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inchamars are NOT welcome here make indiachan great again

मित्र 06/14/2023 (Wed) 14:59:54 Id: 33fea1 No. 1934 [Reply]
What are my options if I, as an Indian want to host an website/forum which has illegal shit like doxxing, nude/porn posting, revengeporn, incelposting etc and not get caught. Asking for a friend.
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>>1935 But then won't they find my identity through credit card transaction? How safe are crypto payments in Lundia? given crypto miners are far and few and they can be easily traced comparing electricity consumption?
>>1934 >illegal shit like doxxing and porn go back to .net pyaare underage bhangi. If you have to ask shit like this, it's already over for you and your site.
>>1939 >>1939 Please tell this bhangi about that .net site

/irl/ /pic/tures thread मित्र 12/20/2023 (Wed) 15:41:59 Id: e47b88 No. 4326 [Reply] [Last]
This is THE photography thread for this board. post photos from your camera roll, gallery etc. Try to not post selfies or images that can get you doxxed
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So two things happened Friend got a roll camera for a common trip we went to. Clicking pics with an analoge camera was ton of fun. Getting them developed too. Not all of them came out good, the camera was a potato. But it was. I got an Instax camera as a gift. The picture size is tiny. But it is a fun experience. The instant prints, the space to make a note and quality of colors, all make it a fun experience. If some of you have money to waste and enjoy clicking pics, then can recommend going Analog.
>>6889 Kek I remember an analogue "disposable" camera being 1200 or something on Flipkart Now it's 2400 or maybe I remember wrong. Either way i still have a Kodak at home, enjoying the dark corner of some cabinet. All it needs is a roll of film and it will be ready to go again, but does anyone even develop pictures anymore?
>>6894 Big cities have 1-2 places where you can get roll or develop it. The printed thing has a unique look that filters can't replicate. It is an expensive thing though. I have such a camera in India too. Might fire it up. Old stores might have some too. But if you will throw money into it, the Instax is a better option imo. It is not as kino as roll camera. But it looks good still.

Replacement for the old random thread Winter /b/log thread 12/21/2023 (Thu) 10:25:01 Id: 7d73c0 No. 4349 [Reply] [Last]
The initial happiness of snow and the winter quiet is replaced with headaches due to cold. It went to -10°C , I was dressed for -5°C. Ended up with severe frostbite. Hot chocolate in hand right now. Just one more day of work to go through. Then just a long list of reading books and hobbies. Its just one week off, but I am really looking forward to it. This year has just been non stop relentless surprises, I haven't had any time at all to just quiet down and rest.
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What is with Indians lying so much about their salaries ? Even mid tier chuths pretending they earn 30 lakhs or so. When their lie is caught, I find it embarrassing to talk to them.
>>6958 Never watched Evangelion. I don't like mecha, I lose interest as soon as I see mecha recent example being Ninja Kamui and metallic rouge. Should I apply for Masters (research) in water resources? I don't have money, I may have to take loan but idk if it's worth it. I have an interest in research so it's a financial decision I have to take. Tbh I don't have any other option, I'm neither from rich family nor have any type of guidance.

