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Strelok 05/20/2023 (Sat) 22:35:58 No. 5363 [Reply]
If the A-10 was a woman She would be fat and ugly. If the F-15E was a woman she would be an Onee-san type, tall, large breasts, muscular thighs, and have blue eyes. If the F-5 were a woman she would be short, flat, skinny, and jealous of F-15E. If the F-16 were a woman should be a fit tomboy. If the F/A-18 were a woman she'd be a Watersport tomboy. If the F-35 were a woman she'd be a muscle girl with nice abs. If the F-14 were a woman she'd be a motherly Okaa-san type.
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I like to think the A10 would have a giant pair of milkers personally.
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What a queen of air supremacy...
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Generic News Thread - NTDDIOT #2: Strelok 07/01/2023 (Sat) 21:36:25 No. 4841 [Reply] [Last]
News That Doesn't Deserve Its Own Thread Generic news thread for things related to /k/ or global conflicts that doesn't deserve its own thread but is worth keeping an eye on in case it might be worth making a thread about later. >previous threads >>29184
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The jews have set off yet another chemical catastrophe in Burgoyimland because (((reasons))).
>>5355 Are they suggesting chinese are bad drivers? Very racist USA.
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Henry Kissinger just died, he was 100. https://archive.is/BnkQR

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Strelok 11/28/2023 (Tue) 12:22:03 No. 4835 [Reply]
ITT it's 1918
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>mfw german
Cuckchan thread. Bump
As the rituals of an old world surrounded the achievement of the new, the mood was one of melancholy and regret, accompanied by a tremulous and anxious excitement. Flight has always possessed an enormous symbolism for man; during the war that symbolism was heightened. The air ace was the object of limitless envy among infantry, mired in mud and seeming helplessness. Soldiers looked up from their trenches and saw in the air a purity of combat that the ground war had lost. The "knights of the sky" were engaged in a conflict in which individual effort still counted, romantic notions of honor, glory, heroism, and chivalry were still intact. In the air, war still had meaning. Flyers were the "aristocracy of war" - "the resurrection of our personality," as one writer put it. Flying was associated with freedom and independence, an escape from the horrendous collective slaughter of war of matériel. In the air war one could maintain values, including respect for one's enemy, values that lay at the foundation of civilization and that the war on the ground appeared to be negating. The most significant technological achievement of the modern world was thus seen as a means of affirming traditional values.

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Post revolvers Strelok 06/14/2023 (Wed) 05:33:33 No. 4820 [Reply]
Just do it.
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>Glanton leveled the huge pistol in one hand and thumbed back the hammer. The explosion in that dead silence was enormous. The cat simply disappeared. There was no blood or cry, it just vanished.
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>>4832 Blood Meridian is a gud book.

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Famous guns /k/ommando 08/13/2021 (Fri) 22:50:43 No. 403 [Reply]
Guns that are infamous. Such as this Charter Arms .38 undercover Used to kill famous hippie John Lennon. I call it the "imagine there's no oxygen" pistol.
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Any more famous guns?
>>461 Happy anniversary to Gary! The man who cured pedophilia.
>>403 >I call it the "imagine there's no oxygen" pistol. You and a million others...

bun GET Strelok 05/03/2023 (Wed) 19:15:44 No. 4810 [Reply]
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Still a nice bun. I want to put a bun inside the bun.
>>4816 >>4817 thanks

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Strelok 02/10/2023 (Fri) 01:42:57 No. 4403 [Reply] [Last]
Will China persist much longer as a leading power? Why or why not?
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>>4403 no, cos their economy is crashing like the 2008 GFC
>>4438 Rising powers come and rising powers go, yet China endures forever.
>>4543 >China endures forever Communist China killed real China forever though, and genetically speaking the Han Chinese died out centuries ago and the bugs you see nowadays are comparable to Brazilians.

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/ak/ Thread - Anime & Animation /k/ulture Strelok 07/06/2022 (Wed) 22:29:03 Id: 4b2cb2 No. 4332 [Reply] [Last]
Expanded /ak/ thread. What're you watching? Even if it's not necessarily /k/ related I'm interested and I'm sure anons who haven't hid the thread would be interested in your thoughts too. Non-Japanese /k/-related animation is fine as well since it would be silly to have two threads. Posting cute girls doing operating things is also fine. Right now I'm watching Macross 7 and Amanchu. The former is about humanity surviving in space against space Satan while the latter is a nice CGDCT SoL with some yuribait involving scuba diving. Both are a lot of fun.
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>>4398 I honestly think I like the english version better
No mention of (Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri)?

Asian military history Strelok 12/14/2020 (Mon) 12:30:01 No. 4201 [Reply] [Last]
A thread where we can discuss anything from horse archery to why the two Koreas should be reunified as part of the Great Japanese Empire.
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JSDF keeps training up by fighting Gojira
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Jap F-2 is just an updated F-16. lol
>>4326 I'm surprised they're already establishing a future fighter program given the K2 is one of the newest MBT's to be designed.

Tank/afv thread Strelok 05/21/2020 (Thu) 08:20:08 No. 3698 [Reply] [Last]
A discussion thread about the most powerfull land vehicles and it's derivatives. Prototypes, historical, modern just needs to be an afv.
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/mu/si/k/ thread? Strelok 02/28/2023 (Tue) 13:43:51 No. 3676 [Reply]
Anthems, faggot cadences, marches, vivaldi, whatever bullshit you're currently cracked out on. tl;dr /k/pop thread. https://youtu.be/dN68OiCCKcY
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKJjilClW9M Are you sexy aero-space age warrior /k/ ?

