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King of Shitposting

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Royal Rumble 2018 Thread #2 Boliever 01/29/2018 (Mon) 01:44:19 Id: 6be457 No. 95371
For if/when >>90721 hits post limit.
>>96347 >implying that there's anything wrong with eating pizza with your gf and cuddling with your gf while she sleeps
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Rousey will end Asska's streak at SummerSlam possibly. Or if she does end up in WM34… GET READY FOR WYMYNS MATCH IN THE MAIN EVENT OF WRESTLEMANIA SISTER
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>>95371 >subtle autism awareness logo in the bottom Sure fits this thread. >tfw Braun vs Brock won't be the main event of WM34 instead we will get Roman vs Lesnar Braun beating Brock in the mainevent for the Universal title would be the perfect way to cap off Braun's incredible run this past year. Plus he has far more reason to face Brock than Roman does. But the [LOUD BOOING] simply has to stand tall, #4WrestlemaniaMainEvents in a row #AhhYessir. Damn it Vince, there is still time to make things right.
>>96352 >Best female wrestler in the world The absolute state.
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>>96352 sasha being extra safe after injuring paige
>11 of the 30 entrants are retired >Could've have called up the aussies lesbians or nikki cross instead >Taker's wife got the most eliminations At least the cute christmas cake won.
>People already turning on Arseuka in the WWE comments
>State of Rouseys theme
>Check early reviews for the Women Rumble >It's 4 star ratings FUCKING HOW >Commentary was plain fucking awful the entire way through, Stephanie's commentary failed even the basics of sports commentating and sounded like a mom watching wrestling for the first time >A bunch of wrestlers jumping out of the ring only to run back in the ring and get eliminated >Over a third of the entries were retired stars coming back to fill the roster >Still pushing Sasha this hard because lolnepotism >Vicky Guerrero spot would have worked better for RAW 25, not in the Royal Rumble (I didn't even have time to fetch a remote, I just sat there with my hands over my ears waiting for this dumb spot to finish) >Bella twins come back and look like they're surprise booked for winning the rumble (because we totally need another repeat of 2013-2014 when bellaswinlol) >At least until Asuka who they have been hyping up to win the rumble wins the rumble to absolutely nobody's surprise >Only for Rousey to come out, point fingers at things and leave I definitely don't want to go back and watch it again, and the commentary is some of the worst I've heard in a while even for WWE standards. I'd give this one a * only because Naomi's spot was the highlight of the match, else I would have given it a DUD.
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>people are still surprised that wwe fucking sucks
>tfw Asuka lost weight
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>>96365 >Okadaposting
>>96364 >FUCKING HOW Because herstory brother HH
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>>96364 Shut up! You liked it!
Why do you guys even watch this shitty product at this point? this whole PPV was awful from start to finish.
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>>96370 >implying I watch this shitshow
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>tfw Kairi didn't win At least she did better than Booley
>>96370 I liked the rumble. Hell I like the rumble anyway even when it's bad and this one was the best in at least five years. I was looking forward to the usos vs AA but that was a huge disappointment.
>>96365 >>96370 >being a NERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRD >not wanting to watch a trainwreck and shitpost about it
>>96370 This was me giving WWE one last chance before going full NJPW and only watching Attitude Era WWF. I'll probably still watch WM and RR though.
I hate watching mickie james because she looks like my mom.
>>96380 I want to fuck your mother.
>someone posted a bunch of ponyshit in at least one thread >nobody cared Is /wooo/ a brony board?
>>96656 >no response confirmed
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>>96847 >>96656 Can't work us with cartoon horses brother hh
>RR analysis 1/2
>RR analysis 2/2 you deserve it, brony marks
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Okay but here's the REAL question, where does rousey sit in the Diva's WOMYN'S WRESTLERS power rankings for attractiveness? Of the top women on either show I'd say she's probably the most attractive besides maybe alexa. If you put in NXT ladies though she may only barely skirt into the top 10.
>>96853 Fuck it let's settle this once and for all, Who's hottest poll here http://honeypot.gov/8ortk5
>>96854 >>96853 rousey lookin real CUTE but she has a powerful male jaw that always bugged me. (((alexa))) is still the hottest bcus bias
>>96852 >>96851 wtf i like dsp now
>>96858 >male jaw comparing to 50% female roster she's objective standard for feminine face
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>>96853 Post the important things first brother She's alright

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