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Nigger Sex Slavery Anonymous 08/06/2022 (Sat) 23:37:30 Id: f1540b No. 7915
To many appreciators of this fetish, the problem will eventually present itself that the fetish seems self-destructing; interracial sex and procreation leads to the dissolution at least one race, and will eventually destroy the possibility of the act itself over time. The white side of this in particular is quite existentially threatened, which calls for a sustainable solution to preserve the existence of pure white women and pure black men to pleasure each other. The sole practical answer is a reinstitution of slavery, with a more honest approach to the sexual dimension. Such an element was always present, and is inherent to the system as an aspect of human nature. It is unreasonable to expect that white teenage girls watching sweaty black men work in the sun would find it unappealing, and nowadays we've come to see a certain beauty in this ourselves that we don't want to deny from the world. Both parties will be rather satisfied with this arrangement. For one, it is obvious that we should selectively breed the niggers to be as large and strong as possible, to be both more effective at physical work and optimal for sex. Their intelligence should be kept to a minimum, and hormones should be used to achieve the desired effects, including maximal genital size. Shock collars and other methods like implants can easily keep them in line with current technology, so that we don't need to have any concerns about their disobedience. However, motivation is a factor - they will be incentivized to work the hardest they can with the reward of white pussy. It will be ensured that they are as horny and sexualized as possible, with white women being encouraged to tease and provoke them while working. The highest reward that the top specimens will receive is the opportunity to freely impregnate one or several white women, ideally their mistresses or daughters of their owning family. These incidents are strictly controlled to prevent the emergence of a permanent mixed population, and to not harm the demographics of either race, seeing to it that the top nigger bloodlines are perfectly assimilated into the white population over time without degrading their purity. If the black population should exceed acceptable levels, the men can be compelled to eliminate each other with the guarantee of white wombs for the winners to breed. No matter what suffering the slaves should experience under this system, the feeling of Aryan pussies around their Nigger cocks and the sound of white girls moaning into their ears will have them perfectly at peace when all is said and done. The white female population will obviously be very happy with it as well, and much social tension that might stem from their sexual frustration with limited access to black men will be solved. None of it will be excessively publicized; society will mostly refrain from discussing these things, but they will do much to enhance many people's private lives. The suggestion might seem extreme, but it is really just a formalization of what has always taken place in societies that held nigger slaves, and a recognition of the things negroes can do for our women. There is little reason not to implement a system like this when it can be done safely. It is obvious that the passionate coupling of African beasts with Nordic princesses is the most ideal form of sex, and to remove it from the world would be absolutely criminal. Rather, it should be celebrated and controlled, so that we can continue to admire it for the ages. The beauty of the white Aryan woman mating with niggers must not perish from the Earth. Further ideas or improvements are welcome.
Sounds like a good system that can solve a lot of our social problems. The niggers will be bred to be too dumb to want anything other than a tight white pussy around their cocks. White girls will get a huge boost in sexual validation and pleasure having all those muscular hung niggers putting them on the highest pedestal possible and wanting to breed them. White men won't have to worry about the social stigma of white girls getting fucked by the nigs since they can never have them and they'll be stuck under the thumb of the whites in society. There probably won't even be a stigma against the prized niggers impregnating the white girls with their mulatto niglets given that they don't have to raise them. It's gonna basically be a given that the master's daughter will lose her virginity to a black slave and get his nut in her womb.
>>7917 Indeed, the niggers won't even be considered relevant to the matters of the white girls' other relationships and marriages, since they're not even really considered human and can barely put together a coherent sentence other than lusting for white girls. Even the otherwise ugliest white girl will feel like a goddess seeing how all of those hypermasculine black beasts would kill to be with her. Likewise, any slave will feel like he has conquered the world when he pounds a rich white pussy and sees the subject of his torment writhe and moan under him. From the white men's perspective, it's hardly any different than masturbation and so nothing to be concerned about, rather everyone will be eager to watch.
What the heck!?!!!
>>7922 Niggers would be put to the level of anthromorphic property. Maintaining a large plantation of slaves costs a lot of money so only the rich white girls are gonna have access to black cock regularly. White teens in private high schools would eventually end up getting pregnant because of this. This would end up creating a social phenomenon where teens bring their mulatto babies to school as a sort of trophy to compare to others similar to tiny purse dogs in the past. Just a completely normal part of life for a rich white girl.
