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The 12 Guage Project AntichristHater 06/23/2022 (Thu) 18:20:09 Id: 7e619f No. 2770 [Reply] [Last]
Hi, this is a documentation of my project revolving around the 12 guage shotgun shell and my aspirations to build a slug that will reach out to intermediate rifle ranges (preferably 300 yards), have large amounts of impact shock at those ranges, while still also being capable of creating good tissue damage. To do this i have created a self stabilizing slug shape unintentionally based off the Minié Ball out of a CO2 cartridge that i used as a mold, i have made this "body" out of aluminum and have designed a steel weight/penetrator with similar proportions to a 5.56 M193 ( a little bit smaller so that itll fit in the shell). My goal is to have the aluminum body impact the target, transferring a large amount of energy to the target via direct energy transfer, and then for the steel tip to come apart from the rest of the slug and tumble inside the target. I have already made lead versions of these slugs without the steel weight and at roughly 100 yards they had great stability so im very hopeful for this shape. I have not yet shot the aluminum ones, primarily because i only have one as of right now and am awaiting a crucible to cast more. I also plan on sending these to the youtube channel Taofledermaus so that they can test them at longer ranges and against ballistics gel with their high speed camera. Questions welcome as long as they arent retarded.
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>>2835 >>2836 I'm glad you're opting for new molds. Did you ever come up with a process to make casting process itself more consistent?
>>2838 I'm not sure what you mean exactly, the actual process of casting the lead or aluminum is pretty straight forward once you've taken your raw source and converted it to ingots, if you have something to measure out precisely the amount you need then use it if not just pour till full then remelt any left overs. The new design will come with a plug for the back of the mold which will create a hole down the center of the slug for weighting later on. All molds are preheated before use. If you're referring to >>2836 where I talked about modifying the design as I went then I should clarify that I was referring to the length dimensions of the mold and a few other things largely unrelated to casting.

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Fantasy Weapons, Armor, and Armaments Strelok 11/19/2020 (Thu) 21:05:24 No. 2318 [Reply] [Last]
A thread for all sort of all sorts of /k/ related things that range from cool to cursed.
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>>2765 How about a big morning star flail attached to the turret instead of a gun?
>>2673 Anyone got anymore fantasy sickles?
>>2767 I think it still counts as spinner.

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Canadian and US forces intervening in Haiti Strelok 10/15/2022 (Sat) 21:46:18 No. 2259 [Reply] [Last]
Exclusive: U.S. will support sending ‘multinational rapid action force’ to Haiti The United States has drafted a United Nations Security Council resolution that will encourage the “immediate deployment of a multinational rapid action force” to Haiti to address the nation’s worst security and health crisis in decades, according to a copy of the resolution obtained by McClatchy and the Miami Herald. The draft resolution, confirmed by multiple U.S. and U.N. officials, comes in response to a call by U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres last week for the establishment of a rapid reaction force to assist the Haitian National Police. Over the past four weeks, powerful armed gangs have all but sent the country into anarchy, blockading the country’s largest fuel terminals and cutting off its critical roadways. It is the first public indication so far that the Biden administration is willing to participate in a military force in Haiti — although the resolution does not specify what role various nations would play. https://archive.ph/Ko3J9 https://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/world/americas/haiti/article267336107.html
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So is Haiti still a shit show?
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>>2266 They could not do so for the same reason why they cannot send their own soldiers or police to re-conquer the place, like in El Salvador. This leaves only 2 possibilities: collapse or military coup. Since those who installed these puppets don’t like either, the intervention is required to reset the script and install a new puppet. Rinse, repeat. >>2276 They did turn it into another Detroit. As well as many other places. That’s called “decolonization”. >>2315 >So is Haiti still a shit show? It will be until the cycle is broken and the place has an actual government, rather than glorified supermarket branch management remotely controlled by drugged clowns.

