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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3649: WAR WAR WAR WAR WAR Edition Anonymous 02/24/2022 (Thu) 07:07:02 Id: 68e6f6 No. 209829
WAR WAR WAR WAR WAR WAR WAR WAR WAR WAR WAR WAR WAR WAR WAR PUTIN WEARS THE SAME SUIT AND TIE HE IS LITERALLY HITLER https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10546015/Putin-wears-suit-tie-wore-two-days-ago-announcing-war-Ukraine.html SLAVS GOING MENTAL AND PUTTING PRESSURE ON JEWS https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10545977/Panic-stations-Kiev-Residents-flee-capital-rush-west-air-sirens-ring-out.html LE BOJO SAYS LE NO NO https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-60504204
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this nigga going banana's
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>Rumour of over 800 Ukrainian Soldiers KIA
well time for bed
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>snowing >war >tattie scones
>>209836 dont do it lad it'll just be another day wasted. fix your sleep schedule today.
>we are apparently in the midst of war >everything is incredibly fucking boring
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🇺🇦⚡🇷🇺 🇺🇦⚡🇷🇺 🇺🇦⚡🇷🇺 official Russo-Ukrainian War soundtrack: https://youtu.be/fNNu7EQ_Z_8
>>209829 good lad
>>209839 im having fun
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Russians outside Kharkov
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>>209842 good lad
>Lugansk People's Republic claiming that the Ukrainian military across the contact line are refusing on a mass scale to carry out orders from the command and are leaving their positions
>war in le meme country >they all evacuate >we all get slav gfs
god I hate xoomers
Eastern europeans have no conscience and no dignity. They are the niggers of the ostensibly white race.
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>>209848 just use donated british eggs I guess
even the afghanis lasted longer
>>209850 >so true
>>209847 >>209852 don't blame them tbh their govt is 90s russia tier, utter joke led by a fucking kike
>>209847 keeeeeeek >>209849 >won't somebody think of my summer holiday home that i got for free
>>209851 👀
>Ukrainian 53rd brigade taking losses and some are deserting
>BREAKING: Brent crude oil hits $102
>still don't know if war is actually happening or if it's just more boring propaganda
>>209852 >>209855 the ones dying for a fake "country" based on USSR internal borders invented in 1990 are the fools. they should do what Putin says- lay down your arms and go home
>The Ministry of National Defense of Romania reports that this morning the Su-27 of the Ukrainian Air Force made an unauthorized flight to the Romanian border and was landed by two F-16s of the Romanian Armed Forces at the Bakau Air Base https://twitter.com/AndreyZhukovv/status/1496745887057465345 looks like the holhols are fleeing
>>209861 meds. now.
wasn't meant to be spoilered
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>The rumour of Romania intercepting and forcing a Ukrainian Su-27 to land, apparently it was deserting & entered Romanian airspace
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>>209863 >it's not a rumour KEEEEEEEEEEEEK
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>>209871 keek, kohlchan oc? never been tbh. I think it's the successor to krautchan?
>>209840 aww thought it was going to be something cool like oh shit im feeling it or something like that
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>Defence Spokesman of the Donetsk People's Republic Eduard Basurin is claiming that the Azov battalion and other units of the Ukrainian National Guard are blocking local civilians from leaving Mariupol
bins should host small soldiers tonight tbh
>BREAKING: Brent crude oil hits $103
>>209868 keeeeeeeek
>Russians have taken up positions on the beltway, the ring road around Kharkov, some reports say that they are moving to surround the city
>>209879 lel if fucking only, imagine if le gommie revolution actually happened and put these cunts in their place
Russian MLRS barrage hitting nearby an Ukrainian house in Kharkov Oblast.
>>209882 LMFAO
Another ammo dump got cooked off.
>>209872 >kohlchan oc? never been tbh. I think it's the successor to krautchan? yes, it's the most active non-4chan imageboard afaik https://kohlchan.net/int/catalog.html
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>>209886 Ling Mee really stepped in it
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Chinese factory tier.
The Russian Army from Crimea has reportedly began to enter the Heniches’k district of Kherson Oblast of Ukraine.
>>209889 is that a munitions place?
>tfw I know all these places from playing gsg's
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>mummy saying we can't just let Putin annihilate people like Hitler in Ukraine >ask if she's joking >no >tell her she knows nothing about what's going on there then >"I do, it's been on the [BBC] news"
>>209894 was literally playing Russia in that game today when the war started
we've more of a risk from some twat polak bricking us than we do Poutine taking over and enforcing his rule why should we give a shit
The Russians just wiped the Ukrainian Psyops HQ in Kiev off the map. >>209893 Yep.
>>209897 It's sort of bad for us in that we'll have a large influx of eastern european "refugees"
>>209899 on the bright side we dont have to mail order the brides, they come to us instead
toils calls me. I can no watch in envy as the ukies are slaughtered. its over.
>BREAKING: Ukraine has requested Turkey close Bosporus and Dardanelles straits access to Russian warships
>>209900 > we dont have to mail order the brides, they come to us instead isn't that what mail order means
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>wanting an albino nigger westoid fetishising globohomo 'refugee' gf Dis groomer nigga really that thirsty?
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Russia just gain Kharkov without entering the the city and firing a shot.
I for one, as an actually wignat and neo-nazi support our azov brother. Fuck putin and his eurasian racemixing fantasy.
>>209908 neither side is based but Russia is definitely the lesser evil
Ukrainian troops are currently in the streets of Odessa. Numerous videos of Ukrainian military convoys passing through the city of Odessa point for resistance in that axis.
