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Military Degeneracy /k/ommando 08/23/2020 (Sun) 05:06:44 No. 14 [Reply]
Has the US military gotten worse, and if so, how exactly? I hear nothing but disgusting sexual immorality and tumblr faggotry in military life discussions. But from what I've read in this article from the '90s, the military sounds actually respectable: https://archive.vn/QEkUU https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/1997/07/the-widening-gap-between-military-and-society/306158/ So what gives? And what would it take to fix it? Quite frankly the idea of being holed up on a base for countless months with stupid, ignorant profligates too busy fucking and drinking to soldier sounds vastly worse than any tough combat.
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>>1319 Name the jew spammy mcasshole. >>1320 Plebbit doesnt support christians fucktard. Kys kike.
>>14 I don't think you read the article if this is what you got from it >>1319 You like like a pog

/k/anteen X - moe anthropomorphic guns Strelok 11/20/2023 (Mon) 14:53:31 No. 10847 [Reply] [Last]
Welcome to the /k/anteen! This thread is a catch-all for general discussion that doesn't really belong anywhere else or might be off-topic. Previous iteration: >>48689
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https://thepostmillennial.com/space-force-commander-tells-house-he-was-fired-for-criticizing-dei >Former Space Force commander tells House he was fired for criticizing DEI >Lohmeier said he was fired "for writing a book trying to reverse the trend of the overt politicization of the uniformed services." https://thepostmillennial.com/president-trump-slams-judge-in-defamation-case-for-refusing-to-let-him-go-to-mother-in-laws-funeral >Judge wouldn't let Trump go to mother-in-law's funeral He also dared her to kick him out of the court room: https://thepostmillennial.com/breaking-trump-dares-judge-in-e-jean-carroll-defamation-case-to-kick-him-out-of-court >"Mr. Trump, I hope I don’t have to consider excluding you from the trial. I understand you are probably very eager for me to do that," Kaplan added. >"I would love it. I would love it," Trump responded, waving his hands. >Kaplan responded, "I know you would because you just can’t control yourself in this circumstance." >Trump said in response, "You can’t either."
>>11022 Is the beginnings of the fuckening finally upon us?

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Myanmar/Burma Thread Strelok 02/21/2021 (Sun) 08:09:46 No. 10587 [Reply] [Last]
We should have a Myanmar/Burma thread. I think it's a big enough topic to justify having it separate from the Chink/Pajeet thread. >What happened? Long story short the Myanmar military has guaranteed 1/3rd representation in their version of congress. Aung San Suu Kyi had introduced a bunch of progressive reforms over the last few years and had frequent visits with Chinese despite Myanmar and China being in a technically hostile relationship. This is a big deal because Chinese nationals have been actively waging a civil war in Northern Myanmar. Suu Kyi lost international support after she approved the Muslim genocides back in 2017 in order to avoid a death sentence by the Myanmar military. The Myanmar military claims there was election fraud, but the evidence is more that this was a move to ensure national sovereignty as the current leader of the military would have been forced to step down/retire following the elections due to anti-military legislation congress passed in recent years. The military is using the excuse of Wu Flu to keep Myanmar's congressional body from officially convening by claiming that public officials violated COVID restrictions and utilized communication means to contact foreign countries when they were under investigation (something that is extremely illegal in Myanmar). Currently civil servants are protesting by manipulating the markets to crash the Myanmar economy with no survivors in order to try to justify UN interference in the form of foreign aid. Health workers, education workers, transportation workers, and banks are refusing to operate and holding protests. Foreign interference is expected. >Why does this matter? The military coup is aiming to restore the balance of power between military and civilian offices in government. If this fails, you can expect a war between Myanmar and China before the end of Biden's presidency as a means of China acquiring more territory. Specifically gemstone/mineral-rich territory that Myanmar already heavily exploits. This could give China an unprecedented economic edge to manipulate the precious metals market. Despite the military crackdown on communications and being an active part of the government, it is likely that the international community will use the protests as an excuse to start civil war in Myanmar since it could give them an excuse to plant western government military bases near China. >Who are the good guys? There are none. Suu Kyi is a progressive bitch, but the military are equally power-hungry and mostly working to preserve power structures that they failed to keep over the 2000s/2010s. Stop crashing and let me post the thread, damn it. >Flood Detected >When the thread didn't even fucking post God damn it.
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Get CHINA out of Myanmar
>>10840 The blonde one has a penis, doesn't "she"?
>>10845 100% certified girl Strelok. I can understand the confusion though given the flag. She might not be best girl but she wins best personality participation trophy.

