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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3881: Mad Mitch Edition Anonymous 07/21/2023 (Fri) 19:48:58 Id: 3c8cb1 No. 387350
Had enough of the news so here's Katherine Jenkins singing "Rule, Britannia!" instead https://youtu.be/is4LR8P6llU
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:19:53.
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>>387350 good lad
the white horse prophecy is so kino its too bad that the kino schema of the mormons is wasted on such a disgusting organization as exists today with people like glenn beck at the helm. mormons of today are all about spics and niggers and they are clearly penetrated by the nonce cabal
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Nearly got caught singing this and dauncing in the toilets at work by the same guy who heard me fart very loud https://voca.ro/1iKreViqKNBu
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>>387358 Now do the whole song
When will he grow out of this phase?
>>387360 *gets copyrighted by the judaic sneederismgangs* >>387363 KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK LOOK AT THE MONSTROSITIES!
don't post troons on /brit/
Imagine strangling them with a rope until their eyes pop out!
>>387369 I’m not sure if anyone has tried writing a proper explanation for this video, but I’ll give it a shot. I was so haunted by this that I looked into the origin. (I haven’t researched super thoroughly though so there’s some speculation) The “character” singing in this video is named Cheryl Merkowski. She seems to have started on a podcast run by two guys, called Yeast Radio. Yeast Radio is a very odd shock jock show where one (or both?? idk) hosts is a drag queen as well, and play various characters. It’s very long running, surprisingly, and was one of the first internet podcasts. A lot of what’s in this music video is inside jokes from the podcast. For example, it seems like the Cheryl character came from parodying an infamous celebrity psychic named Sylvia Browne. Sylvia had a super husky voice from smoking cigarettes and I’m pretty sure Cheryl’s personality and voice are based on her. There was a Sylvia Browne video where she talks about a client who has the “medical issue” that is the main focus of this song. Probably the podcast makers thought this was hilarious so it just became a recurring joke/topic. The “oh, oh” “oh my god” samples in this song (and some others) are from audio clips of Sylvia Browne. The Cheryl character has also been used to call in to christian pro-life hotlines a lot -- pranking the hotlines by being as disgusting as possible -- which is why terminating pregnancy is a big theme of the video. Cheryl and another character named Debra (the other Yeast Radio host doing an impression of a middle aged Southern woman) are also racist and foul in many ways, which I think is alluded to here. Debra used to have her own song called “Feed It All To Me” but it went private for some reason. Imo it’s as good as this one so it’s a shame it’s off youtube. The makers of the podcast / Yeast Radio channel also seem fascinated by reality TV, which is why Honey Boo Boo and the super skinny woman (also from reality TV I think?) are used as source clips. At some point somebody made a 3D model of “Cheryl’s” face which is what is on display in the video. Overall it’s a bunch of inside jokes from this podcast (which is based on disgusting absurdism / shock humor) made into a music video, with disturbing visuals harvested from reality TV and various other places.
>>387363 Wow what convincing authentic and beautiful women! Totally pass, just like the real thing!
>>387370 don't know if that would work since they've probably been doing their troony neck exercises to prevent unwanted ACKings
>>387373 Oh my God imagine the smell. >dress how are they not embarrassed
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>>387373 lmao isn't that faggot almost 30?
>>387377 >ywn be so cool as to wear double denim in a warzone
>>387378 Something like that, and it’s his birthday today too
>>387373 qeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeq look at the state of them!
>>387378 Aren't we all?
>>387369 Made a mistake rewatching that. Think I successfully suppressed the memory before but even reading the song name filled me with terror and disgust.
>>387377 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>387381 >>387376 The major irony is that pembs thinks he’s attractive, only because all his troon friends are even more horrific and weird looking
stop it
>>387373 the lads
>>387385 https://voca.ro/1ohsK3JSdn7c Tried to do this impression about six times but lost each time these fecking freaks KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK
>>387385 are they all vaguely fascist like poombs?
>>387387 KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK >>387388 Don't think so you get in trouble for being based in his bongo >>387385 Pembs could be a handsome lad smh... can't he just be that
>that filter trooning in the 90s, is a new gender I like to be I'm just trooning in the 90s Come on woe-man, troon with me We are trooning in the 90s, it's a new way to suicide me I'm just trooning in the 90s Yes, I wanna 'gina, yes, I wanna be be (a woman)
celts settled prussia before germans, balts and slavs https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aesti
poland is a settler-colonial state
>>387385 Yeah they get progressively weirder and uglier smh.
>troonposts got btfo based
>>387387 Keeeek.
barbie movie confirmed shit at every part except for the bits with scorpion jacket man in them
>>387363 >>387373 >>387385 Hes putting together a team...
>>387385 vgh.. der männerbund >>387387 keeeeeeek
>>387397 Yeah I watch it for scorpion jacket man https://youtu.be/3zdyZPrTmnI
>thats fat debra at the back
>two of them wearing lumber jack shirts
Someone should submit them to the loonytroons twitter page
its the mods SCRAM
>>387400 Still don't get why this was made, why this cast, who it was for, or why anyone here would watch it.
I'M JUST KEN AND THAT'S ENOUGH Wew he really is literally me
I'm not going to keek at that retarded post keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>387409 keeeek
>tranny active club
https://youtu.be/aNJ_JPkbH2M wtf I love marketing now
>>387412 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>387412 >>387414 I don't get it
>>387363 >>387373 Pembs looks great, and I'm happy to see her like this. seethe more you bunch of nonces. >>387388 no her friends talk about fucking niggers and think the greeks were based for raping little boys. theyre all weirdos from twitter.
>>387373 >>387385 keeeeeeeek that is haggard
Jocko is a splitter, happened after the 2nd troonternational, the fascist troons are the mensheviks.
>>387417 oh you're still a based tranny?
breakaway group trooning path reportedly drowned their bollocks to death in boiling water
so many aggoids in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33xkf3hHwF0
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>>387419 >>387421 there is no breakaway group. and im not here to snake on Pembs either. I just dont like the people from twitter she hangs about with, they're rancid perverts, and I dont know her gf, never spoke to her, but the 2 seem happy so thats good. >>387420 as based as a tranny can get i suppose
>>387423 I wish we lived in the world she describes
>>387425 keeeeeeeeeek >>387424 based
>>387425 fuck, took me a second, HOWLING
why do trannies hate nonces anyway. What did a nonce ever do to them
>>387429 they're bullies lad. they just like picking on people
why are gypsies and jews the best at violin? my aryan brothers console me please.
Best lock up tonight lads, the hons of hell may well arrive from our taunting
>>387429 Gutterscum like to openly revile pedophilia or even go pedo-hunting because it's low-hanging fruit. It's widely acceptable to vilify pedos, so they can feel good about themselves by comparison.
smh the most oppressed race
how many weeks have the police had my pc and phone now? 6? 7? Today when we are so dependent on both are pc and phone, and they can just take it like that smh
oh my dayyyyys stfu post about british politics or fuck off
"tonight i'll check my favourite british politics board to see what my frens are up to"
>>387435 you're not getting it back you little nonce freak enjoy being abused in the psych ward
>>387438 back off dude
they dont let lunatic nonces drive lorries either so you can kiss goodbye to your job
>>387442 now you're just making things up keeeeeek
tenner on the troon
you wanted to rape a little disabled girl do you have any idea how demented that is? i want to jam a screwdriver in your eye socket
23% of women can't consent to sex
This tranny is literally on schizo medication by the way
you dont get 2 carers looking after you for just having anxiety you little shit
israel, good or le bad???
>>387446 Anxiety disorder is such a bunch of crap. Unless you've suffered some catastrophic trauma, just suck it up and get on with life like the rest of us. I get anxious too, I don't make a big deal out of it. No respect for such people.
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>>387450 yeah I doubt most people with "anxiety" actually have anxiety attacks, they just feel... anxious.Keeeeek. Probably the same with depression, people just feel bad because they aren't doing what they are supposed to(breeding)
>>387449 Depends on the shape of your nose and the size of your bank balance
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Not sure how I would explain this thread to b*sexual ex-ex gf ngl lads.
