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inchamars are NOT welcome here make indiachan great again

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24 year old's life middleclasseinstein 07/26/2023 (Wed) 07:43:45 Id: 5e035e No. 2411 [Reply]
I am an avid learner. I like to learn about history, law, and science. I spend my free time learning real analysis instead of going out for a walk. I do not have friends and I'm a NEET (I have a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science though) but that doesn't worry me much. I feel really annoyed if I cannot learn and I start exhibiting syndromes of a drug addict who's in rehab. Is anybody like me?
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>>2474 The counter will phenomenon applies strongly to you. Good you are rebelling. It is healthy.
OP and others, read the Passion Paradox.
>>2538 Re reading this book, mainly to re think balance in my life between mental urges and output.

मित्र 07/11/2023 (Tue) 20:01:08 Id: 7b3021 No. 2309 [Reply]
Kiwi Farms and lolcow.farm are internet forums that have been associated with online harassment and stalking. Kiwi Farms was founded in 2013 by Joshua Conner Moon, a former 8chan administrator, and was originally launched as a forum website to troll and harass a webcomic artist. The forum has been linked to the suicides of three people targeted by members of the forum. Lolcow.farm is a similar forum that has been associated with online harassment and doxxing. Both forums have been criticized for their role in facilitating online harassment and stalking.
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>>2311 what? please keep your filth to reddit
>>2309 okay so what? you want to make an Indian version of kiwifarms?

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Post a list of all things G L O B O H O M O - People, Institutions, Publications, Cultural Oddities, Mannerisms Anything मित्र 04/09/2023 (Sun) 23:04:02 Id: 24c28b No. 1308 [Reply] [Last]
Post a list of all things G L O B O H O M O - People, Institutions, Publications, Cultural Relics, Mannerisms Anything Title says it all. You dont have to limit yourself to people although I fully understand, its easiest to pick people. Easy also to pick on people. People will constitute the majority of this list. I get it. But try other things as well.
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https://www.youtube.com/shorts/YQHY7R1tW4U https://www.youtube.com/shorts/YQHY7R1tW4U https://www.youtube.com/shorts/YQHY7R1tW4U Every racial group within the California prison system has their own internal structure. I can only speak, personally, about the ways that the Woods organize themselves, though other racial groups must have similar, overlapping structures for the system to work. As a general rule of thumb, there were six major groups to speak of within the prison system: the Woods, the Nortenos, the Surenos, the Paisas, the Blacks, and the Others. Within each of these groups, there were subcategories which we can ignore for now because they tend to complicate things a bit. As mentioned above, the Woods, short for peckerwoods, are the White boys. All Whites who come to prison are, in a general way, part of the Woods. Skinheads and other White gang members may consider themselves separate and have their own political structure, but they still, for the most part, operate within the greater vehicle of the Woods. They have the same basic rules that they follow. The Surenos are the gang-affiliated Hispanic population that tends to hail from Southern California. The Nortenos represent the opposite side of the coin and tend to come from Central and Northern California. The Surenos and Nortenos are mortal enemies, and it is rare that one finds them sharing the same prison yard. They often have an “on sight policy”, meaning that their members are expected to beat up or take out any member of the rival gang the moment they ever find themselves in the other’s presence. The Paisas are the non-gang-affiliated Hispanic population and they tend to be first and second generation, Spanish-speaking Mexicans. The Blacks are about as self-explanatory as are the Woods. Rival gangs, such as Bloods and Crips, tend to have a peace agreement while in prison, though internal problems occasionally arise. The Others racial group includes almost everyone else. Asians, Pacific Islanders, Indians (from India), and other minority groups tend to band together, even while maintaining their individual group’s political structure (if they have the numbers for it).

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>>2315 We would do the same if we had major media houses not owned by foreigners.

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How 'Redneck Pride' Shaped the History of the American South | Thomas Sowell मित्र 07/07/2023 (Fri) 21:34:54 Id: c3e11c No. 2282 [Reply]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7e3W704jYE4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7e3W704jYE4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7e3W704jYE4 Thomas Sowell explains the deep-rooted history of pride and violence in the American South as he explores the origins of 'Redneck/Cracker Pride' and its impact on society. This is an excerpt from 'Black Rednecks and White Liberals'. ----------------------------------- 📕Relevant Books📕 ----------------------------------- 🔵Black Rednecks and White Liberals: https://amzn.to/3p09hLx 🔵Migrations and Cultures: https://amzn.to/32rBemh 🔵Wealth, Poverty and Politics: https://amzn.to/3BHrsJr
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>>2282 Sowell is pretty good but he inherits all the problems of the neocons. Culture matters but it cannot explain all differences etc.
>>2282 Also good post OP
>>2282 Good post anon. I have to find time to read Sowell again in the future. Even his politics aside, just the cleanliness of his arguments and thinking is a great way to learn to clean up my own thinking and arguments.

/b/engal general मित्र 01/19/2023 (Thu) 20:34:12 Id: 728d32 No. 227 [Reply]
Bangali bros (if there is any) report in here. জয় বঙ্গ! জয় শশাঙ্ক!
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love all the classic works especially the erotic Italian paintings of yester year
>>1661 >bhaloi achi bhai bdchan e jaoa hoy?
>>1941 shithole ekta jayga not much happening tbh except coomerposting and extremist muzzcuck coping

war 06/07/2023 (Wed) 14:55:24 Id: 17012d No. 1873 [Reply]
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>>1874 Some inchcel declared war on dhruv rathee over Kerala files video and some Elvish Yadav shit
>>2021 As long as it inspires one to take a stand and fight for his/her dharma, it is based. Otherwise, Dhruv Rathee is just a puppet for the globohomo establishment. On his own he has no power or standing.

anonymous 12/22/2022 (Thu) 20:07:39 Id: 8d7bb2 No. 4 [Reply]
>The containment board for inch rapefugees, intended for an uncensored discourse. >containment board kek bhangi isko bunker bolte hai and if you're serious you need your own server and domain aise kuch nahi hoga
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>>1963 Is it though?
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Don't make new threads there
>>1971 >>>/india/ goes weeks without posts at times. this board has daily posts

मित्र 01/24/2023 (Tue) 03:02:41 Id: 42c9ca No. 365 [Reply]
Did 4chan or 8chanhad any very early celebrities like inch had soyromon sayani and many others?
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Lush. One of my favourite shoegaze songs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VEUyPcK8aw
>>365 minor youtubers/streamers yeah
>>365 Chrischan.

