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inchamars are NOT welcome here make indiachan great again

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/meta/ मित्र Board owner 01/19/2023 (Thu) 14:30:58 Id: fd528d No. 213 [Reply] [Last]
all board related queries, complaints and suggestions go here. posts that don't deserve their own thread also go here.
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>>7097 Goethe if rich. In anycase you will have to give exam there Otherwise >>7098

welcome to /indiachan/ anonymous 12/22/2022 (Thu) 17:11:38 Id: e7dcb6 No. 3 [Reply]
This board was primarily made for indian imageboard users, since the admin of indiachan.io is a fucking faggot and that website is an absolute glowhole. The aim of this board is to encourage high quality discussion with minimal censorship. Enjoy!
Edited last time by xmat on 05/16/2024 (Thu) 03:13:16.

Funny/Jokes/Laughter general मित्र 07/03/2023 (Mon) 14:53:28 Id: 142384 No. 2216 [Reply] [Last]
post funny stuff in here. can be anything that makes you laugh
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/news/ - News and Events anno 12/22/2023 (Fri) 06:45:12 Id: 84dae7 No. 4405 [Reply] [Last]
Mainly created for random news and events dump (+resources). So far /pol/ and /b/ threads have been the goto for news dumps but some news don't fit /pol/ and /b/ Also feel free to post good/underrated news sites/sources.
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>>7113 here's a demo, if you're interested
>>7115 Very impressive and important. The patent being in India also means we don't lose money importing explosives.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixSCZwFCQlc We are entering a nuclear power race now it would seem.

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blog#4 मित्र 01/29/2024 (Mon) 05:50:17 Id: 240f87 No. 5352 [Reply] [Last]
no version of indiachan were enthusiastic about automotive. Whys that? because average anon is home dwelling autist? Anyway really feel sad about the situation of automotive in india. We have absolutely nothing. Sure we have few things like new scorpioN but its not m340i which by the way attracts 40+20% tax because boomer thinks protectionism is the way to grow home market. The 2w home market thrived despite having so tiny amount of protectionism. So, boomer retards should think about how less protectionism would effect the 4w market than just being NPCs. I just want to drive a miata man. Mahindra has an engine that feels alive and responsive. The 2.0L petrol mStallion. They just need to develop a chassis. Put some seats in it and sell it for <20 lkhs. Having driven the new scorpioN, i say mahindra is capable of developing good chassis. It would be indias first true enthusiast car Thank you for reading my blog. You patience was appreciated.
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>>7056 Gen 1 was good drive. Gen 4 is good as well tho a bit underpowered. Reckon it would be a good toy if you strip out interior >>7060 For a thing like that a bit of inconvenience is worth it. Hell, I would even just park it in living room and drive no more than 1000 km per year. >>7107 For India it's prolly shitzukis Maybe reinforced Omni/eeco Could try mahindras as well
>>6812 Accidentally deleted my 4chin folder. It was 20gb. Webms/memes all gone. Still coping
>>7121 Use some undelete tool retard. Or maybe it's too late. But you might be able to recover some of it still.

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Audio and Music मित्र 01/30/2023 (Mon) 21:56:53 Id: 0d0aa3 No. 498 [Reply] [Last]
General thread to discuss audio and audio related media, from music to podcasts to audio dramas etc. Don't shit on each others tastes, instead share what excites you and why. Sadly mp3 uploads not allowed. So will have to share youtube/spotify links or webm's
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OSINT and doxxing resources megathread मित्र 01/20/2023 (Fri) 18:45:44 Id: d9d212 No. 256 [Reply] [Last]
post OSINT, doxxing and deepfaking resources ITT
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>>6485 need more, please don't make me go to breachforums,
>>256 The OSINT community did such a wonderful job covering the Ukraine war. From footage to estimates of deaths on each side and keeping up to date on the situation of the war. If future wars receive this kind of coverage, it would be amazing for the rest of us who like to keep up with non Govt sources.

/tech/ and /internet/ general - 2.0 मित्र 02/08/2024 (Thu) 16:03:35 Id: 333e36 No. 5540 [Reply] [Last]
This is version 2.0 of the previous thread (>>380). Share new technology, websites, internet resources, guides, opsec techniques, your own tech problems etc etc etc.
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>>5540 windows is garbage
>>5540 https://pastebin.com/LfKA8fji useful stuff for winfags

/pol/ 2.0 मित्र 12/03/2023 (Sun) 06:33:27 Id: 138543 No. 4031 [Reply] [Last]
This is the containment thread for all /pol/ related stuff. Use it as a dumping ground for your news, views and opinions. the previous thread ( >>582 ) hit the bump limit
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Delhi T1 roof issue crash is a very serious issue. GOI needs to jail the builders. RaGa's typical stalling tactics in parliament show that he is a dangerous psychopath and not the dumb pappu he is made out to be. He lies more brazenly than Kejriwal makes promises.
>The roof colllapse >ram mandir leaking >5 bridges under construction break in the past few days in bihar >Delhi flooding >IIT delhi flooded and buildings fell down >Nirmala Sitharaman back >Ajit Doval back >Literal separatists and known miscreants elected to parliament >NEET and UGC-NET scams (NTA responsible for the most part. they really should be under CBSE as it was before) Not a good start for bhajipao 3.0
https://www.firstpost.com/explainers/india-three-new-criminal-laws-implementation-how-government-prepared-13788001.html New laws are long due and really necessary. Finally some sane and long due reforms.