>>387454 Worst poster. Worse than the tranny. Worse than puglad.
>>387455 You wound me, lad. But I shan't dilate it and let it fester, unlike the schizotranny.
Honestly it's just a cheeky bit of adultery. Hardly compares to trooning out.
my mates are already leaving lads can you start fucking posting about british politics or my weekends ruined.
>>387454 >hey guys I had a gf once woah, stand back everyone. anon had a gf once.
>us donated cluster munitions have already been destroyed in a missile attack outside kiev
in my ethnostate you'd be dead
>>387458 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
ah wait i forgot where i was. nonce nest, fat mong fucks resorting to meeting disabled children to rape them because they couldnt get a gf
>in my pedostate id kill people for no reason >yeah, im based and redpilled sad cunt
>>387460 nice >>387458 There's not much to say. Do you really want to talk about byelection results? Or our Indian PM? Perhaps you want to beat the Farage-Coutts dead horse some more?
you know what? i dont come here in my free time just to recieve abusive pms. if you dont like my posts keep scrolling. oh btw thanks for driving me to a panic attakc
>>387467 keeeek
>>387459 I have one now and am going to put a childhog in her. Smh the hero the h'white race needs but the one it sneeds at right now.
>>387429 Projection Troons are disproportionally nonces irl
>>387469 thought you were supposed to have bred her last week
>troon not been banned yet Great job jannies
Oh yeah, he's even worse than spic. Please ban this adulterous filth
>>387472 where's the unbanned troon?
>>387471 Her mummy was going to have her grandkids round for a sleepover but then changed her mind so I couldn't cuck H like we planned. Probably going to fuck her outdoors first because it excites her but also some bushes in between her house and her eldest school are about the only viable private place keeek.
>>387474 Dea233 tbh
ill come back when i want fuck the lot
>>387477 well now, that's mighty incoherent
Idk I don't consider anti-22st rhetoric to be bannable in itself.
>387479 another subversive troon then
>>387479 Telling blatant lies about him itt (which means he's probably the one who contacted the norge police) means he should be banned. Think it's reasonable.
>>387475 Wait what, you are fucking another man’s wide and are planning to make her pregnant with your kid Lad, we are meant to save the huwhite race, but not like this… Not like this…
>>387482 they do seem a tad deranged, and one post did refer to being a troon, so fair enough
>>387483 *wife, not wide
>>387483 He made the mistake of marrying a filthy slag smdh. If I could go back and just kidnap and rape her like she originally wanted things would be so much better for everyone ngl.
>>387486 any way you slice it, you are in the wrong, for giving into your carnal desires, for enabling an immoral woman, and for sullying another man's marriage
>>387486 > He made the mistake of marrying a filthy slag Oh well guess there is no saving her then Think she’s like a spit roast from a couple of baste lads ((You) and me)
they wont tell you this in school but SA was a black man but that cracker auslad lynched him and got us into this situation.
>>387487 I know tbh, but tbf he's probably an awful degenerate too. Might even be into cuckoldry if he willingly married her. Smdh. >>387488 Checked Hortler dubs. She probably would smh but I'm not going outbulled by you, sorry lad.
getting* not going
>>387491 > She probably would smh but I'm not going outbulled by you, sorry lad. Fear the big bins cock eh? Understandable tbh
>>387493 Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek where was the film tonight you old bastard?
>>387494 Soz I am away on business, and so can’t stream Film nights will resume when I am back home
>>387495 Fair enough. Make many shekels to fund PA and other goodlads.
>best friend for years >he buys multiple houses every other week >still hasn't given me a small cuckshed
>>387417 the lad there still hates niggers (:
>hate yikes. We're a community of love
>>387385 keeeeeeeeeeeek he became a discord tranny
Why is poombs in the middle? Is he the leader of the gang?
insane some of these breadtuber niggas are making millies off of patreon, half of them dont even post videos on yt anymore they give them solely to patrieon piggies.
>>387504 any statistics on this?
>>387503 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek he is the fronthole of their 80s glamrock band lad
>>387505 no im just guessing
They are really going all out with the marketing
>Ryan Gosling's wife Yikes. Why
Shapiro went to see Barbie and he’s *not* happy He even took notes to show how pissed off he is this is serious smh
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>>387363 >>387373 yikes, not going to save pembs pics anymore, this isn't even funny- the lad is totally gone now, passed the point of no return. no longer a poor lad walking a dark road, he has now crossed the bridge into becoming an uncanny troon ghoul. sad!
>>387511 > yikes, not going to save pembs pics anymore, this isn't even funny- the lad is totally gone now, passed the point of no return. no longer a poor lad walking a dark road, he has now crossed the bridge into becoming an uncanny troon ghoul. sad! Tbhtbh He is truly lost
>>387429 it's just Jocko because he fought in Iraq and probably killed some Arab kids, so he has PTSD and is fearful of "toxic masculinity" which is why he prefers to take estrogen and wear dresses
>>387513 this is what zog does to a nigga
>>387513 He never made it to the war, he was arrested in Turkey I believe and sent home. He was nonced as a kid, probably a family member.
Worry not, Chudlock Holmes and his daring sidekick Wesston will get to the bottom of this.
>>387518 Based BIG fish in smol town
Actually kind of kino ngl
>>387511 why were you saving them in the first place?
why is anyone saving them and posting bongonigger drama in the thread
hello..... can you hear me.....
>>387523 Look at the (You)s, lad
>>387518 This is great I heard the kikes censored the video
>>387525 The (You)s never lie
pretty sure he included footage from the maidan revolution 2014 and greek 2011 riots in his music video
libtard attends DEI training course. says america is hecking unwholesome and literally racist (which is bad) gets factdowned that canada is heckin settler-colonialism and -acks himself in response.
>>387510 I hate the aesthetics of modernity so much lads everyone just dresses like a gay mong now
>>387531 Post your drip, lad
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>>387534 loving the trench coat.
>>387536 he was a pardo lmfao
STEINER countryfolks and southern gentry are destroying you in this thread https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/435286164
>>387539 the best is how that video is going to create a whole meme of niggers going and nigging in small towns so they can see boomers do fucking nothing about it
>>387540 new thread posted get in there now you fucking chud and bACK ME UP https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/435310629
>latest JFK shooting document declassified >lad who intercepted lee harvey oswald's messagerinos was jewish
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>muh guns
>>387544 yeah imagine if they had tried to assassinate him in a small town
>>387548 Big cities aren't safe for Presidents smh
Deuteronomy 20:13, 16
>>387550 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek was just making an incel rant today feeling this feeling at the local summer fair how so many of the goyims are just cattle but they should be our cattle not the jews cattle and that the incel progression is not reintigration to the herd but the fact that we have been shut out of our mission in life
>>387553 >h'white
>The Perizzites (Hebrew: פְּרִזִּי‎ Pərīzzī) are a group of people mentioned many times in the Bible as having lived in the land of Canaan before the arrival of the Israelites. The name may be related to a Hebrew term meaning "rural person."[1]
>>387555 Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
if you dont live in a city god fucking hates you; read the bible libtard
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>>387555 sounds like the judeans tried it in a small town then
https://youtu.be/_voeDUF3xLE ive lived too long smh I wish i was stabbed through the chest by some Grognard or something more aesthetic than just being an incel wageslave
>>387559 this is literally from waterloo (1970) incase you havent seen it, swing round to me a wessies place we've got it on blue-ray.
>>387560 yeah its from the one filmed by the russians right? pure kino mummy is getting me war and peace for my birthday
>>387561 which one? the kino 1966 russian one is on youtube full: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIij-KQ0jYU
>>387561 I guess we'll hear from you in about a year and a half after finally finishing off that goliath.
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(in a small town)
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>Someone posted nigger dicks and it wasn't me (tbbk)
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On a positive note, I ran further today than last time. I got in over half a mile. Hoping to get to a mile by next Saturday tbh. Might be a bit ambitious for a new starter though. Milk based porride and honey for brecwast!
https://youtu.be/TujcI9zfkvc What are the lyrics for this? Is it I adore maaturbation
>387570 Dilating isn't masturbation, lass.