kino /greentext/s मित्र 10/24/2023 (Tue) 17:19:24 Id: 6ec6f0 No. 3531 [Reply]
post funny and not-very-popular greentexts. bonus points for creating your own PS: please do not fill this thread with r/greentext and r/4chan top->alltime screencaps
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>>6696 Best to start is to have a timetable in agreement with your biological rhythm. For me thats waking up early. Once you do that, the rest gets much easier.
>>6696 You could be lazy, in that case its a matter of pulling yourself together. OR You are not aligned with your inner nature and purpose. In this case, you need self reflection and then lot of work to align with yourself.
Every time someone utters the phrase, "I don't like onions," my face crumples up with hate that bubbles up from my pores and escapes through my cracked skin. If there was a service that specialized in punching a massive number of people, I would single-handedly keep them in business by paying for every last anti-onionite to get socked in the eyes. I like onions because I'm an adult. You may think you don't like onions, but unless you have the taste perception of a dog, you're full of shit. That's because everything worth eating has onions in it. Don't believe me? Here's a list of foods that onion-haters like, despite the fact that they contain onions: Pizza. Think your rancorous hatred of onions is sated by not ordering them on your pizza? What do you think gives the sauce its flavor, dipshit? Burgers. Patties are seasoned with onion powder. Pull your head out of your ass. Stuffing. Onions make those giant clots of bread worth shoving into your ugly, hateful mouth. Onion rings. Inexplicably, some onion haters will order onion rings, despite the fact that onion rings are made with onions. "Well I don't mind onion rings." So fried onions get to keep their seat in the front of the bus in your world? You know what, don't eat onions; we don't need your charity. Ramen. Wow, more onions. It's almost like onions are in everything. Hmm, where have I heard that? Oh yeah, right at the start of this fucking list. Fried chicken. Keep shoving that breading into your tooth-hole, lardass! The onion-powder in the batter gives your taste buds purpose. Gravy, BBQ, coleslaw, ranch dressing, etc, etc. Onions, onions, onions. Onions make you feel unstoppable. Everything has onions in it. I love onions with all my heart and soul. My girlfriend was giving me a piggy-back ride to the grocery store the other day because I didn't want to scuff up my new shoes. She was huffing down the frozen pizza aisle when I overheard some hipster chick saying "Ewww, onions!" I jumped off my woman's back and slid over like a smooth criminal. Her boyfriend shrieked, "dude, what's your problem?" That's when a clerk tossed an onion at me from the produce aisle. I immediately dropped into a handstand and donkey-kicked the onion into the hipster-chick's yapper. She started chewing like a horse and crying tears of joy. She was so happy that she gave me her number, which I drop-kicked out of her hand and into her boyfriend's skull. She asked me how she could ever repay me, and I gave her a stern look. She thought that look meant "suicide." She was right. She said "I know what I have to do." Then she waddled over to the houseware aisle, grabbed a potato peeler and started peeling off her own face. Then I watched as she slowly ate her face for the next 15 minutes, piece by piece until she bled to death. Her final words to me were "forgive me." I said "no" in sign language, and then she died. By now the manager of the store had come by and said "Sir, you have to leave." But I didn't hear anything because I was thinking about something else. He then got a mop and tried smacking me with it. I ducked like a drunken master, then sprung back up and slammed him in the chin with my butt. He started crying hot salty tears, so I hopped back on my woman's back to ride her off into the sunset. Just then a security guard jumped out in my way. Big mistake. I shook my head and in one solid motion, reached into my pants, took out my balls, and then in super slow motion, I swung them like a sling and smashed his face. It caused severe fractures to the sinus, naso-orbital ethmoid and lacrimal bones. He required extensive surgery and was never able to fully speak again. Onions rule.

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Far Right Realpolitik मित्र 09/23/2023 (Sat) 14:48:05 Id: b4e658 No. 3166 [Reply] [Last]
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>>5506 >As well as many many other countries. What's the least British thing in UK? The British Museum.
>>6629 Cannot wait for londonistan to crash and burn so we can buy our idols and leave that hellhole forever.
Far right on the rise in Germany in coordinated ways. It would be taken seriously, but without foreign workers, German systems will break down fully especially medical system. The hate is directed against Islam, but when whites lose their cool, they are genocidal like no one else.

Sharabi general chotabhangi 05/27/2024 (Mon) 00:28:32 Id: babac5 No. 6760 [Reply]
I am thinking of drinking old monk rum, it will be my first alcohol. i have heard that drinking helps in coping with miseries of life. life's been pretty hard on me lately. poor grades, inceldom loneliness, so thinking of washing my sorrow away with some daaru.
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>>6762 >>6765 >>6768 >>6769 actually bros i have never had any addictions so i dont think i will get any addiction as i also live with my parents, but still i want to drink once after 30 may when my endsems end.
>>6773 Gp ahead. Try it for sure. If you are going for old monk, eat something first that is not very spicy. And hydrate.
>>6768 what ? 110% tax ? how much does a liter of whisky cost in India ?

/Insider Trading/ CFA Anon 03/17/2023 (Fri) 09:55:12 Id: 641611 No. 983 [Reply]
A thread by me for the idiots who don't know the art of investing. i will be posting stocks that are rare and have unrealized potential with the help of disclosed insider trades on regulatory websites. All of this is being done under, Disclosures under SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015 ([Regulation 7 (2) read with Regulation 6(2)] THIS IS LEGAL
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>>6668 tl:dr gold is a good investment.
>>6587 Government also openly inside trades aswell. Everything is set up to screw the average mom and pop investor and pump up the elite classes. Normies woke up with the gamestop bullshit, if only briefly.
>>6670 Its different. They do manipulate stocks, but not through insider trading itself, more through giving stocks as rewards to employees. Hint dropping is there, but its done without mentioning it.