>>7934 >Maintaining a large plantation of slaves costs a lot of money so only the rich white girls are gonna have access to black cock regularly. They could always share them and there might even be public venues for this, since the slaves could be used for more than strictly plantation work, and could also be assigned elsewhere. They could serve as guards and cleaners, etc. But the wealthier families would certainly have it better. The rich girls can have their personal niggers right at their house and can call them at any time, can spend the night with them, and so on. Maybe the poor girl will be jealous that the rich bitch has an incredibly sexy nigger fuck her brains out every night, and to deal with her resentment she seeks out a group of slaves doing busywork at the edge of town to get gangbanged by them. After that treatment, she won't be upset about anything anymore.
>>7936 The poor girl in the trailer park can always make friends with a rich girl. I'm sure she'd be happy to share her favorite nigger for a night every now and then with her less fortunate friend. The poor white girl can bring the nigger to her double wide trailer then lead him by the cock to her room in plain sight of her parents. Her mother will smirk knowing she's gonna get deep dicked by that black cock, her dad will only spare a glance before going back to watching the news on t.v. She'll end up sleeping with that cock drooling jungle nut in her all night long, only taking it ot when she wakes for school in the morning to return him to her rich friend.
>>7937 It will go without saying that for her birthday, the rich girl invites all her friends over to her place, where they can all have fun together in the slave quarters. It's also logical that some of the tallest and most well endowed niggers will be professionally trained from puberty to fuck white women, ensuring them a non-stop rollercoaster of mindblowing orgasms with the wild thrusting of their monstrous cocks and their primal grunts. While expensive, her birthday present will leave her crying out in joy for hours on end, infinitely grateful for the revolution that has made all this possible. He, too, knows he is living his best possible life inside her heavenly pink pussy.
>>7963 >He, too, knows he is living his best possible life So much so he probably killed several black competitors to get to be the one inside her. Btw, are you on discord or something, not enough guys get it like you
>>7964 sure, try Eral#0492 My ID might have changed since my internet fell out but don't worry about it
>>7915 uber cucks, feminist and lib tards won't ever allow it. that's the problem. under slavery black men were treated like prime studs! breed only the finest pussy of every race and distinction to produce good strong (and sexy) offspring for the masters. think how much more civilized our world was back then.
Sometimes there will surely be an unworthy uppity nigger wanting to experience the feeling of massa's daughter's pussy without actually working for it or fighting for it. He better hope she gets pregnant the first time, otherwise massa is gonna rip his nuts off as an example to the others as soon as his southern belle daughter tells him she didn't give the negro permission to fuck her.
>>8093 In one case, she actually was just horny and provoked the nigger into fucking her and cumming inside her, but then lied and said she was raped anyway for no reason other than finding it amusing. She claims not to know exactly which slave it was, so they're all lined up next to each other and chained to the wall to be whipped until they confess. Her mother understands exactly what's going on, as she has done the same thing many times in her youth, leading to several helpless horny niggers being executed with no hope of defending themselves. Now she decides to have a little fun with the interrogation, stripping naked in front of the niggers before striking them and telling them how worthless and disgusting they are. The chains of the real offender are set up purposefully weaker than the others, and as he erupts into a fit of rage, he breaks free and lunges at his mistress just as she planned, rutting into her and making her his bitch in front of all the other slaves. Despite her obvious moans and repeated shouts of "YES", he is simply killed afterwards to send a clear message and keep everyone in line. The black babies growing inside his mistress and her daughter make it all worth it though.
>>7915 From what I learned from Autism Speaks, the best cure for your extreme mental retardation is to drink Bleach. I agree with their assessment.
>>8096 It's the only means of revolt at the nigger's disposal. Years of selectively breeding away their intelligence has essentially made them primitive hominids again. They can't plan any sort of real revolt so the next best thing in their mind is to conquer the beautiful females flaunting in front of them. They have no conception of how big/powerful the social network is in the society they're kept as slaves in, let alone society in general. They just see sexy white women getting fucked by even bigger negros that can toss their black ass around like it was nothing. They're not worthy of feeling a white cunt squeezing their cock in this society, the only way they can reach that nirvana is by force. It would be their only chance at spreading their genes into the most beautiful creatures they've ever seen because once the white man finds out an unworthy nigger didn't fuck his daughter, he's gonna rip his nuts off with his bare hands in front of all the other niggers while big bubba is cumming in his daughter right next to the on-going castration.
All this wasted literary talent
>>8114 Kek want me to write something else?