Oh it's I am called
I am called ma'am
>>387568 based. Baby steeps
>>387577 based
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>people don't think penis inspection day is real
Hot dog YUM *chomp chom chomp*
>Xoomers saying they have that peter pan personality
>>387581 >Because they kidnap children Works out.
>>387585 people will watch this and be sexually excited instead of disgusted
>>387586 must admit i'm a bit excited and considering israel for sex tourism
Why are they allowed to do this in uniform?
The whole Israeli defence force's female contigent are basically stripper grams
>>387518 >>387527 Cringe with a sprinkling of based tbh.
often wonder what it would be like to go to israel, don't think i'll bring my shitposting laptop through the airport though
>>387593 reckon u could have a nice 16 day holiday there, see all the religious sites including sects, all the war, personality and political museums, maybe a big cemetery there too, some hiking in a canyon and a few synagogue trips.
smorb despite being in bed for literally twelve hours I still wish to sleep
>>387596 Can u think of any paid weekend work lad? Preferably casual
>>387597 straightforward retoil places usually have more trouble finding people to work weekends tourist/heritage places have the same trouble but they are also too cheapskate to pay you unless you luck out after having worked for free for ages first have to do some searching and networking to find anything good tbh
>>387599 hope the malays execute them tbh stupid zero IQ faggots unable to understand parts of the world are still sane and less affected by ZOG
>>387598 applied for a temporary concierge job at minimum wage for 4 hrs a week on satudays at an area 2 miles from me.
>>387601 based and comfy tbh hope you get a garish uniform and lots of tips from boomers and the hotel doesn't get shut down to house migrapists https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68mHrPjNv24
>>387600 >pov be 5¢ per week Malay rice farmer and shit musician entitled retards - you don’t even know who because why would you - turn up in your country to declare their allegiance to their god Bumfuck, you too should worship Bumfuck, and that your eight sons should all be having sex with each other defying what your ancestors have known you shouldn’t do for nearly 2000 years
>>387602 withdrew my application after reading reviews about them
>>387604 keeek smh that bad then lad?
applied for a hotel/inn thing myself once tbh, they made me come in and do a day's toil with them for free then never contacted me again
>>387605 I had the misfortune of dealing with a so called 'recruiter' (I say that very lightly) named Tracy Dickenson who is one of the rudest individuals I've ever had to speak to on the phone...her telephone manner is awful and her knowledge of the positions she is recruiting for is non existent and like all 'recruiters' they dissapear for weeks on end and you hear nothing back at all! The epitome of a company in an industry that is not regulated and that has zero barriers to entry...AVOID.
>>387606 also other reviews suggested they ring u at 7am and hassle u about ur availability and can send u to random buildings in the london area if u go along with it
Feel like it's not worth the £40 probably, also its the same time as my current main job's overtime usual shift and i can get like £16 an hour on that ot.
>>387607 >HR departments prime candidates for culling tbh >>387608 yeah better not bother with it
I think the London temp agency business is very unregulated, at work, the temps seem to come and go very quickly, it's almost always young black men working as temps or foreigners. Basically vulnerable types
I think the young blacks must have replaced the easter euros in london in the temp game
>>387599 Death to faggots. Their music is mediocre at best too. East asians just like effeminate men.
Kinda respect her for ignoring prices
>>387614 >clean it up, wagie
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>>387614 tbh when we build nigger zoos for people to gawp at their wacky zany antics we should give them a mini walmart enclosure for them to make displays like this to the onlookers
the poo was soft, then the poo was solid browner than the skin of the prophet muhammad
>>387616 The >(1) made me keeek. Good lad.
>>387614 >Zoomers remade Rec again and this is the new originally possesed old woman
>>387619 >no circa 1920 goth gf feels
>>387614 Man dat pussy gon taste sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!
>>387615 Mexcrement wagies one iq point abouve mental nog >Why police don’t come! Why police don’t come! Why police don’t come! Why police don’t come! Why police don’t come! Why police don’t come! Why police don’t come! Why police don’t come! Why police don’t come! Why police don’t come! Why police don’t come! Why police don’t come! Why police don’t come! Why police don’t come! Why police don’t come! Why police don’t come! Why police don’t come! Why police don’t come! Why police don’t come! Why police don’t come!
>Sobering Anal Isis Tl;dr >Ukraine having a hard time employing western tactics with low quality troops and incoherent application of said tactics against difficult Soviet/Russian defence doctine >Russians determined >Western weapons systems no longer as effective because of excellent Russian ISR ( intel, surveillance, recon ) >No army except US Army would have any success and even then US Army would have limited success and great difficulty >…. >Ukraine should keep fighting because they might win Wut? https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/a-sobering-analysis-of-ukraines-counteroffensive-from-the-front
>please do the needfuls germanbros and gib techjobs, have poo to trade thankyou kind sirs rest of poojeet’s videos poos are ruining what little left of /pol/ should now be called /pool/ https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/image/kHgYYe9YFszeKq527EMG7A/ Abominable scum
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>>387626 somebody shart the race war already
>>387627 Really hate them. There is nothing redeeming about them. Desperate ungrateful scumfucks. Never had a techjob where they didn’t at some point arrive, colonize the place starting with one corner, jabbering away, shitting everything up, stinking the place out leading to everyone else leaving. So many companies ruined and GOOD. Will normally turn up volunteering to work for two grains of rice, a cardamon pod and a slice of onion per week. If you see them arrive start looking for a new job. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=peZLTmU4iHQ
>Gott in Himmel! Ze schmell! THIS IS NOW AN HINPOO HATE THREAD
>>387629 >how i survived with almost NO MONEY lying through his little poo teeth
>>387628 smh disgusting subhumans more wignat chuds need to start focusing on the subversive poo menace
>>387625 the poo infestation of the west needs to stop they are fucking everywhere now
>>387632 They really are like roaches tbh. In the light of these fuckers calling Turks roaches is a total misnomer. They’re a real threat to us demographically, their multigenerational behaviours destroy any indigenous community within two decades max.
>>387630 How I survived on German foodbanks and bennies and cash from my family back in India, from uncle who owns Primark factory in Delhi and auntie in England who’s husband left her cornershop empire >>387631 Theirs has been a real stealth takover tbh
>>387633 yeah poos have taken head position in your country, ireland and the vice president of shartica is a crypto poo. they are even more of a threat than spics. I made an incel rant at a summer fair in my town (not a small town) and I noticed a poo infestation
Where did 22stein get all this money from?
Three years old I know but FUCKSAKE bet they literally don’t make people do this in schools in many ‘westernised’ muslim countries https://www.wransom.co.uk/role-play-mosque/
>>387640 yuanshi tianzun is watching, chinkling
>>387640 RE is totally outdated and useless I doubt there's a single legit christian teaching it in the entire country, its entire purpose is to let the atheist kid cringe himself and do gay shit like this
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>when I wake up I'll feel rested yeah... that never happens
>>387636 taxes, lass :suicide:
made enough working to pay rent this month tbh then it goes into the negatives as soon as council tax comes up, not even counting water and leccy or food
when libtards try it in small town los angeles
>>387646 I am surprised these brawls happens in a country where everyone has a gun. At any moment someone could legally shoot you >>387645 based Woesian post IDs. You get bennies then? How much do you even make a month, for how many days of work?
>>387647 most american cities dont allow open carry and even carrying a knife is illegal in the majority of places americans actually live (cities)
>>387648 just do consneeled carry then
>>387651 they might as well be trannies. Same energy
My father's phone died, he's just done a 2 hr loud (he doesn't close doors) phone conversation with EE, arranged to go to one of their shops during his birthday party and walked in on my mum during her shower wanting to use her phone to use his sim. absolute smh misery
>>387642 RE was still based in my day (2010) with silent scream (anti muhbortion film) and at least opt out 'sex ed lessons' only the African nigger lad's parents said no smh with outside sjws coming in telling me noooo you can't describe your ideal partner as having big tits, or something.
>>387654 China did this
>>387619 Why are women like this?