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LPR Arty
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and of fucking course they are the first ones fucking listed
>>209912 Tbh. Any neo nazi larper should go fight there himself rather than shill for British involvement.
urine is le kill
LPR fighting for the city of Shchastia.
Prepare for news outlets to mention Blitzkrieg
UK will respond ‘decisively’ to Russia attack on Ukraine, vows Boris Johnson https://twitter.com/guardian/status/1496756909927702528
>>209910 >ukrainians not getting booster #4 Erm this why you being invaded chuds!!
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>>209909 Basically calling him the Devil. Secular people are funny.
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Tbh workplaces have gotten really bad about this kind of thing
Dreading getting dragged into a conversation about le evil Russia with boomers at muh boomer hobby today. Some actually remember their fathers and uncles getting killed by literally Hitler so if they take the Putin is Hitler moronic stance they'll be emotional today.
problems with telegram apparently. can't tell if it's nato fags fucking with it. hardly any updates for a while now
croissants and toffee yumyums and a nice haul of orange stickers from t'shops >>209931 >nonce using children as an example for anything
>"Putin is modern-day Hitler" - ex-Ukraine President Poroshenko howling. it's gone beyond tiresome and is actually funny tbh
mummy is very upset about putler being a bully
>we're invading you nazi scum >stop invading us hitler >you're hitler >no you
hopefully the based asov diaspora will be helpful in the rahowa
>azov and lgbt+ ngo workers on the plane during evacuation.
>>209937 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
Ukraine strikes Russian mainland Border checkpoint in Kursk region — FSB
>Ukrainian border guards and military on Zmeinyi island (the Black sea coast, near Izmail) are threatened to surrender. "If you resist, you will be annihilated. The chances to survive are zero", the voice told the Ukrainian border guards on radio https://twitter.com/abdujalil/status/1496771752067616773
livestream of people attempting to escape kiev https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHWwMzeFye0
fighting in kharkov
>>209941 its insane how much history that island has, it's a part of the achiles myth and even had a temple to achiles on it.
>just noticed theres 2 inches of snow outside what a day its been
>>209945 Yes, what a crazy day it's been. Still more to come. ✌ Really something when a story like this develops, yet all of the good lads CBA to pick a side even in the face of so much moralising.
show passport = free gun more american than america tbh
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>An emergency alert is being broadcasted to Television in Lviv by the Lviv Civil Administration. >It states things such as "Help the sick and elderly" and "Keep calm and order" https://twitter.com/AuroraIntel/status/1496752875879419909 epic >>209949 all of them are going to end up in the hands of an arab drug dealer in a french banlieue lol
>>209931 Hate this kind of talk. It's not big or little kids in an individual scuffle on the playground. It's (all equally corrupt and authoritarian) nations waging war. It's further mass casualties of innocents by choice of involvement for Britain and the US. Smdh.
>>209948 incredibly comfy pic
>>209953 >nooo you can't just heckin overthrow our westoid puppet government we installed by violent overthrow, and install a Russian puppet government by violent overthrow Taking the centrist view of don't give a shit if he does it.
From Telegram: 🇺🇦🇷🇺 Russian MoD announces the Donetsk People's Republic advanced 3 kilometers towards Volnovakha So the two breakaway areas of Donetsk and Luhansk are currently being treated by Russia as independent entities. Wonder how long that lasts or if they are supposed to get annexed.
CNN: Putin is OWNING the far right, and they don't even know it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4YjCfqmNr4M bros.... are we being played?
BREXIT: David Davis is RESIGNING from the Cabinet, and they can't even stop him
bros... do not go to the 4/pol/ ukraine sticky
Remember lads, two weeks to flatten the Ukrainian defense
footage of the strike that killed the lad in the last thread
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Destroyed Ukrainian BTR-4 and Russian "Tiger" armored vehicle near Kharkov
>>209941 >Zmeinyi island according to wikipedia, Snake Island is disputed between Romania and Ukraine. Scary stuff if Romania kicks off
>>209966 would be based if they did a little cheeky land seizure while belarus and pootin are doing their thing balkan seethium fueled infighting starting another world war would be top banter
david davis is going to get us nuked lads https://twitter.com/DavidDavisMP/status/1496790753061871616
>>209968 the final prophecy of David Davis MP Resigning the entire nation from the face of the earth
>>209892 Look at all those medium range AAA. They're expecting outside intervention.
>>209968 he seeks release from his eternity of resignation
>>209966 would love to see things spiral out of control as countries start joining the war one by one for various reasons >>209967 tbh >>209968 smh
>>209967 unfathomably based if they did <Poland invades Lwow (Lviv/Lemberg) Ukraine partition party when?
omg le heckin Russia is so based
>>209969 Everyone has a place in God's plan, his is to resign
finally a good happening
>>209974 seethe somewhere else lass do you really think any of us give a shit about russia just want to see nato humiliated as it kvetches helplessly on the sidelines
>>209974 good point i agree
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heil putin lads he's going to save the white race
>>209980 For me it's hoping this is the start of the prophesied wars leading up to armageddon, simple as
>>209981 based
I hope the MoD conscript women first as a show of how diverse and inclusive we are
videos of a flag changing from ukrainian to russian is being shared a lot right now, but i can't find a reliable source for where this is, possibly kakhovka https://twitter.com/RWApodcast/status/1496798399731048455
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>west does jack shit and allows Russia to do its thing >omg le heckin happening ww3 nukes
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хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю хрю
>>209987 Russia invading Ukraine and the west doing shit all iss the happening you fucking mong
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>west does jack shit and allows Russia to do its thing >north korea vores south korea >china vores taiwan
>>209990 Oh wow a small border incursion in region that has been breaking away from the ukraine is such a major happening
>>209984 tbh straight huwhite christian men are overrepresented in the military and therefore should be selected last it's time for us to take a step back and let under-represented minorities take centre stage >>209987 can't blame lads for having hope tbh
>>209993 >bombs cities as far away as lviv >minor border incursion.
