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Question Thread #1 Anonymous 07/23/2023 (Sun) 11:05:23 No. 14
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>>1433 I knew I smelled a discord clique on that board.
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>>1433 mm where you trying to respond to that anon posting without a flag? > is just tolerance for the fact that some people are legit insane but still practice sure but they are left to be crazy instead of getting the hit on the head they need to, nobody is here to correct nobody everything is accepted as factual. which make me think the sunflower is just an egregore that feeds on it's associates and filter their belief to make an accepted reality, maybe the galactic federation were the friends we made along the way which would be fine if y'all didn't talk about 1 million year of suffering at every turn and left it at being lesbian catgirls. I like the sunflower some skilled people there i even shared some artifacts i found but seriously it could be better. Give me almost the same vibe as falun gong "nibble there and there but stay the fuck away". >"the secret test server" on Discord Yeah i read that on the general a few weeks ago covens within covens eh? also >Discord >not XMPP >or even irc
>>1437 >an egregore Egregoral work was always the main point, going by the understanding that the NWO is based on principles, and that spirits and deities don't care about material assets. So if we use the same organizational form as the NWO but do it better, we will become the legit NWO and gain the support of the gods instead of them. That way we hijack the entire process and take over the world system. For this to work all systems need to be included, and the correct egregores linked into it, and that's best done on a mainstream platform with mainstream rules. Having people criticise each other will not work, they need to be able to express their ego in full like the real elites do. They may criticise each other, but this is done from a position of power, so we need to create that same mentality of not expecting criticism. Then we need to also assume the same language and doctrines, a combination of Maoist memetics and kabbalah with regular obfuscation of sexual identity, just with more accuracy than they do it.
>>1438 >we will become the legit NWO and gain the support of the gods instead of them beggars can't be chooser eh idk bro i'd rather we all ascend supporting each other instead of making a gang structure with punishment and stuff. Also i am not a fan of having my mind overtaken by egregores i didn't make myself. yeah yeah i know it's already the case for everyone. >That way we hijack the entire process and take over the world system Ok and then what? how long till it became like the current system? >Having people criticise each other will not work, they need to be able to express their ego in full like the real elites do. So a cult and then if you don't play ball you get the Epstein treatment? Instead of advancing together we just all hit each other in the ballsack leave the neophyte be retards cuz "they should just know better!" till one of us is top crime boss? Idk bro i'd say we're better than this.
>>1439 >rather we all ascend supporting each other That's the point. But to do that we need to eliminate the current incompetent leaders. The thing that enrages me the most about them is their criminal stupidity and wastefulness. >Ok and then what? how long till it became like the current system? That won't happen. The current system allows opposition and its leaders are hiding like rats in the sewers. The new doctrine will be to have no leaders, fully distributed anarchy and no lies, no hiding scum and no one opposing us. >So a cult and then if you don't play ball you get the Epstein treatment? We'll deal with that before full formation, there won't be opposition when we're done, no one will be excluded once we're up and running. >'d say we're better than this. Then you are allowed to be better, no one will stop you. It's those who are worse who will be removed.
>>1440 What if someone opposes you who isn't "scum"?
>>1431 >btw i am sorry for taking so long some days it'll happen again Don't feel sorry. I am not a terminally online (You) farmer not an attention craving slut. This is what I liked about forums that you can post something leave the place visit it days or weeks later then continue the conversations. I hate chat apps because you have to be there 24/7 and I can only do that with close friends. Same with phone calls. I can do it with "professionals" where I know how to talk to them or with close friends/relatives but I usually make them keep it short and only the important bits because important things need to be said personally and when people have the time. I cannot use chatrooms like discord at all because it develops into inside jokes and drama within weeks and if you are not in the gossip network you are out of luck catching on. While on forums you can skim even the most autistic conversations and figure out wtf is going on. >not trying to be rude or anything of the sort. Considering the awakening phase you are going through you are quite well mannered tbh. Not replying within 10 minutes is not rude don't worry about this. Only reply when you feel you have the time and mental clarity to longpost. Truth is I wanted to reply further to the stuff you wrote in the previous posts but my mental clarity was not on the level and... I managed to get into the drow initiation after realizing my awakening symptoms are on the level of the average drow male and the girls like too much when I bring my "shadow" with me. Learned quite the stuff about the drow history and found a cave that led me to a god... He gave me one of his daughter but I have to watch over with this. My intents turn into chants and reinforces pacts and things go a little fast because deep down I "want it" but I know I have to watch over because I will work with a darkness that I didn't manage to work with in my closer past life journeys. Boy I missed having entities that can handle the darker sides of my male aspect instead of fearing or exploiting it. Might write about it later but I feel that I have to explore this mater further before talking about it. >we first talked to each other on sunflower a few months back i think Probable. There are several people coming and going but because you had such an energetic transformation I am not sure which you were >wasn't sure cuz some people have a similar smell Definitely But >>511 Remember this poster? Even he felt that you are "similar" back then. I wonder how much similarities he sees between You and him nowadays. Truth is I am developing a new sense or "taste" for souls but... I am actively blocking it because I feel I cannot use it "Purely" because I still have some "Perversion" in my psyche that makes me into a "soul taster" and "energy gluttony" can also make things awry. The goal is to understand purify and master your own energies and not prey and feast upon the energies of others. That is the "way of demons" and just turns you into a "hungry ghost". I know what fate awaits soul eaters. Also my face and name memory is quite bad even in mundane matters so my energy memory is a hit or miss in some cases. It's still developing and I must not rush it. >i thought you knew but yeah I try to separate sunflower and fringe mentally as possible because if I connect too many energies at once weird things manifest while I post and I dislike when the servers go offline just because the machine spirits got overloaded with energies that I interact with People who change and develop their energies and work with different spirits constantly are hard to trace. For that I have to notice their "origin energy" first and when you do that it is like knowing the "true name" of a demon. It's not just about the "power" you get over a person because you will know them more than he knows himself but... if you start to "meddle" you connect to his karma. Unforeseen things can happen especially if they have a stronger or incompatible path with yours. Currently I am merely "aware" of you but that doesn't mean noticed your "soul beacon" yet so I can trace you wherever you go. That is still dangerous for me. My "extrasocial" skills are not good enough so I can be an "overseer entity" outside of my own sphere of influence yet. My current goal is to restore the wizard population of fringe and practice the way I express spiritual guidance. Greater "Online spirituality" ambitions will come after I git gud at this. The internet is a window into the collective subconscious. If you mess with energies too much things happen