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/k/uisine Strelok 02/13/2023 (Mon) 15:03:34 No. 1656 [Reply]
What are some /k/ dishes you would make for various scenarios (at home, camping, innawoods, bugout)? What are the essential ingredients and cookware you need to have? Do you have any recipes to share? What military has the best MRE? Hardmode: No France or Italy
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>>1666 >I think you misread that paper. More to the point, what he's called frozen meat is literally unfrozen meat. Nobody thinks of 'frozen meat' as repeatedly unfrozen and deliberately repeatedly rotted meat.
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>Take pan >Boil rice, meat, vegetables, beans, etc. all at same time >Add seasoning >Don't die of starvation

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Strelok 09/16/2022 (Fri) 06:36:15 No. 1619 [Reply]
What guns and calibres are popular in your country?
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>>1619 All of them. I'm a Burger.
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The illegal kind thanks to Jewkraine.

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Innawoods Thread? Strelok 05/30/2022 (Mon) 01:41:44 Id: a4b9a7 No. 1608 [Reply]
Innawoods thread. >TFW no Nemo Omen >no Mark 23 >no wakizashi >no ranger roll >only one handgun >only one melee I did the best I could
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Rate it
>>1612 I'd say at least play Solid 1-3. 3 is also canonically the first.
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Reloading Strelok 10/02/2022 (Sun) 02:53:27 No. 1590 [Reply]
>no reloading thread on the board Anyone tried buying primers lately? It's been a year since I bought some through Midway. Have they been showing back up in your local stores irl?
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>>1604 I got the idea (from Sharpe's reloading book I think) that cleaning brass was necessary to make casing inspection ready. I'm going with the stainless steel pins that are used for jewelry. Reportedly people are using it to clean casings.
>>1605 I've gotten by so far without one but that's been neck sizing only for hunting rifles, I've run into issues with full length resizing. I need to get some sort of cleaner before I start into my stash of once fired 45-70 and the 30-06 brass for my M-1. All that stuff has been on the back burner since the Corona component drought. I was leaning towards one of those ultrasonic units that doubles as a parts cleaner but I haven't done much research into it.
How is reloading looking these days? I haven't paid attention.

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Homemade Meds for Bullet wounds AntichristHater 07/25/2022 (Mon) 03:37:17 Id: 908bdb No. 1567 [Reply]
I made this celox b knock off using everything seen in pic + electrical tape. Havent tested it yet, what do you guys think the likelyhood of this working is? And how should i test it?
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>>1586 agreed
Once you've successfully dumped gunk into your open wound and sealed it up, what does the recovery process start to look like? Does the clotted blood encourage new skin to bridge within the opening under the big chemical blob that's been dumped over it? Is it a situation where I'd have to be scraping and sewing if I wanted permanence to come of this remedy?

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Shot Show 2023 Strelok 01/16/2023 (Mon) 20:29:36 No. 1538 [Reply]
a thread for all things related the big show starting tomorrow
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>>1558 Is that bar jut above the trigger a safety or is it a take down lever?
>>1561 I think I see a hidden ejector rod on the right side of the barrel. If so, it'd function like a really awkward and overly complicated port-loader.
Was it any good?

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Randy Weaver has passed away. Strelok 05/14/2022 (Sat) 04:25:55 Id: 524ce3 No. 1519 [Reply]
A bit late, but Randy Weaver has died yesterday at the age of 74. Never forget that feds and glowniggers are the scum of the Earth and each single last one of them will burn in whatever Hell exists. >https://www.kxly.com/randy-weaver-man-at-center-of-ruby-ridge-standoff-has-died/ F inb4 i get b&
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>>1534 Some of us Millenials actually go full Dr. William Luther Pierce/ George Lincoln Rockwell T. Millenial.

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Watch out for ISIS-K /k/ommando 11/15/2021 (Mon) 21:22:22 No. 607 [Reply]
Now in control of Afghanistan.
>>607 Based
>>1378 Yes you are.

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The lounge /k/ relaxing, weapons, chitchat, ballistol plugs Vampyr Board owner 07/11/2021 (Sun) 02:46:07 No. 278 [Reply] [Last]
The lounge /k/ relaxing, weapons, chitchat, ballistol plugs, and assorted chicanery. This is place.
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>>1280 Teach her too not be afraid of fireworks first.
>>1362 Goddamn thats dissapointing. They stood for something once. Trannies destroy everything they touch, and all that evil requires to prevail is that good men do nothing.
>>1364 >They stood for something once. Combination of glowniggers and reddit sucking Ukraine dick. >Trannies destroy everything they touch, and all that evil requires to prevail is that good men do nothing. Ukraine niggers defending Cuckchan /k/ banning historical threads, Rhodesia threads and Somaliland because stealing Ukraine media attention helping Russia and Donald Trump. https://archive.ph/NpmWR