>>209994 I can't tell if that's a parody or something genuinely fished out of the depths of shitter.
>contrarian dayfags waking up
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fuck is this lad even seething about?
>>209996 >LE HECKIN BOMBS Always happens look at Palestine and Isreal, doesnt mean it the big happening you wank yourself over
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>>210002 They've bombed every major military instillation in the country lad.
>>210002 >israel bombing palestine is the same as russia invading ukraine up to the dniepr meds. now.
>>210004 installation
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>923535 waste of a numerical id tbqh
>>209997 Keeeeeek, unlucky >>209999 >>210000 Chequed
>>210004 And? If the west doesn't get involved it literally just a meme teir war so dont get your hopes up
>>210009 It really isn't, if they do nothing NATO's rep is in the toilet and Russia will be able to get control over the rest of Ukraine through soft power. This will be a massive blow to US international prestige when it's already at an all time low.
>>210010 Yeah NATO will get humiliated the same way Russia was on track to get humiliated earlier
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qt slav gfs incoming
We'll only really know how important this all is in retrospect tbh. >>210011 Russia has been humiliated repeatedly since 91, it's taken them near 25 years to get over the hump of the Union disintegrating.
>>210010 I dont disagree, all im saying it wont start a major war.
>>210012 >immediate response is to flee to the west t. every wog in the entire world fuck em all I hope putin holocausts them like the sharts did the iraqis before they get here
>>210009 >If the west doesn't get involved it literally just a meme teir war keeeeeeek imagine seriously buying into the "we're the protagonists of the world because we're the good guys and nothing important happens without us" bullshit if nato doesn't get involved then that's the signal to all the major global players that they can go and take whatever they've had their eyes on with no repercussions if bidung doesn't order a nato retaliation when he wakes up then china will take taiwan this year mark my words
the russians have taken kherson oblast, an area that is 82% ukrainian. seethe and cope anti-happeningfags.
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>>210013 Big fall
right I'm going to have to go and exercise, got to be in shape to snag myself a fleeing ukie refugee bride.
>>210018 Well if nato dont get involved there wont be ww3 you stupid cunt, thats what I meant.
Russian helicopters, it is claimed that this is in Vyshhorod, 10 miles outside of Kiev, cannot confirm for now. https://twitter.com/RWApodcast/status/1496801870060396544
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>>210015 smh poor bob bolus smdh rip >>210017 tbqh >>210022 do you think we want ww3 just for death and destruction? that's only partially true lad if nato do nothing then they've effectively lost the war for who gets to be the dominant power without a single shot needing to be fired just want to see the end of the current order in the slim hope that something marginally less cringe takes its place tbh
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>>210026 >terrifying desk
No russian called me a incel tbh
>>210030 russians hacked my steam account once
>>210030 tbh >>210031 owned
>helis swarming over bombed out village kino https://twitter.com/RWApodcast/status/1496804181331558403
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>>210030 keeeeeeek tbh >>210031 smh >>210034 choon
>>210033 another angle
>>210036 Now have sudden urge to play Wargame or Arma
Two Russian soldiers have been captured by Ukrainian forces.
>>210037 I'm burnt out on wargame, plus it's populated by 3000hr sweats.
>>210038 The one on the left looks like he's 17.
Kharkov Frontline
Black smoke seen rising of Ukraine’s Defence Intelligence Headquarters in Kyiv- Reuters
See the west could have prevented this by making Russia look after 200,000 ,wogs fresh off the plains of sub saharan africa.
>Ukrainian officials say a Russian helicopter airborne landing attempt is under way at the Hostomel military airport just outside Kyiv. that will be the videos above. one of them has been hit i think
>>210036 A host of dragons attacking a medieval village
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>two self-titled "femboys" in the tf2 chat talking about how the west is doomed because it's too soft (and also how they both want a real man like putin) it's like some combination of self-awareness and obliviousness that has the worst qualities of both >>210039 keeeeeeeek >>210043 wew
>>210048 Rope hard and high I say.
>>210048 bully them relentlessly until they track you down and leave seething comments on your steam profile lad I have a few of those, badge of honour tbh
>>210048 Putting the gay in gaymer tbh
>>210049 tbh tbh >>210050 already found a new server out of disgust smh >>210051 keeek tbh
Russians taking losses in Kharkov supposedly a russian tank and soldier
>>210053 light mechanize, it's a MT-LB and a tigr
>>210053 damn rip
russian jets over kiev
>>210053 the fact they left the body tells me the russians got btfo and had to leave.
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>>210053 Remember Britain was shipping over tons of anti-tank weaponry
>>210059 It's just good business.
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maybe the mod should have sold them so aa weaponry as well.
Kremlin says Putin is ready to hold talks with "leadership of Ukraine" to discuss the country's "neutral status & refusal to host [foreign] military installations on its territory", should Kiev be ready for such talks.
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>>210062 >A.N.L. GAS
cold currywurst tbh
>>210065 good lad
>>210062 Experiment D.Y.Z. weaponry was seen in Kharkov too
holhols downed a russian heli and captured the crew https://twitter.com/RWApodcast/status/1496814109714751493
going to be doing some heinous braps at today's neet humilation ritual in a few hours
Ukrainian military transportation aircraft has been shot down by Russian forces. 14 people were on board with 5 confirmed killed https://twitter.com/Caucasuswar/status/1496816744786190337/photo/1
>>210069 Good lad, if you can get them to evacuate the building maybe the ritual will be cut short.