>>8112 Some of them will be a little smarter and comparable to blacks nowadays, but despite this, revolt is the last thing they would even want to do. Who would ever want to risk their access to white princesses, and try to put up with disgusting black ape women instead? Rather, whenever some stupid self-destructive niggers try to start a revolt, the other niggers are ordered to stop and kill them with the promise of white pussy as reward to the warriors. The smarter ones will sabotage the others to eliminate competition and uphold the system to ensure their rewards, not caring what so ever for the other slaves, having no reason to do so. They understand how powerful whites are, and for that reason they understand the glory of Nordic angels spreading their legs for them. When her diamond blue eyes stare longingly into his own dark and muddy ones, voluptous milky body and breasts on display before him, and the words "fuck me, nigger" fall from her elegant lips, he knows he is the winner and that wanting any other life or system is unthinkable.
>>8116 The sex the nigger will have with his nordic angel from that point on will take a more romantic tone for him. He'll long for her intimacy everyday, he'll want nothing more than to envelope his big lips around hers and explore her sweet mouth with his tongue. To envelop her body and make her feel safe in his embrace as he thrusts in her. The object of his desire evolves into a romantic interest for him. The nordic angel however just sees this as just fun sex. She could never have feelings for a slave despite being flattered at having such a large part of this negros heart. The only person that makes her heart flutter is a blonde blue eyed boy at her high school. She figured she should just play into the slave's feelings to get experience with love making so she could really blow the blonde boy's mind later.
>>8123 >To envelop her body and make her feel safe in his embrace as he thrusts in her. Though ironically, the opposite is closer to the truth. It is he who desperately needs her, as white women are all he lives for and he would go mad without. The beastly thrusts of his black cock into her gripping wet pussy are the meaning of his life, the reason for his existence, and on account of this he won't slow down for even a second from giving her the greatest pleasures in the universe. White men have many other concerns and interests, complex lives with various ambitions and worries, but for the nigger everything revolves around white pussy, his cock inside it, her moans of pleasure, and their mutual orgasm to justify his existence. But to her, he is just a pet at best, a toy at worst - though wonderful sex and validation either way.
>>8124 The poor negro will never be romantically validated by massa's daughter. Deep down he wants to keep her to himself exclusively, he doesn't want her to be with a white man, only him. He wants to be the only one that will make massa's daughter moan in ecstasy for all the field niggas to hear. He wants to be the only one to make her cunt cream. He wants her to only have his niglets. The reality is he's just another piece of property to her. She can barely tell the difference between any of her daddy's slaves until they start fucking her. This negro in particular is very affectionate towards her. She wonders if he has any silly thoughts about her returning those feelings outside of sex, that would be quite a funny thought indeed. She does consider him her favorite cock at some point though, since he goes beyond mose niggers in pleasing her.
>>8130 Such is the fate of the unfortunate negro who thought too much, but for most of them, regularly slamming their cocks into white girls is more than enough and they are perfectly happy with their lives. They have no attachments or family - just sex, fucking and breeding. Even when they impregnate their mistresses and their filthy nigger babies are raised to become slaves themselves, they aren't thought of as related to anyone per se, since that would require some degree of personhood. They're just yet more farm animals to do the lowly work that is beneath white men, and may even fuck their own white mothers and sisters. Are they really related, as genetically different from each other as they are? Not really, no.
>>7915 >The Barnes Review is a journal dedicated to Holocaust denial Well, anything written must be fact.
>>8145 They really are nothing more than animals. Just primitive hominids that regressed into lustful mindless beasts. They'll even try to breed the woman that gave life to them, rutting in her, pumping their mother's womb full of their subhuman sperm all while the mistress teases them by saying they're gonna get their own mother pregnant before wrapping her legs around her black son tighter bringing him closer to his former home.
>>8149 The vague memory of sucking on her big white breasts as a child never left him, and it drives him crazy every time he sees even a hint of her fertile body. He has no concept of family or relationship; his instincts have told him to give it his all to earn her, and now that she has invited him into her, he latches onto her breasts and sucks them hungrily for the entire time that he pounds her. After cumming inside, things return to much the same as they always were, barring her belly swelling with the next batch of brown babies, making him feel like the greatest king on Earth. The children will be given to the family of a good friend of hers, who will personally ensure that the bloodline turns white in another generation.