when you don't pay attention what you are doing. Not to mention I consider my internet addiction as an attachment i have to work on anyway so I don't intend to ascend into a terminally online "internet guru". I post when I feel it is in line with my true expression and not as a perversion nor as a duty/mission. >Oh i have these all over my body idk what they are Drow chaos and or black magic. But they see chaos differently compared to me so I cannot explain more about it yet>>1347 The drowzard explained it well but there are many more things on this matter I cannot say yet. >they're also on a wheel structure like a core/point with orbiting wheels, or should i say 0 particle ? Same function as dharma wheels and co. Hard to explain their full function tbh because they are still on the "activators" level and not the "full product" stage. >I am using it as mental aid for physical etheric astral mental etc Yeah I have several of them also. I gained several artifacts while awakening that I could have inserted into any physical objects so I can "larp" as a ritual magician. Was wondering what "mundane objects" should serve as magical tool then I concluded that the human body is the greatest tool the magician ever needs in the earthly life and everything else is "extra". What I said was a bold and wise choice because ultimately you will destroy and absorb your own artifacts and return the rest to their "place" but... because the artifacts are literally embedded into my body (was weird learning that the artifacts actually represented organs and bones by default and how easy they merged) they get activated or stimulated if I am not watching with my thoughts... Realized I have to mentally stabilize myself further and I cannot continue this DO OR DIE THE BRAVE HAS NOTHING TO FEAR and run ahead like my ass is on fire... >what happens when they're all activated though! They usually activate on their own "when you are ready" aka your energies are stable and plenty enough to handle all of them at once. >not just drows they hate when you reverse-engineer their stuff It's more complicated here. It's not like I just "infringing on intellectual rights" but if you do it in the wrong way you might break or corrupt their system. >golden ones have personality the black/dim ones have instinct and subconscious processes Yeah was wondering "which kinds" lol but if it's too complicated or personal no need to explain them. They are probably merely the "kickstart" parts of your "cross-life personality" and there will be more when your awakening level increases. >i learnt how to open a window of light Yeah this is important. Being able to sync the environment for entities and for yourself when you visit or get visited.
>>1441 >What if someone opposes you who isn't "scum"? That won't happen because we're aligning with the full structure of humanoid races, if you oppose humanoid races and still carry such a body, you are scum and will be removed for being a parasite, a freeloader on the racial body. Create your own DNA which isn't humanoid if you don't like it, simple as.
>>1431 >i don't assault entities I didn't exactly meant (You) but the "feral energies" that "go with you" and make you crave entrails and co. Drow stabbed me in the face when I went with my "niceguy" spirit form then when I thought I should go with that "sharp elemental form" which makes me able to turn EVERYTHING into a sharp weapon be it metal stone branches or the very air itself to show how much I "respect" their "knife practices" (it's a weird ass karmic path I got initiated after passing a test) the drow jumped the fuck back because I looked like a vengeful entity... then after the drowzard's post I just realized I should stop overcomplicating it and let my "dark aspects" do the talking. >Nobody can see through my layer of Glamour Do not test me >i thought of it more as light distortion cuz it bounces back to their eyes Complicated but that is how "eyes" are supposed to work. Like how bats echolocate. Make sound it bounces back and they "see" with their ears. Eyes are "supposed" to work this way but we have that fucking sun object there and blinds us and make our eyes "sense" only the photons as they bounce. Hard to get past that because once you can see beyond the "veil" you realize there are several more veils and if your mind is unable to process that information you are better off going blind than insane. And yes the "glamour" is protecting you and "expresses" your energies in a new way. Feels like an "eggshell" in functionality. It's fragile and potent at once but the main function is to help you develop in safety. >wtf does no one notice that. Bruh humans are so weird IRL already not just mentally but genetically not to mention you have other traits people focus while talking to you. >I noticed some humans aren't humans too Yeah I am on the "if they behave as humans I leave them alone" approach. For me "people" were always somewhat alien so if they behave I am not questioning their "earthern citizenship". Truth is humans house so many spirits and parasites without noticing and expelling some when things get heated suddenly makes them amicable out of nowhere. >Did you notice if you don't eat in front of mundanes they get suspicious and scared of you? I never ever thought of that but now that you mention it yeah. Interesting perspective. Eating front of others signifies a level of trust even in animals. Not eating front of others is "weird". >almost as if humans have a built in detection for this They have but you have a weird complex about this. Quite interesting tbh. This is something my grandma does too. Waits till others eat and only eats when everyone leaves. I am making her eat with us because she starts nagging you with bullshit while you try to eat in peace. And when she starts eating she eats so fast she almost chokes in some cases. It's a weird trauma circuit for her that I am slowly untangling but it can be annoying sometimes. It comes from our weird workaholic family dynamic. Quite TLDR tbh. >they're good. Yeah you found the benevolent ones for sure. >you are of great help actually. Good to hear. >never took far enough to fuck up my relationships for good . The "trick" is that you don't always "break physical" things but notice what energy formation what misunderstanding causes the anger and break or resolve that instead of loading all your hatred into your "limbs". For a while I was unable to handle this and whenever a conflict arisen my "shadow" started to punch others like a fucking stand from Jojo and people suddenly "behaved" or started coughing and other weirdness. Took time to learn to control it and learn to express "constructive anger" in speech and other expressions. As you awaken you realize you are gaining not just powers but ways to move people and reality in new ways and to reach the next level you have to temper it further to understand the core principles of your being. Was asking because it felt like you are "losing it" but "holding back" at the same time. I had the same. I wanted to retain complete control while I wanted to completely lose it and overtaken by a force at the same time. Be it rage pleasure or love. This made me so imbalanced because I realized I don't know what I want at all. I had to realize how my internal switches work. I am not a conflict searcher or maker but a conflict resolver and once someone makes a conflict arise I notice the ways I can resolve it and I will use the extra energies that they "awakened" within me. >People get scared around me Yeah... took me time to notice it too. I didn't realize how terrified people can become when I get angry. I was too lost in my own rage to see it. Remember when I made a woman cry just by ranting about an issue because she lost control over her emotions. I developed a "dominant empathy" many years ago because when I noticed how shit the energies are that people have and makes me sad and sick I realized I can "command" their energies to match mine and not drag me down to their level constantly. When my energies were weak and subdued it was just a minor skill but when my energies started to arise it started to cause anomalies. >but i make sure to keep my maelstrom around me Learn to become the "eye of the storm" and invite those who deserve the "peace" that you can find in the center of the storm. You can preemptively get rid of hostiles that are still trapped within their subconscious before they even approach you if you do it right and find the absolute serenity that your center produces. Took me time to balance it. Shit was creaking around me when I "awakened the storm" for years before it balanced out. >if some parts of me goes for the