>>210069 baste >>210070 smh rip
>even when it's happening I can't help but think it's not real enough or still some elaborate charade it is but the war is real and people are dying for it is this what they call hyperreality or whatever tbh
>>210074 learnt happeninglessness
>>210074 that's not hyperreality but its not like you'll ever understand what it is so who cares, kneetard.
>>210074 People being pushed around a board like chess pieces for some nebulous international agenda.
>>210074 tbh just waiting for it to turn out that all the footage was faked and they were all crisis actors >>210075 keeeeeeeeeek tbhtbh
>>210078 that's been the standard human existence for centuries now disgusting tbh
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Kiev? Kharkov? Odessa? How about they're bombin' none of em
https://twitter.com/fotoshuma/status/1496438692889739267 "The Japanese ambassador to Ukraine stayed in Kiev, he was delivered from Tokyo his great-grandfather's samurai sword and traditional armor. Dressed in them, he declared that the samurai must protect the country in which he is! Glory to Japan! Glory to Ukraine!"#Ukraine
>>210081 pig killer... let's kill some pigs today... let's annex every ukie in sight.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7lw1MrMHQ9o
>>210082 not sure what level of irony this is on tbh
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>>210084 >>210085 tbh honestly cannot tell if this is based or cringe smh
>>210086 it's fake lad and you should feel ashamed for falling for it
>>210074 I think I know how you feel.
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>>210087 what can i say lad it activated my neurons is it a crime to want to believe that the world is marginally more interesting than it actually is?
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>>210090 This is the only Russia-Uk news I can find involving Finland
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>>210090 at least post a twitter link or something lad if you'd done that i would have believed you immediately smh now i have to look it up myself
Unconfirmed: Russian forces are allegedly entering Brovary, a suburb of Kiev https://twitter.com/RWApodcast/status/1496823581577289747
this war is going to be over by the time steiner wakes up
>>210094 He will have missed the nothingburger.
>>210095 a war between the two biggest european countries is not a nothingburger lad
>>210096 thats_the_joke.jpg
brovary is here btw. if it's true
it's actually Russia+Belarus vs the Ukraine. they're getting tag teamed
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>the citizens advice bureau are egging me on and telling me I can get damages for getting fired I'm taking on the middle management hags and I'm going to get paid for it
Unconfirmed reports that the government district in Kiev is being evacuated https://twitter.com/RWApodcast/status/1496824893056430083
>>210093 feels strange seeing an armoured vehicle driving down the road one second and then a white van the next smh just a reminder that in most normal wars life goes on around it as best as people can i guess smh >>210094 tbh imagine sleeping keeeeeeek >>210095 that's the beauty of it lad if it turns out to be a nothingburger that means it's the start of a much bigger somethingburger we literally can't lose
>>210100 don't trust anything CAB say lad get a proper lawyer if you're neet now you qualify for legal aid
>>210102 I gotta go to bed, don't wanna but I gotta I can get 7 1/2 hours sleep if I fall asleep within the hour, which is enough to work out
>>210100 based get in there lad take them for every penny >>210101 they're getting absolutely rolled smh >>210105 smh poor lad nini
>tf bombs exploding all around you >boss asks you to come in to cover vlads shift because he's no longer in one piece
having the reverse of a power nap and sleeping for a couple hours before the humilationtoil so I'll be extra groggy and unconcerned about freely brapping in the office tbh
>>210104 Yeah, I've got a lawyer on hand but gonna wait for them to reject my internal appeal >>210107 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek >>210108 good lad
>>210107 You have to be a company man in this firm to get paid Vasily, a little shrapnel never hurt anyone.
>>210100 Groovy >>210102 More people than ever. Also the van might be evacuating, never know
>>210108 remember to wear loose fitting cloths for maximum brap dispersion
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>>210107 i'd love to bossman but i have to insist on danger pay plus there's my short notice callout fee *inhales sharply* yeah that's gonna cost you
this is just embarrassing >>210106 ni
>>210114 What about the grandma divisions?
>>210114 keeeeeeeeeeek it's even more impotent than appealing to the UN.
>>210115 the babushka brigade
>>210115 I'm more interested in the spinster platoons.
>>210107 >bossman hops the border and runs the business in exile
>>210114 keeeeeeeeeeeeeek a twitter seethe is their last best hope >>210115 sadly the wooden kalashnikovs have proven ineffective
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ummmm lads...
>>210121 Big if true
>>210121 I haven't seen any Russian paratroopers yet.
>>209950 an improvement, tbh >>209927 cor blimey wouldn't mind having her as a gf
Russian strikes in Ukrainka, near Kyiv https://twitter.com/MarQs__/status/1496829323113861126
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>>210125 wew that zipping sound as it comes in
>>210126 Is it wrong that I thought the same thing, reminds me of napoleonic cannon fire.
Kiev not Kyiv Peking not Beijing Burma not Myanmar Saigon not Ho Chi Minh City
>>210126 >>210127 that's why i posted it tbh, surprised me
>>210125 wew >>210128 tbh too right lad
Ukrainian Air Force base in Melitopol has been destroyed with a rocket strike https://twitter.com/RWApodcast/status/1496831409914200071
bombay not mumbai okaythankyou
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>>210133 >denazify every time i read it it gets slightly more annoying
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air raid sirens in kiev
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>10 minutes without any new helicopter cavalry charge footage
sirens have stopped
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Very based
>>210139 honestly loving all this footage of jets and tanks and shite that's appearing
Kholkhol 53rd Brigade surrendered and fleeing.