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HEY FAGGOT MODS Strelok 03/31/2023 (Fri) 07:23:03 No. 2233 [Reply]
Why does the 3d printed gun thread keep getting deleted? If you can at least give me an answer, that would be so nice.
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>>2255 >legal stuff in USA useless for non-USA niggas, like me and if we are to talk about 3d printed guns, it'd be mostly non-USA niggas chatting as in USA you could just make an AKM or AK74 or any AK out of a piece of 1mm thick sheet metal and gun parts that are legal to buy WITHOUT ID in most places (afaik) or that you could make yourself at home (the handguards, stock, pistol grips, vertical grips, horizontal grips and such can be eighter made out of wood or 3D printed easily; the barrel, piston and such are harder to do, the firing pin is the simplest and stuff like that) true, AR-15s are "muh lego gun" but both the lower and the upper require (usually) milling and most parts of the AR-15 are quite complex to build, while AK style rifles (while one is at it, might as well make it 5.56 compatible) aren't so easily built when they're in completed pieces, but the manufacturing of those pieces is way way simpler than any AR's pieces (if not 3D printed, and even if 3D printed, with the correct tools, the receiver of an AK can be made within 1 good day (if we are not to do a milled receiver, just a stamped one), while an AR demands a milled receiver and is more complex to manufacture true, once could argue that you could get a 80% lower and then get the other parts, but let's be resonable, you'd be on the lists instantly once you buy one, while if you make it, at home, silently, you would still be on lists, but on the other lists (instead of known possible gunsmith, you'd be on secretly known possible gunsmith; differance - resonable cause for warrants as the former would be known for a possible gun and stuff, while the latter would be known just for buying a 3D printer and (through satelites, but that would be infringement of privacy) buying construction equipment to make an AR upper, barrel and such (which again, if we'd use the satelite, it'd be infringement of privacy and such) for which reason you'd need to buy different tools at multiple shops and never delivered at home, and over the course of 6 months to hide it to the best of your ability, while you buy some othe tools as well that you'd use along the original tools for their main pre-destined job) tho since we already visited this board more than 0 times, we're already on the "gun curious" or "gun litterate" list (and boai, there's a fuckton of lists out there, and a lot of tags and categories and holy moly, just imagine how many tags an individual on this site would have) tho yeah "muh Tor browser" and "muh javascript.enable=false" mean jack shit, they know you, they know us, they know everyone, it's just that the regular John Doe wouldn't be able to proove that we are what we are through the current legal system, but the deep state, down in their dumbs, they fucking know all about us, they know everything about us by now, even our DNA, even our thoughs (check the US3951134A patent made in the FUCKING 70's, THEY HAVE US BY THE FUCKING BALLS FOR 50 YEARS ALREADY, WHY AREN'T WE FUCKING BACK FFS? WHY?) IK that I may say stuff THAT YOU ALREADY FUCKING KNOW, but, you might've forggoten about them, so this is a quick reminder, have a wonderful day ^^
Probably the same reason that my bio-weapons thread got deleted. Mods are NIGGERS.

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American Made Assault Vehicle. Strelok 07/06/2022 (Wed) 19:30:20 Id: e49b0d No. 2212 [Reply]
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>>2229 Cessna's? Cheap, easy to produce, really easy to fly, can be used for everything from recon, bombing, dropping off drones, and even paratrooping. They are popular as fuck at least up here in NA so you might be disguised enough not be shot down if you do a major attack out of nowhere like hamas with the paragliders and since most are designed for parachute enthusiasts its easy to bail if its getting shot down. >>2227 A gyrodyne seems like the best solution to this problem due to inherent efficiency and a wind resistance powered rotor making it easy to install passive power generation to make it even more efficient, though the only guys doing it, Jaunt, don't really seem to know what they are doing.
>>2229 Dozer. From clearing debris to putting up barricades to demining to constructing new roads.
Just attach a snow shovel to literally anything and proceed forward. Maybe install some kind of wiper-device to clear debris, should be easy with basic hydraulics and sheet metal.