kill i call it back and teach it to know better I realized I can short circuit it if it does it without my "approval" the first attack will be done on my "own flesh" and the pain it causes will be "felt" by the shadow itself so instead of creating an "eye for an eye" long winded karmic scenario it just "bites his own tail" if I am not allowing it to act upon the impulse. Seeing people get sick and terrified randomly is not fun. You heard the retarded leftist term of "microaggression" I am sure. Now imagine your impulsiveness kicking others for energetic microaggressions that they didn't even "mean". So easy to deescalate situations when you know what are the correct energies that a situation needs instead of making others choke in your presence. An employee just mentioned some days ago how terrifying my glare is and she knows she needs to not bother me when I am doing it and spirits told me the same before. Not to mention I realized I can literally "stare down" some hostile forces in some scenarios. But it's not a "skill" it's just my pissed energies expressing themselves through my eyes. I cannot do it at will nor I like to do it. Makes my neck stiff at the end of the day. >so i never end up truly harming someone who isn't trying to harm me Yeah it takes real practice to learn to do that. Not to mention "breaking karma" is not always a "harm" long term. Sometimes you can break their karma if you know what you are doing. It's a weird mix of impulse and intuition. Some energies of theirs literally "taunt me" and I notice it and break it because I learned to break that type of energy formation already. Always wonder if it's the work of their shadow or similar. Can't really call it good or bad. Karma needs to be resolved but the methods can vary. >Oh my you're getting dangerously close aren't you? You talked about the sword and I can literally see it with my own eyes because you put that much energy into the post while writing. The things people describe with their posts sometimes instalinks to the concept they are talking about. Also I consider myself quite the expert on hatred and anger issues so it was not really hard to connect to it.
>>1443 >because we're aligning with the full structure of humanoid races What if someone disagrees with that? It's pretty freaking dogmatic to assert that someone deserves not only death also but the elaborate hell-dimensions you supposedly consign them to just for committing the crime of disagreeing with you.
>>1431 >This is something i can't talk about yet No worries. Only talk about stuff when you feel either ready or you resolved them already. The stuff I share are usually things that I am "done with" more or less. No need to open up scars that are still healing. Let them heal then explain the "experience" if you feel like it can be educative for others. >if i do won't be able to deny myself anymore Hard to explain but you can "overcome" yourself also. Reach a point where you know you are "stronger" wiser or sure of yourself you can handle that aspect of yours then "accept him". Like how in Matrix 3 Neo realized he needs to "accept" Mr Smith the same way Mr Smith "accepted Neo" when he first tampered with his programming. Then Neo did a full circle and disabled the entire "shadow system" that he let lose. Then he took a snooze so he can fit into the Jesus allegory then was brought back because Warner needed more money lol. I love and hate that franchise so much. They explain and misinterpret some aspects of spirituality at the same time so well it's ridiculous. >who knows what will happen i might just end up burning everything ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I remember when my energies went out of control and realized how many hindu tales talk about "demon gods" that are the "incorrect manifestations of Brahma" and they become all powerful but because they are still blinded by earthly desires like rage and greed they destroy everything until Krishna/Shiva/Kali or some other deity slays it. I asked of the gods I worked with to slay me when I go completely out of control because I don't want to become the "worst manifestation of myself" and they replied that >You never reach that point and always turn back before it's to late. Made me much calmer because I realized they are right. Even if I think I "lost control" I am still aware still an observer of the process and can either stop or change the direction of things at will. I realized I need to calm down and cultivate awareness further. I think you should ask Kali about this. I worked with her too and she knows how to slay and "digest" your demons in a way you can awaken Shiva within and without. >that if i hit you in the head so hard you forgot wtf you are and made you sign a bonding contract it'd be "legal" OOooohhhh. This is tricky as hell. If you are "Not yourself" by default and make others "forget themselves" then give them a way they are on the level where they count that they are the "same" in a way it sometimes allowed while if someone "found himself" and you literally blocked his path from advancing and fucked up his destiny then it is an another issue... Details are seriously important here and I think you should talk this out with Kali or Azazel. >i wouldn't call that ethical though. Yeah you will notice that what is and isn't ethical is quite situational as you move forward. Details and clarity is always important in these cases because oversimplification and confusion can hide the core of the issue. Talk it out with your entities. Currently what you need is not regret nor lamentation but a new perspective to see the big picture. >Is that compassion making amends? Somewhat. Truth is it's a stabilizing force in my lower and higher aspects. It's like playing Recettear or other games where you have to collect gold and reach a goal then you "won". It's more of an "excuse" to stay on earth instead of an "Obligation". >necessary? Hard to explain but my awakening is incomplete. I had a past life where this happened and my mind broke apart and I had to incarnate as a female several times so I can pick up the parts of my unhinged male aspects. When you asked about the >>1049 >lol and what about spells cast in a past life.. and I replied >HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I kinda let the madness overtake me there. >can you even go further with family fren They have their roles that they will play out. I just don't want them to die and scream in the afterlife as they rip each other apart. I want to help them make amends in this life so they can go on in peace. Their life was a turmoil and they didn't exactly "deserve" it. It was the product if the times. >doesn't everything have to burn for you too? "Burning" is about releasing trapped energies and use the energy to create something new in the process. Not just destruction. Flames cleanse create and build too. >All mental tools, forces you to change the deep core beliefs on the spot yeah >and guess what the body knows how to float by itself if you just learn to fucking listen This was my worst thing in childhood. My swimming teachers didn't manage to explain this basic shit concluded that I suck at swimming then made me do useless crap with that floater and took me a decade later when my cousin explained something about floating while on a vacation and the whole thing clicked in an instant. Was so mad that "teachers" rarely manage to "teach" they just "do their thing so they get paid" and nothing else. >Just gotta learn how to dance again, find the balance. Yeah >i can't let my ancestors decide on my means of manifestation and expression. That's not how it works. YOU MAKE YOUR ANCESTORS PROUD BY SURPASSING THEM. Once you are "above" an understanding so much you don't need to be "held together" by genetic gifts and curses you can integrate your own truth into your being. Genetic mutations are not just genetic defects. I realized I have more gifts than curses it's just my close ancestors were not really expert making use of them. But what can you expect from living under communism. Alcohol is your best friend and ambition is your enemy there. >And a belief field And authority field/influence >force people to conform to your thinking All I am trying to do to make them able to "listen to me". I dislike overtaking others because once they are out of your influence or you require the energies for something else they malfunction also fuck micromanaging people constantly. I am no control freak. >but not for too long it makes my heart go crazy hard to maintain as of now The heart is one of the most important energetic core of your being. Always listen to your heart. >Gave them the love they need Nice >funny finding child you who need a father and becoming that You got it >hilarious how fucked we got And sad and extremely infuriating in some cases