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/k/ommando 01/17/2024 (Wed) 04:46:21 No. 1391 [Reply]
Post Weapons and Armor from the Aliens Franchise
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"I like to keep this handy, for close encounters."
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GFS - Gardening, Food acquisition and Stock keeping thread Strelok 07/30/2021 (Fri) 17:19:58 No. 10324 [Reply] [Last]
Greetings Streloks, as anounced in >>17677, this is the thread about gardening, acquiring food and keeping stocks for long(er) Term survival. the main topics for this thread are -growing food for long term survival. -harvesting wild food if gardening is not an option for whatever reason. -legal and illegal food acquisition in areas where gardening is hard or undoable or in the case of insufficient skills. -wild gardening/guerilla gardening as alternative ways of growing food without owning land. >What is the purpose of the info ITT? This thread is aimed at providing information to every Strelok, on how to provide his own food, wether it is only for himself, or for a large fighting force. This is not only important for Post-collapse scenarios, but also an important factor of gaining freedom by independence from the government and society. >what does this have to do with /k/? At the time of the thread creation, /k/ is the board for weapons, combat and outdoorsmanship. A part of every armed conflict is the provisioning of food for the combatants to upkeep morale and fighting ability. Knowing how to grow and how to acquire food in any conditions is an important part of sustaining a fighting force, as the past has shown that a hungry soldier cannot win a conflict, and looting, even if an option, is only a short term solution, that cannot fully replace a stable supply of fresh provisions. Therefore, i see this as a quite important, and unfortunately overlooked aspect of /k/. >What goes in regards to posting. I'm not playing janny, but i'd prefer to keep this thread focused on the 4 main topics at the beginning of the Post. Related questions and discussion are welcome, and as long as it stays roughly on topic, i see the threads purpose as fulfilled.

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I'm growing grass. lol
Growing tomatoes and lettuce. It's ok. Preserve the excess to keep from spoiling...

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Holacaust 2.0 This time is for real Strelok 10/07/2023 (Sat) 21:43:51 No. 9450 [Reply] [Last]
Israeli military announces ‘state of war alert’ as Palestinian militants enter Israel from Gaza after deadly rocket attack https://archive.ph/HDUJr >Israel’s military announced a “state of war alert” on Saturday after militants from Gaza fired a deadly barrage of rockets and sent gunmen into Israeli territory in a major escalation of the long running conflict between the two sides. >The early morning rocket attack, which the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) described as “massive”, left at least one person dead and multiple wounded. >Hamas, the Palestinian militant movement that runs Gaza, claimed responsibility for the rocket attack and called for a general uprising against Israel. >“If you have a gun, get it out. This is the time to use it – get out with trucks, cars, axes, today the best and most honorable history starts,” Hamas military commander Muhammad Al-Deif said in a recorded message. >Dubbing the operation “Al-Aqsa Storm” he said that the group had “targeted the enemy positions, airports and military positions with 5,000 rockets” and that the assault on Israel was a response to attacks on women, the desecration of the al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem and the ongoing siege of Gaza
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>>10254 She's too old for that now

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Taiwan Tells China To Go Fuck Itself Strelok 01/04/2024 (Thu) 00:32:32 No. 9414 [Reply]
The Republic of China has told West Taiwan to stop meddling in their elections and to eat shit. I'm curious what CCP-anon who insisted that Taiwan was becoming part of China and how everyone in Taiwan considers themselves Chinese has to say on this? >Number of Taiwanese who identify as primarily Chinese has plummeted to below 3% (it was like 15% before Ukraine) >KMT (historically Chinese-sympathetic party) has taken an anti-China stance after China was caught red-handed bribing and interfering in Taiwan's elections >Young people in Taiwan hate China >Jewkraine of all things is turning the Taiwanese boomers against China >All three parties have distanced themselves from China >KMT and TPP are taking a hardline stance of no negotiation until China stops fucking around in international waters >DPP who is slated to win the elections goes much farther with a hardline "we were always independent, fuck you and fuck the horse you rode in on" stance >Foxconn on suicide watch Just like in Argentina, just like in Eastern Europe, China seems to lose allies faster than they can make them. FUCK China.
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>>9446 What a pathetic declaration of defeat. > The only way to win the game is not to play at all. After a dozen of replies to my posts, sure.
>>9447 I don't know what you expect from someone who shits his pants over meanie words.
Outer Mongolia annexing inner Mongolia when?

