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We're All Gonna Make It!

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Weekly Theme Thread Anonymous 01/24/2022 (Mon) 19:19:01 No. 5665
-See weekly theme. -Draw. It doesn’t matter what, or how, as long as it’s related to the theme. -Post. -Repeat next week.
(112.11 KB 684x762 Cupid - 2022 - QP1D.png)

>>6168 High tech cupid for this week >>6165 Thank you and thanks for your post is the tablet thread. I have an old, large intuos 4. So far I mostly used it for photo editing. I probably need more practice and confidence when making strokes. Along with making some adjustments as >>6167 mentions. >>6164 That's very nice, especially the coloring. Both color choices and technique.
>>6177 Very cool design, you maintained your volumes very well-even the wing tip peeking over the robot's trap is impressively uniform with its counterpart on the other side (mind that line tangent, though! You don't want that line to feed directly into that line that demarcates the pectoral chest plate and "deltoid" area). I feel like we should see more of that black "padded" area between the limbs on the leg on our right-just a few line widths worth on both ends would make the limbs appear more complimentary, as of right now the conspicuous omission or excessive subtlety of that padding causes a bit of an unintentional contrast, I think. Good work, and keep it up!
>>6178 Thank you for the feedback. I really need to work on planning things better. Focusing on that would address a good portion of flaws in my work. As it is now, I plan some things out but then stop thinking it will be good enough to just improvise the rest. It rarely is. Hence the tangents. >even the wing tip peeking over the robot's trap is impressively uniform with its counterpart on the other side After long time of half-assing, it is inevitable to learn how to cut a corner or two. Wings were the last thing I drew. Originally there was supposed to be only a jetpack until I changed my mind at the very end. >I feel like we should see more of that black "padded" area between the limbs on the leg on our right-just a few line widths worth on both ends would make the limbs appear more complimentary, as of right now the conspicuous omission or excessive subtlety of that padding causes a bit of an unintentional contrast, I think. I was on the fence between leaving it as it is or adding more black. I though that more black would make the knee look too "fat." In hindsight, adding just a smidgen more would work better.
No weekly themes?
>>6217 admin loomis is taking a break so I wouldn't expect updates in the mean time. Unless he has other maintainers to step in I have no clue.
Does one of the artists or visitors want to step up and lead? Hell I'll do it. > admin loomis is taking a break Then here is the new theme: Break. You can go in a few different directions with this.
(279.60 KB 1200x831 break.jpg)

Break I'm done
>>6237 > arting while breakdancing Nice.
(150.52 KB 1069x989 gondola ledge break.png)

>>6245 oh no pikachu use vine whip
(85.37 KB 987x791 gondola vine whipped.png)

>>6247 I've got to say. Giving Gondola a lashing as it plunges to certain doom is pretty hardcore.
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Is it time for a new theme? How about: Plunge
>>6274 lol'd
(209.23 KB 1130x1153 plunge girl.png)

>>6274 Guess I can't keep drawing gondolas forever.
>>6276 But I would love you if you did.
(11.42 KB 220x217 wood.jpg)

If you would forgive this bad photoshop job, Wood can be the next theme.
It looks like the official weekly thread moved over here, for anyone who's not aware: https://board.artga.in/egaku/res/5665.html
(374.35 KB 1587x1123 gondola woods.png)

Man I hate these summer heatwaves. I can't concentrate very well. >>6301 It kinda did but it kinda didn't. It's effectively just documenting the activity on the drawpile server at this point.
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>>6301 For what it's worth, the official loomis weekly theme will always be the one on /loomis/, for as long as it's around. /egaku/ revolves around what is no longer the loomis drawpile. I'd maintained the weekly theme for years here to help BO and generate some activity, and continued to do so when the drawpile gained popularity & the themes were put to more use. After the shift in power on the drawpile server, however, I decided to finally call it quits.
(219.62 KB 900x900 20220717.png)

>>6308 Nice. I see Gondola has been getting some acting lessons from Nicolas Cage.
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No theme for this week? I went and randomly picked Dog.
>>6313 Pardon me for intruding the thread, but I'd like some suggestions. I'm still a novice with php, scripting and the like, but one project I was planning to make was some sort of "random art prompt" to help people with theri creativity issues and because I'm a sicko who enjoys looking at artists draw due to my carpal tunnel syndrome You know those Hexafusions that used to be really in back a few years ago? Basically, my idea was something similar: the user would be given three random prompts (I was mainly thinking of characters or items but I guess they can be completely random), represented by Booru styled tags that would return a few Google image results taken again at random from the pool of available ones. Once the artist gets the prompts, he can either tweak the prompt or keep it as is, and any picture he draws could be posted with those three tags. Other artists could browse said tags to see what other people have done with that prompt, perhaps inspiring them to copy them or improve on their idea. Do you guys think it could be functional as a concept, or is it just the Weekly thread with extra steps?
>>6319 Most of your challenge comes from accepting user uploaded content. You have to moderate it for spam/abuse/DMCA take-downs and you have to pay for the storage of it. You'd have to curate the Google image results (which is probably what you mean by having a pool of them) since there are plenty of search terms that return pop culture references instead of the actual original subject. I can't tell you how useful it would be personally because I've never used character prompt generators because my character drawing skills are rather lacking.
(400.13 KB 1588x1117 dog chase.png)

>>6313 Gondola got turned into a hot dog and isn't too happy about it for some reason.
(338.67 KB 600x800 Dog.png)

>>6313 Dog.
>>6322 Nice. I find fursuits to be rather unsettling so it makes this even more gruesome.
>>6322 That's a good boy!
>>6321 Nice. Would be a cool shirt design.
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(222.55 KB 1078x550 jadedragon.png)

>>5675 Don't think I've visted this board since everything shifted to moe. Been trying to digitally 'paint' dragons, mainly their heads, a lot recently, so in this thread it goes, 7 months late. Latest plus a few older templates I never finished but like the look of. Will try something for this weeks theme as well.
(431.75 KB 1469x982 melteddoglatte.png)

An attempt was made.
>>6352 Looks more like a t rex head. I think what makes a dragon look good is a thick brow line and deep set eyes. Also maybe a beak like nose. Jmho. Diggin the textures.
>>6353 Dat File name
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