[Expand Post]>was thinking of making a shapeshifting thread myself Nice >I'll respond to the rest when i have something to say it's hard to find the time to even reach for my computer these days Same. It's the beginning of the harvest season for me too. >wizard 101 but gotta start somewhere You will learn to shift into the "zone" at will when you git gud but yeah babysteps until you don't know how to run and jump like a tiger. >>1436 Fringe was dead for quite a while and somewhere people had to gather. I was not part of any discords because I considered the bane of the internet but it was inevitable. >>1437 >nobody is here to correct nobody everything is accepted as factual. It was supposed to work as a think tank. Not to mention correcting others when you don't "see" things with the same eyes is redundant in magic. Insights are insights. If you can confirm it or correct it you can do it if not then it's best leave it that way. There are arguments there it's just most people noticed the "style" of the others already. >the sunflower is just an egregore that feeds on it's associates and filter their belief to make an accepted Yeah but every egregore does this already.
>>1437 >maybe the galactic federation were the friends we made along the way I read their manuals. While I dislike the "vibe" they give the "policies" they have is quite advanced and one with divine truth as much as they can be. It's quite adaptive too. I cannot say I am one that advances their agenda because the "dimensional convergence" they need to properly appear on earth is huge and I realized I cannot make use of their "tech" too much because it's too incompatible with earth and with my true magic but that doesn't mean what they have is "worse" than the shit we have on earth. They told me they are still "adapting" the ways of the earth and nothing is concrete how things will play out >which would be fine if y'all didn't talk about 1 million year of suffering at every turn and left it at being lesbian catgirls. Yeah he usually threatens the glowies with this and he does not realize some of his spells hit innocent bystanders that count as glowies in his framework but... you know. This is what happens when it's a den of magicians. Not to mention whenever he says stuff like this I have to look at who tf he is talking about and the beings that go to "hell" or "camps" or whatever truly on an unsalvagable level. They are on my "disintegrate on sight" list by default and it's quite "compassionate" from him to even bother doing things to them. He cannot handle his environment the same way as we do with this BURN BRIGHT AND ATTAIN YOUR OWN SALVATION BY THE FLAME OF TRUTH like we do. Truth is some of his methods might be closer to you if you don't include the stuff he does with the federation. >but seriously it could be better For me it was quite surprising how it managed to survive this long. >covens within covens eh? He really wants to be the next secret society for some reason. Federation standards pls understand >>1438 >and that spirits and deities don't care about material assets They understand authority differently. >gain the support of the gods instead of them God is always with the worthy >best done on a mainstream platform with mainstream rules As long as it's not on discord who can complain. >Having people criticise each other will not work Hard to explain to some people that there is a difference between "constructive criticism" and "hugboxes" or echo chambers where there is only a "single voice" and bipolar powertripping admins. People forgot what it means the "when in Rome" nowadays. They think they need to bring their retarded programming everywhere. Even 4chan was a "sikrit club" with the "lurk 10 more years b4 posting" memes >but this is done from a position of power The "know thyself" grants power and those who have power actually understand what is going on instead of squabbling about minor shit they don't even understand. >so we need to create that same mentality of not expecting criticism Wise people always converged in the mountains or in monasteries for a reason. Ignorant fucks who don't know shit shouldn't disturb their work. It's not about "criticism" but about retards complaining about how it's not "watered down enough" for their idiotic consumption. My problem with sunflower that it reached a "menacing" stage where no neophyte or struggling initiate is able to participate because they are either weirded out or too unconfident to even post. This is why my goal is try to resurrect fringe a little because we need willing neophytes and I will not make my own "minecraft server" because I will never have enough freetime to moderate forums in the next decade. >combination of Maoist memetics Yeah but the goal is not to snuff out spirituality and destroy thousands of years of culture but to weed out degeneracy and destroy everyone who is against progress. While Mao was a retard "western education" forgets to explain the rule of eunuchs in China the abhorrent bureaucracy and the damage the cults and foreign interferences did (besides the Opium war) that Mao managed to end and made China finally a sovereign country instead of an eternally dependent exploited nightmare that rivaled India while it is supposed to be culturally superior. The nuance is not explained at all this people freak out when you say things like Maoism but... at least they are warned in advance of the ugliness of some things. >and kabbalah Wanted to write about many times how the jews misunderstand the world tree because they are hellbent on reverse engineering the Torah not realizing that will hardcap them at the level of Moses and Solomon thus make them inferior to the magic of Egypt and Babylon until the "Messiah" comes and unfucks their retardation but... even I cannot say I am confident enough to start a Kabbalah thread. >>1439 >beggars can't be chooser eh Only if you are the level of the Buddha >idk bro i'd rather we all ascend supporting each other That is the goal >instead of making a gang structure with punishment and stuff I am sure he didn't "want this" but he has no better ways yet. Was wondering what his malfunction sometimes but his environment is quite chaotic there. He magnetically attracts hostiles as a karma. He cannot stare down his enemies that simply. Not to mention he doesn't know how you can slap someone with such a force such a meaning that they will "change forever" so he needs to rely on this million years of suffering in the eternity dimension method. Only those can get caught in this "trap" that deserve it. Others will float out. He know he has to keep higher principles in his workings well. This is why I stay around. He too walks his own way of enlightenment. >Also i am not a fan of having my mind overtaken by egregores i didn't make myself Like the school system? Or your genetics? You will have to realize how you can and must align with these things in some cases disconnect from them at will brush them over or outright destroy them when they are against life and truth. If they are helping life and truth manifest you can help them otherwise you must let your rage and frustration rip apart the shackles of retardation. But yeah even Yuuka said sunflower cannot contain me anymore because I found my own path. But that doesn't mean I am not allowed to post anymore. She told me >Do as you please with a slight smile. >yeah i know it's already the case for everyone It's different for everyone. The strong and wise can choose his path while the weak and foolish has no way but to get along or die trying. Someday you will have to notice how some rules apply differently to your own energies once you breach a point. Earth will become an ascension planet no matter what. The federation will help and reap the rewards while doing so or earth will do it by the old ways like it always did. >Ok and then what? Spaceships and catgirls according to the current plan >how long till it became like the current system? More than a century less than 2 kalpas? I am not sure. The federation is not as simple to explain conceptually as new agers try to do. I am not sure how permanent it is on the galactic stage. Future is not decided yet and they can only imprison those that are on the lowest levels of existence. They have to follow standards or the "will of Gods" will rip them apart the same way as it happened to them in the past already. >So a cult Far less draconian than posting on reddit tumblr or twitter nowadays. But I would consider those places as "mental illness" instead of a "cult".
