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inchamars are NOT welcome here make indiachan great again

Gib me a summer internship मित्र 01/04/2024 (Thu) 18:04:32 Id: 9f5892 No. 4826
I am currently doing MBA is a new iim (approx 10 years old) internship. I have one and a half month's experience in (mechanical) product design. It's Jan and still hasn't got any SIP. 200/380 students are still unplaced. It's so over it's not even funny. On top of that chutiya placecomm has said if you want to seek placements out of campus, you need to opt out of the placement process, a risk I and most of the students can't take. Feels I have failed my parents and wasting 18 lakhs. Thanks for reading my blog.
>>4826 > one and a half month's *one and a half year's
>>4826 Go out and start looking. Feeling bad won't help and your time right now is crucial. The outcome isn't important. Important is to give it a good fight
>>4826 Life doesn't give you anything you don't bust your ass for. Sadly, you are going to have to create your own opportunities. >t.humanities fag
>>4826 this is really not a good place to ask go and beg on github/linkedin, you'll have far more chances there
>>4835 Does it even work ? I never got anything through Linkedin etc. I feel like people who say they got one are lying to hide their contacts. Only IRL contacts worked for me. But then again, its different for each field.
>>4832 > Sadly It is the best lesson though. The best way to destroy someone's life is to hand them opportunities they don't deserve.
aah yes, imageboards are the best place to look for jobs
Of course I don't want to get doxxed in this bhangi meetup forum. I was just looking for suggestions.
>>4891 If its not obvious, go out and talk to people. Cold meetings sucks , but it also teaches you a lot.
>>4905 Shyad introv. Hoga isiliye yaha batt karne aya hai....

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