US Air Force claims to have built a superplane in secret Strelok 09/20/2020 (Sun) 18:17:35 No. 2020 [Reply] [Last]
Revealed: US Air Force Has Secretly Built and Flown a New Fighter Jet The new digital tools that designed the full-scale flight demonstrator could herald a sea change in weapons acquisition. >The U.S. Air Force’s disclosure that it has secretly built and flown a prototype fighter jet could signal a shift in how the military buys weapons and who builds them. >Will Roper, the head of Air Force acquisition, revealed the existence of the new jet, which he said was part of the service’s Next Generation Air Dominance, or NGAD, project. “NGAD right now is designing, assembling, testing in the digital world, exploring things that would have cost time and money to wait for physical world results,” Roper said during a video presentation at the Air Force Association’s Virtual Air, Space & Cyber Conference on Tuesday. “NGAD has come so far that the full-scale flight demonstrator has already flown in the physical world. It’s broken a lot of records in the doing.” >Roper provided no more details about the jet, which is presumed to be the Pentagon’s first attempt to build a “sixth-generation” tactical aircraft after the fifth-gen F-22 and F-35 jets. He even declined to name the company or companies that built the jet. But he said the digital design technology used to build the new plane could increase competition and increase the number of American military jet makers. >“Digital engineering is lowering overhead for production and assembly [so] you do not have to have huge facilities, huge workforces [and] expensive tooling,” Roper said on a video conference call with reporters after his presentation. “It is letting us take aircraft assembly back to where we were in the [19]70s and prior to it — back when we had 10 or more companies who could build airplanes for the United States Air Force, because you could do it in hangar-like facilities with small, but very good teams, of engineers and mechanics. We're going back to that. It's super exciting.” >Lockheed Martin and Boeing are the only two U.S. companies that currently build fighter jets. >The Air Force in July revealed that it received 18 bids for a new drone that could fly in formation with manned fighter jets. While Boeing, Northrop Grumman and General Atomics won contracts, much smaller Kratos, which has been the subject of acquisition speculation, also received a contract. “We're...surprised there were 18 bidders,” Cowen & Company analyst Roman Schweizer, wrote in a July 24 note to investors. “Having five competitors for a decent-sized program is pretty solid, in our opinion, particularly when you consider three or fewer is the norm for most platforms, weapons or systems.” >Another reason for disclosing the NGAD project: Roper wants companies to invest more in digital design technology. In recent years, the Pentagon writ large has been trying to tap into innovation, particularly commercial technology, that could be adopted for the military. >Roper declined to give many additional details about the NGAD project because it is classified. But he said part of the reasoning for disclosing the existence of a test aircraft was to prove to naysayers that combat aircraft could be fully designed and tested on computers before they’re physically built, much like the way Boeing and Saab built the T-7 pilot training jet in recent years. “I've had many people in the Pentagon and elsewhere, say, ‘I see how you could apply that approach to a trainer like T-7, but you could not build a cutting-edge warfighting system that way,’” Roper said. “I've had to listen to that and just nod my head and say, ‘Well, you may be right,’ knowing in the back of my head that you're actually wrong because of what NGAD has done.” >In addition to the NGAD and the T-7, Northrop Grumman is using digital design and testing in building new intercontinental ballistic missiles and it’s also being used on two new satellite projects, Roper said. “My hope is to create greater credibility and the process, at least within my my own team for many who are not read in to NGAD, so that they will know to get smart on this technology because we're going to train on it, we're going to drill on it until this is the way we do business,” he said. >Digital design technology is already being used by the automotive industry and Formula One racing. https://archive.is/b1rGq https://www.defenseone.com/technology/2020/09/usaf-jet/168479/
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Is the Su-75 fine from a production standpoint? With globohomo sanctions on plane parts I wonder if the MiG-29 and Su-27 series might still be in service by the early 22nd century.
>>2208 The issue with modern stealth is that it relies on finding one or two loopholes to existing tech instead of trying to be stealthy in a novel way. It's why rebels keep beating anti-stealth systems with cheap solutions all over the globe while calibrated machines struggle to compete since they cost a lot due to being complex and expensive because of that. Countries would be better off producing mass cannon-fodder planes flown by rednecks and not giving a shit about stealth.
>>2209 I think the Ukrainian war answers the first question and proves the second supposition.

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DIY Faraday Cages? Strelok 05/14/2023 (Sun) 00:15:18 No. 1997 [Reply]
What have you used anon? - Metal Trashcans? >Gaskets to Seal Faraday Cage https://yewtu.be/watch?v=6Cbw-PaW3zI >EMP Gasket Simple Cheap Do it yourself maybe? (just used foil tape on inside lip) https://vid.puffyan.us/watch?v=wfa6g6ylA6o >Double trashcan with smaller in a bigger one https://yewtu.be/watch?v=bfsjRftm9Co - Paint Can? - Popcorn tin or cookie tin from the holidays https://vid.puffyan.us/watch?v=xXnpVpOgWwA - Ammo Can? - Aluminum Foil Pans? Have explored some of these but didn't know they made foil pans with lids which you can buy in bulk I think?
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>>2001 In order to block wifi you would need to be at approx. -90dB signal reduction. While you only need about -55dB for EMP protection.
Chicken wire works pretty good.
>>2017 In order to block wifi you just need a microwave with a loose door.