[Expand Post]>you get the Epstein treatment? A body double will prove that I am dead for real get a surgery and live on one of my island until the heat dissipates then return with a new name? Damm. Supposedly there are servitors that literally do similar things already so the answer is weirdly a Yes >leave the neophyte be retards There is a reason even he helps out on fringe. The goal is to keep sunflower for those that are at least initiated. Neophytes can visit and learn from fringe like we did many years ago.
>>1445 >What if someone disagrees with that As I said: when we are channelling the entire force of all humanoid races through the galactic federation and the origin beyond in the form of djinn, elves and "skinwalkers", if you oppose us who will defend you? Djinn alone created Islam to advocate their views, they're among the original races and you already know they give zero fucks about "other views". They literally want to behead or stone anyone who doesn't agree with them, including homosexuals, adulterers or anyone who doesn't learn the Quran properly. They also send all women to hell on routine because they just hate women (men get 900 years in Islamic Heaven if they are good muslims, the most fanatical Islamic State members made it in because they applied the Quran without thinking). I don't hold personal views, I channel the strongest forces and let them decide. Now djinn don't agree internally on everything, drow are extreme in all ways, but djinn and drow aren't fighting, they're just on the same wavelength and both races realize the other is too strong to take on so they just don't. It's more like Cat1 won't walk into the territory of Cat2 because they both already took what land they wanted. The little bugs who think they should compete up there but understand so little so little. They're an abomination and deserve everything that's coming to them for being so arrogant as to pretend they are on par with original races. They have no place assuming any "ruling" position on the Earth or bringing any "criticism" against anyone. There are predators who eat children because they are predators by nature, then there are fat fucks who eat children because they want to pretend they are predators. You can dislike natural predators and you should fear them, but they were created by gods that way. The fatties are the scum who will not have a place in the future, they took it upon themselves to become that way, based on no higher principles whatsoever. If you side with them, who will defend you?
>>1448 >we are channelling the entire force of all humanoid races through the galactic federation Yeah and I'm sure the Illuminati believe that they're channeling some lofty force that can never be wrong as well. There is no "one" correct path, you can't just assume that everyone who doesn't want to accept your vision is part of whatever degenerate cult you're describing here. That's not how the world works. And might-makes-right really isn't a convincing argument for how you're any different than the psychopaths you want to replace.
>>1447 > this million years of suffering in the eternity dimension method They are free to stop anytime, but fact is that these "things" serve a purpose. Awarenesses that won't change their directional force even after intense punishment for a million years will be used to create the egg shells of gods. For a god to form takes a very long time, during which they need to be fully protected. So these extremely evil and stubborn beings are perfect to use as a shield during the god's formation in the egg. No one attacking the shell can break through in a million years, because of these beings' extremely stupid mentality of not changing course when punished. That's how reality is out there. The gods who create all beings are themselves born through the million year gehenna process of extreme sinners. Some of them will, from their unmanifested state, manipulate already existing beings to make them performs sins bad enough that it will take millions of years to pay off, precisely because the unmanifested god needs them to create the egg shell. And this is allowed, because gods are eternal while sinners and criminals have no value in themselves. For them to be burned up in hellfire when a new god hatches is a way for them to have a meaning.
>>1449 >might-makes-right really isn't a convincing argument for how you're any different than the psychopaths you want to replace. The difference is that I will beat them and they will lose. They are incompetent and I am not. That's the difference. It's not a problem in the ideal of the system they are creating, it's their way of failing in their work. It enrages me beyond everything else to see them waste the resources they have on this nonsense, throwing away the things they could have used skillfully.