Tin whistle father declining into sales people upselling depression for me smh
>>387657 She was very clear she wasn't interested. Better than pretending to be nice then calling him an incel creep over the telegram.
>>387660 Telegraph* smdh
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>>387660 She was clearly leading him on smh
>>387663 No she wasn't.
>>387662 brutal fucking hell
>mancslad slav-gore-posting
>>387646 based small town
>still no chuddic warband mod
keeeeeeeeek looks like chicanos and chicano-chink mutts larping as americans fighting middle classoids
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1_RKu-ESCY&ab_channel=JasonAldean "You think it's cool to act a fool!" "yea u think you're tough!"
>>387669 Did uberboomerbossman respodnd yet?
>>387666 having sex lad?
>>387672 yeah he has called me nearly 12 times since I quit and I have never picked up but no email, he probably doesn't want any traces of communication. he is also an old cunt
>>387674 missed this arc. What happened, big guy?
>>387647 I get disabled retard bennies but no NEETbux atm since I keep earning just enough that it prevents me from getting them smh did 50 hours this week at a bit over £10/hr 3 days a week would keep me, I think, but the officeladies have it sewn tight smh lucky to get what have done this month, it's not normal >>387654 >the water is too hot to hold oxygen keeeeeek but also smh because retards will actually believe this >>387669 really want a gangs of glasgow style thing except it's dafties vs troons and antifa, police etc such kino to be explored >>387675 hope they get far and we see an even more clownish golden dawn situation at least even if they would probably just be reasonably centre-right conservative if they had big power >>387674 keeek what a fucking rat
*50 hours this month smh
>>387676 walked off my boomer toil job mid day when foreman boomer was being a dumb boomer faggot and throwing shit at me and saying he was gonna kick my ass and then skullet boomer chided in and I told both of them to eat my cock and left and then they called me all day and then uberbossman has been calling me for days and I emailed him on friday demanding my 6k and that I was done and he still keeps calling me. so sick of boomers trying to act like they are hard. foreman boomer has COPD and could barely even breathe and he was drinking on the job his truck was full of beercans and it was just total anarchy on the construction site. the brickies left 4 full pallets of bricks on the site and charged them to the homeowner and then the concrete guys ran on pallet over and buried it in mud. fuck uberbossman
fresh zoomcel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z0heCyyXu9k >will have this shit in the background >won't sit down and actually listen and have big thinks with based steincel rants just throw me in the pig pit
>>387675 >jews dictating german policy to the germans
>>387680 youtube has the convienence factor
>>387679 maybe that other toilcrew has an open spot and the foid middlemanager has left after running things into the ground and driving away everyone useful >>387682 how's using odyssey going?
>>387677 >I get disabled retard bennies but no NEETbux atm since I keep earning just enough that it prevents me from getting them smh Smartest Wessexian >>387679 Very based. Kind of like I ended it with my bossman, but that was after 4 years of abuse. Better to walk away earlier tbh. Can you do well on your own now?
>>387680 I don't know how you do it. This is just unpleasant
>>387685 it's the whatsit, german funny word laughing at other people's misfortune to feel better about yourself or something
>>387686 Schadenfreude. I don't get that at all from this guy smh
Oh, it's Breivik day
finally gotten around to reading a bit of Hitler's War tbh he was too innocent for this world lads The sheer complexity of that character is evident from a comparison of his brutality in some respects with his almost maudlin sentimentality and stubborn adherence to military conventions that others had long abandoned. We find him cold bloodedly ordering a hundred hostages executed for every German occupation soldier killed; dictating the massacre of Italian officers who had turned their weapons against German troops in ; ordering the liquidation of Red Army commissars, Allied commando troops, and captured Allied aircrews; in  he announced that the male populations of Stalingrad and Leningrad were to be exterminated. He justified all these orders by the expediencies of war. Yet the same Hitler indignantly exclaimed, in the last week of his life, that Soviet tanks were flying the Nazi swastika as a ruse during street fighting in Berlin, and he flatly forbade his Wehrmacht to violate flag rules. He had opposed every suggestion for the use of poison gases, as that would violate the Geneva Protocol; at that time Germany alone had manufactured the potentially war winning lethal nerve gases Sarin and Tabun. In an age in which the governments of the democracies attempted, engineered, or condoned the assassinations, successfully or otherwise, of the inconvenient* – from General Sikorski, Admiral Darlan, Field Marshal Rommel, and King Boris of Bulgaria to Fidel Castro, Patrice Lumumba, and Salvador Allende – we learn that Hitler, the world’s most unscrupulous dictator, not only never resorted to the assassination of foreign opponents but flatly forbade his Abwehr to attempt it. In particular he rejected Admiral Canaris’s plans to assassinate the Red Army General Staff.
martin tried to rape a disabled child
>387691 false, just like your presumption of womanhood piss off
Getting a bit bored of troons trying to gaslight Shartin
>if I use this troonified wojak picture I will fit in go away lad, ywnbaw
>387696 ywnbaw
Stop trooning you headcase
>he's so desperate for attention he's hopping IPs just go back to your troon bongo lad or have you alienated yourself from them too
>>387703 gambling is not a profession
Is this jocko, the impotent troon bummed by dorshit? Seems the especially masculine troon is envious even of 22st's dick.
highly recommended historical manga lads Manchuria Opium Squad "Here in Manchuria, the cheapest thing you'll find is a person's life." >In 1937, Isamu Higata is sent to the Japan-controlled Chinese puppet state of Manchukuo to serve in its standing army. After losing sight in his right eye during battle, he's banished to an agricultural facility where he's constantly abused by the commanding officers. Then, in a dusty corner, he discovers a field of poppies, the raw materials for opium. In order to raise money for his seriously ill mother, Isamu decides to produce the illicit drug—a choice that sends his future and the fate of all Manchuria into directions unknown. https://mangadex.org/title/eb9385a1-c240-4770-9ba9-e35a987a3a20/manchuria-opium-squad
>>387708 Will check it out la
One of my old mates from college ended up a tranny he was 6'3" thereabouts and build like a brick fuckin shithouse why is it always the biggest most masculine fucks that end up trannying out? Keeeeeeeek are they thinking like "Boy yeah I'd make the WEIRDEST freak heck yea"
>>387709 worst I can recall is implied imminent rape (because there are lots of damsels in distress) and nasty skeleton-like opium addicts doing it in the background of some of the opium den panels
>>387710 tbqh I haven't been in a public pool since at least the early 2010s because of this >>387711 probably they get groomed and targeted especially hard by other troons precisely because of those factors
>>387713 Me neither places are rammed with fighting noisy rapey turd worlders. Imagine the diseases you’d get despite the chlorine
Immigrants gets free memberships at pools and gyms so they just loiter around there all day
>>387711 Seen more troons in real life lately as tourists roll in and every single one was at least a norwood 2 and dressed like a mong. Don't know how lads like that they can look at pictures of themselves and not just feel very silly tbh
>sassy trucker says it all doesn't it
>the type of first worlders who go to dubai to work or holiday smh
>>387718 WHO COULD HAVE PREDICTED THIS Fucking hell. Reminds me when my school forced me to visit a mosque and there was piss all over the walls of the toilets and hte floor
OK EVERYBODY OPEN WIDE! HERE COMES THE GAY! >Shafts 99% of fans because of the 1% he imagines have teh gay. What a complete wanker tbh >"Unfortunately you don't get a set of loads of uplifting songs because I'm [expletive] furious," the frontman continued. "And that's not fair on you, because you're not representative of your government. Because you're young people, and I'm sure a lot of you are gay and progressive and cool." > "Matty has a long-time record of advocating for the LGBTQ+ community and the band wanted to stand up for their LGBTQ+ fans and community," the source said on Friday night. >Denise Welch, Healy's mother, actress and panellist on ITV's Loose Women, retweeted a video of the kiss saying "he's my son" with a rainbow [colours of the pride flag] emoji.
