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David Chipman not be head of ATF /k/ommando 09/09/2021 (Thu) 19:07:05 No. 499 [Reply]
Biden withdrew his nomination for the head of ATF today. After putting forth david "gungrabber" chipman as the man Biden trusted to round up Americans guns, Biden got hammered by congress basically. A win for the second amendment today, but theres no guarantee that tomorrow wont have a worse man promoted to the position of gungrabber czar.
>>499 Apparently we havent heard the last of this faggot https://www.ammoland.com/2021/09/white-house-withdraws-chipmans-atf-nomination-but-eyes-new-position-as-gun-czar/ The story now is that Biden still plans to use Chipman for a mass confiscation event, but with congress cockblocking him he is expected to create a new post and appoint chipman to it unilaterally. Fuck sleepy Joe.
>>503 Also not seeing a general gun news thread. Are we supposed to make a new thread for every news item no matter how minor and unlikely to draw even one comment? If the BO doesn't put up a general in 24hrs I guess I'll make one. Anyway bumpstocks no longer machine guns! ATF BLOWN THE FUCK OUT https://www.ammoland.com/2021/09/us-military-courts-rules-bump-stocks-are-not-machine-guns/ well according to a military court anyway. Yeah this doesn't really effect anyone who doesn't live on a military base... Still cool.
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I love how Joe Manchin keeps making the gun grabbers, leftists, and Rhino Neocon's seethe. One DemocRAT is preventing them from nationalizing/corporatizing rental properties to Black Rock, one democRAT is preventing them from nationalizing all the Crypto currencies, one democRAT is preventing them is preventing them from scrapping the filibuster preventing 'glorious' direct democracy from being achieved, one democRAT is blocking Congress from being able to ram another 'assault' weapons B& down the throats of law abiding citizens, one democRAT halted the leftists and rhino's attempt to appoint their beloved genocidal pyromaniac and fast and furious fuck up chip off his shoulder David from becoming the new ATF Tsar, one democRAT took the absolute joke that is the current Oval Office government and basically curve stomped it. I mean fuck I don't agree with Manchin on everything but as far as DemocRAT's go he's alright in my book but almost anyone who can milk all those salty leftist tears is alright in my opinion. I might have to go on a diet with all this delicious sodium, it's starting to become dangerous for my health.

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Buying guns /k/ommando 06/28/2021 (Mon) 20:06:39 No. 34 [Reply]
This board should be thriving. Everyone should own 3 guns minimum. A glock brand glock. A rifle A shotgun Whats your excuse anons? Also if you have any interest in purchasing a firearm let me walk you through it. Easy peasy. The catalogue looks like a holocaust is all im saying.
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>>190 Matchlock, flintlock, and wheellock are considered antiques and as such require no license or registration. All other black powder is the same provided its made before 1898 or designed before then and reproduced in modern machines. So yes and no. Trudeau has made it impossible to get a modern weapon, but theres nothing preventing you from buying two sashes abd thirteen black powder pistols and going full pirate style.
Step one. Finding a lgs. Anon do you have a phonebook? Or an internet connection? The answer is yes obviously how the hell else would you even read this otherwise? So duckduckgo your town/city and gun store Step one completed.
>>500 Step 2. Go to the gun store. Fingerfuck gats, ask lots of questions and generally annoying to the staff. Don't worry about it it's literally their fucking job. If you find a fun you like then inform the staff that you want to buy it. A background check will be required. Those used to take ten to thirty minutes. With all the Corona fuckery it might take ten days right now. Sorry. Anyway heres a 4473. This is how a background is checked. They hand you this paper and you fill it out. Pay for your gun then leave and wait for a phonecall saying you can buy a gun. Further tips. Ask of they have ammo for the gun you want. Odds are if theres nothing on the shelves in your caliber they have some in the back and will sell you a box or two with your shiny new gun.

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Fireworks! /k/ommando 07/05/2021 (Mon) 08:29:21 No. 225 [Reply]
What are people shooting off tonight? Celebrate your freedom boys.
>>225 Oof, dead thread....
>>387 Yeah the 4th of july thread didn't really take off. Now the question is. To save it for next year or just hijack it.