>>1439 >Idk bro i'd say we're better than this. Hope we can prove it by making fringe into the bastion of initiation like it was in the past once again >>1440 >Then you are allowed to be better, no one will stop you Yupp >>1443 Was expecting you to give an answer like "tickled to death by lolis" but you chose the Commissar way of explanation. >we're aligning with the full structure of humanoid races Wonder how "full" we will manage tbh. There are layers upon layers of mysteries built within the genetic code. >if you oppose humanoid races and still carry such a body This "everyone must be at each others throat" mentality needs to be cleared. People think they must kill their own before the other does it. This is no way of living and people cannot imagine proper coexistence anymore. Animals only kill their own in extreme stress and we got used to this extreme stress so much already "killing our own" almost feels "normal" in many cases. >you are scum and will be removed for being a parasite People always fear they might be the parasite and cannot consider the only thing they need to lose is the "parasitic thinking" and not their whole being. The parasite in your head makes you act and think like the parasite and once you truly let it take over your being you will suffer as long as you manage to separate from it. The parasite fears pain and suffering more than the soul itself. >Create your own DNA which isn't humanoid if you don't like it, simple as The ascended create or "realize" their own DNA then they can decide if they stay as humanoid or not as moving on. They can decide how long they want to keep earth as an "attachment" or a residence when they have better places to be at that level. >>1445 >but the elaborate hell-dimensions You can rise from them if you have pure spirit. He didn't "make it" he used other "hell templates" and principles. Hell is supposed to be about purification like purgatory but people imagine the worst in some cases. >>1449 >Yeah and I'm sure the Illuminati believe that they're channeling some lofty force that can never be wrong as well They actually did channel truth... for a while. Then they misinterpreted it and made their "own Gods" in their "own image" thus making themselves ride into a dead end path. Into the gay fraternity cannibalistic cult degeneration that results in the death of every civilization >There is no "one" correct path The ALL IS ONE. Never forget that. Ultimately everything converges. >everyone who doesn't want to accept your vision His vision still develops. I noticed it several times. The details are fuzzy for him and he cannot channel it completely. >is part of whatever degenerate cult you're describing here Yeah I feel like this is his karma. He always manages to word it this way. I am not sure where it comes from. >really isn't a convincing argument for how you're any different than the psychopaths you want to replace. It's a weird catch. To be able to "replace them" he needs to "become them" then "overcome them" from a higher understanding. Jesus was supposed to become the devil then defeat it within himself and in others once and for all. That is the job of the Messiah so the jews can finally fuck off to their promised land. This is why compassion is paramount in Buddhism. You become your enemy and realize what energies what choices can make them reform. If you cannot reform others then your enlightenment is still incomplete thus you need to contemplate further. Sometimes the way towards salvation is beatings sometimes it's hugs. If you think it's either only hugs or beatings because you are blinded with this left or right hand path only good vs evil mentality then you never had a good beating nor good hugs in your life where you noticed how much power they have. >>1450 >when a new god hatches is a way for them to have a meaning. The "fire" can burn so bright it will burn away their sins once and for all and as they "float into nothingness" they can merge into a spirit current and find a new life where they are not bound by the sins they committed. Sins are trapped energies that need to be resolved by resonating the correct energies. If they cannot repent or make amends on their own then the next best thing will do it. The flame of a God that will grant them salvation where they will see figments of the madness that requires a god to be "born". Some will stand in awe and become angels to celebrate the birth of God forever while some will merge with the psyche of the God so they can experience the will of God while some will float into new existences that are beyond the horizon. >>1451 >The difference is that I will beat them and they will lose I remember when you said that the "Perk" of the federation that you have several lives where you can advance the agenda through several lives and not bound to a single life like the "elites"... Made me realize that not even the federation knows when they will be "ready" because time flows differently for them and for us thus making any predictions about this whole thing is almost impossible. Too many variables are there that are not counted for yet. Not to mention several times I thought you are leaving earth once and for all already and was wondering maybe I am talking to a perfectly copied botsoul several times that you left "in your place" but it seems you always return to yourself. There are things you cannot leave behind yet. But what do I know. My sight is not complete yet.
>>1447 >My problem with sunflower that it reached a "menacing" stage where no neophyte or struggling initiate is able to participate Personally that's part of the appeal to me, mostly because the replacements for /fringe/ after 8ch went down were all full of nothing but very very basic "how do I cast a spell" type questions. But now that /fringe/ is back I suppose it still serves a purpose of being a place for things that are too weird even for this place. All the federation and touhou-succubus cult stuff is mostly tertiary for me.
>>1453 >Personally that's part of the appeal to me K fine I agree with this but the place is not really attracting adepts or masters either thus it's stagnating at like 7 active people. >but very very basic "how do I cast a spell" type questions Yeah this is why I didn't manage to find any meaningful spiritual communities either. All of them are at the basest of all levels. >But now that /fringe/ is back I suppose it still serves a purpose of being a place for things that are too weird even for this place Definitely >and touhou Shintoism will be integrated into fringe too. There is a need for it. Around 40-70% of the lurkers have oriental inclinations according to my current energetic guess. But yeah the "Yuukaism" can stay focused there. She will visit people on her own accord anyway
>>1452 > leaving earth once and for all already and was wondering maybe I am talking to a perfectly copied botsoul several times that you left "in your place" but it seems you always return to yourself. There are things you cannot leave behind yet There are always illusions or karma telling me to leave before I'm "done" but fact remains that I need to finish this properly because it took all of history to find a place to assume a male body in ownership and not just possession from the astral. The deal I made with Lucifer and several of the Goetians was that they'll make sure I can stay to fulfill my potential withing this lifetime and they'll get % of the energy produced. This ensures that as long as there is more to do, they will make sure I can keep going because getting decent participation in 3D is difficult for those on other planes, especially those staying in 2D. They already guarded me two times now, when timelines were wiped and things could have changed out of control. But it's not just them, there are many others who also invested in my participation, including the galactic federation who always considered me a "spy general" even if I had no awareness of this at first. They always addressed me as "general" from the start without explaining anything. Beings on other planes seem to assume we know more than we do. Like the greys who just assumed it was common knowledge that "reptilians did 9/11" so they never mentioned it. >>1453 Sunflower was meant as a place where we don't have to deal with "how do I do basic shit" questions over and over. It's still watered down in public but if you can't use astral artifacts and sigils and talk to spiritual beings, it's hard to get anything out of it. Those are things you should already know how to do when you come there. It's been years now, but even before it was called Sunflower we had major occult wars even, when the Argentinian abortion-witches attacked for example. They controlled the biggest wicca server on Discord with 80k members and went around placing really nasty green energy stealing crystals on everyone. The only reason we got rid of them to even start fighting back (and this was early like 2018) was that several of us were already "possessed" by Tritons and those are all ancient immortals even if they're technically speaking Jellyfish. We couldn't even handle them, but the Tritons got rid of the energy stealing wicca devices for us... you can see how Argentina is changing now, all of that resulted from taking out those witches. That means killing them, if you can't handle this in a manner that leaves you mostly free of karma, how will you survive? The glowies haven't figured this out for the same reason people on here talk about "loosh" without making a difference between harmful and beneficial energy types. You need to perform all attacks as a channel for karmic retribution where you are yourself performing "divine punishment" rather than holding any personal grievances against them. This shit is not something for neophytes to get involved in, they're defenseless.