It's snowing in London for some reason. DARPA weather machines are now in use.
It's hail coming down.
>ethnic Azerbaijani watching the helis go by >Kholhol Medivac chopper in Odessa
>>210145 wew that's a fat fucking chopper tbh saw the local hospital helicopter landing on the roof of the hospital out the window of the bus today and compared to that thing it was tiny
>downed Kholkol gun ship >cooked off Russian T-90
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>NATO is not going to close the Bosporus Strait for Russian ships yet
>>210147 Are you sure that's a Ukie gunship I don't think they have any KA-50s in inventory.
>>210149 It has a V instead of a Z.
>>210150 No idea where they got those from then, the Russians don't sell them to anyone.
There are fuck all markings on the chopper apart from the v.
A routed Kholkol armoured column
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terrible news for us foreign policy lads
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>Still no VDV
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Sirens over Kiev again.
>>210155 Russian VDV airborne units and their BMD IFV:s join the push north Crimea: https://twitter.com/pmakela1/status/1496843493293109249
>>210158 very nice
Kholkol SBU are packing up shop.
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Russians took out a bridge in Kiev and Kholkol air defence completely wrecked in Maripol.
worried about finland tbh
>Russian forces at the Antonov airport about 15 miles outside of Kyiv. "These troops you can see over here, they are Russian airborne forces. They have taken this airport" https://twitter.com/NatashaBertrand/status/1496849053824471041
>>210163 >being worried about Finland in February
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VDV troopers doing Tik Toks, what a time to be alive.
>>210165 yeah they'll be fine in that regard but i'm more worried about what they'll do tbh niinisto basically went running off into the arms of the eu begging for nato membership smdh
>>210166 keeeeeeek smdh >>210168 honestly surprised the war has lasted this long tbh
>>210167 They would have to rebuild they whole military, the whole of Finnish military doctrine uses Russian equipment and ammo against Russia.
>>210170 >They would have to rebuild they whole military, why? >the whole of Finnish military doctrine uses Russian equipment and ammo against Russia. don't really see how that factors into anything lad if anything ammo commonality would make things easier for both sides
>>210171 The whole Finnish mode of war is guerrilla tactics, somewhat relying on killing Russian to ease logistics at the unit level.
>tfw you turn up to the war but vasily has the same gun as you so you both have to run home and change embarrassing tbh
>>210172 so then they're completely fine i don't understand what you're getting at tbh
Turkish-owned ship was hit by bomb off the coast of Odessa, ship is safe and there are no casualties - Reuters (unclear by who)
>>210174 The Finnish are a hit and run army like the NVA/Vietcong.
Finland basically had an agreement that depending on weather nato or USSR was the aggressor they would go to war on the side of the defender. That's why their gear is such a mishmash of nato and russian stuff.
>>210176 They have a standing army, it's just built around defence in depth and high mobility.
>>210175 hope turkey enters the war and then drags somebody else into it too >>210176 yes lad i know i still don't understand what point you're trying to make >>210177 tbh considering their situation it's the only sensible position
Finland really should not consider joining NATO they gain nothing from it and most of their trade is with the Russian Federation.
>>210179 The point is joining NATO would making more likely to be invaded.
would make it more likely to be invaded by Russia.*
>>210182 Must be terrifying tbf, shit myself when the RAF fly over on exercises smh poor kid having to suffer globohomokrieg
>>210182 I would shit my pants if someone dropped rockets that close.
>>210180 tbh exactly they're doing perfectly fine by standing alone and telling both sides not to fuck with them or else they join the other as soon as they actually do join the other though all that advantage is gone and suddenly they're now on the front lines >>210181 yes lad that's what i was saying from the beginning >>210182 wew
>>210184 kid will think twice before voting for zelensky again
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>>210186 I'm retarded, lad.
>>210188 keeeek smh
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wish I had a large penis tbh, looks like a lot of fun
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The first cook off caught on film.
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SU-25s over Kiev Oblast
i hope troom troom will be OK
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JUST IN - Heavy fighting between Russian and Ukrainian forces reportedly at #Chornobyl exclusion zone 100km north of Kyiv. Ukrainian interior ministry warns of potential nuclear hazards.
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OH NO NOT RIGHT WING. God. All these centrists soyim who shits on leftists and whites at the same time
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alleged map of progress in Ukraine
>Zelensky: "Russian occupation forces are trying to capture the Chernobyl plant... This is a declaration of war on the whole of Europe.""
>>210192 >>210193 Thank you for posting Anon
>>210199 smh they're going to rig it to blow like a nuclear bomb
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The Ukrainian Navy got wipe off the planet in less than 90 mins.
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>>210197 we're in the dimensional merge lad it's happening >>210199 keeeeeek >>210202 utterly deranged
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>>210203 When you overblow your countries reputation so much the only one scared of it is yourself.
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>The conflict in Ukraine is minimal. I’ve been told it’s equivalent to an evening in East Chicago.
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>>210212 >war in evropa but people still speak foreign
apparently slovakia just invaded ukraine: https://voca.ro/1hZ4EwSw2TCI
>>210210 >crowdfunding war is le heckin epic >but giving money to truckers is literally hitler
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So basically Putin is like Nagatoro-san and Ukraine is like Naoto Hachioji
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oh no
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>>210223 and they never stop to wonder why they're losing
>>210224 that's fucking pathetic
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AntIfa tier.
>>210224 i hate living in this world lads it's like everybody is five years old
>>210227 who is this and what are they saying?