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>>387727 keeeeeeeeek god. That must have been way back when people did that as a white power sign
miscarriage is higher among teenage pregnancies than adults btw
>>387730 Show the stats
>>387722 I only know of this band because filipina lass liked it
>>387733 just random violence
>Atta's professor, Dittmar Machule, brought him along on an archaeological expedition to Aleppo in 1994.[25] The invitation had been for a three-day visit, but Atta ended up staying several weeks that August, only to visit Aleppo yet again that December.[26] While in Syria, he met Amal, a young Palestinian woman who worked for a planning bureau in the city. Volker Hauth, who was traveling with Atta, described Amal as "attractive and self-confident. She observed Muslim customs, taking taxis to and from the office so as not to come into close physical contact with men on buses. But she was also said to be 'emancipated' and 'challenging'. Atta and Amal appeared to be attracted to each other, but Atta soon decided that "she had a quite different orientation and that the emancipation of the young lady did not fit." His nascent infatuation with her, begrudgingly realised, was the closest thing Atta knew to romance.[8]
>>387737 troony mentalist are nonces? smh
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id scorch the tranny community with a flamethrower tbh
Transit without a visa is back on for china
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>>387734 They are complete upper middle classoid shitheads coming from wealthy 97% white Wilmslow. Just sound like complete nobs tbh >Healy has stated that their influence is "heavily rooted" in African-American music in many interviews > To keep the band together, Hann, MacDonald and Daniel all went to university in Manchester while Healy briefly attended music school.They played gigs and recorded their own music while working as delivery boys at a local Chinese restaurant. > By 2010, the band was being managed by Jamie Oborne but remained unsigned due to their genre-hopping approach, so he set up his own independent record label – Dirty Hit – and signed the band for 20 pounds > Before settling on the 1975, the band performed under multiple names including Me and You Versus Them, Those 1975s, Forever Drawing Six,Talkhouse,the Slowdown,and Bigsleep.They have been called Drive Like I Do before settling on the band name the 1975 in 2012 > according to Vice magazine's Larry Fitzmaurice in 2016. In an essay on the critical response, he said they have been "the Most Hated and Loved Band in the World" and described "as underrated and overhyped, although the needle has far more often swung towards the former direction".Veteran rock critic Robert Christgau said he thinks "they suck" and should not be called a "rock band" as they do not "rock" >”boring-melty" - Rolling Stone
>>387741 I keek and I smh
>>387741 Caitlyn Janner?
>>387745 just transcend earthly desires bro
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https://www.youtube.com/shorts/tNctpt4WmHI Watching shit like this feels like the chud equivalent to the constant climate doomsday shite pushed to demoralise or encourage antinatalism in middle class bints who genuinely care about the future. Raising a kid in a collapsed nigger hellscape is a vantablackpill that is difficult to shake. Cant even relax in my poor norftown anymore because of how many live here now. >>387745 tbh tbh
>>387746 why don't you descend beneath the earth already
doing nowank again tbh bet I'll be able to transcend earthly desires for at least four, no, three days
no woman wants a fat smelly povo
descending into tranny bumhole
and women really like transbians huh
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>>387753 wait, what. im a transbian? but Dorset and I had sex like an hour ago
day of the ACK can't come soon enough tbh
cant wait for an NHS diversity hire like moonman or some wog to pull the plug on your dialysis machine tbh
Slaaneshiites out.
>>387749 That's better
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anyway im off to bed hope wessies organs all fail while he sleeps tonight, that would be for the best , no more misery for wessie and i hope martin nonce gets into a car accident and his cock gets badly mutilated oh
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cant stop listening to it lads
>387759 *negates your deathwishes for are wesslad* i luv are lad wess i hope he gets bionic legs and becomes the ultimate troon stomper
Bet they masturbate to my pics run through faceapp tbh, literal filth.
>>387760 je qeeeeeeeq
>>387760 Goodladtbh.
>>387759 his cock's already mutilated lad
>>387766 That was the joke, lad
>>387767 what joke
>>387760 Apex keeeek.
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>>387750 >doing nowank again tbh bet I'll be able to transcend earthly desires for at least four, no, three days good lad, this is how we WIN
>>387754 >Dorset and I had sex like an hour ago what did you do this time?
>>387772 Dorsh's bum you retard.
>>387760 omfg this is awesome
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>>387777 Quads confirm.
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>>387774 >Dorsh's bum you retard. Dorset takes it up the arse now? I remember when he was a cute little shitposter, now look what you've done to him!
>>387664 >No she wasn't. yes she was, you just don't understand women she was leaning towards him, in suggestive clothing (for the day), maintaining eyecontact constantly. All female tells
>>387780 wew this lad is an expert on women. How come he's an incel?
>>387749 what's the song?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPzUhdCMRsY What sword do you carry every day?
>>387781 That's why most incels are incel. Women are like demons who become indignant when you look at their true face.
The modern world is a Wessexian paradise
Why did the English fear the Indian sword, lads?
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>>387781 >wew this lad is an expert on women. How come he's an incel? incels *are* the experts on women that's why we hate them
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>>387784 this lad gets it
Keeek I kept making comments about this because I know he reads the comments
he has made like 5 or more videos about him being fat
so tired of fuck boys
>>387792 a-are you a femoid?
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>>387792 quite
>>387659 keek i remember this gimmick
Troons in the thread talking about fuckboys, might as well be troonxord right now
‘No more cover-up’: Nazi concentration camps on Channel Island finally to be officially investigated >The full horrors of the only Nazi concentration camps to exist on British soil will finally be investigated in an official government inquiry, the Observer can reveal. >Eighty years on from one of the darkest episodes in British history, the government is to carry out a review into the numbers of prisoners murdered by the Nazis on Alderney, the tiny Channel Island and British crown dependency. It has now been established that the SS ran two of the camps on Alderney during the second world war, and new evidence of the scale of Nazi barbarity on the island has emerged over recent years. The number of victims has been contested, with some claiming thousands were killed with many buried in mass graves on the island. >Dame Margaret Hodge, the Labour MP whose father fled Nazi persecution in Germany, welcomed the review: “It is time for the British government and Alderney authorities to finally face up to the horror of what happened on British soil. There can be no more lies and no more cover-up.” >Lord Pickles told the Observer: “The difference between the estimates is so large, I thought it sensible for everyone to put the facts on the table, for it all to be transparent and for the deliberations to be in the open. It seemed pointless people shouting across at each other. It would be better to have a proper discussion and to bring together a panel of international experts.” >The announcement comes as the UK prepares to take over the chair of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), a network of experts and government officials from 35 countries around the world. Dr Kathrin Meyer, secretary general of the IHRA, said: “This inquiry is a significant step toward telling this important history. Dealing openly and accurately with the Holocaust and the history of the Nazi persecution of other groups in all its dimensions is crucial and we expect the results to go a long way in protecting the facts, no matter how uncomfortable they may be.” >The numbers who died on Alderney has long been disputed but even the most cautious academics put the figure at between 700 and 1,000 people. Professor Anthony Glees, security and intelligence expert and formerly adviser to the war crimes inquiry in the Home Office, told the Observer that the Pickles investigation is vital. “I would be surprised if the numbers killed by the Nazis either in Alderney or transported from Alderney on to extermination camps in Europe did not run into thousands,” he said. >Only eight Jews are officially recorded as dying on the island, but the new inquiry will examine claims from researchers that as many as 1,000 could be buried in mass graves. Some campaigners believe thousands could have perished on the island. >Jewish researcher Marcus Roberts, who has campaigned for many years for the full scale of the horrors on Alderney to be revealed, said: “There are still many questions about what really went on in Alderney and who knew what. For too long, some have been too willing to look the other way in the hope it all goes away. I hope this review will finally provide answers and some justice for the victims.” https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jul/22/nazi-atrocities-jews-prisoners-war-alderney-channel-island-uk
>>387798 No one cares, right?
>>387797 you're the lad with the dad who starts talking about politics before he enters a room and plays a whistle right?
>>387798 I bet they find nothing.
lass in the blue jacket scowled at me as well idk why that made me like her more smh why are trashy goth lasses so kino
>>387803 >>387804 why didn't you pull their hair, and when they look back at you with a scowl that turns into a giggling smile, kiss them?