>>1429 >Can I use homemade crystals with household chemicals Yes you can it's usually how you can channel intent and turn it into an "intent resonator" anyways but it's usually as efficient as your ability to connect or "bind your will" to the material you are working with. I had a time when I had to deepen my connection with metals and plants to stabilize my energies. >chemistry is one of my hobbies Feel free to discover the mysteries of the alchemical traditions and how they gave birth to chemistry. >might help the crystals resonate with my frequency if i make them working with them will give you more meaning more energy thus a better connection. >rather than buying them. Only buy them personally from comfy crystal shops and always check if you are drawn to one or if you feel anything from it first otherwise the effects might be unpleasant but you wrote about that already. >>1455 >This shit is not something for neophytes to get involved in, they're defenseless. Yeah :/ Always disliked how it's a survival of the fittest in most magical forums when people advance too fast and get overtaken by the extra energies the members emit. People rarely manage to stay around because of that. This is why I am trying to learn handle balanced guidance energies but seems like all I can do is to help other pass through the veil of madness with more conviction instead of being a proper master of the mysteries. But you have to start somewhere anyways.
No specific post replied to because it concerns the above in general: I realize it may not be clear from what was directly said; It's not a matter of just someone >disagreeing with me as if they have a different opinion in some intellectual matter. What I'm talking about is sudden out of nowhere massive psychic attacks at night when I'm deep asleep, for the past 18 months, every week, sometimes several times per week, in addition to similar attacks during the days. With an intensity that makes me lose all focus and it's clearly intended to cause panic or death. There is no way to respond to this by anything than pure and complete destruction for the attackers, complete with demanding full repayment for the damage they did, along with compensation. When that is how they "make contact", how do you expect me to respond? By talking to them? It's so far beyond that, if you get surprise nuked, over and over, your only response is to find them, trace them to the end of time and obliterate them, lock them up in hell and torture them to oblivion with no mercy until they start paying compensation and sign a contract to never pull that shit ever again OR they are fucking obliterated for all future. Then create methods to find the scumbags and obliterate them pre emptively to put them in a state of pure terror at the idea of ever doing the same shit their predecessors pulled. The denser they are, the harder I will have to hit them for them to understand. That's all there is to it. You attack me, I will obliterate you and anyone you know, until you get into your fucking slow skull that you can never gain anything except immense pain from opposing me.
>>1457 >There is no way to respond to this by anything than pure and complete destruction for the attackers Why not make it metaphysically impossible for you to be attacked in the first place? They're clearly using some sort of weak point to get at you. >pre emptively to put them in a state of pure terror at the idea of ever doing the same shit their predecessors pulled Doesn't sound like this is working if the attacks still haven't stopped.
>>1458 >Why not make it metaphysically impossible for you to be attacked in the first place? They're clearly using some sort of weak point to get at you. I will not bunker up and sit in there pretending that these shitheads aren't out there. They will learn to respect me. We can not build a peaceful society if its sustenance is only based on strong walls for keeping hostile out and not eliminating them or changing them. I keep myself open always so that I know if someone is trying something, because they need to learn not to do that. If I leave money out, they should know it's mine and not touch it. This works in any civilized society. I have nothing to hide, I'm doing nothing wrong, so I should not be attacked. If they still do, I will always double down on them, every time. I will always escalate, never back down, until they learn. >Doesn't sound like this is working if the attacks still haven't stopped. It's working every time, because I eliminate every group that does attack me, or convert the few who have any intelligence. They often have one or two innocents in mixed in whom I need to get out, plus that they all have stolen assets which they've amassed. For every one of them, there is some principle I need to learn. But just because a negative force can be used to learn something, it doesn't mean what they do is allowed. You can argue that I would not have had a reason to create all the weapons and devices that I have, if it weren't for them, but it's not that creativity has to always be motivated by this ultimate evil, and it doesn't mean that I can do anything else than obliterate them. Those in the physical who still remained just last month were still pulling shit like human sacrifice as a form of attack. They literally sacrificed an afro-american elite runner as a desecration ritual because they thought that would somehow hurt me (it was in the news, the runner "died under unclear circumstances). They showed me the whole thing over telepathy. "Not working", well do you think people like that can be reasoned with? It will work when every single one of them is dead, including every able bodied man in Ukraine and any other nation that chooses to defend the globohomo. You can say it "isn't working yet" but they lose 3000 of them every day, way beyond replacement rate. It's definitely working, on all planes. It's just working slowly. Fun fact: if you leave stuff in the open in Africa, they won't touch it, because they think it's cursed or that it's a bomb. IQ50 voodo believers are more civilized than these scum who think they live in the "modern world".
>>1460 The point is, I'm giving them a chance, rather than just going full ripper on them, but my patience is not endless. Once I know there aren't any innocents left I will nuke them.
>>1460 The amount of potential aggressors in creation is literally endless. Why do you want the respect of "retarded scum" anyway? It's like laying down on a fire ant nest and then getting mad when they bite you. And then refusing to get up and just smashing the ants one at at a time as they bite you. Maybe it just feels good to smash something that bit you? Not getting bit isn't a sign of weakness though. Just get up, pour poison in the nest and move on. I mean, does this really have to have gone on for 18 months at this point? I doubt this is enjoyable. Maybe you should change your strategy.
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>>1462 Look. Things take time. Nullifying the "arab spring" which they arranged took over 10 years. Ants are just insects, they don't have souls. These things do. They have racial DNA, they have a hivemind. They will either be trained to learn or destroyed. I don't "want their respect", I mean it like you respect a tiger or you die from it. Most of them are going to die it seems. Strategies are long term. Taking down the entire western spy control system isn't done over night. I'm talking literally taking it down, that's the goal. Destruction of the world order. I've already crossed off most physical locations, even the USA is completely cleared in the physical. What remains are almost entirely in parallel planes, aliens and shit. Rageposting in this thread has a purpose in itself because it causes disturbances in the egregore, it smokes them out into the open. Posting something over on endchan doesn't have that effect, it's too fringe lol. It doesn't matter if the "potential" for aggressors is endless, once I have the principle down I can mass target them. I used to ask Santa Muerte to do it for me, but I also need to learn this method myself and not always rely on her. (Linking all glowies of a certain group into a single spot so my knife can ritually slaughter all of them at once for convenience). I just did a mass targeting a few min ago after they exposed themselves. They always fall for bait like this. It's clearing up nice. I'll stop posting in this thread now I think.