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Gaston Glock's Birthday /k/ommando 07/20/2021 (Tue) 07:03:53 No. 347 [Reply]
It was Gaston Glock's birthday yesterday. Say something nice.
>>347 He isn't cheating on his wife in that photo.
>>347 Worlds most successful over priced tupperware sales man. Pretty based indeed. Also has quite the LoLzy Encyclopedia Dramatica page as well.

What is easier and more reliable to build in a cave? /k/ommando 07/21/2021 (Wed) 20:35:00 No. 351 [Reply]
So, I've got my list of different aircraft that I've tought about: 1.1 Petrol Jet 1.2 Electric Jet 1.3 Petrol Piston Propeller 1.4 Electric Engine Propeller 2.1 He 162 2.2 Me 262 2.3 Ta 183 2.4 Bf 109 (G6/K4/other improved variant) 2.5 Other Germany war emergency fighter I just want a general opinion and a reason for your opinion. Thank you! Just a quick note: I am a bit more inclined with He 162, with electric jet engine, as I have experience with it from games (using a stirling generator + car batteries for fuel on the real one) and maintenance after flight would be easier. If you suggest something else please have something with the criteria: can hold minimum 4 pylons for SAAMS or bombs, can fly for over 4 hours and have spare fuel for another 30 minute of emergency flight back home, easy to build by untrained personel in cramped conditions, can get up to mach 0.8 without structural damage/failure.

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>>351 I didn't understand this thread for a while. Then I checked anon.cafe. and there it was. So that's finally resolved. We stole this. And stealing is cool. I approve. >SAM >On a plane
>>351 To be clear I once built a model tomcat when I was 6. And that is the extent of my airplane building experience. As far as the cave thing. I mean unless you have already lost air superiority then what's the point? And if you have lost air superiority then you are fucked anyway regardless of how many planes you can crank out of a cave. The idea seems farcical on its face. >but goering did it Goering was a goddamn incompetent. And I love National Socialism. It needs to be said though. Fuck Goering.

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USA USA USA /k/ommando 07/25/2021 (Sun) 09:43:49 No. 366 [Reply]
USA's William Shaner wins 10m Air Rifle Men with new Olympic Record. When it comes to blasting shit America will always be number one.

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gun the wolf 07/12/2021 (Mon) 03:09:05 No. 295 [Reply]
kill the werewolves
>>295 Fuckballs kill it with fire man.
>>298 It is probably better to use something that kills the entire pack. Set up an automatic grenade launcher and use speakers mimicking distress calls to lure them in one place.

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Longslides /k/ommando 07/17/2021 (Sat) 02:31:53 No. 321 [Reply]
Here we talk about longslides. Because cool.
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Everyone stand back. A man's gun.
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>>321 Longslides are looooooong
>>328 Oh bullshit. It was one fucking model that had problems, and last I heard they had fixed it. Like ten fucking years ago. Goddamn fudd lore. Just fucking try one. It's a fine gun.

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ATF Running Background Checks Retroactively /k/ommando 07/03/2021 (Sat) 10:15:33 No. 212 [Reply]
>In the conference call, the ATF leadership asked its Industry Operations Inspectors (IOI) to collect information on the customers that used concealed carry permits instead of obtaining a background check through the NICS. The purpose of obtaining this information would be to run the customer’s data through the NICS to see if the customer would have received an approved or denied status. In addition, the IOI will pass on the names and information of customers denied by the NICS to the criminal branch for a special agent to follow up. https://www.ammoland.com/2021/07/new-leaks-shows-atf-running-background-checks-on-gun-buyers-retroactively/ On a related note. Feds are convening grand juries to go after people charged/convicted on STATE level gun charges (prohibited possessor and whatnot). "Dual Supremacy" allows them to level practically identical charges as your state charges for the same incident. Here's an example that caught my attention: original state charges: https://anonfiles.com/n4G3s642uf/MdjDocketSheet_pdf a year later the feds jump in: https://anonfiles.com/TfF2s64dub/fedcomplaint_pdf Presumably, they're scouring the state records for easymode gun convictions (states already did the work for them). I can't think of any other reason why they'd bother to convene a GJ for a methbilly who's already being convicted.
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>>229 Could be interesting >FBI releases UCR >cite said crime stats on Faceberg >get banned for hate speech online >get vanned IRL by FBI
>>231 Yep. Gonna be very interesting.
Speaking of background checks/registration - if the BAFT deems slides to be "firearms" isn't that going to create a fuckton of duplicates in their registry? Glock factory slides have been selling like crazy on the secondary market for at least a decade. It wasn't just homebuilders buying them up, I personally know a few competition shooters who bought them to have rmr cuts milled before it was a factory option (this was practical when oem slides were only $300). The whole thing just seems like they're going to unintentionally taint their own databases by trying to expand it - probably by 10s of thousands of examples based on the volume some sellers were/are moving and I'm only talking about one brand (Glock).