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Appeal to a free Japan! Strelok 11/29/2023 (Wed) 15:05:57 No. 9390 [Reply]
Samurai, Kuril Islands are not a disputed territory - this is your land, the land of your fathers! We have been fighting our common enemy Russia for almost 2 years. Despite the fact that their forces are ten times greater than ours, we have learned to destroy them not with quantity, but with quality. And we are ready to teach you how to fight this enemy so that you can reclaim your lands. Contact us with email: john_chishima @ proton . me. We will reply you as soon as possible
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The really clever realpoliticklelandeswehr that I don't get is ignoring the fact that no one stands to gain nor lose anything from fighting over the possession of a desolate rock. Draw a line through Shamshittershir and put an international prostitute exchange in the middle. Please pay any diplomat of the month awards in rubles, since I don't get realeconomickeys either.
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>>9410 > You're not going to convince anyone with half a wit by repeating the same dogma does not make it true. I am okay with that. The half-wits are not my intended audience. > debunk Debnuuuk. What in >>60411 ? It’s long. You cannot be arsed to quote or just trying to herd attention into that thread?
>>9411 It's not just about the rocks themselves, it's what can you put on top of them. Russia can easily attack Japan from its north because it has lots of weaponry on the islands, other benefits seem secondary to that. >>9412 >The half-wits are not my intended audience. Your intended audience instead are complete dimwits who just believe blabbering of a random weed consumer on a dying imageboard instead of doing their own research. Sure, entertain them I guess. I'm still waiting for a proof that the Chinese did try to murder a Japanese emperor, by the way. >It's long. You cannot be arsed to quote You can't be arsed to read the first 6 lines? Or maybe read at all?

Russo-Ukrainian War #31: Wagner strikes back ! Strelok 10/21/2023 (Sat) 14:36:45 No. 8822 [Reply] [Last]
Only thing we need now are nukes and smooth bore muskets and we've seen it all! >Ukrainian spring summer counteroffensive has failed utterly, without achieving any of its goals. Recommended watching: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGGS25XFNHk&t=2839s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufouPCVEvdM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OsYtZCLBO9k >Russians are slowly chipping away at ukrainian push on Rabotine, at the moment without real results. >Ukrainians are attempting a push in Kherson region >through Dniepr >so far they have captured two villages by the shore >consensus is that it is a suicidal push >Ukrainians have struck russian air base in Berdyansk with ATACMS >lossess depend on who you ask, from 3 helicopters (initial russian claim) lost to 60 (ukrainian propaganda). Anywhere in the region of 9-30 seems reasonable for damaged craft (there is one word for destroyed and damaged in slavic languages) >most likely this is the only time when we see ATACMS, at least unless more are provided. >there were only 12 provided of the cluster munition variety, insufficent for destroying Kerch bridge, which is why Ukrainians wanted them for in the first place >striking Berdyansk and other similiar airports are the only thing they are good for. >6 (+3?) were already used and next time air defences will have easier time when shooting them down.

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>>9385 The entire site is shutting down in March. If we wait for the anniversary to make the last thread, then there's no point in making one.
Aight I'll make it in a second.
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Logistics Strelok 02/14/2021 (Sun) 12:50:10 No. 8542 [Reply] [Last]
A thread where we can sperg out share our thoughts about everything that goes into an industrialized war.
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>>8818 meant for >>8814
>>8818 I think in this context anon means if a country with an economy like [insert country of choice] fighting [other country of choice] should bother with tanks if it plans to dig in for a war of attrition. All the resources spent on a tank fleet could be used to make your defences tougher and meatier, and you might just about be able to take the treeline on the other end of a field without any tanks once the enemy is sufficiently exhausted. I am not saying that this a surefire plan, but I can see why someone would came to this conclusion if we are envisioning a war between two relatively small countries that are on relatively equal footing.
>>8818 >I'm surprised tanks don't seem to make use of personal drones to see what or where they're aiming at, seeing that it'll really help alleviate their weak situational awareness. Maybe because the commander is as pre-occupied as is that they're rather have a drone-equipped infantry be their spotter? More or less. On the logistical side, a single vehicle would have a fairly small number of very vulnerable drones attached, so what to do when they are gone, steal/beg/borrow or do without? The sensible thing is to have a large pool for entire unit that moves together. But once you have it, what’s the point of cutting it into small parcels at any stage? On the functionality side, this: >>38807 Splitting it at a very low level would inevitably lead to various inefficiencies. From training to attention. It’s better to have slightly redundant set of specialists handling such a specialized task as their main job, than a massively redundant set of “amateurs” who have other things to do. There‘s no reason to have in each tank any of the functionality involved beyond request and end result. If the communications work well enough that drones are useful for real-time reconnaissance, they work more than well enough for remote specialists to take requests for what everyone needs to see and make sure they do.