मित्र 01/14/2024 (Sun) 11:15:42 Id: 1836f7 No. 5057 [Reply] [Last]
Do you guys have gf???
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>>6377 This debian image is so underrated.
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/lit/ general मित्र 01/13/2023 (Fri) 07:31:25 Id: 9b48fc No. 180 [Reply] [Last]
What are you currently reading, मित्र? everything related to literature, books and philosophy goes here. please stay on topic
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“OK,” he says. “The whole principle is this: The guy wants to be a gentleman. He doesn’t want to be thought of as impolite, crude, or especially a cheapskate. As long as the girl knows the guy’s motives so well, it’s easy to steer him in the direction she wants him to go. “Therefore,” he continued, “under no circumstances be a gentleman! You must disrespect the girls. Furthermore, the very first rule is, don’t buy a girl anything — not even a package of cigarettes — until you’ve asked her if she’ll sleep with you, and you’re convinced that she will, and that she’s not lying.” “Uh… you mean… you don’t… uh… you just ask them?” “OK,” he says, “I know this is your first lesson, and it may be hard for you to be so blunt. So you might buy her one thing — just one little something — before you ask. But on the other hand, it will only make it more difficult.” Well, someone only has to give me the principle, and I get the idea. All during the next day I built up my psychology differently: I adopted the attitude that those bar girls are all bitches, that they aren’t worth anything, and all they’re in there for is to get you to buy them a drink, and they’re not going to give you a goddamn thing; I’m not going to be a gentleman to such worthless bitches, and so on. I learned it till it was automatic. Then that night I was ready to try it out. I go into the bar as usual, and right away my friend says, “Hey, Dick! Wait’ll you see the girl I got tonight! She had to go change her clothes, but she’s coming right back.” “Yeah, yeah,” I say, unimpressed, and I sit at another table to watch the show. My friend’s girl comes in just as the show starts, and I’m thinking, “I don’t give a damn how pretty she is; all she’s doing is getting him to buy her drinks, and she’s going to give him nothing!” After the first act my friend says, “Hey, Dick! I want you to meet Ann. Ann, this is a good friend of mine, Dick Feynman.” I say “Hi” and keep looking at the show.

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>>6683 Is this from surely you're joking Mr Feynman ? This was taught to me by a baniya bhaiya. Indian version of this. Though > So it worked even with an ordinary girl! But no matter how effective the lesson was, I never really used it after that. I didn’t enjoy doing it that way. But it was interesting to know that things worked much differently from how I was brought up. I felt this way too. I didn't like the kind of women who were too easy. Almost like an animal.
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>>6683 This book, if its the one that I think, then is a must read for every young kid. This kind of spirit was common in scientists of the old even in India. Now it is replaced by mugging and JEE fagging (not the kids fault). Books like these, that give a snapshot of other times are very important reads. They tell us what we have gained and what we have lost. There is also the biography of Mandelbrot, similarly good read for similar reasons. though its redpills are less image board worthy. Anyway, good post anon. Glad the thread is non dead.