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/k/ fantasy thread /k/ommando 06/29/2021 (Tue) 04:57:57 Id: 703e82 No. 158 [Reply]
Unknown forces have combined our reality with that of a random tv/vidya game. How do you survive? Whats your loadout anons?
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>>208 What kinda safety you got on that thing?
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>>211 >safety Lol what a queer. My cock is locked and ready to rock m8. Safeties are for queermos.
>>158 In a world with knife wielding cannibal kirbies. I think I would want an mg42.

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Be honest. This was you before GRIP ZONE /k/ommando 07/05/2021 (Mon) 06:52:32 No. 224 [Reply]
Before Springfield this was a common mistake.
Edited last time by Vampyr on 07/05/2021 (Mon) 06:52:56.

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Lever gun general /k/ommando 06/29/2021 (Tue) 04:55:10 Id: 5bf71d No. 157 [Reply]
The place for all things cowboy action. Marlin Henry And Rossi are majorly respected here.
>>157 Just got a rossi rio bravo. I like it.
>>171 And just finished putting a hundred .22lr into old coca cola cans. >just be less white Yeah? Try being less full of lead HFCS can! You shortstroke the lever and the round jams. It requires you take the entire reciever apart to clear. 2 screws. Phillips head. Pain in the ass. Make sure to not fuck around when cycling rounds. Accuracy wise. I mean i didnt bring out a benchrest or buy targets. I was just plinking coke cans in the desert. But yeah after dialing the sights in it pretty much shoots where you point it. I couldn't have been shooting past 30 yards. Seemed pretty flat trajectory, but at that range blah blah. You know. Sound. Its a fucking 22. Quiet as hell. One problem is theres no forward ring mount for a sling. Only one mount on the stock. I improvised something but it looks pretty trailer trash. Gonna have to buy an MLOK mount. Meh. Howd the ammo hold up? I shot two boxes of cci blazer. Fairly reliable. Had some ftf, but that happens I guess.

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Why doesn't the UK keep the HMS Victory sailing? /k/ommando 06/29/2021 (Tue) 02:31:36 No. 140 [Reply]
Like the American's with the USS Constitution?
Because First Rate ships of the Line require a lot more work, money and crew to keep sailing in comparison to a frigate.
>>194 So limeys are just lazy, and cheap? An unsatisfying answer. Probably true.

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Howdy there frens /k/ommando 06/29/2021 (Tue) 01:53:46 No. 128 [Reply]
I need whitepills guys.
>>128 And? What are you asking us for?
>>128 God is real. Jesus loves you. God bless you anon. Always look on the bright side of life.
Edited last time by Vampyr on 06/29/2021 (Tue) 05:23:10.
>>128 We arent moderated by Mark.

The Poor Mans James Bond Volume 2 /k/ommando 05/31/2021 (Mon) 05:14:12 No. 33 [Reply]
Good explosives manufacture, Also "Chemicals In War" book excerpt section
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>>98 >a graphic illustration for why experimental explosives should be remotely tested. Lol indeed. Look at thing. Jesus.
>>98 I love paladin press. I remember DL some homemade hitman book off bearshare when I was 13. Still remember its tips however useless they are to me. Still one day you never know. And with the world getting so shit.

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/k/ommando 07/17/2020 (Fri) 03:15:37 No. 9 [Reply]
Is there anywhere that has a repository of images of military gear and uniforms of most nations in the Cold War? Thanks.
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>>63 So to be clear you don't know then? Unhelpful asshole.
The cold war covered decades, nations ose and fell during that time and policy changes went into effect that would've changed the looks of even the defining actors. Do you have a specific era in the cold war you were looking into? I found this which might help for the soviets at least. https://ewarmy.com/ soviet-uniforms-cold-war/
>>81 The original OP could be months long gone. But I think thats a cool link. Thanks anon.

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