/ent/ertainment general - podcasts, sports, youtube channels, documentaries, movies, tv etc मित्र 03/02/2024 (Sat) 03:13:49 Id: d32a1a No. 5925 [Reply]
•All forms of entertainment are welcome ITT •Post podcasts you listen to, youtube channels you watch, the best documentaries you've ever seen and other forms of entertainment. •Underrated/non-popular stuff is encouraged •Anons looking for suggestions for entertaining stuff are also welcome to post Do not derail the thread!
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>>6792 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZs5Hz1klno He made a great video this time
>>6948 >great video >cia base you can't make this shit up lol fuckin dimwit audience this guy has
Mad Max movies try to make masculinity look bad and toxic, but unironically are the most testostorone activating movies for me. Furiosa hhad a shitty actress and muh feminism themes, but the rest of world building was great. Rewatching fury road and Thunderdom is just too good.

New random thread मित्र 06/11/2024 (Tue) 02:56:08 Id: e29535 No. 6959 [Reply]
>>4349 How easy it is to fall into the wagecucking spiral. >>6902 Very good advice yaro. I feel the need to interact with people less and less as I get older. Once a week for some, once a month for others, and once a year for most. Thankfully, some I never have to interact with. I already have a bit of pride in the fact that I haven't already become something I would secretly loathe. So many people coping with their mediocrity and they're only in the their mid 20s, having given up on themselves entirely. Part of me feels sad, but I was also there when they were making bad decision after bad decision. > Thailand, camp etc. Yep, hoping to do as good as I can there. I feel like I have a decent amount of potential, but we shall soon see. Even if the euro crashes it will still do well in the third world. Very dark times ahead for Thailand, so many issues will keep it stuck where it is now. A warning for India and so many other thirdies on the cost of being an American ally.
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There is a rise in self pity and self victimisation these days. From popular books to TV's, there is this idea, that success, fame, companionship is owed to people. Hence you see lonely Jap authors in book stores and Tiktoks making the dumbest shit look like a tragedy of Shakespearean proportions. Except it is not. Your actions do not lead to rewards beyond a very small and immediate extent. Sure, waking up, exercising and eating well will make you feel good or even prevent cancer to some extent. But you are not the hero of your story. There is no story and you are no hero. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=RaZ0LnkMITw
I had a dream that I wanted to give entrance exams again. I have passed engineering already, I already work. And still, that part of my brain thinks that getting a higher rank in a meme exam will solve my life's problems.

Math, Science and Tech मित्र 10/29/2023 (Sun) 20:59:19 Id: 99b46e No. 3592 [Reply]
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>>3592 https://scottaaronson.blog/?p=304 Ten Signs a Claimed Mathematical Breakthrough is Wrong
>>3592 https://cyclictheories.wordpress.com/ Kozsul complexes and Čech cohomology

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/drugs/ general anonymous 12/30/2022 (Fri) 16:50:48 Id: 59aa64 No. 68 [Reply] [Last]
Nashedis of /indiachan/, get in here.post recipes, recommendations,ways to buy drugs safely, your experiences and everything else related to drugs. I'll post a lot of recipes and guides in the upcoming days if there's enough activity.
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>>68 Anyone has any recipies for homemade weed edibles ? I've only done weed butter but it was too fucking strong.
i saw on leddit it was possible to buy opium in Puri? im a amerifat, would i be able to just cruise into some town and scope out someone who can help me get opium? or not possible
>>114 anyone who already has some psychedelic experience should go through with this. it's easy and it works. makes you enough DMT for roughly 40-50 trips. this shit doesn't sell for cheap either, you can make some good pocket money out of the remaining deems.

coomer general anonymous 01/02/2023 (Mon) 17:52:09 Id: dec8cb No. 117 [Reply] [Last]
dump all the coomvids and porn you can. no cp/bestiality/loli/shota please.
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>>7016 You shared some excellent.only Fans alterantives too. Can you post them here ?
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>be Tamanna Singh from Mumbai >have bpd >want to study for a doctor in the EU >jerks off with random guys online >sucks off random guys then cuts herself afterwards >fails to become a doctor cus of smoking weed and watching reels >settles with psychology >mom pays for UK university >copes by sucking more dicks

मित्र 06/17/2024 (Mon) 22:55:51 Id: edb4c7 No. 7000 [Reply]
7000 GET
>>7000 nice trips

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Dump your fitness related stories and progress here /Fit/ness and health general 05/24/2023 (Wed) 13:24:11 Id: d78b31 No. 1771 [Reply] [Last]
Exercise Diet General physical fitness encouraged General mental fitness advice welcome
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>>1771 https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-modern-brain/202402/the-surprising-benefits-of-weightlifting-for-brain-health On an unrelated note , you don't need to buy weights or go to gym. Body weight, buckets with water etc all work fine. Resistance bands are great as well.
Down with covid. Except its bad this time. High fever body pain and the works
Book on yoga for daily fitness type information, from diet to basic exercises. Most yoga books I find here are pretty shit or written for people, who only want to look cool and will never implement it.

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