HR 1808 Strelok 07/16/2022 (Sat) 06:05:39 Id: 35057c No. 1895 [Reply] [Last]
Looks like Democrats are trying one last stand to ban all guns again. This time with Republicuck support. Supreme Court unlikely to make a ruling on it for several years if ever when passed. https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/1808/text
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>>1989 got hard reading that and I'm not even a faggot
>>1994 It's not gay if it's an elf.
Man looking back I miss the gun-grabbers of yesteryear since you could just piss on their face and kick them off your property with ease.

Leftists are hypocritical DeepL.com/Translator 08/30/2022 (Tue) 15:11:46 Id: b67685 No. 1838 [Reply] [Last]
I find the way history is written is very hypocritical. When Westerners take control of a place or move to a new land, they are called "colonized" "colonizers" "plundering resources", "stealing land " etc. When non-Western countries invade and colonize a place, they are called "migrants", "in-migrants", "expansion" and "redistributing land " When the West renders insurgent forces harmless, the left usually calls it "massacre innocent people". When the same thing happens in a non-Western country, the way to describe the event becomes "conflict outbreak", "quelling the rebellion", "XX people were killed in the conflict"
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>>1878 >I don't want a community any more if it's full of people who are more interested in politics than in weapons/war....
>>1879 >90 year ban kek. >>1891 (checked, \o heil) >the best he can do is to deliver another emotionally fueled woman-tier no u response well anon the estrogen has stripped him of his ability to reason or functionally convey the thoughts in his troonshine saturated mess of a brain.
Better to be hypocritical and do than to be hypocritical and not do. Right-wingers who can't even start a revolution are equally garbage.

Happy Birthday Hitler Strelok 04/20/2023 (Thu) 14:47:31 No. 1821 [Reply]
I'd just like to say a happy birthday to the greatest leader to have ever existed. Sieg Heil.
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>>1825 What leftist policies? They participated in international trade like any other western country and the Night of the Long Knives killed any actual socialism within the party. Are these leftist policies the failure to deliver the Beetle or that (in the early days at least) people were issued treasury certificates and other tickets as currency, I don't know much about how their economy worked. Also I wouldn't necessarily say Hitler was set up to fail. Hitler may have put too much good faith into diplomacy with the west especially the fucking British and all the territory he took thinking he could get away with it, he wasn't tricked or mislead into good faith unless he just didn't hear what the entire world's opinion on him was. It's like saying Saddam Hussein was a US puppet. If war entered his plans then so-be-it. >>1832 >Do you have any PDFs or links that point to that? I'd like to take a read for that myself. The fact that his interrogation files are classified until 2045 looks pretty damning. Hitler believed in alliance with the UK for an unreasonable amount of time into the war. >So how did the French royalty set Hitler up I think he just means elites. >Which is it, Chinkman? Edward VIII was forced out of the throne into becoming the Governor of the Bahamas because of his favorable views towards Hitler, like Reza Shah.
Hitler was a shitty commander and a shittier economist.

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Strelok 06/05/2023 (Mon) 00:55:23 No. 1809 [Reply]
RIP Marv
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>>1817 That's a good idea.
He dun good.
RIP in pieces, friend. I only knew you for a short time, but those times were the best of times. Sometimes reasonable men must do unreasonable things.

Strelok 04/01/2023 (Sat) 19:05:48 No. 1801 [Reply]
democrat-subverted legal system empowers democrat political terrorism
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>>1801 >not living in a more sensible state like New Hampshire, Idaho, or Alaska to escape the rising tyranny and stupidly high taxes that don't actually go to fixing our crumbling infrastructure > not then having dozens of children with a like minded partner for the sake of cementing the future of free states and their voting power in the Federal government Never gonna make it OP, not without a farmstead and a nuclear LoLbert family. Also this >>1804 Last I checked Trump cucked out on bump stocks, kissed the ATF's ass, and didn't make even a peep when Julian Assange was thrown in Britbongistan prison with all the other thought criminals. Also there's plenty of Rhino's who are very much on board with disarming their fellow citizens of everything that isn't a musket or airsoft gun and signing into law burdensome and ultimately meaningless bills that just makes life harder for law abiding citizens, fuck party loyalty I only care about the individual if they can prove with their actions that they aren't back stabbing little shits.
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>>1801 > subverted (let’s open that jar of worms): When? >>1804 But anon, Soviet Union would be a nice place if only Communist party did not subvert some of the state’s functions.
>Democrat this >Democrat that It's all the same party. One is just the militant rebellious wing and the other is the big corporation wing of the Jewish empire.