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मित्र 06/08/2023 (Thu) 18:50:57 Id: 7821f4 No. 1890 [Reply]
Should i expose an american sluts nudes?
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>>1900 Bitch deserves being exposed because shes a cockteasing bitch
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Degrade this dumb whore
>>1919 Get proper nudes first. Not thumbnails.

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मित्र 06/01/2023 (Thu) 10:16:06 Id: 0cfb40 No. 1829 [Reply]
how do I concentrate for long hours share some resources and guides for it yaaro
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>>1865 I tried this before, I ended up getting massive boners in exams, just wanting to jerk off during tests. It can backfire sadly
>>1877 kek, that's funny
>>1865 You can replace masturbation with some other activity that you enjoy doing.

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How Israel Censors the Internet मित्र 04/11/2023 (Tue) 19:34:48 Id: 81794b No. 1367 [Reply]
( not responsible for any pro-Arab bull crap they packed in there. just take the objective truths and discard the propaganda. if you dont know how, lurk more. ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xl30Re1EUI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xl30Re1EUI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xl30Re1EUI An exposé on Israel's detailed projects – some public, some covert – to influence what people see on the Internet, and what they don't. From the article, "How Israel and its partisans work to censor the Internet" iakn.us/2Ixc6LC – the article has additional information and citations. Since the U.S. gives Israel over $10 million per day, it is essential that Americans are thoroughly informed on this issue. We've made four versions of this video. This article gives the background: https://israelpalestinenews.org/will-... (1) The original version of this video was removed by YouTube under erroneous claims.

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>>1368 they hate all of us more than you hate them you need to hate even more
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>>1367 seducing people with money gas lighting banning things under the guise of something more reasonable jews love to practice and prey on other jews many kikes are dykes or other mental problems because they are nearby and so easy to warp and kill

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Dump your general scatter brain thoughts here What's on your mind 01/20/2023 (Fri) 20:47:14 Id: 5e4a42 No. 270 [Reply] [Last]
If they are worthy of going deep into, then start a new thread based on it.
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>>1759 that is very dangerous. get away from that path ASAP, a healthy sleep schedule is a must.
>>1149 >Economy is subservient to culture if it were then it would not be a complex adaptive system, it would become predictable as with also the stock market. the truth is that marketing ie, propaganda is a powerful tool which can be used to subvert the current cannon of any country's culture. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/8i_Zw1Itv40" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe> >Every developed country has become pozzed and every poor country is conservative you are wrong buddy, poor countries are conervative BECAUSE they are poor not the other way around. also there are many progressive and poor African societies were women have been holding political power and the men being ok with it, even in a shithole as India where you see more shit on the streets than actual streets, there is consideration and redemption of third gender.
>>1816 >>1149 here is a good video on how propaganda ie, marketing challenges society -->https://youtu.be/8i_Zw1Itv40 (sry the original post link does not work)

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मित्र 05/24/2023 (Wed) 18:10:31 Id: bf6413 No. 1776 [Reply]
Hello my name is paneer I will make threads on this board from now onwards
>>1780 why

Why are people so desparate for love ? मित्र 05/19/2023 (Fri) 06:16:11 Id: b8c969 No. 1670 [Reply]
I don't understand it. All of my friends (19-22) (m/f both) are either looking desparately to get into relationships or are already in one. And yes I also chased after women in my teens but that was when I was 12-16. I still can't wrap my head around why tf these grown-ass men/women are so fucking desparate to get into a relationship/marry/start a family. Do these fucktards not realize that the world is NOT the same anymore and the post-coldwar economical boom that our parents and elders enjoyed donot apply to us ? How are people so blinded by lust ?
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>>1747 the problem here is bangladesh already has it's fair share of rivals like india and myanmar which would intervene and probably annex or put a puppet govt. if a civil war did happen so to preserve the nation's sovereignty the only way i see is military might
>>1746 >>1743 >>1747 Won't bother with details but sounds like Bangladesh is on the Pakistan path and will annoy us, then disintegrate. They will feel uppity due to sitting on China/America's dick. But unless they get a hypersonic missile defence system, they won't go anywhere doing this.
Back on topic of love and relationships. If you cannot find a person who doesn't feel worth it, don't do it. Date, make friends etc. But don't take women seriously unless they are really worth it. If you think your judgement is not good, then jackoff till your dick is raw and balls and empty.

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current InCh situation मित्र 05/12/2023 (Fri) 18:42:58 Id: cba98b No. 1626 [Reply]
been out of the loop for a while from what i can gather the og inch got nuked then apparently some .io site popped up ? now we have the .net site for 14yo doomer/coomer containment ? the nationalists/hindutva went to bakchodi.org and 8chan has 2 india boards ? is it everything ? any major HABBENINGs in the last couple of years ?
>>1626 Yep. You are caught up.
>>1627 hey man , i am an old timer, Can someone tell me a bit more about what happened?, indianchan,net says someguy got doxxed. PS -why cant i view images
>>1637 Check the backpages here. Creator of Indiachan.io got doxxed, so he nuked the website.

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