>>1462 My point was proven again. I just opened this thread to re-read the posts from yesterday, and was almost instantly attacked. Electric disturbance in my computer speaker and intense pressure on my left temple trying to force me down and suppress me. They think they can do this, that they "own" this space and that I can't even read it? None of their views matter to me when they do this, the point is that no one should attack me no matter what I do. That's all there is to it. It was this way back on old /fringe/ too where just making a post would result in someone cursing you. Many posters reported this and it kept many from interacting on /fringe/. Don't tell me that I should just stay away from opening threads on /fringe/, these scum will learn to not attack me or I will wipe them out, every time. It's not about some "sitting on an ant hill and not moving", it's me going about my daily life and being attacked for no reason. This is when I'll eventually resort to the million years on hell treatment, because they aren't responding to any reasoning or any lesser violence. It only stops when they're locked up in isolation or burned up.
>>1465 I usually don't care to look at what they are, I did this time just to share it: they looked like ET from the movie but taller and with grey skin. They don't speak, they just use some kind of radio waves to attack with from space. They never flinch or react to being killed, they just get mowed down like zombies without reacting until the entire group is gone. Every time requires some new specific weapon to do it effectively, so I created one this time also. My shields are now also updated to block this exact frequency. If this category tries again (if any remain) they get wiped out without me noticing because my defenses are automatic once set up.
>>1466 I have this problem where sometimes when I read or watch something or even just think about it, I accidentally get too close to the concepts in question and make mental contact with what I'm reading/watching/thinking about. After this happens, I get really worried that I'll accidentally harm the being in question, which I often do and really don't like doing; I'm the guy who posted earlier in this thread about intrusive thoughts. Did this happen with you or your subconsciousness last night, such that I contacted your subconciousness? I'm under the impression that I did, but if not, then I suppose I merely made a thoughtform of you and interacted with that instead. I even maintained contact with you or said thoughtform during one of my dreams tonight to my recollection, but I don't remember what it was about, and the contact remained right when I woke up and afterwards. I'm worried that I accidentally hurt your awareness maybe half an hour ago, which I am crazy enough to think I can do.
>>1467 I didn't mention it because people on here are narrowminded in specific and unpredictable ways, and if you have no concept of certain things it won't work talking about it (for example, what you call "intrusive thoughts" I would say are "evil spirits", so the answer isn't to control yourself but to perform cleansings and destroy evil spirits). I did reach out two days ago to invite your subconscious to manifest at one of my astral facilities to share some things, including a method for creation shields which I first saw used by the western illuminati, but also "accidentally" formed when using astral AI to train "the most retarded defense". It's the image seen in old Egyptian art - a pine cone. (I was creating a cyborg body by testing it vs the akashic records to build up an armour, and it ended up having scales like a pine cone). I was waiting to see if you would have awareness of visiting, such as it appearing in a dream.
Hello, I've been having some issues with annoying people and I honestly can't take it anymore, I was hoping to try and make them go away somewhere they would rather be instead, but I don't know how to approach this or what method should I try. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
>>1472 Set the tone of the place start writing in styles you expect others to conform to don't be passive. Silent rooms will be disturbed by the noises that come from the outside and empty cups will be filled with water or with dust as the wind blows. If you don't want emptiness and silence be filled with the machinations of chaos start creating things that others should adapt to. It's fucking ridiculous that all you do is complain without a flag and not even bother telling what you want from fringe or from the others but expect others to conform to it without saying what you want. Guess you even consider yourself smart for keeping things short and vague and not even bothering to reply to posts but everyone should feel ashamed for trying to resurrect fringe in ways you dislike but you don't even dare saying who or what is the problem exactly. But what can I say. Fringe always had one sore thumb of a griefer post in most threads that didn't manage to do more things but to disturb the flow of conversation until someone called them a faggot or got ignored. Congrats being that person. Some retards called it looshfarming because their energy work was on such a great level they got their kicks from it. Wanna get back the take the brown pill spam threads? If the 3-5 people that bother you so much stop posting fringe will go silent in a minute. What even do you consider as a worthy post that "belongs" on fringe? Should we bring back the WWA wank threads and write like armchair occultists? What type of discussion do you even seek from fringe? Wish you fucking bothered to write that down already but all you do is complain over nothing. Do you gain joy by opening fringe and see that not even a single post was made in the past 2 months like how it was a year ago? And inb4 "it's better than seeing rants like that". No it's fucking not. Posts like that made mediocre threads into great threads worth archiving. And not threads with posts with 2 sarcastic sentences. >Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated Nah I am pretty sure they need to conform to some of the vibes you seek from fringe but not willing to tell others what it is because "everyone should read a room and stay silent forever" instead of "Being annoying" Was thinking maybe you want to turn fringe into an occult book study place but nope. Can't even see the vision you have for fringe. >don't know how to approach this I am not even sure why are you on fringe at all. If it's nostalgia then you will never find the fringe you are looking for. The past will never return you have to create the future you seek. >somewhere they would rather be instead I rather be on a /fringe/ which regained it's vitality and this is the closest thing. Someday it might be the fringe we all seek. Wonder if others are willing to work for that future.
>>1472 >>1473 I'm thinking anon is perhaps asking about how to get rid of annoying people in his life and not on /fringe/. Maybe a clarification would help. Also use a flag and describe the problem in detail instead of being vague. Otherwise I'd say to just yell at the annoying people and see if it helps. If you live in the US I suggest calling the police and complaining, even if being annoying isn't illegal in a strict sense, maybe that will scare them, or they could be trespassing or maybe loitering or something. If that doesn't help, try throwing rotten fruit at them or pouring water in the spots they usually stay. If you want to be more extreme you can start pissing in their resting places, that will surely get them to move from there.
>>1474 >I'm thinking anon is perhaps asking about how to get rid of annoying people in his life and not on /fringe/ I hope you are right. Flagless vagueposters irk me >Maybe a clarification would help Vagueposters hate that. Hope he is not one of them and truly someone who seeks genuine help.
>>1473 I have no idea what are you talking about, I'm not a recurrent poster, I think this is the first time I've been on this /fringe/ in particular. >>1474 I'm not in direct contact with this people, that's why there's isn't much to describe, just bad actors coming back over and over to a place that is of my (online) comfort, a place that they like to come back even when they make it obvious they don't like it there and hate everyone in there and would rather the posters were like them instead. And I know this might seem really silly to ask, but the world fucking sucks, and having one of the only places to hide taken from you is a horrible feeling. I'm sure that as fellow anons you might understand this feeling. All I want is for these people to be somehow influenced by something I could do so they decide to go away themselves. Also I'm sorry I didn't know I needed a flag to post.

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