>>210229 Ukie Larpers
>>210226 >>210224 all they can think about is their ego and believe others are motivated by their ego as much as they are
>>210227 come on lasses do yourself a favour and delete this video and go home you'll scatter and surrender as soon as the first bullet hits the wall next to your head
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>>210230 >he was so excited for product >but now... no product before this war started i had no opinion on the ukrainians at all tbh did not care in the slightest very quickly wishing they'd all be genocided now >>210234 tbh tbh tbh
ukraine is like if reddit was a country >>210237 keeeeeeeeeek
>>210239 >comments are turned off
>officefoidlass gave me some "insider info" >job centre rules changing to be even more punishing to neets >sanctions if you don't apply for jobs they want you to so might be forced to become factorytoilers >best case I have to go out and do volunteer charity work I don't care about with people i have nothing in common with to make up some hours and "productivity" AAAHHHHHHHH I HATE IT I HATE THE MODERN WORLD I'M GONNA POO IN SOMEONE'S BATHTUB AAAHHHHHHHHH >>210197 >>210221 >>210237 KEEEK
>>210242 Buckle up for another round of sanctions and impotent seething.
>>210244 >can't fund local prootests >can fund wars in furrin shitholes
Russian Ministry of Defense As a result of Russian strikes, 74 Ukrainian military targets were put out of action - 11 air bases - 3 command post - a naval base - 18 air defence radar stations
>>210241 follow the job shop mummies home and kill them lad >>210242 >>210243 amazed putin hasn't turned off the gas to all of europe yet tbh you'd need the patience of a saint to put up with these tantrums >>210244 too absurd for words tbqh
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>15 members of the Ukrainian 53rd brigade surrender to the Donetsk People's Republic, including one officer and two women
>>210250 >you'd need the patience of a saint to put up with these tantrums he should honestly just do it for a week and watch the world bend the knee tbh
>>210251 what a beauty
>>210251 You know you're fucked when you're mobilising the old and women.
>Biden insists that weimartika is still a superpower and will do anything and everything to stop Russia >Russia invades >WELL WE CALLED YOU HITLER ON TWITTER CHECKMATE POOTIN
>>210254 Not surprising considering the post-2014 Ukrainian economy.
Kharkov right now.
>>210256 This has to be part of a planned war tbh, there can't be any reason why the US would flip the government just to asset strip the nation while pushing it towards conflict with Russia.
>>210258 You might say it's an, escape from Kharkov
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>>210259 >nooooo the US can't be inconceivably incompetent!
>>210260 been holding back the urge to make that pun all day tbh
Ukraine President Zelensky confirms Russia has captured airfield near Kiev
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>>210263 >stuck in a classroom with normies unironically thinking Putin is about to drop nukes because of his small peepee and bald head
>>210267 It's how foids think is what really strikes me, it's a feminine way of perceiving the world.
>>210261 They'll use this and the wuflu to cover for the coming world wide financial collapse.
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>>210269 Come one man
the social media theatrics have been absolutely pathetic. it's sad, and not in a way you can sympathise.
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Kalibur cruise missile in Zaporozhye.
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>And a little bit of chicken fried, cold bear on a friday night, a pair of jeans that fit just right
I'm dead
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>>210266 tbhtbh >>210268 tbh just honestly a completely bizarre way of seeing the world and interacting with it >>210269 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>210275 >cold bear
>>210273 it's amazing tbh, Russia is invading and the ukies are getting busy btfoing them on twitter
>>210278 Good metaphor for Ukraine right now. I like to imagine it's the west taking the pictures.
>MI6 has said that 18 Il-76MD from Pskov are flying towards Kiev >Russia is skipping the rest of Ukraine and sending troops directly to liberated airport to soon liberate Kiev
bet that ukranian groomee wishes she had come to me and become my breeding sow smh
>>210277 foids are so used to social shaming stopping any criticism and getting their own way that they're willing to use it against a nuclear power fighting to protect its people and borders from WestZog
>>210281 I guess their air cav assault was a success.
>>210271 >>210272 >>210277 that's one of the worst poured pints I've ever seen tbh
lads is this war actually fucking real or not
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>18 Il-76Ds >>210288 Not on Twitter.
>>210288 I love postmodern war
>>210269 weimart always delivers
>mummy making cheeseburgers and curly fries >war in Ukraine kino evening
>>210288 Normies are going crazy thinking about nukes. Some probably also think Russians can activate the elephant's foot in Chernobyl to become a nuke somehow
everyone pray to Poutine to send the nukes
Zelensky received an ultimatum. Rejection of the LDNR, the federation of the South-East and forgetting forever even the word such a CRIMEA. 12 hours to think or the second phase of real decommunization will begin
https://youtu.be/BIlbp2YK86o I hate this woman tbh
What country needs to be de-nazified next lads?
>>210298 Us with nukes sent to every major city.
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>>210294 >Putin is white More like just one of the few not openly anti-white people smh
>>210298 Kazakhstan, get it annexed tbh, sick of seeing it on the map along with all the other stans
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I should have filmed it but I drove by two tanks heading south from Værnes in Norway. Norway sends its aide to Ukraine
Sumy got it's shit pushed in.
>>210288 it's just a border squabble tbh a big one but that's all it is if it wasn't for the omnipresent news media the rest of the world wouldn't even care niggercattle are just retards who can't understand that there's a middle ground between peace and fully mobilised all-out total war they're retards lad don't pay any attention to them >>210293 keeeeeeeeeeeeek
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Kherson Oblast
>"What is happening is a measured response, we were left no chance to do otherwise'' - Putin
>>210308 hope bossmen are seething because the military vehicles are causing traffic jams
ooohhhhh lads I'm savouring every moment of this happening
>>210310 Sending thoughts and prayers <3
>>210310 UK government reduced to posting cutesy Lisa Simpson faceberg memes.