Btw /k/ommando 05/16/2022 (Mon) 20:48:48 No. 1187 [Reply]
I cannot express how much i would love to have sex with the German super heavy tank the MAUS.. I want to stick my weewee in the gun barrel and shoot my funny juice inside it. Please do not report me to the police i promise i am sane :) Maus my beloved <3
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>>1222 checked and thats a sexy plane. Good name.
>>1187 >I cannot express how much i would love to have sex with the German super heavy tank the MAUS.. >I want to stick my weewee in the gun barrel and shoot my funny juice inside it. Completely understandable OP, just be sure to clean her up afterwards.
Only tank i wanna fuck is Thomas the tank

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I'm a professional gunsmith, ask me anything. /k/ommando 07/11/2021 (Sun) 03:36:12 No. 280 [Reply] [Last]
Thought this might be a good thread to liven things up. I have: >No degree, because those schools are all DeVry-tier rackets >5 years apprenticeship under a master gunsmith who was a retired millwright machinist >3 years experience doing it solo as an actual, paid job There are still a lot of guns I haven't personally worked on, but the list of guns I haven't at least touched, shot, or tinkered with is pretty short. I'll check back on this thread every so often and try to answer every question if I can. if thred 2 ghey pls b&
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Another question about chambers and chambering. How long does it take, on average, to chamber a rifled gun barrel? Individual custom gun, or in serial production line. As long as it's the usual method, with lathe, some common handgun/rifle tolerances, not benchrest autism with absulutely zero runout. I have been reading these stories about chambering a single barrel taking several hours, not counting the boring and rifling, chambering only. And that reaming by hand reamer would take weeks with same formula, aka. full 8h work day in lathe. What the hell are these people doing, are they grinding a single atom layer per turn and work hardening the bit instead of cutting, or is this some sort of inside joke I just didn't get? I thought it would take a minute or two to cut, maybe a bit more to center the lathe. Please educate, Also, how much do you consider acceptable off-bore runout for pistol and rifle chambers, respectively (again, not benchrest, but the average production sample). Thanks.
>>280 I second this >>1317
I am pondering a side-by-side "coach gun" type shotgun, as a range toy. I want one with exposed hammers, something similar to a Colt 1878, but of course not a collectors' item costing more than my truck. I am seeing approximately jack and shit in local gun stores, and not much more than that on Gunbroker. I don't want to spend an excessive amount of money. I'm not going to drop twelve bills on a CZ Sharptail or a Taylor Hartford to scratch this itch. I was looking at an "American Gun Company" double that looks decent and isn't Damascus steel, but research raised a bunch of questions. It was the house brand of a hardware store chain that went out of business a hundred years ago or more. Most of the guns were made by Crescent in Connecticut and were cheap-ish but mostly solid, by the standards of the place and time. But the hardware store imported some batches of very similar looking shotguns from Belgium and put their rollmark on them, and those seem to have been basically pipe bomb quality. And given its age it might have 2 1/2" or 2 5/8" or 2 9/16" chambers. If it's going to cost an shitton of money to recut the chambers, over and above shortening the barrels and reinstalling the bead, there's no point. I'm not willing to spend CZ Sharptail money on a Belgian pipe bomb that might blind me or blow my hands off on the third shot. There were Chinese coach guns imported very briefly, which have a very poor reputation with the CAS crowd, but not any more, and they all seem to have vanished from Gunbroker and every other auction site. tl;dr want exposed hammer coach gun, not willing to pay four figures for CZ, wat do?

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The Taliban now owns Afghanistan /k/ommando 08/31/2021 (Tue) 21:44:00 No. 466 [Reply] [Last]
https://web.archive.org/web/20210831213906/https://www.aljazeera.com/gallery/2021/8/31/photos-triumphant-taliban-parades-at-kabul-airport-after-us-exit So things that jump out. One the Taliban is now practicing trigger discipline Two they are wearing masks Three they are now using 5.56X45mm So I guess now we sell them Nato ammo? Is this winning?
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>>567 What group do you think SA, Pakistan, and Israel paid to do the attacks? Al Qaida, who were based out of Afghanistan. Basically an islam-flavoured PMC that would contract out to do terrorist acts throughout the middle east. That’s the reason the US went in there; because that’s where the guy who masterminded the actual attacks was based. Bombing the shit out of who paid him is less productive and harder to garner public support for. It’s better to kill the ‘face’, and then try and economically cripple the people who paid for the contract.
>>1073 Catholics are far more likely to support globohomo. Devout protestants are one step away from being white nationalists, there’s a reason why the overwhelming majority of Hitler’s support came from protestant germans, and why jews work double overtime to undermine protestant sects whilst leaving catholics alone
>>1302 Catholics are cypto jews run by the satanic jesuits.