>go to see racecars with dad to forget about boomer toil shite >get incel feels because 5/10 approachable slags are at the race track
>>387805 no the dark haired lass was staring at me with a scowl because I was filming her but I deleted it
first you give her the ick by filming her, then you give her the ick for pussying out and deleting the video smh. Steinhog still has much to learn
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>>387808 its too late to learn social skills at age 32 lad all I can hope for is warband society so I can get a gothic trailer park slag harem
>>387809 Well you got a lot of free time now, don't you
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>>387810 hmmm yeah you are right maybe I can just hang out in random places trying to meet slags
hope is for pussies though
>>387801 Revolting. Why post this? >>387802 I bet they find buried photographs of dancing Israelis being hurled from the proto-Chessington holocoaster into giant vats of lava, and it definitely doesn't look like really obvious AI art, and the soy cattle gobble it all up. >>387803 I hope you shot those freaks in their hideous faces lad // Based, did anyone flip over or catch on fire? (Delete as necessary) >Braphog at the end of the 1st video taking up 4 seats keeek
>>387811 Take the Good Will Hunting pill lad and hang out in bars near college campuses, fast-talking young fresher slags on the chud gestalt, incel aesthetics and the value of are ancestor shrines. Have a witty answer to >What's your major?
>>387814 he should also start working as a janitor at his old university
>>387809 can you remember the exact moment your problem with lasses began? i can. it was in middle school when a bunch of cool lads told me this really peng lass a year older than me fancied me and i should ask her out, then when they got me to do it she just laughed and was like "omg he actually thought it was real, he really did it lol" then all the other lads started laughing. horrible repressed memory that you brought back. i remember genuinely being afraid of girls after that and avoiding them which i guess i do to this day, anyway thanks for reading
>>387816 Middle school?
>>387817 we've been over this lad, it's year 3 to year 6 in some counties and it's a separate school
Are there even any British people left on the board smh
>no more fuckboys Man I love how us goodlads are left with sloppy seconds who have so many pent up frustrations from previous relationships which they will take out on you
i am not a yank there is middle school in england plus im pretty sure it's called "junior high" in weimart anyway
>>387816 >concerningly common story theme
>>387822 wouldn't be surprised if there was some tv show the jews made back then which gave them the idea to do that to me and maybe lots of other lads too
>when you and your friends made drawings of a neighbour kid we all hated sucking his own cock and put them in his mailbox which his mummy probably saw
>>387823 Indeed, the yank highschool kids TV drama goyslop ruined an entire generation.
>>387824 keeeeek devilish
>neo-bossman already using the old tactic of guilting me into working more without complaining because he works a lot too Also found this lad to be more cynical than old bossman. I lost a card used for opening a customer's door and he told me to find it on my own time. Not even asking if I could. Smh thinking about toil in the weekend making me crave sugar.
>>387827 off to a good start then smh
>>387828 At this point surely it has to be just how most bossmen are, right? This is the 4th one like this. The school one was nicer, but it was a woman, and the work was way less effort. Hopefully will get better as I get used to the toil. Kind of a mess right now, it being a new compony, 2 people have holidays so we have to drive double routes etc.
going to see barbie (2023) later when cinema opens
went by one of those illuminated greenhouses
>>387803 good lad
>>387829 tbh that's toil for you it'll probably calm down once the other drivers get back >>387830 based
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errr... might pass on barbie, heard it's feminist smh
Looking for a summer flirt, nothing serious(just friction in my vagina and gallons of cum)
>>387804 >when she ‘scowls’ at you Fuckinge hell m8! You need to change your glasses steiner. THAT my little American fren was the look of love. You should have boned her on the spot. I think you are enjoy being an incel on this board Do you choose <a Or <b
>>387800 Yea he does other awful things too smh
I'm jealous of Steiner and his good relationship with his father which involves going to drag car races
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some friendly advice lawyer up
Far too many tail gunners on this board as of late smh
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keeek the haircut
>>387842 howled relentlessly when you posted about that originally which must've been at least 3 years ago now, best gimmick this board has ever seen
>>387846 Won’t play
don't understand why the bongo troons are suddenly haunting this place again smh >>387848 tbqh
>>387850 They’re probably all glowies. They just infest the board and interact amongst themselves https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91vdb5RBKFQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVnndRNFy-8
>>387850 tbh, it's just attention seeking, better to ignore it.
>>387851 wish globohomo wasn't so homo smh >>387852 tbh
>>387850 can you elaborate on this lad? i have no idea where all these pics of "pembs" whoever the fuck that is come from and all this lore surrounding him. i've long suspected it's all just made up by some bizarre schizo
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its attention seeking its on meds its a schizo dont listen to it i did not travel to a different country to rape a disabled child its not true wessex help >flatline noise
>>387854 just a lad who used to poost here who became a discord tranny one lad here likes to e-stalk him and post pictures here to dredge up drama and farm (You)s probably what caused this current infestation smh
>>387856 hmmm.. *shakes noggin*
Found a local momthot for steiner >Brandi Love, 48, is a pornographic actress from Dearborn, Michigan, and is of English, Polish and Jewish heritage
>>387803 fucking excellent lad I'd love to go tbh some nice NHRA totty too
had a kino dream where I was a multiverse travelling NEET who couldn't leave his flat but it always appeared near interesting things happening like mad max world and then grey alien invasion world >>387786 he's a hack because the reverse was true and they were noted for being incredibly shitty, Indian industry was so bad they were ordering mass-produced swords from Birmingham by the late 18th century no I didn't watch the video >>387841 it's clearly a monke grimace lad she smelt the incel on him and got nervous would've ripped his arms right off had he approached >>387847 >he's moved on from 18th century gentleman to early 20th century ponce
>>387861 based dream but that's the elevator pitch for doctor who
wish doctor who wasn't shite and gay now lads smh always used to enjoy watching it with the family every week
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/F_sDDQnWrYs?feature=share female conscription is great coz slutty lasses join the military
>>387862 ACK smh mental plagiarism naturally it was more based and kino than any doctor poo shite >>387863 tbh tbh I enjoyed leather jacket man, the very first 21st century reboot actor but everyone after was SHITE
don't really like how everyone had they phones ouit at steiner's drag race thing tbh a very uncouth affliction of modernity smh, just take a few pictures and put it away so you can experience it instead of looking through a screen even while you are present in front of something
>>387864 that last lad looks exactly like someone i know from toil keeeeeeeeek >>387865 >immediately gets pregnant >goes on paid leave for nine months >repeat until discharge with full zogbot benefits unwanted fatherless children paid for by the taxpayer too smh >>387866 tbh tbh he was based was really annoyed that he didn't stick around longer tbh that first season was iconic can still vividly remember the sidekick's black sidekick getting eaten by a wheelie bin
>>387868 think u just solved the ethnostate reproduction method lad.
>>387869 >gordon doesn't need to hear all this he's a highly trained professional luv the pootube comment section sometimes tbh like dredging for diamonds in a pit of manure/soybean oil slurry >>387870 except fatherless children grow up to be niggerbrained criminals and a general detriment to society
>>387871 Lets add the spartan element and just steal them?
do u like hair on lasses?
there's no problem to be solved regarding reproduction tbqh it only seems like a problem because are societies are integrated with a huwhite ethnostate in place billions of them could shoot each other with century-old kalashnikovs and millions of us could make laser supercomputer rocketship wunderwaffen >>387872 don't think there's a single example in history of that ever ending well
Was thinking the hohol meatgrinder could also be a trick to drive more hoholho’s into europe to solve the sexual emergencies for smelly brown incels and avoid civil disturbances <not a slav
God I h8 gooks
>>387875 the powers that be don't want that though lad they want a double digit iq mulatto underclass to push buttons for minimum wage and buy overpriced consumer goods
off to play more metal gear solid bye lads
>>387878 what a thrill
>>387877 This would be the side benefit but also too many men historically leads to wars and civil disturbances
watched the oppenheimer film it was boring jew loving shite FUCKING BORING, BRAVO NOLAN all the ushers were dressed in barbie movie tat and one troon usher made it an excuse to wear a short skirt
>>387881 Apparently it wasn’t jewy enough
>>387883 tbh was half expecting some comment on jim crow or slavery or some shite with the CPUSA and inditement naff which take up about 2 and a half hours of the film
>>387883 >roth
>>387884 >>387885 Tbh jews hate each other. Can you imagine what they feel about us. Tbh they don’t have to make problems they could just pissoff and h8 each other always dramas with them really impeding societal and scientific and cultural progress
>>387886 tbh sooner we're rid of them the better
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polish woman jumps off building on stream, survives
>>387887 All they seem to need is to be between 0.02% to 2% of the population in each and every country and then with their nepotistic and secret networks in banking and media run the whole show. It has to just stop. Go on jews! You can do it! Just STOP! Problems solved. Simple as
>>387888 Kuwa!