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4th OF JULY NIGGERS Strelok 07/05/2023 (Wed) 02:26:55 No. 1756 [Reply] [Last]
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>American thread >Immediately turns into butthurt from turd worlders, camel jockeys, and beaners
>>1798 https://news.northwestfront.info/lone-wolf-terrorism-rfn-apr-03-2023-558/ <Do you agree that being a solo operator is pointless?
Americans haven't seemed to celebrate treason day much ever since Chinese flu.

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Wokeness in the gun industry Strelok 05/16/2023 (Tue) 22:43:20 No. 1693 [Reply] [Last]
First time I saw this shit relating to guns at all: https://archive.is/o8jEH https://archive.is/jU0Be I knew H&K was anti-gun and liberal since post-war Germans are the most cucked race in the history of time but goddamn. Strategizing your market around bikinis is not the point, you idiot ass moron. You dumb whores were the ones who advocated for bikinis and the rest of your sluttery in the first place, because it was "empowering." Has this been going on for some time now or is guns finally catching up to the rest of this leftist gutter culture? Has Glock or Sig cucked like this? Sig has the big military contract so I suppose it is only a matter of time until they shove a rainbow dildo up their ass.
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>>1752 >implying Mae is not marketing for men
>>1753 >implying Reminds me too much of those cum dumps who listened to too much flyleaf and evanesence in high school. Or those cracked out whores that like to beg near stop signs. Definitely not the camp follower i'ld like to do missionary with for the sole purpose of procreation.
I'm curious if the Butt Light effect had any bearing on the guns industry?

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Strelok 02/26/2022 (Sat) 02:54:27 No. 1678 [Reply]
This is a response to this post >>23873 >The liberal threat wants to turn my theoretical son into a homo and daughter into a coalburning slut. The Chinese threat wants to kill my son, rape my daughter and/or use her for human experimentation, put me into a slave labor camp for not fellating the state, and eat my dog. Both are insidious but one has more real-world long-term ramifications for society than the other. That's not true. Liberalism isn't as temporary as you think. The liberal threat gives an existential crisis, same as the Chinese. Your real opposition aren't retard libshits, but the focused, high-intelligence globalists, with trillions of dollars they can bankroll puppets with. Apparent liberalism in society is only apparent, and hasn't weakened for decades, but is rather increasing, and could devour our society before we get a real opportunity to recover. If they have control of the youth through shitty schools, and control of their lives through consumerist sterile hypersexuality ideology, they can effectively brainwash and get the kind of servile class they want. And if they're able to eliminate all potential rebellion, by targeting even lukewarm reactionary groups into irrelevance or destitution, and control the flow of weapons distribution, which seems a serious probability with ever weakening gun ownership protection laws, Western society has a serious threat growing within it, that may permanently make the idea of it extinct.
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Leftist subversion only works on people who are not expecting it. Anyone who knows their tactics and lies is not only not swayed, but instead are reaffirmed in their opposition to it. Saying “white people are evil because of the holocaust” only works on people who believe in the holocaust. For people who know it is boloney, that statement instead is instead proof of the war against whites.
>>1678 what makes you think the Chinese are an existential threat at this point? They may not be ideal, but I'd rather BRICS win than let the cancer keep metastatizing.
Keep your /pol/ off of /k/

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How to make fun things Strelok 02/25/2023 (Sat) 00:09:20 No. 1670 [Reply]
A thread about making fun things that make glowniggers sweat.
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Towelheads sure do a lot of science!
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Use a tactical umbrella
>Fill container with liquid nitrogen >Run a coiled copper tube through nitrogen >Run compressed air through the tube >After a few minutes if your setup is insulated enough you will produce liquid oxygen Congratulations you have a small oxygen-fuel bomb you can combine with all sorts of things. Better than cluster munitions. 11/10.

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