>>8152 His half-sister will see what he did to her mother and want the same. She grew up around the same age as him and saw him as a child roaming around the fields and the slave housing, playing like a typical child regardless of slave status. She noticed whatever intelligence he had as a child whether it be from her mother's genes or the lack of sex hormones seemed to dissolve slowly as he entered puberty. Her hormones also changed the way she thought as well, but she still retained the intelligence typical of a white girl of the times. She started to look at her half-black brother lustfully as though he was one of the others. The culture she grew up in and peer pressure certainly helped her along with her view of her brother as a piece of meat, a walking dildo essentially. First she starts with just her hand, massaging his black cock, leading him by it like a leash before leaving him behind for another nigger dick just to keep him sexually frustrated for her. Then she would advance into more bold actions like sucking her half-brother's dark cock to orgasm on her family house's back porch. Eventually she decided it was time for him to inseminate her. She would greet him like she does her white brothers; Her bubbly personality betraying her inner thoughts. She spent the day just acting like an innocent sister to him with no sexual undertones until it turned to dusk. The work day was over and it was time for the slaves to retire to their houses. She hugged him but instead of letting him go she started sensually rubbing against him, slipping her hands under his clothes to massage the dark flesh of her sibling. She stripped him bare in the open field, looked him lovingly in his brown eyes and led him gently by the cock into her family house, up the stairs and into her bedroom. She climbed on her fluffy soft mattress and presented herself to him ass up chest down; the perfect position for her mentally deficient black brother's brain to easily identify as the perfect position for mating. He quickly climbed on the mattress positioning himself behind her. His sex was close enough to feel the heat of her vagina, a promise of a contradictory passion they're about to engage in, inbreeding and interbreeding. He quickly thrust himself into her sticky wet tunnel. The force of his thrusts slapping his full nuts against her clit giving her a building pleasure. Her juices leave a trail in the wake of her brother's thrusts on his cock, eventually dripping down to his legs onto the mattress. Eventually the pressure becomes too much for him and he lets out the largest, longest lasting ejaculation in his life while bellowing to the heavens. Their mother down the hall reading her favorite book in bed cracks a knowing smile at hearing the incestuous coupling of her offspring. After her nigger brother spends himself completely he falls back into her soft pillows and passes out from exhaustion. She snuggles up to his black body and positions herself under his arm as his thick virile sperm drips from her lower lips. She lies there for a several moments thinking about the implications of leaving his seed inside her throughout the night. Eventually she just smiles and wraps her legs around her man's legs for the night knowing full well a son/nephew or a daughter/niece is going to be created tonight as her brother's African sperm swims towards her most sacred place. She'll take good care of them, they'll get to live in her house not those pitiful shack houses out in those fields like her poor lustful brother.
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Made this for you guys
>>7922 >From the white men's perspective, it's hardly any different than masturbation and so nothing to be concerned about Excepting microchimerism. Humans these days... I wonder what is it that makes them go insane these days?
>>8190 Whatever miniscule admixture that would constitute is completely irrelevant, if it is even real. By the next generation, it most likely already won't be inherited.
>>8192 It's not real in humans but it's hot to think about.
blah blah blah you are addicted to interracial. keep jerking your small dick
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Good thread. Love the idea behind white women controlling niggers while still getting sexually dominated and bred by them. I can imagine a plantation mistress in this position in the 1800s.
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>>8193 But it literally is. And it goes even further. https://www.theverge.com/2018/4/26/17286728/penis-scrotum-transplant-surgery-us-veteran-johns-hopkins-testicles-ethics Imagine getting some dead black guy's nuts transplanted in your sack and fucking your wife. The crazy thing is that baby will come out black because he was the one who knocked her up.
>>8907 This opens up some awesome possibilities... >be white guy >into black impregnation >racist white girls refuse to get pregnant by your bull >get a transplant from a willing black donor >impregnate her >its black anyway
>>8909 It would also be great for avoiding child support because it's literally not your child. None of your DNA contributes, so once you trade your nuts out, you're a genetic dead end, but it's also kinda like a vasectomy.