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There is no way American liberals can recover from this.
>>210313 >>210314 Ukraine should make a dreamboard to manifest their victory
>>210310 keeeeek what's next are they going to change the profile picture on the official number ten facebook account too? superimpose a transparent hohol flag on it? >>210312 tbh
>>210315 >grant citizens right to bear arms >grant imagine being dumb enough to fight and die to defend the government that took that right away to begin with
>>210318 Bros how will they fight without VIOP ?
Russian forces going head to head with Azov Battalion in Mariupol, admits reports Azov battalion won't let civilians evec.
>>210321 I thought Azov battalion fled the country?
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name one single person
>>210324 That last of them left are in Mariupol for what it seems like a last stand.
>>210324 that was fake
>>210329 Shut up Sir kike.
>>210329 *arrests you for terrorism because you said the n-word*
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>>210325 i want to believe
>>210329 >our thoughts, our solidarity, and our resolve are with the Ukrainian people And their positive energy
what about all the ukranian trannies
More absolute KINO >Gostomel, Kiev Oblast
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>>210337 ohnonono the battle for cyberspace has commenced
>>210340 IT AINT MEE
Let's burn some sage so that bad vibes stay out of Ukraine
ukrainians apparently blew a dam up somewhere but it's unconfirmed
>>210337 why do w*men do this? this is the crisis equivalent of reminding people to drink water just useless regurgitation of information that everybody already knows and acting like that helps somehow smdh
Pechenihy Reservoir. the reservoir supplies the city of Kharkov with water.
https://twitter.com/AdamKinzinger/status/1496886293829193730 oh no some russian pows, I'm sure that'll change everything once Russia takes over the entire country within 24 hours
>>210350 Ukies KIA were at least 800, 12 hours ago.
https://youtu.be/uncIVNQwIwY *films a random crowd of people* look at this anti-war protest looook!
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>>210355 >Russian troops captured the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Station personnel has been reportedly taken hostage
>>210258 waiting for the giant poo to fall from the sky >>210263 yes putin has smol benis energy like western incels
>>210353 smh there's maybe three or four people standing around keeeek >>210354 glad he's finally off that spaghetti and rice kick tbh >>210355 reading the replies was a mistake smh niggercattle should not be allowed to talk about things they do not understand
>wog "history" month has been completely forgotten about this year due to weimart constantly screaming about russia
>>210361 never noticed
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>Current actions are only the first phase, according to the Pentagon. There is a wider operation ahead. >Kiev will fall within the next 96 hours
>America just admitted Kiev will fall
>>210364 and weimart will retaliate with sanctions
>>210360 >vote leave
>/brit/ still excited over a nothingburger :^)
>>210368 they're trying to bring brexit into it
farting frequently nowadays
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>Ukrainian tank passes a Russian anti-air system >does nothing
>>210373 always good
>>210367 really annoyed that this seals the deal re it being part of some shit zog plan to give east zog the reins now they've almost collapsed west zog >mean ol putin we're not going to buy all the things we desperately need and which you supply any more >oh dear oh dear stupid niggercattle whites, looks like you're going to be in for some starvation and hyperinflation and paying £100 a pint of petrol >>210375 hmmm
>>210375 bad manners to kill fellow commuters tbh they can kill each other once they're on the battlefield
>>209968 Fucking hell. Never imagined he was any good as he wouldn't be in the cons, but this is absolutely mad. Westoid politicians shouldn't get away with talking like this without good actually patriotic /brit/ lads [redacted daftyism].
>>210377 yeah it's a bit shite
>>209908 I hope azov gets refugee airlifted into america so they can become wignats
>>210381 There's not even really a pretense of helping Ukraine tbh.
it's pure zog double cross tbh
>>209918 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>210382 smh why did they have to import afghans here to the midwest I would rather have ukies.
>>210385 ukranians aren't real refugees lad they're too pale
>>210385 I suppose it's easier when you have all the planes there already getting all your people out. You can just say our people last refugees, no documentation required, first.
going to learn some English on Busu
>>210264 kek tempted to get a russian flag and drive around with it on my truck like an autist
>>210388 Fuck off, hohol piggy. I will gut you if you come to our fair isles.
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>>210294 god I wish putin was a white warlord
kind of how chunk yogurt defends his race all the time
>>210390 >>210391 sorry lads, had a brain attack smh think the jews have poisoned me
ignore bbk
>>210394 tbh jealous of how other races have that naturally but huwhites have been trained out of it and attack anybody who tries smh >>210396 tbh
>210395 Filtered for being a pookrainian britboo.
>>210398 . . . i'm turkish
>>210318 wew the west really is run by a bunch of larping reddit soys and lisa simpsons who have no idea how absolutely vicious this world is
I was joking but now you are actually filtered. A fucking turkroach on my /brit/. Smdh.
>>210399 Soon to be sold into the Polish private market by "retreating Ukranian soldiers".
russiabros.... it's over....
>>210399 they should've done this much much earlier tbh i guess having an armed populace wasn't worth the risk until the enemy was already inside smh shows how much faith they have in their people >>210406 unimaginative tbh vladolf putler is better
>>210408 no one would get it if you were that creative.