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Tombstone 9mm lever action Anonymous 01/04/2023 (Wed) 17:53:01 No. 1294 [Reply]
The Tombstone 9MM is POF-USA’s take on a lever-action rifle. Tombstone is a modern-lever-action chambered in a pistol caliber, initially offered in 9MM. The rifle comes with the same proven 20-round standard magazine, or optional 10-round, that accompanies the POF-USA Phoenix. The Tombstone’s compact overall length is just 36” and comes in at an ultra-lightweight 5.75lbs (unloaded weight). The trigger is a proprietary non-adjustable design, featuring a smooth pull and crisp break of 3.5lbs. The 16.5” free-floating 4150 steel barrel is complimented by POF’s 10.5” Modular Receiver Rail (M.R.R.), with M-Lok slots at the 3, 6, 9 and a 2” picatinny rail at the 12 position. The integrated XS Ghost Ring sights allow for quick target acquisition and POF’s removable dual port muzzle break is ideal for fast follow-up shots. Its total length is 16 and a half inches. So a little over a foot.
Edited last time by Vampyr on 01/04/2023 (Wed) 17:54:29.
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>>1295 Probably because its a tacticool lever action, is it cheap? If yes, then there you have it.
>>1296 Yeah. Good point. Still looks silly.
>>1294 Kinda goofy but also neat I guess but why not make a more traditional lever gat in 9mm with wood furniture too? Is that a propriety mag or one of those things they put in knock off AKM pistol caliber rifles typically made by PSA or whatever? I have no use for one but I hope someone else does so the three or four that gets manufactured before the company goes bankrupt actually end up with a loving owner. >>1296 >Probably because its a tacticool lever action, is it cheap? Ehh I'd argue the appeal of a lever gat is to not have a long magazine protrude outward so it's slim and compact and bolty bois already do that better and more reliably. At that point why not just get a CMMG AR pistol or Ruger PC carbine that you'd probably get more use out of anyway? I dunno maybe I'm wrong and these will be a huge hit in some retarded country like Australia or Leafland, I hope that's their intended goal anyway. >>1295 >So this shitty retarded tacticool rifle is trending like crazy. Coonsumerism is a powerful force anon.

How to Gun BerndDerTolle31 08/17/2022 (Wed) 21:36:11 No. 1243 [Reply]
Is it easier to make a gun out of a full metal airsoft or just print one yourself? (asking for a friend) parts are available to buy online but that doesn't make a whole gun.
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>>1273 Again. WTF.
Hey, depends on what your buddy wants. Does he want to make a homemade muzzleloader ? A homemade gun that takes some kind of cartridge (a repeating firearm ? a break action ?) ? To my knowledge, homemade smoothbore muzzleloading guns and 12 GA slamfire pipe shotguns can be very very easy to make, even in in under-industrialised third world shitholes. Just look at Pakistan or the Kashmire region in India for example (pic related).
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Also, I think a retard proof build would be some kind of homemade short barreled black powder muzzle loader with a small bore but a VERY VERY thick STEEL tube (NEVER FUCKING USE IRON). Also here's the related pic of the above response, because I'm too much of a fucking shitweed retard to remember to put it in the first one.

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Recommendations for tools / complete tool kits? /k/ommando 12/11/2022 (Sun) 22:48:31 No. 1286 [Reply]
Asking as a general question... Anyone have any recommendations on brands, kits, specific tools, etc. for the hobbyist and maybe even occasional pro? For me, it is more to do with maintaining a few AR's, Glock 19 & 43, 1911's, old-time Western-style weapons (Colt SAA, Ruger Blackhawk, Winchester 1894, Springfield 1873 Trapdoor) and a few other pieces in the collection. It is also about wanting to build more 80% lowers. Built an AR lower, and felt pretty comfortable doing so. Resulting rifle shoots as tight as my original Colt 6600 HBAR, but I built it. And, if I get good enough, maybe make a few dollars on the side helping others. So, any recommendations? The military small-arms armorers kits come to mind, but they're harder to find in complete / good condition or at a reasonable price (even beat up, they command high prices).
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>>1288 Done... Cross posted, link for those who may like to follow: h***s://anon.cafe/k/res/44931.html
>>1289 ...Guess I shoulda been more specific and guided you to the /QTDDOT/ thread.
>>1290 heh.

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/k/ommando 01/10/2022 (Mon) 00:58:38 No. 963 [Reply]
Reminder that a true Samurai can cut through machine gun bullets and European swords.
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Serious question though where does one actually buy a genuine Nippon Katana? Everywhere I look it's usually stuff made in China, South Korea, and the Philippines. I'd settle for a Korean or Pinoy Katana though if that's all I can get but it would be nice to have a 'real' Katana as a choice too and I'm perfectly fine with spending a lot to ensure I get something I could actually hypothetically use for self defense that isn't a glorified fragile wall decoration. >>963 This >>1278 Samurai where rarely able to deflect bullets and it was a lot more easy to just turn their rifles into very short SBR's once the barrels were hot. At that point with past ballistics being what they where it was damn near impossible to hit the broadside side of a entire ship anchored to port much less a fast moving target assuming their lead could even penetratre their armor.
>>1283 I dont know. Nit the mall though I can tell you that. Some obscure chinese blacksmith no doubt.

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