do/k/uments Strelok 05/14/2020 (Thu) 08:54:33 No. 8058 [Reply] [Last]
Starting properly
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Military aviation general Strelok 10/15/2022 (Sat) 19:28:01 No. 7915 [Reply] [Last]
Making a comparison list in my wiki sandbox based on old deleted lists. What did I forget? Fourth-generation light combat aircraft compared − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − Aircraft − A-37B Alpha Jet L-159

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>>8052 >Boeing >>8054 >this is deep diversity hire territory! In Boeing's case it was the bean counters who came over in the McDonnell Douglas merger that fucked it over. Harry Stonecipher, the last CEO of MDC, somehow became the CEO of Boeing in the merger and in short order replaced most of Boeing's senior leadership with former MDC people (basically amounted to replacing "expensive" senior top tier aviation engineers with MBAs) and lo and behold quality goes down the drain. So in summary - you have a company run by bean counter MBAs, no competition in the US civilian airline market (airbus is under tariffs), FAA allowing them to "self certify" aircraft. Good times. t. salty
>>8055 >FAA allowing them to "self certify" aircraft Truly terrifying to think of if you're a frequent flyer.
>>8056 >>8055 Boeing was literally asking the FAA to waive safety standards due to, yet again, the 737 Max having issues where using the anti-ice systems for too long in certain situations might cause fatal damage to the engines in flight. https://archive.vn/BxGzo Boeing said they would fix it at some point in the future, but they probably have to sacrifice another few hundred passengers to their vengeful gods before that it actually happens. No wonder Airbus is sucking up the market.

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Alternative history thread Strelok 07/09/2021 (Fri) 15:42:02 No. 7665 [Reply] [Last]
This thread includes alternative history wars, conflicts, weapons, tactics and more. For instance >Axis victory proxy wars >Their equipment >East centered world, conflicts And more
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What effects could've occured if an early 20th century Great Power other than the United Kingdom had been the first to field a Dreadnought-spec Battleship?
>>7912 The burgers were pretty close to launching their first dreadnought before the bongs, so it would have barely changed anything. The technologies were simply not there until the early 1900s, and launching the first dreadnought a few years earlier or later is not that much of a difference.
>>7913 >a few years earlier I was thinking more a timescale of a few months to 1-2 years at maximum, like what if the US big gun BB project hadn't encountered stalls, the Italian government hadn't declined to pursue big gun autism or if the Japs had enough guns to outfit the Satsuma as intended. If the Russians somehow had been the first to Dreadnought, could they have recovered some of their lost prestige from the Russo-Japanese war?

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Strelok 03/10/2022 (Thu) 20:39:09 No. 7603 [Reply]
I have quit a good sum of money to spend purely on sports training( I wont give away info about which Country im from,but il say its enough to buy an old car..this is extra,expendable income,it wont damage me) Im obsessed over cross-functionality and inter-style matches(not mma which has devolved into its own style..I mean each fighter sticking to his own style) What do i DO? I want to do: >decathlon >track and field >muay thai,pro wrestling, water polo >climbing plus acrobatics give me some advice,some direction, i dont want to get scammed or injured
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>>7616 I'm sure she'll teach you something. Maybe how to put your trailer on legs so you don't have to wheel it around.
>>7603 Some imspiration
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I CAN'T BELIEVE SHINZO ABE IS FUCKING DEAD Strelok 07/10/2022 (Sun) 08:47:16 No. 7583 [Reply]
Discussing of current events. By spooky coincidence I discovered, while searching for Abe pics on my computer, that second pic's file name begins with "abe"
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>>7583 Tell me where I'm wrong on this assessment here... Shinzo Abe's a dead cunt who taxed nips up the arse to discourage more of them from having children, any accomplishment under his watch was accidental & an oversight and having mini-Blair of the East die prematurely was a good thing because his successor's on the whole less competent and less slick at deceiving the gooks into thinking they're not gonna get Trotsky policy spun and thrust on them to make Japan into yet another nation of third world curry peddlers.
>>7583 Japan has issued a major tsunami warning after a 7.6 magnitude earthquake struck the central region. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8KQjZaqqVs 1/1 earthquake was here? https://www.japan-guide.com/e/e4250.html

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Automatic Strelok 09/18/2023 (Mon) 12:24:08 No. 7566 [Reply]
How to buy automatic weapon in Europe? Can be illegal way.
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>>7573 <3 them eastern europe slavs
>>7566 ask Switzerland

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