:41:09 Id: c16f38 No. 1870 [Reply]
do you think imageboards are a bubble?
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>>1882 imageboards are very big echochambers that attract the losers and the scum of society. it's rare, but some based posters also exist here. and yeah, most(90%+) of the posters are <21yo >>1885 don't think that site is relevant enough for someone to make bots for it. I used to shitpost and create a lot of bait and copypasta threads, and used to post a lot of botted opinions to troll them, this was all pre august 22. I've left that place since then, don't know how things are currently. But I'm sure most of the seemingly botted posts are made by bored trolls like me
>>1888 I meant 4chan. InCh was never worth it. Too much spam.
most online communities are in danger of turning into echo chambers. the fact that those are communities already means that the users are of the same opinion on some matters at least. not too difficult for them to have the same opinions on too many matters. and then anyone else feels like an outsider.

>>3307 Although there are waaay more Indians in Canada than before.
>>3307 You have to appreciate how relentless pakis are. They know they have lost but they wont stop attacking us.
>Muzzies occupied with Palestine >anti-India posts stop Huh.

anonymous 12/26/2022 (Mon) 09:40:49 Id: 4220d4 No. 10 [Reply]
Been down from last 30 minutes atleast. Is it finally happening?
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It's always sad when an imageboard passes away. Anyways at least we have one each other.
A post has been made on greentextindia asking for alternatives
>>3369 then get the fuck out of here, and stay there, would ya, reddit faggot?

Translating the frontend to Hindi मित्र 09/14/2023 (Thu) 10:10:47 Id: 0fb50a No. 3081 [Reply]
Hey brothers, we could really use a hand translating the website to Hindi. If any of you guys are up for the task, please, use the .json file included in the OP and repost it on >>>/site/ with your translation.
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>>3098 >board परिषद्
>>3098 I hope other anons can contribute. I will do what I can in the meantime. Currently sick so not productive. My translation script is not great with json. I programmed it to split the parts in "" and that worked, haven't used the $ tags part yet
>>3098 Thank you, when you think you're happy with it, contact the people at >>>/site/ and they'll roll it out in the next update

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All Things Korea मित्र 08/14/2023 (Mon) 19:04:40 Id: 9d0162 No. 2716 [Reply]
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>>3094 A few Korean friends who immigrated told me they couldn't date someone in Korea (despite looking 10/10) because of career and work pressure.
South Korean baby abduction https://archive.ph/b2EVv
>>3114 Like mother teresa.

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मित्र 09/13/2023 (Wed) 16:07:44 Id: 8430eb No. 3077 [Reply]

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Overpopulation मित्र 08/04/2023 (Fri) 11:02:36 Id: 717fcf No. 2558 [Reply]
1. What can be considered the most colloquial definition of "Overpopulation" ? 2. Were places like China and India historically always so overpopulated ? 3. Human beings, by the virtue of being social creatures, and for transportation concerns in an economy, are always inclined to band together and live in huge clusters of high populations, is there any solutions to utilize rural/abandoned landareas to solve the high pop. density in big cities ? 4. Does overpopulation take a part in decadance of culture and moral degradation ? 5. How much effect does cars, littering, poor sanitation/garbage collection have in making a city inhabitable compared to overpopulaton, and how do they relate to overpop. ?
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>>2889 >>2890 It's a just a supply of cheap labour for the EU now. Interesting how migration is used to control countries - EU for cheap labour, Romanian elites to get rid of agitators. Doesn't work in the long run, but the elites won't stick around for the collapse anyways.
>>2997 Just for the record I disagree with Turchin and Cliodynamics. It pretends to be value free science when in fact accepting liberal social values as inherent, but it is an interesting discussion.

Faces of inch मित्र 08/19/2023 (Sat) 04:02:51 Id: 2b29a9 No. 2744 [Reply]
how did this happen from this
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>>2795 Trolling is fun in general. But trolling InCh is so pointless. These people sound boring IRL. >>2797 I am pretty sure ISI and others use that forum. GOI is far more focused on IRL ops, but cyber capabilities are non existent.
>>2745 I wouldn't mind this if there was something good to contribute. These fags are as useless as they look. You should ask yourself, would a person still be an image board user if he looked great and was born rich ? If yes, then he/she is a true fren. If not, then yet another lonely person , trying to find people to talk and escape himself.
>>2797 8ch pol was an entire different thing from 4ch pol.

Crimes that are profitable and not risky? anonymous 12/31/2022 (Sat) 11:49:09 Id: 561e8c No. 77 [Reply]
I'm a NEET that has turned uninhibited and evil from all the shit the world has thrown at me. I want to make money, and since all the jobs available to me suck, I'm willing to commit crimes. What crimes can I commit that are quick and easy and not all that risky if you're smart? Thank you.
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>>77 Grow up.
>>89 >crypto mining etc etc are some more easy scams it's a business faggot

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मित्र 07/27/2023 (Thu) 14:44:42 Id: 1fe0af No. 2418 [Reply]
Why is everything that isn't 4chan slow as fuck? even 8chan is just dead air The chan federation is in desperate need of diversification
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>>2418 Dead internet theory
>>2741 They are doomed then. >>2740 What you avoid is more important than what you do. Viva negativa.
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>>2420 is fren talking illegal in india now? HUH?

Elo dis is Indian tech support मित्र 08/13/2023 (Sun) 06:26:35 Id: 4e7fa9 No. 2700 [Reply]
If Indian tech support guys scamming American boomers are real or just a meme, then do I as an Indian become a professional scammer?
>>2700 Real and based.
>>2700 Is X money making a good way to earn money Should I start making twitter content

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Absolute state of universities मित्र 07/14/2023 (Fri) 15:33:44 Id: c1b29f No. 2334 [Reply]
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https://emilkirkegaard.dk/en/2023/08/scientific-productivity-by-country/ India spends a lot, but has very low quality research in return.
More fraud: https://youtu.be/2mWwXO_guHk >>2683 Interesting, impressed India is coming in third. >>2659 Personal development is infinitely more important than a degree.
>>2688 Sadly no. High number yes. But very low quality. In research, quality matters a lot.

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मित्र 08/08/2023 (Tue) 15:36:42 Id: 20b892 No. 2661 [Reply]
Please share some love to our >>>/jp/ board! We could really use some!
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>>2661 i would love to but unfortunately I am not a weeabo

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We Need Some Shit Like This To Keep Us All Updated मित्र 08/06/2023 (Sun) 12:09:09 Id: 1d7aec No. 2601 [Reply]
https://awiderframe.com/ https://awiderframe.com/ https://awiderframe.com/ And BEFORE THAT we have to find ways to RAISE MONEY Without RAISING MONEY all of this is a non-starter
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>>2629 So what I understand, you want a platform for aggregated Hindu news and a central platform to call Hindu's together. There was this https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ajaey.aryavarta&hl=de but from what I can tell it was abondoned. I now use Swarajya for aggregated Hindu view point, it is not ideal since it does not have other views, so something that can embed Twitter, Youtube etc would be better. But Swarajya takes money and does good work. There are other websites, but I am away from my personal laptop right now.
>>2629 Infinity foundation also has an impressive panel. But Indians are unaware and not united.

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