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What is your most simple carry gun? Strelok 11/19/2023 (Sun) 08:06:16 No. 3670 [Reply]
I'm tried of seeing the dudes who lug around entire glock 17s, extended mag, comped, new trigger, big red dots, and a light. I enjoy simplicity.
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>>3672 But strelok, speed strips are not moonclips. But speaking of moonclips, couldn't you use trimmed down 5.56 cases instead of proper .357 or .38 Special with them?
>>3671 Speed strips are more easy to carry but speed loaders are much faster.
>>3674 Theoretically they're faster at reloading the entire cylinder, however speed strips are more versatile than speed loaders. They're light, flexible, and flat enough they wont create a conspicuous bulge while carrying it in your pocket, which means you can carry more. Speed strips are enherently easier to conceal, but more importantly can be loaded with a greater level of control. Although they're faster on all chambers you must drop the speed loader into all the chambers in order to make a reload, an issue a speed strip does not have.

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Kusarigama and Other Ninja Gear Strelok 11/14/2021 (Sun) 10:24:43 No. 3529 [Reply] [Last]
The kusarigama confuses me. The design itself is perfectly reasonable: It's a flail with a short-range weapon attached for when you get a bit too intimate with your enemy. It leaves me wondering why European flails didn't have a spike on the handle just in case, but whatever. No, the confusing thing about the kusarigama is why a sickle of all things? Why not use a kunai, a hatchet or a pick instead? They are typically seen as ninja weapons and in that regard the obvious answer is to use the sickle as a grappling hook. However, a Japanese sickle would be an absolutely shit grappling hook because the shaft is longer than the blade is wide and that's the opposite of what you want. And even if you do manage to catch something, you're going to be putting half your bodyweight directly onto your carefully sharpened blade so now all you've got is a shitty warpick. A normal pick would make an excellent hook, with the downside of losing your throat-slitting capability. And as for skirting ATF-san? Do you really think your local glow-kokujin is going to believe you when you tell him that you thresh your grain with a meteor flail, and that you do it out in the rice paddy? It would be perfect if you could just stick the chain on with a bow shackle, but I don't know if the nips had anything quite that convenient back then.
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>>3665 The big ones are exercise equipment but the reasonable sized gada were used as weapons.
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>>3664 I always thought they were ancient persian exercising tools within their martial art about circular gyms, calisthenics and wrestling
>>3668 They are. Sort of. In some regions the gada and the meel (what you posted) have been conflated together. Partially because they are used in the same way in training. So any gada that looks like it would be classed as a great hammer in a Souls game is probably primarily training equipment. Or religious iconography. If it's one that's within the size range of a European mace and is constructed in a way that can actually survive a hit then it's likely that it an actual weapon.

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Strelok 10/07/2022 (Fri) 12:53:54 No. 3497 [Reply]
whats the point of having "special forces" tests and recruitments focus on (((cardio))); rucking,running, etc. instead of athleticism and time-power based skills? Instead of marching 40km a day for 2 weeks;why not test for sprint,put shot, boxing,etc? some real useful military-athletic shit. are generals all retarded?
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Speshul Forces have to care about endurance not strength/accuracy. Plus it weeds out those without willpower.
They're special. That's the point. Be more inclusive, anon.
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>>3497 Special forces can do everything physically well....

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Civil war /k/ommando 06/29/2021 (Tue) 01:31:44 No. 116 [Reply]
What are the odds of a coming civil war or racewar in North America. Like soon. High right? And cityfags they are dead twenty ways to Sunday. So even ruralfags are probably mostly btfo. So side question what can be done to prepare abd increase ones odds of survival.
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Y'all are peaces of shits
>>1380 Says you.
>>1356 >americans The boomer generation really fucked them harder than anything else, turns out making one generation insanely hedonistic and retarded fucks every other down the pipeline, as no one knows how to teach their kids to be proper humans if their parents were jews lite and real jews convinced them catholicism was evil nonsense filled with things like take care of your fellow man, instead of proper teachings like apathetic atheistic hedonism thinly veiled to be anything other than the same unapologetic gay boomer hedonism their parents had, then just copy past down the generation pipeline until the soy got critical and you got the bare minimum pushback aka trump getting elected. But as is, looking at how cucked they are to biden, especially with even the fucking leafs making them look bad by actually doing those trucker protests in their own capitol, its safe to say the american population has to come to terms with so much of it being demoralized/weaponized that the actual resistance will be smaller than smaller nations, and that they will have to take smarter tactics and likely more ruthless measures to force the rest of non-parasitic america to actually fight the war for survival, regardless of if they want to or not.

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Neo-Holocaust 2.0 - Gaza chambers edition Strelok 10/21/2023 (Sat) 20:56:34 No. 2840 [Reply] [Last]
OPENING THIS THREAD YOU ARE ACKNOWLEDGING JESUS CHRIST AS THE TRUE GOD AND SAVIOR OF HUMANITY The story so far: >Palestinian HAMAS fighters attack israel on 7.10.2023, 50 anniversary of yom kipur war >The attack is incredibly well prepared and includes paragliders, coastline navy, raids into military bases and capturing of hostages, including one israeli general >Israel Defense Force instantly mobilizes, plans to level Gaza to the ground >get cold feet after the entire world accusses them of genocide >israeli turn down power and water into Gaza >then proceed to bomb indiscriminately pretty much everything >including one hospital with mostly women and children >arab world unites. Sauds drink tea with Iranians >geopolitical map of the middle east is rewritten in a single day >jews bomb airport in Syria on which leader of Iran was supposed to arrive for a meeting >Hezbollah is attacking from the north after Israeli airstrikes into Lebanon >america sends in THREE (3) aircraft carriers to israeli shores >currently everyone is in a sort of mexican standoff, with everyone afraid to act while jews genocide palestinians with bombs and hunger
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Just make a new thread already.
>>3494 no u I'm staying on /sp/ until the retards sort things out.

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