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Stock Pick CFA Anon 03/15/2023 (Wed) 14:33:33 Id: 1a1621 No. 959 [Reply]
BUY GEO GROUP LLC. Description GEO Group is one of two for-profit prison operators in the US. I think the stock has a base case outcome of $12/share by 2024 assuming flat EBITDA and multiple, with an upside case of $18/share and a downside case of $6.50/share. The setup is highly skewed due to the significant cash generation at the business even post debt restructuring. Since this stock was last written up here, the company has a) shut down its "construction & design" segment; b) completed a debt exchange that averted a possible bankruptcy and committed to paying down $200-250M debt/year (20-25% equity FCF yield); c) achieved record EBITDA despite continued federal contract cancelations from the growth in electronic monitoring and prudent cost management. Investors may be missing the fact that electronic monitoring business ($200M revenue and $93M operating income YTD) is now more than half of the contribution of the prison business ($705M revenue and $147M operating income YTD). Growth in electronic monitoring has more than offset the decline in the prison segment. The recent conversion to C-Corp from a REIT and the shut down of the construction business segment highlights what I believe is a transformational change in the business - a transition from a growth oriented company to a cash cow. In the past the company received significant negative press for actively supporting policies that would increase incarceration. The new GEO faces an entirely different set of incentives. Shunned by most investors and narrowly avoiding a debt maturity wall, the new GEO is going to be focused on managing its existing facilities, exiting non-core businesses, and focusing on debt paydown. The cleansing presentation filed by the management team in Jan 2022 showed EBITDA remaining flat at $411M through 2024 and debt reduction of $200 to 250M/year. Just two quarters later, the company has continued to post strong numbers, and the company is now guiding to $523M of EBITDA in 2022 (note that the previous forecast was arguably sandbagged as it was prepared for debt holders in a debt restructuring context, but I think the general assumption of flat revenue/EBITDA is still a reasonable base case). The recent debt restructuring also highlights a perverse benefit of being a "anti-ESG" name - debt investors are unwilling to play hardball in a restructuring when they feel uncomfortable owning and operating prisons in the US. The completion of the debt restructuring commits the company into funneling all available FCF into debt reduction, which I view as a "feature" for equity investors. There is no risk of dilutive M&A or growth investments - this company will just focus on cost management and paying down debt. This focus also reduces the risk of the company get caught in more negative press events and is attractive for lenders, who are collecting 10% coupons with 10%/year forced amortization. GEO is trading at 6x EBITDA, same as its nearest competitor, on what I consider to be trough political EBITDA. The Biden administration has been actively canceling contracts as they come up for renewal - although a number of those contracts were still renewed, as the government often does not have sufficient space in its own facilities. Although there is currently a desire to reduce the prison population in the US, half of the prison revenue is coming from states and not the federal government. Some republican states strongly believe in outsourcing prison management, and even some democratic states like California are suffering from severe prison overcrowding and may in the future utilize spare capacity in GEO prisons. In the downside case that the management produces $200M of FCF and EBITDA decreases from $523M to $411M by 2024, the company would have an EV of $2.5B (at 6x) and net debt of $1.6B. This would still leave a market cap of $864M or $7.00/share, a very attractive downside setup. The book value of land + buildings + improvements is $2.4B (plus $270M for idled facilities), so the downside case assumes liquidation at a fraction of the depreciated book value of the real estate, with no value ascribed to the go forward enterprise value or the electronic monitoring business. There are some notable asset divestitures in the works, and we note that the international business appears to be cash flow neutral. If it wasn't for extremely low cost non-recourse debt in Australia, GEO would have exited the business by now. But even the base case of keeping EBITDA flat at $500M and paying down $250M/year of debt would leave the stock at $12/share, a 25% IRR. Notably the stock would continue to be attractively valued as the company is currently generating AFFO of $2.53/share. Although debt to market cap ratio is 2:1, the company is actually only levered 4.0x and is expected to be <3.0x leverage by 2024. No other company levered 4x would be called "distressed" but in this case the equity attach point is so low that investors are still benefiting from a high gearing ratio.

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>>3056 can you tell me where can i get started as a 2nd year btechcel? rn i wanna learn if i get an internship i might invest some pennies,
>>6633 start with saving a sizable amount and keep a portion as saving even while investing(as per your risk tolerance) the other part is Investing, now i don't actually have a goodhand when it comes to indian market as i work night shifts in the western markets as of now but if you want good resources for coherent retail investing then consider these shitbag free ones, https://www.dataroma.com/m/home.php http://finviz.com/ https://www.zacks.com/?icid=quote-stock_overview-nav_tracking-zcom-main_menu_wrapper-home https://www.optionsprofitcalculator.com/ https://www.bamsec.com/ https://www.sec.gov/cgi-bin/browse-edgar?action=getcurrent http://v3.godelnum.com/ https://www.aaii.com/sentimentsurvey
>>6633 are you retarded? why would you trust people off fucking 8chan to give you sound advice about investing/money management? you sound like one of those people who lose all their money after investing it into stocks that were suggested by 1 rando online. It's natural selection at that point a better option would be to ask a relative/acquaintance who is an experienced investor, or conduct research on your own, pickup the fundamentals and read good books on the topic(all of this is easily google-able)

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/tv/ मित्र 02/09/2024 (Fri) 03:51:26 Id: eba664 No. 5553 [Reply]
post comfy, kino movies or even good that you can watch repeatedly. Any film industry, any language
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Sheitan was a shit movie. Old "pagan bad" troupe. Problem is, people who are used to eating poop, think that dog biscuits are gold. All this "entertainment" has rotted peoples brains
https://youtu.be/czBL7JQl248 Not sure if it belongs here. But it is /ent and I do find his stories comforting. This is one of my fav interviews.