Polish women are mental tbh
>Whatcha doin.jpg
>>387894 >tell mama keeeek that's so gay stupid fucking mudshits smearing shit on their own walls wish this was real and the league of bazzas really is out to get them DON'T LIKE IT YOU KNOW WHERE THE DOOR IS
BBC CONFIRMED AT IT AGAIN https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/23139712/sex-education-lessons-primary-schools-england/ >Michael Doherty was left furious that teachers hoped to show Year 4s a video of a boy getting an erection, having a wet dream and ejaculating. >But when the dad complained, he says RSE teachers insisted the BBC Bitesize clip was "suitable" for the age group. >"The teacher's reason was so that when she's an adult she doesn't go 'eurgh' when she hears about wet dreams."
>>387895 tbh Just after more government gibs
>didn’t start be killing Romesh Ragheadthingymathing and then suiciding himself thereby killing two Shit comedians in one fell swoop and opening up two new opportoonities No examples set just MT words as usual. Weak
>>387889 tbh even the slightest hint of them is enough to spell doom for any group they inhabit smh horrid creatures >>387894 keeeek read a poost on /int/ the other day from a germoid about how people working at pools and gyms in his country are quitting because the mudshart hordes who all get free membership from the government keep smearing poo on the walls literal fucking cavemen smh don't care if they're right about women they need to be bombed back into their dirty little caves
>>387899 Yeah I found it as well and posted it earlier. Just administer expanding foam to their mouths and anuses upon admission to the pool and the problem stops >>387718
huh it didn't post it
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maybe it will work this time?
>>387900 STOMP hands edited this picture
>>387906 Banging tune
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>>387876 I don't
>>387910 They’re slimy like noodles and smell like rotten fish
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>>387911 I want to cum on their slimy noodle skin
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>was a literal whore not just hyper promiscuous
>click on one "godfather theme" video >youtube recommendations now filled with pajeet 10 hour reposts titled things like "this is my day" keeeeeeeeeek it's like that card trick film, stupid poos get obsessed with random media shit no wonder the jews want them to replace us when they're so easy to manipulate >>387912 >soyfacing reaction image thumbnails on ostensibly serious military analysis god I hate clown world no class
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>>387915 Tbf though his commentary throughout has been some of the best and most accurate. Ive watched loads of different people and him and new atlas. Gave up with mercouris duran because fucking hell one hour a day - no
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>>387918 sukihana
>>387919 Disgusting. Right outside the palace, by all rights she should be arrested fined pilloried and executed in the Mall along with her retinue and anyone who provided any kind of service to her
>>387920 no point day dreaming about stuff that will never happen, it will do your head in. just laugh at these low iq wogs and their worshippers since it's the worshippers that are more likely to be brutalized by their golems more so than us.
>>387915 jeet monkeys are ruining the internet just like how their ruining the anglo world
looks like dobby is streaming again
>>387922 why do rap niggers always look so beat up? some of the "women" in that video looked like corpses
>>387925 Rap is probably the most authentic degen music because nigs can't put on a show other than being themselves.
>>387900 Now I am become foid, the destroyer of worlds
>>387850 >>387853 Empower YTTB and he will crush the troons beneath his feet.
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>>387928 im not the tranny to try and fuck off i took down newbrit and im fucking one of your regular trips on the daily gonna be a while before i get back into rehab so if you wanna push me by all means go ahead and see what happens or you can just act civil and get the same treatment in return up to you i suppose
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this is all a schizo false flag to get bbk reinstated i know it is
>>387933 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>387933 It wouldn't surprise me if this is the case
time for more mgs >>387932 >>387936 luv these skellys ngl
garn be a ruckus
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>>387930 >took down /newbrit/ That didn't happen, it was the decree of toleration afforded to the NEETs which led to the ultimate re-unification of the brit boards. You are nobody. You are a mentally ill faggot. Trannies and chinkposters need to be persecuted. Anti-Christians need to cry out in agony under Auslad's heel. Where you are going there will be much weeping and gnashing of teeth. If I were mod, I would give you good practice in that. Faggot.
>>387933 I was thinking about this the other day, is schizo spic? Or were they different characters?
Based puppetmasterchad
https://youtu.be/v7iLvHI4dUE Found a new family to gangstalk.
Noooooooooooooooo! Not le bumcheeqs!
Only eye have the autism to produce sufficient cheequency to meet the banter matrices.
wew thought he had gotten my nudes there for a sec
>>387947 keeeeeeeek it's one of the policemen trolling the bored
troon neets terorrising us
Not sure what to have for tea tbh, mummy bought donuts so maybe a light soup/stew with a donut for afters smh
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yep that's a bbk false flag alright got the smell of butthole all over him
>>387956 That's not me, it's a pale imitator. Look how he uses multiple bums per poost. That takes time. He cannot build up a good chequency in this manner. He isn't even making snappy remarks like a super villain. I give his raid a 1/10. He clearly does not understand the craft.
What would fat deborah think of this?
A good raid? It takes time, preparation, a theme, and of course . . . a spot of madness!
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keeeeek alright ill stop lads im genuinely sorry pished ill leave you be, i get this place is sort of a last bastion off to finish my last 4 pints enjoy your sunday xx hope martin dies though nonce cunt
sorry lads my login token expired and now i have to go searching through my big stack of post-it notes to find my password smh forgot where it is
>>387968 No worries, lass. His raid is so limp wristed that a mere filter has confounded his impotent effort at imitating his highness. Soon the troon will go to his mauster below.
hey hey ho ho the dum dum kang has got to go
Thanks for cleaning up the board. Maybe tbbk is a rustled argie
>>387968 you should have it memorised like I do.
>Madlass trying to attack the bum bum king I send her so made with jealousy!
>Officer Compostelo. Why did you shoot the perp 45 times? >because it sez 45 on my pistol, dipshit >Case dismissed! *bangs gavel on perps mother’s head
found my post it note
spic goes for a medical check after his mother discovers strange infrared burns on testicles during his weekly bath
I wonder if spic gets washed in a tin bath in the garden like a doggy
>>387979 How accurate is this map?
Reading the 4faggot posts on the Russia/Ukraine war is sad tbh. It's bean a long fall since the floating nigger dick genocide.
>>387982 It’s true but strayans have ways to kill everything living thing if shit gets too rad
going download try that in a small town and listen to it on my mp3 in rough urban areas at night
>>387985 keeek based Auslads, wish I inherited a weird old mine in Western Australia and have to struggle to tame the land as much as possible with my cute 15 year old wife smh
Let this be a lesson to yellow peril poster https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5AhU5Q7vH0
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>mummy made me cheese and pickle sandwiches and pate on crackers for din dins Nooooooooooooooooooo! Mummy I can't have a donut now you fool!
>>387991 What is the meaning of this?