>>8910 >impregnate white women with black children >leave >dont even have to pay child support since its not your genetic baby Holy shit
>"Samantha, sweetheart? It's your mother. You've been letting Deon breed you for 5 hours now, it's almost 12 and you've got test tomorrow. You can let him pump his nigger sperm in you one more time but after that he has to go back to the slave cabins and you have to go to bed. Love you dear"
Across the Empire, there is a customary standard of law self-enforcement among the slave population; that is, if a nigger catches another nigger committing any disallowed act, he is encouraged to eliminate him himself with the reward of young white pussy for his upstanding feat. In practice, there are some nuances to this system: Without the rigorous process of investigation and trial, the real details of any incident are quite unclear and culpability cannot always be safely assumed. In truth, however, the system is not concerned with technical justice. In fact, the niggers are not made aware that their shock implants are also equipped with tiny microphones and cameras, making the reality always clear to their white superiors, who do punish them properly(or usually, use the remote shock to stop them) in matters concerning white victims or genuinely valuable property. Rather, three things are achieved: 1. The niggers are made to show their strength and daring by fighting others to the death. Possession and use of weapons in any form is strictly prohibited, and they are only eligible for their reward if they kill their targets with their bare hands. The strongest and boldest are the ones that white girls are really interested in. 2. Conversely, the weak and cowardly niggers are eliminated from the population to perpetuate a eugenic trend. Even in the squalor that they live in, they take a respectable amount of resources to maintain their immense height and musculature, and no one has the patience to support suboptimal slaves that fall short of standards. 3. No serious network or trust ever develops among any niggers, as they see each other chiefly as competitors, threats, and potential tickets into their master's daughter. Most of the time, starting fights is not actually a good idea for anyone when they have no weapons or other means of obtaining a clear advantage, and so they do not happen constantly. However, sometimes a nigger simply gets way too horny thinking about the snowy angel above him and assaults the one who last fucked her in broad daylight, earning a night with her in which her teenage lust is amplified by glee and admiration for his manliness and savagery, her pussy soaked and tingling like crazy from seeing the blood of her former lover on her new brute's hands as he gropes her breasts.
>>8185 this is great
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>>7915 I see it being 100% a possibility within our current timeframe, especially with the recent phenomenon of WFH jobs and an increasingly welfare-based economy. An open-system commune could certainly achieve something similar. It's actually quite simple: Simply repurpose some spiritual text ala Mormonism, and implement the following precepts: A.) Man and wife should only have sex under two conditions: The first being her at the beginning of her cycle (on her period), the second case being when she is with child. This allows for physical intimacy (see also: oxytocin production at pregnancy term) while preventing/greatly reducing white births. B.) No adultery should occur between any woman and any other commune member. C.) As a sacrament, the council of men will raise funds to invite a black bull to come and spend a week or so at the commune. He basically will have the chance to impregnate as many wives as he can in that time. (This goes without saying, of course, but any white commune member has full privilege to watch any white woman be bred during this ceremony.) D.) Children conceived in this way (halfbreeds) are given every luxury and benefit of the community, but then are released on their 18th birthday. They in turn can act as missionaries to attract further cucks and snow-bunnies to join up. F.) New members in the commune are invited, but never/rarely born into it (for the above reasons.) This system would provide an eternal system of a white, productive community, tempered only with monthly bouts of raunchy, interracial sex.
>>8949 Damn. Do you have sauce of this?
>>9503 Unfortunately not, I got it on /gif/ some time ago.
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Someone make a story out of this.
>>10900 OP here, I could write more with this if there's interest. I've been preoccupied with other things and didn't think interest was high enough to add more to the thread lately.
>>10902 That'd be nice. I'd do it myself but I've been having writers block for a while now but I really wanted to make a story based on it for a week now.
>>10903 I've been intending a more proper story as well but have been hesitant to put too much effort into the matter if it isn't gonna go anywhere, though even just one person with sustained interest would make it worthwhile. I'll see if I can conjure something up very soon.
>>8949 Figured you might want this as well since this post >>8949 went pretty good with the story as well
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We're all slaves, especially if you wear a mask. Blacks that revolt and white women that don't get the clot shot will be all that's left for breeding purposes in reality.
>>11069 Source?
I have a bit of a related fetish, I like the idea of using white women to control black men. Kind of like how China or Rome would send their women to marry barbarians to keep them in check Anyway anyone into this or the content of this thread(sex slavery, controled/selective breeding) add me: tismo0053
>An heiress to one of the largest planter dynasties in Alabama inspects the health of one of the family's most prized genetically altered bulls circa -2236
>>24066 Also interested in talking about this. The success of the right in Europe recently shows Europe can and will be saved. White men are needed to build civilization but as race realists we know Black men outperform us sexually. Interested in talking about how to reconcile these beliefs Discord: altinter
>>7915 I would make a slight change with the white woman being the slave for a black plantation owner, white female slaves will be sold or bred by negro dicks or work as a maid / cotton picker.
>>8116 that black guy looks gigantic

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