Anarchist resources megathread anonymous 12/25/2022 (Sun) 17:48:04 Id: 3c5def No. 7 [Reply] [Last]
post all weapon/bomb/anarchist resources ITT
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>>7 https://thegatalog.com/ interesting 3d printing designs
>>5989 Some excellent stuff here. I really wish someday I have money to have a small printing studio at my home.
>>5949 this is a collection of anarchist-survival tutorials from /k/ 4chan board, apart from that it's probably the ar/k/ because do/k/ument he probably weighed a little less

War is coming मित्र 10/31/2023 (Tue) 11:39:06 Id: db4041 No. 3639 [Reply] [Last]
The bhavishya malika, hindu and western astrologers all agree war is coming within next 4 years Do you thinm it will be true? Is ww3 really coming? I have been seeing prophecies on twitter and hindu circles shilling this I am genuinely feeling scared
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>>6109 We already have AGI with the only restriction being computing power. As quantum computers get more affordable, AGI will only get more accessible. The real dangers are the following - Govts who can afford these technologies, hate non whites and non Abrahmics. - Corporations who can use and afford these technologies, they see us the same way colonial masters did. Uncle Ted style attacks on power infra are needed.
>>6109 https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2403.09629 I have tried some AI for high level programming, it is not perfect, but it is more than enough to replace 99% of "Python programmers". Devin is even better than GPT4. The commercial version of GPT4 is dumbed down and thus full capabilities are not available fully to the normal public.

Bhavishya Malika मित्र 09/08/2023 (Fri) 12:15:55 Id: 3a7c98 No. 2992 [Reply] [Last]
Apparently age of Kaliyuga has been reduced and will end by 2030. Opinions? These days it is being shilled on hindu circles. It claims age of Kali Yuga got reduced by paap to 5k years and a WW3 will happen in 2024-25. Muslim nations and china will attack us. Written 500 years ago Opinions?
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>>2992 Bhavishya Malika is a fraud. I read that it is mistranslated
>>2992 Water shortage in Bangalore was predicted apparently by Bhavishya Mallika If we believe the book WW3 begins this year and peaks in March 2025-2026
>>6108 Water shortage in Bhangilore is not a prediction honestly. Anyone who lived there knows its long due. Chances of war this year and next as per astrologers. Lets see

>>5372 IT is already underway. Another kar sena is being prepared.
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https://gulfnews.com/world/gulf/saudi/5-expats-executed-for-fatal-attack-in-saudi-arabia-1.101474005 https://gulfnews.com/world/gulf/saudi/5-expats-executed-for-fatal-attack-in-saudi-arabia-1.101474005 https://gulfnews.com/world/gulf/saudi/5-expats-executed-for-fatal-attack-in-saudi-arabia-1.101474005 Cairo: Saudi authorities have executed five expatriates after they were convicted of raiding a company and killing a guard. The convicts — Pakistani nationals — had attacked the private sector firm, tied up two guards, assailing them and killing a Bangladeshi guard, the Saudi Interior Ministry said. Get exclusive content with Gulf News WhatsApp channel After investigations, the five were referred to a competent court that found them guilty and sentenced them to death. The verdict was later upheld by appeals and supreme courts, and approved by a royal order, making it final. Their executions were carried out Tuesday in the city of Mecca. Saudi Arabia applies the death penalty against convicts in cases of murder and terror attacks as well as drug smuggling and trafficking. In January, Saudi authorities said they had executed four Ethiopian expatriates found guilty of murdering a Sudanese national.

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मित्र 03/07/2024 (Thu) 21:29:23 Id: 9876bb No. 5992 [Reply]
Talked with a 32 yo indian girl from malaysia, she's acting all uwu n stuff with her princess peach shirt, childish hair-pins and the baby talk. After we got into some topics like stereotypes, marriage, gender roles she stopped with the baby talk and started using some fancy words with all of her seriousness. She implied that her father didn't provided her financially and she wanted no children, but a masculen providing husband so the money and the attention won't split with her and the children and she keep throwing her arguments why not to have a child for straight 20 minutes like she can sleep all she wants, the money will be hers, the attention will be hers and she will have men for once in her life that will provide her, she's not even that hot to be talk that way. Until that time I was just approving her, I said "so you want to be the children in the relationship, sounds like daddy issues to me" she went nuts and almost cried, said there are a lot of men who wants to provide and not to have children. That I disrespected her and her father, the things she believe etc. So what do you say? Is there anyone like that enlighten me and your motions are men this desperate for real?
>>5992 I hope your country is reclaimed by Greece.
I wanna see them try Greece is nothing

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