>>387993 Born to seethe
>>387990 I would marry any one of them
Just get them to play Scandal, Trident and Band-Maid cover songs
The trannies? qeeeq, they fled pretty quickly!
you wouldn't like me when i'm trangry
>>387999 qeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeq
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>>387998 >>387999 >>388001 fuck the pair of ya im on my own no discord shite at least im nice
>>388002 What? What the fuck are lads talking about? Why do they keep replying to me with non-sequiturs? Is this a new gimmick?
https://youtu.be/aWkS0vKR-vs keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>tell lass how much I make a year >she asks if that is how much I make in a month Groom ended
explain what pre-raphaelite art means and why it makes libtards seethe
>>388008 sounds like a cope women seem to flex way to much these days when most of them have like 10 credit cards before age 24
see he's outright admitting to grooming whats the difference between that foreign cunt and some other rapey foreign cunt from rochdale? sick of you nonces
>admit to grooming >By adopting "nonce" and "grooming" because people call me that >for "grooming" and "noncing" a 25 year old man named Dominic
>if i disarm the attackers knife and stab myself with it then it means i should win >why am i bleeding profusely
er sticks and stones, lax
dont be playful with me i honestly have no idea why you went after children, you're not ugly, you have a nice job, plus you're funny there's someone for everyone out there, quit going after kids with issues smh im legit sad at how you ended up smh
>>388008 GROOM OVER
>>388009 It focuses on realism mixed with subjects often from medievalist settings etc. If you see a pre-Raphaelite landscape, for example, all of the flowers will reflect the real flower in that landscape and you can botanically identify them. It's realism mixed with beauty hence the libtard seethe. My favourite artistic movement tbh, strange that you would bring it up. Are you gangstalking me?
>>388011 He's using it to take the piss out of the loony troons, you insufferable arse bandit.
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/UWdMYcl8WFo?feature=share LOOK AT THIS HE GOT DECAPITATED INTERNALLY
>>388018 he traveled to a different country to rape a disabled child to own the discord troons?
>30ad0d >quit it! Americanism You fucking arse bandit. He travelled to a different country to breed with a young woman, loony troon. He did it because that is how all men are coded biologically. They want to maximise breedability. Going after old hags because you watched the same cartoons as a child is the perversion here. As well as lopping your cock off. Tell fat deborah I'll rip his fucking skull out and shit in it.
Also, all Norsemen are kith and kin. It's like me travelling to Scotland to shag Madlass' mum.
>>388020 Different country? Child?
they just keep making stuff up smh
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>>388018 >raping children to save the white race is based and just. trust me i saw an old black and white photo of a man and a little girl once so just trust me on this. also dont associate me with Deborah, im pretty sure she was one of the nigger fuckers
>>388019 >>388026 weird how videos of people dying is allowed on youtube when so much isn't tbh
oh it's one of the based trannies who only gives aids to white cock
>Traditions of the Nordic Völva Or >Tradition of seething Choose wisely
>>388019 >>388026 This bloke actually died from this btw, the squatter more or less killed him by pushing the bar on his neck. Should have used safety bars and two other spotters with such a wait. >388027 >rape Consensual sex and marital sex are not rape, lad. Women are not little girls after puberty hits. 14 is the canonical marriage age for chicks. I've had sex with a 16 year old and she was certainly all woman. Pubes, teets, the lot. Hadn't duck faced herself and cut off her cute lil tit mole either at that point. >Deborah >She Yikes.
Will now engage in some seethe saying
i came backk negative for hiv when i was in rehab, fuck off >>388031 children cant consent not gonna respond to the rest nonce
>>388017 I was just reading about John Ruskin and how widely revered he was by people as desperate as Tolstoy, Ghandi and the early Nazis. Also his gravestone is covered in swastikas.
>trying to squat new personal record with a SINGLE spoter who doesn't even know how to spot squats yikes
>388033 I've had sex with a sixteen year old girl and it was magical. I would tell you o suck my anus but you'd probably enjoy that, nonce. I want a 14 year old wife. Seethe on my anus. 14 year olds aren't children. 15 year olds aren't children. 16 year olds aren't children. I know, I've scene the latter naked. What now tranny? >>388034 There's a street named after him in Liverpool and a lot of pre-Raphaelite art is in the Walker Art Gallery which you can visit for free. Dante Rossetti is one of my favourites too.
nothing you're a pedophile
*licks my clitoris flavoured ice cream* Did I just hear something acking? Must have bean the wind!
How can you mend a broken heart?
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wouldnt mind taking a blowtorch to you pedo fucks right in the eye sockets xx
>>388042 bit anti-semitic
ARGH we've been hit by a torpedo! the troon is attracting enemy radar! throw him off my ship! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88sARuFu-tc
>>388045 >smalltown
or should i say...torPEDO
why are you a pedo? i have nothing in common with 25 year olds let alone 14 year olds. whats wrong with you?
Do shy introvert lads always get eaten up metaphorically by dominant foods in social situations?
nonce cunts cant even explain themselves vile bastards know theyre in the wrong rattle little shits
Lukashenko says Polish troops threatening his borde. Shows Putin the map https://twitter.com/Gerashchenko_en/status/1683060380723978240
Sorry loony troon, I was bathing and cleaning my completely intact genitals! Why seek a 14 year old wife? Higher likelihood of virginity. More attractive, natural beauty in tact. Longer period from which to produce childhogs. Less retarded. Many reasons indeed! You betray yourself though, don't you? You don't have things in common with persons of other age groups? You're a chaser of trends. Probably why you're doing this 1980s glam rock shit and the whole troon thing. Nothing in your personality has any substance. You flit from trend to trend, mentally conquered by marketing companies into not developing any genuine personality or hobbies. Even to the point of lopping your cock off. It's "paedo" btw, nonce.
>>388052 Saddam and the Saddamites
bark at the shadows little dog
Maybe the troon is one of those lads who got molested and went mental, hence the hysteria. Fair play to him, he has the histrionics of women down to a t!
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He tells me to bark at niggers! Now who has no response! I keek!
sneep snorping lads another enjoyable day in a dying society on the walk home I encountered >arab with a barely controlled pitbull hiding in an alley and >three wiggers on bicycles making frightening shouts and faces at people as they sped past, I think they called me "jimmy" or something. some kind of new nigger patois zoomer insult anyway
Keeeeeek > During his meeting with Putin, Lukashenko said that Wagnerites want to "go on a sightseeing tour" to Poland. https://twitter.com/Gerashchenko_en/status/1683078634679021568
>>388059 keeeeeeeeeeeek you should have fronted the zoomers lad, make up a chaunt about being the beast of Bodmin then just charge them doing a high pitched scream
>>388061 I gave them the incel glare just for being loud cunts on bikes tbh think that's why they felt the need to lash out
>>388057 yeah people like me have an idea of the damage you do to kids. off yourself nonce, you're no use to the west
>>388062 based. saw some hanging outside a paki shop where the paki always has this weird dog sitting outside smh, they will be a common sight now school has ended >388063 keeeeeeeeeeeek fucking tranny freak. Mancslad has had it worse than you yet he is cool and based, unlike you. You can't refute my arguments so now, like a woman, you try to get the sympathy vote. Fact is, you'll only ever be an imitation. >You're harming young women by offering them lifelong companionship and a fulfilment of their biological imperatives! >NOoooOOooOo! He's going to provide for his wife! This is just like when uncle Susan stuck his fingers up me arse!
will the King don the red and black underwear once again and track down this troublesome troon?
can feel a murderous poo a-brewing too much of granny's best macaroni cheese methinks
you're implying the child will want to be with you for the rest of your life. they wont. theyre take a few years to realise you're just a nonce. but keep dreaming.
>>388065 A race against time when it comes to troons smh >388067 That's your response? keeeeeeeeeeek intellectual midget!
he's trying to lure out csa stories on a sunday
i want to maim you
>this thread Yikes. Glad I've been busy skyrooming.
>level 1,000 in skyrim >level 1 irl smh
>>388074 Ignoring the main quest in my playthrough so I don't have to deal with dragons fucking my NPCs up
>>388075 Funny thing is Insane Gigachad was my "do everything staying at level 1" character keeek.
Also I only got up to level 252 once after reseting alteration 146 times to see what it was like and I can confirm it's not really any more interesting than being level 81.
Anyone got the Harry Potter meme where HP casts a spell called "unmolesto" at a troon?
>>387847 needs to go back to the ric flair gimmick
>chubby girl tells me how she eats healthy >scoffs down a bowl of sugary cereal in the morning sitting next to me hmm
I bet Dobby thinks Peaky Blinders is the bees knees.
>>388079 it's over on /co/.
>>388085 >It's over Vgh! You're telling me!
>it's le quirky jewish science man xD

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