Imagine being a russki soldier and hearing the misson briefing >"bla bla your group will go to Kiev, you watch the border, you blow up the comms post over there AND YOU GO TO FUCKING CHERNOBYL INTO THE RADIATED SHIT ZONE AND CAPTURE THE MOST IRRADIATED PLACE ON EARTH FOR THE GLORY OF MOTHER RUSSIA"
>>210410 I would only do this for Attaturk
>>210410 Chernobyl is fine honestly, the radiation really isn't that lethal.
>>210409 tbh smh niggercattle always have to ruin everything by existing >>210410 seems a bit unprofessional lad
>>210412 It has a big coffin over it now as well Even elephant's foot isn't as deadly as it once was
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>>210410 >Mother Russia thanks you for your service
>>210348 that is what lisa simpsons lives revolve around inane email sending.
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still want to rape her after all these years >>210348 >water for three days and not a hand filter women tbh
>>210412 >>210415 tbh just don't go into anywhere that's obviously sealed off and don't roll around in puddles >>210417 yeah smh i hate them
>>210418 It's a great time to get a mail order bride btw.
>>210399 >its all men >women just sit at home and goodscreen on the cellphones texting chad while larping as reporters and gossiping about the war
>soyim keep screaming about how Russia is taking over Chernobyl for what fucking purpose
>>210414 god I wish I lived in a place with demographics like that I hate all the shitskins and niggers in america ruining our nation
Myanmar gf, Ukraine gf, maybe a Serb gf in a few years. All this war is bullish for luuurve
>>210423 I guess they think putin that's some sort of bond supervillain that will use it to irradiate Europe because he's balding and has a small penis or something.
>>210421 keeeek any good websites
>>210423 they're unable to experience anything outside of the context of popular media chernobyl is the big scary nuclear place so that means putler wants to give the world cancer and nuke us all
>Chechen forces reportedly engaged in combat in eastern Ukraine - on both sides. Kadyrov government forces vs Chechen volunteer battalions (many veterans of 1st and 2nd Chechen wars) fighting alongside Ukrainian troops.
>1 day in hol hols are devolving into volksturm tactics
>>210426 >>210428 they've lost me honestly, they seem to think he'll use it to create another chernobyl disaster or something, because that's what all conquerors do, irradiate massive chunks of land they want to take over
>>210427 Literally go on a dating site in Europe and say you can get anyone in Ukraine a greencard.
>>210432 keeeeeeek
>>210431 >they've lost me honestly of course they've lost you lad they're niggercattle they aren't real people and the things they say are not worth paying attention to they just flit from one hysteria to the next
>>210431 I think its just that most nigger cattle can only think of chernobyl when you mention ukraine because of the TV show
>>210435 That's an ARMA 3 mod kek
>>210437 Yeah I saw that video as well.
>>210435 keeeeeeek thats an a-10 and its clearly a goom
Imagine an actual radar guided SPAAG having that much trouble hitting a slow low flying aircraft.
>>210440 keeeeeeeeeeeek
>>210437 >>210438 >>210439 >>210440 >>210441 >so many soyim actually believing it's real
that'll show them
>Russian helicopters taking off from a highway in Belarus
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I love him lads
>>210442 Those are your messages to them lass
>>210448 those aren't my pics lass
>>210446 >ron paul himself confirms it's happening feels amazing
>>210446 tbh one of the good ones
>>210446 God bless him
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2wpH1pE0MJY He was live an hour or so ago.
>>210435 literally just ejaculating glowing metal seeds into the sky >>210447 Hate them, funding ukrainian natsocs along with zog republitards, installing a chabadi hebrew puppet, then oops the nation gets ganked.
I've been to Kyiv lads.
>>210444 Reee a cheap route to Asia banned
continue ignoring bbk
I was in the shower this other guy ain't me
about to eat some ass now, have a fun night of happenings
>maybe up 10,000 >the state of the Ukrainian MoD
>>210462 Unimaginable? I mean, whatever...
>>210461 >>210462 never stood a chance tbh smh poor lads
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>Russian tanks in Belarus enter Chernihiv Oblast No passports needed.
>Moscow is willing to negotiate terms of surrender with kyiv, Kremlin Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov. >In exchange Ukraine would: a guarantee of neutral status and the promise of no weapons on its territory. Per RT. https://twitter.com/RichardEngel/status/1496904933014216711
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Wonder what will happen to this
what's ukraines best strat right now?
>>210473 surrendering.
keeeeeeeeeeek why is an abbo the yank UN ambassador
>>210475 Make yer ambassador a proper bad one.
>>210475 stop de war dem safe one proper
>>210472 2023:Everybody takes Israel
NASDAQ Turns Positive. From Greg M Gregory Mannarino Feb 24 Comment Share Lions and friends… There is HEAVY buying of the market on today’s drop, IMAGINE MY SHOCK. The NASDAQ is actually POSITIVE as I am writing this.. Moreover, the 10 year yield is stabilizing. In my opinion the stock market’s reaction to recent events is very subdued, I would have expected a MUCH larger sell-off. (You think the Fed. Just Might Be Buying?) Anyway, lets see how this plays out over the next several trading days.
ayy putin bongolio
>>210473 >>210474 Nah, give random lads AK-74s and US ordinance hoping for the best,
>>210473 i'll go with more hitler posts and giving everyone a javelin
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The Battle of Odessa is starting.
so what did are boris johnson say in his speech.
>>210484 Is that where all of azov is?
>>210486 No, they're in Mariupol.
The battle of Mairupol is going to the kino one.
>>210489 I'd probably just circumnavigate that if I was Russia
Lads, it'll be safe to visit Serbia or Turkey in the next couple of months right?
>>210469 keeek they have those top cages on them for anti drone

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